The dailV. ajstohian, Astoria, Ttii&iuY Mornino, JufcE 10, 1 iso4 Tide Table for man wateii. H.. M... T ... W.. T... F... H.. H... M. T.. W T, K. 8.. H.. M... T.. K.. H... M... T W. T... r H i. in. i II ifli Vi 3.1 S" 1 ir i rfi 8 M 4 lift; DIM1 7 S)l nTli.mJft. n 7 ill 'oo k 4 7 lljlll 41 H H . . I II 7 I i 04 IT 2 i m 7 1 a 42 ' 8 I.OW WATEII. A. M. ( h.m.l ft.l li "inifl. 8 ! n u 8 7 8 a 7 7 7 1 8 j 8 1 8 41 ,7 11 o mi ! a on : " 8 III A8, 6 li 10 14 J 11 SI! 8 al 10 57 !8 0 12 4:i 6 2 'I i " 4 21 8 ft an it 0 8 I" 7 0 8 57 7 1 7 48 ;7 1 0 ir 0 fti 1 S8 a on 2 4.'. a 2 4 17 6 ir 8 24 7 :m 8 fi7; li 8 10 IS! ft 8 11 mil so ! 81' 8 0, 7 7 7ft 72' 0 8 , ft Ui I ! r. 11! 5 8 o 4 1 2.'i 1 a 0:1 1 S :W 8 8 a 12 ft a 42 : 7 4 Ift II 8 4 4K !7 0 li 07 ft Aft 8 4:1 7 Si 8 18 0 OS ft 01 2 8 ft fil ; 2 8 8 1)8 2 7 24 2 8 I.') 0 0 -0 8 1 t, -I 7 -1 7 -1 6 gsi.i t 10 4ft-0 ft: 1 U 181 II a' 0 H I - -0 2!; a 6 ,12 4 ;t 2 1. 1 " D 08 10 08 ft 27 8 08 8 fta 7 50 8 42 9 ;a III) 28 2 42 a 41 4:17 ft 211 8 lU 8 Till 7 27 8 08' 8ai 11 ou 10 04' 0 10 401 I ftli 2 88 0 81, a : 0 I, 4 25 -0 ft ; ft .11 U' ft liH 1 oil 0 40' a 8 1 ;; 7 J"' ) 0' 7 II 22 0 :m 1 4a 2 60 II Til 8 :i2l -0 4 I B 12 li 10 421 u 7 11 aa 1 4 a m 0 2 4 48 -0 7 li! 17 2 0 1 15 2 6 a i 2 8 a 2fi a a 4 28 a ft YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather fcr the twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, fur nUhed by the United State Department ot Agriculture, weauim Maximum temperature 78 degrees. Minimum temperature. 5- degrees. i'recipiuni"i , , ioot Total precipitation from July I, to date, VI. vt inuiiK. , Excess of precipitation from July 1, 189, to date, ii.n iniii". ' . NfevV DEPUTIES. ' ' J tarry i. Wherlty will occupy the rosl tlon of deputy In the county clerk's office under Frank Dunbar, and R. G. Prael will be the chief deputy of flhcrlft elect Hare. . ' ' CATTLE BUYERS. Montana, cattle men are In the lower part of Clatsop, county and Tillamook r,icuinir un vearllnisu and two-year-olds. They are purchased for shipment, via Portland, to the ranges In the vicinity of Butte City, where the climate Is too severe In the winter for young beef. OUT OF SEASON. Two fishermen forgot themselves Sunday and cast their nets at a time when the law says they shall not. Dep uty Weeks came upon them at the head of Sand Island, and yesterday they were up before Judge Osburn, who fined them each $50 and costs. . FOR TILLAMOOK. Capt. Edwards, hull inspector, and Franklin McDermott, boiler Inspector, were down from Portland yesterday and Inspected five steamers at this port. They leave this morning for Tillamook on the R. P. Elmore, to Inspect the steamers Gen. Garfield and Louise there. THE KICKER. AROUND TOWN. Th Son. Oueen" Is said to be mount ed with the finest scenery ever brought to Astoria. James McKevitt has accepted the po rtion of nlghtwatchman at one of the canneries. The Columbine Is expected to arrive In Victoria from her trip to Alaska on the 24th Inst. ' Iloure numbers are now In demand, and tho hardware stores are selling many of them. Mr. Stuttz deserves credit for the pro duction of such a superior piny as "The Sea Queen" In Astoria. The Munzanlta leaven today for a week's trip to the southward to supply and Inspect nil light stations. The motor line was the favorite trans portation comimny yesterday for those, who took an afternoon outing. Yesterday was the first day of the school boy's summer vncutlon, and he hardly knew what to do with himself. It is reported there are some trout over at Clatsop that have spiral shaped tails, to help them pull under the cork. Mr. Syverson, cf Dent, Or., Is- having a lot of tram wheels and axles made at tho Astoria Iron Works for his logging camp. TheBe are good old times. A clothier has some suits displayed In his show window for $3 a Bull, but no one has tho 3. Real estate men say that every store room In town will be rented within a week after It is assured that Astoria is to have a railroad. The steamer Telephone went down to Tansy Point with a lot of horses and wagons, which she brought down the river for that place. There Is to be an Important business meeting at the Baptist church this even ing, and It Is desired thnt every mem ber of thnt congrengtlnn shnll be present. It has been a long duy since Astoria had a prize fight, and the dust Is bo thick on the seats In the building where the last was held thnt one could grow vegetables on tlicnt. A barber who took In a spurious half dollar believes this kind of coin Is like Miss Humulcn's ships, because they "pass in the night." Circuit court commenced yesterday. There was no Jury, and the term will be devoted to equity business and In making up the Issues In luw cases for the September term. Jim Mclntyre and a native of Sunny Italy broke tho Sabbath In a very dis orderly way by fighting. They were as sessed 10 and $5, respectively, In Judge Osburn's court yesterday. There's a break In the street opposite P. A. Stokes' store, which If nut re Iulred soon will catch some horse's leg and so Injure the animal as to necessi tate sending hi in to the equine heaven. 8hl Don't toll this to imne of the members of the water commission. A strip of oil cloth placed on each side of a bed will cure aoiinmbullam. It la said thatt the cold surface of the oil cloth will Invariably awaken the sleeper. There must be a good many awful liars among tho voters of Clutsop coun ty, If what some of Ue defeated candi dates say is true, and Anannios did well to establish his record long ago or these deceivers would have outplayed him. A shooting gallery, with a barrel or gon accompaniment, started up last Saturday on Concomly street. The man who acts as chief gun-loader and book keeper for the concern says "business Is pretty good." and that he has no kick coming. Judge Browne did not arrive yester day, and the spirits of the dealers In real estate were at low ebb, but they revived In tvo afternoon when a tele gram came stating that he was on the way. but had hew detained by a slight lllno-s at Denver. ! WHEN TO ADVERTISE. The very fact that only a few mer chants are wise enough to advertise In dull seasons, makes It all the more profitable for those who do. You arc these when others are not. It gives you greater prominence. It will make your advertising in busy times much more effective. ' Common sense has a great deal to do with advertising. Think about it from a common-sense Standpoint. It may take some "nerve" to pay out money for newspaper space when the business Isn't paying expenses, but it will pay. More than half the business houses In the country would be ahead If they could shut up for three months In the summer. But they don't dclt. Why"? Simply because they can't afford to. People would forget them. Same way with advertising. Think of It. The kicker was out yesterday. He was kicking because the Occident hotel wns being painted, "for," said he, "when the Job Is done the building's appear ance will make Its neighbors look so dingy that the owners will be compelled to brighten them up, anil the thing won't stop until It gets all over town." i THE NEW ELEVEN. The following Is the composition of the second eleven' of the Astoria Foot ball Club, as chosen by D. McLean, cap tain: C. T. Crosby, R. McLean, Ed. Hansen, Charles Heilborn, Jr., Jack Grant, James Meechan, H. T. Flnley, A. D. Young, P. W. Weeks, W. L. Trul llnger, D. McLean, and A. A. Cleveland, Jr., John McCue, substitutes. ANOTHER ONE. Mr. S. S. Gordon has heard and read of the large salmon caught this season, but seemingly had doubts about some of them; for yesterday, when word was brought down from the Cutting Pack ing Company, that one of its boats had brought In a 72-pounder, he left the bank with his tp.pellne and went down to prove up the story. He found a fish 52 Inches long and 4G Inches around, which tlpied the beam at 73 pounds. AFTER THE BATTLE. John Smith's election to the senate has ac(rd like yenst on Democratic hopes, and the river bottoms will soon be full of candidates setting their light ning rods for nominations to take ef fect two years hence. Young Democ racy sterna to look to George Nolan as their lender. He managed Smith's cam paign, and the result was so surprising there Is talk of putting hi mi In training for congress. SAYS " 'TISN'T SO." Al. McGlllls, steward of the Bteamer Telephone, started the report in Chrls tenson's meat market yesterday that Frank J. Carney had returned from Portland a murrled man, Mr. Carney's friends, and he hus a multitude of them, dropped In to congratulate blm, only to find that It was Just one of McGlllls' Jokes, and Mr. Carney was Just as sin gle as he ever was. SAME WAY IN CLATSOP. From American Investments. Up In Iowa the cow and the hen are said to iay the family expenses and furnish the living from day to day, and the hog gets In his work by lifting the mortgage on the farm. Grenb Is pork. Orders can be left at Carnahrin's shin? for the Astoria Wood Yurd for all kinds of fuel. Go to the Astoria Wood Yard for the best kinds of wood; also best grades of coal delivered In quantities to suit For a delicious plate of pure Ice cream, go to C. B. Smith, the Ice Cream Dealer. Ice Cream Soda a specialty. Pri vate parlors for ladles. 483 Third street. Do you need a pair of shoes? Call on us and bring your feet with you. 'Tls a feat to lit the feet, and we have the salesman who know how. Goodman & Co. We are out gunning for the man who says he can t get his watch repaired without sending it to Kan Francisco. Why. we run a regular "Watch Hos pital" and repair all kinds of breaks, at Nleml's Jewelry Store. Just arrived, by express from New York, a large assortment of butter-color laces, at New York prices. Where at? SHANAHAN BROS, Meany Is the lending tailor and pays 'he highest cash price for fur skins. For 12, a lot Is delivered every week o the buyer In Hill's First addition. Hill's First addition la located In the centre of the city. Lota are now selling In it tor i Japanese novelties and fancy dry good, can be had at half price, at the store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar store. H. Ekstrom has fixed his prices for Jewelry to suit the times, and the latest novelties ran be secured at the cost ot material used In the manufacture. All the patent medicines, advertised In this pnp.r, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.. oun be bmncht at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn't drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, Ai torto. "Don't" go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old Country" and the East when you can get them for the same price at the Union Puelfio office In this city, and thereby save your lo cal fnre l rillJ. JLtU EASS0RTED STOCK ELIABLY MADE AT . EDUCED PRICES TO PAY CREDITORS, -AT- The Herman Wise CLOTHING STORE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. YOUNG AMERICA WINS. Great was the excitement at the va cant lot back of the opera house, that was, yesterday, when an association game pf football was played between a team from Uppertown called the As- torians against a team called the Young America"!. Master Charles Wright acted lis referee, and was kept busy enforcing rules, etc. Master Schonakeau captained the Astorlans, and Master Presoott Wright the Young Americas, the score being, at the call of time, 9 to 6 in favor of Young America. Quite a number of spectators were sorry when time was called, ao the game was full of Interest from start to finish. At -one time tne referee called out the game as even when one of the contestants yelled, "No it Isn't, It's five to five." The captains Siy another game will lie played in a day or two, and It will no doubt be well patronized. CAN BE BUILT IN SIX YEARS. Lieut. Menocal, of the navy, tells the house committee on commerce that the Nicaragua! canal can be built In six years, at a cost not much exceeding t0,000,000, and that contractors Btand ready to undertake to do the work for this price. Several years ago he gave a higher estimate of cost. This revised es timate Is based on additional study of the conditions. The whole tenor of his testimony Is favorable to the prompt undertaking of this great work, which the government. In view of Its vast Im portance to our commerce and to the security of our national power, ought to foster and aid as may bo needful to make Its accomplishment certain. New York World. PAPERS AS LOCAL ENTERPRISES. A local paper Is Just ns much a local business enterprise ns any store In the town, yet many people seem to think that It Is a benevolent institution, and It Is run for the fun of it. Now, a dally paper Is the direct communication between storekeeper, business men and the people. When a live man hus anything to say to the people he uses the columns of a live daily. All business men realize this, and those who patronize the columns of their dally newspaper reap sure and quick returns. Amesbury (Mass.) Dally News. "THE SEA QUEEN." Hanlan Brothers' "Fantasma" is the crack spectacular show of the United States, and yet those who witnessed the performance of "The Sea Queen" com bination last evening at the Stuttz Theatre state that It Is a better Bhow, having more merit and better artists than the Hanlons ever had. It Is doubtful If AMtoriuns will ever have an opportunity to witness a su perior attraction of this kind, and we expect to Bee the house crowded this evening. NOT IE, There will be a meeting of the Car penters anil Joiners' Union hold Thurs day, June 21st,. All members In good stimdinis are requested to be present. By order of JAMES McKEVITT, President. BOARD AND LODGING. FIRST CLASS BOARD With or without rooms, at reasonable rates. Ap ply at E. C. Holden's, corner Main and Jefferson. BEVERAGES. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquora are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Hock. D73 Third street J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the Flavel building, opposite Occident W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5, 6 and 7, Flavel a Brick Building. SII.A8 B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Flavcl's bilcfe building. b'RAKIC J. TAYLCF, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second Stitet, Astoria, Or. DR. EILIV JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, Disco's Drug Store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 ana i to p. nu oun days, 10 to 11. LIBERTY P. MULLI.NIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, GS4Mi Third St., Astoria, Ore. DR. O. B. ESTES. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of worn' en and surgery. Office over Danzlgcr's store, Astoria JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office. Rooms 5 and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence. 639, Cedar street DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found in his office until 10 o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until It p. in., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings, FOR SALE. FOR SALE A new seine at a fair price. Inquire of C. P. Uihur, Astoria, Oregon. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate In Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR $2. Call at the Astoria Renl Estate Exchange and get a lot in Hill's First Addition for J2. FIREWORKS Wing Lee has Just re ceived a full line of fireworks of all kinds, at all prices. E29 Third street. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Six room house fur nished or unfurnished, water, bath, etc., Uppertown, In Adair's, Ogned avenue or Third street. Inquire at this office or at Mrs. A. Feakes. A DELICIOUS DRINK. There Is no place In Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in such good con dition as at Utzinger'a popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zin fnndel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricct brandy. Also French I'nwnno and wine at Alex Gilbert's. PILOT COMMISSIONERS Tho reg ular meetings of this board will be held on the Ural Monday of each month at 10 a. m.. at the office of Rybb & Par ker. W. LTItobb. Sec NOTICE Te regular meetings of the Astoria Building and Loan Associa tion are held at 8 p. m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Ortlce on Genevieve street south of Chenamus. W. L. KOBa Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O. O. F. Regular meetings of Ocenn En campment No. 13, In the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Monday of ench month. So journing brethren cordially In 'ted. By order C. P. COMMON COUNCIL-Regular meet ings first and third Tuesday evenlnon of each month at S o'clock In city hall. Persons desiring to have matter acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evening prlur to the Tuesday on which the council holds Its regular meeting. K. OSBUKN, Auditor and Police Judge, LUXURIANT HAIR WITH a clean, wholesome scalp, free from irritat ing and scaly eruptions, is produced by the Cuticura Soap, the most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in" the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet and nursery. It clears the scalp and hair of crusts, scales and dandruff, destroys microscopic insects which feed on the hair, soothes irri tated and itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, and nourishes the roots. It not only preserves, purifies and beautifies the hair, but imparts a brilliancy and fresh, ness to the complexion and softness to the hands une qualled by other skin soaps. 8.1H mnwWrf. Pri. K Po. VI 11 lmu iku l ma. C'oar., BuMua. StuttzTheatre one: week Cormencing . June 18, '94. THE Sea Qaeen Combination " ' 40 ARTISTS 40 Tons of Scenery, Hours of flirth, Electric Effects, Transformation Scene, Music, Burlesque, Drama. Sale of seats (oraraences at 10 o'clock Saturday at tho box office. Combination prices, $1.00, 73 cents!, ,mh1 50 cents. Children, 25 cent?. " PTIflEES, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Afternoons THE qHHEflSE' -:-SliftUGHTEH OF GOODS At the con sign eo sale, No. (100 Third st., cor. West 0th, is telling these hard times, and the peoplo are not slow in taking advantage of these great bargains at this posi tively closing out sale. Why think of it, a good suit of clothes for $5, $6.50, $8.00, $10.00, and $12.50 That are worth from $10.00 to $25 a suit. And all other goods in proportion. Ihe consumer saves at least forty per cent by purchasing at The Consignee's Sale. Remember-these goods are all clean, fresh stock, and. vet it is a forced sale. Don't for get the pJace,JST0 000 Third Street, comer of West fthith. Str. OCCIDENT, CAPT. A. 0. BEARir. Having leased the steamer Occident, I liavo her painted and refitted, and am prepared to take Fishing and other par ties at, reasonable rates; also Towing of all kinds. Please give me a call. Or ders left on board or with Mr. Chris. Johnson, at the Astoria Packing Co., will be promptly attended to. TH'H music of the trees and wild river waves and ail the summer time singers comes sweetest to the housewife when she knows the 6 o'clock meal can be got ready on her double burner oil stove instead of the red-hot ccoking range. There'll not be an even ing from this on till October 1st but she'll be glad she bought one. Have you seen those In our window? H50. That old gentleman who said they were ex travagant has changed his mind and has purchased his wife an! married daughters each one. NOE & SCULt.Y. G. CHRISTENSON Is now manager at Geo. McLean's old stand, corner Olney and Astor streets, and is better prepared to all kinds of work In the line of BLACKSMITHING and HORSESHOEING than ever before. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, Has and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and ,: Water Heating. . Agent for Champion Hydraulic Beer Pumps. 179 Twelfth street. Astoria. Or.