THE. DAILY ABTOJUAN, ASTORIA, 0ATUUOAV MQtlMNfi, AUGUST 4r 1894 , , fhiVt!lUniWniRBni Ms ftifipy pia in hvv wear c! toutiHg' uiwd the fiittorksei vouj JooieW dime. "How Bro thbM bwuti ful ChlldreuJ I shall never forget how aweet they looked when I peeped in at them in their nursery thut day. And how is ydttf urecioug mother? What a wonder she isi Everybody spends of her marvelous craay quilts. And your hus band? All the men are talking about him. That speecli of his at tho club dinner took everybody by storm." And lo on, ad nauseam. Eut it never pets to that point with Uu listener. "Tho ono tiling of which men never tira ia the honeyed voice of approval." If, a:) Frcuerika L'remer Bays, "the groat duty of life is not to Rive paiu," your society damn is performing tho Kreat duty of lifo with iulmiiuUa suc cess. LUio not only dots not give pain, but liho lit'Btow;i positive pleasure. Even to thoso who know that h;r words ore meaut only to -smooth 1-6 passing mo ment and must not bo takcu too strious ly her liltlo "euphuisms" are grateful. Among tho better class of well bred people compliments nro uot "laid on with u shovel" nor "dragged iu by the hair." They flow easily, for they ure the result of a lifetime of effort to mako one's self agreeable to everybody, so far as ono can do it within the limits of truth. The unfailing aplomb of the well bred woman aasista her wonder fully here. She recalls clearly at tho first glauco the peculiarities and tho cir cumstances of her visitor, sho sorts out tho pleasant from the unpleasant, and she invariably alludes in her remarks to the pleasant. The transplanting, with out its luxurious effusiveness, of this good custom into the homo life and into the narrow circles of the "outs" could result only in good. New York Times. Girls In Business. Very much has been said on the sub ject of girls with independent incomes or well to do parents going into business or taking up any means of livelihood, and severe and it would seem very un just criticisms have been indulged in. It is claimed by working women and thoir champions that for a girl with a good home or an income to go into busi- ness or take remunerative work to do is unjust to those who are dependent on their'own exertions for a living. Just where the justice of such criticism comes in it would be difficult for any philosopher to decide. No one thinks it strange. Indeed it is quite the proper thing, when a boy on or bofore arriving at maturity, goes out into the world to earn his living. However wealthy his father may be seems to make no differ ence. Indeed under such circumstances industry and application to business are looked upon as all tho moro praiso worthy, but for some mysterious reason the girl is not allowed tins privilege. This appears to be but another of the relics of barbarism which unfortunately. cling liko barnacles to the ship of prog ress. Everybody has a right to earn a living or any portion of it by whatever honor able occupation ho may see fit to tuko up. Whether it boo man or a woman matters not. There is plenty of work in the world for both tho boys and tho girls. New York Ledger. Wedding Wreath! of the World. The wreath which graces the head of a bride ou her wedding day has been sung by more poets, even the great ones liko Schiller, than any other chaplet of fame or honor. In the early days the Jews saw iu tho wreath a sign of what for them was the most beautiful and pre ciousthe promised land and of tho myrtle) tho bridal crown was woven. Later this myrtle wreath became the symbol of womanly purity and as such is worn by every girl bride in Germany. In many parts of Germany tho sprigs from which the wreath shall be twined must bo taken at a fixed hour of the jiight between certain holy days. And in both Denmark and Germany families possess myrtle trees which have for quito a generation or more furnished the bridal wreaths at family weddings. In Greece the myrtle and the rose were con sidered the favorite flowers of Venus, the twining of the two together signify ing the union of love and virtue. Iu England, in France and in Poland, as in America, the orange blossom reigns su premo in wedding chaplets. In Italy the white rose has taken the place of the ev ergreen and fragrant myrtle wreath. In Spain it is the red, red rose that adorns a bride, and Portugal's wedding flower js the carnation. New York Sun. Savage IndllTorence to Fain. Generally speaking, the more civilized and refined races are more sensitive to pniu than barbarous and uncivilized races. This wag proved by Dr. Felkin in a series of carefully plunncd experi ments which be made upon Arabs, ne groes and Europeans. The stoical forti tude of the Arabs he considered dne to peculiar mental characteristics, of which mental repression, self control and dogged endurance were the leading fea tures. The indifference to paiu in ne groes bo thought was due to diminished general sensibility, and ho was led to be lieve that the relative sensibility of Euro peans, Arabs and negroes was in the proportion of one, two and three. A New Zealander has been known to chop oK Jiis great toes so that he might get on a pair of boots which had been given to bim. Oa one occasion a native Austra lian came to a settlement to get a wood en leg, his own leg being burned away at the knee. It had been wounded so se verely that amputation was necessary, end as his tribe had no appliances to stop the flow of blood his leg had been simply burned off. Elmira Telegram. Only of Secondary Importance. Parson Scattergood (to his wife on Sat urday morning) I have both of my ser mons all ready for tomorrow. Mrs. S. What texts have yon been writing upon? Parson S.-Texts? Oh, I've jnst got through writing tha sermons. Haven't bad time to select the texts yet. Bos tern Conner. bCM Iron KfVer1, 'WUi bait a lllHIl itig csitericiiee1 With Wolvei a few inile'J froni Irori Rivet Sunday evening. Hol der had been out hunting for deer pre sumably, and his gun was charged with buckshot. While scainbling through some bushes one barrel of the gun was discharged, and a volley of shot entered his left arm and right thigh. At the time of the accident it was. very fortunate for him that he was near some houses of othor homesteaders. After the discharge of tho gun he lay unconscious on the gronnd for three-quarters of an hour, and after gaining consciousness his cries attracted the- homesteaders, and they reached bim just in time to save him from a most frightful death. The wolves, which at this season of the year are very vicious, had gathered about him in large numbers, and they were making preparations for a great feast Heider was taken to Iron River, where medical attendance was given him. His wounds are not thought to be fatal St. Paul Globe. Bow Gladstone' Peer Voted. It is interesting to note how the peers created at various times by Mr. Glad stone voted on the home rule division in the house of lords. Thirty-six peers, bound to Mr. Gladstone cither by oflice or by direct creation, voted for the bill, while 81 peers who owo their titles wholly or in part to Mr. Gladstone votod against the bill, and four more of the same category announced that they would have opposed the bill, but were unable to be present. So thut of 71 peers bound to Mr. Gladstone by oflice, or who were created or were accorded ad ditional titles by him, 80 voted for home rulo and 85 against it, thereby showing a pretty close division. Paris Herald. A Hot Metul Uoute. The hot metal ronto at Braddock is now a certaiuty. Ladles of molten iron were run recently from the Edgar Thomson blast furnace to the convert iiiK mill in Braddock. The distance is six miles, which will be made in 14 min utes. Tho metal when covered with coke dust will remain in a fluid condi tion for several hours. Philadelphia Record. Algiers Hal a Stream ofNntuntl Ink, In Algiers there is a small stream which tho chemistry of naturo has con verted into real ink. It is formed by the union of two rivulets, one of which U very strongly impregnated with iron, while the other, meandering through a peat marsh, imbibes gallic acid, another ingredient in the formation of ink. Let ters and manuscript matter are satisfac torily written with this singular natural couiDouud of iron and callic acid. Ex- change. v i Quick, but Seldom. Mrs. Watts GoodneEs! Aren't you afraid you will ruin your digestion by eating at so rapid a rate? You ought to eat moro slowly. Hungry Higgins I may not eat slow, mum, but I cat mighty seldom. Indian apolis Journal. His Forte. Hill JIacShorte has sold ft poem to Scribbler's entitled "Ode to a Fair Lady." Hulls Has he? Well, ho is more com. petent to write verses entitled "Owed to Landlady." London Tit-Bits. ON THE SAFE SIDE. Everybody knows this Is a good place to be, but everybody docs not take measures to be there. An efficient pre- ventative places us on the safe side of Incipient disease, and there is no one more reliable than Hosteller's Stomach Bitters In cases where the kidneys are inactive, which is bue the preliminary, to various destructive maladies, which disregarded have a fatal termination. Blight's disease, diabetes, dropsy, oedeV ma, are but the outgrowths of neglected Inaction of the kidneys and bladder,! They should be checked at the outset with bitters, which will prevent theirj DroOTeaa bv amiiflfnir the rpnn.l nnraml to activltv. and thus nlar tJimw who resort to this saving medicine on the1 safe aide. This preservative of safety! also conquers constipation, liver com. plaint, malarial fever, nervousness and' dyspepsia. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of sale, made In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clatsop, on the 27th day of February, 1894, of W. H. Ktrkpatrlck and against M. M. Ketchum and Ida 11. Ketchum, and execution thereon Issued August 1st, 1894, I will on the 3rd day of September, 1894, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., and at the court house door In said Clatsop county sell to the highest bidder for cash ' the lands de Bcrlbed herein, or a sufficient amount thereof to make the sum of $9,208.08, and Interest thereon since February 27, 1894, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and accruing costs, towlt.: lots C, 7 and 8, and NW H of NW V4, section 28, in T. 5 N, R. 7 W., In Clatsop coun ty, Oregon. Dated, this 2nd day of August, 189 1 J. W. HARE,J3herifr, By R. G. PRAEL, Deputy, SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of sale made in the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, on the 18th day nf ; June, 1894, in favor of the .,, I Building and Loan Association, and against Eleanor Symons and William Symons, and execution thereon issued Aubusi lit, 1894, I will on the 3d day of Boptember, 1834, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m, and at the court houpe door In said Clataop county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, tbe land de-' scribed herein, or a sufficient amount, thereof to make the sum of U& and interest thereon since February 6th,! lhH at the rate of per cent per an-. Pear at that time If they wish correc num. and accruing costs, to-wit: Lot I'0"" made-" n? c?"ectlons or altera- 1. In block 15, In the town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clur,e, In Clat-iop County, Oregon. Dated, this 2nd day of August, 1S9. 1. W. HARB6herW, Ey R. G. PRAEL, Deputy. IT FOLLOWS AVfkii &, a disordered liver that you're' subject to attacks of cold or chills on slight exiwsuro. You get " tiil " easily. The feeling is ac companied hy a " tired " digestion, which fails to aiaimilato the food. This often result ia what we call Indigestion or Biliousness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets rouso the liver to vipprous action, and this hi turn sturts the machinery of the body into activity. Liver, stomach and bowels feel the tonic effect, and in consequence tho entire system is invigo rated. The urocesses become self -regulating, and a reserve force is stored up against ex posure to disease. If you're too thin, too woak or nervous, It must bo that food assimilation i wrong. This is tho time to tako Pleasant Pellets. They permanently cure Coiistiimtion, Sour Stomach, Dyajwpsla, Rick or Bilious Head ache, Diotiiicss and Jaundice. Catarrh cured by using Dr. Sage's Remedy. NOTICE. Notice la hereby given to all person holding Clatsop county warrants No.' 174, 124, 123. 110, 4745, 145, 143, 148, 139 141, 136, 142, Indorsed on April 18, 1890 to present the same to the count.y treas urer for payment, as Interest will ccas thereon after the date of this notice b publication. . Datea uus mn aay or juiy, a. l. isdi B. L. WARD, County Treasurer of Clataop Co. PORTLAND UNIVERSITY. 1. Location beautiful, healthful, and free from all places of temptation. 2. Best Instruction given in College, Preparatory, Normal, and Business courses; also in rneoiogy, music una Art. Normal graduates receive State Diplomas. 3. Board In West Hall, Club Houses, or private families, $100 to $200 per year for Board and Tuition. . 4. Fall term opens September 18. Cat alogues free. Address, C. C. STRATTON, D. D., , , President, Or Thos. VanScoy, D. D., Dean, University Park, Oregon, Something for Families to Knew. Charles Rogers, the leadltig druggist of Astoria, announces the following facts: We have an assortment of Druc-clsts" Sundries as large as any re, tall druggist on the coast; we have 1700 tooth blushes to select from at prices ranging from 5 to 75 cents; hair brushes In different styles from 15 cents to $7; an endless variety of lather brushes from 10 cents to 11; In toilet soaps, we keep In stock the best grades manufac tured from 40 cents a dozen to fl a I cake; also the finest grades of Spanish and Italian soaps In bars.- In perfumes, we handle the finest extracts of Amer ican make, together with the best known odors of Plnauds & Lublns, of Paris, Uosnell'8, Atkinson's and Plesse & Lublns, of London, and sell them In any quantity to suit. We carry a full line of drugs and patent medicines and manufacture a full line of remedies of our own, Saraaparllla Blood Turifler, Cough Syrup, White Oak Linament, Juniper Kidney Cure. Beef, Iron and Wine, Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Diar rhoea Mixture, Dead Shot for Corns, Saponaceous Tooth Wash, Tooth Pow der, and Lightning Cloth denser, are among our own preparations which we particularly recommend, knowing them to be of the best material and freshly made when used, not having stood In tho manufacturers' warehouse and been with the Jobber for years before reach, lng the customer. We are always glad 10 snow goods wnetner you buy or not. as we Know tnat arter examining our stock you will call again when in need f anything in our line. If you cannot can in person, your mall orders will re celve prompt attention. Prescriptions and family recipes carefully prepares y competent men brought up in the ousiness. . CHARLES ROGERS, Drujsist-OJJ Fellows Building Some tinners are mean. Some tin is mean. Some workmen are ' mean. Hence you get mean tinware unless you buy where Good Workmen are employed on Good Tin to make Good Tinware. We sell vou only the best. Come and let us prove it. NOE & SCULLY. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned has been duly appointed assignee or I. w, Cape, and that he has qualilled as such rsslgnee by filing with the clerk of the circuit court of the state of Oregon lor Clataop county, his bond as required by law. All persons having claims against the said I. W. Case are notified to present the same to tho undersigned, duly verified, at the office of the Asto ria National Bank, in the city of Asto ria, In said county, within three month from this date. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 2nd day of August, 1S94. D. K. WARREN. Assignee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned has been appointed adminis tratrix of the estate or ueorgc Meiean, deceased, late of Clatsop county, Ore gon, by the county court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop County, and all per- sons having claims against, said estate must present the name properly verified irora IJ LUC UIIULl 0111. Wl. 1,111 DIA .llVllLlin this date, July 6th, im. ELIZABETH McLEAN, I Administratrix. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. Tha hmri tt AinalfgArtnn wilt m.J at the office of the county clerk and publicly examine the amesament rolls 01 "P county ror the purpose of , - SZS'Z It is the duty of all persons to ap- the adjournment of the board. The board will meet on Monday, Aug ust 27th, at 10 o'clock a. m., and close on Saturday, September 1st, at a p. m. Astoria, July 21th, 1S94. B. S. WORSLET. I 1 . ' , County Assessor. 1 Por qsflrhArt Park, Wi is tUilfiitteft) IWi.l.'.imiiliA. lYii'l'Hl1. Blili ii;trlc, Mil leave M.orl at 4 p. m, every day to connect With trains for Gcarhart Park. Fate, only 75 cents, Those who have a I Good 1 Digestion I have little sympathy r &EJ forthedvsoeotic.Thev I can eat everything that rntnp olrmo WWIa f they can eat rich food J1I wimout rear ov me rn dvsDeotic'sbadexDeri- Al ences, they neverthe- Lj less greatly appreciate 1 a delicate flavor in their pastry. Cottolene when used as a short- duces the finest flavor- y cu pastry, wxuuu is en- i tirely free from the many objections which F the use of lard always J produces, rest its value by one trial. Refuse all substitutes. fiend three cents la stamps to N. K. Fitirbank A Co., Chlcafto. for hand some Cottolene Cook. Book, contain ing six hundred recipes, prepared by a A y. Cottolene is sold by all gruoen. ! 0 Made only by j 0 N. K. FAERBANK & CO, I Js) , ST. LOUIS and bsjuitnA Nruf vadr BntrnN i mmm Theso tiuy Cr-pulea aro superior (to Balsam of. twralba. Cubcba and Injections. fWinV i'flicy cure In 43 boms tho aamo d'.joases without anvincon- vcuionca SOLD EY ALL DRUGGISTS THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE (WORCESTERSHIRE) SAUCE Imparls the most delicious taste and test lo EXTRACT of a LETTER from n MEDICAL GENTLEMAN nt Madras, to Ms brother at WORCESTER, May, i8sr. "Tell LEA ft PERRIWS' that their sauce is highly esteem. ra inladla, and is In my opinion the moot pal atable, as well as the most wholesome sauce that is made. m that you get Lea & Porrins' Signature on ever; Mils el the original and genuine, John Duncan' Sons, New York, Is something you want, If ' ot today, you will want Is sometime. We keep carpen ter's tools too, and if this weather will only pull Itself together you will want plenty of Hardware of which we have a plenty only waiting your call. J. U. WYATTi HAHDWAHlt DltALICH A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Proyisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass iuJ Squemoquc Slitets. Aitorls, Ore. QUICK TIME -TO AND RLli P0IM5 IN CALIFORNIA Vis tht Ml. Shasta Rout of the The Onlg Route Through Califor nia to Points East and South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST- pjJLLMN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND 5E0ND-CLASS 5LEEPRES Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for. second class passengers.. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc., call on or address K. P. ROGERS, Assistant General Paf.n ger and Freight Agent, furlland. Or. m t t soups,. . , GRAVIES, FISH. HOT fcitO IS EA7S. GAHE- ikim WELS fKvrr RAREBITS, L-!ViJC--AJL.l' TIE ASTOQIA SAVINGS BANK Acts as trut8 tot corporntliil onO individuals. Deposits Solicited. Interest will be allowed oh savlngr eposlts us follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent rtr annum. On term savings books, 6 per cent per annum. On certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent per an.' For six months, S per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBT President BENJ. TOUNO Vice President FRANK PATTON Cashier W. E. DEMENT Secretary DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. II. Page, O. A. Nelson, Benj. Young, A. 8. Reed, D. P, Thompson, W. E. Dement. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fin Teas and Coffees. T.ible Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fn Its, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hams, Buon, Etc. Choke Fresh and Salt Meats. JACK SPRAT,, rOULD easily have been satisfied at our place. Our steakes are tender, juicy and not too fat. HUNTER MEROnNS, Proprietors Portland Butchering Co's Markets. V. T. SANDERSON & CO., Spile Driving and Wharf Building. WORK GUARANTEED. Residence 769 Exchsoze Street, J. A FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE BHD WHARP I3UILDHU. Address, box 18c. Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR Portland and Astoria. STEAMER TELEPHONE Leaves Astoria every evening except Saturday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 4 p. in. Leaves Portland every day except Sunday at 7 n. m. C. W. STONE, Agt, Astoria, R A. Seeley, general agent, Porand. ASTORIA IRON WORKS Concomly St., foot of Jackson, Aitorls. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines, Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Mode to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. li. Prael Secretun How Are You Fixed for Insurance? Fire and Marine. We aro agents for the largest and best companies represented in Astoria. Royal Insurance Co., assets, London Assurance Corp'n iEtna Insurance Co. Western U. S. Branch, New Zealand Insurance Co., Combined Assets, On Top, MARSHALL'S TWINE Is conceded by all to bo tho beet. It fishes better and wears better than any other twine used on the Columbia river. TRY IT AND I3E CONVINCEDJ I first Class f tjfierals : AT' t0rlLt'S Uhdertakirg Parlcra, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty. w0 Dalgity's Iron Works, General Machinist and Boiler Works. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat and Engine Work or any Description. Castings of all kinds made to order. Foot of Lafayette St., Astoiia, Or. Kopp'a Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Lltuors and Cigars. KENTUCKY WHISKEY' Only handed over the Dor, The largest giass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, jc. . Free Lunch. Erickson & Wirkkala, Proprietors, Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sts. PISHER BROS., SHIP - CHANDLERS, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wagons & Vetiiches in Stock Firm Machinery. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers' Supplies, Falrbank's Scales, Doors and Windows. Providian, Flour, and Mill Kd Astoria, Oregon. Jior th Paeifie Breuiery JOHN KOPP, Prop. . Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly attended to FRED SAI2, Manufacturer and Importer of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Robes, Leather, Etc. GOODS SOLD AT PORTLAND PRICES. P. O. Box S79. Olney St., Astoria, Or. . 21,502,376,00 8,630,425.00 10,915,829.00 1,617,195.00 2,677,219.00 $45,403,044.00 ELMORE, SANBORN & CO.