THE DAILY ' ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY MORMNO. JUNE 131894 - LlJ-l...'-ll j- L-'-."---"'"'" 'L - ' ' : " . " r ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Tide Table for June. 1II0H WATKH. . - r . i ii. m.: uii '::.'-' . .. vil 111 II 4 K... b jm i:fH 1 2 i o:i; . w 5 5: ' J i , fH a 1 1 i :n I I wV.iw 'w;! ii8i 32 ii ft: -i H 17 - - - I I " ! T...W OKI HO!!! ! fr 2-! 2 4.V 7 2i 4 'r' " 8 E I ,j 17, II a ' 5 27 7 I m":3. ft SI 6 H1, II OS 7 2 T..JSH' 6 21" ft W..i; 7 W 5 T...2H! H ffi, ft ...SSi . 10 121 S H H....HO II wlleo jO WATHK. ft 07 0 0 1 ft 2 2 a l s 2 a 2 a o il 41 0 H: a M a r. i -i a 7 ftO i7 ft 4a 7 :ct h 2 io ai !h ft 4 a' ft 91 6 io i 7 27 H OH h :il 0 lil S"l ii r,i ft 1 i -I) u': n w o -l t 40i a i , , 7 v.! 4 0 -ii 7 i U Oill-O 4 I 12 0 ;ci -0 1,1 0 ' in in 0 :i 10 42 111 411, u 7 11 a2, 1 1 .Mi I 4 I - 11 S 2 4 !I2 17 2 0 141 IX m 1 0 a s 0 2 4 4S-0 7 I 1ft 2 6 2 10 2 8 a 2T a 2 4 iiH ;t ft YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. The steamer Elmore Will leave at ' o'clock this nlomlng for Tillamook, MARRIED. At Grace church, Tqesduy, .Tun" 12 t.v the Rev. Wm. Seymour Mlsfl Elsie M. Strong to Mr. Alber t t:. C mol ly, both of this city. - PICKED UP. - The -U. S. Tender Manzanlta when coming In yesterday picked up near the liense buoy one of Elmore's boats con taining two lluhermen. Thy had been swept out by the tide and there we no wind to bring them back. A REGRETTED OMISSION.' Mention of one of the best received, also one of the best efforts of the pu plls, at lust evening's entertainment at Miss Warren's school waa inadvertantly omitted. This was the dialect recitation by Master Paul Truliinger. lt was a humorous selection and remarkably well rendered. Maximum temperature. 60 degree. Minimum temperature, -18 degrees. Preclpltutlon, M inch. Total precipitation from July 1. M '"" July 1. 18'ja, to date, 27.M ineneii. FIRST CLAS8 -fSOARD With Or To ray that the entertainment given liolden's. coVner Main and Dy mo uanurra ciuo iohi iiiuui "ijcnjerson. success is not overestimating the sltua- tlon. The doors were opened at 7 p. m and bv 8 o'clock the house was packed from pit to dome by an appreciative, SALEIEN w arose A i. n ii(,v pu over u.ui;u ill nvi.- . WANTED. audience. When the curtain standing room was at a premium. The New York. ..hllriron'a rtrlll rpfplveil Ul eSDeClal OVa- tlon, and the symmetry and grace with ffi which the little tots performed the sev- ,omAntgYuecess unparallelled. 100, eral difficult figures reflects griat credit 0(J(j jjpeady 80ld. Outfit free. Agents '.mm the, larlies who instructed them, wanted. W. H. FERGUSON CO., 6th It is conceded by all who were present street, Cincinnati. Ohio, that the entertainment was unsurpassed WAN-TKrjKadies and gentlemen bv anv this season, and the Camera nl.,k .v(.m u to 4 per day folding, ad- Club Is deserving of the highest credit dressing circulars and corifHiMinciiiis ror for Its able rendering of this novel pro- -K,' SlSi crn.m. l. oilowinc is a nynuuin ul program rendered: overture Ulul"" inrvTa-Mui, ir.nn n dnv. Great- Tableau, "Tenting on the Old Camp ,.at kitchen utensil ever invented. Re Ground." ' tails SGcts. 2 to C Bold in every house. HAY PROSPECTS. AROUND TOWN. Attorney F. V. Winton is In San Francisco. Tlie ,-iver is reported to be falling all the way down. One of the land owners from Clatsop Plains was on our streets yesterday complaining that there would not be any hay raised over there this season. But this was offset by a man from Grey's River, who believes that the ranchers of that vicinity never had bet ter prospects for a good hny crop than at present. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The sclnorier II. C. Wright cleared yesterday for San Pedro. Workmen have been engaged conneot ig the custom house with the llenton street sewer. - orders can be left at CaJ-nahan's store for the Astoria Wood Yard for all kinds of fueb Photographs were taken yesterday of a 73 pound salmon that was caught uy one of Hanthorn'B fishermen. fin to the Astoria Wood Ynrd for the best kinds of wood; also best grades of coal dellvored In quantities to suit Capt. Howes Is back from Tucoma with the tug Wallowa, to which point Hho towed the bark Portlund Lloyds. Mr. C. Stout, or Heavlew, found on the rocks near Fort Canby last Monday a 40 gallon barrel of shellac varnish. The tug Escort blew down yesterday to wash out her boilers und the Wal lowa will be the bar pilot In her place, The Manzanlta set the new whistling buoy at the mouth of the river, yester day, to tike the place of the one curried away some time ago. For a delicious plate of pure ice cream, go to C. H. Smith, the Ice Cream Dealer. Ice Cream Soda a specialty. Pri vate parlors for ludles. 483 Third street. There wus no brass band or fireworks displayed about the Elks' lodge last night, but the goat was ready and Mine Host Megler had u ride through the bad lands of Elk Forest. The batteries A and C, &lh artillery, commanded by CupU F. A. Thorp, will leave this morning on the steamer Co lumbia for California. Second Ueut IlurgoHS Is with the command. A stmnuer got so mixed up with the strit't cars lust night tit the Third street junction that It was nip and tuck whether he would get run over, Jump In the river or get on the main roadway. Do not full to attend the "Tea" at Mm. Elninre'B next Friday. Good times are too rare nowadays for you to afford U nilsH what Is offered. The tea will Inst from i to & o'clock. The lelegruph wires, after working v?ry satisfactorily for u few hours yes terday, suddenly went down again about 8:35 p. in., somewhere east of Oak Point. It Is altogether probable opera turns wt.l I e resumed some time today envelope to .1. W. Keller, MlshawnKa, nd. Author of "Hounds and Hares. Sailor drill Twenty children Samp e .Postage palO "ve nts. . . .. I MIITC illLllianill, .... v. AtlUieUU, Al IIlt7 VtH. For- Solo Miss Holdcn j-5 M j,ER WEEK using and selling Tableau; "Romeo and Juliet." Dynamos for plating watches, jewelry Views Columbia Cumera Club and tableware, nates gom, nlCKei, etc., Biiuie ua new biiuuh. The Scandinavian Benevolent society elected officers lust evening, as follows: President, Aug. Danlelwon; vice presl drnt, K. Seter; recording secretary, Emll opening tableau, Weschc; financial secretary, G. II. Ek strom; treasurer, John Ij. Carlson; fin ance committee, Martin Olsen and Nolstn.m; physicians, Dr. G. L. Fulton and Dr. Johnson. Tableau, "The Situation." Violin solo '. Prof. Naroni Tableau, "Pygmalion and Galetea." Wand drill Six young ladles Tableau, "Diana or Christ." Views Columbia Camera Club Tableau, "Joan, of Arc Listening to the Voices." Scotch song Mr. W. H. Bain Statuary, "Hope, Dancing Girl and . Listening to the Fairies." A detachment of the Fifth United States Artillery participated in the silver, Differ ent sizes for agents, families and shops. F-asllv onerated: no experience; nig eroflts. W. V. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Six room house fur nished or unfurnished, water, bath, etc. Upoertown. in Adair s, Ogned avenue or Third street. Inquire at this office or at Mrs. A. Feakes." FOR SALE. A DISTINGUISHED COMPANY. One of the party accompanying Sec retary Herbert on his tour on the Man zanlta clout the Sound, had his camera with him, and a picture brought back to Astoria shows the familiar faces of Comminder O. W. Farenholt, Lieut, Rllsh, 'Capt. Gregory and First Officer Wilcon, with the honorable secretary and his daughters, In one group. A COMPLIMENT. Rev. Mr. NIssen. a Scandinavian Lutheran minister, preached a sermon In English, to a good sized audience In one of Judge Beal's houses on Sunday. The discourse was well delivered and showed a wonderful proficiency In the English language for a gentleman "who had only been addressing congregations In English for three months. Cithlamet Gazette. A COMMON PRACTICE. Some, evidently wng, recently started the story on a prominent poll tlclnti that he has become superstitious nd always gets out of bed on one side, lomo tf his admirers began ti deny the stcry, until It dawned upon mem that everybody gets out of bed on one side of It, except those who have theirs In an alcove and are obliged to get out ver the end. W. T. Chulter has been presented by his friend, J. ltobs.ui Weddell, a lino cherry plH which Mr, WediVll pur chased In Purls. When Mr. Chutter uels this pl agoing and his favorite mus'ii rlne before him the Irving club will be one member less night. M. Olsen will sell lit his miction roams on Sutuidiiy, nt 11 o'clock, n lot family furniture consisting of bedroom sets, mattresses, choirs, un extension table, writing desk, etc. These goods must be sold to the highest bidder, as the owner Is going to leave the city. Wo acknowledge the receipt of un In vltutlon t attend theiinnu il commence ment exercises of the stule normal school, which will occur lit .Monmouth on the l"th. 18th. l!Uh iiiuU'Oih lint. Th program accompanying the Invlml-lon Is one of the neatest and best we have seen this seiison. NOTICE. The members of the Presbyteilii church and oonKregiillon are requested to attend the Hiljouriied oongwgaUunal meeting, to be held this evening nt tin dose of the regular prayer meeting. full attemliince Is desired. Uy order of the session. K. C. IIOLDEN. Clerk. Notice. All debts now due the undersUned and romulnltig iinpiild ut the end o slxtv days from this rt:ite will be placed In the hunds f an attorney for collie tlon. J. D. MoFAULAXE FIFTY DOLLARS reward for thv body of Duvld lieusley. aged 18. with smooth face. Drowned In the Columbia Hver channel In front of Klnney'a can liery, Ihunulny morning. Juno 8th. ALFRED KINNEY. FOR SALE ISO acres of land near The several selections by Profs. Knappa, Clatsop county. Price, $1,000 Schwabe and Navonl's orchestra were $100 down nnd balance to suit purcni'ser, among the most pleasing fealres of the Inquire of L. N. Mitchell. P. O. Knappa, Lnl.-ipluhimunl utiAiNLJii run Ai,u iuen oi muuii means can buy real estate in Hill's first addition. SLAUGHTER OF GOODS Af tlin nnriKiirneo sale, No. GOO Third st cor.' West 9th, is telling these hard limes, dgodIo are not slow 1 - 1 e.l iii takinsr advantage oi uiebu great this posi tively closing one saie. Why think of it, a gom suit of clothes for $5, $6.50, $8.00, $10.00, and $12.50 That are worth from $10.00 to ife-2") a suit. And all oi-nei goods in proportion. The consumer saves at least forty per cent by purchasing at The Consignee's Sale Remember these goods are all clean, fresh stock, and yet it is a forced sale. Don't for.- get the place, No. GOO Third Street, torner of West Kinth. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper'B store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block. 573 Third street. J. E. LuFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the Flavel building, opposite Occident. FULTON BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3. t. 6, and 6, Odd Fellows' Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5, 0 and 7, Flavel a Brick Building. SII.A8 B. SMITH, ATTORNEY J.T LAW. Office In Flavel's bilck building. FRANK J. TAYLCF, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Autoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second SUtet. Astoria, Or. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. List of Letters Unclaimed at the As- . torla Postofflc;. LOTS FOR $2. Call at the Astoria Heal Estate Exchange and get a lot In Hill's First Addition far $2. In applying for the letters referred to herein, state when advertised. Aholln, Wnlendln Lucas, Thos. Barnett. Guy Mitchell, Harry Arfonzlno, Michel Monissey, Ed. Heebe, Wm. M. Morrow, A. J. Heenson, W. A. Nemle, Welliana Bishop, Wm. Nichols, Thos. (4 Booth, Mrs. A. A. Nlktinder, Gust. BirkenBhaw, Geo. Pederson, George Colver. Wm. Person. Miss 11. Dueber, G. F. (2) Petterson, Andrew Edwards,Miss May Perrault, Joseph Eklund. Chas. Petterson. Mrs. K Erlkson, E. Olsson. Miss Hulda. Erikson. Miss E. Olsen. Edward Erlckson, Nels. Rjismussen, K. Foster, Harry J. Slaton, Miss Katie Ford, Miss Fannie fc'mith, R. Goulter, GertrudeS. Sturm, F. F. Granborg, John Siimmerlleld, MIssE Guutavenson, Eric Ti'oynen, F. Hendricks, Mrs. M. Tuttle, F. A. Johnson, C. Wagner, A. Joseph, J. Whipple, V. W. Johnson, Andrew .White, Miss M. L. & France, Ed. Vhite, Samuel Lasslla, J. Williams, It. N. Foreign List. Anderson, Wm. Johnsen, J. , Clifford, Anges Jniaeh, Mato Jok bs?on. A'ex I.eroux, Mose Jochlmsen, Peter Rlatiii-i, aiana. .Tohanesson, Charlie 1'ar.i.nguino, r. Kynk Krlsten, J. Salvatore, Molinarv JAMES W. HAttc., Postmaster. FIREWORKS Wing Lee has just re ceived n full line of fireworks of all kinds, at all 529 Third street. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMlSSIONHRls The reg ular meetings of this board will be held on the lirst Monday of each month at 10 a. m., at the office of Robb & Pur ker. W. L. Robb, Sec. NOTICE-The regular meetings of the Astoria Building und Loan Associa tion are held at 8 p. m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Office on Genevieve street, south of Chennmus. W. L. HOBB, Secretary. Do You Wish I: To enrich your table economically?!! . . . r Allen's li Here's a cnuie.-e, m ;'i English ware, and lots of it! Rlc.ii Flower decorations of various sort?,j and at quickstep prices. H Modest-priced glassware, ioo, u n course. Tne sneives are imnit"! i with them. Coiner oi i-ass miu i Siiuemoque Stjeetsk I i FREEMAN & BREMNER, Hlacksmitha. Special e.ttentior. paid to staambont re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. kOGGIHG CflJJP 010RK A SPECIALTY. 197 OIney street, between Third and and Fourth. Astoria, Or. DR. EILIV JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, Olsen's Drug Store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11., LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. :OIIice, CS4!'j Third St., Astoria," Ore, DR. O. B. ESTES, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. . Office over Danzlger's Btore, Astoria. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms 5 nnd 0, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence. 639, Cedar street. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O. O. F. Regular meetings of Ocean En campment No. 13, in the Odd Fellows Building, at 7 p. m., on the second ana fourth Mondays of each month. So journing brethren cordially in '.ted. By order -;. Jr. UP ASA VAC. Ch-rles Alytmi, charged with va grnncy by Sheriff Smith, had a henr- ng before Judire Osburn yesterday, nnd ns his attorney, C. J. Curtis, brought out some fine points of law on the ques tion i f 'what constituted vagrancy, Judge Osburn took the case under au- vlstment until 10 this morning when hnrliM will know how Astoria pro popes to honor him. A NEWSPAPER'S POWER. A newspaper whose columns overflow with advertising of business, men. has more influence In attracting attention to and building a city or town than any other agency that can be employed People go where there Is business. Cap- Itul und labor will locate where there Is un enterprising community. No power Is so sM-ong to build up a town as a newspaper properly patronized. It will alwuys ivturn more than It receives. Rev. DeWltt Tulninge. PROMPT WORK. Cunt. Thorp sent word to Acting State's Attorney Curtis by Corporal Ire- bind yesterday evening thai leaves of absence of five of his men had expired at 9 o'clock In tho morning and that they hud fulled to report. He re- onested that Mr. Curtis, with the as- Istunce of the chief and captain or me ilty police, find and lock them up until the' 'departure of the steamer Colununa for California this morning. Mr. Curtis turned the matter over to Chief Lough uy, who felt certain the truants were In that part of the city where social sessli ns are held nightly and the belles of tr. neighborhood sing "Kiss My Eyelids Down" and "Sweet Marie to their numerous guests. He was about right, njul n had four of them cor- lulled, while the fifth was rounded up some time later. Do you need any .Hill Head. State ments, I-etter Heads. Clreulurs, or nn iilher kind of Piint4nir? if so. Klve this office the order. We have engaged n llrst-cb'.ss Job printer, who will give nn' work intrusted to us his Tliourniun Mindful. Cartful and Intelligent con ttltlfriitliin I It takes downright hard work to do v...... ..... i. llll!, urn vte VHP IU THE ASTORIAN. NOTICH TO WATER CONSUMERS. Water will bo shut off between the hours of 10:30 p. m. and i a. m. thrt'ugii the summer months. W. N. SMITH, Superintendent cf Wster Wrk- Dr. Price' Cream Baklnf Powder World's Fair liishe.t Award. THE AFTERNOON TEA. . Mrs. Samuel Elmore hus very gener ously offered the use of her residence Friday, the Kith inst., between the hours of 2 and 6 p. m., for a "Tea," the pro ceeds of which are to be given to the Public Library Association. This is a cause the whole town Is interested in, and an invitation Is extended to the i.uhllo irenerally to 1k present. There Hill be plenty of amusement provided, Iho committee having that feature in charge being one that will make things go. Put on your bent humor, und go. You will thus nuke yourself and your friends glad you live. Meany Is the leading tailor and pnys the highest cash price for rur sums. COMMON COUNCIL Regular meet ings tlrst and third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock in city hall. Persons desiring to hav9 matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evenlpg prior to the Tuesday on Wtllcll tne council noius us regular meeting. K. OSP.UUN, Auditor and Police Judge. BUSINES3 CARDS. A. GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co.. C15 Squemoque street. J. H. MANSELL. REAL ESTaTE BROKER, Notary Public. Fire and accident In surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office. 113 Benton street, Astoria, Or. For $2. a lot Is delivered every week to the buyer In Hill s First aduitlun. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember MeGuire'8 Ho tel at Seaside is open the year around. CALL ON P. BAKER, 78 Third St., your clothes ayeu anu Hill's First addition Is located In the centre of the city. Lots are now selling and have In it for $2. cleaned. . I . i-.t t vi t J IT A Mr full i M-l r nin aa nnrl mnPW firv 1 1 IV rumwni'w goocU can be had at half price, at the Handley & Haas. 150 Firat street, and store cf Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar get the Daily Astorian. Visitors need .....a not miss their morning paper while meie. II. Ekstroni has fixed his prices for Jewelry to suit the times, nna me iitiesi YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE.-If llilfn. ... . - - - .. . ... , ,., .i,., ,. .oveltlcs can be secured at the cost of ve I"' ""B '"', H.X , lf7 - DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. " May be found In his office until 10. o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until- 2 p. m., and from G i.r.,,1 ; ;.r. evenings. BEVERAGES. (Gaining Every Day.) Put your lips around one of the Sena tor Stanford or the Schiller Cigars, then light It and draw. What do you find? The finest two for a quarter on the Coasts and they are gaining new cus tomers every day. CHAS. OLSEN, . 527 Third street, material used In the manufacture. sage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific office, steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced tare via ill the leading steamship lines. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Patron ize the Northern Pacific railroad if you are Going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, bt-ggage check- rv.n't bo to Portlund to buy your ej t0 destination. All purchasers of tickets for the "Old Country" and the second-cluso tickets can stop over at wnst when you can gei uiem ior me port, anil itaies ui uwj .ori nrlee at the Union Pacific office Portland. In this city, ana inereujr wt jum al fare to poruana. All the patent medicines advertised In tills pup;'r, togetner wun ine cnoic aot iwrfunierv. and toilet articles, etc., can be bought nt the lowest rrlccs at J W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel. Ai torla. - ALCOHOL FOR SALE. ALCOHOL can be purchased nt the White House Corner, in tlask or bottle quantities. ' WRIGHT & HARRIS. Proprietors. A WONDERFUL ENGINE. Cannot He Surpassed. An enirlne exerting surpassing power i. ..i.....i- a nnrre of wonder, nnd yet how nwiny ore entirely fontetful of the xlstenee within them-elves of nn en ttlno inore powerful ami enduring thsn Iins- over Invented. Not pt-rps unti: th.y experience Irreguliir pulse, heart llu'lerlnc. psthmatle lirenthlntf. tend-r-ne In shoulder and arm. swollen ankles, wen and hungry soella. smoherlnir. short l.ivn'h. or pill" In side, when lis extstonce In no longer to be denied, as the oa m,a n'ii:'t know he lia- heart dl-fase. Mrs. Lt-Hitr. Kltchburg. Mich., had heart ,tln-se tlftrfnTii: had t hire houae h. In- lived on Mould food., uaed lr. Miles' Heart Cur iMl all nymtoms left her. ,...... .1 uso cur"! e. Pold hr Chaa. l!.K,r on guamntee,- who 1 give you a doctor's book free. Awarded Hichcst Honors World's Fair. MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free from Ammonia, Alum of any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. A DELICIOUS DRINK. There Is no place in Astoria where John Kopp'a famous beer is kept in such good con dition a3 at Ulzinger's popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln fandel wine instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and aprlcct brandy, fclso French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. FRED SAIZ. Manufacturer and Importer of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Whips, Blankets, Robes, Leather, Etc. GOODS SOLD AT PORTLAND PRICES. P. O. Box 79. OIney St., Astoria, Or. Tim music of tin river waves and time singers com the trees and wild d all the sunimer- comcs sweetest to the housewife when she knows the 0 o'clock meal can be got ready on her double jumer oil stove instead of the red-hot coking range. There'll not be an even ing from this on till October 1st but -he'll be glad she bought one. Have you seen those in our window? $4.M. That old gentleman who said they were ex travagant has changed his mind and has purchased his wife and married daughters each one. b NOE & SCULLY. Pimply Girls Pimply Boys And Every Person Afflicted with Torturing Disfiguring Humiliating Humors Find Instant Relief And Speedy Cure By Using Cuticura Remedies Pot! throughout th worM. TNyrTI Paro ANIll'HKM.I 'ltl, llowLm.l-uk.PMMI. "AU . abuut Uw UIuskI., bcalp and llur," frv. flnt.. LHrlihrwU. oily kln ami falling G. CHKISTENSON Is now manager at Geo. McLean's" old stand, corner Olney and Astor streets, and is better prepared to all kinds of work in the line of BLACKSMITHING and HORSESHOEING than ever before. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, (las and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and , Water Heating. -- Agent for Champion Hydraulic Beer Pumps. 1T9 Twelfth street, Astoria, Or. Str. OCCIDENT, CAPT. E. A. BEARD. Having leased the steamer Occident, I have her painted and refitted, and am prepared to take Fishing and other par ties at. reasonable rates; also Towing of all kinds. Please give me a call. Or ders left on board or with Mr. Chris. Johnson, at the Astoria Packing Co.. will bo promptly attended to. A LOCKa Is something you want, if not today, you will want i sometime. We keep carpen ter's tools too, and if this weather will only pull itself nn.t Vr v-aii L-ill uvint nlenfv 22) cf Hardware of which we- have a plenty only waiting your call. - - ' - "J. H. -WYATT, HAKtrWAHB DKALKIt