THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24. 1894. The Babies Bless Them Keep coming lo AtUurla because they know It Ih a good place to crow up In Their parents come to our Btore to get all the necessaries to make the baby comfortable: Toilet . powder puffs, brushes, combs, nunting bottles, nipples, etc., because they know we have JuHt what they want. Our stock of Infant foods include all the leading brands and we sell some of them for less than they are sold In any other town In Oregon. Our drugs are of the first quality and sold at the lowest cash price. Quality Is the first thing to be considered when buying medicine; after that comes the question of price. If you buy of us the lirst is guaranteed, and the second speaks for Itself. Drop in and see for yourself. You are welcome. If only to examine and prloe goods. Our Baponaoeous Tooth Wash is an excel lent preparation for clensing and pre serving the teeth and gums, imparting n A ..It ..X . . . 11.. a . ... " u. iM.-nm.iuuy reiresning reeling to the niuum ana leaving a delicately perfum ed breatn. CHARLES ROGERS, Druggist-Odd Fellows Building, vlted to attend. A short program will nlso be rendered. The funeral of II. P. Hanncn, who died at St. Mary's hoHpItal on Wednes day evening, will tako place from the Salvation Army barracks th! nf tor noon at 1 o'clock. All friends r. re- In vited to be present. was some time before Mr, Lounsberry could realize thit Instead of an In stantaneous exposure it waa one of a balloon ascension that had .been taken four years ago, but had been left In the camera undeveloped. Additional Telegrabp.l The Presbyterian excursion to Flavcl land Point Adams yesterday failed to AFTHIt TUB RECORDER. The Dee Hive Store has been en larged to double its former size, tho partitions between that and the store formerly occupied by Ffynn's tailoring establishment having been removed. It is a great Improvement, In line with the Increasing demands of that business. Both Mr. and. Mrs. W. W. Parker, who have been having s.rlous trouble with their eyes, p.-o l.nprovlng. Mr. Parker was able I get out of the house for a while yesterday, but Mrs. Parker Is still confined to a dark room, though much better. be carried out according to program. An Investigation Into Recorder Tay- lor's Transactions. Washington, August 23. The civil Awarded Highest Honors-World' Pair. t'.) ' ktik. 1 E 1 I I (AWKMC CREAJ.I 1M in SEN Parties sending communications for publication In tho Astorlun will please ",,r";'" ' convenient to do so. Pat Lawler has dissolved with his last year's business partner, and among the pieces of merchandise Pat keut after the division, was a drake. Every one In the neighborhood knows he has the drake, as It commences to suy morning prayers at 3 o'clock and keeps it up until seven. The football match between the As toria Football Club and the team from the United States ship Monterey was At the appointed hour a largo crowd service commission resumed Ito exam-j boarded the steamer and barge which : Inatlon of the charges against Recorder! had been secured, and the start, down of Deeds C. H. J. Taylor today. The the bay was made. The water In front 'commissioners have determined to I of the city was as placid, nearly, as . close the Investigation with secrecy, cn the most quiet day, though fog and, and a number of witnesses, said tol smoke was so thick that it was im-i have lecelved assessment letters, signed possible to see any great distance. 'A by Taylor, representing the negro Dem- surprise awaited the excursionist?, j oeratin league, were behind however, for when . they reached ! closed doors. Taylor is credited with Young's Bay and started across, they ( reprec ntlng tho negro Democratic ran Into a perfect aaie. The water league, but at the commission It Is slashed up on the deck of the barge j hinted that both the league and the I A pure Grape Geam of Tartar Powder. Free and clouds of spray went all over the'-Amer! in Bureau of Organization of uom mmonia, Aiumcriny otner adulterant. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . .... IT. A. SMITH . DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. 8., DENTAL PARLORS, . Mansell Block, 673 Third street MOST PERFECT MADE. J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the -' Flavel building, opposite Occident. passengers, giving many of them a severe drenching. The steamer was put about, and the party taken up the Walluski to Nurnberg's farm, where Mr. Nurnberg did all in his power to give the party a pleasant time, fur nishing boats, a horse, and best of all, milk. The boys went in swlmmlnir. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. FOR SALE. the Democratic congressional commit-l tee are Involved In the case. Taylor Is president of the league, and till recently was connected with the bureau. The report will not be forwarded to the at torney general for the president before! CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small tomorrow nisht. There Is ground for "J,?"," can buy reaI eBtat n Hill's first i 1 11 U I I. .. ""uu mc Lrrniui nidi ui;uiiimiiviii j ii will oe W. M- LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 6, 6 and 7, Flavels Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY J.T LAW. Office In navel's bilck building. I'HANK J. TAYLOB. JXO. T. blUIITER. . TAYLOR & LIGHTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Astoria, Oregon. i;ttrJXmity?ewrUten' U.wl" ave .won by the home boys with plenty to agreat deal of annovan if thin mi.. 1 ' . - . w.u . Hiifirn n iwi i ii n am ni n ......... . i . is BU-lcllv comul ed with ' i-iiiei iiuiment YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four "? " ending at 8 p. m. yesterday, fur. i.imiru uy me united (States Depart ment of Agriculture, weather bureau. Magi mum temperature, 72 degrees. Minimum temperature, (8 degrees' Precipitation, nona. . TinL Precipitation form September 1st, 1893, to date, 08.21 Inches. w wSVof, p.?c.lp'tat'?n '.r'n Septem- ioiru, iu uuie, m.u inches. AROUND TOWN. "JEFF'S" The Only Restaurant. in tho evening was a great succohs. a full account of both the game and the entertainment is held over until to morrow. anu uoat riuing and games furnished:"" """ mm"' a'snu uy me iuu TriTa in , . i.ii. a pleasant time to all the picnickers. board' for Taylor's removal from the Real Estate Exchange and get a lot Although many were disappointed at, '"cc' to wnlcn iTesiuent Cleveland ap-" wins mm Aaauion for Vi. miaul,, ,r lUi ,...... ,jni .. ,1 .. noln ted him. Chat-area wrrn nir.rl hv w I a goodlme, and returned home late lnlC- hnse' ' the Bee. a negro IJ&l St. T." BILIV JANSON, J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second Street, Astoria, or. received Just what you want, at Wing; the afternoon, tired but refreshed from ; rKan ln thls clty' and b? a messenger Lee's, 629 Third street. the day's outing. An attemnt will be ot tne '"terlor department, named Next Sunday It Is understood that the U. F. F.'s will admit four regular and one honorary member to the Oriental Order of Humility at Gcarhart Park The order has created quite a stir (es peelally at Gearhart) and Its member ship reaches from Nova Scotia, Chlca- go, and California, to Astoria. Its membership list is limited, and is at present complete. The Astoria court looks forward to a very pleasant time thui winter. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hour. 10 m. Sun- made to give another excirolnn Bn(, i Earaes, who is business manager of the FOR SALllO acres Improved land to 12 u, m.: 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 a Picnic next week, so as to witness the!66; ., ren8 awused . and papally cl ZobXo', days' 10 to "' rifin an Mnltlner rfnnmiMnA Vn I .. . i . . . . - . life-saving drill mlseed yesterday. No tice lator. But a few davs Will elnnna tiaf.m k L.niurmeniea wine for church Dur- docks will be lined with w. r,.. inv, a,, nogers, arugglst. the delicious tomcod, that at certain seasons every year go up the Columbia through the cltv Mt.., 1.. i,n feat schools. Tho sight of men Kdwln Scott, of the Orcgonlan, passed , lirnnirh 11. -i. .'" to North Beach. women and children, black, white, and yellow, sluing on the wharf, their font At Parker's dock the ship Maxwell dangling over the water, and edged In Is unloading ballast. When flnlsliMl. so closely that It Is only with the irreat- slie will go on the beach for a thorough t,8t Inconvenience that they are able el"anlnf- , draw up their lines, Is something I mat impresses visitors In the cll.y dur. A TREAT IN STORE. .. . ..,uw,ujKii ifir Yejtrerrini- nn . - .. the R. P. Elm.. f. tm, ' 'u. " ! . ume 01 tne ye, as one of - ..numuiin, mien he Will tu I'll nhnrim . U ti , , - """' "l Elmore l-ack- coast b cannery during tho fall son, Here the really great sights witnessed on the The Society Minerva, met at Knie- Toter Matron had his life Insure! f,,- rneyer's hall Wednesday nlirht and hA ?3.000, the policy being made out In a very entliu8lnt'c meeting. The suu fftvor of his 18-year-old son. The wld- iect' "neslved, That the negroes have ow win in all probability be appointed rerelV(;u more cruel treatment from the io ooy s guiurdlan. . .wmtes than the Indians, Tent ,,,. . l.C.US8e?1 Pr0 a"d co" the ; " - w"sr mvions Jor tne house decided In Tho entertainment at Stuttz' Phrinr Theatre Saturday evening under the auspices of Qulnlln Lodge, No. 80, B. P. O. Elks, by Wm. Elnor Johns, who for a long time has been known as one of the foremost dramatic naders of the country. The San Francisco Chronicle Bays: "Mr. Johns has a very pleasant deliv ery thait pleases all, and selects sub jects that command popular favor." It Is seldom that our people have nr. opportunity of listening to such enter taining recitals. Mrs. Johns will also take part In the program. Possessed of a rich soprano voice, wtll undoubted ly charm all with the solos she will render. In addition there will be a solo by Mr. J. W .Belcher, accompanied by Mrs. II. T. Crosby, of whom the young contribution soliciting, denounce the hi0 h., , -- - nM4v,, v-t iv,i ii iiuuDD aim v j. i ii.. wiirg t charges as "trumped up" by Chase shop 20x40, situated on the river, Just r' t-'LUJNlA, M. v., with the aid of the colored messenger, the h?me for a fisherman. Will sell on I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. .. . Measv term for tifinn innniiu A. .... i and oscrlbe them to a refusal of Taylor ises. DXVID UPTOV I Office, 5S4V4 Third St., Astoria, Ore. iu uiiuiiil melius ui lilt? negro euilOT 10 positions In the recorder's office. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. FOR THE JACKSON-CORBETT MILL I t, " . . ' The annual meeting of the stockhold- Parsons, Kan., August 23.-A purse of era of the Odd FellowV Land and Bulld 325.090 has been offered bv Kansas, lng Association will ha hoM Indian Territory and Texas citizens for AVB' 23d M, at Odd,ennand Bureery, 1- " " iiau. Special attention given to all chronlo diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of wom- A. J. MEGLER Secretary. FOUND. the Jackson-Corbett fight to take place at Wagner, I. T., where there are no laws to prevent such a contest. Rich ard K. Fox tonight telegraphed Jack son s and Corbett's acceptances of the FOUND Fishing boat rigged wll.h offer, providing the money was deposit- gaf sail, painted blue, 13 empty beer cu. ...uuej. sauieieu lunigni. Kegs. Found Sunday, a, m., on Desde- and will be forwarded Monday, it is mona Sands. Inquire Point Adams Life saving station. EASTERN BASEBALL. At Philadelphia Philadelphia, i-iusourc . t rom . " . i.w.i i a miivmi nam n n i ' i .. -i ... At Brooklyn Cincinnati, 13: Brook- be suitably rewarded Uy leaving same Office over Danzlger's store, Astoria. LOST. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office. Rooms 6 and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar street. At Baltimore St, more, 6. Louis, 10; Balti- gentleman Is a pupil, Instrumental solos and duetts by Miss Edith May Conn and Mrs. K. Osbuni. Owing to the rehearsals of the Wafce James Co. taking place earlier than expected, Mr: Johns will be .compelled cago, 3. to leave ror New York on Monday next.l At Boston-Boston. 12; Cleveland, .i.ii.k:, ,uo duet luiuiiieiii given unuer lyn, 2. at the Astorian efliee. At New York-New York. 9; Louis- andH.0 i" lenFth' vllle 4 h i xt i i r were marKed "I?' .. . Snhii1?"6" No-8 buoy. Finder "l "hiiisiuii wdsnington, n; cm- "" 11 eave at uoiumMa cannery. .r , uuo. tiAUKA. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY. OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found in his olllce until 10 o clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2 p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings the auspices of tho B. P. O. E. will take lllnrn nn Untiifilai, m . ! . . n-.. i cTciiiiiis, auubl auin, " waa dis-j Instead of tho 27th, as at first intended, result that This will bo an occasion that none THEY CAN VOTE FOR SUPERIN . TENDENT. TO.RENT. BUSINESa CAitDS. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office, 112 Benton street, Astoria, Or. fAn it ri, Grand Forks, N. D , August 23.-Attor Uprrtown In"1! Water' baln' tc ;y General Standlsh states that "any ,WJn. AdaJr " avenue refreshments aro fnvnr nt .i, ......, ...... V , or Third street. lnn..iV. . ..r. popular nt nep-Ativo tu ..., . . """. irom me manner in "JV.MTV,e."H,, "UH-.uons lnat woula or at Mrs. A U,11CB " miticiv win no i Thnii k n.i i . ,. . eniuie ner 10 voie ir sne wpr n man i - . Bencli among the up nver contingent, next meeting on Wednesday, Aug 21 rhey ore Inexpensive, Informal, and nio nnd the subject for debate will be' LHIeved to be fattening. ("Resolved, That Astoria, wltA Us geo To soe tho kind of books that one of firra,,lloaI advantages and natural re cur Astoria girls takes from tho publlo "ourcp8 hna a reat future in store." library you would nnvr i oii...i Tne "ocli'ty will ulso. glvo a sortabsn. Miat she would call It a "spoonholder" AuRllHt 80tn' Everybody Is cordially wnon speaking of a hammock. ",,u' The Portland people who lived In the1 ' S. A. Caples, a farmer from Jewell, flooded districts are o used to the poor In this county, was In the city yestr sidewalks that they can go to picnics day. Mr. Caples left Kansas four years .. " - ui gruco on go on account or his health, nnd took the rough ground this summer. I up a claim, leaving his 100-acre farm . A pleasant Htt4e party of six or eight !? Klimaa to be tlIle(1 tenant, made an Informal call on the nni,.Bi, . rly thi" 8umr"er the tenant wrote of tho Monterey yesterday afternoon , th Crn WM firrow1n' UP nnd were agreeably entertained by 8 " a" Poiwnty It would those In charge of the ship at the t0 be harve8te(1 with a saw mill, time of the call. inut hl8 laBt lctter t(?lls a different tale, . 1 fl" " what they say Is true, Mr. Caples For a delicious plate of lee cream,1 WH have ralBed more on his little bit made from the pure cream, go to C. t-f cleared land ln Clatsop countv tlinn ... ..i.ihii, iuu iuiiii-i-iiiiiier na ice leunno nus oacK In Kansas on the cream aeiuer. loe cream soda n apeclul- iu-cre farm. Everything Is reported iy. i-rivaie parlors lor ladles. 483 to navo burned by the hot wln.w v..ommereiai sireot. nruugnt. Corn is worth wheat, and which the advance sale waa going yes-! elf,U1f her .t., v,ote i she were a man- , , ,,,, , .. . I will bo entitled to vote for superln- l.wduy It Is altogether probable that the! tendent of public instruction in this house will be filled. REMOVAL. v The Astoria National Bank will on September 1st remove from their pres- ,v,ii. . t i x i . , ' V I Boston, August 23. The Portland which the bank has leased In the I. O. bark. Gray Deering. from Rosarlo to j. r , uiiiming, corner or luth and Com-' noston, is lying oft Cape Cod with a state at Me coming election," and ad vised tfcg county auditors to provide in eacnMsreeinot, cheaply constructed oeparate wrxes to receive their votes. WAITING FOR THE NEW TARIFF Bill BEVERAGES. ONLY THE Pimifa'P tin "nuors are sold i li "x""a v.aiii)utu S nierclal streets. more than . There will bo a dune .1 ih rni,M. 1 "." u everyone is discouraged. cannery t.x.lght. and a general good , th'nk8 of ,hc lime is expected. The success of the V T Wl"tCr' 0f Knn affair is assured when It 1. known that !?...' th"n ls with his Hemy D'Ellu, F. A. Hall and a. A. y uown 0,1 tne Nehalem river A...-,i ... i . . . . regon. ' wwn ciib"gi-'u iu lurnisn the music. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. On Recount, of a break ln the main under the bottom of John Day's rilver, water will Ve tunied on to the city only during the hours of B to 8 a. m., 11 a. m. to 1. p. m., and 5 to 7 p. m., until further notice. f W. N. SMITH, Sttpt. of tho City Water Woiks. Meany Is the leading tailor and pays vim u i caun pnee lor rur skins. When baby Is teething or feverish, ask your druggist for St-e-e-dman'a Sooth ing Powders. CHOICE LOTS in Hilt's Second Addi tion to Ocean Grove, Seaside. Prices in reach of all. large cargo of wool, waiting for the new tariff bill to become a law. It Is estimated the consignees will make over 180,000 by delaying the vessel. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, August 23. For Woshlng ton, fair weather, slight temperature ciiwnges, except cooler ln Walla Walla vmiey. For Oregon and Idaho, fair weather, sugnt temperature changes. THE CHARLESTON FOR CHINA. Washington, August 23. Final sail ing oruers nave been sent from th navy Department by wire to the Charleston, and she Is expected to start iur Liiniu in a any or two. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND IDLE. WINES AND BBKnreoTi..i.,. fandel wine instead nf Fifty cents per eallon tw peach and aprlcci .brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert', SOCIETY MEEikG3. Visitors wishing to carry home a keeixinke from Astoria or Seaside Ills friends nay thot as an mntQ,. (photographer General Agent Loi.nah.,-. ly has slood pretty well with himself Hhould call at Nleml's Jewolrv ntnr. . .. ' . . U"JB H" wnn "'s bum and select a piece of the flne china he ",u " U" Iwe,v, 8U mis In stock decorated with scenei v . ievei aown sev about Tillamook Rock, Gearhart Park !!,, , hnd ,Hen out ln th and Sewlde. l. nn nis camera and " "'" "me some very g,od subject Black Dlonwnd. dtvw a nwta ' 1H'k ,0 ""ve.op. x - ... ........ ,"tta ,n 'he develotilne Droceaa thnt iK.uiKj nini iiiKiii, inn piay ruuy i us- i ,,i., . . trat.s the Black Diamond strike. Mr. 1 ."h, ,ZL T'l' hJ". W ",r,r"'e Re.vdlck, as Mark O'Dare. an enffH.ePr " " " '"'re, out never gave an excellent uleture. Mr v.v ? th"' occaUon. and when Cutler and fire.i i v l" ntfnI-v8 developed Instead of show night. Black Diamonds. 1" T" eovno mubI , cooling orook and the peaceful Hoi- Next Saturday evening, Uglniiliig at teln w ln the distance, U brought o'clock, tho Ladles' Bowing Society out a marine view of ragln? bUlows i t me e-weuisn Lutheran Church will ""a w Balloon with a man swim irlt.A n 1. n 1 . . .. 1.1 . . . mlnn a....... . i .,v xKiHuie in me basement """J1 imm tne lutter, while on his ta mir riiuren. All tho members anil ,me WRS look of death like that pic .....iu.t ui me cnuron are cordially ln onnrora s First Reader. i-bii Kiver. Mass. inxi.i 91 t,. text.'.le strlKe developed SRT.T.TMfl nf or. -7 l'ir.u, '"n".Va re8u1-. 25.000 mill - V.r -cin. uiotuum i-iri on v in me cay are idle. THEY WERE ARRESTED. ban Francisco. AuTust 2S.-GeneroI hzeta and the other Salvadorean refu gees had warrants served upon them KNITTING YARNS.- Thousand of women are now thinking of buying knitting yarn. But they n.uaiu puytneincnrap. lou all know what Knitting Yarn has b.-en IU1 u " ncreuirore. 1 nj prices hav been'as follows: l irst Qu.ility German sold at SeconJ " " " f irst " Spanish " " liiuwrtej Saxony " " a SC. , 1 Our price Is now 2sv! .w! " scv. ' " " " ICC. lots ln Hill's First addition tn I urove, seasiae. Astoria Iieal Estate Ex- cnonge. ( . The trade clock indicates that the buyer's hour has come to obtain a watch from our stock at a price that will surprise you. If you have money to spend for a watch don't but to H. Ekstrom, the Jeweler. f The days of tough-steaks In Astoria Hlsnee today 'was J122 71 ... 'v.. over; ween aaas to tne "".-.- was 01 veupie wno eat at the Model Res- PILOT COMMISSIONERSy-th reg ular meetings of this board will be Held on the first Monday of each month at 10 a. m., at the office of Rpbb & Par- iobb, Seo. B. F. ALLEN, (Painter of 20 Years Experiance.) DEALER IN WALL PAPER, ARTISTS MATERIALS, ETC. The only house in the titv h.innlinir Sherwin-Williams and masury's Paint. , - Rt Jquarters for - DO AT PAINT 571 Commercial t. .h-lTfCp-The,rguIar meetings of he Aatoria Building and Loan Aslocla- J?". ar!, held- at 8 P- m- on the first Wednesday of each month. Offlce on Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. W. L. ROBB, SecreUry. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. IS, I. O. U. Regular meetlnira nt nnn i? fanrti Mat7 P on the 8eco'"l and lourtn Mondava nf nnh m.i. 0. x .x-- " . .w 00- u. iHcinren cordially ln'ted. By order a p. Try Foard & Stokes plug cut tobacco ui w cents a pound. It does not burn the tongue and gives a better smoke man an outers. It Is not always necessary to! throw THE CASH BALANCE. W -1 ..X I . ... . . ' ..1.1.1. Kiun, August 23. The caKh fas J123.710.618. of which m"tunt gold rererve. meatlng. NINE RUSSIAN WAR SHIPS. COMMON pnnN(rrT..i).m.i ings first and third Tne.r, uniiiui 01 s ociock in cltv hall. Persons desiring to havs tt.iti.' . upon by the council at any regular meeting must nnwnt th . ... . " tiern on or Derore the Frl- V. ,"s Pr,or to tne Tuesday on which the council holds its regular . . , K- OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge. TflEflSTOSlilSiiVlflGSBflW Acts as trustee for individuals. Deooslts ar.liMiori Interest will b nllnwcH ....1 deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per anruidC"- - J. Q-sA. BOWLBYT.'i.-v, President BENJ", YOUNO Vice President FRANK PATTON Cashier W. & DEMENT Secretary. J ' DIRECTORS. J. Q. A, Bowlby, C. H. Page. Q. a. Nelson, Bsnj. Young, A. S. Reed n 11 Thompson, W. E. Dement out In . some places. We can do it. Lake & Salmi. 3u7 Com- uriviiti Bireei. Do you lutend getting a pair of shoes for the boy? Don't lt huhit ...... .1 x ". . . - t'wwncre oerore you see what can be . imu ......1 a ' xivuiiiuun -L' ' Don't ro to Portlunri tn tickets for the "Old Country" and the when you can ret thpm Prt, the Union Paclfla ofllee In this city, and therebv uv. 1.. oal fare to Portland. ninrUHLof "gUSt 2lr11 ,a Ported that ;r.x W1" leave cron. uic r-Mcinc Boon, All the patent medicines advertised papor, together with the choin. t -or n . " prices at fvou Need 1 away a garment because it is won. est perfumery, and tnn .;,i" . A DFCFMT RITHrSV Have It mjnded.1 " bebouirht at the lowest Driee. Y j7 H -w - W A POINTER . . M.t1y pfxple belleve that all black smlthlng Jobs are alike-that they are nothlncfcut muscle and motoHni That is true of ordinary Jobs. Brains are also used to make a good lob. So la conscience. A job made without skill or honesty Is no good. Our -work la widely known for Its quality, durabilit and economy in the end. uy ' O. A. Stinson & Co. - The Original & Genuine (WORCE8TKR8HIREI WANTED. .r,S-xW"nt ,?000 for e year. ..... iirsi-cmsa security win 4 You need It now. Don't spoil your credit by a 3 see ly buggy, or none at all. I 5 Look Like Pr i; 7 '',oan" t amount Ap-12 xou Would Hav Kolki My at Astorian oflice. l Th,nk You Are " - - - Take a turn around amonr mr n., suitings. You'd expect to iny .hulf as much more, and they are all new pat terns, ton. Lake & Sulmi. st i . titu sin;ei, . MISCELLANEOUS. iJ,?.TILT,Reniemb'r MQuIre'i Ho- I w oju ,ne yrtur around. Ci'-ti nrrfljl ft oth. Vttri. AI.U1CRT DUNBAR. SEASHORE ROAD. Trains for Clitm. CnThin tx..x and Ktn5!( as follows: Lve SMm,e, 7 M) a. m. and l:M p. m. - - i" 9 m in. anu, I A rxcepttn- ooh.Inv ." J--'- a when trains will leave one hour later! Cr IVfcc'j Crtaai E3d- F,w connecting with h.u.t. t.. .. ,. f ... ... . l"rr " I '""H i Mr rtl.twit AU4.I ii D' .ntlAItt' 'V P- BARER. 478 Third St. i and have your r-.y,m j " . WHEN IV PORTLAND-CaU on Sf V? AstoHan. Visitor I not nilsa their morning paper while You Would Have Folks J y ouh. S We have hmriru B w, v m bought it chejp. You' )f can have itlcheap. Why? -ft None of your busl less. '' k You get the DUggy, we , P lose the rest But we . F want the cash. f NEW YORK ? J J10VELTY STOUE ( wutiu anu lenin sireeta. ? Cpposita th Occident. B SAUCE Imparts th moit dolidou taits tod ant to, IlotJcCoIdafeaU GRAVIS 8, SALADS, ri Of J bocps, 3. 1 y- YC CASE, i JLs. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Take None but Lea 5 Perrins. Sicsatne oa ererj bottle of ariyiaxl aaiBa, Sscaa Saca, - -... (