The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 01, 1894, Image 3

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Was the Sense of Last Night's
Meeting at the Chamber
of Commerce.
The House Was Crowded With Rep
. resentative Busiuess Men.
The meeting t the Chamber of Com
merce rooms lnat evenlntc called for the
purpose of dlscusulngr the question of
the city building a bridge across
Young's Bay, to connect with the Sea
shore road, was well attended, the seat
ing capacity of the rooms being taxed
Ito the utmost. Upon motion Judge
Taylor was eledted chairman and H. B.
Ferguson secretary. After the chair
man Iliad stated the object of the meet
ing Dr. Kinney moved to adjourn until
Wednesday next, explaining that sev
eral railroad men were expected today
and that It would be well to first learn
what they had to say. C. R. Thomson
moved -amendment that the meeting
adjourn to one week from date. The
nxi.lon was lost.
Col. John Adair thought the proposi
tion was a good one, and thought that
the building of a good wagon road to
the beach would be a great and lasting
benefit. The citizens of Adtorla should
not, he said, sit Inert, but should be do
ing something to help themselves If
they wished to be considered worthy of
C. S. Wright asked If it would not
be expected that the bridge, if built,
should be include! In the railroad sub
sidy. Mr. Wlntate favorsd adjournment and
a discussion of the matter at some fu
ture time. He did not think the build
ing of the proposed road would result
In the establishment of industries or In
building up the city. "What we want
first of all," he saJd, "Is a railroad to
transcoWjlnenltal connection."
Mr. Welch also favored adjournment
C. R. Thomson advocated discussing
the subject and agreeing among them
selves that a bridge should be built.
He called attention ito the fact that
there was no road at present leading
fiom the city to where the easterly ap
proach to the bridge Would be, and as
serted that a street should be opened
to that point Then the relationship
of the Seashore road to the bridge
should be determined, and the land on
the oth&r side of he bay assessed as
provided in the Cross law, and a road
built from the westerly approach to
the bridge dow.i to the beach.
The matter was finally brought be
fore iShe house by C. J. Trenchard, who
moved "that it Is the sense of this
meeting that Immediate steps be taken
to build a bridge across Young's Bay,
for the purpose of connecting the City
of Astoria with Clatsop Plains."
J. W. Welch moved an amendment
that a commdttee of seven be appoint
ed to take the matter into considera
Judge Taylor regretted that matter of
.local jealousies should again be brought
up. He favored an extension of the
corporate limits of Astoria so as to
take In all land on the other side of
Young's Bay and make itihe owners con'
tribute toward the building of the
bridge. He was In favor or voting ap
proval of the proposition, and the ap-
polntment of a committee to report
jilans at the next meeting.
Judge Gray considered the time ripe
for action, and thought it'he matter well
worthy of consideration. He stated
that the county commissioners were at
present discussing ithe advisability of
building a wagon road to Seaside by
way of the Lewis and Clarke country.
the cost of which, in round numbers,
would be 30,000. He said rights of way
to the bridge approadhies should first
be obtained before other steps were
Dr. Kinney moved to adjourn, but th
motion was lost.
C. J. TrencWard's motion, as amend
ed, was then carried unanimourly.
It was theh moved and carried that
when the meeting adjourned, it should
be to 7:30 next Thursday evening.
Mr. Wing-ate moved that the chair-.
Trtan be appointed as one member of
the committee.
A motion to adjourn then prevailed.
The suggestion that every teacher,
Wither in city, village, or district
fHflicol, should strive to Interest- his pu
pils in 'Che study of current topics. Is
an excellent one. The primary object
of school instruoOon Is not merely to
parry the pupils through so many text
books on so mtany different subjects,
but so ito guide their growing mind
as to develop the best manhood and
jvoirJanhood. To accomplish these re
rulU. the teacher must go outside the
text-books, must put life Into his teach
ing, and must connect the school work
with the life and thought of the day,
especially the broader thought of the
outside world, as yet but little known
to the pupils In the schools. The first
requisite for the successful study of
current topdea In the school is a teacher
. who is.himself in sympathy and In con
tact with the btet thought of the day.
The next requisite is journal that can
re used as a text-book; one ht will
furnish the necessary record of events
and comment tboreon, with a good
rang end variety of reeding. With
such Jaui-na!, the teacher can make
the if.udy of current topics of giii
benefit, not only to the scholars, but
to himself. A weekly Journal that filrly
presents all sides of every lmportint
public quel Ion, and that admirably
meets the requirements for the study of
cvrrent topics In the schools, is "Publ'c
Opinion," publlsed at Washington, D.
C, at $2.50 per year. A contribution of
ten cents apiece from 25 pupils will pay
for "Public Opinion" fjr one year, or
five cents apiece will pay for It for six
months. The weekly Issues can be used
as text-books in the 'reading; classes,
and If preserved and bound they make
a valuable addition to or the nucleus
for a school library. Send for specimen
copy. ' '
Romance never looked so Inviting as
now. With the December number a
change Was been made in Its front cov
er, which renders the table of contents
mora afctradtive than ever, and the
reality bears out the announcement, for
every story in it la among the best of
lis kind. They are largely devoted to
Christmas, and are full of the atmos
phere of Khe season, yet utterly unlike
In scheme and treatment. Among the
authors represented are Octave Thanet,
CHancois Ooppee, and Julia Sh'ayer.
Besides th Christmas tales there are
a tftofy of adventure In China by Hen
ry Wlllard French, a charming social
study by Hugues Le Roux, a powerful
Russian sketch by Ivan Tourgueneff,
and a ludicrous Irish ghost story by
Urania Lock.) Bailey. Since Its reduc
tion In price Romance gives each month
"ten t)Urles for a dime;" and many
more than a hundred a year for $1.00.
A sample copy of a recent Issue may
be obtained by sending three two-cent
stamps to Romance . Publishing Com
pany, Clinton Hall, Asetor Place, New
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria,
propose to establish the grade of Forty-
second street In the town (now city) of
Asoria, Oregon, as laid out and recorded
by John Adair, from the south line of
Bond street to a point 170 feet south
of the south line of Bond street at ele
vations above the base of grades for the
btreets as established by Ordinance No,
71, entitled, An Ordinance establish
lng a base of grades for the streets of
the City of Astoria," as follows, to-wlt
At the south line of Bond street, 24
At a point ISO feet south of the south
line of Bond street, 26 feet.
At a point 170 feet south of the south
line of Bond street, 2H feet
The grade to be of even elevation
throughout the width of the street, at
any point and upon a straight or even
slope or line between the points above
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of three-fourths of the
property fronting on said portion of
said street be filed with the Auditor
and Police Judge within ten days from
the final publication of this notice, to-
wlt, on Tuesday, December 11th, 1894,
the Common Council will establish
said "grade
By order of the Common Council.
(Attest) K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon. November 14, 1894.
Notice Is hereby given that on the
12th day of Deeernlber, 1894, a general
election will be held In the city of As
toria, Oregon, for city officers, name
ly: One councilman from each ward.
There is hereby set on ana estawisn-
ed for the purposes of the said general
election, to be held on the 12th "day
of December, 1894, the following elec
tion precincts, to-wlt:
Precinct numbered One be and the
same shall embrace all of the city of
Astoria west of 7th street in said city
as laid out by John MoClure and ex
tended by Cyrus Olney and as recorded
and laid out by Hustler & Aiken.
Precinct numbered Two All of the
City of Astoria bounded on the west
by 7th street In MoClure's, and Hust
ler & Aiken's Astoria, and on the east
by the eastern boundary of Ward Nnm
bered One.
The boundary of Preolnot Numbered
Three Bhall be and the same shall be
identical with the boundaries of Ward
Numbered Two.
Preolnot Numbered Four The boun
daries of Preolnot Numbered Four be
and the same shall be Identical with the
boundaries of Ward Numbered Three
The Following places are hereby des
ignated as polling places for said gen
eral election, towit:
Polllnir place numbered one in pre
cinct numbered one shall be at engine
house numbered one on Astor Street.
Polling place numbered two In pre-
cinst numbered two shall be at engine
house numbered two on Commercial
Polling place numbered three, In pre
cinct numbered three, shall be at what
Is known as Welch's Block, on Con mer
ctal street.
Polllnir place numbered four In pre
olnot numbered four shall be at what
Is known as Smith's cannery, In Adair s
Polling place numbered One-rjudges:
C. W. Holt, L. Leback. and P. A.
Trulllnsrer. ' Clerks H. B. Ferguson,
Thos. Boeillng
Polling place numbered Two Judges:
B. F. Allen. H. D. Thing, and A. M.
Tiith. Clerks H. M. Thatcher, L. E.
Polllnir place "numbered T'iree
Judges: Geo. F. Welch. C. R. Thom
son. L. Lai-sen. Clerks o. zeigier, u.
J Tremcmard.
Polllnir prnce numrrei injur
JudKes: W. H. Wood, W. B Painter.
Fred Wright Clerks W. B. Adair, u.
T. Morton.
The following named ludires are
hereby appointed and designated chair
men In the respective polling places:
Polling place numbered One f. A
Polling place numbered two u. r .
Polling place, numbered 'inree :
R. Thomson.
Polling place numbered Four rreo
Bv order or the common i:min-'i.
(Attest) K. OSBURN,
Auditor tnd Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, November 2G'.h, 1S9J.
All the natent tnedlnes advertised
In thin twwr. toehr with the cholo
Mt r.rfiimerv. and toilet article ett-
-n tw hour tit nt the lowest prices at
J. W. Conn' dmr store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel Aitorl. .
CHOICE LOT3 in Hill's Second Addi
tion to "Ocean Grove, Seaside. Prices In
reach of alL
Dr. Priced Cream Baking powder
Am rdad GoU MU Midwinter Fa. Sa friod
ijVSo. FOR a case it will not cuhe. (i
Soldby Druggistsorsentbymall 26CW.6UO
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
Tfef The Favorite I00TB IGTOH
Lk9 il U f or the leeth aud itreaUj.&o.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the estate
of Antolne Magne, has filed In the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Clatsop County, his final account
as such administrator, and the said
Court has set Friday, December 21st,
1894, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,
at the County Court rooms. In the
Court. House at Astoria, Oregos, as the
time and place for the hearing there
of, and that all persons Interested
therein, are notified to then and there
appear and Bhow cause if any there
be, why the same be not allowed and
the administrator discharged.
Administrator of the estate of An
tolne Magne, Deceased!
State of Ohio,' County of Toljdo, Lu
liis County, ss.
Frunk L Cheney makes oath that
he Is the senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co, doing business In
the city of Toledo, County and Btate
aforesaid, and that the said firm will
pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for teach and every case of ca
tarrh tbat cannot be cured by 'the use
of Hall's Oatatrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this 8th day of Decem
ber. 1886 A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal.) ' Notary Public.
Hall's Caittarrh Cure Is 'taken Internal
ly and acta dlireotly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Seaid
for testimonials, free.
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
TICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria,
Oregon, have determined to improve
Bond Street from the west line of 42d
street to the wes?t line of 45th stivpt,
all In the City of Astoria, as laid out
and recorded by John Ad'air. by grad
ing to the full width of said street so
much of eaid portion thereof, as is of
greater height or elevation than the
established grade, and by plankins
such part of said street that is to be
graded with new sound fir plank three
lnoh in thickness to the width of 20
feet throug'h the center of said street
and by laying sidewalk 10 feet In width
on the north side thereof, and by riling,
capping and planking the north half
:jf so much ot said portion of said
street as is tida land or of a height
or elevation lss or lower than the es
tablished grade thereof, and by lay
ing sidewalk 10 feet wide on tne north
side, railings where necessary, all to
be done in accordance with plans and
'peeillcatlons and ordinances In relation
The iand'g and premises upon which
the special assessment shall be levied
to defray the cost and expense of said
Improvement and the distriot embrac
ing the said lands and prcmides be and
the same are designated as follows, to
wit: Commencing at the southwest comer
of Block 6, In the part of said city
as laid out and recorded by John
Adair, and running thence east on the
south line of said block to the south
west corner of Block 7, thence south
on the wet line of said Block 7, and
the west line of Block 8, to the Bouth
went corner of said Block 8, and thence
easterly on the south line of Block 8
and 98 to the southeast corner of
Block 98, 'ojid thence northerly on the
east line of Blocks 93, 99, 104, 100, and
110, to the northeast corner of raid
Block 110, and thence westerly on a
straight line from the northeast corner
of Block 110, to the northwest corner of
Block 110, and thence southerly on the
west lines of Blocks 116, 114, 112, and 6,
to the place of beginning, and all lots
and blocks and other property contain
ed within said district, and not In
cluded In streets or alleys are deter
mined to be specially Denentted ly
such Improvement and liable to such
'Estimates of the expense of such Im
provements and plans and diagrams
of such work or Improvement and of the
locality to be Improved have been de
posited by the City Surveyor with the
Auditor and Police Judge for public
examination, and nvay be Inspected at
the office of such ofiicer.
At the next regular meeting of the
Common Council after ten days from
the final publication of this notice, to
wlt: On Tuesday, January 1st, ISO.i, at the
hour of 7:30 p. m at the CSty Hall, the
Common Council will consider any ob
jections to such Improvement being
made, and if a remonstrance against
?uch Improvement signed by persons
owning more than one-half of the prop
erty In such district herein described
and on whioh the special o-ssessment
is to be levied, shall be filed with the
Auditor and Police Judge before said
time of meeting of the Common Council,
no such Improvement or work phall be
ordered, except by the concurrence of
all the councilmen elect, and if such
remonstrance shall be signed by the
peraons owning three-fourths of all the
property in such district and filed with
the Auditor and Police Judge before
said time of meetings the Common
Council, no such Improvement or work
shill be ordered In any event.
By order of the Common Council.
(Attest.) K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judqe.
Astoria, Oregon, November 25, 1S94.
Notice Is hereby given to all whom It
may concern, that the undersigned has
been duly appoinled the assignee of I.
W. Case, and that he has qualified as
such assignee by filing with the clrk
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clatsop County, his bond
as required by law. All pTSons hav
ing claims against said I. W. Case are
notified to present the same to the
i-ndcjulgned, duly verified, at the office
of the Astoria National Bank, In the
city of Astoria, In said county, within
three month from this date.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 11th
day of November. 1RM.
Captain Bweeny. U. 3. A., ?in V.ort
CaL, says: "Ehlloh's Catarrh Remedy
Is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good Price CO;
Cts. Sold by J. W. Coun.
No'.l'-e Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria,
Oregon, have determined to Improve
Duane street from the east side of 10th
street to the west side of 12th street,
(except the crossing of 11th street), all
in the City of Astoria, as laid out and
recorded by John McClure and ex
tended by Cyrus Olney, by removing
an aereoiive piles, caps ana Btnngers,
and putting In new and sound fir piles,
posts and sills wherever necessary, and
new caps and stringers, and planking
the same with new and sound fir plauk
four Inches In thickness, and by build
ing sidewaiKS on with sides thereof
all of the Improvements to be made to
the full width and established grade of
said street, and to Include railings
wnere neoessnry, and to be done in ac
cordance with plans and specifications
ana ordinances In relation thereto.
The lands and premises upon which
the speolal assessment shall be levied
to defray tha cost and expense of such
improvement and the district embrac
ing said lends and premises, be anS the
same are designated as follows, to-wlt
Commencing at the southwest corner
or lot one (1) of Block numbered 41,
thence easterly along center lines of
Blocks 44 and 64, to the eastern boun
daries of Block numbered 64, thence
northerly along eastern boundaries of
Blocks 64 and 61," to the northeast cor
ner of Lot 8, Block numbered 61. thcnc
westerly along center lines of Blocks
61 and 60, to the west boundary of
jtsiock numoerea bu. thence southerly
along western boundaries of Blocks 60
and 44, to point of beginning: contain
lng Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, In Block 44;
Lots i, z, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. In Block 64
Lots 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, In Block
61, and Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, In Block 60,
an in we Town inow city) or Astoria.
as laid out and recorded by John Mc
Clure and extended by Cyrus Olney.
Estimates of the expense of such
Improvements and plats and diagrams
of such work or Improvement and of
the locality to be Improved have been
deposited by the City Surveyor with
the Auditor and Police Judge for pub
lic examination, and may be lnspeoted
at the office of such office-.
At the next regular meeting of the
Common Council, after ten days from
the final publication of this notice, to-
On Tuesday, December 18th. 1894, at
the hour of 7:30 p. m at the City Hall,
the said Council will consider any ob
jections to such Improvement being
made, and If a remonstrance against
such Improvement, signed by personf
owning more than one-half of the prop
erty In Buch district herein described,
and In which the special assessment
Is to be levied shall be filed with the
Auditor and Police Judge before thf
said time of meeting of the Common
Council, no such Improvement or work
shall be ordered except by the con
currence of all the Councilmen elect,
and if such remonstrance shall be sign
ed by the persons owning three-fourths
of all the property In such district and
filed with the Auditor mid Police Judge
b?fore the said time of meeting of the
Common Council, no such Improvement
or work shall be ordered In any event
Bv order of the Common Council.
(Attest) K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, November 10th, 1894.
The Printz-Crain Drug Co. are coming
to the front and outstripping their ri
vals: .
1. Messrs. Prlntz and Craln are both
thorough druggists, each having hnd
nearly twenty years' experlnece In the
business, and have the confidence of
both the physicians nnd the public.
2. They are always pleasant and
obliging to every one who enters their
stor, whether they wish to buy any
thing or not.
3. They have no clerk hire to pay
their rent Is reasonable, and their ex
perience In the wholesale department
enables them to buy goods In a way
tnat they can compete with the best
of them on prices. Give them a call
and you will be convinced that the
above Is true.
From a letter written by Rev. J.
Gundormian, of Dimondale, Mich., we
are permitted to make this extract:
"I have no hesitation In recommf-nding
Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re
sults were almost marvelous In the case
of my wife. While I was pastor of the
Baiptttat church at Rives Junction, she
was brought down with pneumonia suc
ceeding La Grippe. Terrible parox
ysms or cougning would .last for hours
with little interruption, and and It
wn;med as if she could not survive.
(hem. A friend recommended Dr.
King s New Discovery; It was quick In
its work and highly satisfactory In Kb
results.'.' Trial bottles free at Chas.
Rogers' Druir Store. Regular size E0
cents and $1.00.
The best salve In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, nnd All Skin Erup
tions, nnd positively curc Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per lHx. For sale by
Chas. Rogers, Odd Fellows' building.
SHTLOH'S CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, Is In great demand.
Pocket sine contains twenty-five doses
only zs cents. Children love It Sold
by J. W. Conn.
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria,
propose to establish the grade of the
alley running through blocks Two (2)
Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), In the
part of said city laid out and recorded
by John Adair, from the west line of
33th street to the east line of 42d street,
at elevations above the base of grades
as established by Ordinance No. 71, en
title!, "An Ordinance establishing a
base of grades for the streets of the
City of Astoria," as follows, to-wlt:
At the intersection of 38th street, 17
-At the Intersection of 39th street, 18
At the Intersection of 40th street, 19
At the Intersection of 41st street, 20
At the Intersection of 42d street, 26
The alley to be level throughout the
width of each of said streets, and the
grade to be upon a straight line or even
slope between the points at which
the grade Is designated, and that the
grade of said part of said alley will be
established as above mentioned unless
within ten days from the final publi
cation of this notice, to-wlt, on or be
fore Saturday, Decemr,r 15, 1894, the
owners of three-fourths of the proper
ty adjacent to said portion of said
street shall make and file with the
Auditor snd Police Judge their writ,
ten remonstrance against said proposed
l;y order ot the Common Council.
(Attest) K. OHBURN,
. Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, tpregon, November ICth, lavt
Notice Is hereby given that the Common-
Council of the City of Astoria,
propose to establish the grade of Du
ane street In the town (now city) ot
Astoria, Oregon, as laid out and record
ed by John Adair, from tha crossing of
snld sireet with 36in street to anu in
clusive of the crossing with 3Sth street,
at elevutlons above the base of grades
for the city of Astoria, as established
bv Ordinance No. 71, entitled, -An jr-
dinance establishing a base of grades
for the streets of. tha city or Astoria,
us follows, to-wlt.:
At the crossing of SGth Btreet, 65.4
At the crossing of 37th street, 65 feet.
At the crossing of 38th street, 82 feet.
The grade of said crossings to be
level, and the street to be on a straight
or even slope between the crossings
and of equal height throughout the
the width of the street at any point.
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
street be filed with the auditor and po
lice Judge within ten days from the
final publication of this no'.Ice, to-wlt,
Tuesday, December is, W'Ji, tne com
mon Council will establish said grade.
By order of the Common Council.
(Attest.) K. OSBURN.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, November 2d, 1894.
See that St-e-e-dman is spelt with
two "eos," wliem you buy St-e-e-dman't
Soothing Powders. Try them.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed her final account, at
administratrix of the estate of Charier
T. Strom, deceased, In the county court
of the State of Oregon for Clatsop
county, and the time for hearing there
on, by said court, set for Monday, De
cember 3d, A, D. 1894, at the hour of
2 o'clock p. m and all persons having
objections thereto, will then and there;
appear, and Bhow cause if any why
the same shall not be allowed, end the
administratrix discharged.
October 30th, 1894.
d&w Administratrix.
Having the needed merit to more
than make good all the adventislnt
alalmed for them, tha following fou;
remedlea have reached a phenomena
aale. Dr. King's New Discovery, foi
xinsumption, Coughs and Colda, eaol
ttle guaranteed Eleeilc Bitters, the.
great renvedy for Liver, Stomach, ant
Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, thi
aest In the world, and Dr. King's New
L,lfe PlilB. which are a perfect pill. Al
Jiese remedies are guaranteed to do
Just what Is claimed for them, en
jhe dealer whose name Is attaches
herewith, will be glad to tell you mort.
of them. Sold at Chas. Rogers' Drug
Jtore, Odd Fellows' building.
This la to certify that I have usee
Krause's Headache Capsules perlodi
.ally for over a year, and have verj
much pleasure Ir stating that tl'ej
i'ave always proved very beneficial auc
t-ave relieved me In from ten to llfteei.
minutes. I have been a sufferer fron.
htadache for many years, and have
never fourd anything to do me at
nuch good as Krause's Headache Cap
Jules. Yours Truly,
234 Poplar St., Wichita, Kan.
.For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Or., sole agent. .
Kopp's Beer Hall.
Choice) Winet, Liquors nnd Clgtt.
Only buded over the) bar, Th largest glass
of N. P, Er. Half-and-hall, 5t.
Fre Lunch.
Hriokson eStWirkkala, Proprietor!
Cor. Conconly and Lafayett Sis.
Oas and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water He atlng.-
179 Twelfth street, Astoria, Or.
Special Doctori for Ckronne, Pri
nts lid Witting Diseases.
Dr. I Mine's leivlircrator the Brpt r- nierly fe,i
ii-lliliiill Wfiikm-s-e. l,n , uf Manhood slid l'rl
vale IliiniWi Ov-reiine rre-iiialureiiei-i Hue
preruri nil lor innrrian- lllo's uiuli-, pleasures
and if, otislhl iiU : $1 Irlnl bottle ttlven oi
wnt free to iiny one (losrrlliliitt leyiiiiitoiiin: call
iraeiur"s -too ueijr hi reel, pnvuio tnlrwjee 1U.
UitKou l5t.,i)jei l-'r.ilK-lsfo.
Shipping & Gommissioi
Astoria, Oregon.
Cabs and
Express Wagons.
Central Office, $i$ Third Street,
Stable, 128 First Street. Tiephone No. 7.
Wagonii a Vehicles In fcJtock
Fares Machinery. Peeints, Oils, Varalshrs, Loggers'
Supplies, Falrbank's Srsles, Doors v
mi Windows.
ProvietiotM, Flour, tana Mill Fewd
Astoria, Oregon.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of ' the "Burlington
Route," 2',0 Washington Bt., Portlund.
He will mull you free, of charge, maps,
time tables, and advlee you as to the
through rates to any point, ragorve
sleeping car accommodations for von,
and furnish you with through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, South
ern, Canadian Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at th very lowest rates
obtainable. -j .
. 'The Burlington Route Is generally
conceded to be the finest equipped rail
road In the world for ail claenes ot
Htinter Epicures say the best
. Pork Sausage combines
n , the flavor of of lean pig
i lergen s. pork witl, the flalty fat
and the fines herbs.
We furnish the table with this kind of
sausage that pleases the veriest epicure.
Portland Butchering Co's Market
Corner Second and Benton streets.
Corner Third and West Eighth streets
Is complete without a good piece of
choice meat,
One can be
Deceived .
In a piece of meat at tlie meat deal
ers, and discover when It Is too late
that what appeared to be good is noth
ing of the kind. Guard against such
mistakes by coming here. Vs always
have the best.
Dalgity's Iron Works,
General Machinist
and Boiler Works.
All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat
and Engine Work of any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafayette St., Astoiia, Or.
Acts as trustee for corporations and
individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed on euivlniTS
deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per
J. Q. A. BOWLBY Tresldei.t
BKNJ. YOUNG Vice President
W. a DEMENT Secretary
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. II. Page. O. A.
Nelson,- BenJ. Young, A. 8. Reed, D, P,
Thompson, W. K. Dement. .
mdnuiaciurer ma importer ui
Saddles, Harness,
Collars, Whips, Blankets, Rubes, -
Leather, Etc.
P. O. Box i7g. Olney St., Astoria, Or.
Conconly St., foot ot Jackson, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marin Engines, Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty,
Castings of All Descriptions Mads to Order on
anon none.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. Le. Fox Vice President
0. B. Prael Secretary
U the Best of It Cla
On the Pacific Coaat.
Ratal. Is dally anil upwards.
PiWfllJlfEE and
Connecting with All Transcontinental
Lines is the Only Line running;
nucirjiiy uiunicu - vnia
St Paul and
Omaha and
Th Express Trains consist ot Vastlbukd, Stapfn;,
Dining and Parlor Cars,
And furnished with Every Luiiiry known In aodti n
railway travel.
This Line Is Unequaled.
Tkaets en sale at all prominent railway ofticas.
For further Information Inquire of any ticket ateeh
C. J. EDDY, General Agent.
J. W. CASEY, Trav, Pass. Agt