The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 20, 1894, Image 4

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Is there
A man
With soul bo dead that he isn't willing:
to save a dollar or two on his clothes
and buy them at home? We believe not'
We believe that the only reason we
haven't live times more business In
men'i suits is simply because enough
men have not Inspected our lines.
Once a looker, always- a buyer. We
certainly would like you men to look
at the grand suits we sell as $33.
chas. McDonald,
The Tailor.
523 Commercial Street.
vitatlon MiWncUl to Hi. Ttw win
l ft muftlwil proifrOrtl, And Otlir M0A
of tMHU'talnmant provided. Rcfrssh
moms will alno he served.
TVd opposing county candidates in
Indiana each received 2,815 votes, and
they will refer to Hoyle for the prece
dence of suit. 1
Facts are dry, but the fact Is that
the Scow Bay Wood Yard Is having
all It can do to supply the demand
for Its dry wood. Olllce opioslte Fish'
er Bros.' store.
Goods to get for the money are what
we sell.
We have the best reasons to attend
to business courteously and strictly.
We only have the Hope brand of whis-
key, and are selling more of It every
day. Its goodness and our customary
business methods answer to make It
well known.
Parties wishing a fine box of bon bon
(candies, should go to C. B. Smith's,
where they can always find the largest
assortment of fine candles in the city.
Fresh candles manufactured dally. 483
Commercial street.
If you are curious to see the new
drinks as fast as they come out,
there's ONE sure place to find them,
The Office. There Is where the Hope
whiskey can be found too. And only
at The Office can you find 1U
The British Bafk stf&ritMre lUi ft
Close Call Near Cape Falcon,
The Little Coaling Steamer Harrison
Arrives In the Nick of Time and
Saves Her.
Foard & Stokes Co. have secured the
agency of the famous htewakt
TWINE manufactured In IRELAND.
Their new stock goods are much su
perlor to any other kind.
If Old Probabilities thinks he can get
the best of Noe & Sculley, with rain
cold winds, and winter weather gener
ally, he will wake up to find his mis-
take some fine morning, as they have
prepared for his coming by putting In
the finest line of heating stoves ever
brought to Astoria..
Mince meat, cranberries, brown sug
ar, ourranU, lemon peel, citron, orange
peel, shelled almonds, fresh and boiled
cider, molasses, raisins, oranges, Eng
lish bloaters, smoked herrings, mid al
so an assortment of the celebrated
"Beech Nut" brand of hams and ba
con, the finest In the United States, at
Foard & Stokes Co.'s.
The Only Restaurant.
Some weeks ago, before any other
paper mentioned the fact, the Astoria
suggested in an editorltl that the va
rious ehurohes of this city take up a
collection on Thanksgiving day for the
poor. It Is pleasing to know that they
have, derldad to follow the Astorlan'i
The people of Jewell and vicinity
are Indignant at a recent change In
their mail service. Formerly they
were able to send a letter to Astoria
one day and receive an answer on the
day following. Now a letter leaving
there on Tuesday is not heard from un
til the following Saturday. They will
petition the department for a change,
Ladles' wool union suits, $1.25 at Al
bert Dunbar's.
Baltic Seal Capes are all the go. For
sale by Albert Dunbar.
The schooner Neptune and schooner
Letitla arrived In yesterday.
Born, to the wife of L. J. G. Zelgler,
November IBth, 1894, a daughter.
The biggest thing In town for Us
size Is the Franklin typewriter.
All the latest novelties In silverware
at R. S. Norrls', Nleml's old stand.
See R. S. Norrls" show window for
the newest designs In novelties and
The Astoria Box Co. started yester
day to move their warehouse across
the etreet from its present location
They have got It now as far as the
highway, completely blocking the thor
oughfare, but It Is expected that there
will be room for traffic some time today
Two of our local grocerymen had their
delivery wagons on their regular after
noon trip to Alderbrook, and passed the
building all right, but on coming
back found their way so blocked up
as to compel them to stay on the oth
ersJde until the building 'has .been
moved over fur enough to let them
New today, a fine line of Infants' and
children's hoods, all new shapes. Al
bert Dunbar.
Leave your orders for turkeys at
Foard Sc Stokes Co.', to bo sure to
get a nice one.
Cull at R. 8. Norrls' and have your
eyes tested and fitted with glasses by
a practical optltlon.
"Bill" Baker, well known In Astoria
died at Yonkclla, Douglass county, on
the 13th of this month, '
Fine watch repairing and engraving
at R. 8. Norrls'. Jewelry made to
order. All work warranted.
You can buy the best eating and
cooking apples In the city for the least
money nt the grocery store of Howell
fc Ward, Try them.
The New York men want thirty days'
option on the Bubsldy; W. I. Crawford
wants you to take the Franklin type
writer thirty days on trial.
S. E. L'tzlnger Is tin agent In AMtorla
for the celebrated Oambrlnus Hott'e-t
lleer. of I'ortlund. Dr p htm a postal
curd and he will call for your 01 dor.
Last evening the Republican city cen
tral committee nominated Mr. G. Win
gate as councilman In the First Ward
vice Mr. W. W. Rldehalgh, resigned.
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church will give a silver tea at the res
idence of Mrs. Hartwlg, this, Tuesday,
afternoon, from 2 until 5. Everyone
cordially Invited.
Rev. Llddell, of the Presbyterian
rhun-h. and Rev. J. W. Bushong, of
the Methodist church, delivered some
sledge hammer Mows Sunday night In
favor of morality and good govern
Everybody has said that the time
would come when a typewriter would
be made that you couM see what you
were writing. The Franklin typewrit
t r enables you to do that Corner th
and Commercial streets.
A number of Miss Edith Conn's
friends Bpent a most delightful evening
at her home last Saturday. The time
passed rapidly In music and social en
Joyments, the feature of the evening
being a contest at guessing the authors
of a number of quotations. The most
fortunnte guesBer was the recipient of
a handsome prize, the equally unfortu
nate capturing me Doooy. After a
bountiful lunch, the .young people dis
persed, all Rgreelng that the most re
gretful part of the evening was the
fact that It was Saturday, and they
.nuet bid their hostess adieu before the
itroke of midnight.
The four-masted ship Slrene came
down from Portland yesterday. The
uhlp Porcryan also arrived down nnd
the Swanmore In. The Oregon came
In late In the afternoon and passed up
Hue mm ragm, rne scnooner Estella
was towed Into Kmippton during the
morning hours. The barkentlne Port
land, with lumber for Redondo, crossed
out early In the forenoon. The steam
schooner Harrison, with salmon an
farm produce from Nehalem, arrived
In. The ship Copely, IS days from San
Francisco, Captain Robert Dixon, ar
rived In on Sunday. She came In bal
last. On 'the trip up she encountered
head winds and waB compelled to beat
her way to the mouth of the river.
Dave Smith was before Judge Os-
urn yesterday afternoon on a charge
if being drung and disorderly. II
t In the prisoner's dock alongside
it Prof, Allen, the "star reader," and
"on'tlnunlly kept his eyes on tho floor,
large crowd of curious spectators
rere present and when Judge Osburn
began a scathing rebuke to the erst
while David, the gaxo of the entire
list of spectators was simultaneously
turned toward the prisoner. The Judge
referred to the past, and mentioned
thut he had been shown leniency on
many occasions, and that as patience
had ceased to fce virtue, he would
proceed to give him the pleasure of
raving a $40 fine, at the same time
teaming him never to be found in
his court again or It would go hard
with him. The Salvation Army b:y
were there In full force, and greeted
the Judge's decision with much satis
faction. Judge Osburn gave It out cold.
so to speak, that It would go hard with
the next party who was brought be
fore him for creating a disturbance In
a religious meeting.
A union religious service, to which
members of churches of all denomlna-;
tlons and cltlsens generally ara Invited, rteef by the quarter, 4 1-3 and t
will be held this evenlnr. at half-past cents a pound. Chock Roast, 6 cents a
seven o'clock In the Baptist church, to pound; Beef Steak, S cents a pound;
be conducted by IfcY. Robert Llddell. Rr-asl of Mutton, cents a pound;
pastor of the Presbyterian churv. baling beef. 4 and S cents a pound.
Thr will be a sociable given by( WASHINGTON MARKET,
the laJtea of Grace church on Thurs-
"..: c-.--.'.v.s at the r'',,Y"f of Mr Vr. Price's Cream Biking Powder j
Jt Carruther. A moat cordial In. World's Fair iiqt'.ii Awaiu.
Saturday about 3 o'clock the big Brit
ish bark Swanmore, Captain Green-
halge, 17 days from San Francisco, In
ballast for this port arrived off the
mouth of the river in the vicinity of the
lightship. The tug had gone Inside and
the pilot boat was nowhere to be seen,
so taking advantage of a gentle breeze,
blowing off-shore, the bark stood to
sea In a southerly direction. When
night came on, with It came a dense
fog, and soon the bark was enveloped
In a cloak of darkness that It seemed
light would never penetrate. The wind
died away to a dead calm, and the ves
sel was left drifting helplessly on the
waste of waters. It was Impossible to
tell Just how far the bark was off shore
when the first hours of the morning ar
rived, and the fact that a heavy shore
swell was known to run In this vlcln
ty, caused the captain no little alarm.
A vigilant watch was kept on deck,
and about 2:30 on Sunday morning the
cry of breakers from the man at the
wheel startled everyone on board. The
sound of the foaming waters on the
beach grew louder so quickly that It
nearly froze the blood In the veins
of everyone on board, for an Instant.
Then, without wasting any more time
the starboard anchor was dropped In
about 20 fathoms of water and 36
fathoms of chain run out. Here she
held until 8:30 when a breeze sprung
up, and quickly slipping her cable,
headed off shore with all trails set. She
made about eight miles when a dead
culm set in and she began to drift
shoreward again.
There Is nothing that strikes the
sailor's heart with dread to much as to
hear, In the dead of night, the roar
of breakers on the beach. Darkness
adds volumes to the awful noise, and
so it was with the crew of the Swan
more Sunday morning when the omi
nous sound reached them of the waves
breaking furiously on the rugged walls
of Cape Falcon not more than a thous.
and yards away. Daylight had dawn
ed, and with It came a breeze that had
carried them out of the very Jaws of
death Into a place of apparent safety,
and now to nnd themselves drifting
Helplessly back towards that .awful
spot again, was enough to cause des
pair to come Into every soul on board.
On and on they drifted, until finally
the dull roar of the breakers was again
plainly audible, but fortune favored
them before they reached the first
foaming line.. A breeze filled the sails,
and away surged the great vessel, a&
If ollvo to the fact that danger was
at her heels. The breeze stiffened, and
cheerful air prevailed among those I
on board at the prospects of getting
plenty of searoom before another calm
night set In.
Fate seemed against the : Swanmore
and tho crew, for when a fun of about
ten miles had been made, the wind
died, even more suddenly than before,
and the big spread of canvas flapped
lazily with the rolling motion of the
essel. Thoroughly alarmed again,
Captain Greenhalge gave orders to
prepare the boats and be in readiness
should they get Into the breakers and
strike, to cut loose from the bark and
attempt to make the shore. Clothing
and other articles of value were placed
the ship's boats and then" the help
less crew awaited their fate. Nearer
and nearer the treacherous ground
swell carried them Inshore, and after
few hours, about 3:30,' tho familiar
sound of the breakers hidden by the
fog, could be plainly heard. It seemed
ages to the terror-stricken' crew, as
ey slowly but surely drifted Into
what seemed certain destruction to
their vessel, and probable death to all
on board.
Louder and louder the awful roar
became, until finally the first long line
if foaming surf was visible through the
fog. Each succeeding Bwell carried
them nearer, until finally amidst a
'errlble roar, the bark went over a
big green comber, and the frantic crew
crew knew they were Inside the line
where but little hope was left them. A
few minutes more, and two lines ot
breakers could be counted outside the
ipparentiy doomed bark, and the In
shore view of foaming waters struck
terror to all on board, among whom
tfere two ladles.
Little did the captain and his crew
jf brave sailors know, at- this critical
moment, that coming down Upon them
through the fog bank under a full head
it steam, was a little steamer that wnt
o ultimately prove their savior. The
Harrison, with Captain Schrader. and
Pilot McNeill on board, had crossed
over the Nehalem bar at about the
time tho Swanmore had sighted the
first breaker, and seeing her masts
from which distress -signals were fly
ing, looming up above the fog, they
mad9 toward her under a full head
of steam. It would be hard to describe
the Intense Joy with which the crew ot
the bark greeted the first sound of
the Harrison's whistle.
As soon as the little steamer came
longslde a slee.1 hawser was thrown
out ana nastily secured. Then the
struggle fur life began. Faithfully the
Harrison s engines worked, each turn
f the wheel slowly driving them away
from the howling surf, that seemed to
foam and plunge and swirl with anger
at the thought of losing their costly
victim. Once In a while a great swell
would lift the little steamer up on Its
crest, and then drop It so suddenlv
hat It seemed her very timbers woulo
he shattered by the great strain on the
hawner, but she Invariably recovered
herself ami went fuithfullr at hir
work. Thcri cime a time, howovrr i
hen the Wat of the breakers Waa Ut
in th rsaf of tha Iwrki and atwui
UiW r mi tho Harrison 6?m-ti hr
tfjw nearly is mllos crt tha rujeed ana
daigirous headland whr she had
thrice nearly come to grief.
The Harrison Immediately headed
for the Columbia River, arriving In
yesterday morning, at an early hour.
The tug Relief was at once notified
and hastened outside, where sha picked
up the bark and towed her 4nslde, ar
riving at anchorage off the waterfront
at 1:30 p. m.
The captain of the Swanmore, It is
said, claims that he made a bargain
with Captain Schrader for $900, but
this the latter gentleman maintains is
not no. He says there was no time
for bargaining, and that he took the
offered hawser of the Swanmore with
out a word. Whether the matter is
settl 1 out of the courts or not, Cap
tain Greehalge Is to be congratulated
that '.ie saved his vessel, together .with
the I ves of his passengers and crew.
Prof. Allen, the "astrologer," who was
landed In the Bastlle Saturday night
on a charge of yagrnncy, was yester-
day fined $20. He will probably econ
omize by putting in ten days scraping
rubbish on the public thoroughfares.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego
Cal., says: "Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good. Price CO
cts. Sold by J. W. Conn.
Shoes and blues rhyme, but If you
buy our shoes, you will never have
the blues. The fall stock Is now ready,
and every bit of the extravagance has
been taken out of the prices. Good
man & Co.
Highest Hottors-Worid'i Falf.
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
CHANCE roil ALL Men of smalt
means can buy real estate In Hill's first
LOTS FCR $2. Call r.t. the Astoria
Real Estate Exchange end get a lot
In Hill's First Addition for $2.
received Just what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 629 Third street
WANTED Agents to represent the
old National LiCe Insurance Co., of
Montpeller, Vt. For further informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-S4 Crocker Building, San
Frunclsco, Cal.
The Astoria Wood Yard has received
a lot of dry oak wood which is Just the
thing for those wishing a cheerful
wood fire In their open grates this
winter. Leave orders at Carnahan's
$25.00 to. $50 PER WEEK using and
selling Old Reliable Plater. Every fam
ily has rusty, worn knlve3, forks,
spoons, etc. Quickly nlated bv dlDnlmr
In melted metal. No exDerlence nr
Deslrabln residence, business and hard work. A good situation. Addreui
acreage property for sale cn easy i"1i'SU1)J1salTd" & Co" Clerk No--".
H. Lelnenweber property warranted
Coll at the office of Astoria Abstract
Title and Truct Co., In regard to the
same. E. Z.' FERGUSON,
SIIILOH'S CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, Is In great demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold
by J. W. Conn.
Umbrellas and porapols repaired 01
short notice, as this is the only busines
I follow. J. Joplln, 185 Main street.
Three or four nicely furnished front
rooms for housekeeping, $15; two
rooms partly furnished for housekeep
ing, $6; 018 Bond street.
FOR RENT Five-room, nicely fur
nished house. Enquire Real Estate Ex.
FOR RENT Two or three rooms,
furnl.-jhed for light housekeeping, cheap.
Apply G. V. Porter's furniture store,
517 Bond street.
That are put up by the Beach Pickling
Works, at Warrenton, and sold by
Ross, Hlgglng & Co., Pat Lawler &
Co.'s Fish Market, and Foard & Stokes
Co., are put up carefully and every bot
tle warranted to be fresh and good.
Think two thinks before you purchase
anything else today for dinner, and
you will give a bottle of these a trial
as they are dellcate'eating.
CHOICE LOT3 In Hill's Second Addi
tion to Ocean Grove, Seaside, Prices In
reach of all.
Meany is the leading tailor and rays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
Clap a magnifying class upon a piece
of Marshall's twine. Notice the threads FURNISHED ROOMS With board
plump, round, even. Honest work in or good table board by the day or
every twirl that changed that flax week, with home comforts, at reasou-
into cord. The best fishermen on the ; able rates. Mrs. E. C. Holden, corner
river une iviursnau a iwiue. wiiy.viu ana uuane streets.
shouldn t you.
What Is the use to go and pay 12 1-2
cents for rf cigar when you can get the
Robert Mantell at Chas. Olsen's for 10
cents, the bet Havana cigar In the
market, lalld and free smoking.
To prevent fits and convulsions dur
ing teething, mothers should always
have on hand St-e-e-dman's Soothing
KARL'S CLOVER BOOT will purify
your blood, clear your complexion, reg
ulate your Bowels, and make your head
clear as a bell. 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1.00.
Sold by J. W. Conn.
All tha patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choic
est perfumery, end toilet articles, etc.,
an he bought at the lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc-
ciaent Hotel, A.tona.
Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Rutldlng,
over C. H. Cooper's store.
W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S..
Mansell Block, G73 Third street
SELLING at 25 per cent discount-
lots In Hill's First addition to Ocean
Grove, Seaside. Astoria Real Estate Ex
Oregon's Great Seaport.
The prediction of shrewd old John
Jacob Astor Is about to be fulfilled. The
city of Astoria, Oregon, Is about to
become the greatest seaport nnd me
tropolis of Northwestern America.
Its location and resources have aU
traded the attention of capital, and It
is today thj best, field for the Invest
ment of motley, brains and muscle on
the American continent.
This "Largest civilized city In tho
world without, a railroad," is to exper
ience the impetus of a connection In
different directions with two 'of the
greatest continental railway systems.
Astoria's harbor advantages (the
best on the whole Pacific Coast) are
now understood and appreciated; Its
fishing interests (already paying to the
hands employed in the salmon canneries
alone over $250,000 of wages ench
month) are to be augmented by the
Investment of outside capital and the ,
erection of large and latest improved
plants. The immense forests of Ore
gon pine surrounding the city ure to
be converted into lumber for the Aus
tralian, Chinese, .Tapunose, and South
American markets.
The great coal fields within a few
miles of the city are to be Immediately
opened, and the product thereof shipp
ed In every direction.
A dairying region unsurpassed In the
whole world is to be opened up and
afforded an outlet to market.
A harbor, better than that of San
Francisco, and the only one with this
exception on tin more than two thous
and mile3 of Pacific coast. Is to be
supplied with increased dockage and
coaling facilities, arid immense grain
elevators will be built to store and load
the wheat of the Columbia basin direct- '
ly on the merchant fleets of the world.
Astoria offers openings for many new
Industries, namely, grist mll'.s, saw
mills, paper mills, stave, box. barrel tub factories, . show case works,
cash and door factories.
There will be room for many live,
energetic and wide-awake men and
women With or without money. All
Inquiries promptly answered. Paper
and data supplied on application.
Astoria, Oregon.
J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S.
in the -Flavel
bulldln? '-r-. Occident
Rooms 5, 6 and - 7, Flavel a Brick
Office in Flavel's bilck building.
Astoria. Oregon.
AT LA 77.
Office on Second StiTet Astoria, Or.
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hour9, 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to 11.
Office, 6S4Vj Third st, "Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all chronlo
Special attention to diseases of worn-
m and surgery.
OOlce over Danzlger's store, Astoria.
Telephone No. f,2.
Office, Rooms i and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
Residence, 639, Cedar street
May be found In his office until 1
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2
p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings.-
CALL ON P. BAKER, 478 Third St,
md have your clothes dyed and
Handley & Haas, 150 First street and
jet the Dally Astorian. Visitors need
oot miss their morning paper while
there. .
ular meetings of this board will be held
u tha first Monday of each month at
10 a. m., at the office of Robb & Par
ker. W. L. Robb. Sec '
NOTICE The regular meetings of
he Astoria Buiidlntr and Loan a ..lo
tion are held at t p. m. on the first
Wednesday of each month. Ofilce o, soiun or cnenamus.
w. 1- ttOBB. Secretary.
O. F. Regular meetinr of Ocean En
campment No. 13, in the Odd Fellows'
Building, at 7 p. m.. on the second and
rcurth Mondays of ench month. 80
Jcnrnlns; brethren cordUalty In Med.
By order p
liquors are Bold at Alex Campbell's
wine instead of coffee or tea.
Flfiy cents per gallon. Don't forget
reach and apricot brandy. AIo French
Cognac and wine at A?fT cilberfa.