The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 13, 1895, Image 1

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-4 m
- - -- ,iTO,
VOL. XLIV, NO. 11.
All on Account of the Tariff
Is the cause of the great in
duction we have made in
Clothing of all kinds now on
h:md to make room for new
goods for the spring and sum
mer of 1895. Price our lines
of Men's and Boys'
Suits, Overcoats, Mack
intoshes, etc., before buy-
ing elsewhere and you will
save from I6 to 33 J per cent,
and $1.50 to 5.00 saved on a
Suitor Overcoat is quite an
item to save in times cf economy.
Osgood pipjiTiiiE go.
TL r n - rlil n .i r r-
i no umu rnce uoimers, nauers ana i-urmsners
Yesterday's Wind Storm Played
Havoc About the City.
The Highest Tide' on Record-It
Damaged a Large Amount
of Good?.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
Wish You
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per oent OFF.
R Happy Hew "Year.
And will start the ball jolling by giving you a
discount of 20 per cent, for 10 dags 07 all mis
cellaneous books in our store.
Pacific Coast Almanacs and Tide-tables.
The heavy wind yesterday morning
between the houra of 3 and S o'clock,
tore up things generally from one end'
of the city to the other. In Unlontown
the old Seaside cannery warehouse was
knocked off Its underpinning 'and Is
now a total wreck.
The Norwegian M. B. Church In Up
perto'wn was unroofed and Its windows
and doors blown out. A. T. Bracker's
house, next door to the church, was
struck by flying debris, and the gable
end was considerably damaged.
At the Oregon Improvement Com
pany's bunkers the whole roof went
over Into the bay.
Pieces of the roof trimmings of No.
Three's engine house went early In the
game. Down the street a short dls.
tance the tall galvanized Iron smoke
stack on Swan's restaurant, became
weak and leaned on the adjoining build
ing for support.
The Scottish Glons, anchored off na
vel's dock, shifted her anchorage to a
position on the sands, tout was easily
removed at high tide. One of the gov-
language. The meaning, ihowever, is
generally clear, though It might have
been better expressed. Shipmaster are
advised that when their vessel is lying
at a dock, the "off-Shore anchor must
'be suspended ready for dropping." "SuS'
pended" Is a very good word, but Its
use In this connection caused, great
hilarity among the skippers. Then,
again, the ordinance says that "lower
yards must 'be braced sharp on the
inshore braces," This is a matter
which must be regulated according to
circumstances. To prevent mud, sand
or gravel from falling Into the river
from a ship discharging ballast, the
law provides that "a cenvas chute" be
erected between the vessel and the dock
but does not specify whether the bal
last be sent through this chute- or
dumped from a bucket.
Perhaps the most remarkable state'
ment of all, and one which created
the greatest merriment, is in the sec
tion relating to anchoring In the stream
In which the captain Is Instructed to
moor his vessel with the "bow tor-
ward." Harbor Master Fitch denies
having had any hand In the drawing up
of the ordinance.
The Water Works Contract Remains
UndecidedAlso that of the
Bond Sale.
ernment barges also came to anchor on
the sands.
The chimneys on F. L. Parker's resU
dence were damaged to some extent.
Up by the Clatsop Mill, when day
break came on, the scene resembled a
place recently visited by a Kansas cy
Ttie committee appointed by the water
commission to examine the various
bids on construction, as well as the bids
on bonds, found a greater work on
their hands than at first anticipated. It
was a big Job, and the deeper they
plunged into the pile of papers, the
more apparent became the fact that
it would take several days to go over
the various proposals and decide on
the lowest.
Up to date the bond question has not
been decided, Mr. Van Dusen having
agreed to give S. A. Keen, the Chicago
bidder, 48 hours to make a necessary
deposit to show good faith. The wires
were down all day yesterday, and al
though word was received on Friday,
a definite answer had not as yet been
Testerday the committee had all of
the bids out of the way with the excep-
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
20 per cent OFF.
Wholesale Prlcef Quoted
- To -
Correspondence Solicited. -:
-: Catalogue Mailed Free on Application.
clone. Boards were scattered in ani on of the racinc faving company, of
directions, and the streets had to be ' Portland; iRlsdon Iron Works, of San
cleared up before the cars could get Francisco, and Huber Rlbley, of Ta-
by. The sawdust elevator was wrecked coma- The Pacific Paving Company's
and other minor damage done. All over bId stands at $149,000; the Rlsdon Iron
the city breaks in the telegraph, tele-jWorkB- and Huber & nibley's,
phone and electrlo light wires are re ; $160,000. ,,,, . .
ported. ' While the Pacific Pavlng'Company Is
Later in the morning the tide1 was the 'plainly the lowest bidder, the commit
highest ever known here, and a num- tee seem disposed to give all three of
ber of cellars were flooded. Foard & the Parties further consideration. Their
Stokes' stock was badly damaged by i financial solvency and Packing is being
Brief Glances as Revealed by
Electric Flashes.
All Sorts of Things Said and Done
iu a Day, are told by the
Aseoclalted Press.
A dispatch from
water getting Into their basement.
In Uppertown Ross Clinton and oth-
Investigated thoroughly, and It Is
thought by Monday or Tuesday the con
Red Hook, New
York, states that F. Edda, the Japan
ese student who on Monday while In t
dellrum, escaped from his room at St
Stephen's college, at Annlndale, and
disappeared, was found yesterday seat
ed near a haystack near Madaltn. 1I
had taken with him a razor with which
to fight the Chinese. His Idea was t
walk to Japan and Join the mlkado'i
army there. He now shows signs ol
returning' reason..
The Cologne Gazette advises Japar
to make peace with China at once. The
Oazette warns Japan that her demandi
may become so exaggerated that th
Eastern powers will not allow China t
concede them.
By cable from London it Is statec
that a Peking dispatch says that a
the - Instance of LI Hung Chang the
emperor has Issued an order for the
arrest of three generals who command
ed the Chinese troops at Port Arthur
From Shanghai a dispatch s.'ats that
divers have patched up the Chlnes
warship Chen Yuen. She Is now in
good lighting condition.
There Is a Spanish proverb that on
Tuesday "one should neither travel nor
marry," and this superstition is so in
grained that even In Madrid there are
never any weddings on Tuesday, and
the trains are almost empty.
For several centuries the purse was
always worn fastened to the girdle
A cut purse got its name from tha
fact that rather than take the time
to loosen the purse from the belt, where
It was secured by buckles, one cut the
strap. - -
license to Bert Hansler and Mlas Alice
Blckle, of Blckloton, who came through
the snow storm last Wednesday. Mr.
Bolton discovered that the age of the
prospective bride was not quite 17, so
declined to comply with the- wish of
Mr. Ransler. It Is now reported that
the sequel of an elopement was averted.
A Captain's Voyage In Search for an
Islandjiot on the Charts.
San Francisco, Jan. 12. The schoonei
yacht Vine, Captain John E. Burns
sailed this morning for four months
trading voyage In the South Seas. Slie
will go to Guayamas, and thence to
Honolulu, Tahiti, and the Gilbert Is
lands. There Is a touch of romance In
this voyage, from the fact that the
captain Is planning to do a little pros
pectlng for a lost island, in addition
to his trade with the South Sea people
It seems that in 1843, Captain Williams
an acquaintance of the owner and mas
ter of the Vine, discovered a valuable
Members of the Legislature ;;r
. Fast Gathering'.
Who Will be the Next Senator-? ii
the All-altiorbinf Question.
(Portland Sun.)
Salem, Jan. 11. The Willamette, hot-l
Is at present the place where ci nsidei-
guano iHianu. auom iuuu ,.. uu. u1L-lftble .,flne Ita,ian work s)
coast of Peru. The Inland, according ,n the maUer'of flxlng up m ,u.
to Captain Williams, was about 4 mllef lpft, wht f,w .. ,, ,,,,
ions and about 1 1-3 miles wide. I' j tatlves that have arrived are now belW
was not down on any of the charts imr)0rtuned to surmort the v,-ln
and Captain Williams, after claiming ,;(3Idate9 for tne ot cbk.f fWk
the discovery for hlmself.kept Its loca flsaiHtflnt clerk, readme nu w,,it
tion a secret, Intending that some day clerki am, p&ge There la n(j falUn
B,,ou,u maKe m n- lne V1C18S1 In the numbpr of onn,ll,ltP frm .i,f
. .. flnnn.c Ufn nM..nnJ .U. .....
realization of his dream, and the old
sailor died, leaving his papers and
charts and the story of, the valuable
place to Captain Burns. It Is the In
tention of Burns, should he And tht
island, to hoist the American flag and
take possession in the name of tin
United States.
or wer kont .him., irtonimr flnntinn. wa : tract will te awaraea. u ne Racine av
frnm hioMr4o Tho ti,ia ! ing Company,- whose president is W.
a6 & Rockwell St.
Chicago, III.
Main Office and wareroom?,
343-253 Wabash Ave.,
Chicago, III.
Pacific Coast Office and Warerooms,
335 Morrison, cor 7th St. Portland, Oregon.
L. V. MOORE, manager.
Is reported to have done more or less
damage at various places along the
water front.
Over at Warrenton the large barn
belonging to D. K. Warren was unroof
ed. Considerable fear was entertained
for a while that the dikes in that vi
cinity would weak, tout at last ac
counts they were reported all right.
On account of high water In the Sklp-
anon river, the hrldge at Warrenton
was disabled, and the Dwyer met the
train at that place on the afternoon
The government line went down early
and there was no way of ascertaining
correctly Just how hard the wind did
blow at the Cape, .but parties up from
Ilwaco last evening state that the ob
server at that place reported 132 miles.
This Is thought a little stiff by Observer
O. Allen, a prominent Portland capital
ist and business man, will furnish a
bond in double the amount of their
bid, If necessary. Mr. Allen and other
members of the firm will arrive on
tomorrow's steamer, and will remain
In the city until the matter has been
There Beems to be a growing senti
ment In favor of the Portland firm, the
Impression being that money left In the
state Is for the good of all.
We wish to announce that in the near
future the Cedar Street School will give
an entertainment for the benefit of a
ltbrary fund for said school. Our boys
and girls have no advantages of edu
cational means outside of the narrow
scope of the text books used. This
Spectacles were fashioned In the six.
teenrh century. They were costly, the
usual price being an equivalent of $5,
It was believed that the larger the
lenses, and the heavier the rhnu, the
greater the dignity added to the wear
er's appearance.
At Glenwood, Minnesota, yesterday,
Mies Giddons, daughter of Superintend
ent Glddons, of the iEawyer stock and
dairy farm of this place, an estimable
young lady, and, John Marcom, a gen
tleman from California, were to be
married. The prospective groom had '
been In town several days, but yester
day morning he could not be found
hence the wedding was Indefinitely
postponed. A large number of friends
had teeh Invited to attend the ceremo
ny. No cause is known for the myste-
rlous disappearance.
Responding to a resolution of the
senate, says a Washington dispatch,
the presidnet lhas sent to that bodv
A Ixindon dispatch states that th
Standard's Berlin correwpondent tele
"I learn from a good quarter that
Japan's conditions of peace, besides de
manding a war indemnity, will provld
that Corea be Independent of China
and under Japanese suzerainty; tha-1
China must cede certain Islands, razi
the forts of Total, dismantle Port Ar
thur, and Wel-Hat-Wel, demolish ai:
Anions thusw
members that have arrived on the
ground and have been Interviewed, (sev
eral express themselves very freely on
the question of United States senator.
'and It is observed that 'both Fulton and
Tongue are developing unexpected
strength, with occasionally a tncmbtp
Who Is enthusiasts for Lord. Observ
ing politicians here helieve that the
members are about equally divided be
tween Dolph, Fulton and Tongue. It Is
believed that sufficient votes can now
be secured to defeat Doljyh, Of course
those who express themselves mt
freely are members from the rural
districts, and unaccustomed to the vlly
ways of the city politician, It la rno.t
likely that after an organization Is
effected they will be more reticent on
the subject.
Those who came In today are: llcp-
fortlfioatlons on the route from Core
Into China, and that Japan shall flj : entatlvee T. R. Coon, Wasco; J. T.
the future number and tvoe of Chin, , Calvert, Marlon; M. J. HilleBuH, Lane
warships. The establishment of rela
tlons looking to a Chinese-Japanese al
llance will also be reouired."
From yesterday's London cable It i,!Jachson; Senators B. F. Alley, Ln
learned that a dispatch to the Centra
News, dated Kalplng, January 10, mid
S. L. Moorhead, Lane; J, L. BuuJell.
Douglass; A. R, Lyle, Crook; II. I,,
Barkley, Marlon; George W. Dunn,
J. H. McClung, Lane; William H. IIoIj-
son, Marlon, and J. H. Ilaley, of Um.
tllla. the defeated Democratic candidate
at the last election for congress.
This will be the first time In the
history of Oregon thut the Republicans
will effect an organization of the house
without a Democrat present to see how
night, says that General Nofil Who com
manded the Japnnese troops that took
part In the battle near there today
reports as follows:
The Chinese had erected extensive
defenses near the river. W t(rkfl
first the two wings of the enemy, and 11 U done' and 11 w111 Probab'y "ever
then the center, and finally, toy a fiank ocour 8galn'
movement, succeeded In taking nnl I The Prevailing opinion here In re-
Klon of Kalping at 10 o'clock in the forf Rar(1 to the sHl'rlntenJer,'y of the pen.
noon. More than 200 Chlnene are known1 "enuary, is tnat jap winio will seeun.
to have been killed. buf It Is lmposslbl. , lne place wmcn ne cerlttln'y fleservea.
to ascertain the exact number wound
Grover, who is inclined to think that!"ffht not to be. Work of inestimable ft,c"py f, xtrf d't,oni Proceeding.
the life saving crew's report of 102 miles ; vaIue catl easily be accomplished by
The Packers of Choice
olumbia :- River Salmon
Tlielr Brands and Locations.
, f Astoria Fk'gCo.
AtorlA Pk ( Co Astoria. ..... I Klnuet ' M J. Kinney. Atorl
(.Julia A. Dejlla-
Bootn A.Pk'fCo Astorl. g.!': A. Booth Sons Chicago
ColninbUHlTerPkgCo Astoria. Cocktail Cutting pkg Co rttnclK0
BlB.ore9an.ael Artorli wX BfcZT ""iOo!!! Aitort.
George Barker i.torla. j jdemonal'!; Brk.r Aatoria
1,0 Mcgler S Co.... BrookflelJ tag, St George-. J. G. Meg'.er.. Brookfleld Wo
Fishermen',.. , . ,
Scar.liuln rlfrnien g ,tori
Fishermen ' "Co aaloru
Is nearer correct. The greatest registry
ever made at the Cape was a few years
ago when 104 miles was recorded.
The Oregonlan has the following to
say regarding Its publication of Sun
day church notices:
The Ministerial Association of Port
land, has sent the Oregonlan a request
not to print the church notices on Sun
day, but to print them on SaturJay.
The Oregonlan will comply with the
request not to print them on Sunday,
on which day it has printed them rath.
er than Saturday because It was con
venient to do so; and, as the service has
teachers supplied with accessible means
We propose to give It a start, and hope
the patrons will aid us in every possible
An elaborate program is being prepar
ed, which will consist of chnrMses, trios
duets, solos, recitations, tableaux, pleas
ing drills, etc. Mrs. Crosby has charge
of the choruses, and the tableaux will
I'oe prepared by a specialist. . Other
friends are lending us substantial aid.
The program will be rendered princi
pally by pupils of the school.
Further announcements as to time
and place will appear; later.
The rapid growth of the Cotton States
A big gold strike was made yester
day In the New York and Chance mine,
at Creede, Col. Heretofore the mines
had been a rich silver producer, and
has enriched the ownerss several hun
dred thousand dollars, and now it has
developed Intn a. s-nl.1 fnvutn... 1
nun in tha mnttci- T n, " " . strike was made on th
other cities payment Is required for' alreaay f" Iola 'ari?("r tnan 11,0 orl- A shipment made today carries fourteen
publication of church notices, whether I j , ", , " "ew lealure ounces of gold and 400 ounces of sliver
been rendered gratis, the Oregonlan ni Interna loa' Exposition Is a mat
thought It might as well consult ltB i of wonder to even its ambitious
of General Ezeta, lata vice president
of Salvador, and other refugees who
were granted an asylum on board the
Bennington. Muoh of the correspond
ence la of a technical legal character.
ine nouse committee on commerce
yesterday decided to favorably report
Hermann's bill for a steam lightship
and fog signal opposite the Straits ot
Fuca, Washington, at a place to be
elected by the secretary of the treas
ury, the ship to cost $80,000.
ed. We took 150 prisoners."
The Chinese force, including the ar
lillery, Is said to have numbered 4000
General Nogl also states that 10,000
Chinese troops, under General Yeh
were moving up to the support of Kal
ping, Ibut learning the result of theTu-
gagement there, are now retiring upon
Xlngr Kow,
1'iie januors ai me suite nouse aro
busily engaged In preparing the hall of
representatives and senate chamber for
occupancy next Monday.
State Printer Baker Is faflt closing up
the biennial reports, and will have them
all completed at an early date.
published on Saturday or Sunday. Ij)
Js added almost every week. The se-
Henry Wolcott arrd Judge O. E. Le-
Buy your GROCERIES nd PROVISIONS or oa, and wo will save yon money.
We ban! the best poods and deliver frea to train or boats. We buy and sell for
pot cash, and sell goods cheaper than any other firm in the country. Send ne
your name and address, and we will mail yon oor new price list, which will be out
Buun. hb uiwi iwt; vum'-u lonacou. WJ cenie Dounu.
Beat coal oilper rase f 1.80
Arbnckle'e Coffee per ponnd.". . . 22
California svrtin S mil 1 nr.
BoyalBkif Pwder 5-1 beans 2.0J Sapoiio per dorea bars... "" 'gsa
ocuu no a iibi ui wuat yoa oeea, ana we wui make yon spcUI prices
California granulated gnear in 100-lh
sack 8500
Best brand of flwr per barrel.... 2 15
HARK L. COHN & CO., 146 Front St. Portland.
San Francisco the newspapers make " " i w revre, or Lien ver, are the principal own.
. - . 1 vuv oxixjBiuun came on at me nirnt'pt-a
the special rate of 60 cents for each no-. . ' ' , , , B li erB-
I. , . time. There Is a general disposition of!
Ave line, without additional charge. AiT''T" t0 ,? toein lnteregt Preva!" Silver Cliff,
few of the churches of that city pub-itrade: the home n,arket 18 g1utted' ftnd Co1" over a new oId trlke. tow mile.
Sthelr L i T"1 T" ir"y?t0rmatlOD' "d
. t. , ... keep It over stocked. The mantifac- ore Is said by Cripp e Creek exoerta tn
of them publish on Sunday paying the meet , c)ncInnat Jan be n l
same rate on either day. The Oregon. form 8 nati()na) orfranlzalIo '(assays, made bv the beHt .."IL ,!l
Ion will I n sort fnflrrh notlvpa nn Isnt. I - j . m
The beer hall and variety theatre that
a Portland man proposes to establish in
the old Stuttz Theatre, is likely to
meet with no end of opposition. The
residents of that vicinity are preparing
a petition which will be presented to I food
the next meeting of the city council,
praying that a license for such pur
poses ibe disallowed. A number of dco.
plo In that locality, who have families
of growing boys and girls, state that
they will flght the proposition to the
.itter end, end that if Portland parties
want to start an estuilillHhmetit of that
kind in Astoria, there are other places
where the affair can tie conducted
among the class of people who usually
naunt such places. The fact that th
most active workers ajralnBt Mr. niel
the promoter, are ladles, adds strength
to the belief that no variety theatre
will te conducted in Stuttz' Parlor
Pnnioln f -
w.-ni-i t-ttu, ot ino Hrhrum.1-
oiarion, now' at San Pedro from amy's
tiuruor, reports: On December 22i
pushed a portion of a wreck, about 8x20
toe tea, painted white; It had the an.
K-.m. ot a recent wreck; latitude
north, longitude 125 04 west; pass.
-u anomer piece. 6x8 feni a
feet long, also painted white, a few
hours later, and a loir 5 feet in ,i!,r,.
ter, and 25 feet long; . latitude 41 40
norm, longitude 125 01 west: durlmr the
aame oay, the 25th. sailed by a laro-e
amount of cord wood, also a schooner's
mast, about 50 feet long.
The Potter and Telephone had an-
prlnclpal project Is to work for foreign the state, show from 112 to $700 per other lively race yesterd
m . M. t. 11 l.. a
..u V 7 L , , , Thla meeting came ont of the ton, gold and silver values.
-.i . U.D Cotton States and International Ex-'l" In the Basslck mine bolt.
The vein
each line In excess of five lines. When
position, whose objects are largely the
space Is called for In the Oregonlan, iame e(Jltor of tJ)e Dfxlp )n
and time and condition, dictated, a atmosphere .made the suggestion which
charge roust be made-though to all(tl)e C)nclnnttt, Manufacturers' Assocla-
churche. and charitable cleties a very
low rate Is offered.
tion adopted in Inviting a meeting of
all the manufacturer, of the United
State to form a national organization.
We wish all our farmer friends wr old
take and read the Breeder". Gazette.
Shipping men, say. the Oregonlan. are
amused at the wording of the tiew
harbor-master ordinance, printed copies It 1. the greatest weekly newspaper for
of which have been circulated among farmers and stock-growers in the world. an also criticised Mr. Carlisle.
the pilots, stevedore, ana otners along (ir you don t believe It send for a free'
the waterfront. The ordinance was evt-spclmen copy and Judge for yourself. I Among the last official acta nt a,i..
dently drawn up by some one not very Address, J. H. Sander. Pub. Co., 8 . or Bolton, of Goldendale Washlnirtnn
well acquainted with ship, or nautical ' Dearborn street, Chicago, III. I was bis lliln u Uwne a marriage
Representative Bryan, of Nebraska,
In a speech last n!ght at Washington!
before the Virginia Democratic Associa
tion, denounced President Cleveland.
ucvwicu uie frrBluent WM not a
Democrat; that his conduct was not
Democratic; that he was wrecking the
Democratic party, and that be was the
first Democratic president who had
been unaMe to control hi. party. Rrv-
Ing a victory,
ilay, both claim-
South Bend, Wash., Jan. 11. The sail
ors on the barkontina Portland, which
came here to load lumber for San Fran.
cIbco, have struck, and refuse to niak
the return trip to San Francisco. Some
of them allege Ill-treatment and poor
They are now under arrest.
A stretch of about 600 feet of South
Bend's water front, extend in..? from
Rode's wharf almost to the South Uetul
Mill dock, Is slowly slipping into the
Willapa river. Annually the walk con
necting the points has to be repaired
and braced anew to keep It in position.
Hon. A. S. Buh, representative from
his country, will propose a law permit,
ting the use of dredges in deep oyster
ground tinder certain restrictions. lie
deems such a law necessary, liecauso
of the gradual decrease of the supply
of young oyster planus In the natural
beds, acceeHlblo with oyster tor.; In
this bay. The oystermen are dh!Ul
at present on the advisability of sueh
a law.
The Christmas Issue, of the ilrtedw'a
Gazette are everywhere acknowleibrwi
to be the finest publication of the year
In the entire field of agricultural Jour
nalism. Thut for 1M4 will aiiar De
cember 18, and will surpfiKS oil " Pre
decessor, both In the beauty and va
riety of Its Illustrations and tlie chunu'-
ter of Its reading matter. It will retail
at news stands for 2o cents a copy,
but comes free to all new- subacriu-rs
tor 1895 whose subscriptions are pent
In prior to the date of Its Ir.mie. As a
matter of fact, this one number mono l-i
worth the price of tlio paper for al
months. Yearly .ubH.-rlptlons, j.'.
drens, J. H. Bandera rubllidilnjr Co.,
368 Dearborn street, Chicago, III.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U
S. Gov't Report.
1 1
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if r?i ? r "T" 1
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