JULY 48, 1894 .iiiiiii'ilSii. The- 4-K-l Vainst the many zlei byordi- SS festMail Joute. iN'S p wAst take .i'ng cars and telegraph and It must throttle the great combina tion of capital and business, The gov ernment would pay fair and regular wages. It would never oppress Its em ployes." Out hero In Oregon thnt Influential paper, the Salem Statesman, has come out In favor of the government owner ship of railroads, and may possibly find more adherents among the state con temporaries. Mr. II. Clayton Hnff, first mate of the Vigilant, writes that the Britannia Is faster than the Valkyrie was, but that the Vigilant lost In the rare July 6 by badly fitting sails. He says: "The course, the best on the Clyde, Is a good course for Fire Island catboats, but a very bad one for 80-footors." The two extra tons of lead put in the Vigilant was a mistake, and the Britan nia "con almost tack twice to the Vlg ilant's once." It was found by accident that the Vigilant was not deep enough by the bow. Mr. Haft says: "The crew went forward to take In the balloon jlbtopnntl, Uius shifting, con siderable weight and tipping her by tho how; Immediately she shot ahead and overlapped the Britannia." "When tho sails of the Vigilant ore In order, the mate snys, there will not bo a story of defeat to tell. Why Is It that Bond, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets Is fenced In from publlo use? There are a great many poople who are put to much Inconven ience In not being able to drive over t.hat portion of the road. As It Is now In order to go one block, vehicles are driven three. Aside from being & pub llo Inconvenience, It Is one of the most unsightly places In the city. If the property owners abutting this thorough fare will not make the necessary re pairs. It Is the duty of the authorities to take tJie matter In hand and see that the public gets some benefit out of It. 1 If a silver-tongued and persuasive diplomat was wanted as Minister to Ttuwila, It would seem that the presi dent appointed the wrong Breckinridge. In the court circles) of 8U Petersburg end the solemnities of Moscow, the dis tinguished Kenturklnn would be a gilt terlng and gladsome success. The rrocklnrldb'e actually appointed Is an Arkansas fanner, a studious and quiet business gentleman, who voted to stop party for re-eleotlon. . .tur&rug- tURB FOR PILES. (i.e known by moisture J CRUHltiK Intense Itching Is form, as well as Blind, Iti uillnK. yield at once to file Kennedy, which acts j parte affected, absorbs .s Itching and effect a Vcure. DOc. Druggist or mall. jk free. Dr. Boaanko, S2 Arch s, l'hlladelphio, Pa. Bold by J. W. FOUND THEM THE BEST. This Is to certify that I have used Krauso'a Headache Capsules periodi cally for over a year, ond have very much pleasure lr stating that they have always proved very beneficial and have relieved me In from ten to Ufteen minutes. I have been a sufferer from headache for many years, and have never found anything to do mo as much good as Krause's Headache Cap sules. Yours Truly, LOUIS HERMAN, 231 Poplar St., Wichita, Kan. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. MIGHTY IS TRUTH. And It will prevail. Against under hand competition and spurious Imitation the genuine efficacy of the great nation al tonic, Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, always has and always will prevail. The nubl o recognize It everywhere as ine chief preventative of malaria, and a reliable sieclflo for dyspepsia, constipa tion, nervousness, rheumatism, kidney trouble, biliousness, and loss or appetite. Kfforts mide by reliable dealers to com pete with It by Indirect means have and will continue to full upon the heads, and It may be added, the pockets of those making them. Through tne lengtn anu bredth of the American continent It la the acknowledged household remedy, reliable and prompt. It relies upon facts, upon publlo experience, and upon the emphatlo commendation of the med ical fraternity. Report of the Condition OPTHK First National Bank OF ASTORIA, At AstorU. In the State nt Oregon, at the close of lmsluiM.1, July ism, mil. ltlUOUItCKH. Imir ami discounts $57,2Vl 72 vvrimfls wHuirt tl hiiiI unvciiii L 7'J 'it U. H. li-itil.-4 ti M't'iim eircul aiuii......,, VI MiO I'r iiiumr in II. K. Iimuls Mwkf, wcuilllin, el 14 2i 1)1. s from mil tuml hunks vul li'.-i'ivn i'Knt! 11,5 0T Due from xliile Imiik itml luoik'-n , 1 1 'ft :l line fnuii ui'l'invi' l Fvaerv lui'llln ICt.Si'iJ 1 Sntwn'otl'i'r Nxllmml Hunks Ittl tt Nickels and ceiita .- 10 &0 LAWKt'I. MoNKY UKMKltVK IN 11ANK, VlS! Specie ... 111,1(0 U-tiil temler notes...... ;(,'i0 11,150 Redemption fund w ill IT, 8. Treasurer (5ppieiit.uIelrcuitilUmv .. c3 SO Totttf ......... ... MABIMTIRS. 0ni'tl stock paid In .......... I fiO.noi) iv,mw 4S.058 1:1 10,1.4 ; or. uriuus iiniu Umllvlitrd iinillia liss H4nsinni.d Uxt1 rUI Natluiml biuik untm out- alHMillUK Duo l other .Niillmiul lUiliku (hilivliliiHl Uouusils sulilwl to chirk 1 IVitmiid rvrntU'uiw of He- puslt ...........-.... Ami lt1 11W i!t Notnand hills redtiruuiilt'J I,. It K'. Total ... .,.. ill MU'eot Or gn, I County of i:iai.l, I w I, 8, H. (ionliin, e Miner of the stmve named bunk, do solemnly swmr Hint tlie hIm ainle nii'iit li true to llie lit o( mv kunwlMtuK ami belief. 8. S. CUIttK)N,l':tlil.T. Nulwrlheil slid twm to twt-re ni this jj day ot July, Ir-Ul. J. II. Maxhi.i i, MoIai) llibl'e. Correct Attest JAi'OH K.WM, Will I AM M. I. ADD, Idrector. Dr. P.-!c:'s Crt3 Esk'rs Pevtr WerU's Fito ig Mstal and DlrfcMM. j Them. & CO. tsale Liquors J- 4 e, unless you i that is ifmade us expert tve win give you but a good piece. T flARKET, ., Prop'r, mako bread equal to the, tlakery UruiJ. Cas t any i II. We also bake Cakes ond Pics that are the town uik. SEASIDE SflWIBM. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings and shingles; alBo bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices nt bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. i". L. LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. H. W. SHERMAN, Cabs and Express Wagons. Central Oflke, 515 Third Street. Stable, 128 First Street. Telephone No. 7. FREEMAN & BREMNER, Hlacksmlthu. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, tlrst-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CflfflP 010RK fl SPEGIflUTY. 197 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, Btl'RHSUNTINO The Kotlowtniz Cnmpnnlea German-American. New York Clly, N. Y. Union Fire nJ Marine, o( New Zealand. National Fire and Marine Ins. Co.. of Hartford. Connecticut Hre Ins. Co., of Hn'iford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., San hr.nclsco. : New York Plate Cilass Ins. Co. Phonlx, of London,' linperlil, of Lond on ; OGGIOEflT HOTEL Is the Best of Its Class , On the Pacific Coast. t TH flfl UNHXCEbLED TABbB. Rat, $ daily and upwards. ' The C. P. UPSHUR Co,, Shippings Commission Astoria, Oregon. A POINTER Many people believe that all black smlthlng Jobs are alike that they are nothing but muscle and material mixed. That Is true of ordinary Jobs. Brains are also used to make a good Job. So is conscience. A Job ninde without skill or honesty Is no good. Our work Is widely known for Its quality, durability and economy In the end. , O. A. Stluson & Co. There's A Striking Resemblance Between tan shoes that are good an tan shoes that are bad. Remember tha "ull Is not gold that glitters." and Don't be Deceived. Ciime In and let us tell you the dlt ference la Tan Shoes. JOiiN HAS IN & CO. k ESS 1 cd Cream i t t . i -H. Konaenscu num n j( that it is absolutely 23 . rk Condensed Milk Co. Ei Jl yoa. . S l!l:II!l!!UJUIllIllIII)l!IIIIIIIIin7 You Have Pride iUn Your Baby Hnve nride In vnnr Rabv Carriaee Get a good one. Get it here, and rlmr in itself l a oriinrantee th;it it's the best and handsomest that money will huy. And tne money wut-puy more here than anywhere eise. , HEILBORN & SON. Str. ECMPSE, CAPT. JVI. SKIBBE, Makes trips to Gray's River Thurs days and Fridays. Parties wishing to charter apply on board, at Ross, Hlg. gins & Co.'s Dock, or their omce. CHICAGO, IHLWfillREE find ST. PAUL RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontlnenta Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC IilGtfTED . CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. The Expresi Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM, And furnished with Every Luxury knon In rooder railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETV This Line is Unequaled.- Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information Inquire of any ticket agei.i. r C. J. EDDY, General Agent. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND. OREGON. OOTKEHH-' Is the line to take to nil poltits EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers the bent service, com ; binloK SPEED and COMFORT It Is the populnr mute with those who wish to travel on the SAFEST! It Is therefore the mute yoa hou'd take. It runs throuith vestlbuled trains every day id the year to . Pail 2Di Ciucago No Chang of Car, Elegant Pullman Skfp rs, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers, Ouly one hau je of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any rait of the civilized world. Pawnfrn ticketed vl. all Ktt rnnalna betweeu Aslorlk, Kalama aud Fot!Uad. Full information enneerainc ratra, time el trains, mutes aud ether details turuUlMd Of aijoilcattoito C. W. 8TONC. ent Ajitota. Pteanter Telephotie Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, aV1tant OenrJ PtLweninr Area Ho. in flnt r .. aiUutwu.it, I'uttilid, UtMiMt PUTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas Uity, bt. Louis ana a Easern Points 24 to 36 Hoars Ahead y Of Any Other Line. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Car, Din- eing .Cara ire tun da ly via th Unloa Pclflo Flyor leaving Port land at 7:00 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco; OCEAN BTEAMERS SAILING DATES. State, Sunday, July 8. Columbia, Friday, July 13. State, Wednesday, July 18. Columbia, Monday, July 23. State, Jaturday, July 28. Astoria end Portlnd Steamers. Usnuftna tha O T? nnd N. CO.'S bOtttS will run aa follows between Astoria and Portland: The R. K. Thompson will leave Astoria at 6:45 a. m. and Portland at 8 p. m. The T. J. Potter will leave Portland at 7 a. m. daily and Astoria n t T v m I steamers make landings on both sides of the river above Waterford, on both ui and down trips. S. H. H. CLARK, OLIVER MINK, E. ELLERY ANDERSON, JOHN W. DOAN15, FREDERIC R. COUDERT. Receivers. Tor rates and general Information call on or address Q. V. LOUNSBERRY, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBURT, Ast. Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland, Or. IF GIVE this office the order. We have engaged a first class job pi inter who will give any work entrusted to us his thoughtful, mindful, careful, and intelligent con sideration. It takes downright hard work to do this, but we do it. THE ASTOR1AN. .If You Want Cannery and .Fishermen's Supplies, Call on ELfflOHE SAMf & GO ASTORIA, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans Continenta Railway System. FfiOIK 0CEAJ1 TO OCEAH -IN- alaee Dining floom and Sleeping Cars. Laxorlous Dining Cars. Elegant Day oaehes. ALSO Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Viems of the Wonderful JHountain Country. . $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist can the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China and lapan. Empress of India, August 6th. Empress of Japan, August 27th. Empress of China, September 17th. Empress of India, October 15th. Empress of Japan, November 12ih. EmpreBS of China, December 10th. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE Leaves Feb. 16 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. For ticket rates and Informal Ion, call on or address, JAS. FINLAYSON, Agt, Astoria, Or, A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Ast., Tacoma, Wash., Geo. McL. Brown, DIst. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, U. C. Do You Need Any . . . Bill Heads, liettcr Heads, Statements, Circulars, Or Any Other Kind of Printing? SO, Cotton Rope, Cotton Twine, Marshall's Twine. Trap and Seine Web, Taubark, Acid and Salt, Strip Lead, Pig Lead, Copper, Tin Hate, Tin and Zinc, In Stock. - OREGON