THE DAILY ASTORiANj ASTORIA, FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE'S, J 894 Tide Table for June. I110H WATEIl. id. in 1 I lH' ft. I.OW WATER. fft.ili. iiijjfi. 5-i ! ' '! 7 II ill 41 HK 5 r.Ui H I II M I! h h Si .Mil. . i M 7 1 I 4:-i f. i w a osn'mn 201 7 8 7 j: j 21 a fci !i.!B !? I' ,?: I'! ii i A 01 W.- Ul H v: nt! A H " M-l B , im II l HI I' 4 21 Kt-i I l T... 7 V.. 8 H.... H H ! M...II T...I2 W...II) a 5i 7 7 A 211 i7 0 6 III 7 0 0 I7 (7 1 7 4K 7 1 8 4:1 !7 M 9 : :7 10 4.' -0 ft ,11 1 3 0 4 tfta 7 II lil:i r. 7 ai 6 1 h ;w it 1 II ;m o a - -i 0 2j 2 12 i!4 1 xi 2 I 1 :il 2 4a( l ft. 2 :m v i 0 a 44, o k a 4 T...14 10 m : II l';10 14 7 K...16 II KV ' 10 '"' 0 H....mlia4:i 6 2!ll :n 8 1 H....I7 - l - - I 2.r (I I M...IK 0 15 8 1 2 0:1 8 1 T...1UI 0M-8I); 2 Ml !l W..Jl! 1 2S 7 7 : II 12 ft T...2I 2 (HI 7 5 :i42 7 F...1S1 2 45 7 2, 4 15 8 H....SI 1 II 2 0 8 4 48 7 0 H....24 4 17! a :, ft ar 7 1 M...'if: ft 15! ft ;i 8 IW 7 2 4 1171 0 I.! 4 25 5 20 6 10 8 ) 7 27 -0 5 -0 91 ft ia ft ftai 1 0 1 1 I II 40! a t 1 7 18 a 8 8 IW 7 lift! 4 V 8 :il -0 7 8 :ci a u 37 9 0D-0 4 i 9 12 9 ::-o 1 1 9 57 a r aa hi ot! o a to 42 10 40j 0 7 11 W 2 II 22 1 4 i - --: - - 0 3M 2 4 ,12 17 2 0 1 41, 1 8 I 15 2 ft 2 50 1 0 2 19 2 8 a ta o 2 a 25 a 2 4 48 -o r 4 28 aft T ...!' (I24!ift0 6 51 7 a 7 50 17 6 8 42 17 II :tl 8 2 W...27 7 :m T...2H 8 57: V ...W 10 12: H. II 1UI 0 !I0 2 8 ft YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 0 degrees. Minimum temirature, 50 degrees. Precipitation, .33 inch. Total precipitation from, July 1, Mi, to date, U5.7S Inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1, 1893, to date, 1)2.49 inches. ROUND TOWN. Many of the worst laws nro diaftt.d by the best lawyers. " Pictures of the Portland flood can be had at Crow's Gallery. Tomorrow Is the lust day In which to pay your water rates. Jupiter Pluvlus continues to be the rainmaker extraordinary. plain sewing and dressmaking by the day. 385 Genevieve street. Orders can be left nti Camahan's store for the Astoria Wood Yurd for all kinds of fuel. It Is a singular thing that the less a man knows about the tariff the more words It takes for him to tell It. Kirkonmenot 8uom Ev. Luth. kir kowiii ensl Sunnuntalna kello 10:30 e. p. Pastiort Holkka on palatum t kotla. Go to the Astoria Wood Yard for the best kinds of wood; also best grades of coal delivered In quantities to suit The Portland Lloyds, P. C. Cordlner, piloU passed out yesterday In tow of the tug Wallowa, Capt. Howes, master, bound for Puget Sound. For a delicious plate of pure loe crCam, go to C. IS. Smith, the Ice Cream Dealer. Ice Cream Soda a specialty. Pri vate parlors for ladles. 483 Third street, Mr. J. H. Mansell has anticipated the flood In Portland, as a sketch In his nlllce shows everything in that city un der water but the tower of the Oregon lan building. Among the Interesting features of .ho Camera, Club's entertainment will be n nautical drill by the children, and a "Hoop Dance" by a bsvy of Astoria's young Indies, The ladles of the Library Associa tion will give on Afternoon tea at tlx house of Mrs. S. Elmore, 1'Ylday, June 15, from 2 to 5 p. m. Everybody conn: nnd bring your Mends. Home of the doctors at the convention held at Portland thought It tin insult tc the whole medical fraternity to say that the Carnegie armor plates were unsound on account of having been doctored. Some of the gentlemen In Astoria are to meet at Mark Warren's olllce tonight nnd form nn Inter-collegiate football club, and perfect arrangements for scries of games with tennis of other cities, The steamer Telephone will not leave this point until 12 o'clock on Saturday nighU This will Klve those who wIkIi un opportunity to view the high water about Portland, as the boat will not ar rive in that city until 11 o'clock the next morning. Rev. Mr. Short has had a booklet sent lilm telling what congress has done the present session. It Is unite Interesting. Jlu carries It with him, and enjoys showing It to his friends. Ask him to show it to you. PERSONAL. Capt. M. I, Staples went around to the Hound on the tug Wallowa as mate. W. T. Chutter and wife returned on tho Telephone from Portland yesterday. Martin Foard, F. R. Stokes and O. II. George were all passengers on the Tele phone yesterday from up the river. VERY INTERESTING TOPICS. The Oregon (mstors of the synod of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran church will have a conference and a discourse meeting with Hie congrega tlon at Portlund, June 14 to 18. Subjects of discourse will be: 1. The necessity of all to be connected with a true (right believing) Christian congre gation, i. Can a Christian, who s-.-unls outside the true Christian church, be in communion with God? Do you need any Hill Head. State ments, Ietter Heads, Circular, or any other kinds of PrlnKng? If so, Klve this ohioe the order. We have engsged a flrst-clesB Job printer, who will rive nny work Intrusted to us his Thouvhtful, Mindful. Careful and Intelligent Con sideration. It takes downright hard work to do this, but we do lu THE ASTORIAN. All th patent medL-lnet advertised In this papr, together with the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., rn t twMidht at th lowest price at J. W. Conn' drug nture, opposite Oc cident Hotel, Aitorto. AN ASTORIA GRADUATE. Mrs. J. W. Conn -went to Portland to be present at the commencement exer cises of lihe St. Mary's academy. Alius Edith will graduate next Tuesday, and will then return hcma with her i:!.ihcr. STUTTZ' THEATI. Nightly the audiences gro,, '.aifcvr to witness "The Colleen Uawn." Mr. Stuttz has been requested do play this beau tiful Irish play this, Friday, and Satur day, which will be the last performances of "The Colleen JJawn." ' DEATH OF ALVIN SMOCK. The news was received In this city yesterday of the accidental death of Mr. Alvln Smock, late of Brookfleld, Ind., but who resided here until last August. Deceased was a member in good standing of Astoria lodge, No. CO, A. O. U. W. FLOTSAM. Those owning boats have, secured somo valuable logs from out of the drift coming down the river. One party has 28 in the slip back of Lewis Martin's carpenter shop, and has been offered $1 apiece for them, but he wants at least $5, and says they are worth It for cord wood. A 13 1 tO KEN ARM. Mr. Beaborg, who lives near Olney, brought his son to the city yesterday to have Dr. J. A. Fulton Bet his arm, which had been broken by a wagon loaded with wood running over both the arm and a leg. The HMle fellow wns not so badly Injured as to prevent his going home Inst evening. COMING DOWN. Sdrne of our local butchers are run nlng rhort of beef cattle, on account of the fact that the stock yards at Port land are under ten feet of water. L. Bulk, a prominent deuler of that city, wrote John Hay to keep an eye out for their office, which was coming down stream the last they saw of 1U CHILDREN'S DAY. Children's day will be observed In the Presbyterian church next Sunday morn ing with appropriate excerclsea. There will be no preaching. Children and teachers are requested to be at the church at 10 o'clock, with their mite boxes and (lowers. The exercises will begin at 11 o'clock. C. A. Hanson, su perintendent, pro tern. A SERIOUS LOSS. George Kaboth, who fishes for Kin ney's cannery and lives west of Browns port, Just above Snug Island, had his dwelling carried away by the flood. He had be-rely tlnio to get his horses and nets moved to the hills before the high water wus uon him. This Is quite a loss to Mr. Kaboth, as the dwelling was worth at least $MI0. ASTORIA SELECT SCHOOL. The Astoria select school, Miss E. C. Warren, prlndal, will give a literary exhibition this afternoon, nnd on Mon day evening, June 11, the regular com mence-.nent exercises will occur. All pa trons and friends of this excellent school are cordially Invited to bo pres ent on birth these Interesting occasions without further notice. A RED LETTER DAY. Yesterday proved a good day for some of the gill-net fishermen. The high boa. at CutUng's brought In IOC llsh; the high boat at Kinney's 71, while boat No, 40, In charge of Sam Abrahamson, and which left the Columbia River Packing Company on Wednesday afternoon, de llvered at 11 o'clock yesterday morning 107 salmon, weighing 2,310 pounds. A PECULIAR CASE. Webster defines a "vagrant ns one who sic-olls from place to place; an Idle wanderer; a sturdy beggar; one who has no' settled habitation, or who does not abide In It; a vagabond. There wus only one case In the police court yesterday and that was booked as a "vug," but the fellow had influence enough to somehow drum up friends, who came up and paid a fine of 20 assessed LguinsS hi tu. If this defendant had no abiding place he m ule remarkable progress In form ing friendships while In this city. SOMETHING NEW IN COLLARS. New York Recorder. Satin ribbon, three Inches wide, fold ed to the width of an ordinary collar and fastened at the side in a saucy but terfly bow, Is a change from the shirred v-lvet collar that has received the ap proval of Mudnnie la Mode. Meuny Is the leading tailor and pays I,. 1. 1.. 1. ... l . . . . uiBiieoi cun price ror tur sklna. For 12, a lot Is delivered tvery week '.u me uuyer in tun a iqrst addition. Tee'hing babies nnd te i :sh il.'l ir. need St-e-e-dman's Southing Powders Try them. Hill's First addition la located In the centre of the city. Lots are now aelllne in 11 tor jj. Call nt R. T, Humphrey's. S72 Third street, for Fish, poultry, and all klndsi or game in season. Japanese novelties ami fnncy dry tood.4, can lie hud at half price, at the tore of Wing Lee, next to Olsen'i cigar siore. - II. Ekstroin hns fixed his prices for jeweiry to suit, tlie times, and the latest novelties can be secured at the cost of material used In the manufacture. Don't go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old Country" and the East when you can get them for the tame price at the Union Paciflo office In this city, and thereby save your k cat far to Portland. THH CUTTER BEAR WRECKED. She Ran On a Rock While Steaming Into Sltkft. A dlr.patch from San Francisco, dated June C, sajs: The United States revenue cutter Bear la almost a totul m-imi possibly by this time Is battered to pieces. That information was received In San Francisco tonight in a dispatch from the officers of the well known ves' sel, who say she is fast on the rocks at the entrance to the harbor of Sitka. No lives were reported lost. FOOTBALL ELECTION. A general meeting of the Astoria Football club waa held at the club rooms last evening, the principal bus! ness being the election of a captain and vice-captain of the second eleven. The balloting was close and resulted In the election of D. McLean and C. T. Cros by for the respective positions. Among the members there was a general feel ing of satisfaction over the result, as it is believed that McLean will take good deal of Interest in the development and Improvement of the Junior eleven Th team will be chosen as soon as pos sible, and as there Is a remarkable amount of good material available the selections will need to be carefully con sidered. It is expected that the follow ing members will be drawn, on to make up the eleven: D. McLean, C. T. Cros by, Frank Gunn, H. T. Findlay, John Grant, A. S. Tee, James Flnlayson, Sr., J. R. A. Bennett, B. W. Smith, P. W. Weeks, Prof. Hawes, R. McLean, A. Dalgety, Prof. Clarke, O. C. Fulton, J. S. Hltchen, W. L. Robb, I). Stewart, J. McCue, A. Meacham, Thad. Trullinger, C. Heilborn, A. Young, P. Sovey, A. A, Cleveland, Jr., Gus Carruthers, II. Pin nell, Paul Badollet, George Cherry. RECEIVED HIS COMMISSION. Herman Wise received his commis sion yesterday as postmaster of Astoria. Mr. Wise Immediately called on Mr. Hare, and says he is much pleased with the courteous majiner In which Mr. Hare received him. He says Mr. Hare offered to give him all possible benefit of his experience. Mr. 'Wise further states that he is glad to know ull re ports to the contrary that had been brought to him by outsiders are unt.rue. After consultation with Mr. Hare, It was agreed between them that he, Wlw, would not tuke charge of the ofllce until July 1, Mils being the begin nlng of the fiscal year. The old money ordjr blank and the discontinuance of the postal note ending on June 30 will result In saving him the trouble of be lug taught both systems. TWO KICKERS. Said a chronic complainer .yesterday "I never see a fellow going bowling along on a 'bike,' with his back sticking up like a dromedary, but I feel like yanking him ofT. lushing him to a plunk, seUIng him on his wheel again and saying: 'Now, take your medicine straight.' " "Yes, and I'm down on earthen cof fee pots," said his companlan. "My wife got one some time ago, and we thought lots of It. Yesterday morning, when she lifted the pot of boiling from the stove the bottom fell out, and the boiling coffee went over the stove and floor, forttfnutely missing her feet." FOUND AT LAST. About 0 o'clock last evening Coroner Polil was notified that there waa a body of a man nt Fort . Stevens. Mr. Pohl went down, and upon examination found It to be the body of the sailor who was drowned off the bark Holy-wood last spring, his nnme being marked on the Inside of the coat on the body. Mr. Pohl will hold an inquest, and then bury the body In Greenwood cemetery, fol lowing the Instructions of the Holy wood's captain given before she iefti this port on the trip homeward bound. SAME THING. The Giant's Causeway, in Ireland, Is composed of columns so regular ns to seem like a work of art. They are of the same species of stone used In the new foundation about the custom house a Basalt thi't Is very toush and heavy, lasting fir ages. Contractor Huestnn has commenced laying the foundation for the area wall, njid Bays the rock used in the construction Is from the Welch IlnsaJt quarries, and that 3."0 perch will be required to complete the Job. FREQUENT ONSLAUGHTS On the delicate membrane of the bowels and stomach with drastic purgatives must have their natural consequences to weaken and disable both organs. Nature exacts severe ieiuuUes for frlngements of her laws, and there Is no more glaring one than that which consists In frequent nnd unnecessary closing with violent cathartics.. This is, however, the course pursued by many unwise people who seem to think that the bowels, unless constantly relaxed are not In a healthy state. When a laxa tive Is really needed, Hostetter'B Stom ach liltters Is the safest and most thoMiigh. It neither gripes nor opr ttten violently or excessively. It in vigorates the Intestines and stomach, ami arouses the liver. Regularity and vigor are guaranteed by Its use. Sleep promoted, appetite restored, are among us oemgn eneets. A tendency to rheu matlsin and kidney trouble Is nnlliti.-d by It, and it completely eradicates ina- mriai complaints. ALCOHOL FOR SALE. ALCOHOL ran be mirchnspil nt the White House Corner, in llask or bottle quantities. WRIGHT & HARRIS. Proprietors. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mra. Wlnslow'g Poothlnj Syrup hag been used for children teethinr. It oothes th child, aoftena th mm allaya aU pain, w wind cholle. and me nest remedy ror diarrhoea. Twen-ty-flve cents a bottle. SoM br all Am. riata throughout th world. TO CANNERS AND SEINERS. Just received from the Willapa Har bor man 11 factory, a fresh supply of Hemlock Tannin Extract for tanning gill nets, seliis, etc. , W. JJ. ADAIR, Agent, 4(11 Third Street. A NEW COOKING SCHOOL has been started, which recognixlng the Importance of having plenty of milk on hand for cooking porKses, has found Its requirements fully met by Borden's Peerless Brand Evaporated Cream, pre pared by New York Condensed Milk Co. It highly endorses it. BOARD AND LODGING. FIRST CLASS BOARD With or without rooms, at reasonable rates. Ap ply at H. C. Holden's, corner Main and Jefferson. LOST. LOST A skiff painted blue. Short chain for painter. Return to steamer O. K. and receive reward. WANTED. WANTED A girl for general house work. 'Inquire over Shanahan's store. AGENTS Makes $5.00 a day. Great est kitchen utensil ever invented. Re tails 3ricts. 2 to ti sold In every house. Sump e, postage paid, five cents. For shee & MeMakin, Clnclnnattl, O. $75.00 I'ER WEEK using nnd selling Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry and tableware. Plates gold, sliver, nickel, &c, same as new goods. Differ ent sizes for agents, families and shops. Easily operated; no experience; big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Six room house fur nished or unfurnished, water, bath, etc., Uppertown, in Adair's, Ogned avenue or Third street. Inquire at this oflice or nt Mrs. A. Feakes.' FOR SALE. FOR SALE ISO acres of land near Knappa, Clatsop county. Price, tl.flOO $100 down and balance to suit purchaser. Inquire of L. N. Mitchell, P. O. Knappa. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means cun buy real estate In Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR $2. Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchange and get a lot in Hill's First Addition for $2. FIREWORKS Wing Lee has just re ceived a full line of fireworks of all kinds, at ull prices. 529 Third street. SOCIETY MEETINGS. PILOT COMMISSIONERS The reg ular meetings of this board will be held 011 tha tlrst Monday of each month at 10 a. m., at the olllce of Robb & Par ker. W. L. Robb, Sec. NOTICE The regular meetings of the Astoria Building and Loan Associa tion are held at 8 p. tn. on the first Wednesday of each month. Ollice on Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O. O, F. Regular meetings of Ocean En campment No. 13, In the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. So journing brethren cordially lnited. By order C. P. COMMON COUNCIL Regular meet ings first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o clock In city hall. Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on which the council holds Its regular meeting. K. OSBUKN, Auditor and Police Judge. BEVERAGES. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell'i Gem. A DELICIOUS DRINK. There is no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in such good con dition as at Utzlnger's popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln fandel wine instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and aprlect brandy. Also French CoRnae and wine at Alex Gilbert's. BUSINESS CARDS. A. GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Ofllce, with Generul Messenger Co., 515 Squenioque street. J. II. MANSELL, REAL ESTaTE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident In surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Ofllce, 112 Benton street, Astoria, Or. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McGuire's Ho tel at Seaside Is open the year around. CALL ON P. BAKER, 47S Third St.. and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. GEO. McLEAN, corner Olney and As tor streets, does a general business in blacksmlthing and repairing. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Hundley & Haas, 150 First Btreet, and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper vhlle there. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE. If you have friends in Europe whose pas sage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific ofllce, steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced via til the leading steamship lines. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Patron- ixe the Northern Pacific railroad if you are Going East. Low rates of faro, through tickets. t.ggaire check ed 4a 41481 inatloo. AU purchasers of second-class tickets can stop over at Portland- Rates ot rare same as Iron Portland. . . .. tho trees and wild I n I all the BU mmer- I "vcr """" sweetest to the time siiisi-"" -" ,t,i-' ho,sewire wh ;h. know, the 6 0 clock double- meai can u l ( thp re hot burner oil stove umm" -----k. range. There',, not be iven- but you fhat lug from mis 011 w - .-;, Hhe'Ilbeglad she bought e e l e seen those In our window? !... J rtd gentleman who said hey were travagant nii - : 1 v.i .ua nn-1 me married has purcnaseu mo daughters eacn " fjOE & SCULt G. CHRISTENSON Is now manager at Geo. McLean's old Btand, corner Olney anu a or ; 1 ,1... r.t-uiMii-prl to all kinds 01 work ln the llne of BllACKSMlTHING and HORSESHOEINU man ever ue fore. j Do You Wish : iTo enrich your table economically ?,i Here's a chance, at A. V. Allen's.' 1 English ware, and lots of it! Richi Flower decorations of various sorts,! 1 and at quickstep prices. !'! n.r,.i!t.Hn.,l I'luKKware. too. Of r course. The shelves are crowdedj'l ' with them. Corner 01 cass unur 'ISqujmwiueteetS; T Str. -OCCIDENT, CAPL E. A. BEARD. Havlnir leased the steamer Occident I have her painted and refitted, and am Tirer.ared to take Fishing and other par ties at reasonable rates; also Towing of nil kinds. Please give me a call. Hi tlers left on board or with Mr. Chris. Johnson, at the Astoria Packing Co. will bo promptly attended to. S. H. WILLETT, PLUMBING, (ins and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water Heating. Agent for Champion Hydraulic Beer Pumps. 179 Twelfth street, Astoria, Or. FREEMAN & BREMNER, Blacksmiths. Special a ttention paid to steamboat re, pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CAP OOHK R SPECIALTY 197 Olney Btreet, between Third and . and Fourth, Astoria, Or. -r. :T 1 ' (Gaining Every Day.) Put your lips around one of the Sena tor Stanford or the Schiller Cigars, then l!ght It and draw. What do you find? The finest two for a quarter on the Coasts and they ore gaining new cus tomers every day. CHAS. OLSEN, 527 Third street. Cuticura Remedies Are Pure Sweet Gentle And Most Economical Because Speedily Effective. Mothers and Children Are their Warmest Friends Sold Uuoagtoat the world. Frio Caticvra. Mo.; Soap, 5o-; Kaaolvnu, U Fatter Drag aad Cham. Corp., Bala Pro. prioton, BoXoo. " 11 ow to Core fikla anil rllvd DUaiiu," tuallod fro. ,w - " PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and i, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 673 Third street J. E. LuFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the Flavel building, opposite Occident. FULTON BROS.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3. 4. 5, and 0, Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5, 6 and 7, Flavel s Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY J.t LAW. Office in Flavel's bilck building. FRANK J. TAYLCP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAY. Ofllce on Second Street, Astoria, Or. DR. EILIV JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce, Olsen's Drug Store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oflice, m'j Third St., Astoria, Ore. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danzlger's store. Astoria. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Room3 5 and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 6i'J, Cedar street. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found in his office until 10 o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2 p. in., and from 5 in;il 7:!) evenings. The Immense Slaughter of Goods At the consignee sale, No. 000 Third sCeor. West iHh, is telling these hard times, and the people are not slow in taking advantage of these givat bargains, at this posi tively closing out sale. Why think of it, a good suit of clothes for $5, $6.50, $8.00, $10.00, and $12.50 That are worth from $10.00 to $25 a suit. And all other gooiis i 1 proportion. Trie consumer saves at least forty per cent by purchasing at The Consignee's Sale. llemaiiiber these goods are all clean, fresh stock, and yet it is a forced sale. Don't for get the place, No. 000 Third me.;t, tonier of West Kinth. I. R. & N. COs Steamer Ilwaco. Leaves Astoria dally at 7:30 o'clock, for Ilwaco, and con necting with railroad running north at 10 a. in., and with boats on cshoalwater bay for SOUTH BEND, SUNSHINE, NORTH COVE, and other points through to GRAY'S HARBOR. Return ing, connects at Ilwaco with steamers for Astoria, and NIGHT BOATS FOR PORTLAND. JOHN R. GOULTER, Secretary. L. A. LOOM IS, President R. V. EGBERT; Superintendent. Portland and Astoria. STEAMER TELEPHONE. Leaves Astoria everv pvenlnv preen. Sunday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 4 p. m. Leaves Portland every day except Sunday at 7 a. m. C. W. STONE. Agt. Astoria, E. A. Seeley, general agent Portland ' A LOCK Is something you want, if not today, you will want i sometime. We keep carpen ter's tools too, anJ if this weather will only pull itself together you will want plenty -of Hardware of which we- have a plenty only waiting your call.' - J. 13. WYATT, HAKDWAHt: DBALtlt. (So)