'...y v-'fi.'iif fuit made by Mo , .';,!, ii,. i..i!.t. No doubt you have a ciiy.bi dlvi rMm in the style, iu. k- anil fim. Ii ot' Un:. suits. Yet !. Ii D!: of tlivia is ri - lit in touch with tl.-! time:", ami has the iv-milne stamp t t' .i'.' ciiM-M.'ve. No matter whether are -i mnn of fashion or a dresser tor comfort McPoiiuld'ii suits will sat isfy your tasiu and protect your purse. CI IAS. M i.DONALD, T!ie Tailor. 5:3 Commercial Street. DID YOU Ever see a man vcho mU he bad got ten a !'r drlnlc oC whisky at The OC iieeV Or did you ever see a maji who did see a mm that Haw a nvan who knew a man who received a poor drink lit The Office? We Kues3 that you will have to ulmJt that you never did, as the Hops whisky sulci there suits every one. THE OFFICE. The Point is I Just Here. "We liavo a vory large mid superior line of llamler- chiefs which wo are selling nt an extremely low fig ure. The time to get bargains is now. Albert Dunbar. Cur. ijth nj Commercial t. An Illinois Town Ten years ago had only one cigar fac tory employing live hands. It also had a young men's business association whose work was to boom the town. One of the things the association rec ommended was for smokers to smoke their town's cigars, Uilk their town's cigars, and agree to smoke none other. The result 1h, that toduy that town hn 8,000 population, 1,51)0 of whom work In ulgar factories. ,W. F. Sohlebe manu factures the LA BELLE ASTORIA, and If the smokers o this .city would be loyal to their town and follow the example set by these people ot Illinois, it might prove as profitable an Invest ment as the encouragement of a rail road, i Christmas - - 3) J4eu -Year. Just Received A Fine Line of Watches Diamonds Clocks, Silver Novelties, SoliJ CJoM and Plated Jewelry, Sterling and Plated Ware Suitable for Holiday Presents 11. EKSTROM, I.eoilli'tf Jeweler, a'n Commercial St. Atirla. Or. Ilotwit liiKj4--Low I'llcet. '' TODAY'S WKATI1EH. Portland. leo. 20. For WatihJngton und Oregon, rit4n; gates (n the co.it. l'EiJTlcriDAY'S WKATIIElt. , Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at B p. m. yesterday, fur nished by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, weather bureau. Maximum Itomperaiture, 45 degrees. 'Minimum teinpeiuiUii'P, 3 degrees. Precipitation, .OS lueh. Total iMvolpltutlon from September 1st, 1MH, to d.ute, Sl.'JO inches. Kxeess of piuclpllation from Septem ber 1st, lSlil. to date, 3.'S1 lnehos. AROUND TOWN. "JEFF'S" The Only ltestaurant See Swope. See Swope about decorating. Hee Swope alotit ileciiratlng and sign Work. AVe in the leader NluinuiKin Bros. Flwinali.i:! lli-os." Hmnalkill 1'i-os. for holiday goods. for t vyS. :il Bi'.kS." for laasktits. '.vii'i':i-'i'-r WlMe would like to see Mr. ;1 V, l.-kH'.'-.iil. Illicit line i ,f iM Cfiiimu ill thd city ill J)l'll KtiH-tf. M .:tlV u ti !....l..;t c leo'ltng iHllor and pa U I'.'.co for .'ur tsklns. WHAT TO BUY FOR CHRISTMAS. 1VW 1. 1 ' ' t'lei-ioit I'i'iner Setn- Curvinif Sets - Silver PUteJ KniT,s Korku an I SiKns Ormice noil Berrr i ; ,1 l't -!;s - S.ilt 1 i !1 ir ami Spuds I-'ancy China Cups mihI Siineet Trnvs Yiws 1'luin and Cut , S v.-i..:,:t. W.ire-1' .ek -t Kn v.n-SKWI'H M0HI'K?-A Lar.'s Assortment of I'seiu! ... - c-irefuliv wlecltHl Mrt-unt tl IaanorteJ ul llomeetig Fancy Crockerv, OUssfltare ud Wtiver- ., : , !,: :: i I,. ! . i. : . , r. r aU. ..; .-i eiKr company. ;iaoonoiiuta.j . i pca our Christmas line of Klianajltan linos. umlrrvvi: The steamship Columbia, wl.h a light p.'tRsnngor nut, lout out ye, erosi y morn ing. Tor the latent Htyles and lowest prices in Jackets and wraps, call at the Low Price Store. The UrttlKli Hhip Brttlh Yoeman ar rived down from Portland yesterday morning. ..... . j Bern Lee aind Anna Norgaard recelvwi a jncrrtage license yesterday from the county clerk. , Phil Stokes' prices on shoes are bo low th'at everyliody who buyes Bends somebody else. Big Values In Ladies' and Children's all wool gray underwear this wfeek at the Low Price Store. Everything in the line of silver novel ties at RoUt. S. Norrls." Engraving done free of charge. A flno assortment of nuts, candles, fruits, and other seasonable goods, at Rosa, IDgglns & Co.'s. Join the throng that will be served with egg-nog today at The Office. It looks good, but tewles better. Bring your sheet music to Dellinger Sr. Howe, the Bidders, and have it bound into handsome books. For fine holiday goods, go to 165 10th street. Also stamping and embroidery. Lessons given In fancy work. . . 1 A beau'Wful new line of umbrellas. handsome Ihandles, Just the thing for presents, wit the Low Price Store. The raffle far the picture at Wright &. Harris" White House Corner, will take place tomorrow evening ait 8 o'clock. Hoot. S. Norrls has Just received from New Vork a nice selection of the finest Australian opals. Call and see them The latest styles In Jewelry received almost daily at Bobt. 8. Norrls. Nle ml'a old stand, 4iG Commercial street. The steamer Elmore arrived In last evening aflter- a quick run from Tilla mook. Thley report e bad se t outside, Members of the B. P. O. E., have you seen the new and elegant Elk charms, rings, pins, etc. that Bobt. S. Norrls bus Just received? The Pnlntz-Craln Drug Co. have one of the llm-sit displays of perfumes und toilet articles In tholr window that has ever been seen In this city. Home Tnado mince amd pumpkin pies, fruit cakes, amd English plum pudding ot Cleveland's Bnkeiry. Lenve orders now and (avoid dlHuppolntmenit. llolnt. 8. Norrls Us making exceptional low HH-loes on wwtohes for the holidays. Don't flill to call and exa.mlne hia stock and price bi;fore purchasing. S. E. UUIngor U tin ngent In Astoria for the celebratud Ounibrlnus Hottied Beer, of Portland. Dr p him a postal card and he will call for your oider. The llliitl'.ituted letilurd on "Ben Hur" a week from tomorrow night 1s for the betrellt of the Astoria library, nlit the Llteil3iry AssootoiWon, a publlsiied. . Samples of those new carbon prints that are permanent and will not fade can now bo seen at ltow s gaiiery. Just the thing for a Christmas present. aoodmian A CV.'s Shoes wear Well while wearing out, and do not wau' the wearer oult. xnat s mm ntni uiwu- mu-n & Co. Wave sueh um Immense titula, . Blank books of every kind and de scription, turned out on short notice by Dellinger & Howe, the binders, at Portland prices. We guarantee our work to be the beat. Every body knows how good flr wood Is, but It must be good, and that Is the kind that the Astoria Wood Yard hag to offer you. Orders left at Cumnhun & Co.'s, or at the Wood Yard. If you ttre looking for thrgaJns In Jewelry and silverware, und want to see finely seized stock, go to Ilobt. Norrls. His stock Is entirely now and prices iHH4lt1vely the lowest. We are told that we are selling the best wood In town for the money. We confess It we've made a dead set to have the Scow Bay Wood Yard catch tho best trade In town. Offlee opposite Fisher Brothers'. Everything that goes to "make ChrK nnia brighter Is good tliilng. So for '.bait, reason there will be merry times over the 10S 'turkeys, fine ones, too, l!M will be rallied off ait "The Itosort" rfiturd'iy Slight. Foard & Stokes Co. huve secured the agency of the famous STEWART'S TWINES, the only GENUINE FLAX TWINE manufactured In IHELAND. Their new stock goods re much u perlor to any other kind. Work on clearing itlhs rlg'lnt-of-w.ty for the iuw water works pipe line will commence ImmfKt.Vitely after the hol idays. Mr. Nornrils arrival in tthe city ynl:tnt.jr ami will make wrraiigeinenu tut oiicu t t ithe work g rtng. The M mIi'I Chop House skill seti up thff flntit meals of BJiy phuv- In the city. Tliey d; niit huv to clmse about the city like , street corner klr, fv their cu-Co'iierx, th.Hr reputwnon for tli-vt-cl'is ciatcrers Is we!) known. Ye-jienlliy .!!:noon a number if fi-i, ond Ui;t'ns g.xhered at Mies W arren s peltH-t Svcnool ivm end llaien - Have ' t'l'"re:ilig lltersry program. B T,.,. m N, ,tKv v wwbo to The iv.,m was hnid-mHy doroti m hw ,n They saw or h,-vd nn h wi h eergr,-n, Ivy and Hover. Thl..,Bt llf th oveMue ship Red Rook, 18 , vet elesed In v lint-r wrni for 'M. tyn ftvMT1 Rn fMnb,fl tw, p,. school opening Mgoun W inln.-sday, J ut- j BpNlv.in of ths bitter ve-,l. tao pilots amy Id. Ih,-rj da not ftt'ornhend Th. any 111-luek -i lb'"' bt.fvllen rh vnsset, ami tlilt hef Vr. irice's Cream Oiklnz Powder f-vl,lI'' hr pi.i.-nve la due . 7 . r1"1 l""lwlvi'ii 1 1 nvn out of her course V orld S Fa!r llis.iest AwarJ. '.luran the remt hurrh-ane. Tim DAILY ASTOIll.LY ASTOIUA, FRIDAY MOUN1NG Jnternait.lonal exhibition of delicacies at Foard & Stokes Co.'s. American tur keys, mince mestt, English plum pud ding, bloaters, Suandlnavlan stock flsh, Holland herrings, Swiss cheese, Spanish olives, German geese, eel, sardellan. It will pay you to buy your Christmas dandles of C. B. Smith, the confectioner, ;ts he has the finest Jot of freh candies In the city. Prices from 10 certts and 15 cents per pound upwards. Special priced for Christmas tree orders. 4S3 Coumwrciia.1 street. The Jaidles of Astoria are Invited to call land see what an be done In the line of pluiin and fancy cooking witth Cotilolene. Kxpert cooks will exhibit and explain fho merits today In the jjtore of Rxws, Hlgg!ns & Co. Who said soaps? Nice soaps? Cheap soaps? Yes. those soaps in me snow window of the Prlmtz-Craln Drug store can not be beaten, and the beauty of them Is that they only cost ten cents a cake, or twenty-five cents a box. The Prlntz-Craln Drug C- mal', Ing a. speoKiU'iy of fine peTfumes, soap and toilet alleles. They have Just re ceived a tine of Imported perfumes, ln- oludiing the epeolailUes of the lttadllng foreign mhnullaidturers. Call amd exaCTi lne them. 1't will cost you ndthing to look at them. Justice Abercromible yesdterdlay dispos ed o't the assault case before him. For i-ltomirtlng Co muHalta the penson of Nick Stanovlitch, George Peterson paw $40 and his paiitner, Chris. Peters, ga.ve up $213 (tAiUt is, they will have to pro' duce the above amount before they can get on the outside of the prison tors, Arthur Lelglvton, tlhe genial first offi cer of tih Columbine, Is a first-rate man In charge of a small boat in a rough stU. His success In transferring supplies from 'tlhe HgWhouee tender to Tillamook Itaak the o'-her day. Is epoken of as being a dangerous pleoe of work well executed. Yefiterday was one of the busiest days the merchants of AsUrta, have had this yeiiir. Tlfe Shops were all crowded frjtn 'mopnlns unMl late laat nigm, and th9 sight of people walking along tlhe streets wDfh greait packages and bundles under their (arm3 was not In frequent. PhwfJh LtfChetlam Churuh Next Sun day, ait 7:30 p. m., there will be a fes tival at Ithe Finnish Lutheran cnurcn, ,., f v, iiini, nf tlnuaiUon of the unveiling of as a oorjt ithe ntiJV altur pleoe ,whlch took place last SundUy evening. Rev. J. A. Ed lund will HPdAk in English, and Rev. Steen will spdaik in the Norwegian lan guage. The Finnish and Scandinavian choirs will sing. All are cordially in vited. If the sea outalde is mnooith enough toduy, the piUA echkwner San Jose will venture out. Since She hkia been In IKjirt, a quantity of supplies have been placed aiboard, and considerable tight ening up dime. The heavy storm ot a few dlays ngo did nort. do the old schooner any particular good, and sev enal needed repa4r were the first thing looked afiwr when reaching port. A new sshoioner Is badly needed. , Neanly all of the Asitonlans who fi' tended the exposition In Potl'lind Wed nestlby are home again, and report hav ing enjoyed tlhemsjlves while at the me troiitls. A number remained over an other day, and will probably arrive home on this aJSjernoom's steimer. The exposition was vlsiiled during the even ing, and a number of the Astoria, delo gUiMm mitMhed to the grounds headed by a btind kindly furnished by the Chamber of Commerce. I,h evening the steaimer Sarah Dixon dep.w'ted Air the first time from her new nuarilers at the old Hume wharf. Workmen ha.ve been engvigcd In re- planking the street In front of the! wtorf and fixing up things in flrst-classl shape g,.nera,lly The dock Is large than the uteoimer's needa, and partleei wishing (to rent part of It for storag purpose can apply to 0he agent on Ia ZSTVZ the premises. Hurj pro(Usely lllustralied by stereop- . neon views, by Hon. Jno. W. Faurbanka. By i-equetit of fmrne of 'the young peo-juniJer ,th-e ausi,L.es of the Literary as ple Dr. Iiiinliung will deliver the flrtit i sooulon. Friday evening, De,ember 28, , o k. oi KL stiriiv oi ibiil CO cmiiuni -n 11 - -'.w baiUi nlglliit. The subject of those ser mons Is, "What I know laTJout dUncing, or Do' nilt the Btble SanoWon Danc ing?" The texit tusaigned the doctor Is "Thoro Is time to dance," Boole. 8:4. Tho doctor Invites all lovers of tho "Di vine Art," old and young, to b present. All ra Invited. T1k ResosH hi.iu lately Mad rMed to ts ornaments a magnificent falr of sewm-po!1 elk horns. They weie pre sew'.ed to Mr. Brach by Hugh Frifler, of MIhnw.UU, and were without doubt ih tinft horns ever browriv. into the c'.'ty. Flk in thi niour,Va-lns along the wvi do not seem p'fh'lful this ye.J.r r"ev1oin wlii'-rs. which Is rtoubtle)"8 due to itihe Indiscriminate manner In wli'cli Iney hive been hur.tf .t durlne; thu licit three yearn. F'k hoida ar? be coming very valuable of late. Minerva' meeting la.!t WelneVay nlKht showed tlh't the Interest taken In the jou!ety Is on a neady Ineronse, the int'l Tiivs fllKv. to overflowing. IMpitilun of officers too' pie with the P.illiHvJng rtulf. President. L. Q. BtI kr..;l; vlee-pre h Vnt, Fre-1 Jihnr i; see I'.ilovy, Ed. Lund: it rt'ifu red", S. Jensen; Air an excellent prograim and the reacV'Mf of the po-letv'a rnTier. "Fre-m-:d," by Fdltvir Th. Hrjkke. the sub )'it for diili l e, "Should mm iiilons ot a::iy nuture 'be dincu.vH-tl In Mlnervw," v.w laid over till ne.vt meeting. Tho Ru'lif went out yei en'Qy and erni-vl up.nnj In the vicinity of the llghitshin. The ca was pixrty rouirh. ord --l:'hiug,h fhey f.HMid the f wir-mast n,. h.v. t,i,i,. GRAND BALL! - To b given by the AT- Fisher's Hall,3 Dec 31, 1894. (New Year' Eve.) Admission. $1.00. Ladles free. Tickets can be liad of any member of the band or at the 'principal cigar and stationery stores. ,. Good fUiisie has been Secured for the Oeeaslon Benl Younjr. James Hare, C. J. Trendnard, Alex. Campbell, BenJ. Worsley, C. J. Curtis, Uenoral uommittee. DEAR OLD SANTA. Jurtt mow with Christmas so close at hand, there Is many a Hitltle tat watch ing tlhe pretity Show windows and won dfrtng which of the beautiful gifts Santa Clams will bring them. They lare fearful, often, (tlhlait the dear old soul from Iflhe frozen Norlth will overlook .them entirely, and many a latter Is wirllten and delft In the flreiplr.ee several days ibefore Ohrts'tmlas, giving the phil anthropic old genltWman, a complete Mat of the things they most desire. These ptotles are usually secured by Ithe fond parents and Ithe little one's heart Us mlade glad on Chrlsftmas morn . gome j m od Krig Krln.?) ome- find their way Into the poatofflce box, and no llfitle Bimusementt Is oecislcmed thereby. The following from some little Astoria 'nvadden, was found 1n the drop box t the pofltoffle yesterdlay. It was without wrapper, the address "To Mr. Haniaa Claus, Asitorla, Oregon," being wrlUten on he hlanlk side of the paper. The letter litaelf Is las fallows Dear Mere Santa Claus It Is Chrlft mas prtiaty soon and I thought I would write a letiter that I would like to have a Bnvall pJano. Please Mr. sinta Claus, bring me la smaill pia.no it will cost only t'i. I ges I don't need ito send my name I live in Smith s point your friend." She will protaibly gelt the pfano. RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS. On board the ateUimer R. R. Thomp son Thursday morning, Dee?mber 20, 1804. E. W. Tallant, vice president of l;he Astoria Chamber of Commerce, In j th(j cha,r tollown resaiuHion was offered by Wm. B. Adailr, and passed umarnlmously: Resolved, 'tlhht the members of the As toria Chamber of Commerce, City Coun cil and cdtHzens of Astoria, returning from Portland on hoard the steamer R. R. Thompson, hlappy aind contented, now deal re to express 'to the O. R. and N. Oomxliny, and tlhe officers of said stcNmer, and putoieuJarly to M'essrs. G. W. Lourosberry, Milton Bozonth, and C. F. Overtbaugh, the Asitorl'a agents, ithmir heiHtfett itihianks for 'the many ! kind ai.Uertttons deceived during their trip. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Crailn returned yes terday from Port'.lamd. Mrs. M. A. Crow and daughter re turned yesterday from a visit to the miiltnopolls. ,., Miss Salema njoolh, dlaugWer of Rev. Dr. Bloch. of Portland, is in Ithe city, spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Iriauc Bergmlan. Mr. Sco'Jt Bbzort'h, for five years as i'j.br.lt ipoatimhHiter alt Sailem, and far merly an Astoria hoy, 1s In the city, ac oomtamied y his wife and child, on a visit Itlo his brother. M. B. Bozorth. Last might the Finnish Brotherhood held a meaning at Itihe K. of P. hall and elected the following officers ftir 1895: Fred Wlckmlan, Past President; MUuiln J'aickson, President; John Bentt ila, vke Preaddemt; Charles Lanty, re cording secretary; Alex. Holman, llnan cUl sec.rj.ary; Jaicob Moore, trckwurer; Jacob Kyx, nnuster-ult-arms; H. Jack son, Knopptt, prelaite; Harry Matson, ' ... . A . U.nr l,ui rlint1uu T.lit-A.n am) " , 7 " Carlsoneee. NOTICE. 'In the M. Ji Church. Don't fall to bel mere. GRA CE CHURCH NOTICES. The Sumlay schiMil nxim will be open tills evening and every evening this week for tne tying of the Christmas greens. All are requested to help. Even ing prayer Vedieday, Friday and Sat urday a.t 7 o'clock. Choir rehearsal Thursday and Friday' evenings. Holy Communion Friday (St. Thomas' Day) at 10 a. m. WANTED. A school girl or young lady as a com panion during the winter months by a lady living near Court Street School. Will board free. Address F. C, this office. FOR XMAS. Leave your orders for turkeys, geese, or ohlekens, with Rosa, Hlg-gtns & Co. The only house having a full cimplrfle stock. E'tvanahnn Bros. and Whnt Is the use to go and pay 13 1-! cents for a cigar when you can get the Robert Mantell at Chas. Olsen's for 10 cents, the best Havana cigar In the market, mild and free smoking. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DR; CREAK1 EM MOST PERFECT MADE, - A patt Crspe Oram of Tartar Powder. Fret bun AMnouU, Alum or any cU.er adulterant. 40 YiUa5TKEmT?AR0. 21' 1891. DECEMBER Where to buy Beautiful TIES. pine XMAS. Sox. Stylish AT JM WISE-CMTJIHC STOHE. X PRESS OFFICK NEXT DOOR. Why Do You Put Off 4&i i4r4M(Mfi' r-?. v' in ! .- 1 MIM i., muikisn-L. llljf ' t: J , j m v : HEICBORN & SON. Where to buy All kinds of BASMECHIEJFS. Comfortable Presents. Underaear. pine Overeoats. Buying Your Christmas Presents Until the Last Day in the Afternoon? What Do You Gain by It? The fact is you lo3e much by It and you know tt w'hen you stop to think albouit You Have to make your selections In a hurry, fllid thus you frequently tlamnot suiit yourself. Moreover, more Judicious buyers have been uround jiiicid of you, and Have tiken their pick of the stock. You have to take what Is left. Again, I'.he merjhiant In the rush of the lartt few days before OhrlstoMs cunnot wait upn you a ihe would wisSi. Every cimsildera Itton of Chls kind prompts you to buy early. When you do, you make 'better selections, you got. your rick of the goods, and you get a better service. Our greait stores are loaded with -beautiful and useful goods suitable for Christmas presenr.s. We hUve never before had such a beautiful stock of holiday goods, nor have Dney ever before been so cheap. A glance lait our show wtndowj will give you but a hint of the great Btodc Llhait 1s stored within. A ChnisianaB present boug'ht from our EiUi.-k will laot for years per- Jm haps ia lifetime, and It will g.vi pleasure us King as It lasts. Thet are ithe kinds of goods to buy for Christmas presents. All thUC we ask of you, reader, i.s to come aud look at our grand stock before you buy your Christmsa to kens. We want the puJtilc to know what we have. No one Is ever tm t .. v' , . i por: lined to buy In our storea. Our, Buixm speiu tor inejnweiws; niUKl sell tfteoiBelves. or remutn unsold. The only purpose of our. dvertlj lng Is to got people to come and see what we have. Our goods, and the prices they sell for do the rest. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C, H. Cooper's 'store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block. 673 Third street J. E. LaFOKCE, D. D. 8. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. in the -Finvel building, opposite Occident. W. M.. LAFORCE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5, 6 and 7, Flavel s Building. Brick SILAS B. SMITH. ATTORNEY i.T LAW. Office In Flavel's bilck building. rRANKj. I' vYI.Oli- JN'I. T. 1.IOIITEK. TAYLOR & LIGHTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' Antnrla Oregon. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCES. May be found In his office until 1 o'clock mornings, fram 12 noon until 2 . p w,ti i?.'lft c.anlncra p. m., anu iruiu u um i, -"" J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second Stet. Astoria, Or. DR. E1LIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10 to 12 a, m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 5S4'j Third St., Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all chronlo diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danzlger's store. Astoria. Telephone No. &2. JAY TUTTLE, M. I). PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms & and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Residence, 639, Cedar street. FOR FOR SALE Household furniture. W. I. Crawford, Agent. JAPANESE GOODS.-Just out Jus received Just what you want, at Wing Lee's, 629 Third street. A now lire and burglar proof safe, wi.h vault, coti. $J."j0; wnr willing to sell t a loss of $100; see Herman Wise about t. The Hr.-u bid will be ac cepted. WANTED. WANTED An intelligent woman r.o mia.ntige a branch office; address O, 2f, care Astorian. WANTED A competent girl for gen fiul housework. Apply in morning at residence of Geo. II. George, S,S4 31st St. WANTED A servant for general housework. Apply ut the rooms over Ekstrom's Jewelry Store. J. T. Lighter. WANTED Agents to represent the old Nil clonal Life Insurance Co., of Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa tion, address (. M. Stolp, General Coast Manager, 82-81 Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. $3.00 to $15.00 PER DAY at home sell lng Lightning Plater, and plating Jew elry, watches, tableweur, etc. Every house has goods needing plating. No experience; no capital; no talking; some agents are making $25 a day. Perma nent position. Address H. K. Delmo .4 Co., Columbus, Ohio. WANTED-Tj rent An upright piano .'or f,ur or live months. Must be in gid order. Inquire at the Astorian office. WANTED A youn? man to look af ter a li.-h and game market. Must fur niih rrferenees. Addivss, A. B., Asto rian office. MISCELLANEOUS. CALL ON P. BAKER, 478 Third St., und have your clothes dyed and' cleaned. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas, 130 First street, and get the Daily Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. BOARDING AND ROOMS. Three or four nicely furnished front rooms for housekeeping, $15; two rooms partly furnished for housekeep ing, $0; 518 Bond street. FURNISHED ROOMS-Wlth board, or good table board by the day or week, with home comforts, at reason able rates. Mrs. E. C. Holden, corner 9th and Duane streets. FOR RENT Two or three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, cheap. Apply G. V. Porter's furniture store, 517 Bond street. SOCISTT MEETINGS. PILOT CuMMlSSloNEh!-The reg ular meetings of this board will be held jii 1U1 first Monday of each month at 10 a. m., at the office it Robb A Par-ker- W. L. Robb. See. NOTICE-T-ie regular meetings of he Astoria Building and Loan Assocla lon are held at 8 p. m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Office on Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. w- L. ROBB, Secretary. BEVERAGES. WINES AND BKAN DIES. Use 2iu fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. tiny cents per en I Ion. rv.n't ....... peach and aprlcct brandv. Alo Frenrti ,crw.r and .tP : A, nlitvrCm. . ... . ,:ilY THE, PUREST Wines aid are 80,(1 CampbeU . Ot ' E AN KN-CA V V EN'T No. IS. L O. u. r. Reguler meetings of Ocean En campment No. W, in the Odd Fellows' Buildlnc at 7 p. m.. on the second and fourth Mondays of ech month. 80- jou.iuuK umnreo oordlally lnited. By order C.P,