s r -J DAILY ASTOIilAiV, A STOMA, FRIDAY -XttLVIiNU DECEMBER 21. IF. 2 L Wvn COUNTY JUDGES FINISH. More Amendments Propauod Ito Present Daws. . (Oreponiin.) The leg-lsfaiUve committee of county Judtta ended its session yesterday. A further amendment was reoommeiiJed to the OBsoasmeritt law as follows: "Tniat 'an assee3munit agfilnst person al property shall constitute .an account lasuinsit the owner ithereof, when such la.uessinera't la made, and than any per sonal property of Che owner within the Htaite of Orejrun, or real property within the j.;unty where he or she readdej, shall !be liable for said tax wn-en due, .with out reference Ito the property assessed," For inscanee, under the present sys 'tern a taxpayer may be assessed ah owner of HWO head of horuses, and, when the tax 1b due and payable, he no long er had these horsed, having In the mean time sold liem. As 'the law now Is, Ithe collection of the tax which was lev ied ut)n lilted horses, cannot De enforc ed by levying, seizing ujid selling any Ubher property of which the person may be posited. By the amendment pro pasea ..nJuer pivptn.y nuay be sealed upuii f jr the tax. lihe nfaiiter oi providing for (the pay n.eiiL oi all taxed wii.h gold and silver faiiii, and nut aocept county warrants In payment, waa dissuaded favorably, but no bill was foivnu toted by the JuJgvs, but Inwtead tne subject will be left to the wlddUiii of the legislators, An amundmeiit 1:0 the probate law Is to 'be recommended to tne leg-lslaiture, governing the compensation of admin tatraltorj. Under 'the existing law a man dies and leaves an estate woilth $12,000, of which J2OU0 consists of personal prop- erty and $10,000 in real estaite, house land lata. The real estaite is free of debt, and is devised to the widow and ithe i'MO personal property is divided up among several heirs, and a few small ddUts aTe settled up. As 'the estaite 16 worJh $12,000, the administrator has to 6'lve a bond of $24,000, and Is entitled ito a per cenituge us allowed by law, for his work, on the whole value of the estaite. The only part of the estate which he handles la the peraortal-prop-erty portion, of $2000. He does nothing with the $10,000 worth of real estate, s:ive to see that It is tn.isferred to the widow. According o 'the existing law the admlniitltirBitor or executor Is allowed his porconitlage on this $10,000 at a cer ita!!n iier cent per thousand, amounting to several hundred dollars. The amend merit proposeiie ito change this, and Is. designed to p-jr.nl t the paying of pel ce:iths'W to be discretionary with the county judges, who may allow In somt disss, where there is some care of the real estaite. An amendment Is also proposed to the same law, so that In a case of this kind, where an admlnis-traitor only han dles the perosnal property, the bond plven by the administrator or executor shall only be In double of the value of the personal property, and not- doU' tie of the value of the whole estate. Where rents and incomes of the proper ty is to be collected, the bond shall also be made to cover such collections. SHERIFFS WANT MILEAGE. The .Oregon Association of County Sheriffs met In special session Wednes day ait A. O. U. W. Hall,' In Portland, to consider the qucsUon of taking meas' urea to hu"e the new law placing sher iffs upon the s&Iau-y system amended so as to provide for mileage and other expenses attached to Ithe serving of pa- P3rt3 alt a distance from the courthouse. The complaint wale by the sherllT: Is that papers have to be served mile: iaway fram Ithe oourtliouse and count setalU, aind no provision Is made in thi na'v law for mlleaife or expenses In curred in such service. A sheriff hat to pay railroad fare or horse hire, and tall exirentftse thbit are enraSled when he has to make service at a distance. Somt of the county counts, recognizing tht justice of these claims, have allowed mileage 'to cover expenses, but others stick to the law as It Is, and will not pay. lnstamces were cited where sheriffs expended $500 land $600 travelling over DheSr county Burn'mon'tag jurors and wikneiuea to otttend a session of court. Thla came out of the officiate" Baiary, lamounitiing to $2500 a year, and manj soh trips would exhaust a sheriff' salary. The new law allows none oi the sheriffs teis or mileage. A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. Kell, Sharosburg, Pa. Dear Sir- 1 am glad to say a good word for ICrause's Headache Capsules. After suffering for over three years with acute neuralgia and Its consequent lusum'iia fvhlch seemed to baffle the eiiorts of some of our best physicians, you suggested this remedy which gave me almost instant relief. Words fab to express the praise I should like to btslow on Krause's Headache Capsules. Gratefully Yours, A1US. E. R. HOLMES, Montroee, Pa. For sale by Chns. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. CHEERFUL WINTER EVENINGS. Nothing bring? so much joy and com fort to the fireside as a genial vlaltor one that entertaina and Instructs every member of the family. The latch atrlng Is always out, for the Prairie Farmer, for It always brings a big weekly bud get. It Is brighter than ever, with a host of new writers, this year. The Thanksgiving and Christmas numbers will be worth more than a year's sub scription. $1.00 gets 52 visits. The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 23 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. A THOUGHTFUL, PERSON. Consults his best Interests by having a box of Krause's Headache Capsules at band: taken as directed will prevent or stop any kind of a headache, no matter what the cause In fact If your skull were cracked It would prevent pain. The frequency of the attacks will diminish, and by taking the cap sules at the approach of a headache, you will never have another. Twenty live cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria Oregon. Sole Agent Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WarU'f Fan- Higbcjt Medal sad Dlplnis EXTENDED SYMPATHT. "Do unto others as you would have otners do unto you, Is sympatnetlcaliy hown In the following lines, the pre sumption being that sympathy Is born, or akin to pain or sorrow: "Gentlemen: Pleas bend Krause's Headache Capsules as follows: Two boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna. N. Dak. Two boxes to Llllie Wilcox, Brookland, N. Dak. I have always been a great mifTerer from headache and your Cap sules are the only thing that relieves me." yours very truly, FLOPA SEAT, Havana, N. Dak. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria. Or.; Sole Agent KARL'S CLOVER BOOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, rcg ulate your Bowels, and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cts., 60 cts., and $1.00. Sold by J. W. Conn. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego Cal., says: "Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good. Price 60 cts. Sold by J. W. Conn. Th tliiimb li n nnfalllnjr Inrles of character. Tun r-iiuniv 'I pn III- dlcatt-i fitting will, (irrai cunu) and flrmnoiit. tiiweiy aineu uu bpatnlated Typo, die thumb of thou of advanced Idias and b.iiilin'xi ability. Both of there typri lielnnt to tbe busy man or wonmii; anc Demorest'a Family Jlniaxlne pre pares eeieclnlly for anch ptraniia a whole volume of new Idea, con denard In a email aiwco, m i hat tlx record of the whole world' worl for a month may lie rrad In half l honr. Tbe Conical Type Indicntci reAnement, culture, and a love ol muic, poetrr, and Action. Api-r with this type of thumb will Ihor. ounhly enjoy the literary atirncilont of Demorest'a Magazine. The Ar. tlitic Type indlcntce a love ol beauty and art, which will And ran plcamire in the mairmflcrnt oil-plec ure of roes, 113)4 ill iiichei-, repro duced from the original paint Inn by De Lougpre, the miwt celebrated "I liviug flower-painters, which will be given to every mbucrlbcr tc DemoreBt'a Marar.ine forlhW. Th O V' cost of this superb work of art at $360.00; and the reprotluciion cannot be distinguished from tin original. Besides this, an cxquieWf oil or water-color picture Is pub lished In each number of lite l!si tine, and the article are so pro. rarely and superbly Illustrated thai the Magazine is, in reality, a port folio of art works of the lilghesl order. The Philosophic Type Is lhe thumb of the thinker and invi-iitol of ide, who will be deeply inter ested In those developed monthly In Demorest'a MaRaiine, In every one of its numerous departments, which cover the en lire artistic and ecientlflc Acid, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Demorest'a Is simply a perfect Family Magazine, and was long ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in your subscription; It will cost only $S.0O, and you will have a dozen Magazine In one. Address W. JknninusDisohkst, Publnher, IS East 14lh Street, Kew TorK. Though not a fashion mngnzlne. Its perfect fashiun pages.and usartlcles on family anil domestic mailers, will be of superlative interest to those possessing the Feminine Type of Thumb, which indicates In Its small size, slenderness, soft nail, and smooth, rounded tip, thofe traits which belong essentially to tin rentier ex, everyone or wnoin snouiu hiuscmw u. Demorest'a Magazine. Uyouare unacquainted wilt Us merits, send for s specimen copy (free), an yon will admit that seeing these THUMllS has pui you In the way of saving moD-y by finding In on Magazine everything to tatlsfv Ua literarv wouta a tbe whole family. Comfort, Cheer, Contentment. These three C's are in valuable in life. To make sure of them all, use Allcock's Porous Plaster whenever you have a lame back, sciatica, stiff joints or any similar pain or ache. If yoa Always insiit upon having "All cock's," you will never be disappointed. Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief and cure for corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills are a safe, reliable remedy for billons headaohe and similar troubles. Have YOU Tried the great SKIN CURE? there is INSTANT RELIEF for all afflicted with TORTURING SKIN DISEASES in a single application of IttlGiira Cmcra 'WoitM Woxnwx. and It eorr of lartiimif?, dinuring, haniiltatitiir bu mvii are toe most wotiuefful etc recorded. Fold tbroofboot tba world. Pries Crmrrna, H.;i,e.; Ka"i.vsT tl. l'urrzIa Au CKia. Ctmr , fcoi Proprietora, Uuswa. "Bow t atiwry Btia Dkssaat," trta. mtlcura jH'jO, ron A CAGE IT will not cuke, u Ansarreeable laxative and NERVE TONIO, Bold by Dru(fg)8tor sent by mail 23o.,60a, nd $1.00 per package. Samples free. Ym TTlS The Favorite TOOTH PSWBH lkJ 11 VI for the Toetb. and ilreuii.&ja. For Bale by J. W. Conn. FRANKLIN AVENUE GRADE NO- TICK. ! Notice Is herebv irfven that t.ha r-nm. mon Council of the City of Astoria, propose to establish the grade of Franklin Avenue in the pant of the City of Astoria, laid out and recorded by John Adair from the west line of the John Adair DinHiin Land Claim to the east line of Thirty-fifth street, at elevaitlons above the base of (Trades as established by Ordinance No. 71, entitled, "An Ordinance to establish a base of grades for the streets of the City of Astoria," as follows, to-wlt: At tttfe west line of the John Adair Donation Land Claim. 27 feet. At the erossln.tr of franklin ti venue with 33d street, 38 feet. At the crossing of jTranklln avenue With 34th street, 55 feet. At 'the crossing of Franklin avenue with 35th street, 67.4 feet. The grade to be of even elevation throughout the width of the street at any one point, and upon a straight or even elevation or slope from cross ing to crossing, and the crossings to be level throughout the width of the lnterseoting streets. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners or three-fourths the property fronting on of mi Id portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ton days from the final publlca- tlon of thlB notice, to-wlt, on Tuesday, January 1st, 1N, the common Coun-i cil will establish slid grade By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, December 7, 1891. Oregon's Great Seaport. The prediction of shrewd old John Jacob Astor Is about to be fulfilled, The city of Astoria, Oregon, Is about to become the greatest seaport and me tropolis of Northwestern America. Its location and resources have at. traded the attention of capital, and it Is today the best field for the Invest- ' ment of money, brains and muscle on the American continent. This "Largest civilized city In the ' world without a railroad," is to exper ience the Impetus of a connection in different directions with two of the ' greatest continental railway systems. Astoria's harbor advantages (the best on the whole Pacific Coast) are now understood and appreciated; Its Ashing Interests (already paying to the ' hands employed In the salmon canneries alone over (250,000 of wages each month) are to be augmented by the investment of outside capital and the erection of large and latest Improved plants. The Immense forests of Ore gon pine surrounding the city are to be converted into lumber for the Aus tralian, Chinese, Japanese, and South American markets. The great coal fields within a few miles of the city are to be Immediately opened, and the product thereof shipp ed in every direction. A dairying region unsurpassed In the whole world Is to be opened up and afforded an outlet to market. A harbor, better than that of San Francisco, and the only one with this exception on tlu more than two thou, and miles of Pacific coast, Is to be supplied with Increased dockage and coaling facilities, and Immense grain elevators will be built to store and load the wheat of the Columbia basin direct ly on the merchant fleets of the world. Astoria offers openings for many new Industries, namely, grist mills, saw mills, paper mills, stave, box, barrel and tub factories, show case works, sasll and door factories. There will be room for many live, energetic and wide-awake men and women with or without money. All Inquiries promptly answered. Papers and data supplied on application. AddresB flSTOWS IflFOflpnOfl BUJjEflU. ABtoria, IRVING AVENUE GRADE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, propose to establish the grade of Irving avenue in the town (now olty of Astoria, Or., as laid outand recorded by J. M. Shlvely, from the claim line be tween McClure"8 and Shlvely's D. L. C, to the east line of 18th street, at elevations above the base of grade for the City of Astoria, as established by Ordinance No. 71, entitled, "An Or dinance establishing a base of grades for the streets of the City of Astoria," as follows, to-wlt: At center of Irving Avenue and Claim line between McClure'g and Shlvely's Astoria, 107 leet. At center of Irving Avenue and 14th street, 167 feet. At center of Irving Avenue and 13th street, 166.5 feet. At eeroter of Irving Avenue and 16th street, 170 feet. At certter of Irving Avenue and 17th street, 172 feet. At center of Irving Avenue and 18th street, 185 feet. The grade to be on a straight or even slope between the crossings, and of equal height throughout the width of thj; street at any one place between said orosslngs. Anl unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of three-fourths of the property fronting on said part of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, to wn: on Tuesdlay, January 1st, 1S95, the Common Council will establish said grade By order of the Common Council. (Attest) K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, December 5th, 1S84. THE DISCOVERT SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. G. Calllouet9, Dmeglet, Beavers. vllle, HI., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy- slolans for miles around, but of no avail, and was given up and told I oould not live. Having Dr. King's New I Discovery in my Btore I sent for a bow !tle, and began to use It, and from the I Hrst dose began to get better, ana after using inree polities was up ana auouc agaiin. It Is worth its weight In gold. We won't keep store or house without It." Get a trial bottle free at Ch'as. Rogers' Drug Store, Odd Fellows' build ing. Ot' FREEitfAN & BREKNER, Blaclcsmith. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc LOGGING CAMP molft A SPECIflLTV. 137 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. Df , i r aloitfJ Iron WorkS rl i 1 General Machinist and Boiler Works. All kinds of Cannerv. Shin. Steamboat and engine Work ot any Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafayette St., Astoiia, Or. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Concomly St., foot of Jackaon, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Caatinga of All Deacrlptlont Made to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. B. Prael Secretan St. George's Rheumatic Bitters, A Remedy spedaly manufactured to aid those aft icted with RHEUMATISM. It gives tone to the stomach and purities the blood better than any other bitters known. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. For said by all leading druggists or Address "G. R." P. O. Box 663, Astoria, Or. OCGIDEfiT JIOTEL Is the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. THE Htf UNEXCELLED TABLE. Rata. a daily and upwarda. opp'a Beer Hall. Choice Wlnea, Llquore and Clji-i. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over the car. The Urge.it giasa of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, sc. Free Lunch. Hrickson & Wirkkala, Proprietors Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sta. Hunter & Epicures say the best Pork Sausage combines Hergen's.pork with the flaky fat and the fines herbs. We furnish the table with this kind of sausage that pleases the veriest epicure. Portland Butchering Co'i M arka Corner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth streets J. A FA ST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DIJIVE1?, HOUSE, B1JIDCE JIJ1D WHARF BUILDER. Addreaa. box 180, Poatoffice. ASTORIA, OR Stf. ECLilPSE, CAPT. M. SKIBBE, Makes trips to Gray's River Thurs days and Fridays. Parties wishing to charter apply on board, at Roes, Wig gins ft Co.'s Dock, or their office. FISHER BROS., SHIP - CHANDLERS, HARDWARE. Wagons & Vehicles In Stock Farm Machinery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Falrhank's Scales, Doors and Windows. Provisions, Flour, and Mill Fa3 Astoria, Oregon. These tiny Capsules arc superior to Ualsatn ol IJopalba, lCubehfl ft nil Tnl.irtlnna. IWWJ jpj I They euro In 43 hours thaVj A same diseases without anyliicoiv- PT 1 . .............. iTomonce, oulubi AU.UliUUUI5I3 THE flSTOHlfl SAVINGS Bflfty Acts as trustee for Corporations and individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed nn mvlnn deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBT President BKNJ. YOUNG Vice President FRANK PATTON Cash!, W. B. DEMKNT Secretary DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Rowlby, C. II. Page, O. A. Nelson, Beni. Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson, W. E. Dement. Japanese Bazaar SINO LUNG. Prop. Says a customer of some of those new goods that we have Just received for fall trade, and that we're sailing so remarkably cheap: "They are the best bargains we ever got In Awtoria-" They re captivating in quality and style and will make a record as purse- openers. 417 Bond Street, nc-it door to Mouler'f Fruit Store. SEASIDE SilWfllLIi. A complete stork of lumber on band In the rough or lreifl. flooring, row tic, cllli:g, and all klnjs of finlnh; mouldir.KS and nhiiiKl'B; also bracket work done to or It. Tt-rnis reasonable and r-Us at bvdroek. All orders promptly at'n1"d to. OfTi'-e end yard st reill. It. . I IX'iAM, Pruy r. C;t ll, Oi ;'45. , , NO BREAKFAST Is complete without a good piece of choice nii-iit. One can be Deceived In a piece of meat at the meat dal ers, and discover when it is too Inte jtrat what appeared to be good is noth- ling of the kind. Guard agKlust such Inililtakes by coming here. We always have the best. WASHINGTON MEAT flARKET, CHRI.STEN5EN A CO., Prop'rj, Are You Going East? Ee sure and see that your ticket reads via HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. the CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and- OMAHA RAILWAYS. This Is the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless VeB tibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME." Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes ot passengers curried on the veBtibultd trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents huve tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAOPI, Gen. Agent. Trav. F. and P. Agt 248 Washington St., Portland, Or. RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans Continents Railway System. FHOil OCEAfl TO OCEfifl -IN- Palace Dining Pooq and Sleeping Cars Ltwarloas Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. -ALSO- Observation Cars, alloaiing Unbroken Vleais of tbe Wonderfal fountain Cotintry. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east,. Tourlnt cars the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STE AKSHIP LIN To China tn4 Jsian, Empress of Japan, November 12th. tmpreas of China, December 10th. For Uoket rates and Information, cull on or address. J AS. FINLAT.SOtf, Agt, Astorfn, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Fa. Aki., T-i-coma, Y a'sti Geo. HcL. Brown, Pist, l as. -t.. a;;(O..Vi. r, a. C. Canadian Pacific A E. ricNCiL, Receiver. Gives Choice of Jmo Transcontinental ,r7' Routes, Via Via Og(len,Dcnver and Omaha or St. Paul. Spokane and St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars, Astoria to San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMERS Columbia, Monday, December 10. State, Saturday, Deoemiber 15. Columbia, Thursday, December 20. State, Tuesday, De-mbt;r 25. Columbia, Sunday, December 30. State, Friday, January 4. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. Hereafter tho OR. and N. Co.'s boats will run as follows, between Astoria and Portland. The Thompson will leave As toria at 6:45 a, m. dally except Sunday, and Portland dally at 8 p. m. exrept Sunday. The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. dally, and Portland at 7 a, m. dally except Sunday. For rates and general information call on or address Q. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBURT, Clen. Pas. Agt., Portland. Or. GjUGIGO, and ST. PilDlt RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinental Lines Is the Only Line running ELECTRIC LIGHTED - Cflf3 BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. Tht Express Trains consists ot Vestibuled, Sleeping Dining anil Parlor Cars, HEATED DY STEAM, And fumfohd with Every Luxury known In Dodsm railway travel. I For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line Is L'nequaled. T'caets on sale at a!! prominent roHw-.i o? r For further Information Imjuir t,i ar.y tj kt. a:.?'... C. J. EDDY, Gtwri! A- J. W. CASEY, Trav. f , rc-n.Av. ! ii