tiiii daily AsToitUif, jUfroMi, jpHibAir kbiiMNo, frmtJAitY i, 189& Tl'RMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. " DAILY. Kived by carrier, pcpr weelc.. 18 ote r,t br mull, per month M Ota i-siit ly wail, per year... I7.W WEEKLY. . bent fcy mall per year, 12.00 In advance. 1'oetdK free to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantee! to Its sub- 2riberi the largest circulation of any .itrwspaper published on the ColunlU river. Advertlnins ratee can be obtained on ppllcation to the business manager. This paper is Tt. pussesslon of all the iiiegraph franchises, and is the only rier on the Columbia liver that pub lisher genuine dispatches. The Weekly Astorlan. the third old- ft weekly In the state of Oregon, baft. t-i-xt to the Portland Oregonlun, Ihu Otrgest weekly circulation In the stale. Handley & I'nas are our Portianij a cents arid copies of the Astorlan can e had every morning at tneir biuuu an First street. THE PROBLELU FOR DEMOCRATS, This country has wonderful recupera tive powers. It la even able to stand two years of Democracy without losing more' than about 30 per cent of Its - business. The congressional blockheads who imagined that their free trade theories would introduce the millen nium, having no eyes to open, fall to see that the prostration of Industries artd the prostration of revenues go hand In band. The imports in the last four months of 1892, before the old duties were disturbed, were $272,000,000 and in the last four months of 1894 tfhe imports were $211,000,000 in value, a decrease oi about 2214 per cent. The duties on inv ports In four months under the new tariff have been $49,999,999, and in the fame months of 1892 were $54,000,000. The treasury If In trouble simply be cause the people are In trouble, and have not means to buy as much as usual. They have not means, because their waxes fliave been reduced. Their wages lhave been reduced because em ployers had to face the probability of sharp competition with foreign pro. ducers pn now terms, It pleases our Democratic friends to assign other reasons by the score for this tremendous charnge. But nobody is convinced and nobody deceived. They do not even cheat themselves. Even wlhlle they vociferate In congress that Wie tariff has made no difference, they personally know better. The average Democratic member of congress knows os little as It is convenient to know about things generally, but he had pounded Into him by angry constituents and their votes last November some definite knowledge of the prostration of Industries In his own district, and of Us cause. He would consider himself a traitor to his party If he should utter In the house one work of what he has fhus learned, but ho knows what de i'eated his party, neverthoess. It would be treason to his party, he thinks, to advocate any restoration of duties, perfectly well he knows, by tlilb time, that thousands of hla con stltucnts are getting less wages than two years ago because of the great change In possibilities of profits for manufacture, but he Is not going to confess any such truth. lie known that men who receive $9 per week. but used to got $12, cannot buy as many things of foreign or domestic production as before. If the man were sufficiently unmuzzled to tell the straight truth, he would admit that 25,000,000 nine-dollar earners cannot buy as muoh as 25.000,000 twelve-dollar earners, by $3,900,000,000 yearly. Hut he Is too good a Democrat to tell tales out of school, and so he robustly In fists that all the trouble Is due to Republican currency and other laws. Very well, Gentlemen of Congress, i( is your bed, and you have mado It. Until JJurch 4 you will lie In It. But When the Republicans get at business, their first duty will be to help pcoplo to earn more and buy more. That la the first step toward relieving the treasury, and the first step also toward reviving European confidence In American In vestments and preventing the with drawal of foreign capital. A Demo rratlo president may not like to have a repval of the tariff of 1894 thrust before Mm, as th necessary first step toward financial and Industrial health, but he need not be surprised if a Rppub'kan congress Vgins In exactly that way. What It may devise afterward. In the way of revision of duties. Is of course imoertaln. liut If rresldent Cleveland (1m. s not have a chance to permit the bill of "perfidy aiu! dUhonor" to go out if existence, If fie likes refusing to V.:f repeal as he refused to lro the e.i t l! !f. tt wl'.l rr"l aMy be because !; oriarlvi-H In gome way not to call . -l Ci .'iln'l i-.f f.mfr'.vait had the effect of materially Increasing our for.:!jn trade, particularly with the countries south of us. The statistics (show t .at In four years our exports to th vj countries wore increased by more C.ai: one-fourth. That is to say, there was a net gain of over $11,000,000 directly and entirely due to the red procity policy, and representing the procee.lj ui American labor. Under the pra.'ent law this advantage Is thrown away. It is no longer possible to make the klr. J of bargains "by which the hand some turn of $11,000,000 was added to our foreign commerce, with a definite assurance of steady growth and exten sion. The reciprocity policy wot a Republican Invention, and for that rea son alone It was abolished. We have In time past heard a great deal about the alleged desire of the Democrats to en largo the demand for agriculture and manufactured products, but they have given proof that they are more than disposed to pursue the contrary policy They have deliberately reduced that demand and discarded, the means by w"hloh it was being largely Increased A policy that brought us a clear ad van tage of $11,000,000 a year In our dealings with foreign countries has been abro gated solely to gratify a narrow par tlaan prejudice, and our farmers and manufacturers have found the market for their products dim'... It-hod to that extent. Nil GUILD A SUFFERING Is Tho predicted break In Senator Dolph's support has not come, and ai the days of the legislative eesslon go by It becomes more and more evident that his followers will stay with him to th end. Of course this may result In no election, aind Oregon may be deprived of her constitutional representation In tho upper house of congreD! but thlt Is not a matter with which Mr. Dolph or his friends, In the prenent aspect of the cose, need havo any concern. He I the regular nominee of the usual an regular caucus of his party, and the dholce of a considerable majority o both branohes of the legislature. To desert him now would be an act of positive treachery and party perfidy which might toe used as a vicious and dumgerous precedent for the confuplon Republicans all over the country. Be, nidi tills, there Is a suspicion that the fliht against Mr. Dolph Is the ro. ujlt.of a deliberate conspiracy formed long ago, and which had for Its object tho fulfillment of promises or pledgee made In the Interest of some certain one or the other of Senator Dolph' antagonists, and the Indirect Inward o the particular henchmen and polltlcu strikers of the leaders In the comlilna tlon. Secretary Morton, of the agricultural department, has no hayseed In his 'hair when he comes to talk on financial matters. From the question of turntpr and Texas fever he digressed In his official report to the sliver question, on which he teems to Have taken the cor. rect stand. For In reply to tho crltl elsm of a granger paper, he says: "Ad mlttlng that the American farmer 11 we were on a silver basis would got twice as much in silver for his pro dusts as he gets In gold, would he not have to pay twice as much for all the things he purchases with his silver as ho pays now?" "Can It be possible, he asks, that the farmer Is gullible enough to ltxlleve thnt nobody else'i services or products will be doubled by free coinage except his own?" We llk to quote thetio things from Democratic statesmen. They are true, hut they are rare in that quarter. The senatorial caucus deadlock In Washington has ended with tho sMee tlon of the most prominent candidate n the beginning u good augury of the possible result In our own legislature Now observe how the Republicans there will not imitate the foolliih and lncx suxablo example of their Oregon broth ren when tho election comes off In the egliilature at Olympla. C. R. F. P. UNION' KOT1CJ3. Regular monthly meeting of the Col mbltt River Fishermen's Protective Union will bo held at their reading oom Tuesday, February 5th, 1SJ5, at :30 p. m. sharp. Members In food standing are re- quested t be present and have their book or receipt along. SOFTS JRNSTW. Secretary. BUCKLKN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for Cuts, nnilseg, Pares, I. 'leers. Salt Rheum, ever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hnmta, oqillblalns, Corn-t, and All Skin Krup- ms, and positively cure Piles, or no wiv reu u red. It 13 inmranteeil to give rw-i frvt satisfaction, or money refunded. rieo, i cents per box. For site by Chus. Roger. r,'1' Fellows' building. Head and Scalp Raw with Places Size of Sliver Dollar. Va rious Remedies only caused Fresh Eruptions. Applied CUTICUUA, Change In Twenty-four Hours. Perfect Cure la Two Weeks. Obioaco Tribune: "I don't think you ought to look at politics as a matter of booty," observed the good man. "Why notT I'm a ward heeler, and put my whole sole Into It," said the bad man. POOR, INDEED! My llttlo son, aired three, was very much troubled with a breaking out on Ills :;ili and behind Ills ear. Tho planes affected were sljout as large an sliver dollar; the flesh teemed raw and covered with little blisters. The child suffered considerably, anil was nut urally very fretful. I tried several remedies without outlining any beneficial results; in fact the eruptions seemed to be spreading and new places breaking out. I concluded to try the CtnetiKA i:meiikii. I washed the fleeted parts Willi the CUTieuRA Soap, tak ing care not to Irritate the flesh, and applied CC Tli'iiBA. I noticed a change for the better in the appearance of the eruptions in twenty four hours, and in two weeks the eruptions entirely disappeared, leaving the .i!in smooth and the scalp clean; in fact a perfect cure, as I have not seen any indications of any eruption or breaking cut since. I cave the, child only a few doses of tho Cuticuka H in solvent. I consider your (,'t'Tit UHA Hkmb plics very valuable. I believe C'DTiutiivl would Im) excellent forapplylntr to Inseot bites, Which are very annovlnx in this country. C. A. Ali.MSTItOM), Hv. ilt Island, N. C. The prospect of relief from drastic cathartics for persons troubled with constipation Is poor Indeed. True, they act upon the bowels, but this they do with violence, and their operation tends to weaken the Intestines, and Is prejudicial to the stomach. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is an effectual laxa tive, but It neither gripes nor enfee bles. Furthermore, It promotes dines. tlon and a regular action of the liver and kidneys. It is on efficient barrier against, and remedy for malarial com' plaints and rheumatism, and Is of great benefit to the weak, nervous ana aged, As a medical stimulant It cannot be surpassed. Physicians cordially recom mend It, and its professional indorse merit la fully borne out by popular ex perlence. Appetite and Bleep are both Improved by this lnvlgorant and alter ative. Atlanta Constitution: A Mississippi man can pday upon three accordeons at once. Amd yet some of our Northern exchanges are writing vigorous pro tests against lynch law In the South. The World's Fair Tests showed bo baking powder so pure or so great lit leav ening power as the Royal. horn"! Bold thrbushout tho world. Price, OimctTRA, 60c; Boat, aic. ; 11e.w.vi!nt,&1. I'ottehUuuu and Cum. Coup., Bole f ropn., Boston. Iff " fiow to Cure Every Bkln Disease," free. Mr. Money, of Mississippi, has evolv ed a plan to ease the financial strin gency. It Is not necessary to discuss the plan. Money Is all right. I Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder ) Aw riUd Cold Mtdal Midwinter Fiir. Saa FrincuO Str. R. P. ELjMORE (flill LG3V3 fop Tillamook Every fouv Days as Jiear as the mcather mill permit. flie steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Portland and tlirough tickets are Issued from Portland to Tillamook Bay points , by the Union Pacific Company. Ship freight by Union Pacific Steamers. ELHORE, SANBORN & CO, - Agents, Astoria UN01N PACIFIC R. R- CO., Azent. Portlnd. flwiig'Site A slierieieiL ICS .11 .SxL mwmmmmBmmmmmmmnmmmmBmmmm9mmmmmmmmmmmm9mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmnmammmmw-i On a dark, stormy right, when the title is ; i v bing fWt und the hardy fislierman finds it almost j ; impossible to handle his net, hns ho ever stopped ; i to think, should il become caught on a snug, what' 1 ; brand of twine would stand the greatest strain? ; i Did he ever ak his brother fishermen what sort oi j twine they used? If so in nine cases out often, j I if they bo successful fishermen, the answer has ' been ''MARSHALL'S TWINE." : Available. Many good remedies are unavailable because they need the direction of a physician Allcock's Porous Piaster cr.n be used by anybody, ai.d it is always elective ft, r sprains, strains, weak b.".:lc and soreness in the chst or muscles. T 1 Hot Cc Paped intotntinffanlinitktlon. Ilu..t upon liavine tlie j;entiine " Allcock's." Allcock's Corn Shields. Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief and cure for corns ana ouotons. REMOVED! REMOVED! REMOVED! B. F. ALLEN has removed his stock of wall paper, paints and window glass to ."Go Com mercial St., dir ctly opposite Rescue Hall. REMOVAL! mm mi REMOVAL! Brandreth's Pills renovate the system by purifying the blood. They do not weaken. I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, RF.PRfiSENTING The Followinur Componleai German-American. New York Clfy, N. Y. Union rlre and A.arine, or New Zealand. National Fire and Marine Ins Co., of Hartford. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co.. of Hartford. ' Home Mutual Ins. Co., S.in Francisco. New York Plate lilass Ins. Co. Phcenlx, of London, Imperial, of London SEASIDE SAWMILL. A complete stock of lumber on band In the roUKU or drestted. Flooring, Ma tte, celling, and all kinds of tlniuh, mouldings and shingles; also bracket Rates Reasonab!. work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. AH orders I promptly attended to. Offlee and yard at mill. H. v L. LOGAN. Prou'r. Sonnlrlw. Ortror. J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Oregon. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid to Supplying Shlpj. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Funerals : -AT POflli'S Ondartaklpg Parlors, THIRD STREET. EmbalroinK a Specialty Kopp's Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cias. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over th car, The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, 5c Free Lunch, Chas. Wirkkala, Proprietor. Cor. Conromly and Lafayette Sts. C. J. TRENCHARD, Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. and Pacific Express Co. HOffiE and PHOENIX INSURANCE CO'S. Custom House Broker and Commission Merchant. 503 Bond Street. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that 1 have been duly appointed administrator of ihe estate of Bather Taylor, deceased, All persons having claims ngainat said :taite are requested to present the ume to me, duly veirltted, -wiuiin six months from the date of this ncatk'e: and all persons Indebted to sold es,;at are requeMted to pay the amount of such mueoteunesa to me. darted at Astoria. Oresron. this lStli aay 01 iecemDer, ina4. E. A. TAYLOR. WHO WANTS TWINE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been duly appointed administrator of he esLute of Jo-mes Taylor, deoeastd. All, persons having claims egxlnst paid stajte are requested to present the :-me to me, duly verilled. vithln six months from the date of this notice: no all pot-sons Indebted to said estate ire reou-eted to pay the amount of such Indebtedness to me. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 18th day of December, ISO I. E. A. TAYLOR. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NoMoe Is hereby given that I. as ad- nilnilatnaitor of the estate of John W. White, deceased, have filed my final icootiint In rlie (Joun'ty Court of the laute of Oregon, for Clatsop County, nd thtut Wednesday, the 6th day of etxruary, 181)4. ait 10 o clock a. ni.. 1 the time nippototed Rr the hearing of .mjeouons to, and the final settlement of ?ald account. FRANK J. TAYLOR. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. All persons having claims against the estate of M. Wet, deceased, ore re quested to present them duly verified, to the undersigned executors of the 'ast v and te.imenit of the deceased, vnmin eix rmmuis from ttus date, at eatiwrt, Oivgon. DAVID R'EST, ROBERT WEST. December IS, 1831. It astonishes the old time makers to see Iiow tho fishermen have taken to Marshall's twine the last few years and they may. THE HIGH BOAT of last season over nil the oilier boats on the rivei usid MARSHALL'S TWLNK. WHY? Because it is the stroncef t. Iieennse it has not been weafeeucd by bleaihiii;.'' Bvcunue it is sold with u rjunrnuti'O thnt if it does not prove gutiefautory it can he brought back at tho end of the sciason. Jlorth Paeifie Bfemery JOHN KOPP, Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly attended to If. the I'.ti" tn tnke to all EASTand SOUTH It is ihe DJEIhG CAH ROUTE It t'C"r3 tbe hi-1 eivlce, coitij SPEED and COMFORT Jt It the po til ir rrmte 1th tluMn who rtl.-ll ID J'KVlli OU the SAFEST! It Ih the-efori) th nmte you Omu'd t ike. It riiHH IIiioiiuIi vi juliUieil tialtis every Ujiy lu tne yt-at to St. Paul ifl leap. Ko Change of Cttr, Elt'gaiit rulliiiiin S'.wjicis, Suprriur Tiiurlst Sleepers, .Sjikwlid Free Sticonil-c'ass Sleepers, Ou!y one o'luutie of cars PORTLAHDto NEWYORK. Through Tickets To Any Part of the civilized world. Pamengers ticketed via. nil bents runulnv between Astuna, Kuluuia aud I'ur.'iuad. Full lofonnaflpri conPTPlr? rr'ea. fl:n of trail's, routes and o ,. .-.i'ii ui;iirr!:i-..j 00 api'itoKtioo.to C. W. STf,J!E. ietil Afitii-ifi Kteniner leleptuLe Dock. A. O. CMA&I.TON, Assistant Ueneril Pjwaenier A,-t:u lNi.. iil tltil 8l..C'ir. U;iMI!i ac1, Poitlaoii. Ortiuoii STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia Itiver and Puget Sound Nav igation Co. Steamer Telephone. Glim Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA."S rrr-rp; l. VOU PON'T IIAVK TO SVE.n OFF. t.f ti e .Mi-Klul..)- tti th Pt. Iowl Jmirwl of ArtIcuI- Ji ttira In an wtitorln! nlxut NvTo-nac. I Si h famou tolxuvo JmWt cire. "We no ' j, nwuiy cases cured, by No-To-Ilnc, i tio, a prominent Rt Ixtil nltect 1 5' wroked and ch wed for twenty year;'!! 'i boxen cured him no that even th fflull of tolKji.-co m.tl him sick." No-fj1 TA-I!ac nld ind jiirante.Hl by Cha. j !: r, Lrviv;iyt. ?sj our no pzy. tl ft O!u--.:so, ! !.' DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY, la the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Hac, the harmless, guarun- ;eei tunacco naitrtt cure that braces ud nlcutlnized nerves, eliminates the nice lln ixasoai, niakeft weak men ejlr inrenirth, vigor pjid manhood. You run no phyrical, or financial risk, as No-To-Hao Is sold by Chas. Rogers, druggist. under a guirantee to cure or mone refunded. Book free. Adilress Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. It is the ONLY Brand of Twine to use. Notice Is hereby given to nil whom It may concern, that the undersigned has been duly appointed the assignee of I. W. Case, and that he has quulliled ts such assignee bv fllincr with the rWk I : of the Circuit Court of the .State of Oregon for Clatsop County, his bond as required by law. All persons hav ing claims against said I. W. Case arc notified to present the same to the undersigned, duly verified, at the offlee of the Astoria National Bank, in the city of Astoria, In said county, within three months from this date. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 11th day of November. ISM. D. K. WARREN, Assignee. BEWARE OF OINTMFNT3 FOR CA- TAKKH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY. i! Aa mercury will eurely destroy the ; ' sense of Knell and completely derange j! the whole system when entering It 5 through the mucous surfaces. Such ar- 5 tlelea should never be used except 00 ! preacrtpMons from refutable physicians, il as the damage they will do Is ten fold Ito th good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac- I tured by K. J. Cheney A Co ToVdo, O., ; conaUns no mercury, and Is taken In- I DernsJly. at-ctni? on the blood and mu- ooir surfnees of the system. In buying Hll' Ca'tarrti Cure be sure you get J the genuine, rt Is tken InTrtTially. and made tn Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney C.x Tf3tlmo,n!3's free. '! Sold by druggists, 75 cents per bottle- Leaves Astoria for Portland and wav undines at 7 P. m. dailv. Stnidav ex cepted. Leaves Portland evorv dav extent Sun day at 7 a. m. C.W.STONE. A?ent Astoria. Telephone No. 11. E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland, U. B. Scott, President. REDUCED RATES. Between Astoria and Portland mm. bTliAMEK SARAH DIXON, WINTER TIME TABLE. Steamer arah Dixon leaves Astoria Monday morning for Portland at 6 o'clock, and Tuesday and Thursday evening at 0 o'clook. Returning leaves Portland bundr.y morning at 7:30 and Monday aj-.d ednesday evening at 7:30. Round trip J2.00; single trip. $1.25 Upper berths Di) cents; lower berths, "5 cents; meals, 25 cents. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. Greatest Tfe ns " Continents Rallwaj' System, F80JH 0CERJ1 TO OCEAN -IN- Palace Dining Koom acd Sleeping Cars Imxcrioas Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaehes. ALSO , Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Vieccs oi the Wonderful fountain Cosutiy. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist can the best on wheels. Equipments of the very tlnest throughout. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL KAIL STEAMSHIP LIN To China ind Jinan. Empress of Japan, November 12th. Empress of China, December 10th. For ticket rates and Information, call on or address, JAS. FINLATSON, Agt, Astoria, Or. A B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacoma, Wash.. 3eo. McL. Brown. Pist. Pass. Agt.,- Vancouver. B. C. ROSS HIGGiNS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Rn Tm nl CorTfej. Tatl fvliciclej. Domestic ni Tnr-ical Fruits, Vf pctabies, SuAr -j'tsj r.ams, tucon. ttc. Choice - Fresh and Salt Meats. The Original & Gencins (WOHCK8TKRSHIRE) SAUCE ImparU the moat delicious taste and zest to IIot&Cold.TIc&ts GBAVIES, S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, Orts and Steam Fittinj;, Hot Air, Steam and . atcr HcjtJng..-- 13 Twelfth street. Astotla, Or. SALADS, ' h3 socps, H li Lv IX. CA.HR, M L-l fffilSi fish, iAjfXjJy ITelsli tlareblts. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Take Hone tut Lea fi Perms. Suroatsrs on enry botUe oC origiosJ i. ram in. Joxxm Sustcaa's Souii, Sew York