. t , "Astoria Pubiic Library" " T3 Astjrla Or J a&A 1 1 1 ; i Ifi 1,11 I I I i ''- EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL XI.IV, NO. 15. PRICE, FIVE CKMS. ASTORIA. ORKGOX, , FRIDAY JIOKNIXG, JAiNUARY 18. 1895. 4r4ai y-trfr f (Oil .T, I x , PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper's store. W. O. LOGAN, D. V. 8., DENTAL PARLORS. Haneell Block, 573 Third street. W. fit LAFORCE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5, ( and 7, Flavel Building. Brick 6ILA8 B. SMITH, ATTORNEY J.T LAW. Office In Flavors brick building. FRANK J. TAYI.OU. JNO. T. LlOHTKB TAYLOR & LIGHTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Astoria Oregon. Money's Slipping -:- Through Your Fingers. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCES. May be found In his office until II o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until I p. m., and from S until 7:30 evenings. r. Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second Sbtet, Astoria, Or. DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office over Olson's dnig store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. in. Sun days, 10 to 11. LIBERTY P. MULLLNIX, M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 6544 Third st., Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all obronk diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of worn en and surgery. Office over Danzlger'a store. Astoria Telephone Mo. 52 And it's gone forever unless you take advantage of our 25 per cent, on on cur Clothing Sale, which is a 33 per cent, reduction and 1 'ss than cost to us from the manufacturer. Before buying price our Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hat3 Caps, Boots. Shoe3, -Trunks, Valises, etc., and no mon ey will slip through your fingers. The Osgood jlf entile co. The One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers 506 and 508 COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OR. HEAVY . M AT RENO The Central Pacific Likely to Be Bloeaded. FRANCE HAS A NEW PRESIDENT Spokane Contributes to Nebraska's Sufferers-Moscow, Idaho, Hard ware Store Closed. ' 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. r,) 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. We Wish You JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms i and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc ' 6. Residence, 629, Cedar street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Household furniture. I. Crawford, Agent. W. JAPANESE GOODS.-Just out-Just received Just what you want, at Wing Lee's, 529 Third street. WANTED. WANTED House work or nursing. Apply 461 Duane Street. WANTED Agents to represent the old National LICe Insurance Co., of Montpeller, Vt. For further informa tion, address G. SI. Stolp, General Coast Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. TO MAKE BIG MONEY selling our Eleotrio Telephone. Best seller on earth. Sent uil complete, ail reauy to set up; lines of any distance. A prac tical Klectric Telephone. Our agent makes ii to $10 a day, easy. Everybody buys. Big money without work. Prices low. Anyone can make $75 per month. Address W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk iso. li, columhus, Ohio. R Happy flew Year. And will start the ball rolling by giving you a discount of 20 per cent, for 10 days op all mis cellaneous books in our store. Pacific Coast Almanacs and Tide-tables. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. "K1HBALL" PIANOS m ORGANS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. $5.00 to $15.00 PER DAY at home sell ing Lightning Plater, and plating Jew. elry, watches, tablewear, etc. Every house has goods needing plating. No experience; no capital; no talking; some agents are making $25 a day. Perma nent position. Address H. K. Delmo & Co., Columbus, Ohio. SOCIETT MEETINGS. PILOT COMMISSIONERS The reg ular meetings of this board will be held on th-j tinu Monday of each month at 10 a. m., at the oriiee of Kobb & Par ker. W. L. Kobb, Sec NOTICE Tie regular meetings ol the Astoria Building and Loan Associa tion are held al 8 p. m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Office on Genevieve street, south of Chenamua. W. L, KOBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O. O. F. Regular meetings of Ocean En campment No. 13, In the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m.. on the second nd fourth Mondays 0f eech month. So journing brethren cordially inUed. By order c. P. BEVERAGES. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cogrmfl and wine at Alex Gilbert's. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY ALLOTTED. Wholesale Prices Quoted To RESPONSIBLE DEALERS AND flERCHANTS. Correspondence Solicited. : : Catalogue Mailed Free on Application. W. W. KIMBALL CO. Manufacturers. Factory 26 & Rockwell St. Chicago, 111. Main Office and warerooms, 343"353 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Pacific Coast Office and Warerooms, 335 Morrison, cor 7th SL Portland, Oregon. L. V. MOORE, manager. Associated Press. Reno, Nev., Jan. 17. Today is the fifth anniversary of the snow blockade ol' five years ago, and from present in dications another one Is about due. It has (been snowing here since early this" morning. Twelve Inches of snow have fallen, and ten Inches remain as reminder of winter. The snow Is falling very fast. It is eight feet on the level at Truckec, and still piling up. Three feet and a half havo fallen today. Eighteen, feet is reported at the summit. Passenger trains due here at 6:15 this morning left Blue Canyon at 6 this evening behind t'ho rotary, 'but with what success remains to - be seen. The passenger train wrecked at White Plains yesterday pulled Into Reno this afternoon, closely followed by(the regular train today. Both pulled out for Truckee, but did not expect to get over the hill tonight. All freight trains on the Central Pacific are aban doned. Snow Is falling faster now than at any time for five years. Later re ports say if the storm continues four 'hours longer the road will be blockad ed. The wind Is blowing a hurricane at Truckee and Blue Canyon. us bv one Whose accurate analysis of them and vivid portrayal makes them real people. .The eager Interest and close attention of his hearers proved thei appreciation of President Chapman series of word pictures as he gave the characters in "King Lear." All who heard him must have gained a deeper insight into the motives and dramatic actions of the play, even though it had been read many times. The audience especially enjoyed the allusions to modern conditions an questions of present interest which showed him to be thoroughly in touch with the times. In delineating; the character of Lear, he said; "What he lacked was man llnessllness. It is a lack with whldh we as American citizens can reel great deal of sympathy, for it Is our national failing. It does not mean that we are cowards, who do not dare to go out upon the field of battle and die that is not true. But when it comes to defending, day by day, the rights and liberties which we have won upon the battle field; when It comes to de- mandlng of our publlo servants that they serve us truly; when it comes to keeping up the dally struggle with vice and clvio crime, then we sit down in our cowardice and allow the vile to triumph over us." In regard to Kent he said: "Kent Is the man whom we all like to hear and read about, but whom we should al hate if we had him to deal with in dally life. He is the man who always tells the truth." No one can afford to lose the remain lng lectures of President Chapman, whose presence In the city Is so wel come. FRANCE'S NEW PRESIDENT. Versailles, France. Jan. 17. M. Felix Fmire was today elected president of France. FOR NFilJRIAfKA SUFFERERS. THE WATER WORKS BIDS. Detailed Statement of the Entire Num ber of Bids. Srykane, Jan. 17. JMayor F.elt wired to the governor of Nebraska today that three car loads of flour, two of potn- tops, Trovlponi and clothing, are ready departed for their homes expect to have for the starving people of that state' men on the ground in a short time. The as soon as directions for shipment are, pacific Pavlmg Company expect to corn- Below a table la given showing the various folds In detail, on the construe tlon of water works. It can readily be seen that the committee selected by the commissioners had no easy task on their hands, in summing up the great mass of figures given. Tl)9 table shows the totals as found by the committee after carrying out each article bid on and does not give a clear idea of the great amount of labor necessary to gain this result. One or two of the contractors still remain in the city, and those who have received. HEAVY HARDWARE FAILURE. Moscow, Idaho, Jan. 17. M. J. Shields & Co., the largest hardware and im plement house in the Palouse country. was closed this morning by the sheriff. mence operations as soon as the com missioners have the finances in shape, which will be In a few days. The work will be pushed through to completion, and it seems the determination of the various contractors to finish up the work on which they 'bid as far ahead of IT UfiS A DAY OK BILLS One Hundred and Fourteen Measures Introduced. THE SENATE ADJOURNS EARLY Several Fl5i-rrotcctiiiff Bills Were Introducsd-Bill to Eclicve Clatsop County. Associated Press. Salem, Jan. 17. iBoth houses of the Ing the appropriations at IchmI (lays Dolore adjournment. Anions ,i: new Mils Introduced v,ua one by imt). providing for legislative clerks to ) appointed by the governor, the c) rk to be residents of tho state, i;-J diem to b' fixed by tho legislature. PROPOSITIONS CONSIDER!: D. five legislature adjourned today until Mun day afternoon. In the house the entire afternoon was given up to the intro' ductlcm of bills. In all, 114 were Intro duced. The following are amony the bills Introduced; Meyers, for the protection of fish, game and song birds, and to provide for flflh and game commissioners. I Smith, of Polk, to repeal the railroad commission law. McCrackcn, to establish a state board of equalization as consisting of gover nor, secretary and treasurer of state and repealing the present law. ' McCracken, to authorize the building of a pilot schooner. Paxton, repealing the Jute mill act of the last session. Paxton, providing for bank deposito ries to be named by the governor, In which publlo money of the state, coun. ty or municipal officers must te kept, such banks to give the requisite security. Coon, to protect salmon, and regulate Ashing by gill nets. Lester, for the relief of Clatsop coun ty on account of taxes erroneously paid. Young, relating to the payment of taxes, repealing the "gold and sliver" clause of the law. Meyers, protection of the food fishes In tho WlUamotte river; prohibiting. atchlng of salmon in said river for five yearsf except with hook and line. Moorehead, to provide for "verdicts by nine Jurors In rlvll actions. Curtis, amending the fish law, as pre scribing the new closs season for salm- -..f.W.t. 1 At ..... ..oi.ins wii, dim. 11. i ne rouse com mittee on Pacific railroads today e..n. sldered propositions for settlement r. cently made by the representatives ot the Union Pacific. From the tenor of the talk It seemed improbable than any radical changes from the plans of the Reilly plan will be made, although min or amendments are under consideration. The companies' proposal that the .-ate-of interest be reduced from 3 to 2 j r cent did not seem to find much favor. THE CALIFORNIA WRECKED. San Francisco, Jan. 17.-The remains of the California, the first steamship that brought the earliest crowd of gold seekers to California, are strewn alon the beach of pacasmayo on this cuam. Tho California was 225 feet long and registered 1100 tons. In 1S74 she was changed Into a sailing vessel and lias since ibeen engaged In carrying lumber The crew were saved. NEW INSURANCE UNION. San Francisco, Jan. 17. All Insur ance managers but two have alined the new compact of the board of fire under, writers, succeeding the Pacific Insur. anco Union, which went to pieces re. cently when fourteen out of eighteen managers withdrew. ANACORTES BANK FAILURE. Seattle, Jan. 17. An Anaeortes spe cial to the Post-Intelligencer announces the failure of the First National bank, the only bank In tho city. CLATSOP CITY NOTES. Adams has moved to his Hllletras, amending the divorce laws so that ft' second marrlaire sliall not be allowed within three yearn from tV divorce, and not then, without a certl ftcate of good character. Curtis, providing for the manner of Name of Didder. Paeltle I'hvIiik Co HImIoii I mil I, Works.... I'ailllc Uriilu'eCo Hubert Hi bid Wakefield & Jucobson KliiirJt Co Hhvb tk .lefl'rey i'orler Iiro OreKon HrldL'c Co Perry II Inkle linker L.iL'lTiwrlinr Co Hollinan & Hutej s W Aldrieh 1'atlerHon & WaUiin. lis. K. Howard Wolf Zwickur millet 0i k liner. American Hrldi;u& Cont. Co lliintlel'l A IMml aleni liniiv t ('li Kxeelfdur Wood Pipe Co Clnw Kwlini liiiifour V (luthrle I'avlor. 1 ouinr 4 Co Simon Normllo Division No 8. In Cement In Asphalt a H Is Dlv.No. 6. 'X I'i."lii 1 ni:5 0W'lf.7iM lBl7ilft.7iW SM'27'lCI,iW4l IWH7 W2 '-'.VI ifU 't !U 'JO.l'.el 21.0f 2-l.3W.21 .A"! 8,7;i 21. K7 ' 12 IMII.2 22M t,7 2I,(M 21.V.I 2l1l.vi,.-2HHl irrcg M,I2S 4i,-'0;l II Hl.il 2 .;! 2,'HM-IT 771!P.i m HtctiilH 170 Irre Hkd 'is 70:1 Sl.tMll .,.sl7 2I.K-f li-.'-'.il-2:l.liT!l -!.-IIH 2'.I,V.P 2.1 1117 -M.iraTiO (KNi -'7,iP7i 2.011 2il,iii;-il ',KI:)2i ir.:i:j2,2-l .is.ini 41 ml W.ii0l;H0rj; :I,I7:. 2.S.1 27 6-1 -.'; .1711 WAl-JKn 81,101 .'l(l,.MS Tili'.ITll V2.-".K(! ;Vvi.o 2 2M l.i.i.Vi21iiiVt2i,aw 21.211 n,4ai s.'.iiwftuioi.vi.iyil 2ll.l7.i 2.K27 2l,.V'l,22,4Ml -J -'! -.!l,lll'.l III ..Mi.' .VI.2I2I.U.2V !'l.t SO AMV.-li Ml I'll ;l'i '.vV-0 21 All! :W.0V 2-1 7.1O J'l.01.1' VI HO A-i V M" ''-'" 2I.K'22.M :i7,lkiO IVk-iM I7,'.I2I 1 i-ren Irreir 21 IK ..... in.:ius !iV-i"0lrrei12i,:li -.'tV'.i; 7..VJO M.iM I 2 1, W0 11 U-i 22,7Ki 2I.W8 41,701 i,Ullj4.i,v)7 11 S 11 1 I'M 11,1 1 21,371 !,0O7 ,2,1, U.I io.iti7 ;v mi! 4o,7ii 2ll,.iMji irreg M2-1; Ineg s S5 a 0 3 S "4 WMl" 7,220 8,1X1 H.ll'17 S.SIII GJNIll 4.717 li,M 7,217 K.OIfi II .UK: 7,1'.1 (I.W0 ft.lHi 9.7W H 1100 1(1, iil Cust Iron. Kalaineln. t 3 c mm H I S3 " II v- 3 if)!-!'!1'61': it-vTlS v. ti -' a 'A i.'.viif l-'o.iMll ...il.i7ai!,'sT).-,7i ' "hli'l'w 1112 TIW 1441 ht),V,2 llli.iiw 2,VtVM.vl I im.12'1: .... iin.:i: ....:177,2.;0, t)S0 l2,.ft ....!1n0.4.'. 157 WiOl 17s,21li: i:i.;i I lW,l!47 it :ho1 joi'jii llo-'s-iy, li;7.ii:ij Il"7,ll4;! IIIH.HII all or uone fall or h,wi:i w wIithji-i H,lVci 'o i'-,'ai 1 "" 1.722 17.I.I5.TM17J1.. 7il-l,'7Jil 7i!m0 Ktflll7!,40l lJ,!i71,l.Hll l,.-..i:. . 17,'JW lr.',,i!i,i ,,..i;b.:kh I7S.2H-, i;n.,n i it.. !! 0,1105 .ii,ih!ii nti.i hi.) ,fti7,iH.i;.',2lr1-eif'lnr ....Mt,Ul7 1htl,h77 ....'l.siw Mr. J. C, eiy house. Many cases of sickness are -being re ported in this vicinity. Mr. D. F. Stafford, ond Mrs. Oliver are both ill, and Mrs. Tags has recent ly j-ecovered from an attack of la grippe. ; Mr. Joslah West has added a bone mill to -his already very complete out fit of farm mac'hlnery. He Intends to grind green 'bones for uise as a fertilizer. Clatsop school takes a two days' va cation this week as Mr. Piescott goes to Astoria Thursday to attend the teachers' institute. Rev. A. M. McCart will preach at the school house next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday school at 12. On Saturday evening the Clatsop Lit erary Society will debate the question, "Resolved, That the banking system of the United States is an injustice to the people." The stormy weather ha reduced the attendance at the society meetings but the Interest Is none the less on that account. Miss Byrd, of Seaside, was elected to membership at the last meeting, and It Is expected that others In that community will bo proposed for membership soon. The Packers of Choice :olumbia River Salmon Their Brands and Location. (AUK. Istoria Fk ( Co. Booth A.Pk'fCo.... ColumbUKirerPkgCoj Klmore 8urjaeI-...- George h Barker J, Q MeglerkCo niheraen'i Fkg 0 LOCATION. Astoria...... Astoria.. Astoria,.. Astoria.-... Astoria.. BrookflelJ Astoria. ( Anu J Kin storla Pk'g Co. , 1I1UUU, R. (.John A. IievlinJ I Black Diamond.! I uval Cocktail I Magnolia ) WuitebUr JEnienre Palm I liesdemona....... tag,8L George. )Fl-henon'i. bci-.l!iiTirj Kijirtnen's AOBNTS. M.J. Kinney. A. Booth ft Sons . Cutting-PkK Co - Elmore, Ban bore! ft Co George ft Barker J. O. Megler Flan era. en '1 VU Co AT .1 Seventeen attachments are already Al- the contract time as possible. Several obtaining ed against it for sums aggregating of the contractors have slgnitled their roads, tr.5,500. The first attachment was filed Intention to purchase Just as much ma by the Osborne Manufacturing Co., of terial In Astoria as tan bo secured. and they further stale that local la borers will be given a preference. rights-of-way for logging Portland, for $4,000. HE WILL HANG. Third Sentence of Death. Astoria.-... Chicago ... San Francisco Astoria. Astoria...... Biookfleld Wd Astoria....... ONLY THE PUREST Wines and Manors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. What Is the use to go and pay 12 -l centu for a cipar when you can get the Robert Mantell at Chan. Olsen's for 16 cents, the bent Haven cigar in the market, mild and free smoking. BOARDING AND ROOMS. FURNISHFD ROOMS Wltb hoard, or good table board by the day or week, with home comforts, at reason able rate. Mrs. E. C. Holder), eorner ttta and Duaaa street HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Buy your GROCERIES and PROVISIONS of os, and we will save yon mony. We hnn'e th best gowk and deliver free to trains or bout. We bar and seJI for spot cash, and sell goods cheaper than snjr other firm in the country, rend o yonr name and address, and we will mail yon onr prjce lut, allien will be oot soon. We offer today : Climax tobacco. 40 cnt nnnnrl. Bet coal 01 1 t case 51 .W Arbnckle's Coffep er poond.... 22Jf California aymo 5 iral le2.... IO fllifwilin twr Anrjn liura . KTri! Send os a list of what yon need, and we will make yon sptil prices HARP; L. COUN & CO., 146 Front SL Portland. California granulated' snar in I00-Ih sack $4 75 Best brand" of fl mr nr barrel.... 2 15 Royal Bkg Powde' 5-lb cans 2.00 Spokane, Jan. 17. The supreme court has denied the motion of H. D. Smith, for a rehearing ,and Jude Moore will tomorrow set a day for his execution. This will be the third time that the con-' demned man has been sentenced to be hanged. Smith was convicted of the atrocious murder of a farmer near; Spangle. His attorneys say they will appeal the case to the supreme court of the United States. The advance guard of the great ar. rived, in the city, looking about for snap real estate Investments. Meyers, to regulate stunreon flshlnir. imiains a close season from January 1st to September 1st. Blundeli, giving the fish commissioner control and , supervision of the con Btructlrm rt u H. D. Smith, of Rnokane. Receives His mv'bf rnole who will flock thla viv . ' also prohibit . . ...u ' ... 'Iln tn catOhlng of salmon In ,nii n.;n ine eprnig opens, nas Bireaay ar-. ., . . . r, ' ... "tream ot the state between November " isr and noraMi,.. . -. , ... lUin, ana Between Apru ioin and June 1st. Tit. . . . uuun returned to the conaldcra- uon or tne senate bills. The bill appro. nrlfl f Inn tAf Aftf i. . . . . T,v,U iu pay tne expenses of ine -essmn was taken up and read. The rules were suspended and the bill read a second and third time and passed. Letters of administration on the es tate of Casper Baltes, deceased, were granted by Judge Gray yesterday ,to V. W. Bakes. A POPULIST SHERIFF, Sprague, Wash., Jan. 17. Populist Sheriff Williams was Inaugurated today. THE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE! President Chapman Addressed a Large Audience at the Presbyterian , Church. An audience of considerable size list ened to President Chapman's Shake, spearean lecture last evening at the Presbyterian church . To turn a-'lde from the duties and cares of life and spend an e-enlng read ing one of Shakespeare's plays. Is to the student of human nature and lit erature, a pleasure. How much greater then, the delight when the characters are presiutea to The water works bonds will profitably be disposed of at private sale. "AM I MARRIED OR NOT?" asked Mr. A. despondeniily. "I declare, my wife is so nervous and Irritable that I don't itay In the house a moment longer than I can help. My home Isn't what It used to be." "Mrs. A. Is suffer ing from some functional derangement, I presume." said B. "Yes, she has been an Invalid for years," "Exactly. Her experience Is that of my wlfo, but she wjs cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. C-ot this remedy for Mrs. A. and the happiness of your home will soon be restored." Mr. B. was right. Fur prolapsus, painful periods. Irregu larities tin short, all "complaints" pe culiar to the female sex the "Favorite Pivserlpcion" Is a sovereign pd(lc Rupture, or Hern-la, permanently cur ed or no pay. For pamphlet and refer, ences address World' Dhrpensary Med ical AasQCJsti'jn, Btiu"i', N, T, UNTIL THE- SENATE ADJOURNS TODAY. Salem, Jan. 17.-The senate today ad Journed till tomorrow afternoon. Gesner Introduced a resolution amending the constitute,, provl,jlnjf for the Introduction of no bills cany- POPCORN SOCIAL. The young people of tha Methodist church and congregation will give a popcorn social at the residence of Mrs. Bushong on this (Friday) from 7:30 to 10 p. m. All, old and young people, cordially Invited. A good time antici pated. Admission free, Last night while reluming home from down town, and while near the corner of Main and Bond streets, Mr. Duncan Stuart heard cries for help, eoniinK from the neighborhood of the Parker house. He rushed toward the place from whence the cries seemed to come, which took him to the slip bark of the Astoria Shipping Company's dock, at the end of Aator street. Some one had fallen overboard, and further Investi gation showed a man clinging to a Pile underneath the dock. Mr. Stuart was Joined by a party with a lantern, and together ttiey fished the unfortu nate man out. He fulled to give his name, but Incidentally remarked that he could not have held on to the pllltiff much longer. He had been walking along the street, and being a stranwr to that locality, had walked oif Into the water. The man was really more scared than hurt Mr. Dickey, superintendent of the Union Iran Works, of San Francisco, Is a passenger on uie coiuinuia. i:ci goes to Portland to Inspect the ma- chltiery of the steamer Victorian, whoso trial trip will take place in a few days. Iresldnt Chapman will lecture this evening at the Preslryterlnn church on the subject "Macbeth." Ail aie coi- dlally Invited to attend. v t ' n. Highest of afl in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. .W: Ail f. ; V Sr t. V y o " F ft ' 4 f--1 f