THE DAILY ASTOIUAX ASTOiilA, TUESDAY MOItMNG DECEMBER 18, 18i; iUen ry i.iy wen ring suits marie by Mc . M, lii'- li.ilor. No doubt you have i-vi'il a slight diversion in the style, lit", and liiiish of these Bulta. Yet h one of them is rli;ht in touch with me ui mem is nt;iiL in uiuun l n 1U, nnd has the genuine stamp tiio ti r.r true elegance. No matter whether joii (tie a mim of fashion or a dresser it comfort McUnnnW 8 suits will Bat jfy your taste and protect your purse, ciiAS. Mcdonald, The Tailor. 523 Commercial Street DID YOU Ever see a iniin who said he had got ten a poor drink of whisky at The Of fice? Or did you ever eee a mam who did see a nun that 8aKv- a, mam who knw a man who received a poor drink Bit The Office? We guiess that you will have to admit that you never did, us the Hope whisky sold there buIU every one, THE OFFICE. HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies' and Children's white embroidered Handkerchiefs, 4c. 5c. Gc. 7c' 8c. 10c. l,2c. He. 15c. 17c. 20c. 25c. EACH. Albert Dunbar Cor. Commercial and 9th Sts. An Illinois Town Ton years ago had only one cigar fac tory employing live hands, it also naa a young men's business association whose work was to boom the town. One of the things the association rec ommended was for smokers to smoke their town's cigars, talk their town's cigars, and agrea to smoke none other. The result is. that today that town hns 8,000 population, 1,500 of whom work In cigar factories. W. v. Bemeoe manu factures the LA BELLE ASTORIA, and if the Binokers of this city would be loyal to their town and follow the example set by these people of Illinois, it might prove as profitable an Invest ment as the encouragement of a rail road. Christmas - - Just Received-- A Fine Line of Watches Diamonds Clocks, Silver Novelties, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Sterling and Plated Ware Suitable for Holiday Presents H. EKSTROM, UcM.lliitf Jeweler, goo Commtrdal St. Aimrl, Or, Huni't GuoiU"Low Prlcoi. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland. Dec. 17. For Washington. f.tlr In western tmitlim; cUntring in east ern poiMlons. For' Oregon, cleniUng In western por tions, f.iJr In enHtern portion j cooler. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twonty-four hours ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, fur nished by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, weather bureau. Maximum temiH'iwlure, 43 degrees. iMlntmcm temiHiM.tu.w, 37 dc-urw. Prfvlpluttion, .07 Inch. Tolut pin."cJiltntlm from September lt, 1814. to dale, 31.30 tm-lu. Excess of precipitation fixwn Septem ber 1st, 1W4, to date. 4.25 Inolwa. A ROUND TOWN. "JEFF'S" The Only Restaurant. See Swope. Set Swope about decorating. See Swope about decorating and sign work. Single tiiv In the walls surrounding I liaalbec Weti"i 3.00 ).') poundit nch. Two trained mice oj-iie a spinning nuu-liiuo ilt'vUvJ by a Uki.-jfow mtuiliin- The e?qs of tlie Bahama cucooo are lit'ld ait $i00 w r set by dealers lu birds' WHAT TO BUY FOR CHRISTMAS. Fins Parlor Lamps F.liynnl Pinnor Sots Osrvinir Bit Silver riated Knived Fork ami Socna OraiiRe enl Berry Knnftn.i-.N'iit Ciii.-ks nnd Fii-ks-Salt (VlUr ami Kpsds-Fanoy Chins Cups and Saucers Traya Vsses Flain ari'l Cut i-U" m-! (r.'.iJ -I' S ts Table Ware-lVket Ku vea-SKWIMti MVCHl.N'KS- Large Aasortment of Useful Ki; 1 I it 1, Hi!i- Vi.oa oarefully selm toJ aKmrut ot Imported ami JJomestio Faucy Crockery, Glassware and Bdvar- . j t4i-", u jjiv'u iimr oeHit"u 10 o Hi'iirtt-mirti. nt I'DAUli & STOKl! COMPANY. (Incorrorted,) v . u uiuii tno pr.-vnt optica ii intra men Ui In use, 50,000,000 tars are rendered vis ible. A spring of good -waiter an a claim In Kklnhorna adds $500 to the value of the flail m. For the latest styleB and lowest prices i l,,.t,nia o.wl .,... l3 . and wraps' cal1 at lne Low Phil fitokes' prices on ahoes we so low tbalt everybody who buyes sends Homnbody else. ' Biff Values In Ladles' and Children's all wool gTay underwear this week at the Low Price Store. The British ihlp lie-public cleared yes terday for Hull, with 62,770 sacks, of wheat valued iat $08,000. Join the throng that will be served with egg-ting today at The OiBce. It looks good, but Dartes better. Bring your sheet music to Delllnger & Howe, the Binders, and have It bound Into handsome books. Mr. Jaimes Qulnn, of Qulnn's Land ing, was In the city yesterday shaking" hands with Wis many friends. For fine holiday goods, go to 165 10th afreet. Also stamping and embroidery. Lessons given In fancy work. Robt. S. Norria has Just received from New York a nice selection of the finest Australian opals. Call and see them. The latest styles In jewelry received almost dally at Ilobt. S. Norrls'. Nle ml's old stand, 466 Commercial street Good Is good but better beats It, and such is the story of Hope Whiskey, which can be found only at The Office, Vienna, is to have an elevated' rail road with the wheels on top' of itlie cars, Wide will hang suspended from ' the Palls. A negro boy of Cherokee, Ca who waa attacked by three riaitHleiartakos, and MUten several times, recovered within a few days. Members of the 13. P. O. E., have you seen the new and elegant Elk charms, rings, pins, etc. that Robt. 8. Norrls has Just received? An excellent program to In prepara tion for tltoe anniversary etvturt Inmont of the Y. M. I. alt their ball on Wed nead'ay evening. The big scow bellng built by Louis Martin Is neiarlng complatlon. It 18 a substlantilal looking craft, and will stand siine plenty bard tisage. . The British ship Maruitihjn arrived (Jinwn from Portlaind Sundlay atlternoon, and the American ship Standard left up at 2 o'clock the Baime d'ay. S. E. Utzlngor la th-i agent In Astoria for the celebrated Uunibrlnus Hottlert Beer, of Portland. Dr.p lilm a postal card and he will call for your older. Samples of those new carbon prints that are permanent and will not fade can now be seen at Crow's gallery. Just the thing for a Christmas present. Blank books of every kind and de scription, turned out on short notice by Delllnger & Howe, the binders, al Portland prices, We guarantee our work to be the best. Every body knows how good fir wood Is, but It must be good, and that Is the kind that the Astoria Wood Yard liai to offer you. Ordors left at Carnahan & Co.'a, or at the Wood Yard. Ohaimber of Commerce excursion to Porrtamd will leave O. R. and N. Co.'s whlurf this evening on steamer T. J. Pinter a t 9:30 p. m. Arrangements have lcon made to hold the boat until that hour. 1. - Mr. H. F. Allen ,thej pallniter and pa per dttuler, says tlhat when he finishes ithe InlCerfor decollations on hW new sttT9 room Ticair the court house, It will equal anything ot the kind on t!.e must. Foard & Stokes Co. have secured the agency of the famous STEWART'S TWINES, the only GENUINE FLAX TWINE manufactured In IRELAND. Their new stock goods are much bu-IKM-lor to any other klnS. We ar told that we are selling the best wood In town ror the money, we confess it we've made a dead set to have the Scow Bay Wood Yard catch the best trade In town. Ofriee opposite Flshr Brothers'. Who said soaps? Nice soaps? Cheap soaps? Yea, those aoas In the show window of the Prlnti-Craln Drug Store can not bo beaten, and the beauly of them is thut they only cost ten icents a cake, or twenty-five cents a box, C. B. Smith, the confectioner, has the most complete line of fresh Christmas candles ever offered for sale In, this ckty. lUiwi from ten cents per pound up. 8eelal prices for Christmas trees, church socials, etc. 4S3 Commercial street. Yte:.iy in Justice Abnroroinble's court Mm. R. T. Humphi was ad Juilgvil violently Insane. She was tak en in Hainte by Slawlft Hare nnd bun niK'lat thty left on the Telephone for SaliMii. This is Idle seottnd time Mis. Hui!inle ha ben sent to the Insune asylum, il bt'lns le-ti than a yer ao thivt she was dJaihurgod faun that ln slltutltm- Mr. Jmes Ciwlck, the geiiKUirVan with vluan th wit'cr commission has been having considerable trouble regarding the pipe line right of way through bis prperty Btwr Creek, has left the n.tHter in the hands of Commissioners Peterson and Wtvdem for settlemiit. Tlivy will visit Hhe property rhortly ami la;-s the divnige for the water ommls- lui to pay. Ur. i'rice' Cream Biking Powder World's Fair tlls'.iest Award. TIm steamers Elmore and Columbine went down to the boads yesterday and tKkk a look at the sa outside. They both returned to their docks wHihomt venturing out. Take Che "aide wheeler" tonight and crt- the bay In safety and comfort. All the Pouter's state rooms are lighted by electricity and supplied wloh running waiter. $1.50 for tthe round trip. Just now the doors of Phil Stokes' i'ore are swung open every few sec onda by Home tody looking for neck tlos, and other nk-k-nacks for a Christ mas present. Capnrin Ora'hnm urates that Ms naph the laumh "Farafhlon" Is gaining busi ness every day. She to a comfortable lidtle vessel, -and a heating stove In the oozy cabin Is appreciated these cold oV.yB. Conoomly Tribe, No. 7, held a meet ing last night and decided to give an other of those delightful banquets thlatt weia the talk of the town about this time last year. The event will take place on January 14th. E. Alma Stuttz writes from Red Bluff, OalUfonila, ubaClng that. Chrlst mas presents for the Stuttz Company will reach theml ait the Avon Theatre, StoAtoji, CtaSlfornla, wnere 'they are billed for & two weeks' engagement, commencing on the 2th. The. contract for cldairlng thi rlgiht-of-way for the proposed waiter-works pipe-line, will be lot at 10 o'clock today. The commHt'tee to whom the bids open ed on Saturday were refenred, asked for an extension of time to thiaJt hour In wbhfli to tniak their repoit. It will pay you to buy your Chrtatmas dandles of C. B. SmUth, the confectioner, as he has the finest lot of fresh candies I t,aen outdone oy a tramp who handed In the city. Prices from 10 certts and!oult the lrtaJme of Jwnws MoGowian, to 15 cents per wund tiTWardH. Soecial entered on the records of ephetn- pflcws for Chiilstmas tree orders. OomimiercOal street. 4S3 Everybody should go to Portland to nlglilt and olttend the Portlaind Exposi tion tomorrow, "Astoria 'Day." The old fUvorlte steamier Telephone will car ry passengers at a reduced rate for this owanlon, and those wishing1 to go on her should speak early for their tickets and staterooms. Wednesday, the 19th will be Astoria Day alt 'the Portland Universal Exposi tion, and the O. R. and N. Co. have maidie ia $1.50 round trip rate for the occasion. Oood R'oinsr Tuesday, the 18lh. and returning tip to ttnd including ! Thursday, the 20th, on either of the fa vorite stammers, T. J. Potter or R. R Thompson. A prtftty eight greeted the people of this o(ty yesterday morning In the snow euiiped mounllalns and frosted forests on the Washington side of the river, The sun enj out Just long enough to make the newly fallen snow sparkle like countless gems, and being such an unuMuial slg'h't In this part of the octm try, natuiully eittradled a greait deal of attention. The stcaimer Teleionw has miade a very low rate to the Portland Exposi tion "Astoria Day," fciavUng here Tues day evening and retui7iilng (Thursday morning. Anyone kmxwlnff the Tele phone miannsamenlt can be aiasured that they will be given all ithe coniforitis of the hlgifrer rates on this trip, and will ifi't through to their doMrm-tkm in good time. Ye-itenlay morning as the steamship Colii'mHtfa passed In she enca'inttered some trnmendous heavy seaa. The good ship lurched aind rolled aa If she were going olean over or take a header bena.ilt'lv the waves, but she came through without any further ameident lihan takilng on a couple of 'heavy seas ontwn.. It Wave the paasengars quite a shaking up, and caused no little excite, metvt alxiard. In both Fblturday and Sunday's liwus of the AftortHin a typognaiphlciau errov appwuied In the eitcimicr Telephone's kiniil, which made It reljd 'Thursday" nlBht Inttlid of Tuesnllay night, as the time of departure for the "AWtorla Duy" t.t the Poittand ExpmSlitlon. Agent Stone swys thtilt he exiiecta a big crowd up on the old favorite, nnd due prepa rations have bern mide. The reduced ralte takes efftwt on Tueeitay night. The Stwldora are puljig to ceHebrxnte Chrialmas by Waving gviod old-P.ihion. ed turkey shout, one of those a ff uli-s where a man with a rifle ait a distance of loo ywiMB, U supposed Ro dip the hvad from a turkey before he Is entl tied to the prize. Since the event hns been nil.ido known, there has been 4 ."iKrial clKinlng up of oi l rifles, and me of th" miarksmen in 'that nels'hbor ho.x), who have grown rather rusty, are out p;UMt'lilng at a target from early nvrarn till laite at IllghL Ixitmasters would do newspaper pub Ushers and some newspaper renders a good turn If they would Inquire when a man refuses to take his paper from the office, whether he has paid up all ar rears and ordoivd U discontinued. If he has not done so, the postmaster should explain to htm that the law will compel him to pay for the paper whether he takes th paper from the iiflle or not, and that the only way to stop It is to pay wht he owrs to the publisher. The British fhip Marion Ballantyn left up the river yesterday in tow of the Oklahama, Twenity-om of the crew were taken oft Sunday by Health Offl cer Walker and conveyed to the h( pitta I. where it Is hoied 'they will soon recover frtvin T1k effw'ts of the fever fivnn wbl.h they have been usffoWng. The tHntuin, stwtiml, eiul one o the seamen rvMnuinnd with the ship, also Mr, H, A. Snii h, wlio wUa placed In oh.wjr duitng quarantine. In Sun-d-'.iy's Annrt of the Aatorlan it was errVmeouly stated thtit the carpenter had died en route from Acapulco. The name mentioned was correct, but his position was alyle seiaman. An amusing Incident took placV on the Btxeett yesterday opposite Phil fStokes' store. A man was noticed walking rapidly down street wiih a gnit vol umn of smoke Issuing frwnTHs side coat pocket, a.nd apparently unconscious of he danger to his wearing apparel. The driver of a Scow Bay wood wagon, noticing the moving volcano, called to the mam that he was on Are, and In doing so doubtless prevented ft disas trous conflagration. It Is unnecessary to say thult tfhtere Waa a scene, which resulted In the fire being extinguished The man had placed ai lighted pipe in 'has pocket and the draft caused by his napid movement while walking, fanned It into a flame. Thirty -eight vessels aire still due at tMs port, aggregutilng 65,654 tons, which mill swell the total number of ships ttyla Be&son to over 100. Twenty -three vessels aire still 1n thta port 'aind up the niver, and sevenaj were anchored down near the hdads ready to go to sea as soon 'as 'Che weafther calms down a bit Yeaterdlay the lower bay presented the appearance of a young forest that had suddenly sprung up in mid-channel, the bare poles of several grilin laden ves sels showing plainly against the back ground of sky aibove the distant west em horizon. LUXURY LOVING TRAMPS. The New York tramps seem to be making lUhetneelves flt. The recent ex plolt of the itraimp Oarvey, who ohoee the dkxwny couch of Mr. Aator's faun dress tlor a Testing place, to the exclu 8lon of tnd estimable person 8,1,3 "hawiae to her disgust, has era! teme. McGowain had received new 'and decent looking suit of clothes from some generous person, land on the strength of ft ob)tallned a shave, a artampoo, a hair-cut, a bath, aind ia mfanlourilng, for Wis 'wanderings had thrown his feet Into some disorder. Then, by a subterfuge, he 'managed to make his escape from the bairberslhop, wthilc'h Is on West Third etreat, New York, wiith a handful of razors, but was overiteken. His explanation wan (hat he needed a creaming up, and hsiv ing no money, thought he would get it wiJUhouit. The barber is not only out for his laibor, but 1s out 75 cents cash ta "AWtton, for 'the services of the nftm. leaiitet who was culled In. DouUtlete Mr. McOowan' desire for a cleaning up wbb cammendalble; but his manner of obtaining it is not considered praise worthy. He will probalbly keep the distinguished Mr. Gurvey company shortly. These are new lines for the tramp fraternity, which is geHKlng the soft est things in life, without money and without price, for which honest and decent men Wive to work. PERSONAL MENTION. Judge Gray Is expected home from Pcifltfctind ThuJtJday morning, where he had been since Saturday attending the oommt.'itee meeting, of the county Judge convention. , . Mr. E. J. Rathbone, conneciled with Receiver McNeill's office In Portland, Was In Ithe city yesterday on his way to the metropolis from Hwaco. 'Mra. Firrck left for Portland last night on the steanwr Politer. Mr. George Itairiley was in the city yesterdUy from his dairy iarm ait Bald Hill. ASTORIA DAY AT THE PORTLAND EXPOSITION. Do not forget to go to Portland to night on the steamer Telephone ond vWlt the Exposition. Only $1.50 for the round trip, tickets good returning Thursday on Telephone or Lurllnij. GRACE CHURCH "NOTICES. The Sunday school room will be open (tola evening and every evening this wek ftir the tying of the Christmas greens. All are requested to help. Even ing prayer Wednesday, Friday aind Sat urday at 7 o'clock. Choir rehearsal Thursday and Friday evenings. Holy Communion Friday (St. Thomaa" Diayi at 10 a. m. A flouring mill in Minneapolis con fculna a bait 260 feot long and wriglilns over a ton, It required twenty cowhides do muke It. NOTICE. On account of business demnnds we shall keep open after 7 o'clock p. m. until after the holidays. FOARD & STOKES CO. Shoes and blues rhyme, but If you buy our shoes, you will never have the blues. The fall stock Is now ready, and every bit of the extravagance haa been taken out of the prices. Good man & Co. What Is the use to ko and rav 12 1-f cents for a cigar when you can get the Robert Mantell at Chas. Olsen's for 10 oenta, the best Havana cigar in the market, mild and free smoking. Meany ia th leading tailor and pay a Uis highest cash price for fur skins. Awarded HlxhMt Honors World's Fair. CHEAT,! HI MOST PERFECT MADE A port Crapt Cretm of Tartar Powder. Free 60m Ammonia, A !um or any ot Iter adulterant 1 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ' mm THIS BARGAINS BUY NOW Patrons are ressectfuily requested to call in the morning to avoid the afternoon rush. ,..t.,-:"ii t"i! STORE-OPE Leading Dry Goods and Oregon's Great Seaport. The prediction of shrewd old John Jacob Astor is about to be fulfilled. The city of Astoria, Oregon, Is about to become the greatest seaport and me tropolis of Northwestern America. Its location and resources have at. traded the attention of capital, and it is today the best field for the Invest ment of money, brains and muscle on the American continent. This "Largest civilized city in tho world without a railroad," Is to exper ience the impetus of a connection in different , directions with two of the greatest continental railway systems. Astoria's harbor advantages (the best on the whole Pacific Coast) are now understood and appreciated; its fishing Interests (already paying to the hands employed In the salmon canneries alone over $250,000 of wages each month) are to be augmented by the investment of outside capital and the erection of large and latest improved plants. The immense forests of Ore- t , gon pine surrounding the city are to be converted into lumber for the Aus tralian, Chinese, Japanese, and South American markets. The great coal fields within a few miles of the city are to be immediately opened, and the product thereof shipp ed In every direction. A dairying region unsurpassed in the whole world Is to be opened up and afforded an outlet to market. A harbor, better than that of San Francisco, and the only one with this exception on tlu more than two thous and miles of Pacific coast. Is to be supplied with Increased dockage and coaling facilities, and immense grain elevators will be built to store and load the wheat of the Columbia basin direct ly on the merchant fleets of the world. Astoria offers openings for many new Industries, namely, grist mills, saw anllls, paper mills, stave, box, barrel a .id tub factories, show case works, sash and door factories. There will be room for many live, energetic and wide-awake men and women with or without money. All Inquiries promptly answered. Papers and data supplied on application. Address flSTOjPIi'S.. ITOPTIOH BUREAU. Astoria, WEEK. in every Department for Ladies, Gents and Children. Your Christmas presents Before the Assort ments are Broken-up. EVENINGS. G. H. COOPER, Clothing House of Astoria. Oregon. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store W. C. LOGAN. D. V. S.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 673 Third street J. E. LaKORCE, D. D. 8. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the -Flavol building, opposite Occident W. M. LAFORCE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Rooms 6, 6 and 7, Flavel a Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY J.T LAW. Office in Flavel's brick building. FBAt-K J. I'AYLilK. J NO. T. LlUIITEB. TAYLOR 4 LIGHTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aflto'-la Oregon. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCES. May be found In his olflce until It o'clock mornings from 12 noon until 2 p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or. DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 6&4V4 Third st, Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all cbronie diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danziger's store, Astoria. Telephnne No. 52. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms I and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street. FOT? "T.. FOR SALE Household furniture. W. I. Crawford, Agent. JAPANESE GOODS. Just out Just received Just what you want, at Wing Lee's, 529 Third street. WANTED. WANTED A Kipirant t. -,..... I j huusewtirk. Apply at the rooms over liKsirom s Jewelry store. J. T. Lighter. WANTED Agents to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpelier, Vt. For further informa tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast Manager, 82-S4 Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. 1 WANTED. 1 A school girt or young: lady as a com ;pan1on during the winter months by a j iady living near Court Street School. : Will board tree. Addrcsa F. C, this office. MANAfiRTi !VJMTPnT - - .v d;uilll salesmen to sell the Rapid Dishwasher. Washea and dries the dishes in two minutes without wetting the ftngera. $75 a week and all expenses. Easy po sition, no capital; no hard work; can make $100 a week. Address W. P. Har rison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. WANTED To rent An upright piano for four or live months. Must be in fT'irxl order. Inquire at the Astortan office. WANTED A young mlan to luok af ter a fish and game market. Must fur nish references. Address, A. B., Asto nian office. MISCELLANEOUS. CALL ON P. BAKER, 478 Third St and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas, 150 First street, and get the Daily Astorlan. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. BOARDING AND ROOMS. Three or four nicely furnished front rooms for housekeeping, $15; two rooms partly furnished for housekeep ing. $5; 518 Bond street. FURNISHED ROOMS-With hoard, or good table board by the day or week, with home comforts, at reason able rates. Mrs. E. C. Holden, corner 9th and Duane streets. I FOR RENT-Two or three rooms, ! furnished for light housekeeping-, cheap. (Apply G. V. Porter's furniture store, S17 Bond street. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMISSIONERS-Tho reg ular meetings of this board will be held on the first Monday of each month at 10 a. m., at the office of Robb & Par-ker- W. L. Robb. Sec. NOTICE Tie regular meetings of the Astoria Building and Loan Associa tion are held at 8 p. m. on the first Wednesday nt onh n,.v. ! Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. J W. L. ROBB, Secretary. I O6 ENCAMVVENT No. 13. 1. O. I - F. Regular meetlnea of Ocean En jcampment No. 13. in the Odd Fellows' 1 Building, at 7 p. m.. on the second and ! fourth Mondays of each month. So jjcurning brethren cordially in'ted. By order & p BEVERAGES. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. WIXE3 AND BRANDIES.-UseZln-randel wine Instead ot coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget Deach and anrlori iwnmt w - - , " J ricuui Ccgnae and wine at Alex Gilbert'.