TEE DAILY ASTOEIAN, ASTOttIA, THURSDAY EORNDiO, JAMUARY 3, IS WW. IN Fill AM railway. On arriving a't the place where the men were at work I was Introduced to the superintendent, Herr Llrwell, and on 'bearing that I was an Amerl- aam from Vhe girealt ttlalte of Oregon. he Informed me it!hat he had also been In Oregon, even In Astori'a. This was indeed a pleasant surprise, for It was. and ihe Is the only person I have met who has been so near home. Through this gentleman's kindness I was allowed to form one of a large party of ladles and gerttleman who were lnvl'ted to make a trial itrlp on this new railroad and a merry evening was spent at the last station, Alna Ryd. The hospitality and willingness of the Swedish people to show strangers everything of interest Is a fact known over the whole of Europe. Runeby Springs was jny next stop ping place; Hhey lie 38 kilometers from Barlskrona and are reached by rail During the summer months something Ktoe 2,000 piftients come here to drink the water, which contains Iron, and to baShe in the mud ta'Jhs. They live in pratty cottages, aind If scenery can cure Bickness, It seemed to me that tihey ought to get well In a remarkably short time. Bafore thtam Is the Kormeby river, land In the Mgh mountains up among (these lies an enchanting lake called Farry Sea, Below Rormeby Springs a 6liort distance Ilea the town of Rorme by. It has only 1800 Inhabitants, but was once upon a time a large Danish city at the time tine Danes held Ble kinge. There are a great many Danish relics still to toe seen. Its narrow wind ing streets have something quaint a well as picturesque about them. Rormdby river tumbles over an lm mvense precipice and forms a rainy cat. latra'dt, but Its beauty Is spoiled by the factories which have helped themselves to Its power to work their machinery. A short run was made up the river In a li title steam launch to an Island called Karon; here I .wandered to my heart's content, climbing upon high Mils to 'have a look out over the Baltic, and InWallng as much salt air as possible. Karon is a favorite bathing place for the Rormeby people, and I envied thost whom I euiw going to taike a dip In the blue sea, but one can not do everything; all pleasant days mut come to an end, and evening found me on the train on my way to another new place, ewerj wandering like lan unruly spirit. The country through which I passed was only a continuation of all the beau tiful places I bad seen before, and In a short time I was In Karlstan, another eeaport town of 6,400 inhaibitian'ta. As my stay w.".s to be short I decided to see the city and its surroundings as quickly as possible, and this I accom plished by going up into an observatory called Believer. This view was taken early In the momiing while everything was fresh and pretty, and I was am ply repaid for climbing up so many flights of staiira. The sight of Assarum Valley made me hurry down In order to get into this beautiful region as soon as poss-'Dble. All was still and peaiocfful, so that it seemed a stvaime that on iron horse should come snort ing itflirough and stir the tranquility of he scene. But I was thankful tlhat lie carrieVl me througb all these charm ing places. Through, his generosity J was allowed to oaltch a glimpse of the River Muraim, which was indeed a smiling toby, kissed by shadows of ihe gruoc-ful birches that lined Its binks then as a merry schoolboy, tumbling and tearing over the stones that had been placed as hindrances in its path tout with boylsb strength It simply leaped over thenn, and ever changeful, T aw It runnine d-ad and dark. The shadows of the firs have darkened itf brow like the care of 'manbood, and now I see It no more, but Instead, the Vilskwida, a station where I was to Change trates for LJungby, where I was to visit another eight days. I was now In Snwland las&in, and thl3 little town was not unlike alber small towns in Smoland, being surround'jd by forests of fir and pine iwbiich abound In deer, White, pheasant and grouse. One morning I got up at 6 o'clock to r,?e tlhe crown prince, who came by a special train with a number of gentle men to' hunt. He looked very sleepy oifter his journey, dthierwise, strange to toy. Just like other people. He had a sort of aristocratic bearing, nnd had graat length but a lack of breadth. Th king had been here the week before, and Prince Karl was to come the next day, but I did not get the opportunity of seeing either of them. ASter the prince had eaten breakfast ait the botel where foe was to stay, ha caime out clad In a splemdld hunting costume, got Into a carriage and drove off amid the hurrahs and well wishes for a successful hunt, all of which h responded to by simply taking off bis bat several times. My visit to Ljungby had now come to an end, and agoIn I must wander this time to Hesse'.ebolm, thence to Tyrlnge, a regular country place for having a good time. Here one could hunt, fish, go berrying, and nutting, do every thing, In fadt, that IbeJongs to outdoor life. Oh, What fun I had picking hazel nuts, and in such quantities were they! One day, in my attempt to cross a brook in order to reach an especially Inviting buah I slipped, and alas, got a regular ducking, as the boys say. That did not prevent me from fishing myself out, and with twice as much determination to try again, and this ilme fortune favored me. It would take too muoh space If enould tell about all the fun I had In Ihla little town, tout will. Instead, pro- oeed to the city of KeUsingbory, one ot j the pretties; ctuas In Skone. In Its har- bor one may se-? ships frjm all parts of the world; but what Interested me most was a very high tower which looked as though It migit be an old ruin, and upon inquiring I was Informed that It jiad been an old Danish fortress at the tiu wfrsn th Panes beid the southern ,.r G.u.-cvi -a. The narrow wtnainc ki n .nH m,ii taeps w.mu - .... one feel faint ana a.zzy oeiare ine, summit reached. During one oAernooa I went over Ariur.d hi a ferry boat to Helsingor. This Bea In Denmark and has many Vlaujrtai points of Interest. mo&c .... ... v THE BEST jr.- .-"i -' - It is sold on uirantee br all dme- r&ts. It cures Incipient Connumptioa and. is the best Cough an d Croup Cur. . For Sale by J. W. Conn. Which ane H&rrflefs grave and castle. The farmer was simply a mount of stones. In the center of which was a granite slab wJKJi the words "Hamlet's ( Grave." His castle Is entirely desert- ed; there Is not a piece of furniture left In it, amd only the long mirrors reach ing from celling to floor, with some paintings, .remain jto tell of former splendor. Ghosts seem to creep out ot every corner, and cold shivers crept over me as I peeped Into dark closets and passed through dimily lighter cor ridors. A short distance from the castle Is Aphsfllaa Well. Danish cities resemble those of Swe den, and I could hardly have known that I was in another kingdom, had 1 not heard Ithie Danish tanguage spoken on every side. The Danes are very obliging people, always willing to an sawer any question one may ask them, ainfi give a minute direction as to which way we shall go, . so that it Is not difficult to find the place for which vou are seeking. Never have I heard a Dane give a short answer to a query, and the peculiar affectionate way they have of speaking to a stranger leaves a strong impression upon one. My second day in Helslngborg was spent in seeing its parks and looking In at the shop windows, tor they have some fine fJtorea theine. In fact, it Is call ed little Paris, but how well tt deserved this name Is more than I can say. The ninth of September saw me on my way acrailn to Lund, which. Is a town of about 11,000 Inihulbltainlbs, the oldest town In the province of Skone, and largely supported by the students "who come from all over the country, as the uni versities here are considered the best In Sweden. This is the place where I hav-3 made my stumping ground for the oast twenty months, and 'the 1st of April next I take my deave for the grant city of Delpsic, where I hope to finlsAi my education In music, after Whlob I Shall como back to my native town of Astoria, that is, and always will be, dear to me. CLARA WILHELMINA YOUNG. CURB FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy for all kinds of headache Eleatrlo Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure, and the most draaded sick headaches yield to Its Influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases of haibltual constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep less, Excitable, Melancholy, or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Elecltric Bitters Is the Medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by Its use. Large bottles only fifty cents, at Chas. Rogers' drug store, Odd Fellows' build ing. TH3 DISCOVERY SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. G. Callloueitte, Druggist, Beavers vllle, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians for miles around, but of no avail, and was glv. a up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery In my store I sent for a bot tle, and began to use it, and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about, again. It is worth Us weight In gold. We won't keep store or house without it" Get a trial bottle free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store, Odd Fellows' build ing. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Kever Sores,. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. "Now good digestion waits on appe tle. And beail'th on both." says the great Shakespeare, but he did not have in mind a coated tongue or torpid liver, wltih all the symptoms of biliousness, so common In this country. All this, and mare, can be cured by Dr. Plerss's Golden Medical Discovery, a purely vegetable compound, which re stores the laotlon of the tlver, gives tone to the flagging energies of the dys peptic's stomach, and thus enables "good digestion to wait on appetite, and health on both." By druggists. Asthma and Hay Fever cured, by a newly discovered treatment. Address for p.imphle. World's Dispensary Med ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. "Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shilor"s Vitallzer '8AVTD MY LIFE.' I consider It the best rem edy for a debilitated pysttm I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid ney trouble, It excells. Pilve 75 rls. For Sale by J. W. Conn. INDORSED BY THE PRESS. Gentlemen: This Is to certify that I have used Krause's Headache Capsules with satisfactory results. I Oougt.t a box which cost me -c. nnd one capsvle cured me of a dreadful sick h?.idache. My wife and myself have both used the medicines manufactured by the Norman Llchty Mf g Co., an3 we re commend them to the public as being JJust what they are represented. Respectfully, W. J. HUTCHISON. Ed. Gazette, Pleasant Hill. Wo. Twenty-five cents, for sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agents. All the palent minJlsines advertised In this paper, together with the cholc- Mit Derfumery. sna lonei arucies. eic, r hmieht at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn' drug store, opposite Oo rfrient Hotel. A- toria. SHILOH'S CURB Is sold on a grar. it rures Indolent conromptlon. - - - Cm)gh one cent a dose. 25 cents. oO cts and 1.00. For Sale by J. W. Conn. . . Or. Price' Cream Caking Powder AmW GoU MW W f". fno - trv EVERY CITIZEN OF ASTORIA Should road the article by A. A. Schenck published in the extra New Year's edition of the ASTORIAN. Tf?e liitemrg Stgle Of the article i3 as charming and in teresting as a novel and it is the mos-t convincing argument ever put forth for Astoria's future greatness. It is a Scientific Demonstration Of Astoria's superlative location, and ab solutely proves that the construction of the railroad will assure a large and sub stantial growth for the city. No Better Advertisement Of As'oria and the preat Northwest can be devised or procured than the circula tion of the Sehenck trticle. Besides This Leading Article The extra edition contains a large amount of other good matter indicative of Astoria's destined commercial importance and the era of growth and prosperity about to set in. The Way to Get the Benefit Of this great advertisement is for every man and woman in the city to eend one one or more copies of the extra paper to each non-resident kinsman and friend. Copies Wrapped Ready for failing Can be had at the counting room coun ter for five cents each, and if desired they will be mailed along with the regu lar editions of the paper without expense of postage to the sender. FREEMAN & BREMNER, Blacksmith. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CflfldP 010RK fl SPECIALTY. 197 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth. Astoria. Or. Dalgity Iron Works, General Machinist and Boiler Works. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat and Engine Work or any Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafayette St., Astoria, Or. ASTORIA IRON WORKS . Concomly St, fool ol Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work. Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Mad to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. I Fox Vice President O. B. Prael Secretary St. George's Rheumatic Bitters, A Remedy specialy manufactured to aid those afflicted with RHEUMATISM. It gives tone to the stomach and purifies the blood better than any other bitters known. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. For said by all leading druggists or Address "G. R." P. O. Box 663, Astoria, Or. 0GGIDEJ1T HOTEL Is the Best of Its Claw On the Pacific Coast. THB Htf TjflEXCELiLiED TflBLiE. Rates. Si dally and upwards. Kopp'a Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clga'S. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over the bar, The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, sc. Free Lunch. Erickson & Wirkkala, Proprietor Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sts. Hunter Epicures say the best Pork bausage combines the fl.ivnr nf nf le.m nip Hergen's pork with the flaky fat and the fines herbs. We furnish the table with this kind of sausage that pleases the veriest epicure. Portland Butchering Co's M arks Corner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth streets J. A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE AND WHARF BUILDER. Address, box 180, Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed.lProvlslons, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass aud Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore. FISHER BROS., SHIP - CHANDLERS, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. WaffotiB & Vehicles in Stock Farm Machinery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers' Supplies, Falrbsnk's Scales, Doors and Windows. Proviotonis, Flour, and Mill Pd Astoria, Oregon. These tiny Ctpsulcg are superior to llttteam ot Uopalba, Cubcbs and Injtsctlons, fJfJDYj They cure In 40 hours the same diseases without anylncoo- Tonlcnce. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS' T1E ASTOlp SflVlf.CS Bflfty iMe na tnmtpA for Anrnnra.tlnna1 Sind Individuals. Deposits solicited. intorHt will ha Allowed on navlnn deposits) at the rate ot 4 per sent per annum. J. g. A. BOWLiBT President REN J. YOUNG Vice President FRANK PATTON Cashier W, E. DEMENT Secretary DIRECTORS. 3. O. A. Bowlby. C. It Page, O. A. Nelson, BenJ. Young, A. 8. Reed, D. P. Thompson, W. B. Dement Japanese Bazaar 8INQ LUNO. Prop. of some of those new goods that we have Just received for fall trade, and that we're selling so remarkably cneap: iney r me best bargains we ever got In Astoria. They are captivating In quality and style and will make a record as purse openers. .vr..w 417 uona Bireei, w uwt w ' -Fruit Store. SEASIDE SAYJFIM. ni.t. arnrk of lumber on band In the rough or drewd. Flooring, rus tic, celling, kOa ail mna ui mini,, mouldlntrs and shingles; also bracket wnrk don to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly tttenKHl to. vmce ana yro at milL H. I DOG AN, Propr. Seaside, Oregon. . toss NO BREAKFAST Is complete without a good piece of choice meat. One can be Deceived In a piece of meat at the mpat deal ers, and discover when it In too lnie tlrat what appeared to hn good is noth ing of the kind. Ouard DKiiiiHt such mistakes by coming here. Wa alwuy have the best. WASWNUTON MI: AT nARKDT. CKRISTEN6EN & CO.. Prop'. A LOCK Is something you vvaiit, i! not today, you will want Is sometime. We keep carpen ter's tools too, and if this weather will only pull itself frtYoflifr inn vt'int nl.nUi ir jv-u ... ......... of Hardware of which we nv c a pienty only waiting your call. J. U. WYATT, HAHDWAUE DEALER A e You Goiii East? Be sure and see that your ticket reads via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This la the GREAT SHOUT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: 'ALWAYS ON TIME." Have given this road a national reputa. tlon. All classes ot passengers curried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous Hue. All agents have ticKeta. W. H. MEAD, P. C. SAVAGI3, Qen. Agent. Trav. F. and P. Agt 248 Washington Bt, Portland, Or. ii Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICa'S Greatest Trans "Continenta 'Railway Byetcme FflOlW OCEAN TO OCEflfl IN Palace Dining IJoom and Sleeping Cars Lmarloas Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Vleois of the Yfonderfal fountain Country. $5.C0 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. T iurlst cart the best on wheels. Equipments of th very finest throughout. ALHO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL KAIL STE AKEHIP LIN To China n4 iasa, Empress of Japan, November 12th. Km press of China, December 10th. Tor ticket rates and Information, cal n or adaress, JAR riNLATSON, Airt, Astoria, Or A. B. Calder, Traveling Pan. Aift.. Taeoma, Wanh- Geo. licit. Brown, Dst. Pamt. Ai-u, Ml V Canad Give-. CI loie i , , , . Via Spokane and St. Paul. Via mi'! Omalm w 11 '.- Pullman and Tourist f! . Free Reclining Chelr C?rs, Astoria to San l-t: OCKAN STKAMKUS Columbia, ar..ol.iy, . "i!" riiute, Hitl n r-.i.! v, I r I ColUliilita, Tlmisil ly, I'-- in1 SiHtu, 'fueil:iy, U.-.T)in..r ColttmMii, ShiiiI-iv, J .-..;, i State, i'rldiiy, Janiiiiiy 4. Astoria and Portia SUzn Hereafter the O. U. nu.i :.. will run us ruil.twH, i,t-t-i!ii A -i. i.i Portland. The TUih..ii v. i'l -torla at 6:15 . m. ,,r,y , , i i s.,i,i,,v. and Portlnnd di-lly in. S p. m. ,.,--;.t hundny. 'j ho T. J. J' U-i- v :'! 1 Astoria at 1 p. nt. d.ii'v, .in I i't.rtiun.l at 7 a, m. dully exivj-t -.ni,i,i-. For rates and genera! IjsruniiuiJjfl call on or adtlreHs u. w. i.ouNiT:!-ar, Agt'lit, Aiilutl.-l, ui. W. II. ITUHLBUIIT, Gen. i'ua. Aid., Poi'l! .in. I. Or. mm SOUTHERN PACIFIC. quick xirviiv -TO - ALL P0IJ1TS 1:4 C 'C Via U Mt. Sl.asij A :. Tha Only touta Thro -h C-..V nia to Points Ec.t cr'i :c..- THE SCENIC HOUTi: C THE PACIFIC COAT PULLMN curruT si r Attached to ..i.-- (( superior eccomiii.jc:! does panwngera. For rat-s, tl b . . vallune, etc., V. (. . i IIOU ::::". A : - .--. l-r and i - ; ' t i f-lii!