IS lJ' Tide Table for Mayi - - i 3 I1II1H WATEB. I WW WATIH. : W . V-.T7Ti"7.r;' I I. ... t hh ml ft t .. i ti wii w .ii iJ ; 4 Hi 2 4 4 If I 1 4 Mi 1 6 ft 84 0 5 1ft' 0 1 ft ft7-0 ft! 7 40 -0 8 25 -i 0 g 14 -t 0 ft 02 ft 4ft t 22 7 00 T .. 3:111 7 3:111 'HI V. 12 ill H.. 0 28 0 M 1 IH 2 M 8 lift 7 871 M.. 7 T.. 81 W.. i T..10I ... 1 M' i K 8 06 4 (Hi ft It) 0 IH 8 18 8 47 6 ft 4 44 6 4 6 4)1 R 4 t 50 A 8 I 4 ! 4 9 Oft 10 02 11 13 12 10 1 18 2 20 3 10 10 171-0 7: 11 06 -0 3: F..1I 8.. .12: h,..i:i M..14 T..l.' . J 3 ; 8 ll S 2 1 6; 6 ii 7 Mi 6 71 8 41 '(IH 2 i 3 (HI 4 03 8 Mi 6 6n 0 ! 7 1 1U (II; U R 10 ID !7 ft 11 (): 7 Oi 1(1 M 7 !l 4 W..10! 4 Ml ft ail 0 0',! ft 001 1 8 6 411 8 2 1 3 6 M 2 9 7 28 3 1 8 03! 3 4 8 42: 8 7 T..17ll Ufi Oi 11 31 8 S A 12 40 ,7 0 0 0, l'' n 24 -0 ft M...l 0 IK 8 4. 0 4H 8 4 1 IH: 8 3' 1 24 ! 2 Oft 8 8 2 4ft ll ft 3 2tt ; 4 4 08 i 1 4 M) (I 1 7B 7 421 -0 8 -0 8 8... 91 M..2I 8 lW-0 7! T .. ! I 1 8 0 8 64 20 -0 4 W..2) I S it", 7 ft 1 a iw, 7 V ..' I 3 ftl 8 8 H...l i 4 4Hl (I 2 H...; ft hS 6 M..88'' 7 (Hi ft 7 t..'-h 8 ik ft 8' -0 1 BSli II) 081 0 8 10 1ft! ft lift , 2 10 44 0 7 11 K ft 2U 7 08 7 ftft 11 86 1 0; 0 27 8 7i 12 27 1 17 it 32 3 30 1 8 43 7 1 .2 23 8 26 4 ll W..30 S!7i 0 85 17 ft T . ailiio Ml 3110 lfl :7 9 4 21 TESTERPAY'B WEATHER Mnrlmum tf mnerature. 05 degrees minimum temperature, 41 degrees; pre cipitation, none. , '.'",00V Total precipitation from. July .1,-1893, to date, 94.47 Inches; excess of predpl ,.ti,.n fn.rn Julv 1. 1883. to date, 28.08 Inches. THE WEATHER TODAYS Portland, Or., May 9. Forecast: Fair weather; warmer; light to iresn noun- erly winds. 1 " WILL SPEAK AT FISHER'S HALL.1 Under the auspices of the Republican ..I State Central Committee, the Hon, R. n. Horr. ex-congressman, of Michigan, will speak upon the political situation fnnlirht. at Fisher's Hall. You are cor dially Invltedt o attend. AROUND TOWN. The State of California sailed yester day with a heavy passenger list. Can any one tell why the outside of Fisher's hall was pointed In two dif ferent colors? A woman's hand may be pale and delicate, but she can pick up. hotter plate than a man. - Hen Younir knows a brick wall When he sees It. No wonder he wouldn't run against John Fox. ;' tt must iay to advertise, to Judge from the way Mr. Bhanalian has smiled the last week or two. Why Is It that, with all the excitement at Washington, Dr. Mary Walker re tnlns her presence of mind7 The steamer Ilwaco ran through Jim McCurty's net yesterday, as well "ns th.ise of two other fishermen. A marriage license was IsBed by County Clerk Trenchard yesterday to James Meat-hen and Lillian Painter, j Times looked like they were picking up at the Occident lost night, as there were over thirty orrlvals on the regis ter. 'i ..... i... Coxey's commonweal band' played while going up Pennsylvania avenue, and Immediately artel-ward there was a riot. i"')j i Hupt. Clmdwlch should spare Just enough time to see that the large hole In the street on West Ninth street It plugged up. A. S. Reed, of Urlffln & ,Heed, will leave this morning for a month's hunt ing and fishing: In the neighborhood of Shoal Water Ray. The amount of license charged the grocers and butchers for delivery wag ons by our city council is too much, and It should be reduced. ' At the drawing of Hill's lot olillr-yeH- terday II. Phillips secured a ded fpr( lot 34. In block 30, and K. T. Haston lot' 3(1, In the same block. vl Mr. Olnurtead, from over at Crooked Creek, was shaking hands with ;hts1 in-iny friends In the city yesterday aiul maklng purchases from our merchants.1 A book agent attempted to. soil u third ward politician on encycloiiedia. "Cyclopedia!" excliilmed the politician; "no! don't want It. Wouldn't have time to ride It." A; After staying over In Old Ireland W tv,llrt- The construction work at two years, Mike Lawlor has returned' lhl" tlnl w1" Bffo "ln w '" to Astoria once more, and b willing- to Payment for many lnboi-ers.-SiKjknne take the city ns she comes, railroad 'or Chronicle. no railroad. ..... j T'ie big Burlington is coming to the - i. 4 I Pacific, ocean. We expect to have Since the death of Tennyson England through Burlington trains In Salem be has hud no poet laureate, but Judge fore long. Statesman. Cleveland has had a poem submitted to' him. tho author of which ought surelv' ... " " 1 side of the Dig "omi. The Stutts band, under full headway, nearly ran Into the City band while the latter was playing for a funeral yes- Tuesday night to take a herd of 52 cat terd.iy. They Immediately stopped lay. tie belonging to F. Warren and R. Car ing and waited until the cortege had rut hers over to Warrenton. The crew lassed by and out of hearing. The funeral of the late J. P. Austin, of Cannon Beach, look place yesterday afternoon, under the auspices . of th Masonic fraternity. Mr. Austin havlntf ! been a member of Temple lodge, of this city, for several years. The services were held in the Episcopal church, the Rev. W. S. Short officiating, and the re-: mains were then conveyed on the May.' flower to Greenwood cemetery, their final ratine uku-e. Th. ftn,ri largely attended. !,! fnnn iv, who run a whohimM liquor houne, was very Polite yesterday morning, nnd requested a woman ae 'UiK DAILY qUalritance to Step Intd thd store and take a little drink with him. She not only refused, but shoo'd the whlte wlnsred dove of peace from Its quiet nest on Second street by bringing up her husband, who was going to shake the old man's wishbone out of him, had. not some of the crowd which was at-rogg young's Bay In the near future, tracted by the loud talking Interceded Messrs. Stanton and Campbell, In con In his behalf. A man can't, be too care-; imitation with Mr. D, K. Warren, Seely ful who he asks to take a drink of an(1 myseif today agreed to build a schnapps, morning. especially so early In the COURT HOUS13 NOTES. All day long yesterday the Jury lis tened to the case of McCague Savings Bank vs. D. W. Bush and E. O. Rogers, and will hear what Is left for the law yers to say this morning. ANOTHER ACCIDENT. Arthur Lelghton, while working at the Clatsop Mills yesterday, came In contact with one of the circular saws, and sustained the loss of two fingers and a Uiumb. He was taken to the hos pital, where he was treated by Dr. Ful ton. TENNIS COURT. There Is no tennis court In the city, and the Van. Dusen Brothers contem plate offering to a club to be organized up on Arch street the use of the back half of their large lot Tennis Is a healthy game, and a sport that can be enjoyed hugely by the players. A GOOD EXAMPLE. What Is prettier than a pretty lawn, and who is better satisfied than the owner of one? On West flxth street some one has started to make such a lawn, and a passer-by stated that the house belonged to H. H. Ingalls, and, that he had hired himself to do the Job. May Nature help him. FOOTBALL NEWS. The Football club hiis determined to Join the Pociflo .Association Amateur Athletic Union, In order thut Its mem bers may be eligible to compete at the games of the Multnomah Athletic club In Portland on the 30th Inst. The mat ter will be laid before a general meeting of the club to-night at 7:30, when a new constitution and by-laws will be elected and the sentiment of the members gen erally expressed. TO THE LADIES. This is the season of the year when the shopping by the ladles is mostly de voted to spring Jackets and capes. It Is easy to purchase either one, but the thing Is to get something that not only pleases as to material and trimmings, but is also the latest style. Albert Pun bar has all of these at his store, and InvltJS the ludles of Astoria to Inspect them. He h is a splendid line of chil dren's coats, also. LONG DISTANCES. 'When I sat at my desk In Sitka," said Gov. Swlneford, "1 was further from Olter Island, the westernmost point 'In Alaska, than I was from Port land, Maine. This may serve to give some Idea of the prodigious dimensions of Alaska. But I can furnish a more striking one. If the capital of the United States were located In the centre of tho United States that Is to say, at a point equidistant from Quudrtyheiu). Me., and Otter Island, AlnsUii it would ke In the Pacific ocean, some 600 miles iwrth by went of Sun Francisco." A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. Miss Klrlley, of Tunsy Point, was thrown from her horse yesterday while out riding, and sustained Injuries that are quite serious. Her half-brother, Mr. May, Immediately obtained a launch and brought her to this city, and she was placed In St. Mary's hospital, un der the treatment of Drs. MuIIInlx and Esles. On examination H was found that she had broken both arms and dis located both her wrists. They gave the proper attention to her Injuries at once, and on Inquiry at a late hour last-night she was said to be resting as comfort- ably as could be expected under theclr- cqmsiances, THE C. B. AND Q. . Tho news of the letting of the con tract for the construction of the exUMi- Bl," ' tlie Chicago, Burlington and .Missouri railroad from Sheridan to till lings will be generally received with gratification throughout the northwest. This line Is slowly but. steadily pushing forward to the Coast, and Is tapping a country rich In agricultural and mineral . 11,11 :. T- Humphreys, siz inira ' i fwL.t t.i Mu I, . and nil Wind" 01 game In season. A SERIOUS MISHAP. The steamer Dwyer went to Olney found the cattle so restless that they de elded not to load them until yesterday morning. When they came to load the cattle h pvetl m,t luHe W(f CntUB1h' and aa the cattle bunched to one side, It tipped over, spilling them all Into the I'"01" anJ ca,ch,"f tn n,a,e' ltw" ,"" m "" B,,u " ,nJurln hlm verely. He was brouht lhl n 1wer nd Ived prompt medical attention. Sev- ral of the cattle were drowned beforv the herd could rva. h a place of safety. ..Any one wUhlnjt tJ rent a ' r a ranch" should read Rudolph liarth's d vonlwments n the For Kent column. mmAti AjJ'MIU, 'fMK&UV - UUUMftJ, iflriiirfrianiiTfi A NEW DRIVEWAY; v IT" The following communication Was re ceived yesterday and explains Itself: Editor Aatorlan. I know It will be of Interest to your many readers to learn tnatl we ukely to get a driveway diiveway near or adjoining- present line of Seashore railroad trestle, from land to land, have same completed and ready for wagon traffic on or before October 1 nexk the same to be accepted on be half of Clalwjp county by Messrs. D. K. Warren, C. W. Carnahun and myself, and thereafter perpetually to be a free county road, with privilege of using the railway drawbridge free of charge, for ten years. All this will be done by Messrs. Stanton and Campbell, provid ing they are given a chance to earn the railroad subsidy now In the hands of the railroad committee. This driveway I have heretofore advocated, and all town and county people Know that the advantages to be derived from same are very great, and the willingness of Messrs. Stanton and Campbell to build the same should go far to convince our people that they are broad-gauge men, and mean to do fair and square busl- ncfs with us. I believe a driveway to Clatsop will bn worth $50,000 a year to Astoria direct ly, and of unaccountable value to the country people generally. JOHN ADAIR A CARD. Astoria, Or., May 8th, 1894. To the Electors and Citizens of Clatsop County, Oregon: It is right that the county. Judge HnouW ve at ,ne county seat r tnere. fore pledge my word of honor to each and every citizen of this county, that If elected to the office of county judge, 1 will during- my entire term of office re side in the city of Astoria, Oregon. JAM Ed W. WALKER. Mr. R. T. Humphrey, who has been away for the last three years, returned nnd has opened up a fish market at 372 Third street. Only a few more days left to secure n fine, $10, Crayon Portrait by ordering one dozen cabinets, at Crow's Gallery. II. Ekstrom has fixed his prices for Jewelry to suit the times, and the latest novelties can be secured at the cost of material used in the manufacture. Teething bsbles and fe'r sh l.!'- need St-e-e-dnian's Soothing Powders. 'fry them. Hill's First addition is located In the centre of the city. Lots are now selling In It for $2. An $80 lot for $2. Meany Is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur SKins. - For a delicious plate of pure Ice cream, go to C. B. Smith, the Ice Cream Dealer. Ice Cream soaa a specialty, rn vate parlors for ladies. 483 Third street Fresh fish and poultry at Welcome's Market, next to Foard & Stokes-. BOARD AND LODGING. FIRST CLASS BOARD With or without rooms, at reasonable rates. Ap ply at E. C. Holden's, corner Main and Jefferson. WANTED. WANTED TO RENT Two or three nicely furnished rooms for housekeep ing. Address E. J. ,C, care Astorian. WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply 157 Jackson. WANTED Sewing by seamstress.. Apply to Schultz, 1?4 Main street. a competent Mrs. Mary AGENTS Makes $5.00 a day. Great est kitchen utonsll ever invented, lie tulls 33c ts. : to Ii sold In every house. Sump o, postage paid, five cents, f or sheo & McMakln, -Cincinnati!, O. $5.00 TO $15.00 PER DAY at home selling Lightning Plater and platlug Jewell-;', watches, tableware, etc. Every house 'has goods needing plating. No experience; no capital; no talking. Some agents are making $25 a day. Perma nent position. Address H. K. Delno & Co., Columbus, Ohio. FOR RENT. FOR RENT A West Sixth street. Ilarth, on premises. dwelling house on Inquire of Rudolph FOR RENT A ranch, with orchard and well stocked, live miles from Olney, on easy terms. Inquire of Rudoplh Rarth. FOR SALE. CHANCE FOR ALL Men of small means can buy real estate lit Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR $2.-K?all at the Astoria Deal folate Exchange and get a lot In Mill's' First Addition tor Ii. JAPANESE CURIOSITIES Wing Lee has Just received a full line of Jnpuncse curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost 529 Third street. SOCIETY MEETINGS. 1'ILOT COMMtSSIONERs-Tho reg ular meetings of this board will beheld on th-j first Monday of each month at 10 a, in., at the office of Robb & Par ker. - W. ntobb. Sec NOTICE The regular meetings of the Astoria Building and Loan Associa tion are held at p. in. on the first Wednesday of each month. Oiflce on Genevieve street, south of Chenamua. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT Na 1XI.O. O. F. Regular meeting of Ocean En campment No. 13, In the Odd Fellows' BuilUlug. at T p. in., on the second and fcurth Mondays of en eh month. So Jtnirnlng brethren cordially In Med. By order C P. COMMON COUNCIL Regular meet ing first and third Tuesday evening of each month at i o'clock In city naJL Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the autlitor and cierk on or before the Frt dr evening prior to the Tuesday on which the council hold Its regular Auditor and. IVlice Judge. I MAV M' EN walk blocks to come to us for their clears, fnev have for years. Thev will come farther than ever now that we arc selling the celebrated IDEAL AMERICAN, A genuine Key West Cigar, for ten cents. CHARLES OLSEN, UE. 4 LIB IN CIQARS, PIPES AND TOBACCO, 527 Third Strett. "BREAKING IN," Many a man has "broken out" In a Dassion. and felt all "broken up," try. Ine to icet a new pair of shoes "broken In." He has had to "break off" many an engagemei t on account of crippled feet, and has gone "broke" many a time trying to get relief for his corns the direct cause of ill-ntting shoes. You will find all this obviated by pur chasing your footwear at the store of JOHN HAHN & CO. A POINTER Many people believe that all black smithing Jobs are alike that they are nothing but muscle and material mixed. That is true of ordinary jobs. Brains are also used to make a good Job. So is conscience. A Job made without Bklll or honesty Is no good. Our work Is widely known for Its quality, durability and economy in tne end. Q. A. Stinson & Co. In a Stew Your wife will surely be, unless you send home a piece of meat that is Tender and Sweet Long experience has made us expert judges of meat, and we will give you points on how to pick out a good piece. WASHINOTON MEAT MARKET, CHRISTEN5EN & CO., Prop'rs, AT MEAL TIMES Do you ever consider the quality of the bread and pastry you are ' eating? It may be good. It might be better. The best Is the cheapest, and you will always find It at CLEVELAND'S Main Street Bakery. At Gibney's Second Hand Store YOU CAN BUY A $28.00 Bedroom Set, the Dresser of which has a 30x24-inch Lookingglass Our Price, $15. A $30.00, Hardwood set, with side-glass dresser a beuaty Our Price only $20, Fisherman's Brand New Rubber Boots, $3; worth $5. 615 Third street. VICTOK SANDERSON, Pile Driving and Dock Building. All work guaranteed. Address, 845 Cedar street, or on the Driven at the Union Pacific Dock. WAS ALMOST BLIND Little Girl bad to be Kept In a Dark Room. Could not See to Feed Herself. Remedies and Doc tors All Fulled. Cured In One Week by Cutlcura. 4,1 V lluiu Kill .. '.J win wjm. A HIW everything;, but nothing did any -ood. I took her to iloetor in Atlanta, who treated her for a year, but she kept gecttng worse. I brought her home; waa aliuirtt out of heart: I just felt sura she would go blind. An old laily tnld mo to try Ji tictra Remedies. I had no fill ill In tliem, a I bad tried every l,.. Mt-I mm im. n T .1 thing. I commenced on Watunlay, and before tho next Satunlnv her eyes were aound anil well as any ell I Ill's. She waa almost blind, anil bad been kept iu a dark room for wore than a year; could not see to feed herself; and tliey have never been aa yet the least par ticle aura or even looked ml from that day until this, anil it will be three yean the first of May. They certainly cured her, and 1 think they are tbe'ercatost remedies out. I only awl half a box of Cctici ka, one cake Oci tiocra Soar, and one bottle of Cctici-ra Rbsolvknt: so yon see what wonders they did for my little irirl. I hare read of all of these moat wonderful rages, bnt nerer before thought they might be true; but I know this to be Die positive truth. Mas. K ANNIE GARWOOD, Canton, Ca. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS CcncrnA Resolvent, the new blood and Bktn flintier and greatest of Humor Reme dies, cleanses the blood of all Uupuritlea and poisonous elements, and thus removes the cause, while Ccticiba, the great akin cure, and CrTiri it Soar, an exquisite akin beau tiner, clear the akin and aealp, and restore the hair. Thus the CmciKA Rkhedib cure erery ajteole of Itching, burninr, eoaly, pimply, and blotchy akin, aealp, and bieg4 oiaeiuiea. Iron punplea to acrol uU. BoM hronhoo the world. Price, CrrwTmA, 10a.; Boar,c; KasoLvtiiT.II. Pomabsoa ass Casa. Coar Soto Proprietors, Buatoe. tat" Hew to Cars Bkia Disease," fn. C I PV'C " "x Scalp on rifted awe bantta CnDI 0 by Cwtlcwr sp. AIotow7 p. KCW UY SICE ACHES! V AeMn aides aa4 Bark, H1, Ektarf. w V awi. twiM Patau, aa4 '- " - " " n 1 , 10, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A.- SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2. Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN, D. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Manseil Block. 673 Third street J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. -In the Flavel building, opposite Occident FULTON BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3, 4. 6, and 6, Odd Fellows' Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 6, 6 and T, Flavel Building. Brick SIIJVS B. SMITH. ATTORNEY JS LAW. Office In Flavel's brick building. FRANK J. TAYLCi ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second Strtet, Astoria, Or. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 6S4H Third st, Astoria, Ore. DR. O. B. ESTE8, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danzlger'a store, Astoria. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. AND ACCOUCHEUR. . Office, Rooms 6 and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. heBldence, 639, Cedar street DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found In his office until 10 o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until IS p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings. BUSINESS CARDS. SV WICKMAN, CONTRACTOR. House moving and. street planking. Screws and blocks for rent. Call on or address 2037 Pine street. A. GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co., 615 Squemoque street. J. II. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident In surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office, 112 Benton street. Astoria, Or, MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McQulre's Ho tel at Seaside Is open the year around. CALL ON P. BAKER, 478 Third SL, and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. SEWING MACHINES And general repairing, lock-fitting, etc C. A. May, 132 Main street GEO, McLEAN, corner Olney and A fl ier streets, does a general business tn blacksmithlng and repairing. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Handley & Haas, 100 First street, ald get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning; paper while there. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE. If you have friends in Europe whose pas sage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific office, steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced fare via ill the leading steamship lines. ARE YOU GOINO EASTT Patron ize the Northern Pacific railroad if vou are Golnr East Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage check-.' ed to destination. All purchaser of . second-class tickets can stop over at Portland Rates of fare same as from Portland. 1 How Are You Fixed for Insurance? Fire and kWe are agents for the largest and best companies represented Royal Insurance Co., assets,' London Assurance Corp'n .Etna Insurance Co. Western U. S. Brancb, New Zealand Insurance Co., Combined Assets. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS-Call at August Danlelson's Sample Rooms. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. s A DELICIOUS DRINK. There is no place In Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer Is kept In such good con dition as at Utzlnger's popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. inanceWs AS FOLLOWS: Be It ordained by dealers in clothing, and railroaded through In one night and have the mayor sign it the same night, so when you wake up in the morn ing you find a brand new law, that no man shall have the right to go to any other place to purchase goods without paying at least 40 per cent more than Is sold at the Consignee Sale, corner West Ninth and Third streets. And be it fur ther enacted that if a fisherman don't buy an oil suit or rubber coat for S5 per cent less than is charged elsewhere In the olty, ho shall have the right to bring S. Friedman, manager of the con signee store before the police Judge and be fined $400 for each offense, or be im prisoned in the city Jail and fed on sal mon heads and water, or both fine and imprisonment. And be it further enact ed that no other person shall be here after allowed to come to this city and engage In any occupation that will con flict with S. Friedman, and If cny per son who shall dare to corns ru-re, shall be fined $400 and be ordered out. ,f the city limits. The above rr".'--nc shall become a law Immediate: u.ier being signed by the mayor. I. R. & N. CO.'s Steamer Ilwaco. Leaves Astoria dally at 7:30 o'clock, for Ilwaco, and con necting with railroad running north at 10 a. m., and with boats on Shoalwater bay for SOUTH BEND, SUNSHINE, NORTH COVE, and other points through to GRAY'S HARBOR. Return ing, connects at Ilwaco with steamers for Astoria, and NIGHT BOATS FOR PORTLAND. ' JOHN R. GOULTER, Secretary. L. A. LOOMIS, President R. V. EGBERT. Superintendent Portland and Astoria. STEAMER TELEPHONE. Leaves Astoria every evening except Sunday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 4 p. m. Leaves Portland every day except Sunday nt 7 a. m. C. W. STONE, Agt, Astoria, E. A. Seeley, general agent, Portland. RAKES AND THINGS. The little warm rays of sunshine drop ping in a little earlier these mornings, as the season advances, plainly say, "Get ready, for folks will soon be want ing garden things!" So we ARE get -ting ready our hoes, rakes, spades, etc., etc., for your coming. Never mind the prices they'll be as little as anybody's, aimoJ1t surely smaller, T Hardware Dealer. Marine. in Astoria. 21,562,376,00 8,630,425.00 10,915,829.00 l.G17,193.0O 2,677,219.00 15,403,044.00 RBwOrflinanceWantea ELMORE, SANBORN & CO.