THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY ' MORNING. JULY 18, 1894 THE COMMON COUNCIL. They Hold a Lively Meeting and Get Through with Considerable Business. The city council met in regular ses sion last night with just enough mem bers present to constitute a quorum. Three members were absent, Council men Bergman, Langworthy and Scher neckau. The two latter wore probably at home, but Councilman Bergman had left word that he had gone to the wilds of Washington In the vicinity of Gray's river, where, it la understood, he has a chicken ranch. The usual order of business was gone through with, reporta from the auditor and police judge, city treasurer and the water commission being read and re ferred to their respective committees, Several petitions for Improving streets were referred to the committee on streets. It was ordered that property owners be made to Improve that part of Fif teenth street abutting on the waterfront so that It, would be a Bafe place to stand a fire engine. The following communication from the water commission was read and re ferred to the city attorney: Ofllce of the City Water Works, Astoria, Or., July 17,' 1SS4. To tho Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Astoria: Gentlemen At a meeting of the water commission held in this city yesterday evening, the 16th Inst., it was ordered: That the city cuncll of Astoria be and Is hereby requested to cull an election of the tax-payers of this city to author ize the condemnation of a right-of-way for pipe line from reservoir Bite (In the Shlvely donation land claim) In the city of Astoria, to Bear Creek, along the route. located by the commission. Very respectfully submitted, H. G. VAN DUSEN, Clerk of Water Commission. The petition of Max Stral for a repeal of the present auction license, was re ported on by the ways and means con- mittee, that the city attorney be in structed to draw up an ordinance plac ing the license at $23 per annum. An ordinance appropriating $4D0 to P. D. Wlnton.for attorney's fees In city tax cases, was laid on the table. Councilman Young Introduced an or dinance granting a franchise to the As toria District Messenger Company, to construct lines throughout the city on ail streets, with a provision that the city could purchase the same at a Just ap praisement, after a period of ten years. O'Hara thought they should pay one per cent of their proceeds to the city after t w h fh. mfJ i..11,im.hti,I,.i,n iH.. A communication that had been hand- score ot slx to nve- and tne p- A- A ed in by J. G. Stuttz. relative to the 11-' c-'s hava sllown themselves the super - censing of places of amusement, was read by the clerk, and a motion made "c011310"- by Councilman Lewis that it be referred' An effort win be made by the football to the police commission. It was sec- cIub to a" tne Btores ln town clo8e ended, and upon the question being between the hours of 3 and 5 on Frl called for, O'Hara Jumped to his feet afternoon, and already assurances and delivered some left-handed blows' liave been received from several pro regarding the duties of the city council.! fesslonal men that they will willingly Ho said the police commission had no' abandon business during those hours, more to do with the communication I An excellent and thorqughly scientific than the water commission, a body that Bame of baseball, the result of which Councilman Thomson repeatedly insist- wl11 looked for eagerly In Portland, ed It should be referred to. In spite of San Francisco, and many other places. Councilman O'Hara's eloquent remarks,! will surely constitute a splendid after the matter was referred to the police noon's amusement. commission, he being the only one not ing against It. Councilman Young's cow ordinance that was at the last meeting referred to the ways and means committee. bobbed up again, and after a heated . . uiacussum ueiween us aucnor ana i.oun- cllman Barker, was passed. An ordinance was oassed reduelne the poundmaster's fees on stray cows from' 5 to $2. The following bills were allowed B. F. & Allen, $91.16; Star Launch, $5; Foard Stokes, $2.15; Clatsop Mill, $18.21;' lnh Trio i trzn. vr n .T.r '""-. $10.35; M. C. Crosby, $54.75; Astoria Iron Works, $31.15; James Petty, $12.; Mrs. T.'that situation today, with all its per- O'Brien, $27.54. H. Albrirht. for hills for kennh nlean- - . Ing amounting to $117, was referred back to the Drooer commlttep I CouncTn Ora s resolution that' the city attorney be Instructed to draw up an ordinance for the city to employ only licensed engineers was referred t0' the proper committee. Tho council then adjourned. OREGON NOTES. parties for two cents a pound, to be paid for when dry. The first hop yard was set out ln Ore gon by a Mr. Wells ln Polk county, In 1SC8. Walter Eakln made hi debut, as dep uty sheriff of Lane county by giving the county Jail a good clean-up. Now that the legislature Is not In session large quantities of gas pipe are offered for sale by Salem parties. The cannerymen of Eugene have agreed to pay one-half cent a pound for green prunes, or they will dry for other The wave of higher musical culture has submerged Salem so that the Uni versity band intends giving weekly con certs. It affords solace to the thrifty house keepers of Eugene to know that they can purchase blackberries for 30 cents a gallon. I This Is race week at Baker City, and they are expecting great things from tne( forty neaa or trotters ana runners now on the grounds. The "Blue Mountain" university building at La Grande, built at a cost of $18,000, will be sold with its site of five acres. If $3,000 can be got for It Malh-.ur county is greatly excited over the elopement of a dwarf three and one half feet tall who lives near Westfall, with a man who Is nearly seven feet in height. - . Eaker City is disgusted with ber past attempts at charity. The chief of police stumbled onto a camp Just outside th rltv containing twelve tramps. He also found ten dollars' worth of beefsteaks, seven kegs of beer, and numerous bot ties that had contained spirits. . PROTECTION FOR UNIONTOWN. Astoria, July 17, 1S94. Editor Astorlan: It is better late than never, but your editorial In today's pjper respecting the water facilities in Unlontown has Just about come In time. We repeatedly re- quested that we be furnished with some methods of obtaining water, and for a fire alarm, but It has always proved fruitless. Perhaps the city council does not care for this end of the city; per haps our councllmen from the first ward have too much other business on their hands to give us any attention, but some morning they will wake up and find Unlontown burned to the ground An amount of BOO expended carefully would furnish us with everything for coping with a fire, but the council seem to prefer paying lawyers' fees, etc., rather than Improve the city. You wrote a pretty strong editorial, Mr. Ed itor, but not strong enough. . Perhaps If you can ding dong it into the befuddled heads of somo people around this city, you may gain this point and have Union town blessed with a fire alarm and pipe lln?. Yours very respectfully, UNIONTOWN. Astoria, July 17, 1894. STANFORD VS. PORTLAND. The Astoria Football Club Has Ar ranged a Game In This City. Yesterday A. F. Allen, president of the Portland Amateur Athletic Club, and Jos. L. Travis, a prominent member of that organization, came to this city In response to a message, and made arrangements for a game of baseball to be played In Astoria between their club and the Stanfords. All prelimina ries have been satisfactorily fixed by the offlcers of the Astoria Football Club, and the match will be played on the football grounds on Friday afternoon a.t o'clock. The people of this city will therefore be tieated to such an 'exhlbl tion of the national game as very few of them have ever had a chance to see. The Stanfords are known every where, and they have successfully pulled off the laurels for their famous college In a good many games lately played In the Northwest. The P. A. A, C. team is one of the strongest on the coast, and Its members are confident of running Stanford very close, and per haps compelling them to lower their colors in the bargain. The Stanfords beat Multnomah last Saturday by a tors of tne latter dub on more than oue THIRD NATIONAL IRRIGATION CONGRESS. By the authority of the National Exe cutive Committee, the Third National i Irrigation Congress is hereby called to 'mM.t in th oitv nf Tionvpr fnir.rnrtrv v , , : . SeVm dayS beK","",g SePtember Tn tho nonnln nf th w.-ntprn half of the United States this congress presents ixiin an urgent tuny auu a uupreme opportunity. In this moment of extraordinary po- littcal, social and Industrial unrest, the nation may well recall Macauley's pre- uiuuon nun. me real irai oi our uimi- tutions would come with the exhaustion 0f our public domain. The nation faces ilous possibilities, unless the arid pub 1 , .. 1 .. aM lu. matin 1 f... .Ha . m . .u. nuines ui men. j u BUKseai wie im it i o j whereby this may be done, so that Idle energies shall find employment and . opportunity of western men. Irrigation commissions ln seventeen states and territories, created by the last il I BEV will 1CIIUC1 13 to the convention at Denver. Upon these studies of existing conditions and future needs In all parts of the arid re gion, it Is proponed to construct a na tional policy and code of local laws to be submitted to the federal congress and the legislatures of the western states, ON TRIAL, That's a good way to buy a medicine. but It's a pretty hard condition under which to uU it Perhaps you've noticed that the or dinary, hit or miss medicine doesn't at tempt it The only remedy of its kind so re markable fa Its effects that it can be sold on this plan is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. As a blood -cleanser, strength -restorer, and flesh-builder, there's nothing like it known to medical science. In every disease where tho fault is in the liver or the blood, as Dyspepsia, Imlipnstion, Biliousness, and the most stubborn Hlcin, Scalp, and Scrofulous affections, it is guaranteed in every enso to benefit or euro, or you have your money bock. To every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad the case or of how Jong stand ing, the proprietors of Dr. eeget uttarrn Remedy soy this : " If we cant cure it, jgi 'g bj afi'dxuggirt. T' HD music of the trees and wild river waves and all the summer time sinirers comes sweetest to the housewife when she knows the t o'clock meal can be got ready on her double burner oil stove instead of the red-hot rtoking range. There'll not be an even ing from this on till Ortober 1st but she'll be glad she bought one. Have you seen thone In our window? $4.50. That old gentleman who said they were ex travagant has changed his mind and has purchased bis wife an 3 married daughters each one. NOE A SCULLY. Blue Devils The business man who says that ad vertising does not pay does not adver tise. He Is the one that always doubts the prosperous trade 'reports he hears of his competitor, who does advertise. He sits In the back of his store, smokes his pipe and wonders why he Isn't making any money. He has the blues when he Bhould have trade. He not only lets his neighbor get that neighbor's share of the business, but a good part of his also. He sees people whom he thought old friends of his go Into I:l3 competitor's store and come out with bundles of goods, when he has the same articles on his shelves, and perhaps at lower prices than they paid his competitor for them. Why Is this so? It Is because his com petitor lets the public know ln an In telllgent way through the local papers what he has to sell and when he has It The successful advertiser looks after his advertising space as he does his clerks. He changes his ads. ln such a way the people are attracted by them He feels thai to make money he must be willing to spend some; that there Is strong competition ln all lines ot busi ness, and to get his Bhare of the trade he must advertise, and to do it ln the most skillful and intelligent way. If he . ... .. h, ,f cannot wnte advertising matter nimse.i, he seeks the aid of some one who has made the writing of advertisements a study some specialist, who will see that It Is properly written ln a catchy and displayed waysome one whose duty It Is to take oft the shoulders of a busy man all the worry of making up an ad. . . , . via No business man attempts to cure nis ... . , 0W" 8lCkne8"' PUU hU BWB his own clothes or attend to his own law cases. He employs specialists for each of these various services, and saves money by doing it. It is through its language and arrangement that an advertisement geta Its business-bringing qualities. There muBt be something to attract , public attention and hold It; something of interest, something out of the ordinary, something that Is different from others of the same line of busi ness. To give It these peculiar features requires experience, and the owner of The Astorlan has engaged the services of such a specialist for the benefit of its advertising customers who may wish to take advantage of his services. The Evening Star, of Washington, D. C., has an adertisement writer con nected with Its business department, and its terms to advertisers are, "So much blank space, so much money. The same amount of space, -with the assist ance of the advertisement writer In get ting up ad. attractively, so much addi tional." The Astorlan charges nothing extra, the services of the expert being thrown In. k . . A New Shprteniiig If you have a sewing machine, a clothes wringer or a carpet sweeper (all new inventions of modern times), it's proof that you can see the usefulness of new things. Softolene Is a new shortening, and every housekeeper who is, . interested in the health and comfort of her family should give it a trial. It's a vegetable product and far superior to anything else for shortening and fry ing purposes. Physicians and Cooking Experts say it is destined to be adopted in every kitchen in the land. This is to suggest that you put it in yours now. It's both new and good. Sold by leading grocers everywhere. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW VORK, BOSTON. These tiny Ctpsulna are superior to JJalsaut of Copaiba, Cubcbs ami Injection! They cure ln 43 hours Uio ibuuie u.jcoscs wuuous nnyincon venience. SOLD 8 Y ALL DRUGGISTS j -ii , THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE (WORCESTERSHIRE) SAUCE Impart the mot delicious taste and test to EXTRACT of a LETTER from s MKDICAL GENTLEMAN Bt Madras, to Ms brother at WORCESTER, May, 1851.- iell LEA ft PERR1HS' that their eauoe is highly esteem. ed in India, and Is ln my opinion Ihs most pal. stable, as well as the most that is made." soe that yon get Lea & Perms' Signature on every bottle of the original and genuine, John ouncan'o sons, New York. Is something you want, i( not today, you will want is sometime. We keep carpen ter's tools too, and if tills weather will only pull Itself together you will want plenty of Hardware of which we have a plenty only waiting your call. J. H. WYATT, HAKDWARIC DEALER A. V. AIvL,EN, DEALER IN roceries, Flour, Feed, Proylsions, Fruits, Vegetables, Cro:kery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass auJ Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore. QUICK TIME -TO SAJi FRflCISCO -AND- ALh POINTS lit CflLlFOWlfl Via the ML Shasta Routs of Ihs The Only Route Through Califor nia to Points East and South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST PULLMN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SEOND-CLASS 5LEEPRE5 Attached to expree train, affording superior accommodation tor Becond claea peflsengera. For rates, tickets, sleeping: ear reser vations, etc., call on or address E. P. ROQERS, Assistant General Passen ger and Freight Agent, Portland, Or. jpj GRAVIES, I j FISH, 1 ijL HOT k COLD mm MEATS, rglgjf, GAME, RAREBITS, HP (OO) EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : -AT- POflli'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty. Dalgity's Iron Works, General Machinist and Boiler Works. All kinds of Cannery, Ship, Steamboat and Lngine Work ot any Description Castings of all kinds made to older. Foot of Lafnyelte St., Astotia, Or. Kopp'e Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over the bar. The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, y. Free Lunch. Eriokson & Wirkkala, Proprietors, Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sts. FISHER BROS., SHIP - CHANDLERS, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. Wagons fit Vehlctieea in Stock Farm Machinery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers' Supplies, Falrbank's Scales, Doors and Windows. Proviaionai, Flour, and Mill Food Astoria. Oregon. florth Paeif ie Bremery JOHN KOPP, Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. All orders promptly attended to FRED SAIZ, , Manufacturer anl Importer of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Robes, Leather, Etc. GOODS SOLD AT POlJTLflflD PRICES. P. O. Box 97Q. Olney St., Astoria, Or. Mow Are You Fixed for Insurance? Fire and We are agents for the largest and best companion represented in Astoria. Royal Insurance Co., assets, London Assurance Corp'n iEtna Insurance Co. Western U. S. Branch, New Zealand Insurance Co., Combined Assets, I On Top. MARSHALL'S TWINE Is conceded by all to bo the best. It fishes better and wears bolter than any other twine used on tho Columbia river. TRY IT AND TJE CONVINCED e$9 TtfEflSTOlp SAVINGS BflK Acts aa trustee for corporation and Individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on savings tepuoits hh follows: On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent ptr annum. On term savings books, ppr rent per annum. ou certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent per an For six months, S per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBT President BENJ. YOUNG Vice President FRANK PATTON Catihler W. E. DEMENT Secretary DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. Q. A. Nelson, BenJ. Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thomp&on, V. E. Dement. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fins Teis and Coffees, TiWe Delicacies. Domestic anu I ropicai l-n its, vegeumes, ouj.r Cured Haas, Bacon, Etc. Choice Fresh and Salt - Meats. JACK SPRAT. COULD easily have been satisfied at our place. Our steakes ate tender, Juicy and not too fat. HUNTER St MERQEN3, Proprietors Portland Butchering Co's Markets. J. A. FAST ABEND, GENERAL CONTKACIUK, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, ' BRIDGE flflD WHARF BUIL-D1CR. Address, box 180, Postoffice. ASTORIA, OR Portland and Astoria. STEAMER TELEPHONE leaves Astoria every evening except Saturday at 1 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 4 p. m. t .paves Portland every flay except Sunday at 7 a. m. C. W. BTUJNl!i, Agl, AniuriB, IS. A. Seetey, general agent. Portland. ASTORIA IRON WORKS ConcomIySt..footof Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work, Sleam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castlnes of All Descriptions Made to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. Ls Fox Vice President O. B. Praol Secretary Marine. 21,502,370,00 8,030,425.00 10,915,829.00 1,617,195.00 2,677,219.00 $45,403,044.00 ELMORE, SANBORN & CO.