The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 14, 1894, Image 4

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Of ready-made trousers will answer If
you can stand In a barrel all day.
They're hardly safe to wear about the
Some kinds of ready-made clothing
look very well behind plate glass win
dows, when all pressed up, embellshed
with bright, sateens and millinery bou
quets. It never looks as well else
wheie. The prices on such goods will posi
tively surprise you.
It may even sometimes occur that
you'll wonder how they are sold so
cheap. You'll wonder less if you ever
try them. Experience is a powerful
teacher. Better profit by the other fel
lows whenever you can.
We're the apostles of good "honor
bright" clothing, preaching it all the
time, njid practicing what we preach,
chas. Mcdonald,
The Tailor.
523 Commercial Street
The Monterey arrived down at 11 the great grandson of George IV,. who,
o'clock last night and anchored in as Prince of Wales, married the beau
front of the city. She will leave out at tlful and fascinating two-times widow
6 o'clock this morning.
A No. 32 Standard Typewriter Cabinet
free. This is as fine a piece of office
furniture us you could nsk for, and
we propose to actually give it to you.
Coast Agency Co., Cor 9th and Commer
cial street
Mrs. Maria Anne Fitzherbert. Now
let the galled Jade Seattle wince, or
else produce Charlie Rosa.
The Way a woman Is Gowned Accord
ing to Him.
Lady Journalists owe a debt of grat
itude to a scribe of the opposite sex
who has supplied them with a new
stock of adjectives in desoriblnar the
Goods to get for the money are what
we sell.
We have the best reasons to attend
to business courteously and strictly.
We only have the Hope brand of whls
key, and are selling more of It every
day. Its goodness and our customary
business methods answer to make 11
well known,
Portland, Nov. 13. Forecast: Fair
weather, slight temperature changes;
light north to east winds.
Local weather for the twenty-four
hours ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, fur
nished by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, 59 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 48 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Totn.l precipitation from September
1st. 1894. to date. 19.61 inches.
Excess of preclpititlon from Peptt-nv
ber 1st, 1894, to date, . mcnes.
Ross, Hlgglns & Co., who can be
found at the old stand now and all toilets worn at a recent wedding which'
the year around, wish to Inform their Lame off In Cooigardle. In Western
customers that they are selling the Australia. The function was esneclallv
Parties wishing a fine box of bon bon the choicest quality of fresh meats at Interestlne as belne the first wortdin
candles, should go to C. B. Smith's, lower prices than similar cuts of meat, celebrftted , that dlMrip, nf m,a m.
where they can always find the largest can be bought for from peddlers, and : gIn& an(1 the copy- gent ln by the
assortment oi nne canines in me city, mvite an wno are inieresieu 10 get
Fresh candles manufactured dally. 483 prices. You can buy from them In
Commercial street.
Cranberries, lemon peel, cltrcn, or
ange peel, raisins, -currants, apple ci
der, nuts, lemons, oranges, crown sugar,
black and New Orleans molasses, choice
extracts, etc., etc., for the coming hol
iday trade, at Foard & Stokes Co.
quantities to suit, a nice piece of cheap
boiling beef or a rich, Juicy tenderloin.
The ships Isle of Arran and Torris-
dalo arrived down from Portland yes
terday. The Elder came In from Na
nalmo with 600 tons of coal for this
port, 10 Chinese passengers, a woman
Well, Chappie, what makes your halt rnd child being among the number.
so smooth?" "Really, now. I bought ine lery cross left up the river dur-
one of 'those elegant solid back hair Ing the afternooi, and the Ditrlek
brushes at the Prlntz-Crain Drug Co.' Line's new steamer the Alice Blan
store. They are really fine, and only chard, came ln and proceeded up the
cost fifty cents, don't cher know." river, ine umoire paused out tot
Tillamook, and tne schooner Allen A,
Among the seasiuers wno were in me wag towed to sea,
city yesterday were C. A. McUuWe,
aionroB umui u..u Th Monteriv i. evntoted her
Mr. Logan went to j-oruana iasi even- coal da,ljr Her 1M tong Qf $2 coa, a
lng, and the other two gentlemen re- that waa , the bunkers when he last
turned home on the afternoon boat. .,)d hpr -,,., ,,,
The state papers are having a great al he ever used. She steamed ten
dpal to sav lust now regarding the con- Knots an nour tnrougn tne straits and
temnlated purchase of the O. P. by the twelve knots an hour against the Col
Union Pacific. They predict a speedy umbia river current with only six of
completion to Astoria of that road ner el8 boilers in operation. This
tho nnrnhuse Is consummated. WM the best record made since her
ina mp. xnis time sne win get the
If you want a aress mat wm mane Best coal of the new mine, which Is
your husband happy, why don t you undoubtedly superior to any bituminous
buy It of Albert Dunbar? He is selllna coai on the coast. New Whatcom Re-
more dresses than any other house in yellee.
Only Restaurant.
Embroidery llnn, all qualities
widths, for, sale by Albert Dunbar.
W. I. Crawford was kept busy yes
terday taking orders for typewriters.
The three-masted schooner Allen A,
lumber laden for California, arrived
down yesterday.
Leave your orders for turkeys at
Foard & Stokes Co.'s, to be sure to
get a nice one.
Two loaves of fresh bread for 6
cents Is the way the staff of life Is
being retailed at Albany, .
jf op want any new novelty, go
and see Albert Dunbar. He Is cure to
have it, or will get It for you.
The Mayflower went to Olney yes
terday, her decks loaded down with
freight. She had a good-sized passen
ger list.
You can buy the beBt eating nnd
cooking apples In the city for the leaBt
money at the grocery store of Howell
& Ward. Try them.
Three or four nicely furnished front
rooms for housekeeping, $15; two
rooms partly furnished for housekeep
ing, SO; 618 Bond street.
The bark Sagamore was destroyed at
California City Bunday. The whaling
bark Mars was also broken up and
burned; she was built in 1824.
Sunday morning the Astorlnn con
talned an article that was somewhat
misleading so Pilot Dolg thinks. It
the city because his goods are of the
latest designs, and the prices are the
Tornntv' hnrrnlH and three cases of
lamps were received from St. Louis 8tated tlwt the British bark Tenusser
yesterday by Foard & Stokes. Par- un haJ been outside several days
tins wlshlne to see an elegant assort- awaiting a tug. This Captain Dolg
ment to select from would do well to
await the opening of these goods be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
From latest mall advices It Is learned
the sealing' schooners Josephine and
Golden' Fleece were sold at Yokohama
by order of the American consul. The
former, 18 tons, brought 950 yen, and the sounds of the bark's fog whistle,
the latter, 121 tons, brought 300 yen. which was kept constantly blowing.
thinks was doing the tugboat service
an Injustice, as It was on account of
the heavy fog that had been prevailing
for several days that they were unable
to be made out by the tug. He went
on board the vessel Friday, and the tug
took hold of her Sunday at 10 o'clock.
The tug reached her by following up
The value of the yen is about 61 cents.
The St. Louis Globe Democrat has an
Interesting article about Tillamook
Rock, accompanied by a picture of the
light house viewed from the ocean.
Near the rock the Manzanlta is Been,
unloading supplies, and Tillamook
Head Is plainly viBlble ln the back
If Old Probabilities thinks he can get
the best of Noe & Sculley, with rain,
cold winds, and winter weather gener
ally, ho will wake up to find his mls-
So thick was the fog that the tugboat
was only a few feet distant before
they were able to make her out from
the Tenusserum. The splashing of the
tug's propellor could be distinctly heard
long before she was sighted.
"gentleman Journalist" Is racy of the
soil and leads one to suppose that his!
uflual occupation lies rather In reporting
upon mines than in chronicling social
He described the bride as wearing a
"creamy quartz colored silk with or
ange blossom outcrops." Another lady
was dressed ln a "reddish substance,
with Iron-stone colored leaders running
around the main body, and looking so
nlcethat many a male animal wished
for a miner's right, so that he could
apply for a perpetual lease." Miss B.
appeared with a charming opt fit, th
mali: body being blue, trimmed all
down the foot wall wit hlamlnated
leaders of dark slate color. The danc
ers showed their appreciation by Imme
diately "prospecting round." Miss it.
"set envious teeth on edge as ehs
waltzed round In a slate colored robe,
the principal outcrops being decorated
with diorite striped stringers and other
surface indications of a highly pleasing
According to a dispatch to the Asto,
rlan, the Monterey left Portland yes
terday morning for Astoria. She will
probably be ln the harbor at an early
hour this morning, and will doubtless
proceed at once on her way to the
Sound. When the Monterey was here
take some fine morning, as they have In August, Capt. Kempft stated to ,an
prepared for his coming by putting ln Astorlan representative that he could
the finest line of heating stoves ever think of no more delightful place to
brought to Astoria.
The sybarites of Salem are now
gladdened by the prospects of a "hot
soda" fountain being set up by one
of their enterprising druggists.
Prof. W. A. Little, of Portland, Is
now engaged by the Salemltes to teach
them how to sa-shay down the center
and to gracefully sa-shay back.
S. E. Utzlnger Is tin agent in Astoria
for the celebrated Gumbrlnus Hottled
Ueer. of Portland. Dr p lilm a postal
card and he will call for your older.
spend the summer months than on the
northern coast, and particularly in the
Astoria harbor, but he drew the line
when the winter rains set In. His rea
sons for not caring to remain on this
part of the coast during the winter was
that vessels of the Monterey type v.ere
unfitted for so damp a climate eviry-
thlng below becoming musty after a
few days' successive rain. If the re
cent statement as published in a Ta
Hon. BonJ. Young yesterday present- coma paper Is true, that the Monterey
ed to the Astorlan a double cluster of Is to winter on the Sound, then Captain
wine grapes that were raised in hla Kempff has a disagreeable and dreary
garden In this city. It is one of the season before him.
finest specimens of that variety eve
raised In the "city, and demonstrates! Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ross entertained
what can be done in that line, where I a number of their friends last evening
Klrmess at Portland November 15th.
Tickets for sale at Telephone office for
$2.00 round trip Including admission to
the elegant performance. Tickets good
going November 14th on the Telephone
and returning 10th on the. Telephon
ln the morning or on the Lurltne ln the
evening. Don't forget to take the fa
vorite steamer Telephone.
For bouquet, smoothness and stom
achic qualities, there is no finer whis
key mado in the world than the Hope
brand; to be found only at "The Office."
Orillln & Reed have leased the store
room at 470 Commercial street and are
having it renovated, preparatory to
putting in a large stock of Christmas
Advices received state that the bill
to reduce the pilotage charge at New
castle, N, S. W., has pawed Its second
reading. The new rate will be 4d per
register ton.
The ladles of Grace church will hold
on afternoon tea at tne resilience or
Mrs. M. Foard on Wednesday, Nov. 14.
from I to I, A cordial Invitation Is
extended to all.
one understands the culture of grapes.
and proper care Is given the vines.
Antor Lodge, No. 6, K. of P, are pre.
They will have a social session In their
hall, at . which the Grand Chancellor
and Grand Keeper of Records and Seal
will be present. After the lodge ad
Journs, there will be a grand feast at
Jeff's restaurant, at which everyone
expected to do ample Justice to the
Facts are dry, but the fact Is that
the Scow Bay Wood Yard la having
nil It can do to supply the demand
for Itslry wood. Oilloe opposite Fish
er Bros.' store.
Are you going to the KirmessT If
o. get your tickets via the Potter or
Thompson. Round trip. Including ad
mission to the performance, $2.00. See
advertisement In another column.
Grlmnlvy la the largest flshlnr port In
the world. In 1893 no lees than 19.551
fishing vessels discharged there and
In 1891 there were landed from trawlers
78.515 tons of fish, of the value of 1,2ST.-651.
with a musicale, and the affair was in
evsry respect a groat success. The
hostess was assisted by Sirs. Finck,
With Mrs. Th niaon on um.u
paring to have a Jolly time tonight. the mus,Ci ,n8trum '
was of that high order for which the
performers are noted in musical cir
cles. Among the songs rendered by
Mrs. Flnek were: "When She Comes,"
a most beautiful soprano eolo written
by Prof. E. J. Finck; "Pour dlgestl,
Dy Lottl; and an Aria from Ernnnl.
Mrs. Finck was heartily encored after
each of her song9, and responded in a
manner which captivated' her hearers.
Mrs. Roes sang "The Grenadiers," by
acnumnn; "Who's Coming to See me?"
H4 Mr. . v. i . .
aim cKuucutiuy i,oves ale, and was
heartily encored. Mrs. Olsen, in adili-
tlnn to contributing to the success of
the songs by her accompaniments, pave
an Imitation of a musical box, and m
so reallstio a manner that It was al
most Impossible to believe that the
muslo did not emanate from the Instru
ment whose tones It reproduced with
such fxaciness. A duet by Mrs. Finck
and Mrs. Ross was one of the gems
or tne evening, and a baritone solo by
Mr. J. T. Ross, "It Was Not Thus To
Be," was warmly received. Games. fo
which handsome prizes were awarded
tne successful ones, and a delicious
oollatlon about midnight, made up the
remainder or the evening's procram
with which everyone present was great.
ly delighted,
W. I. Crawford will sell a limited
number of typewriters $10,00 cash an
$10.00 per month,' every machine sold
on trial and warranted for one yenr
to the purchaser. The Coast Agency
Co., for which ho is collector are offer
lng the best lines of office desks, all
styles, and typewriters ever offered on
iho coast, every article sold on trial
guarantee, subject to return.
Work Is progressing rapidly on the
Cascade locks, and preparations are
being made for putting In the lower
gates. Pumps are being put ln to
pump out the lower part of the canal,
and this part of It will be completed
The lower guard walls will be finished
so that by spring boats can be run Into
the lower lock. A large force of men
are at work excavating for the upper
guard walls. '
The survey of the harbor has been
completed, and tho steamer Lincoln
left for Portland yesterday evening,
Mr. Warrack, the engineer In charge
of the work, stated that It was Impossl
ble to tell what changes had been
wrought by the Influences of flood and
Jetty, until a chart had been made;
but apparently the main channel was
unimpaired, although the middle chan
nel had not been Improved as was ex
Fame, not satisfied with giving Port
land the reputation of having local
After coaling at the bunkers yeeter-i talent eroufth to run a cirrus and a
day, the Columbine went back to her, klrmess, must take the pencil out of
Main street dock. Today she will go j History's hand and dot down to her
to the lightship, thence to the buoy j credit a "Prince of the Royal Blood."
depot, where her boilers will undergo also. It Is James L. Ord. a telegraph
a th i''.'i;h i'lct.nli'5. I lineman, who tells the Sun that he la
Adrian, Mich., Aug. 1, 1891.
Miller & Martin, General Agents:
Gentlemen I am In receipt of your
circular of the Franklin typewriter. In
the past nine years 'as a stenographer
have used the Remington, Callgraph,
Hammond, Smith-Premier, and am
now daily using, to my entire satisfac
tion, the "Franklin." I had no particu
lar trouble to learn how to "handle
the machine," In a very few moments,
end today am making as rapid speed
on this machine as I ever did on the
others, which, to me, Is in this ma-
chine's favor. I am able to make as
many copies at one time, and with
Just as good results as before; in fact,
I feel confident that I can do any
thing as well on this machine as on
any of the machines mentioned, and
that Is saying a good deal, as I have
had a general practice, which necessi
tated my doing some diffloJlt machine I
work, so called. I believe It to be a
first-class machine for general work,
and so recommend It to the firm with
whom I am now connected, having had
the privilege of exchanging this ma.
chine and purchasing any other of my
choice. Yours Truly.
Stenographer for Adrian Furniture
Mfg. Co.
World's Tribute to
Dr. Price's Cream
Calving Powder
Highest Honors Awarded
by the World's Colum
bian Exposition,
Chicago, 1893.
World's Fair .
Medal and Diploma
awarded to
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
The highest award was given on every claim, comprising
superiority in leavening power, keeping properties, purity and
excellence. This verdict has been given by the best jury
ever assembled for such a purpose, backed by the recommend
ation of the Chief Chemist of the United States Department
of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, who made an elabor
ate examination and test of all the baking powders. This
is pre-eminently the highest authority on such matters in
This verdict conclusively settles the question and
proves that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is
superior in every way to any other brand.
NoTS. The Chief Chemist rejected the Alum baking powders, stating
to the World's Fair jury that he considered them unwholesome.
W. I. Crawford, collector for Coast
Agency Co., general agent, will sell
limited number of the Franklin type-
writers on very easy terms.
The Japanese social at the Baptist
church last evening was a success. The
new pastor, Rev. Mr. Trumbull, wn
welcomed and given the right hand of
fellowship by all the protestant mln
latere in the city. Appropriate and be-
fitting speeches were made by the min
lsters present and wore responded to
by Rev. Trumbull, who, by his cordial
ity, made friends with the large audi
enoe, after which there was music, by
the popular mandolin club and songs
by Mrs. Crosby, Mrs. VanDusen, Miss
Gray and Mr. Belcher.
Then came the little Japanese mald
ens with delicious refreshments which
were served to all present, including
sure enough three-months-old Bap.
tlst Chinese baby, the first born In As
By Astor Lodge No. 6, K. of P.
The members of Astor and Pacific
Lodges and sojourning Knights, are
cordially invited to be present at their
hall on Wednesday evening, the 14th
Inst, at S o'clock p. m The Grand
Chancellor and Grand Keeper of Rec
ord and Seal have been invited for the
occasion, and a Eoclal time is antici
pated. After the lodge adjourns, all
iresent are invited to Jeffs Restaurant
to pirtake of a grand supper. The
committee specially invite the old mem
bers who very seldom attend lodge.
and they will be sure of having a pleas
ant evening.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Chairman Committee.
Beef by the quarter, 4 1-2 and 5
cents a pound. Chock Roast, 6 cents a
pound; Beef Steak, 6 cents a pound;
Roast of Mutton, 6 cents a pound;
boiling beef, 4 and 6 cents a pound.
The Klrmess, which is to be given in
Portland November 12th to 17th, will
no doubt prove a grand success. The
15th will be Astoria Day, and in order
to give all Astorlans a chance to at
tend, tho O. R. and N. Co. have made
a round trip rate of J2.00, which In
cludes admission to the performance.
The tickets will be good going on the
fast and elegant side-wheel steamer
T. J. Potter, leaving on the night of
the 14th, or on the commodious steam.
er R. R. Thompson on the morning
of the 15th. Tickets good for return
until the 16th inclusive.
Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building,
over C. H. Cooper's store.
W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S..
Man sell Block, . 673 Third street
I. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S.
ln the
Flavel building, opposite Occident
CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small
meana can buy real estate in Hill's flrsl
LOTS FOR J2. Coll at the Astoria
Real Estate Exchange and get a lot
in Mill s ifirst Addition for $2.
received Just what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 629 Third street
WANTED Agents to represent th
01a rsaiionoi ijire Insurance Co.. of
nionipeiier, Vt For further informa.
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, ss-x Crocker Rul rl n. Ran
Francisco, Cal.
WE WISH to emolov a few irood men
to make 150 to J100 a week seltlnir our
Home Electric Motor. Runs sewing ma
chines, printing presses. ventllaMne
fans, pumps, eta Evervbodv hiivn
mem. Bieaay employment. Eanv sit.
uation and good wages. W. P. Harrison
& Co., Clerk No. 14. Columbus. Ohio.
Rooms 6, 6 and 7, Flavel 8 Brick
Office ln Flavel's bilck building.
fbankJ. Taylor. jno. T. LigHtkh.
Astoria, Oregon.
Office on Second Stitet Astoria, Or.
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun-
days, 10 to 11.
Office, 6S4J4 Third Bt, Astoria, Ore.
Special attention given to all ehrnni
Sherllf Hare returnd yesterday
from a business trip to Portland.
Mr. C. D. Detrlck, of the steamer
line bearing his name, who was In the
Ity several days, has returned to San
E. W. Wrlcht and wife, of Portland
arrived In the city yesterday nnj will
remain several days. Ed. Is still vtork-
Irg on the Lewis & Dryden Marine
History, which will be ready for pub
lication about one year hence.
The train on the Seashnr
-ntiroad will leave Seaside dally except
uniiy hi t.iv a. m.; returning, leav
Vnnnir's Ray bridge at 9 a. m.
On Tuesdays and Saturdays thpra win
be an additional trip, leaving Seaside
Nicely furlnshed front room. iis.
partly furnished room, J6; 518 Bond st.
FOR RENT Five-room, nicely fur-
nisned house. Enquire Real Estate Exchange.
FOR RENT Two or three rooms,
furnished for light housekeeping, cheap.
Apply G. V. Porter's furniture store,
517 Bond street.
for Astoria at 3 p. m. and Youne's to . ""M-Wtli .board.
for Seaside at 4:80 n. m. Th. s-wl! ooara oy me day or
noms irom Astoria connecting with
trains, leave at 8:30 a. m. and 4 p. m.
Vr, Price'a Cream Biking Powder
WorM'S Fr.Ir ll!jjcst Award.
Buy teas of your grocer, silks of the
drygoods man and hardware elsewhere.
rut remember, for pure drugs, cheml
eels, and fine toilet articles, the place
to go Is to 66 Commercial street snd
get some of the fresh stock of. the
Printt-Craln Drug Co.
Foard ft Stokes Co.' hive seourM the
aecney of the famous STEWART'S
TWINE manufactured In IRELAND
Their new stock goods are much su
perior to any oth.T kind.
week, with home comforts, at reason
able rates. Mrs. TV f HnM.n ,-
iu aim jjunne streets.
Special attention to diseases of wom
en ana surgery.
Office over Danziger'a store. Astoria.
Telephone Xo. 62.
Office, Rooms I and , Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
5. Residence, 639, Cedar street
May be found ln his office until it
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until
P. m.. and from 6 until 7;30 evenings.
PILOT COMMl3.qinvKtfs'r.
ular meetings of this board will be held
on tne nrst Monday of each month at
iv . m., at tne office of Robb ft Par
ker' i W. L. Robb, Sec
NOTICE The regular meetings of
mo nsium uuuuing and Loan Associa
tion axe held at 8 p. m. on the first
weanesaay of each month. OlSce on
Genevieve street, south of Chtnamua.
W. L. ROBB, Secretary.
O. F. Regular meetinrs of Ocean Er
campment No. It, In the Odd Fellows'
uuumnr. at 7 p. m.. on the second and
fourth Mondays of esch month. So
journing brethren cordially lnited.
By order c. p.
re sold at Alex CanTpbeui
ro?3. AND ERANDIES.-UseZln
fandel wine instead of coftV. ?TT
Fifty cents per jmllorL wt
Peach and apricot 5, AtajSES
Cognac and wine at AleS GlibrVs!
and have your clothes dyed nd
Handler & Haas. 150 First . ..,
get the Dally Astorlan. Visitor, need
not mlia their mornln