J-: THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13 18J4 A SAD ENDING. The Body of Mr. Crawford, the Minis ter, Found Near Jewell. A. J. Gragg, who came In from the Nuhalem yesterday, reports the finding of the body of the preacher named Crawford, who lived at Jewell. Two weeks ago Sunday ne 'preached at Jew. ell and took his boat for his home, which was about a mile above that town, and that was the laBt seen of .him until yesterday morning, when his body was found by Mr. Wm. Foster and others who were hunting for him, aboout 100 yards from his house. The supposition is that he attempted to get out of his boat at the place where his body was found, and in some man ner was capsized. The water at the time he was drowned was somewhat higher than at present, as when dls covered lie Wfis but a few inches under the Burface of the water, and standing in nn upright poBltlon. Both hands were In a death grasp about a bunch of willows, and from indications It would appear that he struggled hard for life, the small bunches probably giving way at each attempt made to climb up the bank. The remains were laid away last evening In the cemetery at Jewell, by friends and neighbors. The deceased leaves a brother In Canada, who has been notified of his sad fate. Mr. Crawford was a man who was well liked by all who knew him, having been a resident of the Nehalem Valley near Jewell for the past six years. He leaves no family. , THE NOVEMBER FORUM. The November Forum opens with an article on "The Political Career and Character of David B. Hill," by an anonymous "Independent" writer who tells for the first time with fulness of detail Senator Hill's whole career. The Judgment of him Is that his Buccess rests wholly on an artificial basis, and that It has been built up on the most disreputable elements of political so ciety The writer contends that Sen ator Hill's prominence in the Demo- cratlo party is the worst possible aug ury for the party a measure, indeed of the party's danger. It is a notable political essay. Another political arti cle "William L. Wilson as a tariff re form deader," by Mr. Henry L. Nel son, who points out Mr. Wilson's char acteristics and qualities and traces his areer as a leader of the low-tariff wing of the Democratic party from the days of the Randall faction. In other respects the November "Forum Ehows its tlmllness. John W. Chadwiek has an impressive eriy en Oliver Wendell Holmes; and Montgom ery Schuyler has an exceedingly in- terestlng article c.:i oar greatest land- scaDe painter, "George Innesa: the Man , and His Work' -full of prrsonnl nlsccnrp-i rnd telling lnnld?ntnlly tha whole story of the growth of American . 11 it. h' re are in the Novemoer i-orum . lour notable articles embodying the Tcm'.tn of special investigation into 1m- pot-taut and opportune topics. One Is s', remarkably clear and compact argu- ment by ex-Senator George t. JiU- clear ag a bell 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1.00. munda, perhaps our foremost const!- gol(j by j w Conn. ' tutlonal authority, on "Should United ! Stat-s Senators be Elected by the Peo-1 All the patent medicines advertised pie'" to show that in spite of the , In this paper, together with the choic . . . . est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., M-esent outcry the method adopted by . boug at the ,OWgt pr,ces ftt the fathers Is better than any method , j. y. Conn'f drug store, opposite Oc .that has bC3n proposed. Ex-Senator j cldent Hotel A. torla. Xilrr.ur.ds Bhows how large a proportion of men v.no have been members of the sonnto have been first members of the j The regular quarterly examination tiouse In other words, men who had 0f applicants for county or state teach jshown that they were really the pop- ers' certificates will be held at Court tilar choice. ' street school house, beginning at 1 A few n-.cnths ago the Rev. William o'clock p. m., Wednesday, November Bayard Hale, an Episcopal clergyman j 14, 1894. Applicants for county certl of Middleboro, Mass., pointed out in j flcates will, be present promptly at The Forum the somewhat startling re-1 elate mentioned and continue until ligious conditions of this old New Eng-j close. Applicants for state certificates land town. In the November Forum will be present Saturday, November Mr. Hale makes an analysis the result' is, at 9 o'clock a. m. and remain of original investigation for The For umof tha "Impotence of the Churches in Fall River, Massachusetts, a Typ ical Manufacturing Town," which pre sents a lamentable moral state, due in a great measure to the divided forces of the churches. This la a first-hand, Oirect, and Impartial revelation of the j . i.,.,i icr.rHni' nf nriaiiWpd Christian-' actual working or or?anzea i,nr stian ily that Is hardly less than appalling. ' . COMMI'-VICATTD. torla. Or , Nov. 12, 1S04. n-.iiinr Astorian: .... .r , 1 It vii ft:H-"l in tna m ;i.ihmisi cauren, i , r 1 business last tvonlnf, l:y Dr. Eushong, that there. Tne Vids must specify the amount are nine gambling houses now running charged by the inch in length and the in this city contrary to lav, and that full width of the column, twelve lines 1-not only had their names, and where' of jonparcll type to bo taken as the w.i!-nri but the names of those that," . . ' t,i v,iQv Anr? hv tho veiled them, til of which is contrary city or its officers, which shall bf print tii ordinance No. 1781, which not only cd on the bewt quality of legal fiat cap rto.. Who run the houses conform in size to all legal the players, tut all persons seen goina There shall be three sizes, to-wit: in or out of theM liable to proseeu-1 uii sheets, half sheets, and quarter tion and punishment. And also makes . sheeU, - H imperative upon the pollpe rwerirn siz ln 250, m. and 1003 lots; the o see that Eaid ordinance 13 enforced, j,rice shs.U Include printing on both 4in4 If such sutements as made by Dr. 'sides where the same is necetary. , u,- ,.,, . true t al Bids must be made on blanks fur Xlne in his pulpit are true, I. nl8hed by tne AuditoP apd Poiice Judge. citizen and taxpayer, would like tO Pr)nter to furnish an affldevlt of pub ask why the law is not enforced? And 'Hcation cf each and every notice pub r.'hv D- Eushon? does not give the lifhed and file the same in the ofllce y, p. 'of the Auditor and Po ice Judge, wlth- nmcs of the violators and Iy tSem Xv, from the expiration of lefors the public and demand of our sa,j not a,nd furnish one copy dally council for an investigation of our'c.f the pap?r publishing the same, all tv.lkv Dower as was done ln New York without extra charge' to the city. Juliet power ,i The contractrr must furnish bonds trid is now being done in Portland. )n Ue Eum of J500 for ,he failhful per t1lt.y the cwuncil, arc- morally and le- j formance of the contract trillv r?srjonsible to the people of this Contract to begin December 6th, 1834. Stfor',, laws and enforcement j and tfZ therccf. While they may not have the t 2 0.clock p. m. power to remove the chief cr members!, The right to reject any and all bid - the rolice force. hi y can it-fuse their, is hereby reserved. c. 111c ponre , 1 jSy 0r.ier cf the Committee on Ways pay tor non-performance fft their du- an Mans ties. I ' (Attest) K. OSEITRJf- Or are the statements made by Dr.1 Auditor end Police Judge, City .of Bushr.ng based upon a few facts and Astorij November 12, 1894. furnlfhed ty some attorney merely for, the purpose of creating a stir, in hopes Dr, Price's Cream Bakin; Powder Of hi3 being able to obtain a good fee" Am rUl CaU y.thl Hidwiotw Fir, S rnadn . from the gamblers, or in hopes of some future political preferment? If the laws -are not being enforced against the saloons that permit and run gambling games, why not punish those whose duty It is to see that the laws are enforced, as the law is all right and public opinion Is likewise, as the only cases that were presented under the law they were convicted by the Jury, and the violators were pun ished by a fine, which was over a yeai ago, and nofctfltig since but monthly arrests and forfeiture of nominal ball as reported. TAXPAYER. INVITATION. By Astor Lodge No. 6, K. of P. The members of Astor and Pacific Lodges and sojourning Knights, are cordially invited to be present at their hall on Wednesday evening, the 14th inst, at 8 o'clock p. m. The Grand Chancellor and Grand Keeper of Rec ord and Seal have been invited for the occasion, and a social time Is antici pated. Aftej the lodge adjourns, all l'resnt are invited to Jeff's Restaurant to partake of a grand supper. The committee specially Invite the old mem bers who very seldom attend lodge, and they will be sure of having a pleas ant evening. Respectfully and Fraternally, AUG. DANIELSON, Chairman Committee. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining unclaimed at the United States postofflce at Astoria, Oregon, November 12, 1894. Darlln, Jos. Haarberg, Johan 2 Emery, W. G. Jinkins, Robert. Foreman, Lee Montgomery, W. L. Gould, W. L. Pitta, Henry. Gosbee, James A. Tangen, Miss R. Foreign List. Miller, Mrs. Anna Qulsler, Miss Olea. Persons calling for these letter will please state the date on which they were advertised. They will be charged for at the rate of 1 cent each, as per section 657, P. L. and R. HERMAN WISE. Postmaster Meany Is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. CHOICE LOT3 In Hill's Second Addi tion to Ocean Grove, Seaside. Prices in reach of all. Umbrellas and parafols repaired 01 short notice, as this is the only buslnes I follow. J. Joplin, 185 Main street. ' Captain Sweensy, U. S. A., San Diego Cnl., says: "Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good. Price 60 cts. Sold by J. W. Conn. what ls the uae to g0 Rni pHy 12 1-2 cents for a eisar when you can got the Robert Mantell at Chas. Oisen's for 10 i funta tSu hnel lloirnnn Iii Ilia romi-',.,.' , ,,, " To prevent nts and convulsions dur- Ing teething, mothers should alwayD 1 .... - n y n .1 c.. a . v. t - "" " iuwj oi-ppuuuu awuiuig X uwuci a. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your ui00a ciear your complexion, teg uato your Bowels, "and make your head TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. through the day. H. S. LYMAN, Supt. BIDS FOR CITY PRINTING. Notice Is hereby given that bids will I be reci ived by tne committee' on ways and means or the Common Council of the City of Astoria, at the office of the auuhw mute uic ni uv.i.6 printing l0T one yeur Irum tne iihdaV of lumber, to the following specincauons: Tiie City Printing to include all ad vertising ordered by the Common Coun cil, including stree: and sewer assess ments, and m and all notices requir ed by the .Common Council or any nAn.. Ua r-ltir a rrtnrr Inlner ri t-!1 LL'S mm . FOR A CASE IT WILL NOT CliBC. tj Anwrreeable Iauratlve and NERVE TONIG. Bold by nnigglBtsor sent by mall 25a60o and $1.00 per package. Samples free. Tfft TJf The Favorite TOOTH WTOI1 iJ llUforthea'eeUiaadllNatli.Kio. For Sale by J. W. Conn. SELLING at 25 per cent discount- lots in Hill's First addition to Ocean Grove, Seaside. Astoria Real Estate Ex change. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-nve doses only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by J. W. Conn. Shoes and blues rhyme, but if you buy our shoes, you will never have the blues. The fall stock Is now ready, and every bit of the extravagance has been taken out of the prices. Good man & Co. Clap a magnifying glass upon a piece of Marshall's twine. Notice the threads plump, round, even. Honest work in every twirl that changed that Max into cord. The best fishermen on the river use Marshall's twine. Why shouldn't you. The Astoria Wood Tard has received a lot of dry oak wood which is Just the thing for those wishing a cheerful wood fire in their open grates this winter. Leave orders at Carnahan's . , NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all persons holding Clatsop county warrants In dorsed prior to May 1st, 1890, to present the sanle to the county treasurer for payment, as Interest will cease after this date. Dated this 6th day of November, A. D., 1894. B. L. WARD, County Treasurer of Clatsop Co. FOUND THEM THE BEST. This is to certify that I have used krauses Headaches-Capsules periodi cally for over a year, and have very much pleasure ir stating that . t"ey have always proved very beneficial and have relieved me In from ten to fifteen minutes. I have been a sufferer from htadacl'e for many years, and have never fourd anything to do me as much good as Krause s Headache Cap sule:!. Yours Truly, LOUIS HERMAN, 231 Poplar St., Wichita. Kan. For pale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria. Or., sole "(."-Tit A GOOD ANSWER. "Ycu must make a pretty good ham mcr by this lime, Mr. B.," said a man to the proprietor of a factory he had just vif.itcd. "I never make a pretty good ham mer, r.lr," replied Mr. I!., "I make the best hammer . manufactured ln the United States' This can be said with equal truth of Marshall's twine, sold by ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. "A TALENTED EDITOR." Gentlemen: I hud occasion to use several boxes of Krause's Headache Capsules while traveling to Chicago to attend the" National Democratic Con vention. They acted like a charm ln preventing headaches and dizziness. Have had very llttie headache since my return, which Is remarkable. -Yours, respectfully, JOHN U. SHAFFER, Ed. ftenovo (Pa.) Record. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. Minced Sea Clams ' . - That are put up by the Beach Pickling Works, at Warrenton, and sold by Ross, Higglng & Co., Pat Lawler & Co.'s Fish Market, and Foard & Stokes Co., are put up carefully and every bot tle warranted to bp fresh, and good. Think two thinks before you purchase anything else today for dinner, and you will give a bottle of these, a trial as they are delicate eating. A POINTER M. Busman. 72 Main street, is now agent for Plutschek & Harris, the larg est hide dealers in San Francisco, and Mi". Susman wishes those having hides to sell to bring them to him and lie will pay the highest price ln oath, oil delivery. FRED SAIZ, Manufacturer uii Importer of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Robes, Leather, Etc. GOODS SOLD AT PORTLAND PRICES. P. O. Box in. Olncy St., Astoria, Or. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Conconly St, foot of Jjckjon, AstorU. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and JJarlne Engines. Boiler work. Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specially. Casting! of All Dewriptims Mad to Order on Short Notk. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. B. Prael Secretarf The C. P. UPSHUR Co,, Shippings Commission Astoria, Oregon- 11. W. SHERMAN, Cats and Express Wagons. Central Office, 515 Third Street Stable, 128 First Street Telephone No. 7 Set and Sit Have different meanings. You can set a hen, but you cannot sit on one comtortaDiy. ; Chairs are the Proper Things' To sit on, and we have the largest cheapest and most artistic line ever brought to this city. Your choice 1 Should not be made before looking over our stock. HEILBORN & SON. THE ASTOttlA SAVIHGS BA9K Acts as trustee for corporations and Individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on savings deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBT President BENJ. TOUNG Vice President FRANK PATTON Cashier W. E. DEMENT Secretary DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, G. A. Nelson, BenJ. Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson, W. E. Dement 0.R.&N-GO. E. ricNEIL, Receiver. Gives Choice of Tmo Transeontinental Routes, Via Spokane and St. rani. Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or St. Paul. Pullman and tourist He.eift Freo Reclining Chair Cars, Astoria td San Francisco. OCEAN STEALERS SAILING DATES. Columbia, Sunday, Oct. 21. State. Frlduy, Oct. 28. Columbia, Wednesday, Oct. 30. State, Monday, Nov. 5. ' Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. Hereafter the O. R. and N. Co.'s boats will run as follows, between Astoria and Portland. The Thompson will leave As toria at 6:45 a., m. dally except Sunday, and Portland dally at 8 p. m. except Sunday. The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. daily, and Portland at T a. m. dally except Sunday. For rates and general Information call on or address O. W. LOUNSBEP.RT, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBTJRT, Gen. Fas. Act, Portland, Or. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE fllirj ; ST. PAUL RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinental Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC IiIGflTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and 'Chicago. Tlit Express Trains consists of Vesubuled. Sleeping. Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM, And furnished wttb Every Luxury known In Modern railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETV This Line Is Unequaled. Ticaeta on sale at all prow blent railway oBcs. For further Infornatloa Inquire of any ticket ageeu. or C. J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt PORTLAND, OREGON. Are You Going East? ' If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burlington Route," 2W Washington St., Portland. He will mall you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, South ern, Canadian Pacific, and Great North ern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington Route Is generally conceded to be the finest equipped rail road In the world for all classes of travel. Hunter & Epicures say the best fork sausage combines til 41iAr Af nf o ir r ! rr flergen's.pork with the flaky fat and the fines herbs. We furnishthe table with this kind of sausage that pleases the veriest epicure. Portland Butchering Co's Market Corner Second and Benton Btreets. Corner Third and West Eighth streets NO BREAKFAST Is complete without a good piece of choice meat. One can be Deceived In a piece of meat at the meat deal ers, and discover when It ls too late that what appeared to be good is noth. ing of the kind. Guard against such mistakes by coming here. We always have the best. WASHINGTON MEAT flARKET, . CHRI3TCN5EN ft CO., Prop rs. Dalgity's Iron Works, General Machinist and Boiler Works. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat and Engine Work of any Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafayette St, Astoiia, Or. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, (las and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Stam and Water Me ating. 179 Twelfth street, Aatoila, Or. iDr.LlEIJIO&CO Special Daclira fur Ckmnne, Pri vate mil Wasting Diseases. Pr 1 Mi iTh I"Vlt.'i r tf or tlif pront r nteriy fnr Si mlmil Wi-HklH'K. bun ( M 11 liouil ami l'rl vile I) N 'lises, OV'Timiiho l'n liiltiinpliiva mill fmr s hi I lo iiuii'iiiiai life' ilu Ion, .Ihhsiin'H unit leu o'imIiI l,i-K : fl Irihl lolili' pivi'ii or st'iit fn'e to ni'y oiii- niwrllilnv Kvniiitiiiiis; mil r Hildi'.'m 4K0 Gnu y ri'-t. irlvuie i nti'ni.vt' 403 Mh.umi St , S ui Kmiic'.sco. slfsrs mm How Are You Fixed for Insurance? Fire and Marine. W" are agents for the largost and heat companies represented in Astoria. Royal Insurance Co., assets, London Assurance Corp'u iEtna Insurance Co. Western U. S. Branch, New Zealand Insurance Co., Combined Assets, 1804. PflSBMiIi'S TIRE Ahead of Competition.- By actual returns from 75 boats using fflflflSfl ALL'S TWINE in their entire nets the fishermen find: FIRST. That a ball of PUSH-ILL'S goes further. SECOND. That they caught more fish than the same number of boats using other twine. THIRD. That their nets were in bettor condition at the end the sopsod. FOf JRTH. That they would not use any other twine. ALL SIZEH ON HAND. ELMORE, SAN&OfW & CO FISHER BROS, SHIP - CHANDLERS, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wacona & Vehicles in Stoclc Farm Machinery, Paints, Oils, Vamlshu, Loggers' Supplies, Falrbank's Scales, Doors and Windows. Provialatas), Flour, and Mill Koexl Astoria, Oregon. Kopp'a Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clga-s. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only banded over the car, The largest glass , of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, sc. Free Lunch. Erickson & Wirkkala, Proprietors Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sts. Are You Going East? Be sure and see that your ticket ' reads via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -the CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA. RAILWAYS. This ls the GREAT SHORT LINE . Between- DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO Ami all rViiits East find South. Their Magnificent Track, PcsrleKS Ve-s- ! ilhnloil Dlnlno- nnrl Rlponlmr Pur Trains and Molto: . "ALWAYS ON T1M0." i Have given this road a national reputo j tlon. All cTasses of pusacngerft carried on the ventibultd trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and truvel over this famous Hue. All agents have tickets. W. It. MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent. Trav. V. and P. Agt. 248 Washington st. Portland, Or. 21,502,370,00 - 8,030,425.00 10,915,829.00 1,617,195.00 2,077,219.00 $45,403,044.00 ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. all