THE DAILY A ST0R1AN. ASTORIA. SATURDAY MORNINU. JULY 21. 1894. Tide Table for July, 1894. DATE HUN I) AY.. 1 Mouimy... Tut- mlay . . Tlniinday. 5 Ki-Klny.... 0 HnturdHV. 7 SUNDAY'. 8 Mouilay . . V Tui-Kilay.. 10 W'yfnpwrt'y M Thursday. 12 r rainy iiji A. K. h.m.lft. ia J7 4. 010; l or 1 rr 2 I) 4.1. 4 i 5 4:lj It J.I 8 i; D II ll 0.1 Hnturdiiy. 14mMi-- MONDAY. .l-i Mouduv. . 10 TllMtday.. 1? 0(KI Wwlnwul'yl1 0X1 Thnrmluy. Ill 1 ia Krmuy.. .. an i w Saturday.. 21 HiMl HUNtA.,! 3IHI Mondav... !H 8 Tin-winy... HI 4M Wiiid'yitt SW Tliurwiuy. i 7 ! Prltluy.... 27 8 Hntunlsv. 10 IM KU'NUAY. W II li Slunday ... 1U. Tn"wl'i. . si I.. . . WATKB LOW WATKR f ' A' ' ' h.m.lft. ft. h.m.lft. liljl HK fl 42-18 6 '! J tot) 7 -1 0 6 24 8 4 1WT1 7Si-!!S!j 7 1781 4()i7 4 HO) -2 I 81012 6 8 2.117 7 8 60-1 7 C'2 7 4 44 7 7 10 IN -Oai II 00)2 I 6 2- 7 6 lift! 05 1157 1 8 8 175 II SO 1 4 .. .. . . 70174 1 03 16 liiSOiiiS 7S7H1 17 10 14H2S 8 50 7 6 82i os mm g 42 7 7 4 U -0 1 8 57 3 7 10 SO 7 7 5 12 -0 8 4 5H40 11 17 7 8 Br -01)1 6 50 42 11:8 1 6 86-11 6I44 lMlmi 710-111 7 1:4 4 0 70 7 41 -101 7 4i8 0 2 15 7 0 8 OH -0 7 8 IK 8 8 8 OH 7 '.' 8 81 -0 5 8 54 8 0 8 81 7 5 1100-OL 8 812 7 4 0.76 0 28 03 10 01 8 4 3 77 1010 Oil 1055 I 6 1 78 104(1 1 5 11 55 1 6 6 10 7 8 11 1 21 1 0-i 7 9 1 0 ! 1 1 12 18 i 7 H lie HO 2 20-0 9 1 21 8 2 0 (U H 2 8 31 -0 1 2 45 3 8 10 07 8 5 4 M 0 8 4 Oil 8 H 11 07 H 8 6 2H-10 517 3 6 VI S'l 7 0 6 IK -2 0 6 15 8 3 TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, July 20. For Oregon and Washington, fair weather; nearly sta tionary with tendency to higher tern perature. Sunday promises to be fair, and about the same temperature a on Saturday, YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I,ocal weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, fur nlshed by the United States Department of Agriculture watner Dureau. Maximum temperature, 66 degrees. Minimum temperature, 67 degrees. Preoioitatlon. .02 Inch. Total precipitation from September 1st 1893. to date. 87.47 Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber to date, 1893, to date, 27.31 Inches, A ROUND TOWN. , Sunday dinner at Hotel Gearhart at 1 o'clock. No extra charge. Two malls a day are now being re- celved In this city from Seaside. The name of Stanford sounds big, but football Is good enough for Astoria. Miss Jones Is to be assisted TueBday evening by her sister, and local talent. C. R. Thompson wa thrown from his bicycle last evening and sprained his wrist The chances are that a private street sprinkler could make pretty good wages ab present. Quite a crowd have had the pleasure of watching the diver at Kinney's can ncry at his work. There will be a pleasing variety on the program at the Congregational church Tuesday evening, the 24th. The new desks and rearrangement of the furniture' make the office of the county clerk rather Inviting. A good swimming plnco on the other side of the hill is proving a strong com petitor of our Sunday schools, Astor Lodge, at Its meeting Wednes, day night appointed a committee to make arrangements for a picnic. The Oregonlan correspondent is right when he says Hotel Gearhart is the finest Seaside hotel In the Northwest. It is surprising that so very few peo. pie take advantage of the beautiful scenery from the hill tops these lovely evenings. The new money orders are now out, but the Oregon editor who can tell one from a motion to adjourn, has not yet mnde his brags. When finished the custom house cun bo lighted either by gaa or electricity It will be heated by steam, Instead of stoves, as heretofore. Would you like to hear some good music? Como to the Congregational church Tuesday evening and hear Miss Gladys Jones sing. Don't spoil a nice plate of berries with milk, when you can get sweet cream fresh every morning of C, B. Smith, the Ice Cream Dealer. Some one was cruel enough to send the pound master on a hot chase after two sun dogs yesterday,, after telling him they were not licensed. A Children's soclablo will be held In , the basement of the I'resbyterl in church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Al) children nre invited. Ice cream and cake, 10 cents. passed pleasantly with songs and toasts, around the decollete. The big, puffed ; T, Z' , ,1 sleeves do not reach the elbow. With The first oflic.a ofnja rk mA a Trenchard was to issue an order for a , wne tie-up. but since Mr. "..f;" the plump Uttto bather gets Into this in the office, there has been no calls for J rf,..riB co. quetttshly under her cup, her dimpled elbows showing under the great satin pufs, and her rosy face beaming ra- house- thls necessary official document from J . . . ' couples wishing ' to commence keeping. One of the most entrancing vistas to diently upder her satin cap, she looks be found on the lower Columbia is that very like Marie Jansen as Javotte or of Saddle mountain obtained from the any other plump little soubrette of steamers as they cros Young's Bay. comic opera, Just at this time of the year when the vessels are crowded with beach passen gers, this view Invariably attracts Uielr attention. Awarded Mzheci KcfiorsVVcrld' Fair. V'. CHURCH SERVICES TOMORROW. Yesterday the last of the delayed eastern mall came in on the. steamer Potter for the Astoria postofllce. There were over 2000 lttters and papers to distribute, and the two dozen mall sacks in which they came made quite a pile on the postofllce floor. ' Some of the pa pers bore date of June 24th. Postmaster Wise has received notlfl cation that July 23 Is the last day that applications can bo filed for civil -ser. vice examination. So those who may wish to be mall carriers or postofllce clerks sometime In the future should moke a nolo of It. The examination takes place August 11th. Astoria merchants and manufacturers suffered considerably through loss of time and facilities as a result of the Debs strike, but not to anything like the same degree the merchantar and manufacturers of other cities did. How, ever, It's kit over now, and business Is rapidly getting back to Its channels, A youth named Bed rick met with serious accident yesterday afternoon, by falling from a trestle In Uniontown, striking his head on the focks below, a distance of fifteen feet. The little fellow's skull was fractured, and his face badly cut, besides sustaining other Injuries about the body that are more or less serious. He was carried to h's home near by, and Dr. J. A. Fulton sent for. The wounds were dressed and the boy made as comfortable as possible, but it cannot be ascertained for a day or two Just how serious the injuries ore. Con siderlng the distance the boy fell, and the rocky Condition of the flat below, It is only a wonder that he escaped be ing killed. " A Jolly party of Portlanders arrived on ths Thompson yesterday morning and registered ut the Occident for breakfast, leaving immediately after ward for Seaside. They were as follows: Mr. J. C. Lewis, Mrs S. B. Llnthrom, Misses N. H, Lewis,, Francis Lewis, Car rie Flanders, Isabella Hewitt, Mamie Wood, Carrlu Llmlstrom. The entire party are bound for Elk Creek, where Messrs. Lewis and Danders have a beautiful estate known as Seal Rock Heights. They have Just completed a large roomy house overlooking the ocean, and commanding a view tn- equalled on this part of the coast. Ths present party will be greatly augmented by others who will go to the coast in a few days. The Rev. Wm. Seymour Short will hold service at St. Thomaa'-by-the-Sea, Sklpanon, Tuesday evening, July 24th at half-past seven o'clock. There will be regular services In the German language at the CougregaUonal church on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 J. G. Schmld, pastor. Sunday the services will be conducted In the Swedish Lutheran church as fol lows: 10:39 a. m., Swedish will be used , exclusively; at 8 p. m. the meeting will be in English exclusively. J. A. uuiunu, pastor. Services at the Congregational church as usual. In the morning, "Life Here after," will be the theme. At night, "The Growth of the Kingdom." The Sunday school meets at 12:15, and the Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Presbyterian church. Morning ser vice at U o'clock. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. Robert Llddell. Subject, "Hallowed Be Thy Name." Services in the evening at 8 o'clock, when the pas tor will deliver a discourse on "The True Idea of Life; the Strikers' Idea a Failure." Sunday school and adult Bl ble class at close of morning service, Young People's meeting at 7 p. m. The Presbyterian church at Knappa, under the charge of the Rev. Robt J. Graham, of the Presbytery of Portland, will be dedicated! with appropriate ser vices on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, The steamer Electric will leave FlBh er Bros.' dock at 1:30 p. m., and will re turn at the close of the dedicatory ser vices. A cordial Invitation Is extended to friends of the cause to attend these services. Last night tho following officers were Installed In Pacific Lodge, No. 17, K. of P., by D. D. a. C, J. G. Ross: Past Chancellor, Wm. Pohl; Chancellor Com mander, J. Hansen; Vice Chancellor, E. C. Hughes; Master of Work, W. Mc-I Crosky; Prelate, H. E. Topping; Master at Arms, Robert Whldby; Inner Guard, N. Clinton. VICTORIOUS CALIFORNIANS. They Play All Around the Boys From Up the River, The Forest Grove Times says of tho inusio furnished at Paelflo University commencement: ; "Tho most difficult and moot pleasing wero two selections In which Miss Jones sung." The Telephone made a quick trip down from Portland yesterday, arriving here nt 1:45 p. m. Tho baseball teams were on board, and the captain had prom ised to land them here by 2 o'clock. Yesterday afternoon was given over tj the visiting ball players, and nearly a thousand people followed the teamB out to the Smith's Point grounds, where they witnessed. a game of ball that was both good and bad,- Of course there was not one person In all that big crowd that expected to see the Stonfords downed, for the repeated defeat of the Portlanders on their own grounds had become pretty well known In this city. and the bulk of those who went around the point, did so more out of curiosity than anything else. It was a very pretty day, just such a day aa baseball enthusiasts dream of, and the largo gathering Inside the grounds found it not too hot or too cold Just the right temperature for those who found scats on the bleaching boards. Neither side put up a strong game, though on several occasions bril liant plays were made, the majority of them going to the Stan fords. The er rors did not run aa high on either side as In Thursday's game at Portland, be tween the same teams, and the rough condition of yesterday's grounds caused many an error that otherwise would never have been made. The Stanfords opened the first Inning and mode a score, but were soon forced out by the Portlanders, who, when they came to bat, failed to make a score, or even a resiectable effort toward getting one. It was a quiet game up to the first half of the fifth, when a liner over third, that couldn't be stopped until it had lost Itself in the grass, allowed threo men to come In, the man batting the leather coming home amid the first val applause since the game started. If the Portland boys felt discouraged before this event, they were doubly so now, and the score showed It, especially In the first half of the ninth, when the PERSONAL MENTION. C. L. Houston returned yesterday from Portland. ' D. R. Blount has charge of Alex. Gil bert's place at Seaside. Dr. Albert Kinney Is at his cottage at Gearhart Park with his family. Mr. W. A. Weglg was up yesterday buying supplies for his camp at Gear- hart. ' Mrs. W. J. Strong, of Portland, ac companied by her children, is In the city, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Holden. H. G. Jacobs, supervising architect of the treasury department, is In the city haying returned from Port Townsend, where he has been inspecting the new custom house at that place. S. H. Brown and wife, of Marble Head, Mass., are in the city, registered at the Occident. Mr. Brown Is pres Ident of the Flavel Land Co., and Is in the city on business connected with that enterprise. Mrs. A. W. UUInger and little daugh ter, Annie, returned home from Port land yesterday, where they have been for the past three weeks, little Annie being under the care of an optician. It will be remembered that the little girl fell on a piece of broken crockery a few weeks ago, totally blinding her light eye. Meany Is the leading tailor and pays 'lie highest cash price for fur skins. CHOICE LOTS In Hill's Second Addl tion to Ocean Grove, Seaside. Prices in reach of all. Hotel Genrhart will serve Sunday din ners at 1 o'clock In the future Instead of evenings as heretofore. SIP 'L 7.-. I fl IBM'- Mm MM4 : HOST PERFECT MADE. A pur Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free I'rom nmonia, Alum or any other adulterant S.O YEARS THE STANDARD. Go to the Astoria Wood Yard for the best kinds of wood; also best grades of coal delivered In quantities to suit j Japanese novelties and fancy dry good.4, can be had at half price, at the store of Wing Lee next to Olsen's cigar store. Ask your crocer for FARRELL & CO.'S table syrups. Demarara, sweet clove.- honev. ruck candy drips, and Puritan maple. Holding up shoes for the inspection of. all. ho dine down the prices ror me con venlence of all that s our business Goodman & Co. The crowd Is coming our way simply because we have what good livers ilk and cook like their mothers used to, The Model Restaurant. If you have an eye for merit and a ta:te for economy, you may grainy both to your heart's content by calling on H.. Ekstrom, the Jeweler. Plain sewing or dressmaking, by competent dressmaker, by the day. Ap ply at Parker & Hansen's, or at resi donee, 383 11th street. Hair dressing, manicuring and prac tical wig making, at the San Francisco Parlors, 714 Third street (Welch block), Front pieces a specialty. Don't go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old Country" and the East when you can get them for the same price at the Uuln Pacific office in this city, and thereby save your lo cal fare to Portland. We are out gunning for the man who says he can t get his watch repaired without sending it to San Francisco. Why, we run a regular "Wuteh Hos pital" and repair all kinds of breaks, at Menu s Jewelry Store. All the patent medicines advertised n this papar. together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.. an be bought nt the lowest prices at J. W. Conn' druir store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, Aitoria. FINE TABLE SYRUPS. Ask your grocer for Demerara, Sweet Clover Honey, Itock Candy Drips, and Puritan Maple syrups mode by FARRELL & CO., Omaha. Commencing today, Crow will make a general reduction on ail Classes oi pho tographs. ' 1 '..: ::, , .. ,. SEASHORE ROAD. Trains for Clotsop, Gearhart Park and :Heoslde, as follows: Laave Seaside, 7:30 a. m. and 3:36 p. m. Leave Pier 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. - Datlyr-exceptlng Sunday afternoon, when trains will leave one hour later connecting with boats for Astoria.. WANTED. WANTED Manager for Financial In stitution. References and bond re quired. Liberal inducements to the right man. Address, The Eastern As surance Co., Philadelphia, Fa. ' WANTED A young girl to do general houHework and take care of a baby. In quire at Th. Olsen's drug store. BEVERAGES. rjr v ifMin TOTT-of oft tvlrtMN and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell Gem. 1 A DELICIOUS DlliNK. There is no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in such good con dition as at Utzlnger"s popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln- randel wine instead 01 conee or iw. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McGuire's Ho tel at Seaside is open the year around. CALL ON P. BAKER. 478 Third St.. and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. TO RENT. FOR RENT Six room house fur nished or unfurnished, water, bath, etc., Uppertown, In Adair's, Ogned avenue or Third street. Inquire at this office or at Mrs. A. Feakes. FOR SALE. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate In Hill's first audition. LOTS FOR 12. Call at the Astoria Reul Estate Exchange and get a lot in Hill's First Addition for $2. WHEN TM PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas, 160 FirBt street, and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need IVJt. AlllOO l UC11 I11U1I111IB ,. ...... there. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE. If you have friends In Europe whose pas sage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Paelflo office, steamer Telephone . dock, and make known your- wants. Reduced fare via all the leading steamship lines. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Patron ize the Northern Pacific railroad if j'ou are Going East Low rates of fare, through tickets, hl-ggage check ed to destination. All purchasers of second-class tickets can slop over at Portland. . Rates of fare some as f row Portland. JAPANESE GOODS. Just out lust received Just what you want, at Wing luee a, ass xnira street. AUCTION. xnere win De an auction sale or a general stock of groceries, dry goods. Hardware, etc.. at Martin Olsen's auc tion rooms comment-In,? this 7th dav of juiy. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. II. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms Land 2, Pythian Building. over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN. D. D. 8.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, G73 Third street J. E. LaKORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the Flavnj building, opposite Occident W. M LAFORCH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5, 6 and 1, Flavel s Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY 7.T LAW. Offlc In Flavel's bilck building. FlIANK J. TAYWIU JNU. T. MdllTKR. TAYLOR & LIGHTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Astoria, Oregon. Miss Edith Conn will- tuke a limited number of pupils In water color paint ing, and Instrumental music principles taught, according to the most approved method. Specimens of painting to be seen at J. W. Conn's drug store. Tho Oregon Telephone and Telegraph Company are now prepared to furnish subscribers In Astoria with magnet tele phone instruments at J2.0J and $2.50 pe month. The latter instrument is some what better electrically and In appear nee that tho former. For particular Inquire of J. R. Clinton, at Telephon office. J. Q. A. BOWLBT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT hXV. Office on Second SUtet Astoria. Or. History of Robert Hantcl!. Rom of Havana parents, tho famous Roticrt Mantell Cigar is a product of those famous old Cubian tobacco plan tations which are so well known to the lovers of good cigars in this country. Try them. CHAS. OLSEN. DR. EILIV JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10 10 xa u. m.; z to b and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun- LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 6S4.4 Third St., Astoria, Ore. CURE FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy for all forms of head ai hrf Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaVcd habitual sick headaches yield to its influenco, We urge all who are afflicted to pro ure a bottle, and give this remedy a ii r trim. 111 cases or habitual conuli patlon Electric Bitters cures by Riving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this med lolne. Try It once. Largo bottles only rfty cents, at Chas. Rogers' drug store. Orders can be left at. Cornnhan's store for the Astoria Wood Yard for all Kinds 01 ruci. When baby Is teething or feverish, ask your druggist for St-e-e-dman's Sooth ing Powders. ThA IrA rivam festival ErlVfn hv th ladles of the Presbyterian church ln!8,anftrt'a wowded them for five straight runs. 1 ne rortiana Doys recovered one In the last half, the game ending with a score of 20 to 5. Stanford made three errors and the Portlanders fourteen. After the game, the teams had dinner at the Occident), returning up the river the beautifully decorated basement or the church last evening was one of the most enjoyable events of the season. Judging frjin some of the cantaloups sold yesterday to our people, a health officer should Inspect caso or two of on the night boat. The local teams play the rrult that comes up from California pretty good ball when one conies to before allowing It to be placed on the think about it mnrket. trp.TO-DATlt BATHING SUIT. The prettiest and by for th most ser viceable bathing suits, says the Corn- No need of sending East fiir spnlnir machines when you onn get a Singer iiiiicniiio ior t.u 111 i'oru & stokes." SELLING at 25 per cent discount lots in Hill's First addition to Ocean Grove, Seaside. Astoria Reul Estate Ex- cnange. For surprisingly little money 1 . yon cm inuiuii pvery room of trnho-jsc with abitot' land- senpe, n water scene or choof ins from the hundred de lightful subjects of our Pic ture Stock. . A baiaar for tho benefit of the Sean, dlnavlan M. B. church in Upper Astoria will be Eivcn on Satuntav evpnluc at 8:30. A cordial Invitation to all. Many m'liii -Advertiser, are made of black useful articles will be sold and refresh-' ""' A very ,mart "e wntly seen, ments served. is of heavy satin, and is made In the 1 I piece. The full, shrt skirt Just reaches young people met at the below the knees. The waist is made full rooms of Smith and Ellis, the CostnopoU and gathered Into a belt which Joins ii n Kket h team, last evening, and gave it to the skirt The neck Is cut lust a them a reception. The evening was bit low, with five or six rows of shlrrtngj Mothers who have looked all around for a baby carriage to suit their tastes and pui- poses generally wind up by buying of us and so will you if you need a cirriage for Xourdailing. HEW VORK HOVEIiTY STOflE. Cpposlta th Occident. Dr. Price's Cream Dakinj; Powder WorM's Tttr Hljiheat Award. The most Effective Skinr Purifying and Beautifying Soap in the World. The Purest, Sweetest, and Most Refreshing for Toilet Bath and Nursery. For Pimples, Blackheads ' Red, Rough, Oily Skin and Baby Blemishes, For Red, Rough Hands, with Shapeless Nails and Painful Finger Ends, For Irritations of the Scalp with Dry .Thin, and Falling Hair it is wonderful. Sale greater than the Combined Sales of all other Skin Soaps. Bold throughout the world . Prlo, He. romar tmu AMD Cm. Uuu., eol l'lupo, Bolo Mf" All About lb 8Mb, Scalp, and Hlr," ttm. o ach::;s sites and eacx, i Illp, Ktduy, and aurfaw p i bvux-Cutlrmr AaU-t-als palM ud miaaia HTHE CONSIGNEE SALE has kept its crowd after noon and evenina; and well they might, for never in tho history ol Astoria has people had such opportunities, as they are getting now.- They are getting goods for whatever theyste fit to bid for ihem. There is no reserve on the Dlt. o. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN Ai:n STin.lTrnM Special attention to diseases nt en and sureerv. Uftlce over Danzlger's store, Astoria JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN. PURORON. AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms fi nnrl A Pfthin. VOTXT iT.1Y Ttvi-Til.s frnf- Bulldinir. Hours. 10 19'. ' ' J '"J l t fe-- Residence. 639, Cedar street. greater bargains. J Jiero lft a early your your DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, ' OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found in his office uti chance for you, come and often. - Brincr HII I I 1 i 1 o'clock morning, from 12 ntn until i InenU' wlllcl1 nicans " ."" 0 untu 7:30 evenings. BUSINESS CARDS. ' A. GIBBONS. . ADJUSTER OP ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL- BOOKKRRPirn 5l?sauemooa7:,nr, Me8BTO Coj afternoons specially ior Indies purse. Remember tho place ,000 THIRD STREET. v Wednesday and Friday J. H. MANSELL. REAL ESTaTE BROKirn Notary Public Fire and accident In 1SAD0RE GREENBAUM, Secj. u ranee. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office. 112 Benton street, Astoria. Or. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMT3Sr)NKtfw'rh ular meetings of this board will R h.M on th first Monday of each month at w a. m., tu we omce or Hpbb & Par- G. CHRISTENSON Is now manager at Geo. McLean's old stand, corner Olney and, Astor streets, and is better prepared to all kinds of work In the line of BLACKSMITHINO and HORSESHOEING than ever be-fore. nunv,ii Tie remiai mu,tKM -1 ..... : '".."lis. ui mo woiuiiji nuijuing ana Loan Assocla- uun are neia at 8 n. m. nn th. Wednesday of each month. nra ucnevieve sireet, south of Chenamus. .. u. tivtsu. secretary. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, ' Gas and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and w-r Heating. aXCSf t A for TK&i raulk Beer imjipmeni zxo. is, in the Odd Fellows' w ""'f3- Building. t 7 p. m., on the second and 179 Twelfth street, Aatoiia, Or. icurm Aiondaya of ech mnmh Journlng brethren cordially in 'ted. dj oraer q p COMMON COUNCIL-Rp.Io, Ings first and third Tuesday evenings i uiunui 11 s o ciock in city hall. jc-uniig 10 nave matters acted Japanese Bazaar SING LUNG. There's activity everyw he re amonz our upon by the council at any regular new stock which is coming in fresh every meeting must present th um. t h a.:- t 1.. .u. . 1 auditor and clerk on or before tb, TftI- ,- " 1 " 5l0CK Were day evening prior to tha Tuesday on WTOnS 01 P"1-' were wrong, which the council holds its nuiat - .Opposite Court House.- meiUng, K. OSBUKN. - - '. ..AudUor and Folio. Judge.' - " i 1 mm street, ' v