f tUE 0A1LY ASTOIUAN, A3.TPRJLA, SjATDBDAV JH0RN1NG, FEBttilAKY 9, 1895 TliRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. !cd by carrier, pepr wee.. 16 ot -r,t by mall, per month t.tnt by mull, per year. v. . $1,011 WEEKLY. hnt by mall per year, 2.0 Id advance. Pontage tree to Bubucrlber. t he Astorlan guarantees to its buIi vrlhcrs the larnent circulation of any ,iewspaper published on the Columbia ilver. AdvertlRiiig rates can be obtained on truncation to the buaines manager. Thl paper h m possession of all the oiegraph franchises, and Is the unjy pwper on the Columbia river that pub :lies genuine dispatches. The WeeVly Astorlan, the third oll jt weekly In the state of Oregon, has, hHXt to the Portland Oregonian, the ihrgest weekly circulation In the state. Handler & Haas are our Portland scents and copUs of the Astorlan can had every morning at tholr stand un First street A BiLVEIt-PLATED REBELLION. Referring to the attitude assumed by nn i,t the silver agitators in the United States senate a few days ago, the Chicago Herald a Democratic pa per says It was a striking reminder of the attitued of the Southern sena tors at the close of 1800 and tho begin ning of 1SC1. His speech sounded like an echo from the eve of the war. It vas as If Toombs and Yancey had re appeared In their places, their breath hot with the .bravado and the menaces of the incipient rebellion. The senator gave the senate to under stand th.it ho would block all legisla tion for tho Issue of bonds to maintain the credit of tho government or that rolated to an arrangement with banks for a loan, or that did not Include a surrender to the silver gang. In the revised report of his Bpeesh he 1b made to say that 'lie will see to It that, so far as this session of congress Is concerned, there shall do no hasty and weak legislation that would carry out thv fell purpose now being attempted.' The "fell purpose" of the preHldent and other patriots la to protect the public credit from overthrow. Tho "fell purpose" of the patriots and states' men of 18111 was to protect tho union from overthrow. The financial integ' rtty of the government is as sacred as Us territorial Integrity. A man who would defeat, If possible, the efforts of patriotism and statesmanship to pre serve Wie government from bankruptcy Is no better than the man who at tempted to defeat the efforts of patriot ism and statesmanship to preserve it from destruction. A refusal to legis late for the protection of the public credit Is of a piece with the action of the men Who refused "to vote a man or dollar for the war." The robels of 18til arrayed themselves against the government because they declared that their slaves and their cotton were In danger. Tho men whe refuse to legislate in 1695 for the pro tection of the nation's financial honor are those who regard the value of their silver mines as In danger or great ly impaired. The men who followed King Cotton Into rebellion have their counterpart In the men who aro trying to crown silver as king and leader In rebellion, f ' It to the duty of the honest people of this country who are In favor of maintaining an honest government at Washington, to unite for Its defense as patriots thirty-five years ago united for the defense of the union and the constitution. An enemy as Insolent and agg -iti,o us then was encountered now threatens the country. The eno my then sousfttf to divide and degrade the nation from Its rank among the na Hons of the earth. The enemy of today Seeks to place upon, the forehead of the nation the brand of dishonor and rc pudlatlon. This Is a question compared to which party lines are unimportant. The fluan clll Integrity of the government Is more Important than any party. Tel ler, the silver-plated rebel leader, tins adherents In both parties. The con plrators engaged In the silver lnsur reetlon are non-partisan. They pluee the silver fraud above party. The frit mis of honest government und hon. est money tfhe dtibt-tayers according to the contract the enemies of theft and repudiation, ghould place their principles a-bove party and labor and fit-lit for a coir.con objectl In no country Is in-each of contract m;re severely punished than In Franco, ami th question has now been jr.ouUd In Tarls as to whether M. Cas-hiilr-Pvrior mlsrht not be tiekl pecun iary an.l even criminally responsible f r 3t!s failure to fulfil the term of i-'.'.va years wh!-h hf ha-1 undvrtaknn to ,.rve a, prema.n, oc u,. rpuouo. - to rr'-.me.l In a fit of petulance' ' without giving any satisfactory or valid reason for his coup de tete can not be denied. And there Is no doubt that, f .m a strictly legal point of view, a. good case might be made out against i.lin. To what extent sporting Instincts are Instilled in the Anglo-Saxon breast Is proved by the action of the newly formed Anti-Sporting and Antl-Qam- bllng Leasue In Great Britain, which In pursuit of its determination to sup press gambling, has begun proceedings against the Jockey Club for permit ting betting In the rings on New market Heal'h. Instead of contenting itself with line small-fry, It has at. tacked the biggest game that It could find. If this Is not sport, what Is It? The Prussian minister of finance con gratulatcd the legislature the other day on the favorable showing of the budget for 1893-96. It was, he said, the best any European state could boast, either In or out of Germany. Ami It Showed a deficit of several mil lion dollars, which must be met by a new loan and an addition to the funded debt of the kingdom. - Truly, they do not seem to be much better off there than we are here under the present administration. Every respectable and luv-abldlng citizen of Astoria will applaud the ac tion of Officer Seafeldt and other mem b'jjrs of tho police force In attempting to clear t!he city of the disreputable element that hangs around the burnt district and lives on the proceeds of shame and vice. Judge Osburn is also to toe commended for his prompt and summary manner In dealing with these worthless fellows when 'brought before his court. Let the good woric go on. TEACHER'S EXAMINATION. The regular quarterly examination of teadhers for county certificates anc state diplomas will bo held at Court Street school house, Astoria, Wednes day, February 13th, beginning at 1 o'clock and continuing through the week. Applicants for county certlfl cates will be present promptly at the time and place specified. Applicants for state diplomas will be present Sat urday, February 16th, at 9 o'clock a. m. H. S. LYMAN, School Supt. Services at the Baptist church Preaching ty the paBtor. Subject in the moihlng, "How Christians Ehould Live No. I." In the evening, "A ques tion In Regard to Christ In the Light of What Ho Said." Sunday school ai 12:15 and Y. P. B. U. at 6:30 p. n.. Prayer meeting on 'Wednesday even In K. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for Cuts Rrulaes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapiod Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup lions, and positively cures Piles, or in pay required. It la guaranteed to glvi perfect satlsfnctlon, or money refunded Price. 2S cents ner box. For sale b Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. The prosr.'im for the Rescue Clut tonight, in charge of the ladles of thi W. C. T. L, will be a memorial ser vice for the late Mary T. Luthrop, win wbh Michigan's beloved state W. C. T U. President. fcUie has been Btyled thi Daniel Webster of prohibition. 'Mrs. Lulhrop onco s;oke In the opera noun In our city. Watch youi watch When It runs n llttlo too Blow or a little too fust, bring It to J. 11. SliiYMOUU. we wm ai- lend to It. He knows how. lie learn ed his trade In a watch factory. Tho most showily drensdj woman li. Kurope is the Kmpress of Portugal. Sho buys costumes, bonnets and hats wholesale. Her pale comploxlm and auburn hair permit of any kind of headgear. The sociable given by the ladies of tlie Baptist uhuroh at Wie residence ot Mrs, Stewart last evening was i giand success, whloh was proven by the lnrg crowd present. Refreshments wort served consisting of ''hard tack" and "water," which was appropriate for n poverty social. Mrs. Cornelius underbill's Individ ual contributions to charity annually aggregate a very large sum. She Is a moBt unostentatious giver, and many of her duisis of benxvolencu lire fuUl tu be dune anonymouHly. Boston Globe: "Turn back," plead ed the maiden, "Oh, Time, In thy llit;'lit, and make me young again, just for tonltflit." "Certainly," rejoined Time, affably. "About how fur must I turn tack?" None of your busi ness," The young ladles ot 6t. Agnes' Uulld of Grace Church are preparing an en tertainment for Monday evening tlie 18th. Full details will be advertised next week. Toduy Is the last day In which to pay your water rates. Dr. J. E. Bartel will go to Portand this evonlng for a day or two to visit his wife, who U HI. He will bring lite faintly to Anuria to reside In the near future. In groceries as In everything else. It pays to gt the best, Kverybody Is not supposed to tie expert In Induing the value of all kinds of groceries, and must di'peml on the honesty of the deader. HO.N10STY IS THE REST POL- ICY. There Isn't any doubt about It Foard Htokes do not claim to do the Impossible, but they do claim to sell w.t r,Ha t-hM la ma wUMBf pcter y ,1 store. I FOR 20 YEARS the formula for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the whole world. No secret about it. This is one of its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in the vital strength it gives. Scott's Emulsion nourishes. It does more for weak Babies and Growing Children than any other kind of nourish ment. It strengthens Weak Mothers and restores health to all suffering from Emaciation and General Debility. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chitis, Weak Lungt,Consumption,Blood Diseases and Lost of Flesh. Jcolt&Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 60s. and ll. Hoston Globe: Judge I will give you an hour and a quarter to leave town. riainp Never mind the hour, JIdge Just give rue the quarter. Deacon W hite, of Wall street fame, is ot the oid North Ourolir.a Quaker stock, and has been in New York mak ing and losing millions uince 1865. His great point Is tenacity ol purpose and ot not caring wh-.'ther he is Wie unut-i uog or not. Senator Cameron Is as diillcult to be in lerv lowed as It is ditliuult to kill juttenly with a club. Most people cannot afford to expert' ment. 1'fu.y want Immediate relief, ihai's why they use One Minute Cough Jure. Chan. Kogers. Professor Henry Preserved Umlth, the iaiM.UK 1'renbyterlan "hlghyr critic," oi Jlnriiimitl, Is upending the winter at Jelonan, Egypt. BHILOH'S CUKE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, Is in great demand. Pocket eUe contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love it. bold by J. W. Conn. Mrs. M. H. Evans, of VV'attsvllle, Va., has ' carried the mall between A'aUfvUlo and Temperancijvllle, 18 i;lle.J, lor the past ulx years. It cure:) piles. It cures obstinate sores, .nam ed hands, wounds. It does this H lckly. Is there any good reason why ou should not use DeWltt s Witch dazol Snlvc? Chas. Rogers. Manager Frlck, of the Carnegie works svill furnish the Iron beams for the woman's building at the Atlanta ex position. Thii means a gift of about 1000. Uufiy peniilo have no time, and sens! ie people nn inclination to use a Blow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent results Chas ltagers. In acroi-ilanco with the expressed wish of the Karl of Aberdeen, gover- .rno.' general of Canada, his name iian Leer, placed upon the list of vlce presidents of the Anti-Gambling You make no mistake when you take UuWIU's Little Early Hlsers for bil iousness, dyspepsia, or hcodaohe, be uuse the.-ie little pills cure them. Chas rioters. Philadelphia Record: When It comes .o charging batteries, the old soldier sn't In It with the young electrician, The name One Minute Cougih Cure luggcsts a medicine that relieves at nice, and quickly cures. Its use proves .t. Chas. Kogers. Washington Star: "De man dat'B constantly slliigin' mud at l.is nelg'h- iOHs." said Undo Eben, "donn nebbah jut no ashes on his slippery sidewalk." ll the patent medicines advertised n this pa pin-, together with the cholo t poil'uinery, and toilet articles, etc. ii be bninrht nt the lowest prices ai . W, Conn druc? store, opposite Oc Mii-iii lloiel. A. or!a. The Dhmh of Persia drinks n bottle of jrniuly a day. ROYAL Baking Powder, Highest of all la leavettlas Strength. V. S. Government Report Demorest .Magazine: Fannie Why lo i.vople always apply the name of 'she" to a city? George I don't know. Why Is it? Fannie Because every city has outskirts. Let There Be Light on packing house methods of lard rendering, and there will be less lard used. Many people realize that it is impossible now-a-days to procure o'.d-fasluoned leaf lard. They demand something tetter than the modern stock-yards product COTT.OJLEKS cr The New Vegetable Shortening fully supplies that demand. It b clean, delicate, healthful and eco nomical. Ask your grocer for the genuine COTTOLENE. MAn OirLT T TUG N. K. FAIRDAMC COITPANY, ST. LOt'lS and I f You Want to Know Anything about Astoria or Clatsop County, write to the Astoiuan Bureau of Information Astoria, Oregon. To people who want to Fettle in a real live wide-awake city, with prospects of 1 ecoming the Greatest Commercial Seaport on the Pacific Northwest, Astoria affords more opportunities than any other. Str. R. P. (ilill Leave for Tillamook as the tueather The steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Portland and through tickets are issued from Portland to Tillamook Bay points by tlie Union Pacific Company. Ship freight by Uiiion Pacific Steamers. ELHORE, SANBORN & CO, - Agents, Astoria UNOIN PACIFIC R. R. CO., Agent, Portlnd. rrmn ff( sjsisjejsifjesissMtMewsisitisijsisii On a dark, storey night, vlicn the tide is. ebbing fist and the hardy fisherman finds it almo-t impossible lo handle his net, I ns ho tver etopped to think, should it heroine caught on a snug, what brand of twine would stand the greatest strain? Did he ever ask his brother fishermen what sort o: twine they used? If so in nine eases out often, if they bo successful fishermen, the' answer has been "MARSHALL'S TWINE." It is the ONLY Brand of Twine to use. ELiMORE Every foar Days as tfeaf mill permit. ts A If REMOVED! , REMOVED! REMOVED! B. F. ALLEN has removed his stock of wall paper, paints and window glass to 3G5 Com mercial St., dir ctly opposite Rescue Hall. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplying Ships. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : AT POtfLt'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty WHO WANTS TWINE It astonishes (bo old time makers to see Low lha fishermen Lhvo taken to Marshall's twine the last few venrs end they winy. THE HIGH BOAT of Inst seaflou over nil the oilier boats on the rivei used MAKSHALLVS TWINE. WHY? Becnuee it is the atronccft. Becnuse it has not heen weakened by bleaching. Because it is sold with a gunKintfe that if it does not prove satisfactory it ckii be brought back at the end of the season. Jlorth Paeifie Braefy JOHN KOPP, Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly attended to STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Co. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Tor Portland and way landings at y p. m. daily, Sunday ex cepted. Leaves Portland evtrv dnv except Sun day at 7 a. m. C.W.STONE, Agent Astoria. Telephone No. 11. E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland. U. B. Scott, President. REDUCED RATES. Between Astoria and Portland 8TEAMEK SARAH DIXON, WINTER TIME TABLE. Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria Monday morning for Portland at 6 o'clock, nr.d Tuesday and Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Returning leaves Portland Sundiiy morning at f.'M and Monday and Wednesday evening at 7:30. I Round trip $2.00; single trip, $1.23. I ITrner berths B0 conts: lower berthn To cents; meals, 25 cents. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and 1'rper Astoria. Fin Teas aU TaMe Dtllcicltv Doawstlc and Troi-lcal Fruifs, WgubVs, Sugar Curei Haas, Bacon, Etc. Choice Fresh - and Sait - Meats. S. H. VVILLETT, PLUMBING, Oas and Steam Fittlnj, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating.-.. 17 Twelfth street. Aatotta. Or. r ' ry Is the line to t:ike to nil I'UIUili EASTandSOUTH It is the DlrilNG CAR ROUTE It offers the hp.t service, com) bluing SPEED ami COMFORT II In the popular route with those who wi-li to navel on the SAFEST! It I the-eforfl the roire yon Iipii'd tke. It niiiH tlirouih vi!.tibuied tmhis evury uuy in Hie year lo St. iiiicap. No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman SltcpTS, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Second-class Slcrpers, Only one e'uiiige of cars PORTLAND io NEW YORK, Thi-ough Tick cts To Any Part of tlie clvilizej nm Id. Pasjenjiera tu kcted via. all l.nits rnnmny betwecu Anloila, Kulauia dud I'or'ltiliil. Full inforniatinn copIis if, time ol ImniH, roulPS U(! i ,','e ii.inl.bKl on apv'.ii'&tluo.to C. W. STCiME, Steamer Iclepbuue Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger A;rn No. Lil I'll t Ut..Cnr. H-,mii'ii)ii, Porllat.o. l')ou Caili Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans Continenta Railway Syetem. FOT OCEflU TO OCEJlfl -IN Palsee Dining flcom and Sleeping Cars Luxurious Dining Cat's. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Viems 0! the Wonderful fflountain Coontry. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cars, the best on wheels. Equipment ot the very finest throughout. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL KAIL STEAMSHIP LIN To China and Jj"an, Empress of Japan, November 12th. Empress of China, December 10th. For ticket rates and information, cad on or address. JA3. FIXLATSON. Agt. Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Agt, Tacoma, Wash., Seo. Mel Brown. Plst. Pass. Agt, Vancouver. B. C The Original & Genuine (WOKCKSTKRSHIRK) SAUCE Imparts the moat delicious taste and zest to Hot Cold .lleata GRAVIES, SALADS, SOCFS, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Take Nona but Lea & Perms. Sifcnatara on ctktj battle off orijnoal & fnoiaai Joba Snnean-'a Son-Sj New York 21