Tf: i THE DAILY ASTOUIAN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY JIOltiXlNG, JANUARY J, 1895 - t'P SUIISCRIPTiON. DAILY. I fcy carrier, pepr weelc, 15 oU ! per month W Ct ' ', ;- r year... f.U WEEKLY. H l.v mall rf-r year, 12.00 In alvance, x-uwumu ires to subscribers. i , As-'oiUui guarantees to Its eul- t ii ix the inrefwt circulation ot i ' -i Hpcr puiiiinlied on the Column!;, a l rrflrfns? rates cnn be obtained on ej.pjitatifin to the business manager. i his pnper If In possession of all the ,- -i ipli franrnlws, ana uw wt r on the Columbia river that jul ; !,.. genuine dispatches. 'rim Weekly Astorian, the third old tv in the state of Oregon, bao, ,xt to the Portland Oregonian, the iai Ki at weekly circulation In the state. Handler & Iras are our Portland ents and copies of the Astorian can te imd every morning at their stand on first street. THE- BUSINESS OUTLOOK FOB '95. With the dawning of tbe new year there Is much to the feeling ih...t before lis close t'he disaster and ruin o the past three years may t Urgely retrieved. The only real cloud of any consequent now In the business horizon is the fear of par-titan or sec tional legislation on the currency ques tion, and tbcre Is good reason to be Hove this apprehension Is without sub- ebintl.d foundation. There was a feeling that as Cleveland 1,aii committed himself to the Carlisle Inflation :li.iie to denationalize the'.-'.-ney, and is conga ess was pre hum - ) to be Dtwioeruitlc, there might i,f. in:-, hjcf done; but their confusion ,,v,,r mon.-y matters is even worse than ir cu-ii'f muddle. There la not .--.), . i i i , t iv of danger now, and congrese in i;, !il :i well wutste Its time ovei .,- : ii-lisio bill or the substltutei f m on !i n j-.tlxlnfr else. The if .r'.r law and the banking law will ;.;.,,) :n iiiy now until Republican a i ) CKiiji-Moly restored. In the . w.vhile there Is to be a period of ii.,ti..iriii legislation. There will in,t and c.iim-ot be for three yeart to ,-mt a Detnoowutlo or RejwWtear j,.,i-iir.' nuule a la.w on account of lt Vi ''"' 1 11 1 '!'lp wtor. All l.i needed Ito make busl ii.h t-.o in a f,', fins "f confidence, nnd If i.u-M, in .-a v. Ill only take a cheerful view, t.iiii will com. Whether they be Have hi tin- p ill. i.'ft of one jKiirty or iht ,,Uvr, th.-y ir iy rest assutvd that no !. n ,n ciii ., .lout! for at least the per ,.r i..,t may he termed a three c:r. Iru.v. ahead. Th f(;ii!)ii-.n i.'oiie, who were mls by li.i. imniH fatuua of free trade I..... ,!,. 1 l!.f with fn raw nia I, ; ,; i v..- mm ciirtUTO the foreign ip-.iIi. t. i.,v .liiimvereil that the home ... i i r.i-:. I. the pi K'.e of cotton. Tha.t li !,, : iy, i.ii! ,.: -;- protect borne ln i .-, ..I ti. ,-.!. i li. me manufactured id 1m 1 ) a 'iimioivuh Induslrlal ii. nn v.1 win ht no nmrkct of i . t r ituyihitijf we nviy pro Ma !m 'lirl -.!. The fallacy of i.v. ii.iVHal fallacy li best I' lllfil TVs M .1 l i. iuii to this staple, mal.'ri'.il, If anything i.". niliv!' nonu'iu'lature :1 ! I' tin "li.l v.. '. . .!, f..r bed"!- wM)l be-ii- i'..i- It must paes -more exp.naive pro r I a. ui i-o'.tim requires. I (i..!n-.irit s of this coun it-r !-' will with a :i; :n ttt fMn IndnMrte h . !('.n free. Further . .f lu-! mil. hi, KnglUh, 1 !': n f.t-Vi.'arinw have l:.:y li. ir I'.-.l-m In this :-'i!jni-,.Mit a-:-ow the : ih. ir in.mufAC - -I liml- i 11 tin Aiiim-1- : in c . i -y d. ii rtiin-nl I .'I'-UUiti-.l the : i 11.-- of pro ii ' ' T:i. ti'.i'iple reason i i. . i,i.; h i ii-.-itH-r abrviad ' '. ! d. not 11 (jure In v. i t; i... i 1 .hi cUHIe cur :.i -1 end iit ti .iii! cur-l-tiikir Im. I I - '.HK llt of ii.,m-iii; of i.) y, nnd yel I" i in.i' ur,. 1 .... ...i UW- '11 1 1 HO : k'I (li.-U-:' r t .!.) . - l,.,!.l -r. . I'..- !-. 1- B.vtem nhould be adopted by the present congress that 111 put Ithe two precious metals on radically different founda tions, and create two different kinds of bank notes, one .oom-miandlng a premi um and the other suffering a discount, then let the Democracy for a rebuke In 1S96 more overwhelming than the one of 1891. One source of hope to Astoria and the whole Pacific coast for an Improved biwlnesa tone during the coming year is the certainty that the Nicaragua Canal Bill will pass the eenaite soon after tt reasaomiblea. What the house may do with It Is, of course, anothet question, but while there Is considera ble opposition to It, the men who arc fighting the -measure are hardly sarong enougli to prevent Its passjage. The dona of the year 1895 may witness th substantial beginning of the actual con struction of 'this Important work. The -United States (has thirty modern vessels, Including three torpedo bouts and a dispatch boat; Great Britain has eiglDty-two armored vessels, 137 unar mored vessels, and 207 torpedo boats. Our navy Is manned by 7,000 men; th English navy has about 60,000 men. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining unclaimed at the United States postofllce at Astoria, Oregon, December 31, 1895. Braaee, A. L. Oarlson, C. A. ,-Hewairt, Miss E. Young, Miss Nellie Jones, tJeo. F. . Feinburg, Mrs. A. J Bonnell, W. N. Foreign List MJc!h, John Blomqulst, U. K. Persons calling for these letters will please state the date on which they were advertised. They will be charged for at the rate of 1 cent each, as per section 657, P. L. and R. HERMAN WISE. Postmaster ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have !een duly appointed administrator of jhe estaite of Esther Taylor, deceased, .VII persons having claims against said ta'te are requested to present the me to me, duly verified, within six .nonths from the dnto of this ii'lcoi o.nd all persons Indebted to said are rei'iuestud to pay the amount of such Inde-btedineas to me. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 18tlv day of December, 1894. K. A. TAYLOR. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice te hereby given that I have been duly appointed administrator of ;he estate of Ja,mes Taylor, deeeaixd. AH pcrwuis having claims agiin9t eikl t-Htaite aro requested to present the to me, duly verified, within lx .nontliB from the date of this natlce; .uid all persons Indebted to said estate ire roqiK-tnted to pay the aunount of iui'h Indobtednosei to me. Dated at Antor-la, Oix-gon, this 18th day of December, 1891. A. taiijoic, NOTICE. Astoria, Oregon, November 23, 1894. Notice Is hereby given that the tin j"rwlrned. administrator of the estate of James P, Mutss, decensed, have Hied In the County Court of the State ol Jregon for Clatsop County, my final account as such administrator, and the Mime has been by said court set for hearing Wednesday, January 9th, l.;95. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at court house at Astoria, Or. AH persons Inter ;ted therein ara hereby notified to then ind there appear and show cause 11 :my why the said account be not sl owed, and the admlnimrator uiwnarg- ed. JAMES. W. HARE, Administrator. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to All whom It nay concern, that the undersigned ha heen duly appointed the amlgnee of 1. w. Case, and that ne nas quauueu ns Mich assignee by filing with the clerk if the Circuit Court of the State of Jregon for Clatsop County, his bond is required by law. AH persons hav ing claims airnlnst snld I. W. Case are iiitlfled to present the same to the undersigned, duly verified, at the office if the Asturla National lianlt, In the Ity of Astorln, in said county, within hree months from this date. Dated nt Afitorln, Oregon, this 11th Jay of November, 1894. JJ. K. WAKKK.N, Assignee. FOUND THEM THE BEST. This is to certify that I have used Kraune'B Headache Capsules periodi cally for over a year, and have very much pleasure ir. stating that they ave nlways proved very beneficial and have relieved me In from ten to fifteen minutes. I have beer, a sufferer from litaducbe for many yeurs, and have never found anything to do me as mich good us Krauue's Headache Cap sules. Yours Truly, LOUIS HERMAN, !34 Poplar St., Wichita. Kan. For sale by Cl'as. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sola agent. "Now good diffu!on waits on appc tlo. And iheniifh on both." .mya the great Shakespeare, but he did have In mind n coated ingue or torpid liver, wliih all the symptom of oilimiMiirws, in nimnun In this country. All this, amd more, wn bt cured by lr. lM-r.Vs OoUU'O MtnHcnl Discovery, ;v p'uxily Vt-g-il;u'iJe cimtpttund, which re Jtoivs I'he mi:lon of the liver, gives Miii- tm the Itiurgmg nerde of th dys-ii.-tilu' bUiiwuJi, and thus enables "KYKi.l iligonilon to watt on ntHKitke, and insilth on ki'.h." By druggilsts. A.nluna wjkI IT.iy Fever cured, by a newly discoveri-d tsvolnviHit. Address ir pem,h!ct. Wirtd' llif.TiAu7' Med ial Association, Hiiff.ilo, N. Y. CUCICL.EN'S ARNICA SALVE. Ths In'St salve In the world for Ciits, r'nii.wK. !iiv. I'Uvrs, Salt iihi-um, i.Vv -r Sorex. Tetter, Chimwl H indu, fliiiuialni. Corns, nnd All Skin l!mi- n-, and positively eurtu 1M1.. or no Iay r.-MUlreil. U la gmiranteed tit give ".-rfert satisfaction, or money refund M. I'rleo, ;'." e.-uls per 'X. For nal by CI. us. Roger, Odd Fellows' building. Captain Sweeney, V. 8. A., San Diego O ii.. ay: "t?!illoh' Catarrh Remedy I the first medl. tiia 1 have ever found '.hat would 0 me any go-jd. Price 60 t n, .id by J. v . coi.n. VEAK WM and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prepara tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrivCv Scott's Emulsion Is a constructive food that pro motes the making of healthy tissue and bone. It is a wonder ful remedy for Emaciation, Ceneral Debility, Throat and Lung uompiamw, Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases of Children. Snd far Pamphlet en ScotCt EmuUitM. Fril. Scott Bowne,N.T. All Druggists. 60c and $1. Report of tha Condition OK III It ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK AT ASTORIA, Id the State of Ore'P'ii.stiliHHme ol buithie, December 19, IW4 KKSOUKCKS. lwuisanrt dltfonn s..... 83,OH is Ovenlrufis, -e.-ureil uiini-cuieu ... Hii iv U S. boiuls to neuiire elreulatlon li.'M'o 00 IViiiiuni on ' s eoi ds im HiiH-ks, s-oii-ltl. . -te I.m llsiur.s 4.a3 ul Due from lisll'iiial baiiKB tiiin imorire nnont-) 'i2' " Due ir -in Hiaie hunks Bi.d binikern... U,l: H Hue from ai innVi-a reserve anentK BolO ll! Oli -ckii ami oili-r ertsii feiiw 4;l Wl Notoi of -tli r Nallonal bunk" 3.0 W) Friwa oniil i;iier cune e. ulckeln, amlceiilH "3 '- LAWPULAIUt-KY ttBsEllVIMS. jMt.'IZ: , Lcgul-tciitier imics W 32.18J 3'J Kediiiipt'on finm w Hi U.S. Treasurer (0 pur cei.t. of ilrcuUtiiiii) m W j.utal J.34Lj? MAIllMllKi. il sto'kpiiil In i,oonoo Siirplll' f it ml 6 J 00 UinliVKleil ,i ilti,le.ex)ein-iuua tilXn I'ill'i l.ill 3 Xallond l-ai.k imliH li s i leli. g.. ..... ll.i! no hidlvlilii il ,li'p'ilt siil.icct to cheek.. 47,.K,3 48 Pjiii ,ml eertllkttt-n of ilui.OMl Nl lima cerlllloutea uf uepinlt..- Totid 'i'W.U? Statu ot Oreaoii, Countv of Clatsop. t: I J, K lli:int. Oilil ler 'f lIlB sbllVB-imiiu-d I. auk, il i ml-miily swear that til" above still, r, tm true to Urn In-st niy ki.owie le I'm I) J. E. n i,..ri-.,l mill swi.rn lo liefn e me HiiK28th (1 yi.f December, Ml. O 0 FUlTON, Coma;. Vteit : r. K. WAHREN, 1 THEO. B-tA KEIl, J-Blieclors. C.S,VKIU1IT J CURE FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy for all kinds of headache Eleotrio Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure, and the most drsadtd sick headachee yield to Its Influence. We urge all who are afillcted to procure a bottle and give the Bitters a fair trial. In cases of haiMlual constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleep less, Exultable, Melancholy, or troubled with Dla;;y Spells, Electric Bitters Is ihe Medilclne you need. Health and .-Urengla are guaranteed by Us use. Large bottles only fifty cents, at Chae. Rogers' drug store, Odd FelloWB' bulld- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I, as ad riilniiitiiiitor of the estate of John W. White, deceuised, have filed my final iccoiKvt In the County Aiurt of the Jttnte of Oregon, for Clatsop County, ind Wednesday, t'he 6th day of eUruary, 1S94, at 10 o'clock a. m., li ihe time appointed for the ihearing of objeotkms to, and the final settlememt of aid awoiinit. FRANK J. TAYLOR. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. All pcraona having claims against the ta,te f M. West, deceased, are re .iue.ted to present them duly verified, to the underMig-ned executors of the ait will and te.clmenlt of the deceased, .vlthlii nix months from this date, at sVeutorl, Oregon. DAVID WEST, ROBERT WEST. December 18, 1891. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, Is In great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five dOBes only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by J. W. Conn. iwiyiWCv Frauds Exict in ninny forms, but tjj) tj there, is no fraud that Is niore p rA contemptible tlmutlio one of J rj substitution. Of nil the sub- jj as stitutioa frauds there is none 2f. Vy which perpetuates greater outrage upon tho consumer r3 tUuu the substitution of f$ Imitations 0 for Cottolcne, which is the r, only reliable, wholesome anil X healthful shortening upon W tho market. Don't bo in- V daccii to purchase Counterfeits ofCottolant, or yon will ba fih lamentably disappointed In Cm a the results. Cottolen a ri eitortcumj 19 cuuurscu VJ . . , - i a v - ' pliyTiciana ana coomng ex ('J pert. Be sure that your cook Vv f .y uses Cattolen. tuM In Uuwsad UT poond pedis, o Marie only by The N. K. Fnirbankf A Company, ST. I.OI l kd rhlitv,w 1 ark, V J UoatOB. r ;U - - rf ij ,.."?""' i iV r 3k WATERWORKS BIDS. PROPOSAL FOR $200,000 WATER BONDS OF ASTORIA, OREGON. Office of the Water Commission of the City of Astoria,-Oregon. December 4th, 1894. Sealed proposals addressed to the Clerk of the Water Commission of the City of Astoria, Oregon, will be re ceived at this office until January 10th, 1895, at Two (2) o'clock p. m., for two hundred thousand ((200,000) dollars of the bonds of this city In denominations of one thousand (1,000) dollars each, dated January 1st, 1895, payable thirty (1(0) years after date bearing I rite-rest at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum payable on tbe first days of January and July of eich year. Principal and Interest are to be made payable In U. S. gold coin at New York City. N. I Y. Said bonds are to be paid for and delivered to the purchaser on the fol lowing dates, and In the following amounts: April 1st, 1895 $75,000.00 July 1st, 1895 75.000.00 October 1st, 1896 50.000.00 The bidder to play the accrued interest from January 1st, 1895, to the date of delivery. In addition to the prices bid. These bonds are to be Issued under authority of the act of the Legislative Assembly of the State' of Oregon passed Feb. 18th, 1891. The proceeds are to be used for t'he construction of water works, and will be delivered with cou pons attached for interest from Janu ary 1st, 1895. The successful bidder will be required to deposit -within forty-eight (48) hours after the award of the contract an ap proved certified oheck for flve(5) per cent of the par value of the bonds, payable at Astoria, Oregon, to the order of the Clerk of the Water Commission of the City of Astoria, Oregon, as liquidated damages In case the bidder should fall or neglect to take and pay for the bonds according to the terms of the proposal, advertisement and contract. The Water Commission reserve the right to reject any or all bids. The seal d envelopes oon. at lug proposals should be addressed to the undersigned, and marked "Proposals for Purchase of wa ter bonds." By order of the Water Commission of the City of Astoria, Oregon. H. O. VAN DUSEN, Clerk of the Water Commission. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals addrenjed to H. G. VanDusen, clerk, and endorsed "Pro posals for construction of Astoria water works," with name of party submitting bid, will be received by the Water Conrmilsslon of the City of Astoria, Or egon, until two o'clock p. m. of the 10th day of January, 1895, for the supplying of labor and materials for the construc tion of a complete system of water works involving the following Items: Diverting works: a irravltv conduit non. slstlng of 7 1-2 miles of 18-inch wood stave Pipe; 3 miles of 16-lnoh and one mile of 14-lnoh sUwl riveted pipe; a ,uw,uuu gai. reservoir; a masonry lined tunnel 900 feet In length: and a dlstrlh. utlng system requiring 28,000 feet of new pipe, 3H,uuo feet ot pipe laying, 91 hydrants; gates and all appurtenances necessary to make a comnlete system Plans are on file in the office of the Water Commission, and specifications ana form for proposals can be obtained by application to the clerk. W. W. PARKER, Chairman. H. G. VAN DUSEN, Clerk. A. L. Adams and R. C. Gemmal, En gineers. Astoria, Oregon, December Jth, 1834. A THOUGHTFUL PERSON. Consults his best Interests by having a box of Krause's Headache Capsules at hand: taken as directed will prevent or stop any kind of a headache, no matter what the cause in fact if your skull were cracked It would prevent pain. The frequency of the attacks will diminish, and by taking the cap sules at the approach of a headache, you will never have another. Twenty five cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria Oregon, Sole Agent Are You Going East? If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon, general Hgent of the "Burlington Route," 250 Washington St., Portland. He will mall you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with ihrough tlcketR via either the Northern, Union, South ern, Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington Route Is generally conceded to be the flneat equipped rail road in the .world for all classes uf travel. $10. $12.0. Men's all Wool Suits Reduced from $20. The best offer of the season. Now $10. & $12.50. CONSIGNEE SALE, 600 Commercial St. (Cor. V. otf0 C. J.TRENCHARD, Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. and Pacific Express Co. POP end PtfOEiM IflSU?ANCE CO'S. Custom House Broker and Commission Merchant 502 Bond Street. Snap fl rodak nt any jnan coming our of 0) our nioie and you'll get a portrait of a man brimming over with pltiasaiit ti'ouuhiH. Hiah quitllty In th') liquors we have tooftrnre eiieinjU lo PLEASE ANY MAN., Corps and Trg Them. HUGHES & CO. REMOVED ! REMOVED ! REMOVED! B. F. ALLEN has removed his stock of wall paper, paints and window glass to 365 Com mercial St., dir ctly opposite Rescue Hall. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! QUESTION Our customers, or any one who bas ever worn our shoes, and the reply will be, "There is cone better." The fit of our goods is nnequaled. tbe wear speaks for itself, the stylo is seen at a glance, the price sells them at sight. Immense assortment to select from and JOHN HAHN & CO. at all prices. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fine Teas and Coffee,. Table Dellcacle,, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc, Choice - Fresh and Salt - Meats. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, (las and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water He ating.-isv 179 Twelfth street, Astoria, Or. Set and Sit Have different meanings. You can set a hen, but you cannot sit on one comfortably. Chairs are the Proper Things To sit on, and we have the largest cheapest and most artistic line ever brought to this city. Your choice Should not be made before looking over our stock. HEILBORN & SON. Do You Want A liorne and buiftfy to show real eHtate ? Oo You Want- To board a home by the month? Do You Want- Any briiillng done of any de tturlption ? Do You Want Any coul delivered ? If no coll on THE flSTOSIA TRANSFER CO'S Livery and Sale Stables. Telephone 12. Str. R. P. i.v.r v - - - CQSll heave for Tillamook Every four Days as tfear s as the meathep mill psrait. The steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Portland and through tickets are issued from Portland to Tillamook Bay points by the Union Pacific Company. Ship freight ' by Union Pacific Steamers. ELHORE, SANBORN & C, UNOIN PACIFIC R. R. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Buy vour GKOCEEIF.3 snd PROVISIONS of na. snd we will save yon money. We" hnnle the beet gotxla snd deliver free to trains or boat. We bny and sell for spot easb. snd sell goods cheaper than s ny other firm in the conntry. Send ns vour nsne snd address, snd we will mail yon our new price list, which will be out soon. We offer toditr : Climax tobacco. -Jil cents ponnd. California granulated suisar iu 100-lb Oi-t coal oil rer case) f 1.80 oack $500 Arbin-kle's Coffee per poand.... 22 Beet brsudi of fl Mir per bsrrel.... 2 !." Csliioniis symp 5 gal kegs.... l.K) Roval Bkg P.iwder 5-lb cans 2.i I H per d"en bars 800 Send os a lUt ot what yon need, aud we will make you specul prices J1ARK L. COHN & CO., 146 Front St. Portland. I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, REPRESENTING Tli Pollowlnff Compenlex German-Amerlran, New York City. N. Y. Union Fire and Marine, of Nrw Zealand. Fire and Marine Ins Co., of Hartford Connecticut Fire Im. Co.. of Hartford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., San Francisco. New York Plate Ulans ins. Co. Phoenix, of London, Imperial, of London forth Paeifie Bremery JOHN KOPP, Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orderi promptly attended to STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Co. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria for Portland and way landings at 7 p. m. daily, Sunday ex cepted. Leaves Portland evtrv day except Sun day at 7 a.m. C.W.STONE, Agent Astoria. Telephone No. 11. E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland. U. B. Scott, President. REDUCED RATES. Between Astoria and Portland STEAMER SARAH DIXON, WINTER TIME TABLE. Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria Monday morning for Portland at 6 o'clock, and Tuesday and Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Returning leaves Portland Sunday morning at 7:30 and Monday and Wednesday evening at I 7:30. Round trip $2.00; single trip, $1.25. ' Upper berths 60 cents; lower berths, 75 cents; meals, 25 cents. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : AT POflli'S Ondertakipg Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty WHO WANTS TWiNE It astonishes tbe old time malters to j see how the fishermen have taken to Marshall a twine the lant lew years aud mcy uiuy. THE HJ6H BOAT of last flfasou over nil the ofhci boats on the rivei used M AiwSUALL't TWINE. WHY? Because it is tbe atrorcet. Because it has not been weakened by bleaching. Because it is eokl with a RUiirnutee tlinl if it does not prove saliafactory it oun be brought back at the end of the season. EIiVIORE -.'jiv: -X" " - Age ts, Astoria CO., Agent. Pnrtlnd. i la the line to take to nil points EASTandSOUTH It is the CUING CA3 ROUTE It offi rs the bent sei-vlee, coii.J biiiii'K SPEED and C0MFa?T t, fb t.a in,mi ri.iitA m-tlh those v.Ea'1 KI.-.U 10 truvci on the SAFEST! . i It 's the-efors the mnie you houd tHke. It mini throuxb vextilmlui trains every day m Uw year to ' St. No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Seeond-elass Sleepers, Only one o'lan ;e of cars PORTLAND to NEW YORK, Through Tickets To Any Part of the civilized world. Passengers ticketed via. all b.-.atu runuinf between Astoria, Kalama and For.'laud, Full information concemlne rr.te. time ot trains, routes sud ot!" r- li-i-J'i ununited oo ajJU.JciuioMo C. W. STC.JfE, Anent Astorfs. , ft'tenraer Telephone Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agen No. 11 first bc.eir. Wiu..iiiimiu, Purtl ami . Or'irro GJtlGflGO, lillliWrlllpE ST. PAuIt RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinental Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC LIGHTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. -AND- Omaha and Chicago. The Express Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeping Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM, And furnished with Every Luxury known In modem railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line is Unequaled. Tic nets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information Inquire of any ticket agent, or C.J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt PORTLAND. OREGON. The Original & Genuine (WORCKSTRRSHIRK) SAUCE Imparts the moat dollcioaa taste sad test to Uot&CoIdtteaU GRAVIES, SALADS, SOCPS, GA3IE, FISH, and TTelob' Rarebit. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Take Hone but Lea 6 rim SigMton oo e?ry bottle of original A ail ai m Cr"--i S::V':?2 PowSvf l i Jstatm Vtscasi,a (too, Hew T r )