The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 03, 1894, Image 2

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DAILY. - v-
Spi -1 ht catrler. pepr week.. 15 cts
4ei I iiy mail, per month 0(1 and they are clothed, according y
Ctnt by mail, per year ei.w
Sent by mail per year, $2.00 In advance.
Postage free to suuscrioers.
the Income tax Is borne with compara
tive enuanlmity, because to rich men
Is allotted an amount of political power
proportional to their contributions. Thus
In Berlin four per cent of. the popula
tion pay one-third of th? tax,
. vlth
as much electoral power ed c.:e uro.-es
of thousands who anstitute 70 per cent
of the Inhabitants, but who between
them only pay a third of the same tax.
In the town of Essen three men pay
a third or ine income i"- uu 10 mcse
three Is given as much voting power
way trouble Is the Interference of the
The Astorlan (ruarantecs to Its sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
tif.wspaper published on the Colun.bia
Advertising rates can be obtained on as s possessed by 20,000 of their fellow.
si Mlcation to uie ousine- .....-.. . Rnresentatlve proportions
This paper is in possession of an me , .,.,.,,. ,hB wim-i ,
telegraph franchises, and Is the or. y -
paper on the Columbia river tnai j,uu- an ncome tax; and that is why French
llshes genuine dispatches. ,ir,rt rh a fwl .vn.
live times as greut as that of the com- dlent as they would the plague Itself.
Lined circulation or the otner aany pa
pers of Astoria. . The only solution of the present rail
Th Waokiv Aatorlan. the third old
. t.i.. i ii,. .u I. .-, rifacrrvn hnfl.
rsi wcemy in i..o ------ .,mm, ,n wav. Th(, mii,.
n.k tn th Vfirfiana ureironiHii. "i - - -
largest weekly circulation in the state. of thlg ctry aj.e national highways,
Subscribers to the Astonan are re- , h a dspute between a few
tiuesied to notify this office, witnou
loss of time, immediately they fall to hundred men and their employers in
iwpIvb their dally paper, or when they . ,, ...ii
.Vo not get It at the usual hour. """" " 7"""
luff this thoy will enaoie tne nuus- me tnese nignways 10 me injury oi peo-
MiAtnt ti ritfiPA rna Diamn uii mo v -
rarUes and to insure a speedy remedy, pie In New York, Ban Jranclsco and
t,twiiv Haas are our Portland I .,, n.)lun i. i- matty nmiirin
Hgents and copies of the Astorlan can ',,,
re had eyery morning u.'iw kkuu uu.i.u. .nm i,imji,,,iS-
tin First street. ton The railway employes do not
claim any personal Interest in the out
come of the fight with the Pullmans.
It does not afreet tneir ngnts in any
way; and they avow their sole purpose
With the Chamber of Commerce al
ready at work on the salmon question
and the City Council prepared to take n striking to be that of subjecting the
some favorable action with reference to seventy millions of people fh this coun
Mayor Kinney's recommendations on try to such annoyance that public sen
the same subject at its meeting this tlment will fo-ce a settlement with the
evening, it now begins to look as Pullman employes on their own terms,
if this Important movement had been If they win this strike, not only the
fairly started. Since the protection and railroads, but the people of the United
preservation of the fish industry con- States will in future be completely at
corns so many people, and has become the mercy of any Individual who hap
a factor-In the prosperity of so mnny pens to be president of the .American
other places besides Astoria, It is not Railway Union. If Attorney General
likely the start made here will be al- Olney can find no law upon which to
lorivl in W for want of popular Inter- base his action In the premises, then
est or attention. Some solution, there- 'he ner congress provides such a law,
m .,. .w mi.n and method to tne "a0"61" " comply with one of
v. fctii "- ' - I
accomplish the desired object may be e purposes of Its creation.
teasonably anticipated before the close
of the present fishing season. Having A few good roads leading from Asto-
. thus successfully meti one of the iBsueo rla out Into the country in, different
affecting the future welfare of Astoria, directions would do more to attract a
let Its citizens now turn their attention railroad to Astoria than all the subsidy
to another of equal consequence. Un- now In the hands of the committee.
less the town is to stand still unless
ln,l,l. It. In to rtroirrnd Into a chronic FOUND THEM TIIE BEST.
, -
state of decline and decay something This Is to certify that I have used
must be done to open up the surround- ?
ing country districts and bring them in- mucn pleasure lr Btatlng that they
. . . . ,. . , . kave always proved very beneficial and
to their natural tributary relation to have relieved riie In from ten to fifteen
the city. The ruinous policy of sitting minutes. I have been a sufferer from
..... , htaduche for many years, and -have
still and waiting lor some one else to never found anything to do me as
furnish the money and energy to make "T. as ??rau8e Headache Cap-
the town go must not be Indulged In LOUI8 HERMAN.
r. .u fc... a a I 234 Poplar St., Wichita. Kan.
"tl ""-'""" - For sale by Cas. Rogers, Astoria,
toila head a col! ur public meeting to ur soie agent.
HI Is always imitated. This is a w!l-known
fact, and, therefore, it is not strange that S
the country has been flooded with con- t
densed milk, said to be just as good as the
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand, i
Experience has proven that it has no J
V equal. It stands to reason that the superior ?
I fiMHiikt nfth. XI..,. V.l J..J Mill; K
Hvi.i..v w i ii v i . i. v. i ii n .vuuciiacu mim f
Company, with persistent, conscientious, C
scientific study of the production of milk, f
give it a decided advantage. Consider this. J
COLMANN'S, Astoria, Or
All Kinds of Drinks
To be had at
Our Fountain
Bonbonniere Candies.
Fresh, - Pure, Delicious.
Parlies furnished . with ice cream sinil water ices.
Also packed in. boxes to take home.'
Push a Lucky Man
Into the Nile, snvg the Arabian
proverb, and be will come out with
a fish in bis montli. Our Buyer was
elutcd Inst month, and when be re
turned borne he says : "I got 'em ;
got 'em obeap ; got 'em to sell ; got
i-uj iu no iu uiiuoiecu mi uiuer uctti-
ers in Fine Kentucky Whiskies on
tbe Coast. Over fitly demijohns of
it weut oat yesterday but custom
ers went with them,
In a Stew
Tour wife will surely be, unless you
send home a piece of meat that Is
Tender and Sweet
Long experience has made us expert
Judges of meat, and we will give you
points on how to pick out a good piece.
Gladstone's Ax
has been on exhibition but there are timber lands
the State of Oregon that have never seen an ax, whicl
purchased now will increase in value three hundred fold
in less than five years. We locate those lands. -We are
experts in the businessof locating and estimating the timber.
We pay especial attention to the paying of taxes and. pre
vention of trespass. v .
Dealers in IjEHIi ESTATE and TlfflBEfl (MlfflS,
Astoria, Oregon.
Do you ever consider the quality
of the bread and pastry you are
eating? It may be good. It
might be better.
The best Is the cheapest, and
you will always find it at
CLEVELAND'S Main Street Bakery.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, ru
tic, celling, and all kinds of finish;
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All order
promptly attended to. Office and yard
at mill. H. L, LOGAN, Prop'r.
seasme, uregon.
8. w. sHerah
consider the road question. Invite to
such meeting the farmers nnd rancherB
Itchlnir F les a.e known hv mnltnr
all over this corner of the state. Make Ilka perspiration, canning intense Itching
J wwen warm. This form, as well us Blind.
a public holiday or the occasion, and Weeding or Protruding, yield at once to
o (k, ,i. . ,,., ,J J!0ank0'.s. Remedy, which acts
ha wuiw ji.nt ... riiuiinii nui-uu w iireciiy on . me pans ailecteu, absorbs
i.. .i u j i n.- miuyii iiinniK ana eicecis
uniui ui us iiiiuuumi uuvBiiwiiitTiii. i oermpnent cure. MIc. Druggist or mall,
sny that nothing can be done is not only StSfSuSSSipBi, riTfloli " wl
siny, put a renection on tne enterpriser "'"
of the town's business men. Other com-l
munition, worse situated than Astoria,
have wreatJed with the problemi of good
Cabs and
Express Wagons.
Central Office, 515 Third Street.'
Stable, 128 First Street.
" Telephone No.
method. Specimens of painting to be
seen at J. W. Conn's drag store.
Don t go to Portland to buv vour
tickets for the "Old Country" and the
Gust when you cun cet them for the
ilime nrlce at the Union Pnrlfln nfllcn
roaas, ana have succeeded In producing In this city, and thereby save your lc
" ' Miss Edith Conn will take a limited
the Interest of the right kind of men number of pupils in water color paint
men of foresight, energy, enterprise and nnd instrumental music principles
means. They can be found right here tm'Bl"' accoriII"B the most approved
In Astoria, and in the surrounding coun
try. Such men have built cities in other
localities In spite of the most discour
aging or natural disadvantages. What
might not such men accomplish for As
toria with Its magnificent natural ad
vantages. With the vanishing chances
for a railroad tlie time has come for
the cltlsens of Astoria to act for Uiem-
VTl..l . . ...
tJiuiCTi wiion win miike a
superb city of Astoria, Insteai of the
little fishing village she Is advertised
to be by the Tortlnnd papers. If the plan
of a publlo meeting is not considered a
good one, then let some oilier be sug
gested; but something should be done.
nnd that Immediately,
An income tax violates the, funda
mental principle of the Democratic par
ty, which Is that unequal burdens are
...-.! I . n, ..... A ... . .
v. Muti, vernier vr inter, 10 do mnue a
pretext for unequal privileges, and that
... ,njr nim muiw, inererore, ror a
commonwealth Is to make all citlxens
equal before the tax gatherer and at
the ballot box, says Mr. Dana, in the
Now York Sun. This Is so well under
stood In Franc that no statesman un
der the prMent Republican regime dare
propose an income tax, lest he should
be suHiKH ted of plotting the reestabllsh
nnnt of claau dlntlnctlons and monarch.
lal Institutions. In England the poU
Thty go a great ways In beautifying home, If
nut un artist tally. Wa can cut all on ut as ihev
siiuuid Dif, pvciaity in wan paper, wo nave a
large assortment of the latest patt nj of paper from
locenis a run up iu any price you may want to go.
Lai'ayette Street, op. Custom House,
Insurance Agent
Tlt I'ollowlni) Companln 1
Oerman-Amerloan. New York City, N. Y.
Union Fire and Murine, of New Zealand.
National l ire and Marine Ins. Co., of Hartford.
Connecticut l-ire Ins. Co., of Hartford.
Home Mutual Ins. Co., San Francisco.
New York Plate tilass Ins. Co.
Phnlx, of London, Imptilil, of London
Ij the Best of Its Class
On the Pacific Coast.
RaUa, $a dally and upwards.
The C. P. UPSHUR Co,,
Shippings Commission
Astoria, Oregon.
Mnny a man has " broken out In a
passion, and felt oil "broken up," try
Ing to get a new pair of shoes "broken
In." He haa had to "break oft" many
an engagemei t on account of crippled
feet, anil has gone "broke" many a
time trying to get relief for his corns
the direct cause of Ill-fitting shoes.
' You will find all this obviated by pur
chasing your lootwear at the store or
Mnny peoP' believe, that all blark
smlthlng jobs are alike that they are
nothing but muscle and material mixed.
(Gaining Every Day.)
Put your llns aronn.l nn nf ha Ronfl
Who imv the income tax .!. nnl on.n.i i 1. 1 . V 1' fcnuier flgars, men -ynai is rue or orumary joos. iinuns
wno jmy tne income tax do not grumble lKht It and draw. W hat do you find? are also used to make a good Job. So is
greatly at the extra burden, because J. ""est two for a quarter on the conscience. ' A Job made without skill
, vu-i uu mey are gHintng new cus- or honesty is no good. Our work is
thlr cliuw liitiTwtti) have a special p- tomers every day..
llt'cal RifiuM In the hemlitaryj
branch of the Lct;lsl iture. I:i Prussia,
5S Third street.
widely known for Iu quality, durability
and economy In the end.
Q. A. Stinson & Co.
$ . . - . ' J
1 , vv' A4 K
. X ' S &
and to arrive this meek.
Owii?g to the washouts on fi. P.
Railroad we will Show Monday
The Largest
And most complete stock o?
WW 0 11
Ever shown in Astoria.
The Quality and Finish of these Goods
WE GUARANTEE BEST ever shown in
Astoria and the Prices Marked Down
to the Lowest Notch.
With eacli Boy's and Child's suit we will
give away a Handsome Ball and' Cat.
c. 11. cooper,;
The Leading
Clother and Furnisher
of Astoria.