THE DAJMf 46TQRIAN, A8T0UIA, BAITOAY MOHNINQ, AUGUST 4, 1894, .a Tb'RMS OP SUUSCRIPTION. DAILf. Pontage free to subscriber!. wi-v yAftt tt J.MrtWB MM fur "ft .Hue . ., .. vifcfcii .-iTt i.i,--. r i ji Lj ballot ihil a falf eaUrit;'' Which nfpai. to thj colored voter: There are some loi cal rju Melons involved, and among them Is the removal ot thd capltol to ied by carrier, pepr week.. 15 Cts ,..,,.,. 4U t Ptit by mall, per month ,. WW "6"". -1 - ,..c. tsent by mail, per year 17.00 state election laws, and the adoption of WEEKLY the Australian ballot system. Should Sent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance, the Kolb party win, from five to seven of the Democratic members of congress from the state would remain at home. scTiberi Itht terdrSlatton 3t Vn their places would be filled with newspaper published on tne Columbia men who W0Uj act with the Republl Advertising rate, can be obtained on can on national lssues- flpllcation to the business manager. The Alabama campaign Is the first This paper Is In possession of all the I one in several years where the Demo- teiegrapn francnises, ana is me omy paper on the Columbia river that pub- crats are Involved In a life and death lishes genuine dispatches. struggle for supremacy In a southern The Dally Astorian's circulation is gtate live times as great as wiai ot me com lilned circulation of the other dally pa pers of Astoria. Ex-Postmnster Hare says the state- The Weekly Astorlan, the third cld-jment that a circular was sent out from to"'fh. FWttand Oregonlan", the ' Po-tofflc department advising letter largest weekly circulation In the state, carriers throughout the country that the Subscribers to Hie ABtorinn are re- contract for furnishing uniforms had uuesteii 10 nowy inis omue, wiunuv , , , , lo of tlmB. immediately they fall to bee" awarded to a certain Cincinnati receive their dally paper, or when they clothing firm, is true. He says he ro .1 If. at (h. iiinial hnlir. Rv nr I In this they will enable the manuge- celved such a circular, and that it 1b inent to place the blsme on the proper now on flle n the o(nce herg tfan.llui. JC liana nr our Portland Ngents and- copies of the Astorlan can A SURE CURE FOR PILES. ha hud every morning at their stand on First Street. ftchliisr Piles a.e known tv mm...,.- like perspiration, causing Intense itching when warm. This form, as well as Blind rC. : 11 . J"""1 " once TO Dr. Bosanko's Pile hemedy, which aCib directly on the Darin nrrWto.i 9v....k. There is a very general cumpmiiu, iuh.ui 0, buujh iiuning anu effects a ,. tl . ... M"maiieni cure. duo. urugijist or mall. Says me cnicago ei;oru, inruueiiuui wircuiars iree. vr. Ifoaanko, S2S Arch the entire corn bell of the country of goTST "ma- - B'u W drought, severe heat, and parching wlmlH. Town. Tebraska. Kansas, mid I PROVEN A BOON. Illinois, seem to oe mo se- GeniIemen;T have , verely from tho want of rain; yet In mended Krause's Headache Capsules . , u. ... 1 wherever I have had a chance. They parts of Michigan and Missouri and have proven a veritable boon in my very generally in Indiana, the heat Is '"m'Iv WhiHt any and all kinds of J. E. WALTER Leavenworth. Kinno. For sale by Chas. Roeers. Ant ...... ... .. . r 1. " i - ' wnicn is ai a siago 01 us growin wnen ame aiteui, IMPAIRED DIGESTION I il. s common iiilmcnl, ami oui Whlcli !j KI VcrySgaravallhgi Milk is recognised ai a 10 Valuabl-J helot in treatment of It, and - ra CORN AND WHEAT. long-continued dry weather is fatal to on average yield. All through the car- FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS Her part of the season the prospects for Mrs. WInsIow's Soothing Syrup has an unprecedented crop of corn were ucc" UB!" r cmiaren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums good, for It Is seldom that the early part tlluy all pain, cures wind chollc, and of the season Is more favorable for VnlLr.eLor roe'ea- ty-nve cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- aounuani narvcis ni an grains man mruuguuui me worm. the present year. Wheat matured early, and the crop, especially In the winter wheat sections Is lurge, and tho berry EXTENDED SYMPATHY. "Do unto others as vou wnnM hnv. unusually well developed and heavy. ISjlSStv The wheat market Is glutted and the -"""Ptlon being thut sympathy is burn, or akin to pain or sorrow: demand Is smnll. "Gentlemen: Please send Krause's The poeullor spectacle on the market ,"ea(ia10.., Vap2Ules ,ollowil Vl'wo boxes to Flora tieay, Havanna, N. Dak. Is the small margin between tho prices Two boxes to Llllle Wilcox, lirooktand, Kt l 1. r i . . of wheat and corn, the latter going up t KSSJoSr rapl-lty. whllo the former in grndunlly Hule9 a'o tlo only thing thut relieves III" VOlira voi'v irnlu ilanllnlntw flnnlamluis I J I.. I lllilgllllii BORDEN PEERLESS GRAND Evaporated Cream El 1 m PICTO" is the most viluable form of milk, because fg of its ulnfon:i quality, perfect sterilization nj and easy dij;(.'.tibility, S Prepared by tho Novr York Co: 'xnsod Milk Co. inglMiiiigiiiiiislilfl FastMail! Eoute. PUTS VOl) in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and a Easern Points . 24 to 36 Hours Ahead Of Any Other Itine. Snap fl odak at any mnn omin? nut a our store mid you'll get a portrait of a man brimming over Willi pleasunt tliotinlits. Hucli iiiality In the lluon we Imvc tooirvrareetiuiijjli lo PLEASE ANY MAN. Corpa and Try Them. HUGHES & CO. Wholesale Liquors In a Stew Your wife will surely be. unless you send home a piece of meat that Is Tender and Sweet Long experience has made us expert Judges of meat, and we will give you points on how to pick out a good piece. WASHINGTON MEAT HARKET, CHKISTEN5EN & CO., Prop'rj, You Have Pride In Your Baby CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans Continenta Railway System. FR0fl OCEAN TO 0CEfl IN alaee Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Lcuarioos Dining Can. Elegant Day oaebes. Pullman and Tourist 8leeieia Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din. Ing .Cars ir run do l via th Union Paclflo Flyer leaving Port land at 7:00 p. m. also Have pride in vour Babv Carriaee. tMh,Kusei to San Francisco: Obsewation Cars, allowing Unbroken OCEAN 8TEAMER8 the best and handsomest that money will Diiy. And tlie money will Duy more here than anywhere else. HEILBORN & SON. Viems of the Wonderful JYIotintain Coantry. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist car the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. ALSO XTafaaftni. Ihn fl Tt. ATld M. Pn.'S hnA.tfl ... . -..,, ninirin DOVll Hill CTT1UCUID I IMT Makes trlDS to Grav's River Thurs- wlu run 118 rouowa ueiween abiuhb, b.iiu vnnnmnn 1,!..,,,..,,,, ,.. !iriWall- The K. R. Thompson will To China and Japan, leave Astoria at 6:4o a. m. ana .Portland at 8 p. m. The T. J. Potter will leave, Portland at 7 a. m. dully and Astoria at 7 d. m. I steamers make landings on both sides of the river above Waterford, on botn up and down trips. Stf. ECLIPSE, CAPT. M. SKIBBE, days and Fridays. Parties wishing to charter apply on board, at Ross, Hltf gins & Co.'s Dock, or their otllce. BAILING DATES. State, Sunday, July 8. r.i.lunibla. Vrlilar. July 13. State, Wednesday, July 18. Columbia. Monday, July 23. State, Jaturday, July 28. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. DON'T BLAME THE COOK! Can't any cook make bread equal lo the, the Main Street Bakery Uread. Can'l any Kiicnen siove DaKe 11. A f We nUo bake Cake and Pies that are the town talk. SEASIDE SSVPL A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish; mouldingB and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mm. h. x" Im LOGAN, Prop'r, Seaside, Oregon. the market at 62 8-8 cents on Thursday, FLORA SEAY. Havana, N, Dak. For Rnle hV Phnu Itntrrn Autnfln -.Mi- o.,.,i i j . , 1 - - : . - 1 " mine cKri'iu-iiiuur win ciueu ui 14 o-i ur., sole Agent. cents, a difference of 8 5-8 cents. Yes- BUCICLifiN'S ARNICA SALVE. terday corn mude a further advance. The beat salve In the world foi cuts, . . Orulses, sores, plcers, salt rheum, fevor The weather reports were favorable to sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, , , . corns, and ail skin eruptions, and poeltlvv- the strong demand for coin. y cures plies, or no pay required, It On the some dnv a vmr aim H-nt-m Bual"an'ieJ to glvs perfect sutlsfa. un tne same aay a year ago Heptem- 0U or iiumy refunili-d. Price ta cei.u ber wheat was 65 1-4 cente, and Septem- uJIg J. C. Dement Ro'en' Ui"' ber corn 39 1-2 cents, tho difference bit. ing 28 3-4 cents. With .0 narrow a T MAY D AS MUCH F0R Y0U- margin between them It may come .M-Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes . . . , , 'hat he had a severe kidney trouble -about that corn will soon bo worth for several years, with severe pains In more a bushel than wheat. Already th ' ? b,a1c.k a"l also that his bladder was I " i- 1 1 111 j 1 j nj"vaiicu lull' report comes irom Kansas mat corn ney cures, Out without any Rood re all over that, slat. Is .olllna- frnm SI SUlt- Ab.?ut'. a he. bc&nn the . . e 0l ct,.,,, uutel8 ttnd round. re 8 cents a bushel more than wheat. It ilof at once. Klectrlj Bitters is esoe. . , , u .t . . . . dally adapted to cure of nil Kidney and not Infrejuently happens that the high- klver troubles, and often gives almost est prloo of corn will reach tho lowest "1HM't renur. une trial will prove our . . . . . 'lateimnt. price, only 60 cents fur price or wnoai in a year, wit this la uipe bottle, at Chus. Rogers' drug nftn t ,.n.,ot...i . .i I aiore, H. W. SHERMAN, Cabs and Express Wagons. mmmm fcv- tVi ) V 'f'i': v..;---J; Central Office, 515 Third Street. Stable, 128 First Street. Telephone No. 7. CHICAGO, IHMAUKEE And ST. PAUL RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinental Lines Is tlie Only Line running ELECTRIC LIGHTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. The Epress Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED 13Y STEAM, And furnished with Every Luxury known In moder railway travel. S. H. H. CLAKK, OLIVER MINK, E. ELLERY ANDERSON, JOHN W. DO AN 13, FREDERIC R. COUDERT. Receivers. For rates and general Information call on or address Q. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent, Astoria, Or. V7. H. HURLBURT, Ast. Gen. Fas. Agt, Portland, Or. EmnreBs of India. August 6th. Empress of Japan, August 27th. Empress of China, September 17th. Empress of India, October 15th. Empress of Japan, November 12th. Empress of China, December 10th. , AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE Leaves Feb. 16 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. For ticket rates and information, call on or address, JAS. FINLAYSON, Agt, Astoria, Or. A. B. Catder, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacoma, Wash., Geo. McL. Brown, Dist. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, H, C. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETV This Line is Unequaled. corn reached $1 In May, 1892. With a continuance of the present drought le gitimate demand may the prlct of 30m above the market price of wheat A MILLION FRIENDS. A friend In neeil la n frlenil Inrimul and not leas than one million people iiavB louna sun a menu in L)r. King's ew uiscovery tor conaumptlon, colds, and couirhs. If vou hava nnvar ummi but the breaking of the drought would I thla great couk medicine, one trial will . j , , . convince you th It has wonderful cur- at once wldon the margin between the atlve powers In ll diseases of throat. chest and luntta. Each bottle Is guar- prices of the two commodities. anteed to do all that Is claimed or money win oe rerunuea. Trial bottle rree at Charles Rotters' drug store. Large bot- uta ovc ana i.uo. THI3 ALABAMA CAMPAIdN. Perhaps tho most imirartant election in any state this year will be that in Alabama, which takes plnce August 6, A full stato ticket Is to be elected, and also a legislature, which will choose u successor to Senator Morgan, A breach has been growing In the years, and In 1SS2 Kolb was a candldute I 00 SUUClCIlIy lor governor as on independent Demo crat and Populist agalnat Jones, regular Democrat. On the face of the returns Jonea was elected by 11,437 over Kolb, but charges of fraud were made against tho Democratic election officials, ami We don't Want to get rich It unsettles one. Thats tlie reason wo sell well sustained were they that the opln-1 SHcll decant bramls of ClgnrS ton waa quite generally entertained ftt 8U0I1 small profits. Each week wo ard receiving fresh and mild FREEMAN & BREMNER, HlQCkamitlia. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, tlrst-closs horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING Cfifff? ffiORK fl SPECIALTY, 197 OIney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. I. V. CASE, Insurance Agent, StPReSENTInG The Pollowlnii Cinumnltai German-American. New Yurk City, N. Y. Union Fire and Murine, ol N:w ZealanJ. National Fire and Murine 1ns. Co., uf HartforJ. Connectkilt Fire Ins. Co., of H.'tiford. Hume Mutual Ins. Co., San I ir.nclsco. New York Plate Class Ins. Co. Phoralx, of London, Imptrlil, of London TH ;OCGlDEfrT HOTEL Is the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. RH UNEXCELLED TflBLtE Rata, $J dally and upwards. TkkeU on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information Inquire ot any ticket agent C. J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. is the linn to take to all poiuts EASTand SOUTH ' Do You Need Any . . . Bill Heads, Letter ieadsf Statements, Circulars, Or Any Other Kind of Printing? The CP. UPSHUR Co,, Shippings Gommission Acitorla, Oregon. A POINTER mat Kolb had fairly elected. In the present campaign Kolb has been nom inated for governor on a combination ticket, which la popularly known as Mie BELMONTS, jcnersonian-i'upuilRl-Kfpiibllca.i ticket, hlle Col. Gates, one of the most popu lar men In the state, Is the Democratic r.onilnee. Ths campaign Is being fought with a desperation that has nuvly been equalled In this country; for with the Democrats It la 0 struggle to retain the Mate, while with the Kolb faction th atehword la, "fie wrong of lS?i." Ap leuram-es Indicate that tie Democrat Till be beatio. FLORA PrMAPRIPS, ROBERT MANTEUiS, ESTRELLAS, and numerous other bramls. CI I AH, OLSEN. Many people believe that all black- smithing jobs are alike that they are notning out muscle ana material mixed, That Is true of ordinary Jobs. Brains are also used to make a good job. 80 Is conscience. A Job made without skill or honesty Is no good. Our work Is widely known for Its quality, durability and economy in the end. Q. A. Stluson & Co. We are selling Dr. Price's Cream Baklnz Powder Wsrld's Fair tttffeejt Meai M j Elegant Pullman Slerp-rs, npcrior Tunnst Slcf pen, Splendid Frw Setonfalasj Sletpers, Ou'y on ahane of cart Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Part of tbe elrtllusd oriL Paaaenscra tlr-ketpd via ail k.,. beloa ailojla, Kalama aud PortlandT Fnll infomiatleD Mimniliw hi i . don't fctiess at tlie statement either. We iLS'tll oliw 'ambiwd know the shoes that re sol J at$t, att.?o.! at f4. ne ve swn tne outsid -which everybody sres-and the insiJe, whkh onlv the know-how eves and fingfrs can Cetat. There's the tet! Our $ shoe Is ma Je from calf skin with kangaroo top. JOHN HAHN ft CO. The Best Men' Shoes For $3 to be Had in This country. . Tints the pith of the w hole matter. We it is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers the bft-t aeivlce, romj bmliig SPEED arid COMFORT It la tlie l0ulr route with ttiore who wi u to travel ou b SAFEST It la therefore the mnte ynu rlinti'd takn. It runa throuah vealibuled trains every day lu t.'io year to St Pail end Giucap No Chang of Cars, C.W. 8 TONE. 'rtnt AuoHa. Btrsmer TehrpHotw ttoek. A. D. CHARLTON, Asattant Oenml Piwnt Ar lo.lil IIM St... Wanliunrtua, rurtloud. Oret IF SO, GIVE this office the order. Wo have engaged a first class job pi inter who will give any work entrusted to us his thoughtful, mindful, careful, and intelligent con--sideration. It takes downrighi hard work to do this, but wedoit- THE ASTORIAN. . ,lf You Want Cannery and .Fishermen's Supplies, Call onv EItpfE SflpOHH & GO Cotton Kope, Cotton Twine, Marshall's Twine. Trap and Seine Web, Tanbark, Acid and Salt, Strip Lead, Pig Lead, Copper, Tin Plate, Tin and Zinc, In Stock. ASTORIA, - OREGON