1HE imY "AStcmiAiVi AStoiitA. fotiliAv MdMJNu May 4, isi4 " BREAKING 1NV Many a man has "broken out" In a passion, and felt ull "broken up, ' try ing to get a new pair ot shoes "broken In." He has had to "break off" many nn engagemet.t on account of crippled feet, ond has gone "broke" many a time trying to get relief for hl corns tha direct cause of Ill-fitting' shoes. You will find all this obviated by pur chasing your footwear at the store of JOHN HAHN & CO. A POINTKK Many people believe that all black smlthlng Jobs are alike that they are nothing but muscle and material mixed. That Is true of ordinary Jobs. Brains are also used to make a good Job. So Is conscience. A Job made without skill or honesty is no good. Our work Is widely known for Its quality, durability and economy in tne ena. Q. A. Stlnson & Co. In a Stew Your wife will surely be, unless you send horn a piece of meat that Is Tender and Sweet Long experience has made us expert Judges of meat, and we will give you points on how to pick out a good piece. WASHINOTON MEAT flARKET, CMKI5TENSEN & CO., Prop'M, AT MEAL, TIMES Do you ever consider the quality ; of the bread and pastry you are eating? It may be good. It might be better. The best Is the cheapest and you will always find It at CLEVELAND'S Main Street Bakery. Do You Wish To enrich your table economically?) Here's a chance, at A. V. Allen's. English ware, and lots of It! Rich " Flower decorations of various sorts, and at quickstep prices. Modestr-prleed glassware, too, oil course. Tne shelves are erowueu with them. Corner of Cass and Hquemoque Streets. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Attorla, Fine Tut and Coffeei, Table Delicacies, Domestic and I riiplcal l-rulls, vegetauirs, sugar Lured Hams, Bacon, Etc. Choice Fresh and Salt Meats. EVfcRY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : i AT POH'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming Specialty. FREEMAN & BREMNER, HluclcHtnltlia. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CAfflP OJORK A SPECIALTY 1W Olney street, between Third and and Fourth, Astoria, Or. At Gibney's, Second Hand Store YOU CAN BUY A laf.OO Hedroom Set, the Dresser of which has a 30xl!4-lm-u Lookingglnsa Our Price, 115. A $:i0.00, 11 ii i-cl wood set, with slde-glns dresser a beiiaty Our Price only $-'0. A $10.01) I.uiii bcrman's Jackscrew, good ns new Our Piiee, $:M. 015 Third street. VICTOR HANDISKHON. Pile Driving and Dock Building. All work guaranteed. Address, 15 Cedar street, or on the Driven lit the Union Tactile Dock. Cuticura Remedies Are Pure Sweet Gentle And Most Economical Because Speedily Effective. Mothers and Children Are their Warmest Friends Sold throafkosi U wwU. Tri, Catlcur. BOcl to si, Ma.) JUal?wt. U fattrr Drug 4 CtwiB. Corp., lol Ft, privtor. IVxtwa. W" How to Onra -" tkU suit I'.luud UImmm," aaslU tfm tide Table for May. moir watmi. LOW WATEII. -4 A. M. I'. M. A. M. i h. in.; 'ft. 4 if 3 4 4 ai 1 a it ;n 11 11 a ift 0 I. a r7 -0 ft 7 411 -0 a 2.V-1 0 0 14-1 0 10 17 -0 7 11 oft -u :i 11 4 i :'i a i iti :i 1 :i ot 2 2 4 m 1 ft 4 Kl; 0 ft ;mi 0 0 a H4-U 5 7 M-0 8 i r. m. IiT ml ft. ii. in.! nnii Ii. i.i.l ft. T.. 1 W.. i t .. .. 4 ... ft h... ; M.. 7! T .. H W.. T..10 I-'. .11 H...IJ! H...i:i M..U T.Jfti W..M; T ..17, r'..l! h...W; H...9I M..2I T . .SB W..2I T..S4-I K..3 H...2U : H...liT. M..2H.' T . .: ! v..aof T . .SHI- lu mi 6 4 in :il 7 2 hi tit it ii ot ; II 4i!t 7 3 II 42 H j . ..I . .-ili! III 7 4 4 17; 1 0 ft 02 1 5 ft 4ft 1 a a 22 1 1 7 00 2 2 ; 7 i!7i 2 6 8 18 S H Oftl il 2 III Ii2i il ft 11 l:i it 8 12 In II il 1 IH II 7 2 21) 1 1 ; il lai 1 4 1 4 It; 1 ft i ft 001 1 8 ! ft 4ll 2 2 ! a is 2 ft IMH 1 7 28 I i 8 Oil 3 4 I 8 42 3 7 I 9 2:1 3 10 1ft 4 2 II 22 4 3 (I 2M It I IH 7 4 0 W. H 7 : ii OH .7 3 1 M 2 lift '7 t 4; ,11 & ; lift1 4 mi: ! ft icn A IH : 7 w: 4 r 11 7 M 0 44 4 411 ill 4 ui 11 ;i ; 411 11 4 ; h v e; III III' II H III II Ml. 7 Hi in ,11 ffi l II ...',. ..' n ih h 4 , i , 0 4:i; H 4 I t 7 4S -0 8 -0 7 ! 1 H 8 H (WHO 2 : 7 H OH 7 it il .11 8 4 4M S r res ft 11 7 ICI ft 7 H IS ft H 27 a 0 111 :m a a I 8 18 2H fl 4 8 54 -0 4 -0 I I) il, 0 7 1 n 3 7 II il 2 ft 1 7 0 8. OK ill 1 m a l lift a 2 20 n 3 118 ja a rft la 8 4:1 7 1 ;ift 7 ft 111 .7 i! 0 2!l I III 081 10 44 111 ;iri M V T- 12 27 1 22 1, 2 : i a mi 2:1' 3 2ftl 2 3 4 una 4 il 4 21 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 63 degrees; m nimum temperature, si aegiees;-ie- clpltntloii, none. 'P. .ml urAidnltnt Inn from JU V 1. 1'M. to date, 9273 Inches; excess of precipi tation from July l, Jraa, 10 uaie, xi.vi Inches. THE WEATHER TODAY. ' Portland, May 3. Forecast: Fair weather; slight temperature changes; light northerly winds. A ROUND TOWN. The ladle of the Presbyterian church will give a rare musical treat on the lllth of May. The regular Friday evening service at Grace Episcopal church will be omitted this evening. C. P. Upshur, who enjoys driving a horse that has to be held with both hands, has been siieedlng his nag on our streets the last few days. Double lock your medicine chests, as Ihc young lady minstrels are going to "block-up" tonight, and burnt cork Is what must be had at any cost. Thomas Trulllnger went up the Lewis and Clarke river yesterday to scale a 000,000 foot raft of spruce logs for Fisher Brothers. The steamer Fannie will lie down Unlay to take them to PorUund. "Under the Gaslight" attracted a good-sized audience lust night at Lib erty hall, the rullroud scene being as attractive aa ever. The same play will be rejieatcd tonight and tomorrow. Sunday, "Iji Uastlle." The entertainment to.be given May 4 by the Ys and library promises to be unusually entertaining. The especially interesting feature will be the lady mln strels. Although the times are hard, don't stay away and afterwards wish you had gone. One of the numliers on tonight's pro gram Is "A Maglo Mirror." Will lti tell the young liulles "who they are" and "Where they are at" after they have donned the burnt cork, long-pointed col lars, eta? If so, please turn It towards the audience, as it will likely wish to know who's who! and what's what. If the licensed bill poster of Astoria has to puy very much for the exclusive privilege of covering our dead walls with Illuminated posters, It's dollars ts cents that he Is not getting enough work to cause any one to envy him his franchise. The bill board west of Shan ahan's store hasn't had a new poster on It since lust summer. The Loyul Teniierance Legion will ropeut their "Hard Times Soclul" on Saturday evening at Rescue hall, and, by voluntary vote of the members, an admission fee will be charged, as they generously promise to donate the en tire proceeds to the club. The children Intend to give the best entertainment ever furnished for the money, and hope to bee the usual crowded house. If more attention was iald to educat ing children thoroughly, and less effort nuide to bring out a lurge graduating class at the end of the term, our schools would show a marked Improvement. It Is often the case that children gradu ate who can'ti stand nn examination, i.nd the only reason they happen to do so Is that It pleases the parents and gives the school a reputation. Kx. There are thousands of salmon but ting their heads against the Pokegamn Lumber Company's dam In the Kla math liver. This winter's fivshet took away the flsh ladder, and the Klamath river just below the dam Is composed of us much fish as It Is of water. All the creeks, streams and brooks, and mlnera' sluice lnixes In some Instances, are fairly gorged with salmon trying to go up further. Gold Hetu-h Gazette. MISS DUNLAP'S LECTURE. Miss lone Dunliip. of Portland, will lecture at Rescue Hall at two o'clock Friday, May 4th, upon kindergarten work. This will be before the teachers at tending the teachers' Institute assembly and the public generally are requested to le present. Miss Duulup Is an enthusiastic kin dergartener possessed of high attain ments In this lleld and Is a very pleas ing seaker, It Is to Uj hoped that mother! will take advantage of this opportunity to see what the work can be made to do for our "little onea." tllll'f First addition Is located In the centre ot the city. Lots are now selling In It for U An S0 lot for $1 FTcsh fish and poultry at Welcrm Market, next to Fonrd A Stokes", MUTINY SQUELCHED. ' There wna some breaking for cover when the rain began at Commonvea! clsco with his daughter, Miss Julia, and headquarters yesterday morning. Sleep- ta registered at the Occident. Mr. Ing amongst the net racks around a Clarkson wenb down to the mouth of cannery Is not what It la cracked up ,the river yesterday, and expresses him to be, especially If a man has the de- self forcibly as to the possibilities of llrium tremens In the night and gets Astoria. his head shifted aa his ear la over a crack and the Seabreeze blows on his tympanum. That was what happened f News 9 scarce about the court house to paraslto 1011 at the break of day ut no new stilts, no real estate transfers the Anglu American cannery.. He was ,lor ay marriage licenses. . Next Mon found wrestling with a superb zoological aay court, will again convene, and the collection that the Smithsonian Instl- -joe e is so. small that there 1b not tution would give millions for. The cream of the outfit was a brilliant red ant-eater with a tall like a feather dust er. When Eli's companions turned him over so that his face pointed more to the zenith he gradually recovered and the menagerie disappeared. When the rain drops came At daybreak In his battered tent, Willie was dreaming of the hour 'When he could have, where'er he went A mug of beer or whisky sour. The patter of the rain disturbed him just as he was accumulating a great and glorious thirst. The first few drops that dripped, through upon his face made him blink his eyes. He suit up, touched his finger to the moisture, and applied it to his tongue. "Water," he roared In disgust. "Move the army to the starting dock." By 7 o'clock the camp was all astir, and the committee on eye-openers was ordered to report at headquarters. At this Juncture a fight broke out. Thirsty Willie's cayuse had been tied to a test ing tank. In the aforesaid testing tank peacefully slumbered Calamity Jim, the six-fingered brakeman of the Astoria and Portland limited freight. He was stretched upon his back, with a fine stand of seal-brown, Willamette whis kers pointing towards Tongue Point. In the darkness the cayuse had mistaken this output for baled hay and had browsed freely thereon. The result was that most of the whiskers on one side of hlB face had disappeared. When Jim sat up and rubbed his eyes a shriek of laughter went up from his comrades In arms. "Wot's eatin' yer?" he grunted. "Wot's the matter wid your bridal vail?" sold Hungry Hank In return. Jim felt for his whiskers, and with a cry of anguish bounded over the kettle and at Hungry Hank's throat. Over the two went, rolling In under the splitting table, clasped in each other's embrace, scratching and biting like all get out. Thirsty Willie heard the disturbance and stalked to an empty salmon case. placing his broad fin to his eye as if to shield the glare of the morning sun, he roared: "What, ho! me legions:" Anaconda Pete, the sergeant, rushed up with a barrel stave at present arms, and sang out, "Aye, aye, sir; leegins Is present." ' "Wot! mutiny In de camp? Bring dese skates to me tent and have 'em shot for breakfast." "Dey was half shot for supper," sug gested the sergeant. . . "Mashts nlcht aus," thundered the leader. "If any blokes Is looking for a scrap I'll give 'em a game. De keys to both the graveyards are a hanging to me vest. .See." The rioters were brought In and pinched down to three beers a day for the rest of the week. They begged plte- ously for a respite, but tha leader was deaf to their entreaties. The encampment was christened "Camp Half-and-Half" lust night, and the opening ode for the day was: A little book beer at this time of year Is likely to knock a man blind. But when he awakes, how his appetite quakes, For the lunch that he left behind. This was sung loudly and lustily to the tune, "The Girl I Left Behind," and the official poet, Woodslde Wayne, was onlered to have a new chorus each morning. The army expects to move Saturday or Sunday morning. Contributions are coming In fast. Thirsty Willie received a check for $21,- 000 from Cornelius Vaoulerbilt on the down boat, but it was too late to cash It In yesterday. No doubt Mr. Gordon, of the First National bank, will pay It this morning on presentalon, without telegraphing aa tn whether It Is good or not. Also the following "was re ceived : Philadelphia, May 3. Parched- Will lam: (should you visit our city, would tw pleiiaetl to show you our baiguln counter. Wa have a Job lot of cigars that have never been smoked, and oilier supplies you will need, (.signed) JOHN WANAMAKER. The checks, drafts and other evi dences of good-will received yesterday filled a good-slzen basket, and the gen eral said that If this kept up he would have to advertise for a, typewriter one with yellow hair and blue eyes pre ferred. All reportens have now been excluded from the camp, but It has leaked out that before the army starts It will make a secret midnight raid on the North Pu.-illo Brewery, claiming there Is no beer In Portland equal to the North Pa cific's brew, and they want the best. We'll see whut we'll see. PERSONAL J. Tagg, of Skliwnon, was In the city yesterday making purchases for his ranch. John P. O'Shay, the millionaire butch er of Portland. Is In the city. Mrs. E.v McGregor, from Aberdeen, Wash., is In the city visiting her son, W. F. McGregor. Mrs. Hi H. Willis and daughter came down from McMlnnvllle yesterday on a visit to Mrs. Feely. 1 Teething babies and feverish t.:Mrn rv.l St-e-e-dman's Soothing Powders. Try them. . . , - NOTED QUESTS. ' T. J, Clarkson, postmaster of Omaha, i in the city, on his way to San Fran- COURT HOUSE NOTES. mui rush In getting ready. DIED. BACHELDER At San Francisco, on Ap. I 29, 1894, of Blight's disease, James W. Bachelder, aged 44 years and 9 mo ths. La was a brother of Mrs. H. P. Kin dred, of Astoria. Oregonian please copy, A NEW BRAND. In many a family the coffee making uses ud half the coffee money. We bring to you now a coffee with a blend that will save that half, and mc-re eive better coffee. Those who pay big coffee bills, and drink poor coffee, too, can come to us now ami get a splendid r rencn conee for 25c a pound. Try It. i-oaru s Stokes. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for iur Bains. For J2, a lot is delivered every week to the buyer In Hill's l-'trst aaamon. For a delicious plate of pure Ice cream, go to C. B. Smith, the Ice Cream Dealer. Ice Cream soda a specialty, pri vate parlors for ladies. 483 Third street. H. Ekstrom has fixed his prices for Jewelry to suit the times, and the latest novelties can be secured at the cost of material used in the manufacture. C. R. F. P. U. NOTICE. The regular monthly meeting of the Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union will be held at their reading room Saturday, May 5, 1SU4, at 7 p. m. sharp- Members in good standing are requested to be present, and have their liook or receipt along. HOFUS JENSEN, Secretary. DECORATION DAY. Astoria, Or., April 30, 1F94. To the People of Astoria, and the Public Schools Especially Greeting: Gushing Post,, No. 14, Department of Oregon, (1. A. R., propose celebrating the coming anniversary, Memorial Day, In the usual appropriate manner. The decoration services will be had at the public cemetery, on the hill, in Astoria. The order of exercises and full program will be published further on. F. D. WINTON. Attest.: Post Commander. W. C. CASSELL, Adjutant. Only a few more days left to secure a line, $10, Crayon Portrait by ordering one dozen cabinets, at Crow's Gallery. COFFEE Is rendered more wholesome and palat able if instead of using milk or cream you use the Gall Borden Ragle Brand Condensed Milk, or if you prefer it un sweetened, then Borden's Peerless Brand Evaporated Cream. BOARD AND LODGING. FIRST CLASS BOARD With or without rooms, at reasonable rates. Ap ply at E. C. Holden's, corner Main and Jefferson. WANTED. AGENTS WANTED Pollard vs. Breckenrldge celebrated breach of prom ise case; book ready; history or liti gants; illustrated; 500,000 will be sold; prospectus free. W. H. FERGUSON & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Sewing by seamstress. Apply to Schultz, 174 Main street. a competent Mrs. Mary AGENTS Makes $5.00 a day. Great est kitchen utensil ever invented, lie tails 35cts. 2 to 6 sold in every house. Samp c, postage, paid, five cents. For shee & McMakln, Cinclnnattl, O. $25.00 to $50.00 per week using and selling Old Reliable Plater. Every fam ily has rusty, worn knlves.forks, spoons, etc. Quickly plated by dipping in melted metal. No experience or hard work; a good situation. Address w. P. Hani, son & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, O. FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP The sloop May flower. Capacity, 1,000 salmon. Inquire or capt. A. T. HAKK1S, llwaco, Wash. CHANCH FOR ALL Men of Bmall means can buy real estate in Hill's first addition. LOTS FOR $2.-Call at the Astoria Real Estate Exchange and get a lot In Hill's First Addition for $2. JAPANESE CURIOSITIES Wing Lee hus Just received a full line ol Japanese curiosities and taney goods. Will sell at cost. 529 Third street. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McGulre's Ho tel at Seaside is open the year around. CALL ON P. BAKER, 478 Third St and have your clothes dyed and cleaned. SEWING MACHINKS And general repairing, lock-lilting, etc, C. A. May, 133 Main street GEO. M CLEAN, corner Olney and As ter siieeta, does a general business in blacksmilhing b.nd repairing. WHEN IN PORTLAND-Call on Handley & Haas, 150 First street, and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss ihelr morning paper while there. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE. If you nave mends In l.urope whose pas sage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacitio ollice, steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced fare via all the leading steamship lines. ARB TOU GOING EAST? Patron- Ixe the Northern Pacific railroad If you are Going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, barrage check ed to destination. All purchasers of second-class tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates of fare same as from r..it!.'in.i. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. mm H.-A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2. Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN. D. D. S.. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block. D73 Third street J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. in the ,. . Flavel building, opposite Occident. FULTON BROS.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 3, 4. 6. and 6, Odd Fellows' Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. M.. LAFORCE, ii-TnnvBT AT LAW. Rooms D, 6 and 7, Flavel s Brick Building. SIIA8 B. SMITH, ATTORNEY i.T LAW. Ofnce in Flavel's bilck building. FRANK J. TAYLC'H, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ABtorla, Oregon. J" ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Office on Second Stffet, Astoria, Or. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 5S4V.I Third St., Astoria, Ore. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. ... Ollice over Danzlger s store, Astoria. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Oftice, Rooms 5 and 6, Pythian Buikling. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Residence, 639, Cedar street. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found In his office until 10 o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2 p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings. BUSINESS CARDS. WICKMAN, CONTRACTOR. House moving and street planking. Screws and blocks for rent. Call on or address 2037 Pine street A. GIBBONS, ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co., 515 Squemoque street. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public. Fire and accident In surance. W. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. " Office, 112 Benton street. Astoria, Or, SOCIETY MEETINGS PILOT COMMI3SIONEIit-Thc reg ular meetings of this board will be held ou the first Monday of each month at 10 a. m., at the ollice of Robb & Par ker. W. L.'Robb. Sec NOTICE The regular meetings of me Astoria liuilillng and Loan Associa tion are held at 8 p. m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Ollice on Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O. O. F. Regular meetings of Ocean En campment No. 13, in the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. So journing brethren cordially in '.ted. By order C. P. COAIMON COUNCIL Regular meet ings first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock In city hall. Persons desiring to hav9 matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before the Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on which the council holds Its regular meeting. K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police Judge. How Are You Fixed for Insurance? Fire and Marine. We are agents for the largest and best companies represented in Astoria. Royal Insurance Co., assets, London Assurance Corp'n ;Etna Insurance Co. Western U. S. Branch, New Zealand Insurance Co.; Combined Assets. BEVERAGES. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS-Call at August Danlelson's Sample Rooms. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold-ut Alex Campbell's Gem. A DELICIOUS DRINK. There Is no place In Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer Is kept In such good con dition as at Utzlnger's popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zln fandel wine Instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon! Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. Goflsicjnee Sale We have had a run lately, and hun- ' dreds of ladles are purchasing laces and corsets. We are selling German yarn at 15c per 1-4 lb. skein, zephyrs 4 oz. pack age at 10 cents. Men folks have mode a great many empty places in our cloth ing line, and hats are moving rapidly. Suspenders are going by the hundreds. In fact, people have found a place where they can save from 40 to 60 per cent on . their investment This sale has caused a great deal of comment among the merchants, and they would like to close us out. The manager of this Consignee Sale is an old resident in Oregon and has lived In one place over 20 years; Is competent to walk through any store and give an estimate of the value, with in 5 per cent, and has never missed It; therefore, while known as the best ex pert on the Coast, la often trusted to handle large bankrupt stocks, and has already handled over one hundred stores In Oregon and Washington, and Is known to make no statement but facts. While he never Interferes with other merchants, yet some of them sometimes are fool enough to try and Interfere with him, in which case they generally get the worst of It. The sale goes on Just the same, however, and the people can buy cheaper In this city than in Portland, at this Great Consignee S-ile. S. Friedmci?, jMarpager Astoria, Oregon. I. R. & N. CO.'s Steamer llwaco. Leaves Astoria dully at 7:30 o'clock, for llwaco, and con necting with railroad running north at 10 a. m., and with boats on Shoalwater bay for SOUTH BEND, SUNSHINE, NORTH COVE, and other points through to GRAY'S HARBOR. Return ing, connects at llwaco with steamers for Astoria, and NIGHT BOATS FOR PORTLAND. JOHN R. GOULTER, Secretary. L. A. LOOMIS, President R. V. EGBERT, Superintendent Portland and Astoria. STEAMER TELEPHONE. Leaves Astoria every evening except Sunday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 4 p. m. Leaves Portland every day except Sunday at 7 a. m. C. W. STONE, Agt, Astoria, E. A. Seeley, general agent, Portland. RAKES AND THINGS. The little warm rays of sunshine drop ping in a little earlier these mornings, as the season advances, plainly say, "Get ready, for folks will soon be want ing garden things!" So we ARE get- , ting ready our hoes, rakes, spades, etc., etc., for your coming. Never mind the prices they'll be as little as anybody's, almost surely smaller. J. B. WYATT, Hardware Dealer. 21,502,370,00 8,030,423.00 10,915,829.00 1,017,195.00 2,077,219.00 $43,403,044.00 ELMORE, SNBORN & CO.