THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1894 TKRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Seued by carrier, pepr week., 15 eta rVnt by mall, per month 64 eta Hoot by mail, per year.. 17.00 WEEKLY Sent by mall per year, 12.00 Id advanoe. foelage tree to subscribers. The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub acrlbers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be obtained on application to the business manager. This paper Is In possesion of all the telegraph franchises, and Is the only paper on the Columbia river that pub lishes genuine dispatches. The Weekly Astorlan. the third old' est weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Handler & Haas are our Portland gents and copies of the Astorlan can ts had every morning at their stand on First street. CITY ELECTION, Wsdnesday, December 1894. 13 REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET, For Councilman, First Ward O. WINOATB. For Councllmin, Second Ward JA3. W. WELCH. For Councilman. Third Ward CHRIST. ORAMMS. COL. JAMES TAYLOR. The death of Colonel Taylor will cause universal sorrow throughout the city and this whole section of Oregon. Addled to the pain the sudden announce ment of Ms death brings to his old friends and neighbors, Is the reflectJon that had he been siured but a little longer he might have seen the fruition of his many years' of hope and labor for the development of Astoria and Clatsop county. He was perhaps the best known, uid was among the most "highly esteemed of the remaining few flmt seittlera of the North Pacific coast region. With very successive step of Oregon's advancement and progress foi the past fifty years he has bean a more or loss promtaonit figure. The rectitude of :hls private life and character needs no eulogiium among his fellow citizens who h'ave known and nwepeoted him so long. The attempt by any mere ex prosslon of symixuthy to jwom-Jle the bereaved sons and dauKMcra of such a father to their loss, would be 'both Svoak and Impotent. Time alone will tie their effectual, s It always Is the universal healer. Astoriai will miss the Stalwart form amd cheery voilce of het Oldest citizen, but the Impress of hi uvuful life and public example will be felt upon her future for yews to come. Elsewhere we print a brief account of the life and hlutory of Colonel Taylor, and w have been promised the facta and materials for an extended biogra phy later on. DIPLOMATIC INTRIGUES. The Japanese government, says the Now York Tribune, has acted with good Judgment In declining to receive an envoy who roprwentei the viceroy raliM r than 'the government at Peking. The situation In China Is fraught with the uncerttuitttea of civil war, and na tional disruption, and Count. I to Is Jus tified in Insisting uion treating for jH'aoe directly tvkh a duly accredited agent of the throne. At the same time Julian, having much to gain from continuance of the a war In wliLh the Chines military and nawul services have completely broken down, Is natur ally taking advantage of every technl OAllty for delaying peac-maklng. Its shrewdness and practical skill In diplo tnfaoy.are exiltkg alarm and coiutern .tton in Great Drttailn, wheiv there Is growing apprehension of the dissolution of the CMnese Empire. Juion cannot b forced to negotiate peace jgMlnwt tts will unless there is conoerted action on the part of Eng land, Frvun and Ruiwla. That there tiaa been a secret understanding among tlj powers for many years respecting a posrtbla puiiUtlon of China wa do not tdoubi: and the atata detxutment at ,.,,,,,1 ,,,, t i ,iiniil WAHhlnston ought ai i exceedingly rary In being drawn tat any Euro- by D: n ervtiisrterlrment n Aaiatio affairs, v AU :!-.? f Ji'. S'i omo s ara fully e:u- ployed now with Irftrlguea In remote quarters of the earth. Even Germany, which has nothing at stake In China, Is apparently making a determined ef fort to secure a port In Morocco, ac cording to the latest news from the Mediterranean All theso masters lie outside the frphcre of American Inter ests, end the stote deipai1tmenlt Is Justi fied In malnAidn'Ing a benevolent atti tude of Impartial neutrality and await lng the natural order of events with out prematurely committing Itself in any course of acitlon. Respecting! Blues fields and the Nicaragua canal, Its in terest is direct, and It has responsibili ties which cannot be evaded; but the latest lnform-atlon denotes that all the recent alarming reports have been ex aggerated, and that Great Britain will not revive dangerous and unjust pre tentions and thereby create new em oartrasHmenta. Mil, FOX'S LETTER. Ws publish this morning a communl cation from Mr. John Fox, which set tles all question as to the aittltude and Intention of that gentleman respecting the City Republican ticket. While Mr. Fox has had occasion to feel dlBgruntled and disaffected towards at laaat a portion of the ticket, with the spirit of ftiankness and courage so ohar- aotentftio of ithe man, he wastes no words In needless apologies or explana tions, but comes out directly and strong ly for the election of the whole ticket, Relieving the vindication and enforce ment of the great principles and time- honored forms of the Republican party more Important than the satisfaction of Individual resentment however Just, he hastens to (acknowledge -Ms obliga Hon to Stand by the men who represent the dignity of the organisation, and to yield due allegiance to the action jf Its regular convention. Mr. Fox's letlter is a credit to him; and his example, wifuh his words of advice and warning to those sowing seeds lia ble to ripen Into future discord In the party, will go far to ensure the trium phant election of every candidate on '.he ticket next Wednesday. The death of Col. James Taylor, w.lll In no way complicate the railroad land iub3lily,,as Ms property has heretofore been incoriomted and Is under the management of his sons, E. A. and Prank J. Taylor. TO THE VOTER8 OF THE THIRD WARD. My political opponents have circula ted rumors to the effect that If elected shall oppose tho contemplated lm provement of the alleyway through blocks 2, 3, and 4, Adair's Astoria. I hereby stamp such reports as false and pledge all honorable support to said Improvement, believing same to be for the welfare of the city. CHRIST ORAMMS. NOTICE. I hereby announce myself as IndO' pendent candidate for councilman for he Second Ward. O. ZIKGLER ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all whom It nay concern, that the undersigned has leen duly appointed the assignee of I iV. Case, and that he has qunlllled as uch asHlenee by filing with the clerk t til Circuit Court of the State of Jrogon for Clatsop County, his bond is remilred by law. All persons hav ng clnlni8 against said I. VV. Case are lotllled to present the same to the ndrrslfmed, duly verified, at the office the Astoria National Bank. In the Ity of Astoria, In suld county, within in roe months from this date. Dated at Astoria. OreKon. this 11th lay of November, 1S94. D. K. WARREN, Assignee, FINAL ACCOUNT. The undersigned, administrator of the state of Caroline Hansen, deceased has Med In the county court of the tate of Oregon, for ClalsoD County Ills final account as such administrator, na ths salct court has set Wednesday. January nth, 18'J4, at 10 o'clock a. m. for hearing thereon, at the courthouse In said county and state; all persons navmg any interest therein are requir ed to then and there appear end show cause If any, why the said account be not allowed and the administrator b discharged. VICTOR HANSEN, Administrator, November 19th. 1S34. MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J. tiundennan. of Dlmondale, Mich., we are permitted to nuke this extract: "I have no hesitation In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as tho re sults were almoot marvelous In the cose f my wife. While I w&a mmor of the 1st church at Rives Junction, she whs brought down with pneumonia suc ceeding Iji (irtppa. Terrible parox ysms of coughing would lust for hours with little interruption, and and It seemed If she could not survive. :hm. A friend recommended Dr. Kind's Now Discovery; It was quick In Its work and highly satisfactory in Its results." Trial bottles free at Chsa itoavra' Drun Store. Regular size CO wnts and 11.00. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, rea ulate your Rowels, and make your head clear as a bell. S5 els.. 50 eta, and $1.00. Sold by J. W. Conn. SHtt-On'S CURB, the arwt CoUah and Croup Cure, la In great demand. Pocket slse contains twenty-five dwes children love It. Sold J. W. Conn- n, rt-e r, r,t ir, D..,,t '7",,.1 Jv,,leht at Uis lowest prices at Or. I rice scream Caking Powder . j. v. Conn a stora opuosiw o nunm y,su V Jwidtw ftit. u Fim clJtmt Hotel. A. tor!. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that on the 12th day of Decemlber, 1894, a general election will be held in the city of As toria, Oregon, for city officers, namely:- One councilman from each ward. There Is hereby set off and establish ed for the purposes of the said general election, to be held on the 12lh day of December, 1894, the following elec tion precincts, to-wit: WARD NUMBERED ONE. Precinct numbered One be and the same shall embrace all of the city of Astoria west of 7th street In said, city as laid out by John McClure and ex tended by Cyrus Olney and as recorded and laid out by Hustler & Aiken. Precinct numbered Two All of the City of Astoria bounded on the west bv 7th Ht wet In McClure's. and Hust ler & Aiken's Astoria, and on the east by the eastern boundary of Ward Num bered One. WARD NUMBERED TWO. The boundary of Precinct Numbered Three shall be and the same shall be Identical with the boundaries of Ward Numbered Two. WARD NUMBERED THREE. Precinct Numbered Four The boun darles of Precinct Numbered Four be and the same shall be Identical with the boundaries of Ward Numbered Three The Following places are hereby des lirnated as polling places for said gen eral election, towit: FIRST WARD. Polling place numbered one In pre- ctnot numbered one shall be at engine house numbered one on Astor Street. Polling place numbered two in pre- dnst numbered two shall be at engine house numbered two on Commercial street. SECOND WARD. Polling place numbered three. In pre- flnct numbered three, shall be at what Is known as Welch's Block, on Con mer clal street. THIRD WARD. Polling place numbered four In pre- olnrjt numbered four shall be at what Is known as Smith's cannery. In Adair's Astoria. FIRST WARD. Polling place numbered One Judges: C. W. Holt, L. Leback, and P. A. Trullinger. Clerks H. B. Ferguson, Thes. Boelllng Polling place numbered Two Judges: B. F. Allen, H. D. Thing, and A. M. Smith. Clerks H. M. Thatcher, L. E. Sellg. SECOND WARD. Polling place numbered Three Judges: Geo. F. Welch, C. R. Thom son, L. Larsen. Clerks G. Zeigler, C. J Trendhard. Polling place numbered Four- Judges: W. H. Wood, W. B Painter. Fred Wright. Clerks W. B. Adair, O. P. Morton. The following nnmed judges are hereby appointed and designated chair men In the respective polling places: Polling place numbered One P. A. Trullinger. Polling place numbered Two B. F. Allen. Polling place numbered Three C. R. Thomson. Polling place numbered Four Fred Wright. By order of the Common Council. (Attest) K. OSBURN, Auditor nnd Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, November 20th, 1891. BOND STREET IMPROVEMENT NO TICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, Orejron, have determined to Improve Bond Street from the west line of 42d street to the west line of 45th street, all in the Cty of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, by grad ing to the full width of said street so much of said portion thereof, as is of greater height or elevation than the established grade, and by planktns such part of said street that Is to be graded with new sound fir plank three Inches In thickness to the width of 20 feet throuu'h the center of said street and by laying sidewalk 10 feet In width on the north side thereof, and by piling, capping and planking the north half of so much of sii id portion of said street as is tldo land or of a height or elevation less or lower than the es tablished grade thereof, and by lay lng sidewnlk 10 feet wide on the north side, railings where necessary, all to be done In accordance with plans and peeinoution8 ana ordinances In relation thereto. The lands and premises upon which the special assessment shall be levied to defray the cost and expense of said improvement and the district embrac, lng the said lnnds and premises be and the same are designated as follows, to wn: Commencing at the southwest corner of UliK'k 6, In the part of said city as laid out and recorded by John Adair, and running thence east on the Doutti line- of said block to the south west comer of Block 7. thence south mi the west line of mild ltlock 7, and the west line of Rlock 8, to the south west corner of said lilock 8, and thence easterly on the south line of Block and S to the southeast corner of Hlock 98, and thence northerly on the easi line or mocks as, 89, 104, IO11, and 110, to the northenst corner of said lilock 110, and thence westerly on straight line from the northeast corner of Hlock 110, to the northwest corner of Block 1111, anil thence southerly on thf west lines of Blocks 110, 114, 112, and 8, to the place of beglnninir. and all lots and blocks and other property contain ed within said district, and not I11- uluded In streets or alleys are deter mined to Im specially benefitted by such Improvement and liable to such assessment. 'Estimates of the expense of such Im provements and plnns and diagram? of such work or lmrovement and of the locality to be Improved hive been de posited by the City Surveyor with the Auditor and Tolice Judge for public examination, and may be inspected at the office of such officer. At the next regular meeting of the Common Council after ten days from the final publication of this notice, to wit: On Tuesday, January 1st. 1S9T). at the hour of 7:30 p. m at the City Hall, the Common Council will consider any ob jections to such Improvement being made, nnd If a remonstrance aralnst such Improvement signed by persons owning more than one-half of the prop erty In such dl-nrict herein described and on which the special assessment s to te levied, sruall be filed with the Auditor and Police Judtre before mid time of meeting of the Common Council, no such Improvement or work shall be order d, except by the concurrence of all the coundlmen elect, and If such remonstrance shall be slsrned bv the persons owning three-fourths of all the oropertv In sui district and filed with the Auditor and Police Jiwlm. hrr wild time of meetlngjnf the Common Council, no such Improvement or work lull b ordered In any event. By order of the Common Council. (Attest ) K. OSBURN. Auditor and Pollc Jude. Astoria. Oregon, November IS, 1S94. AH th patent medianes advertised In this nnrvr, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet artlrlM. Babies and rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion.than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi ately. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assimilated. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the appetite, enriches the I .lood.overcomes wasting and give s strength to all who take it. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chitis, Weak Lungs, Emaciation, Con sumption, Blood Diseases and all Forms Of Wasting. Send for pamphlet. Free, Scott ft Bowie, N.Y. All Druggists. 60c. and $1, PEOPLsB'S AUCTION HOUSE. Request the people of Astoria and vicinity to be sure ..11J call on them before selling any furniture or second hand goods of any kind, as they promise to pay the highest prices paid in the market. 665 & C69 Commercial St. J. A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DfllVEfl, HOUSE, BRIDGE jtyD WHARF BUILDER. Address, box 180. Postoffice. ASTORIA. OR Snap fl Iodak at any,!ii;in coming out of our siciro and you'll get a O portrait of a nun brimming over with uleaiwiit tlioiigjitH. Such qiikliry In the. llquort O we have to oiler are enough to PLEASE ANY MAN.. CoriQe and Try Them. HUGHES 8t CO. QUESTION Our customers, or any one who bus ever worn our shoes, and the reply will be, "There is none better." The fit of our goods is nnequaleil. tbe near speaks for itself, the style is seen at a clauoe, the price sells theta nt sicht. Immense nnsort ment to select from ami JOHN HAHN & CO. at all prices. These tiuy Capsules arc superior to lialsam 01 Copaiba, f" Cuhebs and Injoctiona. They cure in 43 hours tho Vs same diseases without anyincoa vcnlenee, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A LOCK Is something you want, if not today, you will want is sometime. We keep carpen ter's tools too, and if this weather will only pull itself together you will want plenty of Hardware of which we nave a plenty only waiting your call. J. H. WYATT, HARDWARE DKALU-R to suppose that an imitation offers the customer any guarantee like the original does. Take Cotlolene for example. Tub Fairbank Co. discovered it, perfected it, and spent thousands in making its merits known. It h plainly to their interest to make and keep it what it is to-day the most popu lar shortening in the world. But when you come To accept &n these guarantees all disappear, and the housekeeper is at the mercy of aa imitator who deala ou others reputation and who profits only by ethers' loss. To ensure having good eook iv.g and healthful food stick riht to Cottolexr and let all imitations severely alone. &U In I uj I pod (m! paCa, M;ido ouly ty TJa N. K. Fairbank Company, fir. 1 in is Ma COxj. Ha 1-1, La.: a. foffiS (09) A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed.lProvisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass uud Squemoque Streets. ' Astoria, Ore. I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, REPRESENTING Tho Foltowlnu Companies I German-American, New York City, N.Y. Union Fire and Marine, of New Zealand. National Fire and Marine Ins Co.. of Hartford. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co.. of Hartford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., San Francisco. New York Plate Glass Ins. Co. Phcenlx, of London, Imperial, of London BEAUTIFY TOUR HOMES. Japanese gold and other metal paints decorates everything. Star Enamel for wlckerware, vases, furniture, etc. Call and see samples of work, at B. F. ALLEN'S, 571 Commercial street. The Great Auction Sale. Of Clothing, D,y Goods, etc. will shut down the auction for one week, on account of taking inventory of stock. Will start up again Monday December 10ih. Goods will be told at private sale, 0 you can get bargains by going to CONSIGNEE SALE, 600 Commercial St (Cor. W. 9th.) Set and Sit Have different meanings. You can set a hen, but you cannot sit on oik comfortably. Chairs are the Proper Things To sit on, and we have the lareest cheapest and most artistic line evet brought to this city. Your choice Should not be made before looking over our stocK. HEILBORN & SON. Do You Want A. liorae and lmiy to thaw real Do You Want To board a hone toy the month? Do You Want Any hfitillxift done of any de- unpuon t Do You Want Any caul delivered ? Ifsocallon THE AST0SIA THflfiSFER GO'S Livery and Sale Stables. Telephone 12. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Artoria. Flat Te nnd Coffa-s, Tible Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical trrults. Vegetables, bugar Cured Hams, Bacon, ttc. Choice Fresh and - Salt - Meats. St. George's F.heu.Tiatx Bitters, Fur Sale In all Leading Saloons and the Drugstores of Chas. Rogers and Th. Olsen-.also Foard & Stokes. Try the RHKUMAT1C REMEDY oc any case of Rheumatism. AjtJress "G. R.M P.O. Box 66). SEASIDE SAWPiL A complete stock of lumber on hand In the roush or dressed. Flooring, ma lic, ceiling, uid all kinds of finish: mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mllL H. L. LOGAN. Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. flora Paeifie Bf emery JOHN KOPP, Pcop, Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly ittcnied to Str. ECLIPSE, CAPT. M. SKIBBE, Makes trips to Gray's F.Iver Thurs days and Fridays. Parties wishing to charter applr on board, at Ross, Hlg gins & Co.'s Dock, or their office. STILL IN THE LEAD. Columbia Uiver and Puget Sound Nav igation Co. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Tor Portland and W3y landings at 7 p. m. daily, Sunday ex cepted. Leaves Portland ev rv day except Sun day at 7 a.m. C. W. STONE, Agent Astoria." Telephone No. 11. E. A. Seeley, Gen'l Agt., Portland. U. B. Scott, President. REDUCED RATES. Between Astoria and Portland STEAMER SARAH DIXON, WINTER TIME TABLE. Steamer Sarah Dixon leaves Astoria Monday mornln? :. ".irtland at 6 o'clock, nnd Tu..l. . i.J Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Returning leaves Portland Sunday morning at 7:30 and Monday and Wednesday evening at 7:30. Round trip $2.00; single trip, J1.25. Upper berths 60 cents; lower berths, 7j cents; meals, 25 cents. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : AT POtfLi'S Undertakipg Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty QUICK TIME -TO - SRfl FRANCISCO - AND ALL POINTS IM CALIFORNIA Via the Mt Shasta Route of the The Only P,oute Through Califor nia to Points East and South THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST PULLMN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SEON -CLASS SLEEPRES Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second- class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on or address E. P. ROGERS, Assistant General ransen- ger and Freight Agent, Portland, Or. The Original & Genuine (WORCK8TER8HIRK) SAUCE Imparts tho motrt delicious taste and rest to Hot Sc Cold neat GRAVIES, SALADS, SOUPS, GAME, ix FISH, and J". :l-i - Telah Rarebits. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Tcks h'ors tut Lea & Perrins. SlcnaiETC cb CTU7 bottle of orBil t rnctaa. Jokat Doic-ao'i SvjMy Hew York. I 9 I AT-IN. .it m iniM t 1 n .i' Irk A J r EJL'-b X II msmm i . . pj f ir 1 .1