TillS bAILt ASTORIAN, AStOlliA, THURSDAY HOSNLVO. NOVfiMBEft 1, 1894 Somekinds Of ready-made trousers will answer If vou can stand In a barrel all day. They're harrtly nafe to wear about the fetrccta. Hume klnrtH of roiuly-made clothing look very well behind plate glass wln ,dows, when all preNncd up, embellHhed Willi bright, sateens and millinery bou quets. It never looks well else where. The prices on such goods will posi tively surprise you. It may even sometimes occur that you'll wonder how they aro sold so cheap. You'll wonder less If yon ever try them. Experience Is a powerful teacher. Retter profit by the other fel lows' whenever you can. We're the apostles of good "honor bright" clothing, preaching it all the time, and practicing what we preach. chas. Mcdonald, The Tailor. 523 Commercial Street A Clothes Bru&h O thut will knock ofT the dirt 9 u wltlirint wearing out Iho eln'h u C Is ttipproper ort; It taken good jjt j bristles to me Hint nd, f nd w C thev re hipHer prlsml. We 9 2 have them; ulso rhraperoni'l. u B Will you look at them? 9 Th, OLSEN. Parties sending communications for publication In the Astorlun will please wherever it Is convenient to do so, have them tyiewrltton It will save a great deal of annoyance if this rule ,1s strictly complied with. TOD AT S WEATHER. Portland, Oct. 81. For Washington, Oregon and Idaho, occasional rain; slightly cooler; gales on the coast. AROUND TOWN. ' "JEFF'S" The Only Restaurant The bark Zlnlta left out yesterday morning. Water rates are due and payable at the office today. The German bark Christine was tow. ed outside yesterday morning. II. F. Fisher, a prominent rancher of Hare, was in the city yesterday, A barge load of wood crossed over to Fort Canby yesterday afternoon. The British bark Lorton passed out yesterday with wheat for the united Kingdom. Today one can kill ducks to one's heart's content providing one can find the ducks. For the lntest styles and lowest prices in capes and jackets, go to the Low Price Store. A game of "fan-tan" cost a Chinese gambler $25 yesterday in Judge Os burn's court The- postal department will In future issue but one size of postal card the medium size. ! . The marriage of Carlton Allen to Miss Orace Carruthers was solemnized yes terday afternoon. In Hill's Lot Club drawing yesterday Jacob Edison received lot 1, block 35, and N. Clinton lot 8, block 35. There is Borne talk over at Tacoma and Seattle that the Great Northern people are looking this way. Signs and gates that are found dis placed this morning will remind their owners that lost night was Hallowe'en. A rumor cornea froirt the Lewis and Clarke that several large bands of Elk have been seen In that neighborhood of late. Children's and misses' long cloaks, worth t and 10 dollars, reduced to 3 and 4 dollars this week at Low Price Store. Bill collector will be so thick for the next three or four days that it will keep one dodging to avoid being run down. In a prlvato letter to a gentleman In this city, it is stated that the Monterey has been ordered to proceed at once to the Sound. If Chorles Lelnenbcrger will rail at the ABtorlan olllce tonight at 8 o'clock, he will learn something decidedly to Ms advantage. Tou ran buy the best eating and cook ing apples In the city for the leant money at the grocery store of Howell & Ward. Try them. Olwn, and well known in this city, dlod at Victoria last Sunday. He had been ill but a short time.- Thoso wishing tot Join Mi's. Flnok's adult singing class will meet on Wed' nesday next at 7:30 p. m. Children's class at 1 p, m. Balm-Jay, at IT Bond street. A lute report from Fort Stevens last night was to the effect that the Lorton and Christine are still at anchor near Snd Island. Threatening weather out Hlda la the causeof the d'.'lay. The Hteamer Columbia sailed f"r Pan FrancJ.nHi yesterday morning. She took rw rases of salmon, IS'M) bundles of ahooks. 2r-0 socks of oysters, and U tons of miscellaneous freight. The ftve-niaied schooner Louis flrs lfhe.J loading lumber at Knappton ye-t..r,Vi-, ami was taken to Sund Inland in re tifte i'.i- ; i I nm.ti.-r and will n-..,r. fsvr!'l Weather OUtside. f r, r-l v'a Ci.'.rit L 2 r'cr - v' or heatMlit Hlove, be sure ant! bisect tne BtoCK or roaru ac niones t 11 before buying elsewhere. S. K. Utzlnger Is tin ri'fir fri AHtoria for the celebrated Clanil.inus pott'ed Ueer. of Portlunri, Prp him a postal card and ho will call f'or your oider. On the north Bld-e of Astor and Ben ton streets ths walk has been left In a deplorable condition by parties who havj recently had it up doing plumbing work. Do you want a heating stoveT Noe & Scully have the greatest variety, the newest styles, the choicest designs, and the best everyday values. They in vite Inspection.' Keep your eye on Foard '& Stokes Co. They are making great prepara tions' for the coming holiday season. The finest and best goods at the lowest prices Is their mjtto. It was erroneously suited yesterday that . the steamer) Bandorille .passed out Tuesday morning. She is still at Portland, and it will probably be sev eral days before she will be down. Parties wishing a fine box of bon bon candles, should go to C. B. Smith's, where they can always find the largest assortment of fine candles in the city. Fresh candles manufactured dally. 483 Commercial street. If you want a good thing ask for it. A pair of Keyser Tip Coshmere gloves is a good thing. The tips are guaran teed to out wear the gloves, or your money will be refunded. Albert Dun bar has them for sale. The malls ore flooded with green goods circulars. Any one receiving them should turn them over to the postmaster who will refer them to the postal de partment, it being the desire to stamp these frauds out of existence. Cranberries, lemon peel, cltrcn, or ange peel, raisins, currants, apple ci der, nuts, lemons, oranges, crown sugar, black and New Orleans molasses, choice extracts, etc., etc, for the coming hol iday trade, at Foard & Stokes Co. Two thousand pound tons exclusive of the wagon. That's the way we sell coal. Tou send us an order for one ton or fifty tons, you get 2,000 pounds for every ton. No slate In our coal, if we know it The Scow Bay Wood Yard. . .Have you seen tboBe samples of $2.70 dress patterns that Albert Dunbar Is showing. They are In the very latest colors and weaves. He has no old style goods for leaders, but gives his trade the pick from the newest of the new. For the next month the Bachelor's Club will hold forth In the Headlngton residence on Cedar street It is not known whether they will remain in their present location longer than the month of November or not it all de pends. Are you Interested In coal? YES! Then wend your way to the Holyrood bonded warehouse dock and from Rob ert Carruthers, the manager, get prices on one ton or five hundred. You can not afford to buy until you have con sulted him. Thomas Rooney, sheriff of Pacific county, passed through the city yester day on his way to the Stellacoom in sane asylum, having In charge C. A. Johnson, of the Fort Canny life saving crew. Johnson was recently adjudged Insane by the Paolfio county court Two-cent letter sheets, with General Grant's picture thereon, will be called In by the department at an early date, and those who would like ta keep a sample as a souvenir, would do well to make their purchases at once. But very few remain at the local office. Commercial street near No. 2 Engine house, was the Bcene yesterday of one of the most spirited dog fights witnessed in this city since Walter Robb's Italian setter was stolen two years ago. The principal feature of the contest was the large number of people whom it brought out upon the street. Great preparations for a coming cold winter seem to be in progress at the Btore of Foard & Stokes Co. Two mammoth heating stoves ar being put up to battle with Jack Frost. The stoves are bo large that even without fire, the sight of them is enough to make one feel comfortable and warm. Yesterday morning Fred Tronaon and Jno. Clausen found the body of Ingoret Malmcn at Knappton, who was drown ed at that pliu-o a couple of weeks ago bv falling from the steamer Eclipse. Money was found in his clothes, and was placed In a safe at Knappton, The Inquest will be held on that side or the river. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. S. F.lmore gave a very pleasant Impromptu tea to a number of friends, in honor of Mrs, J. G. Megler. The following guests were present: Mesdames C. W. Fulton, Stokes, Ed. Taylor, B. and H. G. Van Disn, Tallant, Kendal, Dement, New ell, A, Dunbar, Upshur, George, Win gate, and Megler. F. W. ITopklna, representing the Rich ard E. French Dramatic Company, ar rived In the city last evening and made arrangements with Manager Seilg for the appearance of the company In this city on next" Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings. The opening ptevo will b the sensational comody drama entitled "The Phoenix." Mr. Jenfen, tho r-nton mnvt na rlilnwt and lnver.tor. has Just perfected a typewriter that far surpasses any iUUi now im the tuutl.t la Ce tray, of cheap machines. It d's tho work it iHr'irt, n4 wn be pjuuiaUjt sold for Sio. It la just the thing for a ii avviiiiis ciit-miiuu, tiuu etui ut3 . til - rled In an ordinary valise with perfect ease ana saieiy. luther a brutal pastime Is attaching a small tomcod by the tail to a hook and line, throwing! It out Into the water and allowing a sea gull to swal low It, hook and all, then pulling It to the wharf, where It is finally turned loose. The "sport" was Indulged In by a number of youngsters on Flavel's dock, many of them blng old enough to know better. Our correspondent at Knappa sends an account of the closing exercises of the school at that place, but as a part of the article haa been omitted It will be Impossible to print it in full. It was a delightful and withal a most successful affair, and reflects great credit on the teaaher and his pupils. This Is Mr. J. T. Lee's third year In that district and the directors, to show their appreciation, have elected him to All the position another year. The only deeds received so far by any of the banks, for the pipe-line, is that of the Astoria Real Estate Association, composed of Megler & Wrlsht, Wingate and others, and the deed of Mrs. Nancy Welch, the first delivered. Others have signified their willingness la hand over their deeds, but so far they have fail ed to materialize. Mr. G. Wingate has been selected by the commission to call upon the property owners and secure their deeds, and it ia safe to say that they will be forthcoming In short order. There seems to be a. misunderstanding regarding the proposed thoroughfare along the route of the pipe-line, as to who will maintain it after once com pleted by the water commission. It is well to say that .the roadway will be accepted by the city after its comple tion, and then will . be subject to the ordinances thc-reafter passed pertaining to streets and highways within the city limits. This virtually relieves the property owners of any expense, in this connection. " PERSONAL MENTION. "( Past Grand Chancellor Al. Waddell K. of P. of Oregon, was in the city yes terday. J, W. Curran, representing' Trles( & Co., hat manufacturers of New York city, was In the city yesterday. J. G. Woodworth, assistant to E. Mc Neill, receiver of the O. R. and N Co., Drake C. O'Rlley, assistant gen-. eral freight agent of the O. R. and N J. W. Adams, traveling passenger agent of the Chicago and Alton at San Fran Cisco, and Wm. Marcey, passenger agent of the Nickel Plate road, were passes gers on yesterday's steamer to San Francisco. . MARINE INTELLIGENCE.' ' . San Francisco, . Oct 31. Cleared Walla Walla, for Victoria and- Port Townsend; Al-KI, for Astoria;: Lokrae for Nanalmo. Departed State of California, for Asf torla and Portland; ship Yosemlte, for Nanalmo; ship Primrose Hill, for As toria; ship Copley, for Astoria; brig Courtney Ford, for Port Blakeley schooner P L. Beebo, for Port. Blake. ley. Freights and charters American steamer Lakme, lumber from Hastings Mills, B. C, to San Pedro. THE MARKETS. 1 New York, Oct 31. Hops, quiet , San Francisco, Oct. 31. Wheat 81 1-2 82 1-2 for choice; milling grades 8& CO; Walla Walla wheat 7576 1-2 lot fair average, 67 l-272 1-2 for No. 2, and 65065 for off grades. Liverpool, Oct. 31. Wheat, ' steady demand, fair; No. 2 red winter, 4s 4d, do spring, 4s si. Hops at London, Pacific Coaot, firm; holders offer sparingly; new crop, 2 15s 2 30s. TEMPERANCE PRAYER MEETING, A special coll has been made for a day of prayer to be held on the twenty fli-st anniversary of the National Worn sn's Christian Temperance Union. Therefore the Astoria W. Cv T. U. very cordially invites all friends of temper ance to unite with them at their parlor In Rescue Hall Thursday at 2:30 p. in to give thanks to God for the progress of the temperance cauee In the past twenty-one years, and to pray for the overthrow of intemperance, impurity and oppression. Also to ask for the Divine Spirit to rest upon the National W. C. T. U. convention, which meets In Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 16. To prevent fits of coughing and con vulslons during teething, mothers should always have on hand St-e-e-d man's Soothing Powders. ASTORIA NATIONAL MOVED. The Astoria National Bank has moved from their old location to the spaelou Quarters In the I. O. O. F. building, corner of 10th and Commercial streets. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMl3SIONEIt!-The reg ular meetings of this board will be held on th first Monday of each month at 10 a. at the office of Robb A Par ker. W. L. Robb. Sea NOTICE The regular meetings of the Astoria Building and Loan Associa tion are held at t p. m. on the first Weduesday of each month. Oltlce on Genovleve street south of Chenamus. W. h. ROBB. Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 12. 1. O. O. F. Regular meetings of Ocean En campment No. 13, tn the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. So journing brethren cordially Inited. By order C. P. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTfc.U Remember McGuire'a H; tel at Keaatde la open the year around. CALL ON P. KAKKR. 47S Third St and bav your clothes dyed auu cleaned. WHEtt IT FORTT-ANDCaU on Ilamlley A Haaa, lf.O First street, ind get Lxniy Aitlui t.n. YuuUira Demi ro ml? their morulas; paper tvhiie Awarded Highest ttanors Wcrld'a Fair. DEI MOST PERFECT MADE. A pu Craps Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Uom . tnmonia, Alum or any other adulterant YEARS THE STANDARD. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your Diooa, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cts., 60 cts., and 11.00. Nnld hv 1 W rVinn 1 Meany Is the leading tailor and pays the highest caBh price for fur skins. CHOICE LOTS in Hill's Second Addi tion to Ocean Grove, Seaside. Prices in reach of all. : Umbrellas and parasols repaired oi short notice, as this is the only busines I follow. J. Joplin, 185 Main, street SELLING at 25 per cent discount- lots in Hill's First addition to ocean Grove, Seaside. Astoria Real Estate Ex change. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego r,.l antra "Rhllnh'a Pn.tftrrh Rp.meilV Is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good, .price ow tts. Sold by J. W. Conn. The Astoria Wood Yard has received a lot of dry oak wood which is Just the thing for those wishing a cheerful wood fire in their open grates this winter. Leave orders at Carnahan's Nleml, the Jeweler, haB determined to get rid of his fine China with views of Tillamook and other points of inter est on the coast, and now offers the stock at one half price. What Is the use to go and pay 12 1-2 cents for a cigar when you can get the Robert Mantell at Chas. Olsen's for 10 cents, the best Havana cigar in the market, mild and free smoking. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, end toilet articles, etc, ran be boutrht at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn' drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel. Aitorla. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is In great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by J. W. Conn. Parties wishing to buy Jewelry of any kind can save $$$$$ In looking over our stock. The better you know this store the more of your trade we will get Ekstrom, the jeweler. Shoes and blues rhyme, but If you buy our shoes, you will never have the blues. The fall stock Is now ready, and every bit of the extravagance has been taken out of the prices. Good man & Co. i Clap a magnifying glass upon a piece of Marshall's twine. Notice the threads plump, round, even, uonest worn in everv twirl that changed tnat nax Into cord. The beRt fishermen on the river use Marshall's twine. Why shouldn't you. ; FOR SALE. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate In Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR 22. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchanire and tret a lot In HHPs First Addition lor iz. JAPANESE GOODS.-Just out Just received Just what you want, at Wing Lee's, B29 Third street. By a party leaving the city, ten shares of Astoria Building and Loan Association stock, of the second series. expected to mature In two years, at a bargain. Inquire at this office. Desirable residence, business and acreage property for sale on easy and advantageous terms Title to the Mary H. Lelnenweber property warranted. Call at the office of ABtorla Abstract Title an! Truct Co., In regard to the same. H. z. 'uuuus'.-ix, Agent JrOK SALE I ofTer for sale the fol lowing at a bargain, either for cash or on time; will sell all or part: I box stove, good condition; l coal stove, i carpet sweeper. 4 window shades, lamps and chandelier, 5 pairs Indian clubs, 1 set (4) swinR-insf rings, 1 pair parallel rings, one leather covered Jumping horse (extension legs) 1 dumbell,, (75 pounds) 1 horizontal bar, (first class), with stays and posts, 1 set patent par allel bars, 1 organ, and numerous other things. W. I. CKAVVJJUKU. Agent. Corner 9th and Commercial streets. BIDS WANTED. Bids wll be received at the office of Elmore, Sanborn ft Co. until Saturday, November 3d for the erection of the new cannery and wharf on the Elinor cannery property, Astoria. Picas and spcciflcstlons can now be seen at the stile of Elmore, Sanborn & Co. WANTED. WANTED Aprents to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa tion, (tlrei G. M. Stolp, General Coast Manager, W-St Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. TO MAKE 1U1 MONEY selling our 1. Ficctrio Telephone. Dist se.lfr on eaa-th. (-nt al! complete, ail ready to sot up; Hr.r of any distance. A prac tical K'.otHc Telephone. Our axent make " id 119 a tifiv, easy. Kverybmlj buys. I'-ig lruiiey wirhitut work. Prices luw. An " in tiinke JT5 fjtr month, Aitdrws v. p. Krtrris.10 & Co, Clerk Ow IS. Cc-!rr. -.?, Ohio. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 11. A. SMITH I DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store W. C. LOGAN, D. D. 8 DENTAL. PARLORS. Mansell Block, 678 Third street J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the -Flavel building, opposite Occident W. M. LAFORCE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 6, and 7, Flavel s Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, . ATTORNEY i.T LAW. Office In Flavel's brick building. BANK J. TAYLOR. J NO. T. LlGUTKB TAYLOR & LIGHTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second Strset Astoria, Or. DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sua days, 10 to 11. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 6S4tt Third at, Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all chronlo diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danzlger store. A torla. Telephone No. 52. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms I ' and f, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Residence, 39, Cedar street. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found in his office until It o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2 p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings. BEVERAGES. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem, s WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peuih,acd apricot brandy. Also French Cegnsu) juii -wine at Alex Gilbert's. Oregon's Great Seaport. The prediction of shrewd old John Jacob Astor Is about to be fulfilled. The ' ' city of Astoria, Oregon, Is about ta becomo- the greatest seaport and me ...,.; tropolls of Northwestern America, Its location and resources have at. tracted the attention of capital, and It Is today the best field for the Invest. . ment of money, brains and muscle on the American continent. This "Largest civilized city in the world without a railroad," Is to exper ience the 'impetus of a connection Ira different directions with two of the greatest continental railway systems. Astoria's harbor advantages (the best on the whole Pacific Coast) are now understood and appreciated; its fishing interests (already paying to the hands employed In the salmon canneries alone over $250,000 of wages each month) are to be augmented by the ' - Investment of outside capital and the erection of large and latest Improved plants. The immense forests of Ore gon pine surrounding the city are to be converted into lumber for the Aus- ' tralian, Chinese, Japanese, 'and South. American markets. The great coal fields within a few ' miles of the city are to be immediately opened, and the product thereof shlpp- -ed In every direction. ; A dairying region unsurpassed In the whole world is to be opened up and" afforded an outlet to market. A harbor, better than that of San Francisco, and the only one with this exception on tlu more than two thous. and miles of Pacific " coast, is to be supplied with increased dockage and "' ... coaling facilities, and Immense grain elevators will be built to store and load "f the wheat of the Columbia basin direct- - ' ly on the merchant fleets of the worlA. Astoria offers openings for many new industries, namely, grist mills, saw mills, paper mills, stave, box, barrel and tub factories, show case works, rash and door factories. There will be room for many live, energetic and wide-awake men and women with or without money. All inquiries promptly answered. Papers, and data surrued on application. Addresa flSTOHinji's iiifoipTioii mtwi. Astoria, Orerron, FISHER BROS., SHIP - CHANDLERS, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wagons & Vehicles In Stock Firm Machinery, Paints, Olla, Varnlahet. loggers' Supplies, Fairbanks Scales, Doors ani Windows. Provision, Flour, and Mill Keed Astoria, Oregon. Kopp's Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clga'i. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over the ear, The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, sc. Free Lunch. Ericfcson & Wirkksla, Proprietors Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sis. Snap R Kodak at any, man coming out of . our store and you'll get a portrait of a man brlmmlnx over with pleasant thoughts. Such quality In the liquors we have toofferart) enough to PLEASE ANY MAN. Con?e and Try Them. HUGHES A CO. PEOPLE'S flUCTIOfl HOUSE. Will take a hand in the GWD FREEZE-OUT Gflp, That Is now being played. And will sell furniture at less than Cost at Auction rates. Come and examine our goods, and get the best bargains to be had in the Northwest. 665 & 669 Commercial St. BOARDING AND ROOMS. FOR RENT Five-room, nicely fur nished house. Enquire Real Estate Ex change. FURNISHED ROOMS With board, or good table board by the day or week, with home comforts, at reason able rates. Mrs. E. C. Holden, corner 9 th and Duane streets. FOR RENT Three or six nice rooms suitable for offices or house keeping, over Chas. McDoi.ulu, Ue tailor. C. B. Gunderson. BUSINESS CARDS. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office, 112 Benton street, Astoria, Or.