T mi MM AsTontAiV4 Astoria, TuttfoAtf . Humiku. AtWf 7, iso4. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Reiver! bv carrier, oent week.. IS ct Bent by mall, per month W cU Bent by mall, per year i.w WEEKLT Sent by mall per year, J2.00 In advance. Postage tree to ouoocriueio. The Astorlan guarantees to Its ul rlbera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be obtained on Implication to the DusinesH manner. This paper Is In possession of all the telegraph franchises, and Is the only paper on the Columbia river that pub lishes genuine uigpmcueo. . rt-m niillv Astorian's circulation Is live times as great as that of the eonv Lined circulation of the other dally pa pcrs of Astoria. iri,o wwiilv Antnrlan. the third liV ami viiptv In the state of Oregon, has, t. tr th Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state, Subscribers to the Astorlan are re uuested to notify this office, without Ices of tlmo, immediately they full to vecelve their dally paper, or wnen incy ,i nnt eot It at the usual hour. By d- liig this they will enable the manage ment to place the blame on the proper tartles and to insure a speeuy Handley & Haas are our Portland Mgents and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their eland on First street. A TRIAL OF MODERN NAVIES. The remarkable result of the late con fllct between Japanese and Chinese na- nl forces are particularly Interesting, es throwing new light on the possibili ties of modern naval warfare. The but tlo between theso forces affords prao- tloally the first test of the modern armed battle ship In active service. The Chinese vessel, the Chen Yuen, with the cruisers supporting her, wns not, of course, as formidable a boat as is to to found In other navies. But she was a battle ship built after European mod els and upon modern lines, and her or mament and fighting equipment were those of t!in wholly modern and as yet untried typo of man-of-war. There has been much dispute among the naval authorities ns to the probable outcome of tho first naval contest be tween theso Improved weapons of ninr Itlmo warfare, opinions varying not only as to the duration and fatality of such a contest, but as to the inipor lorlty of tho naval giant of heavy bur den and armament over small but rjulclt-movlnB vessels nrmed with tor pedoes. Tho reports of the conflict In the Asiatic waters are yet too vague to warrant tho drawing of deductions, but the one fact that so powerful a bat tleship as the Chen Yuen, built in En glond and manned by German officers and supported by two erulsar, could bo sunk like an old-fashioned wooden frigate, will be sure to re-awaken the diBousslon. The most plausible expla nation yet advanced Ib that tho Chinese battleship wus either blown up by a torpedo or sent down beforo thut most deadly of nil naval weapons, tho ram. The details concerning this encounter and tho subsequent, conflicts between Japanese and Chinese naval forces will be watched with keen Interest by every nation of civilization. The lessons to bo learned from them mny encourage a rontluuancu of the policy of building floating fortresses like the Victory and tho Italia. Or they may tend ti the partial abandonment of vessels of this class In favor of fleets of smaller but more active vcbsoJs, cause it has bsen arranged to Japan's satisfaction. But as far cs diplomacy Is concerned, and In all that concerns our foreign affairs, this administration displays a curious mixture of stupidity and malevolence. One instint It defies American public opinion, and the next it cringes to It with discreditable ser vility. I to conduct of foreign relations Is on a level with the lowest form of i domestic politics. 1 m m TEETHING PERIOD. 1 There is tropical heat In Germany, and scores of men have been prostrated many dying in the military maneuvers, that are relentlessly carried out. The strain of long marches under Immense loads of ammunition, blankets, rifles, canteens and haversacks, is Intense, as in actual warfare, and the long, dusty columns, tramping under blnzlns hel mets and bayonets, make distressful spectacles. Emperor William, on board the Imperial yacht Ilohcnzollem, has been enjoying tho refreshing breezes along the const of Norway all this time, arriving yesterday at Cowes, where his yacht, Meteor, has been entered for the Queen's cup. Today the road convention will be in session, and It Is expected that there will be a full representation of dele gates from every district in the coun ty. It is to be hoped thut the result of today's gathering will be for the Im mediate betterment of Clatsop county roods, and It will be If the delegates work in harmony. The question which tney will discuss is of equal, If not greater Importance than the long-agt tated railroad question, and we trust Mielr labors will end more satisfactorily than lllto conventions, dealing with rail road matters, have heretofore. There Is no Democratic paper Just, now so occupied by lis own party as not to have space for a torrent of good advice to the Republicans on the -theme of harmony. OREGON NOTES. E, fin- OUR FOREIGN POLICIES. It Is no sinecure for n, man who oc cuplcs any post under this adminis tration that brings him Into relation wun its foreign policies. For It 1ms foreign policies, R great many of them and the most level-headed man Ij likely to get them all mixed up. It may be, for Instance, that there Is no truth in the story that Secretary Herbert, after consultation with the president, had a dispatch prepared censuring Admiral Ilenhani for his conduct at Rio de Ja neiro, and recalling him from command, and wan saved only by a iopulur out burst of popular approval of llenham beforo the dlsimtch could bo sent off. Ilut it fit In exactly with the conduct of foreign affairs under Mr. Cleveland nnd Secretary dresham. We have no need to recall the huniili. atlotif our oxiKMicnce In Iluwuli. Poor Minister Willis hus been gtttlng hlm tlf into a peck of trouble ever since he went there, because he is expected to nuesa at the shifting views of his su periors in advance of action. He fol lowed Ills instructions closely Jn the attempt to restore Llttuok.tlanl. He was blamed for going too far. Now the new republic hus been proclaimed, and lie acknowledged, it, as he was bound to do, and he Is bliuned ftuinr too far In the Other direction. Just what tho blunder wus in the cuito of the out break of lioniiiiura Im-Iwcvu Cl.I.iA ui.u Japan wa shall probably not know, be- The new parsonage of the M, hurch of South Salem has been Ishcd. Tho dudes of Baker City, when they want a splco whisky, languidly call for "stuffed club." Ono of tho nuisances of Mnrshfleld Is dead lutrso floating around In the bay near tho railroad dock. Some of tho Jiftirnallsts who run the patent insldcs throughout the suite, arc fairly spilling over with advice to Pal ace Car Pullman. Those people in Oregon City who want a "fat Job" have a chance of getting it as there is talk of starting a soap fac tory' at that point. The summer normal school closed last Tuesday evening, and Superintendent. Stevenson reports an Increased attend ance over last year. There would be more men throughout the Btnte preparing to spend August at the sea shore, but they are now In too deep water to reach it. Some one broke into a saloon In Marnhfleld and stole several gallons of whisky. He'll probably find himself a "snake thief" if he drinks the sturr. The fume of the Clutsop beach climate In the summer time Is universal. In Portland the children are taught that when they die they go to Clatsop Beach Editor Kundret of the Salem Inde pendent, has hied himself away for i two weeks' vacation. He took along a lightning rod to catch electric eels with One of the Portland ladles who re cently ascended Mt. Hood, has Just fin ished an oil painting, subject, "Sun rise." It called out the fire department.. Tho Albany Iemoernt has thrown Its shears at tho Foley correspondent of the Eugene Gaurd, with the handles the wrong way. It says "the stuff clipped shows the correspondent, to lie the big gest liar In Oregon. Lisp In a' child's life is an aggrava tion, so many disorders are inci dent to it. It would be a" blessing to have children cut teeth with less suffering. By feeding babies with the Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condense! Milk this result is within the reach cf mothers. Years of experience prove its value. HlralraraJfl Snap A Jodak at any man romlng out of our sti.ro and you'll get u portrait of a man brimming . over with iiltiuiiMit IliomliU. Hucll quality In til) liquor 9 wo liavetoofferureeiiiuiitli lo PLEASE ANY MAN. Corr;e and Try Them HUGHES & CO . Wholesale Liquors In a Stew Your wife will surely be, unless you send home a piece of meat thut is Tender and Sweet Long experience has made us expert Judges or meat, and we will give you points on how to pick out a good piece. WASHINGTON MEAT HAttKET, CHKISTENSEN & CO., Prop'r.s, ' DON'T BLAME THE COOK! Can't anv cook make brcai caual to the, the Main Street UaUery Urtad. Can't any klulien stove bake It. I We also buke Cakes . 0 and Plr.4 that are the town talk. SEASIDE SAWpiIt. A complete stock of lumber on band In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings und shingles; also bracket wot; done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attcndixl to. Olllee and yard at mill. II. v u LOGAN, Prop'r. Reaslde. Oregon. H. W. SHERMAN, Cabs and Express Wagons. Centra! Office, 515 Third Street. Stable, 128 First Street. Telephone No. We don't Want to get rich Too Suddenly It unsettles one. Hints tho reason we sell such e'egant brands of cigars at such small profits. Each week we are receiving fresh ami mild BELM0NTS,- . FLORA DbMADRIDS, ROBERT MANTELLS, ESTRELIiAS, and numerous other brands. CI IAS. OLSI2N. FREEMAN & BREMNER, Ulackamlths. Special a ttention paid to steamboat re pairing, llrst-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CflfttP (DORK A SPECIALTY. 1D7 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. You Have Pride In Your Baby Have pride in vour Babv Carriage. Get a good one. Get it here, and that in itself is a guarantee that it's the best and handsomest that money will buy. And the money will buy more here tuan anywhere else. HEILBORN & SON. Stf. ECLIPSE, CAPT. M. SKIBBE, Makes trips to Gray's Itlver Thurs days and Fridays. Parties wishing to charter apply on board, at Ross, Hlg. gins & (Jo.'s Dock, or their olllee. CHICAGO, PtWAUftEE. And ST. PflUli RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinenta Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC LIGHTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul nnd Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. The Expresi Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeping. Dining and Parlor Cars. HEATED BY STEAM, Anil furnished with Every Luxury known In moder railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFE'P' This Line Is Uneuualed. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information Inquire of any ticket agei.. r J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. I. W. CASE, " Insurance Agent, HEPKESENTINO Vll Kollowlilif Cortllinrltett I German-American. Nw York Oty. N. Y. Union hire und Murine, of Now Zf.-tland. - National l-ire and Marine Ins. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut l ire Ins. Co.. of H.'-'ford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., S:tn l-i ncisco. New Yoik Plate ULsi Ins. Co. Phuvnix.ot London, Imperial, of LonJon TH - OCCIDENT HOTEL Is the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coajt. AJ4 UJSI EXCELLED TABLE. Katat, $1 dally and upwards. TheC. P. UfSMURCo Shippings Commission Astoria. Oregon. A POINTER Many people believe that nil black' mlthlnsr Jobs are alike that they are nothing but muscle, ami material mixed. That Is true of ordinary Jobs, lirulns aiv also used to make a good Job. So la ronttclence. A job mndo without skill or honesty la no (rood. Our work la widely known for lis quality, durability and economy In the end. .. a. A. Sluson & Co. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pwu,r VurU'rlr Ills Wit MnUlaaJ DIplMaa. We are selling The Best Men's Shoes For $J to be Had In This country. Thats the pith of the w hole matter. We Jon t luess at tie st.itemiiit either. We know the shoes that resolj at5t. at $). 50, at 4. We've s;en the outsij; -wiikii eVeryhxly Sfes-anj the inside, which only the know-how eyrs ai4 fingers can get at There's the test! ' Our $ shoe is ciaJe from vail" skin w ith k.i:?" t. p. JOHN HAtIN & CO. Is tbe Line to take to all poillt!) EASTand SOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It often llir bent service, com) bitilug SPEED and COMFORT It la the popular route with tbixe abo wish 10 traml 011 t the SAFEST! The FastMail HUH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. apicTtf POTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and a Easern Points X 24 to 36 Hoars Ahead Of Any Other Line. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Peollnlng Chair Cars, Din. lng .Cars 1 rr run daily via th Union Paclflo Flyor leaving Port land at 7:00 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco OCEAN STEAMERS ' SAILING DATES. State, Sunday, July 8. Columbia, Friday, July 13. State, Wednesday, July 18. Columbia, Monday, July 23. State, Jaturduy, July 28. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans "Continenta Railway 8ytem. FHOJW OCEAN TO OCEAN -IN- alaee Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Loxorioas Dining Cars. Elegant Day oaches. ALSO Observation Cars, alloming Unbroken Viems of. the Wonderful JfToantain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cam the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. ALSO Hereafter the O. It. and N. Co.'s boats ,,,.. Dnv.. . ctfamsiiip LlNF will run as follows between Astoria ana unnnum rmii """" "' Portland: The K. K. Thompson will; leave Astoria at 6:45 a. m. and Portland at 8 p. m. The T. J. Potter will leave Portland at 7 a. m. dally and Astoria lit 7 n. m. I steamers make landings on both sides of the river above Waterford, on both up and down trips. 8. II. H. CLAKK, OLIVER MINK, K. ELLERY ANDERSON, JOHN W. DO AN S, FREDERIC R. COUDERT. Receivers. For rates and general Information call on or address Q. W. LOTJNSBERRT, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBTJRT, Ast. Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or. To China and lapan, Empress of India, August 6th. Empress of Japan, August 27th. Empress of China, September 17th. Empress of India, October 10th. Empress of Japan, November 12th. Empress of China, December 10th. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE Leavjs Feb. 16 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. For Ucket rates and Information, call on or address, J AS. FINLAYSON, Agt. Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacoma, Wash., Geo. McL. Brown, Dlst. Pasx. Agt., Vancouver, li. C. Do You Need Any . . . Bill Heads, Iletter Heeds, Statements, Circulars, Or Any Other Kind of Printing? IF SO, G 1VE this offic9 the order. Wo have ened a first class job pi inter who will givo any work entrusted to us his thoughtful, mindful, careful, and intelligent' con sideration. It takes downright hard work to do this, but we do it. THE ASTORIAN. St It Ik therefore the mu'e yon Miou'd take. It tuns tlinuiith vestlbuled lrniu.1 every dny iu liie year to Pan nil Chi r. a No Change of Cars, Elrgant Pullmaa Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Second-clax SIcepcr Ou'y on orange ' ears Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tut of tne civilized world. Puteorert ticketed Tla. all boot rannlnt betwoeu Ailoria, kalama aud i'or'Uail. Pull inforMlwn enneentnf ntm. tlmo o tr'r., rontin ud ottter detail (uruisaed or ipjttuaUooto C. W. STOKE. rrai A'toHt. Kt.Mmrr TuleliM.o Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Aspi'U-it trentinl rxwnerr Arm li TUt St..cr. th7ton. .If You Want Cannery and .Fishermen's. Supplies, Call on- GO Cotton Rope, Cotton Twine, Marshall's Twine, Trap and Seine Web, Tanbark, Acid and Salt, Strip Lead, Pig Lead, Copper, Tin Plato, Tin and Zinc, In Stock. ASTORIA, - OREGON