The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 26, 1895, Image 1

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' A,. '
Portland, Jan. 21. For Washington,
The ASTORIAN has the ! ,! -. ,t l
circulation, the largest Gi:,U' AI. ci
;tion and tlie largest TOTAL ciru.U
Oregon and Idaho, fair weather, cooler.
all papers published in Astoria.
VOL. XLIV. NO. 21.
See What We're Doing!
33 1 per cent.
25 per cent, off from the sell
ing price until Feb. 15, '.1895,
on all Men's and Boys'
Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Hats Caps,
Boots. Shoes, Trunlrs,
Valises, etc., which is less
than cost to us direct from the
(JpVVe always do as we advertise, and a child buys a?
che.ip as a grown person at our store. Kubber boots and
oil clothing excepted, as they are contract goods.
Osgood JlBiciniTiiiE go.
Ths One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
It Passed the Senate Yesterday
Picked Up Here and There About
The City and Clipped
from Exchanges.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
We Wish You
R HaPP9 Year.
And will start the ball rolling by giving you a
discount o? 20 per cent, for 10 dags on all mis
cellaneous books in our store.
Pacific Coast Almanacs and Tide-tables.
Associated Press.
The Western Union wire was disabled
somewhere between Astoria and Oak
Point last evening about 6 o'clock, from
which time on no dispatches were le-
celved or sent from the local office
It Is not considered a bad greak, and
will probably be repaired early thli
Just before the trouble to the wires
occurred. Mayor Kinney received a
aispatcn rrom Senator Mitchell, stating
that the Nicaragua bill had passxl the
senate. The news was received with
enthusiasm by every one who heard It,
and congratulations were being passed
around among all calesses of people.
another man who has had a chance ol
support by the antl-Dolph faction, the
promise of 22 votes, It Is said, having!
been made to him, and, in addition,
one of the Do'.ph supporters, of the
Multnomah delegation, is declared to
have expressed his willingness to sup- Kj0 Think the Brooklyn Street
nnrf Kim V. 'Pl.nmnonn A rii.n ..... ........ I
j. . ....... ..... . iiuiupauii liuno IIVL VtCtlll
to be senator. He says he has enjoyed
higher honors than that In represent-1
Ing this country at the court of Turkey,
and now, at his age, the possibility of
the office being conferred upon him has
no allurement for him. He also be
lieves that, as Mr. Dolph received the
caucus nomination, the Republicans of
the legislature should unite In electing
him as senator.
Car Managers.
Both Japanese and Chinese Met
ships have gone south to Intercept th
iteamers expected to arrive shortly oli
the coast of China with arms, ammu
nitlon and other articles classified ai
contraband of war.
Senator Cullom's Speech Before the Il
linois Legislature.
Their Competition Is Already Felt In I
the East.
The prediction made at the time of
the acquisition of Alaska by the Unit
ed States that her halibut lisheries
would in time compete with those, of
the North Atlantic, seeins about to be
vei'ltled, says the Boston Herald. Fout
c-ais ago companies engaged in hall
out tlsiiiug at beattie conceived the Idea
that their product could be sold In
Boston at a fair profit, and sent large
With Considerble Lois-ISS.
Peace Negotiations.
Associated Press.
Brooklyn, Jan. 25. The car strike is
nearly over. Today may see the strik
ers returning to work as Individuals,
as the railroad companies say the)
may, and not through treaties of the
executive committee. Trolley cars are
running on nearly all the lines, though
not a full complement, but the great
shipments to this c'ty up to November tie-up has been broken. The Ninth reg-
last. It proved to te a financial failure.
however, and was abandoned. In
vein be r last four companies at Van
couver began to ship large quantities
of halibut to Boston, and their pro
duct was 'handled entirely by the New
unglanu HallDut Company, for New
linent 'has been ordered home, and
there Is every likelihood that the Sev
enth will be ortiered back to New York
The strikers say they are as deter
mined as ever to hold out. If no agree-
For a full generation the Repugllean
parly has maintained Its high siuuUaro
oeforo the American people, until h
uuu become me lijjiit arm of uie it
HiOiio. 'x ho people have chosen it at
tiii-ir chlol political utouc, and it hold.
today the scepter of present and fuiun
uotuinion among the people everywhere.
it has drawn the sword In favor oi
America and American Institutions, ana
it has ordained that protection shall be
the watchword of republicanism, to be
inscribed on every banner.
The temporary success of the false
and (blighting policy of the Democratic
party has strewn our entire land with
Me ruins of former industries; it hat
degraded and wounded labor, and hub
Jriven capital Into secret places. Once
iiioie the Republican party Is solemn!)
charged with the duty of saving the
country from the same fatal Influences
which struck at Its life in 18til. TheBt
influences 'have almost accomplished
during two years of Democratic con
trol the dread result which five years
of war had failed to effect.
On the 6th of November last, an in
dignant people, by the most emphatic
and overwhelming expression of their
They Are Still Bolting Afford
ing' to Yesterday's Ballot.
fhe Ballot at Washington's Capitol
Cliauged But Little.
Other News.
.VssooiaJted Press.
Salem, Jan. 25. There was no ex
iltement attending the vote for United
Jtates senator In joint session today.
Jolph received only 42 votes, Cocpi r, of
lenton, deserting him, and Speaker
4oores being pared with Scott, of Linn.
Following was the vote: Dolph. 42;
foore, 11; Hare, 10; Hermann, 10; lien-
iett. 8: G. H. Williams. 2: Lord. 3:
larkiey, 1; Lowell, 1; total, 83.
Salem, Jan. 25. In the senate to-'ay
ftaley introduced a bill for the building
f a branch asylum at Union. Kins in-
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
Washington, Jan. 23. The Republi
can senatorial caucus was In Besslon
from 10:30 until 12 o'clock today, and
adjourned without taking action on
any subject, although nearly every
question 'before the senate was discussed.
rl amendment proposing the referen
dum and Initiative.
England. There shipments are made ment ls mttde before the troops are I ""Preme will, Bwept Into the ocean of trodueed a resolution for a constitution-
over the Canadian Pacific railroad, and removed there will be, In the opinion Poli'.ical destruction tho whole totter-
the carload of halibut is attached to r mMY' a renewal of trouble. At ln labrlc of free trado and tariff re:
the ex-m-pss tmin. whir-h ,!, h 'Jgewood station when about 25 new 'orm. and now all that remains In the
trip in about Beven days. When the mfa had arrlved to work for the rail- Northern states of that party, which
fish reach Boston the two companies road company, "he strikers succeeded Into power two years ;igo, Is a
dispose of It to the dealers all over New ln """rounding them and hustling ti.em 'lttle sclliaa or fourteen struggling Dem-
Finrinnrt down Palmetto street. The policemen Mcratlc orphans left ln congress. The
Tiho flnh nf vnrvnvor nomnoi-o i anJ militia Who were sent to the res- r01"81 wreck and rout was so com-
Kansas City, Jan. 25. Snow began
falling here shortly after midnight and
at noon there ls no abatement. It Is
not cold. West of here ln Kansas the
storm Is severe and accompanied with
a very low temperature. At Perry,
Oklahoma, snow has drifted over two
feet in-some places, and the thermom
eter Is below zero.
Portland, Jan. 25. Judge Bellinger
today rendered a decision ln the O. R.
and N. wage schedule case, denying
the petition of employes for an lnjunc
tlon restraining Receiver McNeill from
putting Into effect the reduced sched'
ule of wages.
Olympia, Jan. 25. Five votes were
'nken for senator today. Tho liHt bal-
nt stiod, Ankony, 29; Wilson, 1": Al
len, 19; Turner, 12; McMillan, fi; AVnl-
flavor to the North American halibut, cue eucceeted In overtaking the kid- Plete that the scattered remains have lace. 5; Rorrers, 23; scattering, 2.
and sells for the same to the consumer, nape ana Poners and rescued six never vel wen garnered togclhef.
hnt tho rteaw h tho fconoflt nf . nt 01 tne latter- The other nineteen were "0 disheartened Democracy of the
and a half difference in cost, the taken to the headquarters of the strlk- Ft"v-thlrd consress are striving to
, ,,. , . . .. I , . I
em halibut selling at eight and one- """ulle' nownng mob ' vum-ncy mw, mm juhi ne
half cents per 100. While the Vancouver lronl 01 tne seventh precinct sta- ey are passing into oblivion, they
nauvut sens at seven cents. There llua ttt jreen fomt, surrounded a strlk- """ck 10 entail some 'humbug financial been about 200.0U0 pounds of flBh mg car deserted by the motorman. The Policy upon the country. We won't
snipped from the West this week. The Pllce mere absolutely powerless. A nave u- Tne people, the Republican
price If Western halibut is so low that crow1 was smashing the windows of Party, will Initiate and control the pol-
Brooklyn, Jan. 25. A dynamite
"nrtrldge exploded In front of 474 Myr-
He avenue today. Mnny windows were
it ls impossible for the Eastern fishing ctle street cars. Strikers under Walk- of th!a country. The people have
I Ing Delegate Hill, have induced th Pretty emphatically Indicated what
f ' J I . . ... I ....... . . . . I hilt Vfn Ua kmollnn f ...I..
compelled to rim at a loss. After , rewa 01 man' ot rhe cross-town and lnpy ln,ni or lno uemnoratio rorejsn - " v
St. Louis, Jan. 25. The worst sleet
storm ln years prevailed here today,
Wholesale Prices Quoted
Correspondence Solicited.
: Catalogues Mulled Free on Application.
London, Jan. 25. Severe storms pre
vail on the coasts of Great Britain,
France and Holland. In Scotland the
fail of snow has been particularly
heavy. A fishing boat belonging to
Dunbar, with a crew of 7, has been lost
off Port Reath.
Tacoma, Jan. 25. Benjamin Hol?ate
fell from a Northern Pacific train be
tween Tacoma and Puyallup this morn
ing and was killed.
Factory .
36 & Rockwell St.
Chicago, III.
Main Office and warerooina,
243-333 Wabash Ave,
Chicago. III.
Pacific Coast Office and Warerooma,
335 Morrison, cor 7th St. Portland, Oregon.
L. V. MOORE, manager.
The Packera of Choice
lolumbia River Salmon
Their Brands and Location.
AstorUPk g Co. Astoria.
Bootb A. Pk'gCo
,...!( Kinney'
I (.Julio A.
ColupblaRlverPkgToi Astoria...
Elmore Samuel...
George 6 Barker.
I Astoria...
, ; Astoria...
J.d Steers Co 'Jlrookfleld
f lshersen's Prg Co.j Astoria.
Afttoria Pk'gCo.
I Hl.vk Dlnmond.
1 Oval
I Magnolia
I Wiiltettar.-
I E .lenrfl PIm..
I Dcsdemoua......
Ug.St. Grtfe
I KihenieD's...
I Kilih-TmenV
M, J. Kinney Astoria ..
A. Bwth A Sons -JchlCM"
Cutting mCoL, KrancUeo
George A Barker' Atoria.......
J. O. Mfler..
BinokCeld Wn
I Astoria..
Buy your GROCEP.IESsnd PROVISIONS of n, and we will save yoa money.
We hiiu!e the liest coods and deliver free to trains or boAts. We bny and sell for
spot casb, and sell kokI9 rb?aper than any other firm in the conntry. Kend os
yonr nanie and address, snd we will mail yoa cir new price list, which will ba out
soon, w e oner toci?y : tjlimsi tolmcco. 40 cents pound.
California urnnulated" gnirar in 100-lb
sack $475
Rest brand of flwr pr barrel.... 2 15 Vita P.pwJero-lbraD 2.0)
Best coal oil per ease $ 1.P0
Arbiickle's Coffee per ponnd.... 22J
California syrnp 5 Kal kegs.... 1.00
Supolio p-r down bars 80O
Serid ng 3 lUt of what yon need, and we will mute yon special prices
RARK L. COHN & CO., 146 Front St. Portland.
That's the Way His Portland Friends
Regard the Situation.
The fact that there was no change
in the joint ballot at Salem yesterday
is taken by the friends of Senator
Dolph ln Portland to mean taut he will
be able to hold his strength without
further material defection. Failure to
elect Wednesday was something of
blow to them, but confidence ls now
renewed that he will be elected. They
anticipate that the bolters will keep
up a desultory firing of votes at the
numerous candidates, but by Monday
or possibly today they will settle down
to the conviction' that a senator must
be elected, and then the choice of the
great majority of the Republican party
will be selected. Mr. Charles W, F'll
ton, of Astoria, accompanied by his
faithful lieutenant, John Fox, Is In
(he city, but his presence is due entire
ly to private business. He will not go tc
Salem today to take a hand in the sen-
atoria contest although a dispatch from
the capital states that he ls again be
ing groomed for the senatorshlp and
expected to leave for Salem at any
time. At the Perkins yesterday Mr.
Fulton stated that Ills coming to Port
land was entirely due to private busi
ness. He had no thought of going to
Salem, and should he get through with
his business in time last night, he
would take the boat for home, but he
did not anticipate gettlr.g away until
today. Mr, I'u'.ton is a strong believer
In the supremacy of the caucus rule, ;
and as soon as the majority of the Re.
publican members decided ln favor of
Dolph, he acquiesced in the decision,
and withdrew from the contest Mr.
Thomas H. Tongue, another prominent
candidate, also holds similar views, and
on Monday last said that, the caucur
having made its choice, his name would
not, with his consent, be again consul-j
lurch -these elements will ilfcase. and Graihaov venuB cars o dasert,
It will be impossible to handle the "
product on account of the risk that is THEJ HAI CIBN BATTLE.
anacieu to perisnaoie goods, une Yokohama, Jan. 24. An official dls-
gooas will spoil before reaching their patch says that General Nod,i nt.
destination unless repacked with Ice tacked Hal Chen January 17 and urMa
along the road, and tnat would not be I "There were 8,000 Chinese troops undei
profitable. This Is the first season that General Ohang on our right, and 6.00C
inebe companies have shipped their pro'
duct to Boston. Their object ls to
drive out the halibut business in the
East and unload their product in Bos
ton. These western companies can
make a fishing trip in about ten days
vAicie it takes our vesbels about four
.veeks to make the trip.
The Steam Schooner Jeanle Makes An
nual Trips Into tnf; Arctic.
Captain P. H. Mason, who leaves out
today with the steamer Jeanle foi
Prince William Sound, was about the
Jty last evening shaking hands with
the many friends he has made during
his short stay ln Astoria. He ls a
genial old skipper, and can tell as good
a story with about as much force at
the best of them. In speaking of his
trips north. Captain Mason said that
once sach year he takes the big four-
masted schooner far up above the Be
ring Sea Into the Arctic ocean, where
supples are delivered to the whaling
crews of the Pacific Steam Whaling
Company. They encounter many dan
gers from ice floe3 and monster ice
bergs, but so far have been fortunate
r-nough to escape any accidents. Hlf
deccrlptlon of the regions of everlast
Ing twillg-ht is Interesting in the ex
treme. When he goes north with fcup-
plies for the w'hallng vessels, and they
nre not at the rendezvous, then the
Jeanle starts out and cruises around
'tntll fhe finds them. This often occu
pies many days, and not Infrequently
a vessel is found wrecked among the
trreat ice floes, and the crew either lost
or almost perished.
As soon as the schooner's cargo If
delivered at Prince William Bound shr
will return to San Francisco and taltf
on supplle3 for the whaling fleet ln th
undir General Twion on our left wing.
We found 21 Chinese dead after th.
battle, including two ofllcers. Tae na
tives say me uninese loBt over 100
An official dispatch from the head
quarters pf the Japanese army an
nounces that the Japanese captured
Yuen Chlng January 22, The dispatch gin
also announces further flg'htlng around
Hal Ching January 22. One thousand
Chinese again attacked the Japanese
position, but were repulsed about 2
o'clock ln the afternoon, with a loss of
110 on the Japanese side, and 28 men
policy, and of Cleveland and (3 resit-
am's manatrcmrnt of tile JTawatTun' Is
lands. We will again renew our sin
cere belief In' the Monroe doctrine, and
again ordain that America ls for the
American people. We will give a n,cw
Impulse to American commerce, and
Inaugurate a waterway across the Isth
mus, we will open a free Pacific
market for the products of the Missis
sippi valley (by way of the Nicaragua
canal, and add millions to (he value of
our agricultural products. ,v
Fellow citizens, every legislative act
of this country which has met the
demands of the American people, dur
ing nearly forty years bears the Repub
lican label, and Is of Republican orl-
What- Republican who lives has
graph, and telephone wires, little dam
age was done.
ered In connection with the snato.-lal
Mr. D. P. Thompson, of this city. It
There Is a man on the woy to Ore
gon from New York of the name of
Hammond who will likely for som
time be the biggest man ! and for
Oregon, excepting only his partner, Mr
Bonner. These men are railroad build
en from away baok, and they propos
to bur tnemsolvcs at thrlr calling hor-
In the Web foot state for a time. W
have been looking for such men for a
long while, and we hope and believe
now that we are to have a start o
them, the tribe will rapidly Increase.
We expect Messrs. Bonner and Ham
mond to be followed by other builders
connected with the Southern Par-lflc "
the big Burlington, Chicago and North, j
western. Great Northern .etc. Just
waion ana see us grow steadily Into
Shanghai, Jon. 25 It ls stated hen
on good authority that the Chinese
peace envoys will not be received unlesr
they have full power to propose final
terms of peace. Several Japanese war-
occasion to blush for any act of 'his
party? We love our country and we
love her institutions. And next to bur
country we love the Republican party.
We love that party not as partisans
merely, ut as patriots, because the
buccess ofthftt party means the welfare
or ine country. The alphabet of ko
publicanii.m is found ln the dictionary
of patriotism. The language of repub
licanism IH the language of liberty.
The establishment of republicanism Is
the guarantee of prosperity. Stand al
ways by republicanism and it follows
that Burely as the comln of tomor
row's sun, that we shall not be untrue
to the country we love.
Homey Stole for the Sake of Charity.
Frank ' Horney, 25 years old, of 71
Lorlmer . street, says the Stamlard
Union, was held In the Ewen street po
lice court yesterday on a charge of
stealing two pics from Margaret Lo.n-
Ing, who conducts a bakery at 172 Gra
ham avenue.
"You don't look as If you ate plo,"
said Justice Waton to Horney. "1
chmild Bny you fed on frankfurter
What did you steal those rh's fur?"
"I did It as a matter of public opin
ion," responded Homey.
"So you are studying public opinion,"
observed the magistrate.
"Yes, I took the pies for the sako of
charity. I bolleve In robbing the rich
to give to the poor."
"I think you are crazy," concluded
Tustlce Watson; "twenty-four days in
Inll. Willie you are thtre you will be
examined as to your sanity."
The wreckage found off the const of
British Columbia cannot belong to the
bark Aureola, as that vessel is safely
anchored In Oakland cree'e and has
been there for a month pat.
n. jrra'est rnmmmiwealth. In thl
britrht galaxy of states. Statesman
Jan. 23.
HTHHE Royal Baking Powder is the
purest and strongest baking pow
der made. It has received the highest
award at the U. S. Govt official inves
tigation, and at all the Great Inter
national Expositions and World's Fairs
wherever exhibited in competition with
It makes the finest, lightest, sweetest,
most wholesome bread, cake and pastry.
More economical than any other leaven
ing agent.