THE DAILY ASTORIAN'. A3T6RIA. SUNDAY MOUNLNU, MAY 20, 1894. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sened by carrier, pepr week.. IB cts Hera by mall, per month .,2! tnt by mail, per year 7.W WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year, 12.00 In advante. Postage free to subscribers. The Astorian guarantee to lUsub nortbert the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be obtained on application to the business manager. Tlila paper is In possession of all the telegraph franchises, and la the only paper on the Columbia river that pub lishes genuine dispatches. The Dally Astorlan's circulation Is live times as great as that of the com bined circulation of the other dally pa pers of Astoria. The Weekly Astorian, the third eld est weekly In the state of Oregon, has, ntxt to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the state. Subscribers to the Astorian are re quested to notify this office, without leva of time, Immediately they full to receive their dally paper, or when they to not get It at the usual hour. By do ing this they will enable the manage ment to place the blame on the proper tartles and to Insure a speedy remedy. Handley & I'aaa are our Portland ugents and copies of the Astorian can te had every morning at their stand on First street REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Oovernor-W. P. LORD, of Marlon county. For " Secretary of State H. R. KIN CAID, of Lane county. For State Treasurer PHIL. MET 8CHAN, of Grant county. For Supreme Judge C. E. WOLVER TON, of Linn county. For Attorney General C. M. IDLE MAN, of Multnomah. For Superintendent of Publlo Instruc-tlon-G. M. IRWIN, of Union. For State Printer W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland. For Congressman, Flrt District BIN GER HERMANN, of Douglass county. For Congressman, Second District W. R. ELLIS, of Morrow county. For District Attorney, First District W. N. BARRETT, of Washington county. For Member of State Board G. WIN GATE, of Clatsop county. -- COUNTY TICKET. For State Senator JOHN FOX. For Representatives C. J. CURTIS and C. F. LESTER. For County Judge J. H. D. GRAY. For County Clerk F. I. DUNBAR. For Sherlft-JAMES W. HARE. For Treasurer BENJAMIN L. WARD. For Recorder C. S. GUNDERSON. For County Commissioner CHRIS. PETERSON. For County Assessor A LFRED GIB BONS. For Superintendent of Public Schools C. C. BROWEH. For County Surveyor RICHARD HAHUY. For Coroner ADOLPH JOHNSON. For Justice of Peace J, ABERCMOM B1E. For Constable JOHN V. WELCH. IT OUGHT TO 11 M PASSED. It Is to be !ioH'l there Is no truth In a statement imputed to a Republican senator yesterday to the effect that the Republicans do not mean to let the tar iff bill pass so lonit as there Is any pos sibility of delaying It. It would seem that there tun be neither credit or profit in obstructing It In any way. All that should be demanded Is a fair op portunity to propose such decent and proper amendments as ought to ro with it. The country desires that the bill be disposed of after a fair share of deliber ation, and It Is to the Interest of the Republican lMii'ty that Its wishes be compiled with. There can be no doubt that the uncertainly resulting from the unreasonable delay of the majority In reporting the bill has been the greatest cloud resting on the business horlaon, and It Is bound to remain until final notion Is taken In the senate. It is sure to pass, and substantially In the form ulready agreed to by the iH-mocratic senators outolde of the chamber. Hill and Murphy's pretended opposition to It Is all a myth. There are no real Inde pendent Democrats In the senate, and there has been none for many years past. They will all vote for the bill In the end. and Ue Republicans must under- stand that It Is out of the question to j defeat It. It would seem like a needless ! . . . i and reckh. waste of time to undertake tuiy further serious opiwltlon to It. I The g".ime of football has become i important a pastime and entertainment that A committee of five, representing the prominent universities and colleges of the cojntry, has been struKKr1ng with the question of revising- the rules for nearly five months past. It endtd Its labors In Netr York one day last week, nnd has rwmumtided a number of mlmr chanters. The most Important of Uie chanires, as the report shows, are the lnwrtion of a clause providing icuinst piling up on a man when he is down, and the addition of section leirlaUtliir against momentum playing, or what Is commonly known ss the f.ylnj Trcaiv." if the propped re"rnit he adopted by the colleges and unlver!- ties, they will probably be followed by amateur clubs throughout the country, and the dangers attendant upon the playing of this great game will be re duced to the minimum. Thr.- changes have already been approved by the Uni versity Athletic club, of New York city It Is very easy to overestimate the force of the sliver movement In Europe. Through ail the phases of preneiitlng the nilver question, the plain business thread is that silver has been over-produced. It Is cheapened, not because there has been war upon it, but rather the efforts made to advance Its value above the regular market rate have stimulated the miners. The people of the United States would find no advantage In cheapening money. Thin country has the highest standard, and to abandon it would be to suffer enormous loss and gratuitous hu mllfation. It would seem that the opening of the farming season In the middle and western states ought to furnish work for some of the unemployed, but there appears to be no diminution In their number. The fact is the number of men out of employment Is so prodigious thre would not be room for them on all the cultivated farms in the country. There are many sensible people who be. lieve that Napoleon's plan under some. what similar circumstances Is the only way out of the difficulty. The declination of Sheriff Smith and County Clerk Trenohard to become In deptndento candidates for re-election to their respective offices is a credit to these gentlemen. The temptation has been great and the influences brought to bear upon them powerful, and while opinions may differ as to their chanceB for success as such candidates, there will be a unanimity of respect felt for their manly and straightforward course by the good men of all political connec Hons. POLITICAL POINTERS FOR ORE GON VOTERS. Globe-DemovraU Each succeeding month brings an other Increase of the public debt, with nothing to Bhow for it but an accumu. latlng record of Democratic Incapacity In all directions. Globe-Democrat. Here and there the Gorman tariff raises duties from the McKlnlcy level until they are practically prohibitory. This Is one of the eccentricities of Dem ocratic "tariff reform." St. Louis Globe Democrat. The recent Republican victories have reklixsed the fires In a good many fur naces and provided work for a consid erable number of Idle laborers; but the menace of Democratic tariff-smashing still stands In the way of a genera) and satisfactory revival of business. Philadelphia Telegraph. It passes comprehension that even the smull number of members of the senate who have Joined In the preparation of this bill should have been so unjust, un patriotic, unwise and politically stupid as to send out In sober earnest such a proH)sed revolutionary change In our whole economic system, When the American people come to understand the whole matter, to look the situation squarely in the face, to fully realize how they have been brazenly sold out, they will make their united voice heard In the hulls of congress as It has not been during the present generation at least. A CLEAN JAIL. Hud W. H. Warren, the county Jailor, been called Ukii yesterday by any one wishing to visit the county Jail, It would have been found as clean as a new pin. It Is kept clean at nil times, but Wed nesday and Saturday are the days that are set aside to give each cell and hall a good scrubbing, and the prisoners were up and at It early yesterday, fin ishing before noon. To look at the Jail from the outside It would seem nt a glance to be an easy place to get out of, but to an Inmate It Is not an Inviting task. The building Itself contains 11 tons of spikes, while the cells are made from the best of steel, and the Jail building Is simply a roof for the cells. ! as a prisoner once In them Is as safe as though he was behind six feet of stone wall. There are some rt'Urs needed. whloh eltf,,t Brand juries have recommended, but the county court has ,o mm rilOVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Km use's Headache Capsules wherever 1 have had a chance. They have proven a veritable boon In my family against any and all kinds of headache. Yours truly, J. K. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Kogers, Astoria. Oregon, sole agent DECORATION DAT. Astoria, Or.. April SO, 1FS4. T the IVole of Astoria, and the Public Schools Especially Oreeting: Cushlng Post, No. 14, Department of Oregon, O. A.' It. propose celebrating ths coming anniversary. Memorial Day. In the usual appropriate manner. The decoration services will be had at the public cemetery, on the hill. In Astoria. The order of exercises and full program will be published further on. P. IV WlNTOtf. Attest: Post Commander. W. O. CASSEI.U Adjutant. florth Pacifie Bremery JOHN KOPP, Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER, All ordtri promptly atwnded to ' ' FISHER BROS., SfyipGharpdlers HEAVY AND SHELP HARDWARE. Wagons & Vehichee in Stock Farm Machinery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers' Supplies, Falrbank's Scales, Doors anil Windows. Provision. Flour, nnd Mill Feed Astoria, Oregon. SEASIDE SflWiMIItli. A complete stock of lumber on hand in the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. II. r L. LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside. Oregon. Seashore Railroad Leave Seaside at 7:30 a. m. dally, ex cept Sundays. Leave Young's Bay at 0 a. m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Leave Young's Bay at 3:30 p. m. Tues day and Saturday. OCCIDENT jlOTEIi THE Is the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. Rfl UNEXCELLED TABLE. Rates, $2 dally and upwards. The C. P. UPSHUR Co,, Shippings Commission Astoria, Oregon. tfUtfTEH & JVIEGENS, IH-oprletora of the Portland Butchering Go.vs Markets Corner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth streets Do You Wish To enrich your table economically? Here's a- chance, at A. V. Allen's. English ware, and lots of It! Rich Flower decorations of various sorts, and at quickstep prices. Modest-priced glassware, too, or course. The shelves are crowded with them. Corner of Cass and Hquemoque Streets. V. y. pi SB S3 G 0 M B W c 'B cc o c r r B : cc rwidfltt&ej Str. ECLIPSE, CAPT. M. SKIBBE, Makes trips to Gray's River Thurs days and Fridays. Parties wishing to charter apply on board, at Hubs, Hig gins A Co.'s Dock, or their office. iHOTTOLSNBj jCOTTOLBHSj ynTTOLBHB r i OF THE F. o s U II ? "i IIp.s come not n little knowledge as to cook ery what to do, ns well us what vol to do. Thus m wc have learned to use EiTTILiSi, the most pure and per fect and populrc cook inpmaterial for nil frying and shortening purposes. i lit the natural outcome Si oi mc Kl , iw not to -lard , but rath er the uew shortening, .'GOnOLEHE, which is far cleaner, and more digestible thau any lard can be. The success of Cotto lene hascallcd out worth less Imitations under us II isimilar names. Lookout for these! Ask your tc Grocer for Cottolexk.' and be sure that you get it . sk XIa.lo only by I i J N. K. FARBANItt CO.. gZ ST, LOUIS and tCAOONIW VOBS.ceTOl..-'T 1 f-- t M , ur3" wsrar I the line to take to all points EASTand SOUTH It Is the DINING CAR ROUTE It off en tl.e lest service, f otuj bluing SPEED and C0MF0JIT It is the popular route with those woo with lo travel ou the SAFEST! It l therefore the rou'e yon ahuu'd take. It runs through vestibuled trains every day m the year to St. Paul and Ghieago No Changs of Cars, Elegant PulLnau Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleeper, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers, Duly one ouange of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Auy Tart of the civilized world. Paaieogera ticketed via. nil boats runntu between Attorla, Kalsms mid For: land. Full information concernioK rates, time o! train, routes ud other details furnished oi applio&tloulto C. W. STONE, AKnt Antorlt, Steamer Tuiephoue Sock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. U1 First St.. or. WaslunfrUin, Portland. Oregon CHICAGO, piLWflUKEE And ST. PAUL RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinenta Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC - LIGHTED - CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. The Exprcis Trains consists of Vestibuled, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED I3Y STEAM, And furnished with Every Luxury known In noder railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line Is Unequaled. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information inquire of any ticket agei.i, or C. J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND. OREGON. In a Stew Your wife will surely be, unless you send home a piece of meat that is Tender and Sweet Long experience has made us expert Judges of meat, and we will give you points on how to pick out a good piece. WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET, CHRI5TEN5EN & CO., Prop'r, VICTOR SANDERSON, Pile Driving and Dock Building. All work guaranteed. Address, 945 Cedar street, or on the Driver at the Union Paclflo Dock. H. w. sHERjMAR Cabs and Express Wagons. Central Office, 515 Third Street Stable, 128 First Street. Telephone No. 7. ARRIVED AX LAST. DIRECT FUOkl THE EAST WALL PAPER, In the Latest Styles. Call and see our new designs, at the In diana Paint Shop. C, M. CUTBIRTH. La.ayetteStreet, op. Custom House. I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, epeesEKnwj Th Pollowlni Compnnloati Gin-nmt. Stm Yotk City. N. V. L'bkui tut aoj Marine, of New ZraU&J. National Fire anj Maria tns. Co..o iUntari. toniwcw ut Fire Int. Co.. o Harttort. HaM Matual lav Co.. Su HaiKaca. N- York l!l?t Uias !, Co. Phtaalx. X LoajJus. Iaiarul.l Loavaoa The FfistMail Jloute. '5 PICT PUTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all Easern Points - 24 to 36 Hours Ahead X Of Any Other Itine. L, Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Fre Reclining Chair Cars, Oln. Ing Cars are run dally via ths Union Pacific Flyer leaving Porta land at 7:00 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMERS BAILING DATES. , -State. Wednesday, May 9. Columbia, Monday, May 14. State, Saturday, May 19. Columbia, Thursday, May 21. State, Tuesday, May 29. Astoria and Portland Steamers. Steamer R. R. Thompson leaves As toria at 6:45 a. ra., dally except Sunday, via Washington side of the river; re turning, leaves Portland at 8 p. m., daily, except Saturday. The Thomp son makes landings on both sides of the river above Waterford, 011 both up and down trips. S. H. H. CLARK, OLIVER MINK, E. ELLERT ANDERSON, JOHN W. DOANB, FREDERIC R. COUDERT. Receivers. For rates and general Information t all on or address G. VT. LOUNSBERRT, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. H. HURLBURT, Ast. Gen. Pas. Agt.. Portland. Or. On Top. 0 MARSHALL'S TWINE Is conceded by all to bo the best. It fishes better and wears better ; than any other twine used on ! ) O the Columbia river. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED . lf You Want iCannery t0ndr .Fishermen's Supplies, EliftlOHE SilpOfill & GO. . 1 ASTORIA, - CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 'tvtvsv AMERICA'S Greatest Trans" Continents Railway System. FQ0H OCEAN TO OCEAH ' -1N- Palaee Dining loom acd Sleeping Cars. Loxorioas Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Vleras 0! the Wonderful JBonntaln Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist oars the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. ALeO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To Chlm md lapan, . Empress of India leaves Vancouver February 6. Empress of China leaves Vancouver March 6. Empress of India leaves Vancouver April 2. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE Leavjs Feb. 16 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. T7 - .1.1,,.. A nmn.nn ai.1I ' on or address. JAS. FINLATaON, Agt, Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacoma, Wash., Geo, McL. Brown, Dist. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, B. C. FAT PEOPLE. Park Obesity Pills will reduce your weight PERMANENTLY from 12 to 1& pounds a month. NO STARVING, sick neBS or injury. NO PUBLICITY. Tney build up the health and beautify the complexion, leaving no wrinkles r flabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS an.l difficult breathing surely relieved. Nij EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied (11- rent frnm mil nffifw Prlpa t9. Ofl ' package, or '" packages for J6.0O by mall, p.-ui iJ. Testimonials ana particulars, (sealed) i cents. All correspondence strictly confiden tial. PARK REMEDY CO.. Boston, Mass. if -.: i ......f.i i I ., .1 ! ; I i Call oiv 1 Cotton Kope, -Cotton Twine, Marshall's Twine, Trap and Seine Web, Tanbark, Acid and Salt, Strip Lead, Pig Lead, Copper, Tin Plate, Tin and Zinc, In Stock. OREGON