I x I. 'it rf v-mfj" : EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. ASTORIA. OREGON, THURSDAY 310 KM Mr. JAMIAKY 10, 1895. thick, nvi: VOIi. XLIV. NO. 8. WWW ! 1 fi 1 . I . r is.' i 1 4 I iN 5 I I I v. j in I a li i qi,f II in I , a ill l1 1 T AH on Account -Osgood pipfiTM Co; "he The One Price Clothiers, 506 and 508 COMMERCIAL 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. We Wish Vou R jHappy 3, And will start the ball rolling by giving you a discount of 20 per cent, for 10 days op all miscellaneous-books in our store. " Pacific Coast Almanacs and Tide-tables. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. The Packers of Choice !olumbia River - Salmon Their Brands K AM E. LOCATIOW. BBAXD. AGENTS. fAMOri Pk'gCO. Astoria Fit g Co Astoria.. .... i Kinney's M. 1. Kinney Aitori j (John A. Devliu- BooUl A.Pk'gCo Astoria... otIuI!..?'!!! A. Booth ft 8ons Chicago ColuabLRlTerPkOo AilorU Cocktail. Cnttlng Pkg Co .... San ftuicite0 B.more.n,ueI Astoria.... Ttfc ElmCo...B" George ft Barker Artoria 5idemo.I 0tOTI1' Bker Aitorii J,S MeglerftCo. RrookfleH.- tag,8t. George- J.Q. Megler. Btooknsla Ws W Lheraen't Pkg Coktorit tl'uritn rUhJJc Astoria I Fish-rmeu'f HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Eny your GROCERIES bd1 PROVISIONS of nt, and we will yon money. W hHnlu the best good and deliver free to traioi or boats. We buy and sell for spot eaub. ani sell grxidg cheaper than any othar firm in the country. 8end,ns your name and address, and we mail yon onr-new price lut, which will be oot soon. oner uxtay : cumax tobacco. California grannliiteu sacar in 100-1 b sack 8500 Pest hmnd of flinr pir barrel 2 15 Bojal f!kK P.der h-ltt cans 2.0) Bend us a list of what you need, J1ARK L. COHN & CO., of the Tariff Is the cause of the great r: auction we have made m Clothing of all kinds now on h.in'l to make room for new goods for the spring and sum mer of 1895. Price our lines of Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Mack intOSheS, etc., before buy ing elsewhere and you will save from 16$ to 33 1 per cent, and $1.50 to $5.00 saved on a rjuit or uvercoat is quite an item to save in times of econ omy. Hatters and Furnishers STREET, ASTORIA, OE. . 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. ' 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. flew Year. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. 20 per cent OFF. and Location. 41) cents ponnd, $1.80 Arbnckle'rCoffeeperpoond.... 22J California syrup 5 (tal kegs.... LOh Saivilio Dr dwo bars 80 and we will make yon special prices 146 Front St. Portland. The Committee Recommends the Adoption of a Number. GOOD SUGGESTIONS MADE. No Revision Attempted but Some Amendments of Much Import ance Proposed. The olity oounoll nrat at theilr rooms laelt evenllng, iwtttlh the followiing' mem bers anaweirtag at moll dull: O'Bara, Schlabe, Sohrneckau, Wridh, Thomson, XjaOTiwvi1i.hy and Young'. His Honor, Mayor Kinney, bflng- ab sent, Oouradnman O'Haira oooupled the dhair. A petltllon from h "Good Citizens' League," wlilklh prlayed Wiait the cii'ar ter toe eo aonended thait the pallce force of the city shaai be aippolinited and or gtjmilaed by the Mayor and dty council, who sham exerolse certain powers and duties. Referred lo the charter com mUbtee. Pot(Uon that Seotdon 145 be amended so aa to read iaa follows: "All county roads lying1 within the lmlts of the cflty wtiloh ihiave not been laid out or ajocen'-ed aa streets by the authorities of aadd city be counity roads until the streets ame laild out and Improved "Where said road ehall coonfoo'm to lhie stteets. All road poll tax colleotaible within the limits of ith9 city of Astoria shU.ll be paid to and be oollocted by the puprin tend'etn't of Sitreeta or ollher person deals n'aited by the common council, and all road work done within the city limits aha.U be performed on, the roadu and oros4ne3 of sadd olty under the- supcr vlsflan of he BupenlnitemdeTiit of the streets or oiher person designated by the com'.mon council." Referred to the chamt'er cammlttie. ' Judge K. CWburn offered lhe following mendimenit to Seablon 69 of the charter: "Thiait no ordinance Shlall go to Its Gijrd reading and final puesiffe Wt thftja-in lneoblng alt which It is Jnitroduced." Tto farred to the charter comnTltitee. A half-dozen hadles entered the court- all chlaimtoar ejt itluls Juncture, chaperoned by Mr. Q. Wtngaite, and thoae council- men who were not aipprtsed of their coming pulled mirrors from their pock ets and adjusted thtelr collars and culW. The tadles rwpresemited the Astor-la Public 'Library, and voided their eewti niewta tlnrough Mrs. 'Na.rrtla ' 'Wh.Ue Kinney .who aluted th&ialiw;we "ft, there In btflialf of the Astoria, Public Ulbrairy Whildh had ireaohed thiU point where It was necessary for tlhat wonthy Institu tion to obDailn aid from the city, or olose entirely, and now ithiad 'the pity cHarter Is about 'to be amendied, that It be rrtaide possible for the city to contrib ute ait least $30 a month to the library's support. Mr. Thomson made a motion tWat the charter toe so aimiended that a sum of not more han $75 a month be sat aisjlde .for the benefit of the library. Car ried. Council m'an Weldh offered on amend- memt thiait tllie water rates collected be turned over to the olty treasurer. Re ferred to the chtur'dar comimllftitee. Mr. Thomson and Mr. Bergman were pilaaod in nomllnalUon for president of the countill. The former gentleman withdrew. Bind Mr. Bergimlan's elejtlon was mtuia unanimous. ReooluUon by Mr. Welch: "That the sea wall act, or some at similar there to, should be enadted or passed at the coming fftlate legisaoture, and that the mayor or preHldtmt be, end Is hereby requaated, to appotmt a comml ttee of this oounoil, and they to chbose (wo ci tizens, nvaklug a committee of five, who Willi prepare and propose to this council some measure of 'the kind referred to, to be recommended to the legislature." Carried. Counollrrtaji SahernwJdau offered the following resolution: "That the char ter fae aimiended so as to contain a pro vision that neKLher the oily nor mem bers of the cfty council shall be held liable for any Injury resulting from, the defective condition of amy street." Re ferred to the dharter cwmlateev A motion by Councilman Welch that the powers of itihe commMtee be ex-1 tended as .to draw up proposed taws and : amendments, was carried. I The council then voted to employ a stenographer for the oimmi;'K?e. I Ldgtits were ordered to be placed on' Commercial and Eighth, and on Four teenth and Jerome. i Af Bar tfhe preslde'rtt had (appointed MlesBrs. Toumg, Weddh and Ttuxnson as a committee on Ore Sfi wall bill, the oounall adjourned unta Friday after noon at 2 o'clock for the purpose of freartng the Bual report of the commit tee. j The Mknrtng report was handed In by , fhe charter amvnnsttee: Astoria, O., Jan. th, 1S95. j To the iflayor and Common Ooundl: j Geritlamen: We, your comml Kee ap pointed to exanrfne the city charter and. to reaonrmsed such ainendments as w consider advfaable, rwpeetfully report; tttit we have examined the same and reoennmend thta amendmetns to the; same be made as follow: j Frst We recommend that paragraph U of BedOcn ZS, and Akxt Sec -Jon 103, 1 be so amended as to aulthvurlze the coon- .il to drtiln any Innd thiat con mlns water itlisut may cause la:id ;o slide. In the judgement of the vnmnll, and to pre-a jiUbe apodal anai'W- nont dltrki:s upon which aBserfaminif Jin be levied to defray the costs of nf. h drainage and to make such osse-sa-wents and to upproprta'te rights of way wer fjjflvblte prfpeirt-y both within such jytrtcits and ouitnlde of the same for wdh pipes and dmalins as may be ne jo.:!! the mode of jnlaMng the as- sossnrents and of condemning rights of way to be similar to the imode of mak ing dldtrtldt street aaseswmente and of opening streets under the charter. Second friilat Paragraph 28 of saAd seatlon ibe amended by correatflon so as bo aiudhlooiizie tire council to prohibit all persons from begging on the streets r In public pltuces, or exhibiting any aripple or deformed person In such .muces. Thttrd-ZThat Piiragtrairiih 33 of (ald lecSJlon be aimondwl bo aa to authorize he council in express languki?e to lst.ue nid dispose of munkilpail bonds with proper Interest coupons nlttfiched. FourthTWat Paragriaph 47 be cor recited by lneeit1ng after tha word "city," In the third line thereof, the part of Bald parae'ilaph comm'endng .vtith ttiie words ""to provide," In the flifllh line from It.h'elUett Kne of said rara grajih, and ndl!ng with the word "fires" In the nest to the last line of jald pairtagitLph. " ! FHlJh Thtut PairagAiiiiih 68 be amjnd ed by Inserting after the word "a. ' In the seevmd line thereof, the words "In the Judgment of (he council." Slx'Uh Th'Ml Section 58 be amended by fltrtklng oirt Ohe words "If money has bsen B-pipnipiteted therefor, and riot otherwise." Sevenlth That Section 74 be ainweded so as to shtw beyond questton that a .special rttiiisat aaseBBmint district may Include tldie-ilMid and water out. to-the hlarhor.Jlne. Mgrrflh Thlat Seotlion 74 be also memd'ed so as to provide ithiat If the pivweeds of Che sale of bonds be applied iipo.i paym'enits fur Street Improvcfnents the ibonds are tiot to be taken Into ac count In carrtpuliing the limit of tndebt edWeras preaori'bed by Seatlon 153. Also that this seJdlon be amended so aa to provide Hait if any Installment due upon a stalest Imiprove merit be not paid wlithln 30 days from the tlma of lta beoomllng due, all unpiald lnstdlments for the- aiinie improvement"-' aS3ied alalinfclt Bhie atune paircel of land shall beoomie due, If the council ap declare by ordinance or resolution. Nln'th I'fili'at an amendimer.t be made to the effect Clit whenever in ttio Judg ment of the council or Its committee on siareelts or 'puiblic ways it is necessary to repair a street or sidewalk In front of any lot or parcel of land and the ex pense of the reptutr will not exceed $25.00 for each 50 feet of f ron'tage of the lot on the- street, or amount In propor- Won to the frooitiag'e at such rate, the auperlnltcndonit of etreats may mlake sujh Improvement at h;e expense o: sujh lot or parcel of land If the ownei thereof fall to make the Same aftei hUvtng reccllved 24 hours' personlal no- Clcie If he be in the oity at the Mrae, or aftar a notice requili'ling such lm-provem-ertt to be mlade has been posted for 72 hours on the lot If he be not In yive city or a resident theneof: and that tihe laffldliiVlit of thle siti-eet superintend ent of his having given such notice, and of Dhe actulal cost of the repair or Im provement may be filed In the office of tha auditor and police Judge, and that from the daitle of the Improvement oi reptillr .there h!all be a lien upon such Idt or parcel. of land for the amount of the coat of the repair, with an added penalty of 25 per cent of tne amount of cout of the reiialr for the delinquency of tha propetlty owner; and further, that fium. tlmie to time the council are to equalize such aiasafamenits of chkrgve n lots laPter publ'Uiaililon of notice that objeat'ions to the same wan toe heard as in the case of the equalization of jther afisesamtents. TeiihJli Wr irecomimonid the amend ment of Secftllon 76, allowing the jnten ulon of the council 'to make an Improve ment or repair of a street and the dealgtoll'km of the special assessment dlntrtct end the instructions to the audttor and police Judg'e to give notice by publldalrlon of euuh m.'enulon and dlatricrt, to be dtedJared and given by resolution as well as ordilrtance. Also that the section be amended so as tc allow a alHitenrerit of fhe improvement or repair in genoKal terms. Also an atrwrndmient o !at no plats, or dia grams, or estimates will be required until after the time for remonstrance hKs expired, and no plat or diagram of the locullty or district to be Improved be required at ail. We also favor an amendment tt the effect that the pub Bca'tlon of the Intention of the council to ir.hke en improvement -or repair will be publiWhied ten dlays, but will re quire the filing of a remonstrance by the rime of the next regular meeting of the council after the completion of the pubilcn'j'.on. And we further favoi am am-?ndiTM-nt to the effect tliat If t remon.''Jrlarice aguinm the repair or Im provement of a street Is filed by the resident owners of more than half the pwpty In the dS-frV the Improve mont or nihlr cannot be made except by a vote of two-thirds of the membtri of the council. We, of course, favot siki an anrendment as Is neceiwery to SMalghten out the ornltf-nts of Hectlon vh'h wera out of order when he cW3rter was enacted. EteventsA-We raoomnKnd an amend ment that will allow a grade to be re- MtabHe&ed or chlanged by a vote of two-thirds of all the members of the coundll, with the exception thht when a street or portion thereof hias tot-en fully Improved no cWajige of grade be made exviept upon petition of the ownirra of three-fourohs of the adjedninj property Twelfth We recommend a provision In the charter .to the effect that no sale of property for a street or other assessment, whdaier void or not, can be t awde by isult wlohou't paying th purrfilaser the amount of his bid with Interest .thereon, at the legal rate. ThCrteenlih We recommend an amend ment to the effect that the members of fhe waiter comimlsalon Shall hold of flee for a term of fchrea years thlat the office shall be elective, and that two members of the commission shall b elected at each election, except that three membere be elected at each, third eillecltlon, and thiait Uhe present encum bents dltttermlne by lot the order In which their terms of office will expire. We also recommend .that It he provided Dlifait all meetings of the commission be public Fourteenth We report favorably the proposed bill conferring authority upon the council to construct a bridge over Young's Bciy, which Is submlaiod here with. Flfteenith We report wlthlout recom mendlution a prjportltkm requiiring all plaits of property wl't'hiln the olty limits hereinafter made to be sutomMted to t)he council for approval -before the daime are awarded, and malting a vio lation of the provWlon a cause for line or Imprisonment In the county Jail. The following was offered by Coun dllmhn Thomson: The City of Astoria Is hereby author ized amd empowered to provide, pur JhJaae, aeiise, build, oonstmcit, maintain, .ond'uett, conitavl, and mlanlage, a Bult- ciible and comimoillouis bridge over and across Young's Hay, at sudh place be tween a line drtaiwn, ooa3h and south tihiroug'h the center of Section 23, In Townisltlp 8, north of Hange 10 west, of the Willamette Mejiidlivn, and ex tended noitaherly aiorons said bay, and line draiwn noith and south along th east line of SecUlon 17, In Township 8 North of Range 9 west of the Willam ette Meridian, and expending souitherly across saitd Young's Bay, by the common council of said city may be deemed most suitable and convenient: slald bnldge to 'be managed and oonkiuatied as a toll or free bridge at the discretion of the said com mon council and may be - contftruet- ed for Che use and comvenftence of flail Ways amd street iriallways a well as far all ohissea of vehicles amd general traffic provided, that all raillWays and atreet rallwiiys attain be required to pay a toll or Other compensation for the use of the same; and to that end tlaild city miaiy acquire toy cons'tTuotlon, puMhiaae or otherwise, amd own and possaas any bridge, trestle, and brtda rlifhltyand fixmohlse, and any real t taite, rililta of wtay, end personal p.-Ji'- erty. wiltliln Che limits hereinbefore nisntitoned as iu the Judgment of the common council mlay beooma necosaa.ry and for euth purposes mlay also -lasiue bonds not exceeding Jn the aggragatte itihe sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollains and dispose of the sarnie as lKji'oln provided. Provided the place or location of sudh brldgo and the plans thereof, Shfall be submitted to and ap proved by the secreoairy of war, except In oase tha city acquires a looatlon and plans or either location or plana whioh hav been already submlftted to end ap proved by sudh Beere'tJary. The .power and authooHty g'lven to j.ild alty by the foregoing section shall be exarcilsed by the common oounoil Mvereof, who ehall Make and prejortbe a.11 rules and regulations for carrying out the same, and tlx all tolls, charge und compenaXlons to he paid the city for the use of the said bridge, and who a,re hereby fully authorized and em powered to do all and every thing ne- oeatlary or requlalte to carry out the provisions thereof. For the purpose of carrying Inlto eff ect the provisions of the two preceding sec tions the said olty Is hereby authorized and empowered to kwue amd (Uspose of ihe bonds of said olty, of the denomina tion of from $100.00 to 1,000.00, as the purchaser may desire, with interest cwunons allSaiched thereto, the par value cf Which shall not exceed the sum ot 100,000.00. Said bonds to be Issued as iand known as Bridge Bonds, and are not to be considered as a part of the imkiltednews for which a .limit has bean placed In Section 152 of this OhUmer-, . . nd the said olty by said bonds hhall be held and oonsldored, in substance and effeut, to undMrttake and promise, In consideration of the premlsts, to pay co line beutvr of eah of said bond, at the exiraitlon of ixK less than fclilrty. or more than fifty years from the fiate thereof, Ulie sum named therein, togeth er with Interest thereon at the rate of not exceeding six per centum per an num, payable half yeturly as provldvd by said coupons; with full power of renewal or Ismiance of stindlir bond cf like amount 1n paymertt thereof at the exph-aitlon of the time fixed for the maturity of the said bonds. The council shUll cause a quarterly statement in dettull of its receipts and tJkllmiW'jmvnrs in the matfer of the said hf. miix'Me and aijuar from Us other fiscal maHters, to be nrade, signed. nd certified to by the cliiatrman of the commltte havfng the matter In charge and the auditor and police Judge, which shall be filed with said auditor and po nce Judge, who shall preserve the same among the fires of Ms office, amd shall muss the same to bt published In at least one daily pawr of the oily. (Continued on Fourth Fag.) ON THE EVE OF BATTLE Breezy Notes Picked Up at Oregon's Capital. WHAT WILL THE SESSION BE? Probable Organization A Few Points About the Senatorial , Fight Other Notes. (Orcgonian.) Salom, Jan. 8. Salvun is unueuHlly quiet for a time only five days arway from the legislative session. The usual Inroad of new members looking up stop- mirir nlaces. makliw the acquaintance , " of the staite iiouee, and Od.ueUHlp.g among themselves over tlholr pet measures, Is nOtlloeuMy lacking. Nobwly se.-tms to have a 1111 ready, und there are many mare members In Portland than here. The dlwellem In the oa.ptUU city are not, however, at all perturbed by this airmairenftlv barren outlook. To them It Is only the calm before an unusually vehoment storm of boai-dters and lodg-ei-s, generous-mliwied lobbylats, scdal f-unOSIorus wBtihovft niimTjer, and, dohrest of all, the less eenratlonfll but more substantial . eeet'lons of appropriation Mils which aarry their perpetual bene dWt'lon during the two yeiaia of Interreg num. Cruel dlaaipo!nltmont Is In store for nine one. For while the campaign and eleotlon Jusit'lfy an expectation that aoonomy Is to be the Watchword of the session, there ts a prevailing lmiprjaskvi here that economy is well enough In its way oa a campaign cry, but once here "In tTne swim," the legislators will cut loose In some sort of reckless fashion and vote, eaidh for the other's raid on the treaaniry, In tlie form of smttlonal apptvjprtla't'lons, or the peiipgtua'tlon of oommliwlons now (n office or tha crea tion of tiew ones. There is a hu mutat ing1 prevalence of opinion that much money will be eint dumlng tho e). oion, from the' Wlfatmi'aJ flfjh t down through all tlhe varied proJ'ta of lob byists. But talk of this kind is always In the air, andto pronvdters are likely to be the disuippdln'ted ones. Tho busi ness interests of .the state are not those whildh do the most talking, and It 1 well known thalt they have had a gneM deal to do with the election of the legis lature. It can be stated, authentically, that the nepublictain leaders recognize jhe force of itfie MltuuUon; which is, thuft the party's burden or o-eyponibliny and its opportunities alike lie along the lint fi rediucttun of the publlo exiienses. The prunlng-knlfe will be tfiarpcned up fvjir every deptartmenit of the state ad- mlnllMtratllon. Yet at no point will this pirograim escape oppcwltton of an artlve ind organized kind. No offloe will be ibolltftied without having to overcome a trong efPort tj aVtlaln It. The taak jf retrenchment will be a thankless and arduous one; yift ita necessity is none the loss Bipp.ire.nt, and the party idVvau'tnge of Ita smx-eaHfirl achievement Li as jjroCTVitfing s failure -"would be pregnant w!it)h Jioredrt and disaster. The RepulbUcan prty In Oregon may iOW oomimKnid Htsidf to the business In terests of the aaite tiy Ughtenlng theli burdens, or it may fall to do this and Iniour the merited odiumi of the tax payers. Tills will have to be made olear to the rank and file of the party ind It rwmvs cettaln that tho leaders we strong enoiuih to ftrce Its rocognl- ion and b;-!ng about the desired result As to the organization of the UrlMla. lure, almost evo"0hlng Bpears to be a f.rregvme omt'lui-lion. N'liUody Mm yet hiKl thie tomerlty to offer Wmflelf 'or f (resident of tlhe senate In ojupoMlulon jo the acknowledged iJ.ipnr man for th place, Joseph Simon. It was a wise holc tlutt flmt mentioned him Air thr itennte eairty last sr1ng, for a strong md CJipable perwonality fwas never more ieedl for detcmrirted and ftarlc voik. The R'ii1l!c5'n cutietis, wtslcti jomprli5S 19 out of SO senators, will d jlda upon him early Monday morning It will also hgree iiwn chief dark, and -Ms will likely 1m Walter BJmMalr, o v'oos county, formerly a memlMV of th state senate, and a man of many frtendn, esie;1ally aanong the senators C. B. CnKio, of '.Lincoln county, ha Jlie strimguMt following f.r sergeant-at-arnm. He sat In the lat smate, rep rieiVt1ng Ilentoi oiinty, then Jncluaive of Lincoln. J. B. Huntington, the rllver tonguibd orator fnn Harney VitJley. and "Prc4f" M. Worthlns'ton, of Uma tilla, are out for the rfUd.ng olerki.'Mp. The S3 Kerjubllcan nvemlMii-s of tlis Highest of all in Leavening rowcr.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report K f' Sf vwU house wlil have more- of n. hi t decide on the prsvidiiitf otli.- -r .f V bmly. Ti candlda'.vs f r th- ' : .hlp aire ChVirlf I!. M-iori .i. cf i.t oounty; J. A. WHK'ht, of l:i'"; C. A. SoUi-Nwde, of B.-biirif. Un n served With afcitlnu'lon ns (1v.ti. r &iwdy' inivAto rt'L . '-y. ". '; , '. made a gxl record s civ.i ii ni'iii t !; ways and means coirfmllti-e In the l-i '. bouse. He was candidate for the eirehlp two years ago. but vs .h ii : it la undtTHtood, In favor of Keauy. Solilbrede is a very popular limn in tin southern pi-at of the Stafc'. Tlio Hi .-.iiv- eitshlp contest po8eud the merit uf being fi-4-einlly and rllirnifU'"!. O. 1'. Miller ia making a strona- cunvas f.r ihe ttliief deirkslilp of Uhe lunife. JL; haa served In similar caiajilfi bufurn, and a nioi'9 aocomiinodUt'lng man iH'Vt'r lived. 8. A, Durlitum, of WnKhlimton county, tappeara to have the InsMe tr:u-k for the poaltiim of serges nt-ot-nrms of the house. He 1s a brother of Hank. R. L. Durham and Uaiwyor C.-oi.i it. Durham, of Portltud, and at-hOfv.'il fame aa the author of the Durham l -i!- Kt ot, wlilch. Vvaa dP-ly tniinfonm-l Into smithereens by a girbtt-niutoiria,! a ?t. ft Is und'sitixd t'W.it Olcn O. Jf.ilm'i-i would not den-llne the post of reading clerk for. the house. Glen 1s u Mat- man of retiring dlHixwition, and tin attorney-at-law of uniiuestJoneJ powers of voice. A Joint caucus for the .United St nies senate nomination seems to be on Un carts. The impression that FuIUin'B friends would resist it is now freely dis credited. It Is clear that the oppuKi: km to Dolph Is Fulton. Everybody knows Chiat Judge Lord's name him never beeix munitioned In conneMtlon v, fih the otlK-e In Slncwllty, never mentioned excel for mteelli'lef-imaklng. Every body know? that Tongue has an understanding with Fulton. Of course, this meana thsut lb" oivpoaMon 'to Dolih will concentrat- on Fulton. All tlaiik about a compromise Oand'iilate is miisliia'dUng. T)ie Is no aompiiOTilse to be mule. Anyone t".'l:o Will not vote for Djlih can go to Ful ton. No one inimical to Do-i; !i can fie flor anything more than Fuii.m. S !ii"n a) man says: "It mlay be litis or that or the obiter man, but it will nt be Dolph," he simply mefcuis Fulton. Ti e opposition to DoIiwa in not an a!mfl, fiitlherless 1mpensotv.il somnrtlulni; Kprung from 'nothing. It Is active, iii':-i;il, nrgamisiml,. aswrestflw. TWat 1i. it i.i Fulton. ' Fulton's friends claim 41 votes in the caucus, 37 being jifvecai y to n oho'lee. . The friends of Beinutor Dolph do not" concede more than 2ft vuuiv. The senatorial caucus w-lll get togMther about Thursday niglilt.- The Untied' Stoles stnl;itir, it la jiro. Vlded by the etnKutes, Is to be eler.ied tiha seeiond Tussdity after oa".m!xs J...U Is , effatiusd. If the orgynizaUo.-i if if faoltcd Che first, day, the vote will a--ooivllngly be taken on the i!.M n--i. if the speakership contest sliould put over tlho orga.nl JJ.ilt.lim of the houe, the dclny Would set the eenoitorlal election on tho 29!ih. On that day an election 1s h.-ld in each house seriaa'a'tely. If an election is had in each house, then the twn Houses meet In Joint seivlon, tUnvfm bh vote and declare the result. If im oloJtlon Is not the result of the Biiira'ie balliiiUTig itihe first day, the Julnt p-won ennclmies, for the purpose of btiaUnitlmt, urttll an election Is had. An, Imiportanit branch of leptKlaiinn Will be the piWposed sulMsMtutlon of i.l antes for fees In the tate o1tk'e. No dou1)t a number of settomes will lie of fered In this dlreUtlon, some of which Will require ameiwlments of the cont lt tutton. One at Hast la Jn prnprws cf preparation wlilrth may be outlined e.n folloivs: The govermir t reoilve J.'OeO a year; the secretary of slate $tiuft; tha Judges of the siipnnm) court Itii'W; the treawirer J4000; tiha suite jvi-in'ei 4000. Also all fees now paid to tl.f amirtary cf state U bo jnuld to the state treasurer and nitwlo Into a salary fund, out of which salaries to be paid, the deflnfamiy, If any, to be Batten from the general fund. Tlnine 'Wi'no claim t-i know mi!'.!nta1n than the fees received by thn seanelllary of suite and !aif treaiirer fur same years pat -uceld be sufficient to pay all the tnt sal aries during tKat time. The R:!;ieJ'"i, of counse, tt ta conternyJaited, wvmlJ I fixed, and no additlilonal wmiii':l would be pewnlt'ted. Tluls Ihe v,ver!ti.r now receives a nominal salary of tiw year. But for other duties the 1 . :. Mtura Mis voted added ni i'i. -at .n 0 tht It Is figured that ftivnnmr I'en- noyer Was Tecolveil about )'!7'0 a yoar. Tha seiftftary of state lias bc-n rv- jelvlng fees and co7ni-iiKii:.lvn hiuh it Is claimed amount to over t:l,im a ywtr; wd no3ody has l.a-1 any niin nf knowing whiit the iftaite tiv-amir-r h.ii received. All1-d with the tJ.-t i.-i (;. ixf tnwk1nr dtxifUirle-M of p.i.-.v oti.i county fund.-), as . prNtiii!1n : , ue i i lamtils, ftUhmigh It m.iy be nn-1 nti!l- be srid to the credit tr( ir. sr , e. etilK, that no sueh Hcatni.il has c :;.-. -i i:, oWrtlu tln With their o!"..M. ,