THE DAILY ASTOUIAN, ASTORIA. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1894 You Meet Men . . vngni aivemion In the style, trmke. and finish of thew m,u. Yet h.,?e of th,em U rint toucH with '.,r ."; and htta the 8nulne stamp o matter whether ou are a man of fashion or a dresser for comfort McDonald's suit will Bat ify your tawte and protect your puree. chas. Mcdonald, The Tailor. . 53j Commercial Street The Alice Blanchard came In from San Francisco yesterday, and after die charging: a' small amount of cargo, left up the river. At the drawing of Hill's Lot Club yetHentay Lot 13, Block 35, fell to J. Steward, and Geo. Sanders drew Lot 15, in the same block. Mairtager Seeley says that tlie Billey Gatzert is undergoing repairs and will be put on, the Portland-Astoria route In the near future. the regular meeting of the commission, after which time It Is expected propos. itls' will be Invited for the construction of the proposed works, and the bonds simultaneously advertised. A RUN r X . . , w uiuiineiw irom early morning till latie at eight Is the history of this place Hlnce people have got to find out the menu oi our nope Whiskey. "How can you give suoh goods for the price i m average araiK ot whisky?" and Hi ml tar questions are frequently asked during the day, and our answer Is that wain eu tne trade In town on good goods, et a. fair profit, and we expect that such quality of liquor as Hope . money win unilff It lO US. THE OFFICE. Albert Dunbar HAS fICURKDTHK ;'V '- . Agency I For f And Ha if- ":4-t in Stock .1 1 - All Blzo And Colors. Tht Following t Their " Special Notice." To the wearers of the farmer CENTEJVIEFf,! KID GLiOVH VnTP Tkn r -...... . . LcmimiTi & (jo, neV' " "7 lne nmsers of this fcl,ve, bu simply controlled the Btatt'S, and by being the exelimlv. lers, were given the right to sell tho T V. .. " ranu -p. Centemert ..u iiie maiter or this glove Is an-' .lViy hus b';en Mniririnnl lirn. of Milan, Italy. The contract between P. Cent.merl & Co. and Mugglunl Fiun. ' "avlll expired, P. Centemert A . v. Ji no loner nave ny connection "iui nm imih 01 mis glove whatever mm ii gioves nencerorth will be suld u.rujci me name or "Magglonl Fran You can buy the best eating nnd cooking apples in the city for the least money at the grocery store of Howell & Ward. Try them. In spite of the Inclement weather yes terday, all tine steamers that left Fish er's dock were well patronized with passengers and freight. Conoomly Tribe No. 7, Redmen, stands on record for u very generous act. At their laat meeting -they appropriated the sum of $25 with which to buy a number of articles for the poor of this olty. A oommtttitee was appointed, and yesterday they made a round of the stores and purchased ehcee, stocking), "tfts and other articles of wear, which will be dlBbrtbulod todav. BE. UP AND DOING. Sensible Sug-reotlons Anent the Building of the Young's Bay Bridge. Probable Plons of the O. R. and N. Co., as ForceWadowed by "Mcwback" Pirblle Meeting Called for Friday Evening. In the county clerk's office yesterday, James Roddaway made final proof on his homtnteud in section 13, township mwtih, t'ange 10 west. S. E. Utzlnger Is tin agent In Astoria for the celebrated aambrlnus Nottied. ! mnoy l to be loaned out as per dlrtc In Tuesday's Issue of the Astorlan, munition was made of the Security Loan and Trust Company., articles of Incbr poraicion having Just been filed. It will perhaps be Interesting to the public to know the plans on which this cor- poraltlon will work, and the purposes ror which It wan organized. First, each memlber Is expected to contribute cents u!h day to the general fund, whloh will average 90 per month for the twelve chlarter members. This Beer, of Portland. Dr p him a postal card and he will call for your older. Housekeepers should read B F. ' Al lcn's new advertisement as It calls their attention to Just what is ne-;4;d every day about ' the house In the way of enamels. - 1 ' Blank books, of every kind and de scription, turned out on short notice by Dellinger & Howe, ithe binders, at Portland prices. We guarantee our work to be the best. An Illinois Town Ten years ago had Olllv onA nlrrnt run. tory employing five hands. It also had a young men's business association whose work was to boom the town. One of the things the association rec. "MiniBimea was ror smokers to smoke tliolr town's elonrn. tulle t-hoii. r.u,nv cigars, and agree to smoke none other The result Is, thait today that town hus 8,000 population, 1,500 of whom work In "iKwr lactones, w. BChlebe mnnu faotures the LA BELLB ASTORIA, and if tlie smokers of this city would be loyal to theilr town and follow the example set by these people of Illinois, It, might prove as profitable an Invest ment as tho encouragement of a railroad. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Nov. 28. For Western Ore gon and Wtwtern Washington, owa slonl light rain. For Matern Washington, light rain. '"ii"ra uy uur WMUtner, cooler, l.v 1,1 .1 .. , . 1 ....... f , P ' "u "nern uregon, you'll have no other, tlon of the board, or to be nrd purcihlaslng real estette, notes, bonds rmjrtgugw. The irftereet, It Is under- biooo, ror a certain period will be added to the principal. The members hope for great things from their new ervtJerpriee, and are already talking of milidilng railroads, bridges, etc THE MISCHIEF'S ACCIDENT. It Is the steamer Mischief after all, rays the Colonist, which when the Mex lco paawel through Seymour Narrows on her way from Alaska, was ashore in Menzlos bay. The Vio'.orla steamer was, as stated In yesterday's Issue, on her way to Quatslno sound, with Hans Johnson and his party of Norwegian coloniets and their effects. At the last moment It was decldl. to change the route, and when the steamer balled early Wednesday morning, Captain Foot took the Inside passage. His rea sons for taking this unusual route to a Wept Coast point were two-fold. In the first place, ho was desirous of vis iting the northernmost point of the island to locate If possible, the wreck age of the lost Ivanhoe which, accord ing to the Nootka Indians, had recently oome atinore near Cape Scott. His Captain Crosby, arrived in yesterday I secondary reason was that the Norwe- days from San Francisco. She came K'ana to man were afraid of mal In ballast ami left up the river during de mer- ftn1 urged him to follow the this afUernoon for Portland. 1 course which would give them the shortest sea trip. The Mischief had Yellow Pumpkins, Hubbard Squash and Mincemeat; also Cranberries, new crop nuts, figs, raisins, olives, etc., etc., and large variety of fancy groceries at Ross, Hlggins & Co.'s. ToJIay being a national holiday, tho Astorlan will Join with the rest of the Institutions in the city and close its doors. No Issue of the paper will be made' on Friday morning. Every body knows how good fir wood Is, but It must be good, and th'dt is the kind that the Astoria Wood Yard bias to offer you. Ordure left at Carnahan & Co.'s, or at the Wood Yard. The British ship Marathon, 1814 tons, Astoria, November 2S, Wi. To the Editor: In this morning's issue of your paper you reported the substance of an in terview with omcIWs of the O. R. and N. Co., Jn whkfli Interview said officials tpld of Intended improvements which their company proposes to make In Its river service, between this city and POTtlind, and hinted at oome action whl. i It proposes taking in the near futu which will be of great benefit to tMs city. At first I was inclined to tl .nk they referred to the buildlnc of tt,- Oobel road; but when I remem. bered that Mr. McNeill had remarked in suoetanco that he would bdlld road to Astoria when he got readv, and that Astoria could nt ha. re a road till then, I concluded otherwise. T am therefore In the dark as to what was meant by the aforesaid officials: hut. If the proposed action of that comoanv lies In the direction of acquiring the seashore road, either by purchaoe or lease, and tho operation of It in connec tion with their bbats as a through lln the benefit to Astoria therefrom will be aibout equal to the benefits which this city receives from the through summer business of the Ilwaco Railway and Navigation Company, which is practi oally nothing. It to to the interest of the last named company to have all the supplies which go to North Beach come from Portland; for, in that cast It gets all the freighting from Port- Kind, while, If It dame from Astoria, that company might get but a small part of the freighting from Portland. or elsewhere, to Astoria, and could only depend upon tshie freight from Astoria to the beach. With the Sea shore road in the hands of the O. R. and N. Co., the same conditions will exist on the south heaoh in future, uro video other conditions are the same as at present. How are we going to remedy this threatened danger? There is Just one way. Let the city build the Young's Bay bridge, and let us have a cood road from the west end of the bridge the ocean beach, and our merchant can then reach every portion of th beach, and of Cla'csoa Plains, with their wagons: and ths nhm. largely In favor of the proposition, that said company obtains control of th Seashore road, it would be only too V a . i plxCv For Fine Turkeys. Geese, end Chick' ens, alive or dressed, leave your order with Ross, Hlggins & Co. THANKSGIVING DINNER. Tomorrow the Horse Shoe Chop House on Commercial Street Will Serve the Best. Following is the Bill of Fare. SOUPS. Consomme a la Clsms and a la Windsor FISH. Fried Filet of Flounder and Sauce. Hollandtiise. RELISHES. Tomatoes, Lettuce, Celery, Radishes, Olives, and Young Onions. BOILED. Leg of Mutton, Oaper Sauce. ENTREES. (Extra.) Ohlckn Cronuets with Green Peas. French Pancakes, a la Glaze Fritters. ROASTS. Thanksgiving Turkey and Cranberry Sauce. VEGETABLES. Sweet Corn, Stewed Prrtlps, Boiled . Onions, Mashed Potatoes. SALADS. (Extra.) Lcfivfer a la C:ab. Chicken. DESSERT. English Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce, Marble Hlanc-Mange. PASTRY. Home Made Pumpkin Pie and Cream Puffs. CEREALS. Milk, Tea, Cnffe?, Assorted Cakes, Rai sins, Nuts, Crackers and Cheese. Steamer Sarah Dixon will discontinue ilbeem vorv renen.Hv n..fliM 1, , hor Friday trips. Other days and time! just sufficient cargo aboard' to btllast as usual. Reduced rates; round trln. hor rrnM iv. ,..oa , t, . 2.00; single $125; upper berths. 50 make her best speed, which accounts cents; lower berths. 75; meals, 25cents. for her early arrival at th o r thi mishap. That ehe was not serious-r" 10 avM Hself ot the opportunity ly injured Is evident from the fact th-it r1"-'" Dy lne bridge to gain an she did not signal the Mexico for any tranoe lnto the city, and, If so, its cars assistance. The beach at Menzles buy 'ou''a be operated from here. Is sandy and sloping, and it Is the 1 , hear some Persons cay that we treacherous and very swift currents oan t 'attord t0 build the bridge, be alone that make Seymour Narrows raUSe our taxes are heavy now, -K m . fllll Vn .. .1.1 . ursaoea Dy navigators. It is altogether oum increase our taxes. 1 probiDble that she Is by this time off the ftlm08t bought the remark had been utwen anu wen on ner way to her des- injaen, ror it is m reality the The city of Astoria ha3 filed suits in the circuit court against James Cuslclt, Chus. Wright, and Andrew Carlson, to condemn a right-of-way for the pro. posed new water" pipe line from Bear Creek. The salmon Industry of the Columbia river Is rerresented here this week by the Hon. J, G. Mogler, of Brookfleld, Wash., (md by Mr. Georg,. of George jtlwatilon. In addition to her Norwegian aru'me,nt of a mosaback (or of some & Marker, Astoria.- -Ainerlcin Grocer. or New York Parties wishing a fine box of bon bon candies, should go to C. B. Smith's where they can always find the largest assortment of. flno candles In the city Fresh candles manufactured dally. 483 Commercial street. Seems hard to believe that The Office could In so short a time build up such trade on Hops, Whiskey. But Ice ks solid enough the Instant before breaks. Once use Hone whlskev. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Didn't Noe & Scully tell you that Old Probabilities would goon send neonlo Local weather fop th ih.f. looklnir ilwmt . . m.nt of Agriculture, weather bureZ wouldn ' " be knowing December m-.txiinum lempeiMture, 03 degrees. " 'uu 10 el now r Minimum temoerHture. iX ,i,.ir., I Precipitation. .47 inch. ' There wII1Jk a Who-Are-You serial tvSt I!rec')ltnt,on r September it the residence of Mrs. W. W. Parker, 1st, 1S94. to date. SH.17 Innhu ' Excess of preolpi'.ttlon from ir'eptt-m- r-i 1 10 naie. b.ii.i inclipa, AROUND TOWN. ! "JEFF'S" The Only Restaurant. See Swope. See Swope about decorating. 8e Swope about decorating and sign work. ' Evoryone should be thankful tod iv. Th uteamsililp Oregon i-rived In yes. tenrciy rrom Ban Francisco. Tho bark Prooyon went down to Fort Tr'oo"'le8. nm yestientay and anchored. 1 ... I'liuuy tfvt-iiing 01 mis week, ror the benefit of the Presbyterian church. Ev ery one cordUlly Invited to come and nctid a pleasant evening. Fonrd & Stokes Co. have secured the agency of the famous STEWART'S TWINES, tho only GENUINE FLAX TWINE manufactured In IRELAND. Their new stock goods are much su perior to nny other kind. Th CKvixmean society of the Hlnh lohool, had sicjnl exeroisea yesterday, ipi'mpiKtiie ror, TlwuikBclvlng. The Uigh school pupils all brought donations .vr the poor, the oontriUntions Includ- :ng WKiring apjuarel, several geese, and passenguirs, Oapt. Foot has with him one who donX want the bridge built). Mr. Weft Huson, who Is In chairge of h tne Idge will be self sustalninc me party, and Mr. Leeson, the store. ,VI" undoubtedly will) and this keeper at Quatslno. Capt. Foot pur- oity cal derive, through Its business poses making a search along the nor- msp' 'WO a year profit from the thern and western coasts of the Island busllneB3 which such an enterprise will ourore returning. In the hope of obtsln. Duu:l "ft seems as if the shoo might Ing some definite Information regarding be on the other foot. One reason why rne ivannoe a rate. PERSONAL MENTION. our taxes are so great Is because we nave not, in the post, developed our ivwujvea,- bo tnut the surroundlna Miss Lottie Hume, of Eagle Cliff, 8 country could build up, and becom visiting for a few days at Dr. Tut tie's. P. Kinney, a prominent ran-iher nf valuable and prolltaJble, and help to ucar me expenses of running the coun 4., T 1 V, . , . Hare, Oregon, was In the city yester- 7-V. ' . . n"aS he 18 ln day. " ""u 'u,"ns- Demna, if he thinks n "'al "y analng w Ma "took he can In- w ulw,,iai 1 iU'illlU, IS ViSlt- OVQSe hlH hutilT-. i. 1 . - . I aim uuiKe it Tvroiit, irg oiu inenaa and childhood scenes In able, does he hit, i,... .. tiatsop county. ivecessurv hwarni..) m. . ... I - . . . iu tUI, IIP Among tne Astorlans who will snend ntws that, while there Is an artdiitionni i.uinfswing in rnrnana are the fol- -iy necessary, that that additional lowing: Miss H. Sayres, Miss K. Grant. lMay Is what will save him from hnrn,. Miss Sadie Giving, and Prof. Jackson, jruptey. BIDS FOD REPAIRING RESCITR ph. 1 1 . t ourae'8 a littlo. We GINE NO 2 .VB Uee" trylnK t0 BVY a rjl'ad for 'ns time and without success. Let Bids will te received from this date "s sturt anew. aid do for ourselves to the 10th diay of December, lSDi bv Blocomllih something If we the Chief Engineer and Comm.tte; on A 7,rtLZyit Fire and Water of the City of Astoria, "ever get a ralbvad! w aSSShlh for repairs to the boiler of Rescue En- ,V,'tnln" else, because no ten men in gine no. 2. Speolfl.ajtlons of work moj kin J Zt iZll "f. 8 upon an' 0,le be had by calling , .ha ..... . T.1 al l PPe would not ,. . , " -"'t'l 10 110 iyr memselvea, but were Police Judge or addrefclnir the Chief ( ''tajitly trying to get someone to cjoisiiieer oi me Astoria Fire Depart- w ujio meir pdace up for mtnt. J,'"' wHh(,,t any extrdon or risk on Bids will be opened on the 10th d.v "'k',!'- of December, 1S94. at 2 o'clock p. m.. not buJ a city; but that. In oon- A TIDAL WAVE. Tacoma, Nov. 28. A big tidal wave occurred hers at 11:23 tonight, lasting fully fifteen minutes. Several ships parted their moorings and went adrift, but wero secured without damage. Part of the Northern Pacific freight sheds were carried Into the bay. A FISHING SCHOONER SUNK. Boston, Nov. 28. The schooner Gra de H. Beason was sunk ln a collision with the steamer Reading, of the Phila-1 mm nsauins nne, at tne en trance of Boston Harbor early today. Six of the Benson's crew were drowned. PROMINENT POPULIST DEAD. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 28. Judee Isaac Howe, lata Populist candidate for suvernor or Houtn Dakota, died this morning ot his home in Redfield. The exertion of the campaign brought on a fatal illness. THE- CZAR'S POPULARITY. St. Petersburg, Nov. 23. The popular ity of the Czar Increases dally owing to his unaffected ways and the fact that he is dispensing with the military police body guards of the palace. ANOTHER TRAIN HELD UP. San Antonio, Texas. Nov. 59Th fXnithern Paelflo passenger train was neia up atJJlka at 12:30 this morning. THE TREASURY BALANCE. FOB SALE. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate ln Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR J2. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchange and get a lot In Hill's First Addition for $2. JAPANESE GOODS.-Just out Just received Just what you want, at Wing Lee's, 529 Third street. WANTED. WANTED Agents to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpeller, Vt. For further Informa tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast Manager, 82-S4 Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. $25.00 to $S0 PER WEEK using and selllnsr Old Reliable Plater. Every fam ily has rusty, worn knives, forks, spoons, etc. Quickly plated by dipping In melted metal. No experience or hard work. A good situation. Address W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. BOARDING AND ROOMS. Three or four nicely furnished front rooms for housekeeping, $1C; two rooms partly furnished for housekeep ing, fd; 518 Bond street. FOR RENT Five-room, nicely fur- nished house. Enquire Real Estate Ex change. FOR RENT Two or three rooms. furnlHhad for light housekeeping, cheap. Apply G. V. Porter's furniture store, 517 Bond street. FURNISHED ROOMS With hoarrt or good table board by the day, or week, with home comforts, at reason able rates. Mrs. E. C. Holden. 9th and Duane streets. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 673 Third street. J. LttFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In tho Klavel building. -. t ... ..-.. Occident W. M. LAFORCE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5, 6 and 7, Flavel s Brick Building. SII.AS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce in Flavel's bilclc building. HUNK J. I'AYLOK. JNo. T, LlOHTES. TAYLOR & LIGHTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Astoria; Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LA W. Office on Second Sfcxet, Astoria, or. DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours 19 to 12 a, m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. Waahigton, Nov. 28.-The cash bal- ance in the treasury todav was Stno 638,447; gold reserve, $68,152,911. HWTT.rm-a .-irmr. ... " " ' . It , 1 I', Nil I II ntt a Tf T t.l ""-inient consumption IL? 58 CouBn ,:,I,e- n'v on cent a dose. 25 cents, 50 eta., and $1.00. 0010 uy j. w. uonn. SELLINfJ at 95 nar . ill XX 111 m n irar o net itlon - wwiuc. Asiona nea.i Estate Ex Umhrellna .mri nnmeni.. short notice, as .hllTis the on y buMne, X follow. J. Jonlln ler. ,, What Is the use tn en or, , . cenm for. - r.: .V T.. " I'"' LIBERTY P. MULUNIX, M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 65414 Third sL, Astoria, Ore Special attention given to all chronlo diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of wom fn and surgerj'. OfUce over Danzlger" store. Atorla. Telephone No. 62. JAY TUTTLE, M. D PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms t, Ann e T...u, puling. Hours. 10 to ?u l' and' T t" . Residence. 639, Cedar etreet s Visit to CttU- A gooil part of the Jewelrv stora nf Mm. h. A. Buttom tins returned from B- Norris will be given over to watches this week, as he Intends hav ing a special sale of this olass of goods. A good reliable watch Is a Joy forever. and you should select one from this stock at once. ptoaAamt two mouth fornla. me wioir of the M. E. Church har prejuamj some xelal musio tor the wrvlofi today. The bttrk Sllverhow came down yes- tetriay from Portland. She will go to e in a day or two. -.tamping, embroidery, and all the latest novelties, cheap at Mrs. Rapple- yea s. 165 10th atrmU. rtii'Slea Just up from that part of the o.irt report that a large rock In front f an lmimei!. cave about a nuarter f a mile south of Ileketa H.i.i is iw.-rimlng i1ih seallons. Thev ars tl felloiva. and are more numerous than evening. November smh m Remember, Thanksgiving service In the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran church this evening at 7:30. Thuiikstrlvlng being a national boil. ray. me pitofflce will be clod ..t. Thursday, the 29th Inst. The irenri delivery window -in k.. . You won't find another stock In the to 10 o'clock .v m ,i t x , city that will suit you a. well a. that o'clock p. m. The carrier, will make at the store of R. a Norris. thlr uual murnimr .i..n.. .,. It any one ha. a dentixt'a diploma l' eni '"" ""Jj'wiw mutl Last evening the water commlsMin and wants to locate, the Gervalo Star ays that town has a good opening, Good la rood but better beats It, and verJr "nemlwr was present. The re- D I.,. ..... .. . . . 1 .... . . I ...... ... ... . . v,,r- miirry ni clime w hlklkv r k1". mi. ini eonMiil...... 01 conuieniig the Illegal action 01 tne noora at Its reirular meeting. By order. c. J. CCRHs. Attest: ' Pre-sIJ-nt. F. J. CARNEY. Secretary. Don Quixote fighting wind-mills is not more amusing than to see peorle "J1" "P "e progress of Mar hir Twine. A if anyone but thJ held an imporant meethor n-hi... 1 1... . " . on and the undVrelgned will recommend to i,ei,,t,0!1 ' wlth a railroad, It would re ZJ rTAtntre .... ... ... .ijuumuie uiuucr. I f""" "in iro a long way without uiu must do in writing and filed ,u,,w et us try it. with the Auditor and Police Judge be fore that day. C. E. FOSTER, 1 Chief Engineer A. F. D. . C R. THOMSON. Ch4;mn Committee on and Water BOARD OF DELEGATES' MEETING. I Pursuant to the request of five mem. bora of the Board of Delcgn? is, A. D. D., a spe-lal meeting of said Board u hert'by called to meet at the room, ".f Aioi t M. and L. Co.. No. 1. on Fridiv ut the ?Si .rf"".."? doctor Alfred hi5!!t ?vn'a cigarDirthe OFFICE AT HIS RESIDKN tllu ttnu ,ree smoking. .A'L.th9 Patent medicines advertise,! 'tXT.. the choic: .. , J" " liie: artlc es. etc .anbe bourht t the lowest Hf .V cid,n; "."'. du.!.rtore' opposite o: A.iuriti. Since no one else seem Im-ih , take the load In this matter. I move that all who fa-or the build'.ng of a bridge across Young's Bav by the city nreet at the Chamlr of Commerce room, on Friday evenlnsr Vra.,h. .w, o.i i.ju oci'X-K. men and there to formulate some plan of carrying this ujcvi iw wtuTi 10 completion. . MOSBACK. Clap a magnifying glass upon a piece Marshall's twine. Notice he threads -Dlnmn i-nmui "c nireaas every twirl . " W.""". worK m " -.wen. 11m iKfa Ihflt ilax --ermen on aiiouian l von. " Awarded Highest HonorsWorld' Fair. Da CREAF.I m whMi cwn ! found only at The Office. Vt. rYice'a Cream Bjtktns Powder Word's Felr tidiest Award. cnji'luerr, un the plans and specifics lion?, was aeopted and referred to a oommltte for examln.;ion ja-e-jiatvitory to final action being tai:en at mat mere is only one twine on the river that is the best for the money asked, and that twine ie Marshall's, and the tusk Is getting easier every day. ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. m IngeeThhuT1 avulsion, dur- ing .eethlitg, mothers should alwnv Shoes and blues rhvme, but if vm, buy our shies, you wi 11 7,..l v r the blue.. Th,,V-..n."1. Bcve- have e round in his office until 1 o clock mornings, from 12 noon until a P- m., and from 6 untU 7:30 evon 8 MISCELLANEOUS. call on p. BAxTmrSnC: ana hnv. . VJUl cleaned. clothes dyed and been taken out of the ma a at uo. prices. Good- MOST PERFECT MADE A port Crtpe Cream of Tirtar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. CHOICE LOTS I" Mill.- e. ... . . - - ih . "j'nn laimr and pays he hlgh-st cash price for fur skins. TURKEYS: TURKEYS! TURKEYS! Ducks, Gees, and Chickens.. Mince moat v. . v. ttnuvrries. Drown n. -., ...ui, lemon neel. f.lrm peel, shelled almonds, fresh and boiled h k, ra"''ns' ne Er.g- ..... .lrra. smoked herrings, and al XJX Trtmtn of ceiebra- ed eT.'?. W ha- n1 ba- Foard Stores "1 te at Bring your Bhe musicto m Horn;, the Binder. --,1 v.... bound Into handsome books. WHEN IN PORTr.Av,.." - Handley & Haas. 150 Z. get the Daily Astorlan. V.slYeeS not miss their morni., 7. there. " ,""cr "nu SOCIETY MEETINGST PILOT POIISi,r,.. ular ineeui Vm"m - W. L. Robb. Sec! WedneSa, S'd, " k P' "h the first Genevieve atreer... UR, ... vne . - nupg, secretary, nEAr,N ENCAMPMENT No. IS. T n" O. F.-Regulnr mti - Pment No. U VT? cam Building, at 7 fourth MonVv; J ? econd and month. So- c. P. ONLY THE liquors are onlri Gem. BETVERAGEa PUREST Wine, .n t Alex Campbell's ndlVwS,N;?..??.PS.C8eZlB. or tea. fnndel w,ne" Insta of co'ee" rifty rents per mlinn rl. C.l, and r!n si 7eo- uuoert a.