THE DAILY ASTOKIAN, ASTORIA. THURSDAY MOJiMXU. AUGUST 2 1834. u Tide Table for. August, 1894. 111(111 WATER DATE X. M. I I'. M. h.lil.lft. h.m.lft. ll.Dl It 21i 2 0 -1 4 -', 10 0 l; 2 0 10 0 0! h.m.lft. 7 0W2 7 7 6Hi2 2 Wvlneilfty Tliumiluy . 0 (W'9 1) 1 l7 I27 2 fjOIH 0 7 01 2i OMijH'l! 7 411 Kritluy .... 3 HaturiJar, . 4 MINIMY.. fl .Mondiy... TmwiUy... 7 Wedniwlay H 1 4i,. H I) 8 27 8 4K 1 7 2 H 1 8 2i-.! 9 0t 9 Mi 4 D I M 2i 4 4J)'7 6 SO 7 7 B217 fl 10 25i (I4.i II 27 10 28, 4 19!C II e is;oo II 10 0 31 14fi l'i bii 'jimrmjay 7lr,7 4 12 VI: Priilay.... 10 8 13 7 3 0 18 7 8 10 1117 3 2 f.7 -OS, iii 3 43 450 6 42 0 21 8 671 Hntiir.Uv. . It 4 01 4M on 1-0 8 Monday. .. lfl TiMiwtay . . .14 Wdm-d'y U Thursday 1 Friday 1" Hatunlay. )M HUNDAY..18 Monday . . . J 12 .'W 11 00j 11 4.1 6 W Oftl 101 (1A 6 47 705 7 411: 8 ( 8 2H 8 07 9W 1-0 7 -08 ll 0 100 1 Si 1 4111 -0 0 727 2 Oli 2 211 2M 8 24 4 01 4 41 5 28 (21 7 HI 8 4.-, II M -4)4 -4)l' 7 th H6ll! 97 212 0 0 2M iumday.. Wudneiid'y !tt 13 IK 26 10 1121 4 30 1004 Tlinnulay. .23 ill 0 47 10 42 rnuay.... i'i 8nturda..iai HUNriAV..2ii Monday... 27 'lin-mlay. . 2 Wedriend'ytfJ 0-U 1 M 8 III 411) 5 II 6 5 6 4.' 7 21 07 04 11 211 8 1M t 12 41! -fl 1 -0 7 10 fi.r. 4 0? 6 Oil 8 0ft 8 M, 7 4' I 10 ohi 12 16 16 11 Ml Ttinnwiay. u: Friday... 311 101 1 H7I 04; I 1 TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland. Auinist 1. For Washington fair weather, warmer, followed In south ern portions by thunder Btorms Thurs day night. For Oregon, fair weather, warmer, fol lowed Thursday night by thunder storms. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, fur nished by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture weather mireau. Maximum temperature, 78 degrees. Minimum temperature, 62 degrees. PreclDltatlon. none. Total precipitation from September 1st 1S93. to date. 98.14 Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1st, 1833, to date, 27.58 Inches. AROUND TOWN. "JEFF'S" The Only Restaurant. There will be cricket practice on the lot opposite the No. 1 engine house to night. Wm. Sehlebe drew Lot 8, Block 0, In Hill's Lot Club drawing, yesterday, and Chas. Johnson Lot 9, Block 6. ' Dr. Tuttle reports assured prospect of an excellent result from the operation upon the badly Injured hand of Mr, Fred Sherman some three weeks since. There Is nothing more pleasant for a noon or evening lunch these warm days than a 25 cent box of C. B. Smith's lco cream, made from the pure cream. Residents living on Bond street in the vicinity of the Parker corner were awakened early yesterday morning by two pistol shots fired In rapid succession by unknown parties. Tuesday evening a church choir wns organized In the Swedish Lutheran church. The first evening four gentle man and four ladles Joined. Others ore cordially invited to come and Blng In this choir. To begin with, Swedish songB will bo sung. Next Saturday evening tho Ladles Sewing Society, of the SwedlBh Luther an Church, will give a sociable In the Imssment of their church. Coffee, lem- onado, and eatables will be served. The society will also sell the articles which It has made. Come and give us a help ful hand. On the up trip of the R. P. Elmore from Tillamook on Monday, she picked up the gasoline launch Juno about 10 miles southeast of Cape Hancock, The Juno was disabled and with her crew of two men drifted ever tho bar and down the coast until luckily sighted by the Elmore. It would probably have gone hard with the little launch If they had not been sighted. Yesterday afternoon when tho steam er Edith was off Tongue Point, on her way to this city, that part of the vessel back of the engine room door was dis covered to be all ablaze. By the ener getic action of her crew the lire was distinguished -before any greut amount of damage hud been done, but none too noon, however. It was Impossible to discover the cause of the tire, unless from a sjmrk from the furnace. Mr. L. Mansur, of the Kimppton Mills, came over to tho city yesterday after noon for the purpose of having an ugly wound on his fuce attended to by a physician. It seems that while stand- ing on a bench repairing something over head, a piece of wood fell, and striking him on the Bide of the face, cut on ugly gash clear to tho bone. Dr. Kates divtwod tho wound nnd left M,r. Mansur mow comfortable, though suffering from the pain, Mr. and Mrs. Pavld Morgan enter tained party of their friends and neighbors In their customary happy and sumptuous style at their beautiful country place on the Walluskl yester day. The steamer Mayflower waa es pecially chartered for Mio occasion by Mr. Morgan, and conveyed his family and. their guests to his landing on the rlvef, and returned with them at a Reasonable hour In the evening after a most delightful day of pleasure, The four-year-old son of Leandcr An aVrson, of Alderbrook, came very near losing his life yesterday, by being run over by a heavy dray. The little fellow waa playing about tho roadway near his home, when In some manner he was thrown under -the wheels of a passing dray, one of which passed clear over the boy's head. Ho was picked up and carrl-d Into the house and a physjolun summoned. Tlrt Injuries we not neces sarily dangerous, though very painful The driver of tho dray claims he did' not sea the boy until it wn too late to stop tho wtiKon. Yesterday morning Banker I. W. Case m;id. an mwlKiinu-iit to l. K. Warren, l'cn In the window announcing that fact. In another column over his signature he makes a full explanation of the act. Nearly a year ago Mr. Case's bank closed its doors and a few days later a ,.vCrwu.K..... I11CIIL V11UL.IU1PI llllll LVJ lnuillc i. l..,lcnD again wa signed by nearly all the de positors, and It was thought at the time that he would be able to straight en out matters and continue his bus iness. Ills Inability to make collections however, caused this last move. It Is thought that the assets are sufficient to cover all liabilities. GOOD NEWS. An American Warship at Last an As sured Fact. Yesterday Mayor Kinney received a dispatch from Senator Mitchell stating that a warship now at the Mare Island navy yard had been ordered to report here by the 17th of the present month and remain until the regatta Is over. This, together with the British war- ship that will arrive here on the samejlha Etr)ke a8 ofte con(jucted l8 revo. date, will be a welcome addition to the program. STUTTZ' THEATRE. The Panltes drew the elite of ' Astoria last night. Mr; Iloadlck did excellent work, and became-- a favorite before the first act wns over.- Miss Millie Free man was all that could be asked for in the part of the widow. Mrs. Stuttz as Nancy Williams and Billy Piper was as usual good. Tho company gave ex cellent support. Mr. Stuttz came In for his share of applause for scenery and superb stage setting. All In all. The, Danltes is the best performance given this season, and last night's perform ance will insure a crowded house to night. A STATEMENT. To My Depositors and Friends: It has become Inevitable that I must make an assignment. I havo mode the best fight I could. There has been a' constant drain upon me ever since I opened, December 1, 1883, and I have reduced my Indebtedness over one nun- died thousand dollars. My friends and the public well know how utterly Im possible it Is to make collections or realize upon property; and those who owe me and cannot pay, are as much lesponnible for my assignment as I am. I make tills assignment for the benefit of all concerned, and If my assets can be realized upon, they will pay In full all I owe. I desire to return my sincere thanks to thoso who have favored mo with their patronage, and it Is my great est desira that my debts may be paid In full. I. W. CASE, PERSONAL MENTION. Tlib little daughter of Geo. Kaboth who hns been finite 111, is out of danger. Miss Ada Clou trie, of Portland, Is vis iting with the fumlly of T. B. Morrison, Mrs. E. M. Richardson, who has been stopping at the Oriel for some time, has left for New Whatcom to make her parents a visit. Captain B. F. Packard received telegram yesterday announcing tho safe arrival of his wife and daughters at Rockland, Maine, the trip from Seattle over the Canadian Pacltlo being made In Beven days. Mrs. Harver and her daughter, Miss Edna Moreland, are In the city, visiting at her uncle's, Mr.-I. W. Case. Dr. Jay Tuttle made a trip yesterday to Wairenton, Skiimnon ai.d Clatsop plains, returning last evening. Misses Nancy and Nettle Tuttle re turned on the Telephone from a month's visit to friends In Portland and Hills- boro, where they report having had a most enjoyable time. They are ex pecting shortly to entertain several of their friends from the Interior. T. G. Campbell, the railroad con tractor who has been in the city for the past week figuring with the Bubsldy committee for an option on the lands held as u railroad subsidy, completed his labors satisfactorily yesterday and left last evening for tho east. He hot) great confidence In" his being able to secure the necessary money to build the Goble road, and expects to return with in the next sixty days. Meany Is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price lor lur skins. Commencing today, Crow will make a general reduction on all classes of phc togrnphB. Orders can bo left at Comahnn's store for the Astoria Wood Yard for all kinds of fuel. When baby Is teething or feverish, ask your druggist for St-e-e-dman's. Sooth Ing IWders. CHOICE LOTS In Hill's Second Addl Hon to Ocean Urove, Seoalde. Price In reaon 01 ail. Go to the Astoria Wood Yard for the best kinds o( wood; also best grades of -oai uenvered in quantities to suit Japanese novelties and fancy dry trood.4, can be had at halt price, at the store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar store. SELLING at 25 per cent discount- lots in Hill s First addition to Ocean Grove, Seaside. Astoria Real Estate Ex change. Ask your grocer for FARRELL A CO.'S table syrups., sweet cloe.- honey, rock candy drips, and Puritan maple. Try Foard A Stokes' plug cut tobacco at t0 cents A pound. It doea not bum the tongue and gives a better smoke than nil others. Seems as If half the women of Asto- ria buy their shoes of u, and very nlyh, ,ner , wl11 lr , 1 . I true. Goodman & Co if you hnve an eye fur merit and a taHte for eco'nomy. you " may gratify buih to your heart's content by calling !!. !?!:?!rTYt, thA 4.wlr. Additional Telegraph, FOR WORKING ON SUNDAY. I Fort Waynei AugU8t l.Today some of the old discharged strikers on the Pennsylvania and Nickel- Plate roads declared they would file affidavits against all the men employed on these roads who work on Sunday. The strik ers say they have the names of men who will probably work next Sunday, and they will be arrested Monday for Sabbath desecration. It Is said that It will be positively carried out. Fort Wayne Is very Puritanical on Sunday under the new municipal administra tion. BOIES, OF IOWA. Des Moines, la., August 1. In an ad dress as chairman of the Democratic ptato convention today, ex-Governor Boles said if the Democracy would live, it must fulfill all Us promises on which Its victory was won. Boles discussed the labor troubles at lenerth. declaring lutlon, anarchy, and an incipient stage of civil war. Sympathy strikes, he Bald, must go or unions be destroyed. A WISER MAN. Chicago, August 1. I will never again be connected with another strike or organization," said President Debs of the American Railway Union, today. "The strike has developed the fact that the sentiment of the people of the country Is against strikes, and the gov ernment stands ready to put down such movements at tho point of the bayonet, I Bhall hereafter advise all worklng- men to seek redress by the ballot.' ELECTION CONTEST DEBATE. Washington, August 1. The house spent the whole day In debating the Moore-Fqnston contested election case from the Second Kansas district. Mr. Funston, the Republican contestant. made a speech In his own behalf. The Republican resolution as favorable to Funston, was diasgreed to, 90 to 106, Without taking a vote on the majority report In favor of Moore, the house adjburned. ANOTHER CRANK RUN IN. Washington, August 1. Thomas Cad ogan, carrying stone cutter's tools over his shoulder, appeared a( the White House today 'and excitedly told the watchman: "I want to see the presl. dent." "What for?" querrled the po liceman. "They want to put me under ground, see, and I want to tell the pres ident about It, and you must not stop me," replied the man, nervously. The man was carried to the station. EASTERN BASEBALL. At rittsburg Pittsburg, 15; Cincinna ti, 5. Ai Philadelphia Philadelphia; 6; Brooklyn, 6. At Wns-hlngton Baltimore, 6; Wash ington, 6. Second game, Baltimore, 11; Washington, 4). At Chicago Chicago, 26; St. Louis," 8. At New York New York, 5; Boston, 4. FIRE In PORTLAND. Portland, August 1. A fire today al most totally destroyed the hide and wool depots of Herman Metzger and Blssln- gen & Co., situated at Front and Sal mon streets. The total lose will be about $60,000, Blsslnger ft Co. lose .about $33,000; In surance, $25,000. Metzger's loss Is $15 ouu; insurance, ?s,ouo. IOWA DEMOCRATS. .Pes Moines, la., Ougust 1. The Dem ocratic stat-p convention assembled to day, about 400 delegates being present Ex -Governor Boieswas chosen perma- urill liiuu HlHIl. , MORE MEN OUT. Omaha, August 1. Eight hundred men employed In the pocking houses of South Omaha Joined the butchers' st.ike today. All the houses are affected, and only a few cattle and hogs were killed COXEY'S APPEAL. Massiillon, Ohio, August 1. Coxey has oppeaiea to congress to issue $500 worth or rations to the commonwealers a Washington until food from the west, detained by the strike, can reach them, WILL START TODAY. Chicago, August 1. Vlce-Preslilen Wlckes, of the Pullman Coimwuiv. an nounced tmidy that the works will be siarieu tomorrow. STEAMER SUNK. . Portland. August 1. The Btenmer R,i lemv when near Robs Island tod.iv, sprung a leak and sunk to the bottom. tne uamago will be small. Don't go to Portland to tickets for the "Old Country" and the r.asi wnen you can get them for th ame price at the Union Pacltlo office in mis cuy. ana tnerebv save vour in. taw imu to xonmna. We are out gunning for the man who says he can t get his watch repaired wimout, sending it to san Francisco. Why. we run a regular "Watch Hos pital" ana repair all kinds of breaks, at menu s jewelry More. All the patent medlie adverting In this paper, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles; etc.. an ne boueht at the lowest nricea nt J. W. Conn' drug store, opposite Oe. ciaeni Hotel. Aitorla. FINE TABLE SYRUPS. Ask your growr for Demerarn. Sweet Clover Honey, Rock Candy Drijis, and r urn an ample syrups mod by FARRELL & lX.. Omaha. A SURE CURB FOR PILES. it-Mn- ph-. ... k. K ink. MiMiiratmn. rawm mt.n.. ii , T,rn? .? i T. 1 M bUn,i- it. M-3iirio j 11. iu.111.Hiy, wnirh acts lirectiy on th narta : artVctrd. absorbs I tumors, a'lara Itching ajid eftVcta a Permanent cure. He. lTumrist or mall. Circulars fr. nr. Powmko. S3 Arrti strv.-t lUlladelphla. Ta. Bold by 1. W. Awarded. Highest Honors World's Fair. mm MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure C rape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Art ;nonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. TO THE PUBLIC. On account of certain stories that are being circulated, 1 nna u necessary to produce the following: Astoria, Aug. 1. Received payment In full to August 1, 1894, tne sum 01, $86.93. H. Beldon. The above explains Itself. J. G. STUTTZ. The days of tough Bteaks in Astoria are numbered. Every week adds to the list of people who eat at the Model Res taurant. Hair dressing, manicuring and prac tical wig making, at the San Francisco Parlors, 714 Third street (Welch block). Front pieces a specialty. Miss Edith Conn will take a limited number of pupils In water color paint ing, and instrumental music principles taught according to the most approved method. Specimens of painting to be seen at J. W. Conn's drug store. C. R. F. P. U. NOTICE. Regular monthly meeting of the Col. umbla River Fishermen's Protective Union, will be held at the reading rooms, Saturday, August , lfaii, at 7:30 p. m. sharp. Election of officers. Members In good standing are requested to be present and have their book or receipt along. SOFUS JENSEN, Secretary. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The regular quarterly teachers' ex amination will be held beginning at 1 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, August 8th, 1894, at Court Street School House, As toria, Oregon, continuing the rest of the week. Applicants for county certifi cates or state diploma, will be present promptly and remain until the close. H. S. LYMAN, Supt. SEASHORE ROAD. Trains for Clatsop, Gearhart Park and Seaside, as follows: Leave Seaside, 7:30 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Leave Pier 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Dally excepting Sunday afternoon, when trains will leave one hour later connecting with boats for Astoria. NOTICE. Al persons indebted to Shaw & Iver. son, of the Scow toy Wood Yard, are hereby- notified not to pay any debts due said Shaw & Iverson, to Mr. Iver Bon, as he has no authority to collect any of said bills. E. E. SHAW. THE AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. 126 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. This company owns letters-patent No, 463.569 granted to Emlle Berliner, No vember 17, 1891, for a combined tele graph and telephone, and controls let- t els-patent No. 474,231, granted to Thomas A. Edison, May 3, 1892, for a speaking telegraph, which patents cover fundamental inventions and embrace all forma of microphone transmitters and of carbon telephones. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Krnuse's Headache Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon In my fumlly against any and all kinds of headache. Yours truly, J. E. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Oregon, sole agent COUNTY ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. The board of equalization will meet at the office of the county clerk and publicly examine the assessment rolls of Clatsop county for the purpose of correcting all errors of valuation or description of lands or other property. It Is the duty of all persons to ap pear at tnat time if they wish correc tions made, as no corrections or altera tions can be made by any officer after the adjournment of the board. The board will meet on Monday, Aug ust 27th, at 10 o'clock a. m., and close on Saturday, September 1st, at 5 p. m. Astoria, July 21th, 1S94. B. S. WORSLEY, County Assessor. FOUND. FOUND On July 24th. between Sand Island and Scarboro Head, a piece of gill net, about 160 fathoms long. Own er can have same by applying to T. Slvertson, at his residence In Adair's Astoria. Mark on the net, A. J. WANTED. WANTED Situation to dn housework by a girl In a private family. Address A. H., this office. LOST. In the blind channel July COtth, a 00 fathom net in two pieces, 4a mesh Jeep. shackled together. 1 00 fathoms new. and on one end of the new net It has been snagged. Some of the corks are marked with three knife cuts, and most of the lead la with Devlin's mark. SO fathoms machine lead, and 120 fath oms hand lead. JJO reward will be given for Its return to Devlin's can nery. JOHN VRAGNIZAN. $15 REWARD. HnA ITiififlrrtl Anil fnrtv fathnma nf net, stolen while drifting near Point AUx, on Tuesday night July 30. All) new. weo, corks .and, lines. Corks branded P. A. Above reward will be! paid on return of net or information leading to Us recovery. PAUL AHO, Cnlontown, Oregon No. 116, Alanteda avenue. TO RENT. TO RENT House, rooms, rent, dollars a month on puone street, next erg Qf the 0(,d Fell(,w, Land and l'.ulld door to E. C. Holden s. . Aanrin.tinn wUI be held on Thurs FOR RENT Six room houBe fur nished or unfurnished, water, bath, etc., Uppertown, In Adair's, Ogned avenue or Third street. Inquire at this olllcc or at Mrs. A. Feakes. FOR SALE. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate in Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR W. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchange and get a lot In Hill's First Addition for VL JAPANESE GOODS. Just out Just received Just what you want, at Wing Lee's, 629 Third street STOLEN. A machine knitted net, the forward end 150 fathoms of 8-ply tiO meshes deep, 75 fathoms VA mesh, 50 meshes deep. The lead are marked miliar kocx. A red twine ran clear through the cen- ter of the 150 fathoms of- 60 mesh; also 25-foot long boat, with 7-foot beam. lead colored outside, coppered paint and frescoed pink color on inside. Her after thwart has been broken and repaired Center-board is rotten on right side and repaired with nve-eighths stuff. LOUIS A. DUCHENEY, Pillar Rock, Wash, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. II. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block. 673 Third street. r. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. in the -Flavel building, opposite Occident W. M, LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms C and 7, Flavel Brick Building. SII.AS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY J.T LAW. Office In Flavel's brick building. Fbank J. Tavlok. Jno. T. Liuhieb. TAYLOR & LIGHTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second SUiet Astoria, Or. DR. EILIV JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and '7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. . LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D.. " PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, 6S4V4 Thlnl 8t, Astoria, Ore, DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danziger'a store, Astoria, JAY TUTTLE. M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. AND ; ACCOUCHEUR, Office, Rooms 6 and 6, - Pythian uuiiding. Hours, 10 to 12 and it to a. Kesmence. 639. Cedar street DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found In his office until 10 o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2 p. m., ana irom 6 until 7:30 evenings. BUSINESS CARDS. A. GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OP ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co., 615 Squemoque street J. H. MANSELL. REAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident In surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office, in Benton street Astoria, Or. Report of the Conrltion OKTHB ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK AT ASTORIA, la the State of Oregon, at I lie ctoe ot bU4iue, juiy i.-tll, lavt IIKSOUKC'KS. Loans and dlnromi : 5fl.2!0 4,-i wveninui, ,-erumi ami unsr cureti X 03 u S. Dunn l secure rirculatioi ll'iOO uo 1,1ml no 0.473 77 3.IIK Su 1,027 7.1 28 S.or.l II KO MS rrmmnii on r a to ai Hioiks sTuriths. tie llaakiiig-bmi-te.fiin'l urri and fUiuos Due from n.-tlioiui banks (not reserve aironU) Pue lr 'in lW tiunka and liankeni... Dim from approved reseive aeeuU. , Checks aiitl oilier cns!i ,,'rin Mutot of -III r National l.ankl 4) (0 Fractional paper currency, nlckrlt, and centH. ... .. LAWR L YoNtV KKHCHV. IN HANK, VIZ 45 15 Specie 16 CO Legal-tender avu . uj ou 16,590 GO ttedempt on Mmi w Hi U. S. Treasurer 15 p-- i-ei.t. ul circul ition) .... M2 50 X'oUU. '137Sf0 32 LIAlllLirilW, Capital stork pld In ,.. , t 50,000 00 Surplii I imtl 6 6 00 Uuuivided pMUt-t, lus ex pen ein l tax- -al ' Kg W Nation u bai.k noun ii aixliiii: m Individual di-pvtit stil-lecl lo clink. Sijtfi bemnd wrtllicatrt ot dvpolt SjTS i-a liuMCurtiliuotttiuf deposit . 33 0US9I ToUl..... fisyon ss State of Orrjrnli. Conntv nf ClatMp, n; I. J. K. IlitK'nis. rail It-r if Hie r bur named bank, d s ilciimly swear that tn9 above stale infill Is irua to tlie l"st of hit k-ole and be'lr'. i. E. HIGlS"S.C.liM" 8iiDttIi and sworn lo l-fo e hie I his S0.h (.,,, lyolJii.y, IHH. K. Z KKKUl'Sif.N, IseauI Notary futilie for crei;ua. Correct-Atte! - I', k. WARRfS, 1 J"HM llt'ltSON, fD:jMtoM " I'll S. S WMGlir. J Dr. Price's ream Bakiog Powdei WarlJ's Fair Highest Award. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. 101 ,. .,, nf the stockhold- day, August 23d, at 2 p. m., at Odd Fellows' Hall. A. J. MK11LER. Secretary. BEVERAGES. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. . - ' A DELICIOUS DRINK. There is no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in Buch good con dition as at Utzinger's popular resort WINES AND BRAN-DIES. Use Zln fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McGulre's Ho tel at Seaside is open the year around. CALL ON P. BAKER, 47S Third St, and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas, 150 First street and get the Daily Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper trblle there. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE. If you have friends In Europe whose pas sage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern I'aciflo office, steamer Telephone dock, nnd make known your wants. Reduced fare via all the leading steamship lines. ARE- YOU GOING EAST? Patron ize the Northern Pacific railroad If you -are Going East Low rates of fare, through tickets, bi'-ggage check ed to destination. AH purchasers of second-class tickets can Btop over at Portland. Rates of fare same as frori Portland. For surprisingly little money you can brighten fvery room of theho-jse with a bit of" land scape, a water scene or choos ings from the hundrcJ do lightful subjects of ur Pic ture Stock. M itliers who have 1 oked all around for a baby carriage to suit their t:s i'.s aid pui poses generally wind up by buying of us aid s ) will you if you need a cirriage for Aourdailing. . iNEWYOWOVELTYSTOHE. Opposite the Occident. rTIIE CONSIGNEE SALE has kept its crowd after noon and evening sud well they might, for never in tho history ol Astoria has people had such opportunities, as they arj getting now. They are getting goods for whatever they see fit to bid for them. There is no reserve on the stock, every day people get greater bargains. There is a chance for you, come early and often. Bring ' your friend, which means your purse. Remember the place GOO THIRD STREET. Wednesday and Friday afternoons specially tor ladies ISADORK GRKENBAUM, Secy. G. CHRISTENSON Is now manager at Geo. McLean's old stand, corner Olney and Astor streets, and is better prepared to all kinds of work in the line of BLACKSMITH ING and HORSESHOEING than ever be fore. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, - Oas and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating. -avfc-Agtnt for Champion Hydraulic Beer Pumps. 179 Twelfth street Astoria, Or. Japanese Bazaar ING LUNG. -There's activity everywhere amone our : .1. ..l,:.v. : - ... .....,. VU1UMI& in ncMi every.-; day. There wouldn't he if the stock wer e wrong or prices were WTong. Opposite Court House. 355 Third Stri.-t " 1