THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. THURSDAY 3IORK1XU, AUGUST 2, 1894. TfcKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sened by carrier, pepr week.. 15 ct (cut by mall, tier month W eta beat by mail, per year I7.W WEEKLY 8ent by mall per year, 12.00 Jo advance. Postage free to ubtcribera. 'Ih Astorlan guarantees to lt uu erlbera the largest circulation of any iitwpaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising ratea can be obtained on implication to the business manager. This paper Is In possefuilon of all the telegraph franchises, and is the only imper on the Columbia river that pub lishes genuine dispatches. 'fie Dally Astorlan's circulation Is live times as great as that of the com bined circulation of the other dally pa pers of Astoria. The Weekly Astorlan, the third old est weekly in the state of Oregon, lias, ntxt to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Subscribers to the Astorlan are re quested to notify this office, without lots of time, immediately they full to receive their dally paper, or when they do not get It at the usual hour. By Air ing this they will enable the manage ment to place the blame on the proper tartfes and to insure a speedy remedy. Hundley & 1'aas are our Portland tgents and copies of the Astorlan can t had every morning at 'heir stand on First street, A DANGEROUS TYPE OP CRANK. that some halr-bralned miscreant with hazy anarchistic theories In his pate ,, ...,.., ..wni1 . . ,. . i, -.mi.l troubles a pretext on which to commit . . ... assault on private prupenjr. i ., . ,.rt... , vo,.ntJ ly caught In the act of hurling stones at the residence of George M. Pullman offers a case in point. By his own con confession the foreigner is an anarchist, and It was apparently in his faith In the lawless vagaries of anarchy that he came to the sago conclusion that Pull-j man, being the conspicuous capitalist in the lute utrlke, was his own persona oppressor, Wherefore, like any other logical anarchist, In undertook to re- lleve down-troddon humanity by heav ing stones through Mr. Pullman's win dows. Lawless Idiocy of this sort Is justly attributed to the fool doctrines incul cated abroad by scores of half-baked philosophers and In this country by the l'iilhtcd followers of Johnnn Most. It Is equally dangerous nnd equally de testable to capitalists and to honest worklngmen, and it Is by far the worst of the extensive importations this coun try has made from the purlieus of Eu rope. Unfortunately, there Is no abso lutely certain method of preventing . j i. I some witless or uepraveu cm . putting brick-bats In his pocket and . . . ....i J shying thorn at anybody or anything which meets with the displeasure of his' w u I demented fancy. There are, however, very -effective means of preventing repetitions of the not, and those, put into execution, are - a a & .. nttn a Dowernu ueterreni. wan any umcr crank should feel dUnxed to make use of an Industrial contest as a pretext for physical violence, i'u would be ex- . . ., . , J oeedlngly ndvlsuWe to give the present nilHcroant a tusto of these measures of legal retribution. It makes us feel tired to hear from Washington that the members of con gress generally uro complaining of heat und uneasiness. They have not one half tho heat that tt harveit hand en joys, flourishing with a good appetite, nml abundant with perspiration. What uro tho sufferings of a sweltering sen ator to tho robubt torment of a luboier in a sugar rellnery? What Is thu fa tiguo of ft meatlK-r of the house to that of a Coxev tinmn. with a box of matches, and a tin not that serves him to cook potatoes or even boll a chicken of an evening, after walking twenty miles on the thoroughfare nutlonul road on the way from nowhere. The avvragtt member of congress ought to be as a matter of fact is glad he Is not out of a Job. He gets a fair sulury, Irrespective of the hours and days he works. He should not fret about his subjection, to the heats of the Potomac He should stick to his business, cease whining, and be proud of his perspiration, olntlng to It with pride. Mr. Case's submission. In the face of the trvMiipuJous odds against hint, will excite no wonder In the minds of the men who havo to do nnd are at all ac quainted with the business situation In Astoria. His giUUnt fight of tho past few monthJ h been watched with In terest and much sympathy, not only by his hist of personal friends, but by many other who remember his public spirit In tho days of his prosperity. H cannot be denied that his misfortunes -r; !r-rv!y Sn? ? r.t.l.n- In A toi Ili's nitun and the unusual neoum- modatlons extended some of her leading business men and citizens generally. The community can ill afford the loss of his conspicuous enterprise and abil ity In the present trying and critical period, and that he may find some open ing or opportunity for a resumption of his relation to the public welfare and fortune is the earnest wish of all classes of .his fellow-cltlzens. In consequence of the increasing scarcity of Mexican dollars In the Asi atic colonies of the French republic, the government Is going to strike 6,000, 000 of commercial dollars, to be sent lo Cochln-Chlno, and Tonquln. This operation will absorb 200 tons of silver, and the government of France has bought the necessary metal at figures equivalent to nearly 07 cents for each English standard ounce. The French government once before endeavored to drive the Mexican dollar out of circulation In Cochln-Chlna, but the attempt, like that of the United States, with the trade dollar, was complete failure. Circumstances are now thought to be favorable to a re' newal of the experiment. Bpeaklng of sugar, the sugar Interest in Hawaii has been the force behind the mugwumpery and royalty on and con cerning the islands that are the parr.- dlse of the Pacific. Sugar If) as ! rortant In Hawaiian poHllcs as In the Democratic party. The Cleveland ad ministration Is to be embalmed In mo lassos and encrusted with sugar for " preservation like a My In saccharine amber, displayed for a sort of Egyptian Immortality, The Portland preacher who so unmer clfully scoreJ Kyrle Bellew and Mrs. Brown Potter from his pulpit last Sun day evening Is now undergoing numer ous attacks from private citizens through the columns of the Oregonlan. He Is liable to get all the notoriety he wflhed for tnfJ maUer ,s tnor ml((h,y ventilated. The dragon-fly has 12,000 lenses In its eye, and yet It gives out no word of hope that the end of the tariff debate Is In sight. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup bos been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. EXTENDED SYMPATHY. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," is sympathetically simwn in the following lines, te pre- surliotlon beinr that symnathy is born. or t(J pa,n or gorrow. "Cienilemen: Please send Kranse's Headache Capsules as follows: Two b0xc9 t0 F,ora Seay naVannn, N. Dak. Two boxes to Llllle Wilcox, Brookland N. Dak. I have always been a great sufferer from headache and your Cap- g that relleveB FLORA SEAY, Havana, N. Duk. For (inle by chaB Kogel.a Astoria. flu C vl a A nnnr - b..v. ON THE SAFE SIDE. .Everybody knows this Is a good place to be. but everybody does not take mt.IU,ulB t0 be there. An efllclent pre- ventattve places us on the safe side of. incrivnent uiBenw, hiki intre in uu more rellnble than Hostetter s stomacn Hitters In cases where the kidneys are Inactive, which Is bue the preliminary to various destructive maladies, which disregarded have a fatal termination. Urlght's disease, diabetes, dropsy, oedei ma, are but the outgrowths of neglected Inaction of the kidneys and bladder. They should be checked at the outset! with" bitters, which will prevent thelr progress by arousing the renal organs to activity, and thus place Miose who resort to this saving medicine on the safe side. This preservative of safety also conquers constipation, liver com plaint, malarial fever, nervousness and: uyspeiwlo. We don't Want to get rich Too Suddenly It unsettles one. Thats tho reason wo soli such elccraiit bra mis cf cigars at tiuoh small profits. Each weok wo aro receiving fresh ami miKl BELMONTS, -FLORA PrMADRIDS, .ROBERT MANTELLS, ESTRELLAS, ami numerous other hramls. CHA8.0LSEN. Dr. Prim's Cream RaLinor PowUer World's rlr Hiht Medal aw! IMplomau . . -r . . U - M Tift -A' M SZsu&. : now ex,s,$ wh'cn' W'1" U M A , ; W l )'y BRAND I I V iv Evaporated Cream Ij y. " 1 V 'Jl'x fully meets its requirements, y.h v tJJ ti:J therefore highly indorses , . $ Prepared nd guaranteed by the New York Condensed Milk Co. W 'i. . )ecl(le(' superior ''TW' ' Snap A Iodak at any nmn (onilnif out of our store and you'll cct a t portrait or a mini brimming over with pleasant thoughts. Much quality In the liquor fj we have to offer arc enough to PLEASE ANY MAN. CoriQe and Try Them HUGHES & CO, Wholesale Liquors In a Stew Your wife will surely be, unless you send home a piece of meat that Is Tender and Sweet Long experience has made us expert judges or meat, ana we win give you points on now to pick out a goou piece, WASHINGTON MEAT HAUKET, CHRI3TENSEN & CO., Prop'rs, DON'T BLAME THE COOK! Can't iinv cook make brea-J equal to thf, ttie Main Street link try Ureal. Can't any kitchen stove take it. We also bake Cakes 0 and Pies thru are tl. town tnl. SEASIDE SflWPiIt A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kinds of llnlsn; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable nnd prices at bedrock. All ordert promptly attended to.- Office and yarr at mill. 11. w Im DOUAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. H. W. SHERMAN, Cabs and Express Wagons. mm ,-ru".; .'.'.-.T-iS Central Ofttce, 515 ThirJ Street. Stable, 128 First Street. Telephone No. 7. FREEMAN & BREMNER, I3loclcmitti. Special s.ttentlon paid to steumboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CAMP A SPECIALTY 197 Oliiey street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, Rl PPLStNTINO 1rt Pollowlnn CornrMittlu I German-American, New York city. N. Y. Union Fire ana Marine, uf New Zealand. National Hire and Marine Ins. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut hire Ins. Co., of Ha-'forJ. Home Mutual Ins. Co., Sun fiiiclsco. New York Plate Uluss Ins. Co. Plural, of London,. Impsrlil. of London - OGGIDEHT HOTEL TH Is the Best of Itj CUu On the Pacific Coast. RH UNEXCELLED TflBLiE Katts, a dally and upwards. The C. P. UPSHUR Co,, Shipping & Commission Astoria, Oregon. A POINTER Many people believe that oil black snilthlng Jobs are alike that they are nothing but musele and material mixed-. That Is true of ordinary Jobs. Hrahis are also used to make a good Job. So Is conscience. A Job made without skill or honesty is no good. Our work is widely known for Its quality, durability and economy In the end. Q. A. Stlnson ft Co. There's A Striking Resemblance Between tan shoes that re good an tan shoos tht are bad. RememtKT tha "ull is not gold that glitters." and Don't be Deceived. Come In and let us tell you the dlf fervnee In Tan Shoes. XiM HAHN & CO. You Have Pride In Your Baby Have nride In vour Babv Carriaze, Get a good one. - Get it here, and that in itself is a guarantee that it's the best and handsomest that money will buy. And the money will Duy more here than anywhere else. HEILBORN Si SON. Stf. ECMPSE, CAPT. M. SKIBBE, Makes trips to Gray's River Thurs days and Fridays. Parties wishlnfr to charter apply on board, at Ross, Hlg- gins & Co.'s Dock, or their omce. CHICAGO, PiWflUKEE find ST. PAUL RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinenta Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC LIGHTED - CAf?S BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. The Express Trains consists of Vestlbutal, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM. And furnished with Every Luxury known In moder railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETV This Line is Unequaled. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information Inquire ot any ticket aget, r C. J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. Is the line to take to all poibui EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers the beit service, eomj biuiug SPEED and COMFORT It Is tbe popuhir mute with those who wiiu to travel uu the SAFEST! It la therefore the mule yo ahou'd titk. It runs throunh vestibuled trains evury day m Ui yoar to Si. P No Chang of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sloop ts, jh-riar Tnurist Sleepers, Spltniiiil Free Second-class Sleepers, Ou'T one change of ears Portland to New York Through Tickets To An y Psrt of the clvtllied world. Punenrera ttrketed via. all b.-t rannmt oeta Ailorla, kkluua and for! land. Full information enrtrnninc rates, time e rmnis mum and outer UcUlis lunilaued at ilillciaioiijto c. w. STowr. Ptraaipr Telenbou Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Avrtttwtt (tnvral Flwiiew Ana MO.U1 flnl 6. .. WiuJimnoo. FcrUiEd. trs' Paii m ilea The FastMail! .Route. PUTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and a Easern Points 24 to 36 Hoars Ahead Of Any Other Line. Pullman and Tourist 8lepera Fre Rellnlng Chslr Cars, Din. lng .Car. ttt run da i via in union fsemo riyor imwi.ib r -land at 7:00 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco" OCEAN STEAMERS BAILING ' DATES. ' 3ttc, Sunday, July 8. Columbia, Friday, July M State, Wednesday, July 18. . Columbia. Monday, July 23. State, Jaturday, July 28. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. Hereafter the O. R. and N. Ca's boats Will run as follows between Astoria and Portland: The R. R- - Thompson, will leave Astoria at 6:45 a. m. and Portland at 8 p: m. The T. J. Potter will leave Portland at 7 a. m. daily and Astoria at 7 p. m. 1 steamers make landings on Dotn ewes 01 the river aoove waienoru, on uoiu up and down trips. S. H. H. CLARK, OLIVER MINK, E. ELLERY ANDERSON, JOHN W. DOANE, FREDERIC R. COUDERT. Receivers. For rates and general Information call on or address O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBURT. Ast Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland. Or. IF GIVE tliis ofRce the order. VVo have engaged a first class job pi inter who will give any work entrusted to us his thoughtful, mindful, careful, and intelligent con sideration. It takes downright hard work to do this, but we do it. THE ASTORIAN. .If You Want Cannery and .Fishermen's Supplies, Call on- EltflOHE SAflBOIjti & CO ASTORIA, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans "Continenta Railway System. FflOIK OCEAN TO OCEAN IN alaee Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Loxorloas Dining Caps. ,Ejegallt Jjgy oaetes, -ALSO Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken YIems 0! the Wonderful IBoontain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cars the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China and lapan. Empress of India, August 6th. Empress of Japan, August 27tn. Empress or unina, eepiemuer mu. Empress of India, October 15bh. Empress of Japan, November 12th. Empress of China, December 10th. ' AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE Leavjs Feb. 16 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. For ticket rates and Information, call on or address, . - JAS. FINLAYSON. Agt, Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacuma, Wash., Geo. MoL. Brown, Dlst. Pars. Ant., Vancouver, It. C. Do You Need Any . . . Bill tfeacis, Letter Hes Statements, Circulars, Or Any Other Kind of Printing? SO, Cotton Rope, Cotton Twine, Marshall's Twine. Trap and Seine Web, Tanbark, Acid and Sah, Strip Lead, Pig Lead, Copper, Tin Flatc, Tin and Zinc, In Stock. - OREGON