THE DAILY ASTORIAN. ' ASTORIA. SATURDAY M0RN1NU. APRIL 28. 1894 TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Seived by carrier, pepr week... 15 els fr'ert by mall, per month 80 cts ttt by mail, per year J7.00 WEEKLY. flenl by mall per ye". 2 W m advance. Postage free to subscriber. The .Astorlan guarantees to Its gul-M-rilier the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be obtained on publication to Wis Dusiness manager. This paper is In possession of all the telegraph franchises, and Is the only paper on the coiumDia river voui puu iixh.'H eenuine diSDatcheS. The Dally Astorian's circulation Is live times as great as uiat or tne com l-lned circulation of the other daily p Hers of Astoria. The Weekly Astorlan. the third old tHt weekly in the state of Oregon, has, itxt to the Portland Oregoniun, the largest weekly circulation in the stale. Subscribers to the Astorlan are re quested to notify this oince, without loss of time, immediately they full to receive their dally paper, or wnen inoy lo not get it at the usual hour. By & Ipb- this they will enable the manage. ment to place the blame on the proper (.artles and to insure a speeay remeay. Handlev & Vaan are our Portland ii gents and copies of the Astorlan can te had every morning ai meir humu tm First street. TIDE TABLE. For the Week, Beginning To-day. i HIUH WiTKR I WW WATKR DATS A.M. f.M. I AM. VM. lb m iJtlJL'JlLiidli! m ijk.lljijgjfc Sun7i 22 TBI is 5 2 52 6 7 !TwfiWM2l Mon. 23 2 258 3 8 37 60 9 19 00 8 52i& S Tue. 21 3 02:7 9 4 2567 10 00 0 4 934138 We!. 25 3 427 4 5 23 5 5 10 470 8 10 244 Thr.. 2G 4 2817 0 6 5 3 11 401 1 11 4114 4 Frl... 27 6 25 6 6 7 356 6! 12 411 4 Sat.. 28 6 35 6 3 8 2969 11846 1 44jl6 Kun.. 29 7 6PI6 1 9 14 6 3! 2 384 0 2 431 6 Mon. 30 8 6816 2 9 52 6 8 3 34 3 3 3 331 6 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 60 degrees minimum temperature, 40 degrees; pre- c nltatlon. .79 Inch. Total precipitation from July 1, 1893, to date. 91.96 inches; cxccbs or precipi tatlon from July 1, 1893, to date, 27.26 Inches, THE WEATHER TODAY. Portland, Ore., April 27. For Western Washington and western Oregon: Bhowers, followed by fair weather. For 'Eastern Washington and EaHtern Oregon; Fair weather; cooler. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor W. P. LORD, of Marlon county. For Socretary of Btato II. R. KIN- CA1D, of Lane county. For State Treasurer PHIL. MET- SCHAN, of Grant county. For Supremo Judge C. E. WOLVER- TON, of Linn county, For Attorney General C. M. IDLE MAN, of Multnomah. For Superintendent of Public InBtruc- tlon-O. M. IRWIN, of Union. For State Prlntor W. H. LEEDS, of ABhland. For Congressman, First District BIN 1 GER HERMANN, of Douglast county. For Congressman, Second District W. H. KLLld, of Morrow county. For District Attorney, First District W. N. BARRETT, of Washington county. For Momber of Slate Hoard O. WIN GATE, of Clatsop county. THE TARIFF COMPROMISE. It will strike nny unprcjjril.'cri , server as a little remarkable how thi different f not Ions of the Democratic par ly have been able to agree on any com promise of the pending tariff measure an Indicated in yesterday's dlspatchet from Washington. If Democrats of the Mills-VoorheuH stripe are to be credited with sincerity, and the element, repre sented by Hill have any honesty, It ought to bo Impossible for them to get together on any proposition. No two factions could be more strongly nntag' onlHtlo than these In their claims ol what Is best for the country, and yet they mwt In secret conference and each sacrificing principles (It is to be sup 1 Hided), and, from their separate stand points, the good of the country, they "agree" on all disputed questions out nf mere party expediency. Can there be any more conclusive proof that the Democratic piU'ty Is not actuated by patriotic motives, and that It In totally unfit to be trusted with the responsibili ty of national legislation? The sight or the schools of Mills and Hill agreeing on any economic policy U as dlrcroditable s spectacle as that of men going Into Jury boxes to- decide questions of human life and liberty by flipping up a nickel. And then, too, to put It another way. If New Yolk and Texas have settled their differences us to thj effect on them of the tariff sched ules, what Is to become of Maine and Oregon and the other stcUons of the country? The founders of the govern ment Intended that all great questions f national concern should be settled und "agreed" to on the floors of the world's greatest deliberative body, the American congrew, but these- gentry prefer the dark basement of the rapltol. or the locked recesses of committee rooms, for what they term "their "de liberations." him to Inflict his ideas on the country, has been steadily and persistently sow. Ing the seeds of discord and discontent among the masses, and now, having aroused the claas most Impressible to his inflated, pompous and high-sound ing style of phraseology and expression, he has become alarmed for his own per sonal safety, and proposes to put down the uprising he has thus Incited by the strong power of the United States army What do tho poor, oppressed and down trodden people now think of their cham plon? Mr. Watterson compares the Chinese problem on the Coast with the negro question In the south. He should be told by some well Informed person that there Is absolutely no parallel In the two evils. The Chinese, with all that can be said against them, are a desir able element In the community as com pared with the typical southern negro, a,nd every man. who has lived among both classes knows the truth of this statement. It may be further said, in passing, that the people of the Coast have done incalculable harm to their section by their exaggeration of the Chinese evil. " There Is an Impression that England Is suffering from hard times, as we are; that the gold standard Is Crushing her; that It Is not the Democratic misrule that Is the matter with us. The returns of Brltl.ih revenues for tho fiscal year ending with March show a decline of only 1.09 per cent. Our revenue returns show a decline of 23.96 per cent. The British revenue Is Bhort $5,060,000; ours falls $70,428,520, Tho British have not thrown the country into the hands of a fresh crop of statesmen, and we have. Let Astoria send a committee to Port land to meet and Invite a vlRlt from the party of eastern edltom who will ar rive there next week. These men rep resent papers which reach directly and Indirectly millions of readers, who never so much ns heard of Astoria. Who can estimate the bencllt to Astoria of a notice from these fcentlemen when they come to write up their trip? ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgiied has been appointed, by the County Couit of Clatsop County, Ore gon, administrator of the estate of James Dalgity, deceased, late of Clatsop county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate must present the same, duly verliled, to the under signed, at his place of business, in the City of Astoria, Clatsos- county, Oregon, within six months from this date. All parties indebted to the estate will settle also with the undersigned. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 28th day of March, 3894. WILLIAM EDGAR, Administrator. NOTICE T)F ADMINISTRATION. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been this day appointed the administrator of the estate of A. K. Barrow, deceased, by the county court of Clatsop county, Oregon. All parties having claims against said estate must present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of Fulton Bros., attorneys. In Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, within six months frcm this date. 8. H. AME3, January 2d, 1894. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account In the estate of Henry Powell, deceased, and the court has set Monday, the 7th day of May, 1894, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., for the hearing of objec tions thereto, if there be any. Astoria, March 30, 1894. MARCTHA POWELL, i Executrix. Great Slaughter ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the coun ty court of Clatsop county. Oregon, has appointed the undersigned administra tor of the estate o fAntolne Mngne, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to pre sent, same to tho underxigned at his placj of business In the city of 'Astoria, Or., dulv verified an by law required, within six months from this date. All nersons Indebted to said estate are nltlfied to pay same immediately. ALEXANDER GILBERT, Administrator of the estate of An- tulnee Mngne, deceased. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Astoria Building and Loon Association will be held at. their olliee, in Astoria, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Hlh day of Mny, 1MJ4, for the purpose of electing nine directors, to serve for the ensuing year, and to transact s.ny other business that may come before the meeting. The election will ba by ballot, and will I held from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. w. u ROBll, Secretary. No work has been done on tho Fort Stevens Jetty for the past month, and It will, not be resumed, so it is said, until the passage of the river and har bor bill now pending in the senate. The bill carries an appropriation of only $85,000, and It Is hoped Senators Mitchell and Dolph may succeed In having the amount raised. The Portland Oregonlan. says: "If there is any Republican who thinks o scratching' a single Republican candi date for the legislature, it may be worth his while to observe und remember that. a vote against any Republican candl date for the legislature' Is a vote for Pennoyer for the United States sen ate." There have already been 38,000 certlfl cates Issued to Chinese resident In the San Francisco district of the registra tion bureuu, while the census aocount for only 35,000. As there aie a great many Chinese yet unregistered, It is evi dent that a great dettl of smuggling 1 going on. "What orator and pamphleteer could not do, bitter experience is now doing," said ex-President Hurrlson, In opening his address to the Indiana convention Wednesday. No chances should be taken on the ticket nominated today. Remember, the political adage, "A ticket Is not apt to be stronger than the weakest man on IK" It now looks as if Coxey lias ceased to be a Joke. The federal authorltlci appear to consider him a terrible re ality. The party of eastern capitalists rep resented by Mr. E. L. Dwyer will nirlvc In Astoria Sunday morning. Let the Republicans of Clatsop sec that none but good and true men are placed on the ticket today. Cleveland, in his xche for us list, and by his so-called state papers una !l!--!-a pile r.i!.-.:.-.i:; r Amfrii'iin ipli made It possible for FROZEN-THEN ON FIRE! Like the application of Ice to the small of your back. Is the sensation produced by the chill that precedes the fever f miliaria. Then conies the roaau lug stage, when every vein throbs and la scorched a If with liquid tire. Then you well nigh dissolve In exhausting KM-spirntion that leaves yiu as limp as a wet dish rag. The. alternating tor ments are not remediable permanently wltA quinine, which Is. moreover, a iiuMt damajriiic cumulative poison. H-j tetter's Stomach Bitters drives out the f: and repels its further attacks. It Is the lending medicinal safeguard against miliaria all over the continents of North and South America, Guate mala, tho Isthmus of Panama, Mexico and Australia, It regulates the liver. stomach, bowels and kidneys, enriches the blood, and promotes appetite, sleep and digestion. It la not only a- medi cine, but an effective cordial welcome to tr.e nt .l-ii...! palaio. Rheumatic tendency Is ciintracted by 1U FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wlnslow'g Soothing Syrup has Deen used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. w Tortures Eczema And yet lives In ignorance of the fact that a single applica tion of the CUTICURA REME DIES, Will, In the majority of cases, afford instant relief, per mit rest end sleep and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure, when the best physicians and all other rem edies fail. CUTICURA Works Wonders, and its cures of tor turing, disfiguring, and humil iating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded. Bold throughout th. world. Pottib Dsri and Oiira..Oiki'.,oiu proju., notion. Jf4-"A11 .About Ilia llluutl tind t-kln,1' rnnllod tmi. V Fuclitt rslrinlahea, fulling hair and lint. Jihi iwliy nwho. (m-venlcd by lillcnro aoap. NcrvOUS Instantly rrlioved by a Cntl cum l'm.tcr, tMX-muw it vi fUUSCUlar tulii llio nerve torves and Wenkn": ,u"".a nervous lain, ii irar.uc wwikness and uuuilmeu. rand Ifeieal Treat! AT Saturday Eve. Apr. 28 V SALE For a' Short Time Only Brothers Will Inaugurate tfpe Greatest Sale Ever Held in Astoria. Read a Few of the Lightning- Prices and Thundering Values. Indigo Blue Calicos 80. Sale prieq 5o Apron Ginghams. 10c. Snle price 60 WideSbeetinge, 2.V. fc'nle prli 15o Talle Lineu 40c. Snle prit 25o Canton Flnnnel : . l()c. Rale price - 5e Beet Calico. He. Snle prire lis Scrim Sc. ale price 4o French Snteon ; 2."o. Sale price 15o Dress Goods 75; Sale prite 35c Silk Umbrellas 82.50. Snle pride 81.25 Silk Umbrellas $1.50. Snle price 75o Outing Flannel 15c. Snlo price) llo OntinK Flannel 12' 2o. Sale price ' 8)30 Ladies' Black Hose 50c. Sale price 25o Children's Hoso 25o. .Sale pried lOo Children's Hose 20c. Sule price 5c Ladies' Corsets 81.50. Sale prke 75c Ladies Corsets 50c. Sale pripe 25o Children's Waists 50c. Sale price 25o Ladies' Wrappers;.. 82.50. Sale price $1.25 Ladies' Wrappers.... $350. Sale price $1.75 Lndiea' Wrappers $2.00. Sale price 95o Men's Shirts $1.00. Sale price ; 50c Men's Shirts 81.50. Sale price 75c Meu's Shirts : 81.00. Sale price ' 3"iO Meu's Sox 20c. "Sale price 5o Mn's Sox . 25c. Sule price 10c Meu's Gloves.. $1.00. - Sale price 50o Meii'a Suspenders 25a. Sale puice lOo Ladies' Vests 20c. Sale price 5c Ladies' Vesta 75c. Sale price 45c Ladies' Vests 50c. Sale price 25c Ladies' Aprons 1.5c.' Sale price 15c M. NAVONI, the Renowned 5olo 1 Vl..llt. .-!.-.. k.. I F. A. SCHWABE, Solo Pianist, FRANK A. HALL, Cornetlst, and J. KAflP, Trombonist. Admittance ptee. Everybody Cordially Invited. COAtiC ONKi COMH ALL, Dress Goods at Halt Price. Ladies' and Children's Underwear at hiilf price. Ribbons and Lace3 at half price. Hosiery and Gloves at half price. It is impossible to tell what we have. Come and see for yourself and be convinced. Nothing: reserved at this great sale. Come early and avoid the rush- SHAN AH AN BROS.; Astoria. Oregon. Leaders of Low Prices.