THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, THURSDAY MOBNIKG. AUGUST 10 1894 A Additional Telegraph. AFTEK THE GENERAL. Baltimore, August 15. A special to the Sun, Bays: General Coxey came near being mobbed at camp' Lost Lib erty yesterday. He came for the pur pose of taking away seven of his horses and when questioned about the move ment of his men, he became angry and tald he had done with the scheme. This Incensed the five men left by the Baltimore police to take care of the camp property, and Coxey was obliged to beat a hasty retreat on one of his horses. The other horses were driven ii round the back road, and In this way he got possession of them. The men gave chase to Coxey, but he escaped. MORGAN WILL ACCEPT. Parla, August 15. A representative of the Assooiated Press had an Interview today with Vice-President Morgan in regard to his political nomination .for governor. It Is gathered from his con veraaUon that If It Is the unanWhous wish of his party and the leaders. In New York, that he shall accept the nomination for governor, he will do so. IT HELPS THE BRITISHERS. London, August. 15. The wool manu facturers of Bradford, Leeds and Hal ifax, whose stocks are abnormalyy low, and where business has been stagnant for yars, expect a revival of business as a result of the tariff settlement In .the United States. REJOICING ACROSS THE WATER. . London, August 15. The Pall Mall Gazette today says: Bradford has kept quiet during the vicissitudes of the Wil son bill for fear of prejudicing the Is sue, but now, that it is-finally achieved, rejoicings 'have broken forth. FOR SOUTHERN WAR CLAIMS. Washington, August 15. The senate today directed the conferrees on the genera deficiency bill to Insist on one million, eight hundred thousand dollars for Southern war claims to which the house would not agree. Bills to place coal, Iron ore, barbed wire, and sugar on the free list, were reajj. ANOTHER LOST CAUSE. Omnhaj, August lp. The American Federation of Labor, the Coopers' Un ion, and the Home Butchers' Union will this afternoon declare the strike off at the South Omaha Packing houses a GONE TO THE SECRETARY. Washington, August 15. The tariff bill was delivered to Private Secretary Thurber at 1:15 this afterffSon. SIGNED BY THE VICE-PRESIDENT. Washington, August 15. The' vice president signed the tariff bill, which now goes to the president. HANG ON TO YOUR BUTTONS. That is the Cry Among the People So journing at ths .Oregon Beaches. There has been no mammoth whale toaaed by the Inward tide on the weath er beach, says the Oregonlan; no luck less white-winged messenger of com merce has been stranded on the sands of Clatsop's watery coast; but the 10,000, more or less, pleasure seekers .at the seaside are not without a sensation thU season, and one that will discount all others of the past. The one topic of conversation at Ocean Park, Long Beach, Ilwaco, and at Clasop Beach 13 "tidal wave," and the more it is talked about the bigger the story grows among those Inclined toward credibility In things awful going to happen. Professor Falb, the Aus trian earthquake and tidal wave prophet, Is solely responsible for all the commotion. The professor has gained no little notoriety from former predic tions he has made, some of them ma terializing so closely on the hour he stated as to have a startling effect This la particularly true in regard to the earthquake at Charleston, South Carolina, a few years ago, and the re cent Grecian earthquakes, and timid people there are who now place reliance in anything the astute Austrian may predict. The great tidal wave that he has now foretold was first scheduled as due to day, -but since his first announcement, the professor has cast another horo scope and revised his dates so as to fix August 29 as the exact date for the great catastrophe. Whether or not the wave comes.'it has caused consider able excitement nt the seaside resorts, both on the Oregon and Washington coasts. It Is talked about around the driftwood fires at night; In the surf, while the bathers are disporting them selves in the briny waves and white capped breakers, while late at night the- cautious camper takes a last look toward the western horizon to see If there is any portent of Us coming he- 'ore turning in to sleep. In fact, the past few days the tidal wave has been In every one's mouth, figuratively fpeaking, and a number of persons with ultra-superstitious fears have left, the seaside for home. their minds so wrought by stories of the coming cata clysm that they could not content them selves to stay and enjoy, with any com fort, the pleasures of their summer out ing. There really seems to be no cause for alarm over the tidal ware prediction. A certain per rentage of people will, of course, believe it Is to happen, but the great majority are willing enough to take things as they come, borrowing no trouble these desperate times. The prophecy of Professor Falb, Is that be tween August 17 and 30 a submarine earthquake will occur; NewvYork city will bo submerged by a great tidal wave; that the peninsula of Florida will be detached from the mainland, causing It to sink, and that California will become an Island. The shock of the earthquake will' be felt across the continent from the Atlantic to the Pa cific, and along the North Pacific coast there is to be a tidal wave 60 feet high. A PLEASANT SURPRISE. A number of young people gave Mr. A. B. Dalgity a pleasant surprise party Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Captain Bklbbe. They spent the evening dunclng, singing, and enjoying some splendid Instrumental music, after which they partook of a dainty collation which had been spread by the hostess, Those present were as follows: Misses Maggie Burns, ZIgler, Mary Amundson, Annie Amundson, Bettlo Dalgity, Mary Feeley, Mamy Clinton, Katie McCue, Hanna Fletcher,- May Simon, ' Annie O'Nell, M. P. Thlel, Nellie Fletcher, Chrlssle Farrell, Mrs. William Edgar, George ' Smith, J. Boswlck, William Mulrhead, Capt. John Brown, Capt. M. L. Sklbbe, Messrs. DeWltt Clinton, A. A. Cleveland, Jr., Henry Snow, Dan Feeloy, Capt. Sklbbe, Frank Currier, Geo. Gunderson, Thos. Dalgity, August Moberg, J. W. Surprenant, Win. 'Ed gar, Ray Morton, Herman Duncan, Jno. McCue, A. B. Dalgity. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Krause's Headache Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon In my family against any and all kinds of headache. Yours truly, - J. E. WALTER, Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sole agent. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all whom It may concern that the undersigned has been duly appointed assignee of I. W. Case, and that he has qualified us such rsslirnee by filing with the clerk of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county, his bond as required by law. All persons having claims against the said I.'W. Case are notified to present the same to the undersigned. duly verified, at the office of the Asto ria National Bank, In the city of Asto ria, in said county, within three months from this aate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, "this 2nd day of August, 1S94. D. K. WARREN. - Assignee. For Gearhart Park. The steamers Telephone, Dwyer, and Electric, all leave Astoria at 4 p. m every day to connect with trains for Gearhart Park. Fare, nly 75 cents. THE . FINAL SALE. isrow oisr. Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Caps-, Boots and Shoes. The goods are going very rapidly. It will pay you to como around and invest. 6oo Commercial St. '(Cor. W. 9th-) ISA PORE GRKENBAUSI, Secy. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE (WORCESTERSHIRE) mm SAUCE Imparl (he most delicious taste sod teat to EXTRACT of a LETTKR from MEDICAL GENTLEMAN et Madras to Ma brother at WORCESTER. Mar, 1 851. "Tell LEA ft PERRINS' that their aanoo U highly esteem ed In India, end is ia my opinion (he most pal atable, as well a the moat wholesome sauce that ia BUdtB.1 r-j soups, 1-4 GRAVIES, I I FISH, J HOT I 3U MEATS, : MHEBITV of Inritatifms: bos that you get Lea & Perms' tlgtafare en merj bottle el the erigfeul and oemaaa, JOHN DUNCAN'S SON, N(V VOHK. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fittinj;, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating. -v-v Agent for Champion Hydraulic Beer Fum ps. 179 Twelfth street, AJtoila, Or. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wrid'i Fair Higheat Medal awl Diploma. A. V. ALLIEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, -Feed, Proyisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cast aud Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore. You Have Pride In Your Baby Have pride in your Baby Carriage. Get a good one. Get it here, and that in itself is a guarantee that It's the best and handsomest that money will buy. And the money will buy more here than anywhere else. HEILBORN & SON. Sit. ECLIPSE, CAPT. M. SKIBBE, Makea trips to Gray's Rlvex Thurs days and Fridays. Parties Wishing: to charter apply on board, at Ross, Hlg glns & Co.'s Dock, or their office. . H. W SHERMAN, Cabs and Express Wagons. Central Office, 515 Third Street Stable, 128 First Street. Telephone No. 7. G. CHRISTBNSON Is now manager at Geo. McLean's old stand, corner Olney and Astor streets, and Is better prepared to all kinds of work In the line of BLACKSMITHING and HORSESHOEING than ever be fore. A SUFFERING CHILD Head, and Scalp Raw- with. Places Size of Stiver Dollar. Va rious Remedies only caused Fresh Kruptlons. Applied CUT1CURA. Change In Tweuty-four Hours. Perfect Curo la Two Weeks. My little son, aged three, wa very mnch troubled with a breaking out on his scalp ami Iwhlnil I) is ear, The places affected wero about aa large, aa aailv dollar; tho flesh scorned raw and covered with little blisters. The child snlicred considerably, and was nat urally very fretful.. I tried several remedies without obtaining any beneficial result: In fact the eruptions seemed to be spreading and new places breaking out. 1 concluded to trv the Cutku'RA Rkmeoiks. I washed the affected part with the Ciithhwa Soap, tak ing care not to Irritate the llesli, and applied Ci'TioiinA. 1 noticed a change for the better In the appearance of the eruptions in twenty four hours, and In two weeks the eruptions entirely disappeared, leaving tho skin smooth and the scalp clean; in fact a perfect cure, as I have not seen any Indications of any eruption or hroaking out since. I gave the cbilil only a few ilmes of the Cutiouka Rb 80LVKNT. I consider your CtTTicuitA Kkhb piks very valuablo. I lielievo O'Ticura would be excellent for applying to Insect bites, which are very annoving in this country. C. A. AKMSTUONG, Swift Island, N.O. Sold throughout the world. Price, OtmctTju, (Oo.; Boip.iloo.; Kiholvint, $1. PottbbDuus AD Chkm. Coup., Sol Props., Boston. r " How to Cure Every Skin Disease," free. Something for Families to Know. Charles Rogers, the leading druggist of Astoria, announces the following facts: We have an assortment 01 Druggists' Sundries as large as any re tall druggist on the coast; we have 1700 tooth brushes to select from at prices ranging from 6 to 75 cents; hair brushes In different styles from 15 cents to 17; an endless variety of lather brushes from 10 cents to $1; In toilet soaps, we keep In stock the best grades manufac tured from 40 cents a dozen to i a cake; also the finest grades of Spanish and Italian soaps In oars, in penumes, we handle the finest extracts of Amer ican make, together with the best known odors of Pinauds & Lublns, of Paris, Gosnell's, Atkinson's and Plesse & Lublns, of ixnuon, ana sen tnem in any quantity to suit. We carry a full line of drugs and patent medicines and manufacture a full line of remedies of our own, Sarsaparllla Blood Purifier, Cough Syrup, White Oak Llnament, Juniper Kidney Cure, Beef, Iron and Wine. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Dlar rhoea Mixture, Dead Shot for Corns, Saponaceous Tooth Wash, Tooth Pow der, and Lightning Cloth denser, are among our own preparations which we particularly recommend, knowing them to be of the best material and freshly made when used, not having stood In the manufacturers' warehouse and been with the Jobber for years before reach Ing the customer. We are always glad to show goods whether you buy or not, as we know that after examining our stock you will call again when In need of anything In our line. If you cannot call In person, your mall orders will re ceive prompt attention. Prescriptions and family recipes carefully prepares by competent men brought up In the Dusinero. CHARLES ROGERS, Druggist-Odd Fellows Buildin Portland and Astoria. STEAMER TELEPHONE Leavea Aaiorla every evening except Saturday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 4 p. m. Leave Portland every day except Sunday at 7 a. m. C. W. STONE. Art. Aatoria. E. A. Eeeley. general agent, Portland. Arfi You Going East? Fo sure and see that your ticket reuds via T HE NORTH-WESTERN line:. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA. HALLWAYS. This la the GREAT SHOUT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO Ami all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves- tlbuleu Dining and Sleeping car 'i'talns and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME." Have given this road a national reputd tlon. All classes ot passengers curried on th6 vestibuled trains without extra charge. Shin your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H.' MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent. Trav. F. and P. Agt. 248 Washington St., Portland, Or. FREEMAN & BREMNER, Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CfllWP 010KK Jl' SPECIALTY. 197 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, REPRESENT! NO The Following Companies 1 German-American, New York City, N. Y. Union Fire and Marine, of New Zealand. , National Fire and Marine Ins. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hajford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., San Fiunclsco. New York Plate Glass Ins. Co. Phanlx, of London, Imperial, of London OGGIDEflT HOTEL THU la the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. RH UNEXCELLED TABLE, Ratal, $1 dally and upwards. The C. P. UPSHUR Co,, Shipping & Commission Astoria, Orecon. We are selling The Best Men's Shoes For $3 to be Had In This country. Tliats the pith of the whole matter,. We don't kuess at the statemant either. We know the shoes that're sold atJj, at$3-5 at $4. We've seen the outsidi -which everybody sees -and the inside, which only the Know-how eyes and fingers can get at. There's the testi Our $j shoe Is made from calf skin with kangaroo top. JOHN HAHN & CO. V. T. SANDERSON A CO., Spile Driving and Wharf Building. WORK GUARANTEED. " Residence 769 Exchange Street. J. A PASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE AfiD WHARF' BUILDER. Address, box 180, Postoffic. ASTORIA, OR CHICAGO, fJIItWAUREE And ST. PAUL RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinental Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC LIGHTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. - AND Omaha and Chicago. The Expresa Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeptag Pining and Parlor Car, HEATED I1V STEAM, And famished with Every Luxury known hi aoder railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETV This Line is Unequaied. Tkkets oa sal at all prontnent railway oflca. For farther Informtloa Inquire of any ticket scat.. or C. J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt PORTLAND, OREGON. A IXCKv Is something you want, i! not today, you will want is sometime. We keep carpen ter's tools too, and if this weather will only pull itself together you will want plenty of Hardware of which we have a plenty only waiting your call. J. 13. WYATTi HARDWARE DKALEH EE r, F, , -V B M aw1 j These tiny Ccpsulcs nro superior Cuocbs and injections. 1 1 They cure in 48 hours tho V J samo d!3cas3 without any Incon venience, SOLO BYALLDRUGOISTS ASTORIA IRON WORKS Concnmly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines. Bolter work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Mada to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. Ij. Fox Vice President O. B. Prael Secretarj QUICK TIME -TO SRH FRANCISCO AND ALL POINTS Ifi CflLIfOIfl Via the Mt Shasta Route of tha The Only Route Through Califor nia to Points East and South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST PULLMN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SEOND-CLASS 5LEEPRES Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations (or second class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on or address K. P. ROGERS, Assistant General Passen ger and Freight Agent, Portland, Or. IF (pd) GIVE this office tho order. Wo ha vo engaged a first class job pi inter who will givo any work entrusted to us his thoughtful, mindful, careful, and intelligent con sideration. It takes downright hard work to do this, but we do it. THE ASTORIAN. On Top, MARSHALLS TWINE Is conceded by all to bo the best. It fishes better and wears better than any other twine used on the Columbia river. TRY IT AND I3E CdNVINCEDj da EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : -AT- POtfk'S Undertaki9g Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty. Dalgitg's Iron Works, General Machinist and Boiler Works. Ail kinds of Canneryi Ship, Steamboat and Engine Work of any Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafayette St., Astoila, Or. Kopp'a Beer Hall. Choke Wines, Liquors and Clea's. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over the bar, The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, jc. Free Lunch. ' Erickson & Wirkkala, Proprietors, Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sts. FISHER BROS., SHIP-CHANDLERS, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wagonaft VetUctie in Stuck Farm. Machinery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers' Supplies, Fairbanks Scales, Doors and Windows. Proviaiionai, Flour, and Mill Astoria, Oregon. (forth Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Prop. Bohemian: Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly attended to FRED SAIZ, Manufacturer and Importer of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Robes, Leather, Etc. GOODS SOLD RT PORTLAND PRICES. P, O. Box t70. Olney St., Astoria, Or. Do You Need Any ... ' Bill Heads, lietter Heads, Statements, Circulars, Or Any Other Kind of Printing? SO,