T THE DAILY ASTORIA N, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL' 25, 18&4. AROUND TOWN. Ry. I! II I II -- Sy. Oiipl. Slat hews left for Seattle, via Portland, to bring the steamer ChllerU to AHtol'llU Uev. Peter Steeii, the Lu thorn preach or, will be united In wedlock to Mrs. H 8. Olsen this evening. Mrs. O. P. Hellborn will leave on the next steamer for a three-months' visit to her mother In San Francisco. The Astoria box factory sent a lurge clruclar saw up to Portland via steamer Telephone yesterday to be repaired. Rev. Edward Braekhus has returned to Astoria, and will hold services every evening this week at the Bethanla church. The many Astoria friends of Mrs. V. II. Coffey will be Borry to hear that she la seriously 111 at her home in Hare, Oregon. One can get more for his househould goods than he could a week ago. An other second-hand store has started up In the city. II. E. Topping, who went down to San Francisco to stay, has returned to Astoria, and will resume business on Third Bti-eet. Martin Foard and wife, accompanied by Mrs. Brack, went to Portland to at tend the funeral of the son of Mr. Frank Botfuhr. Two counties In California have over 50,000 beehives and export 6,000,000 lbs. of honey, besides 300,000 lbs. of comb and 20,000 lbs. of wax. Eastern tourists pronounce the Shasta, line from Portland to San Francisco one of the most picturesque pieces of rail road trael In America. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" tonight. If you want some extra fine photos taken, Mooer's Is the place to get them. Some of our county candidates claim they are In the race to the bitter end. Some of them needn't worry about the end, It will be bitter enough. Judging by the number of business men who are now taking their meals at the hotels and chop houses, there must be a heap of house-cleaning going on In Astoria. An $80 lot for J2. . ' . Fresh fish and poultry at Welcome's Market, next to Foard & Stokes'. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. For $2, a lot Is delivered every week to the buyer in Hill's First addition. Last Saturday night the members of the Society Minerva contributed the sum of $22.45 toward defraying the fun eral expenses of young Nelson, who died that morning. Freeman & Bremner put in a whole week finishing up for Contractor James Keed, of Portland, two dozen 2-Inch spar buoy irons; They have also made over 100 long shank anchors for Foard & Stokes. The story of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Is said to have caused the late civil war. Hill's First addition Is located In the centre of the city.. Lots are now selling In it for J2. Teething tables and feverish il.lldrer need St-e-c-dman's Soothing Powders. Try them. , Capt. Salte has been caulking his steam scow during the past week, "and now he is at work giving her a new coat of paint. The Job-Is nearly fin ished, and the scow looks as pretty as a new red cake wagon. The copper on the bottom of the ten der Manzanlta. is torn somewhat, and where she used to ride over a fisher man's net without damaging it, the net Is now caught and dragged until It Is badly damaged. Fishermen will do .well to remember this. House packed nightly ' for "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Only a few more days left to secure a fine, $10, Crayon Portrait by ordering one dozen cabinets, at Crow's Gallery. A six-horse power upright engine and boiler, almost new, for sale cheap. For particulars apply at this office. The production of coal in the United States in 1S93 was 179,3.5,000 short tons, of the valuation of $205,257,000. Callfor ' nla produced 72,600 tons, valued at $167, 500; MontanC 914.000 tons, valued at $1,816,000; Oregon, 41,700 tons, valued at $54,500; Utah, 413,200 tons, valued at $611,000; Washington. 1,265,000 tons, val ued at $2,209,300; .Wyoming, 2,139,300 tons, valued at $3,291,000. II. Ekstrom has fixed his prices for Jewelry to suit the times, and the latest novelties can be secured at the cost of material used In the manufacture. R Alma StuUz as "Topsy" is simply Immense. , The closing exercises of the Cedar street school will be held on Tuesday, May 29, In room No. 5. This Is caused by the Ijpsi examination coming Imme diately after, when the pupils will not have time ta prepare for any further exercises for the term. These exercises will be held under the Invitation of Cushlng Post, G. A. 'R., of this city. Further announcements will be given Iefore the day named.' ' There Is no risk taken by Joining Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the full value of their money. Pon't go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old Country" and the Kast when you can get them for the same price at the Union Pacific office In this city, and thereby save your lo cal fare to Portland. Secure seats early for "Uncle Tom" tonight. "Jesus of Nazerelh Passeth By"- to night, at 7:20. In tbe First Presbyterian ehurrh. Come and see Him; and If you find that you can love Him and trust Hint as your personal gaviour. why. then confess Him before men by mak ing known your love and trust, aceoni' panled with your request to be admitted Into the chnrch, to the session which meets in the same place at" 8:30 p. m Rrstiertfiilly yours. Rev. J. W. Dor ranee. THIS IS A OKESVT COUNTRY. All Europe, Including the vast plains of Russia, may be laid down within the boundaries of the United States. TIN. The 1,600 boxes billed to Meyer, Will son & Co., which are on 4he U. P. dock, will be shipped as soon as re-coopered. FIRST SHIPMENT. The first carload of this season's catch of salmon left this morning for New York, via Union Pacific steamer and Sunset route.' GONE TO SEASIDE. Mrs. Alex. Campbell and daughter, Miss Dolly, have gone down to Seaside, to prepare their cottage for the regular summer outing. BACK AGAIN. Mr. Arthur Bartholomew, formerly captain of the Astoria football team, has returned to this city from. England. His family will sail some time in July. FOR VANCOUVER. The four-masted barkentine Chehailis. from Mollends, Chill, South America, 50 days out, received orders by tug Escort at 9 o'clock yesterday morning to pro ceed to Vancouver, B. C. A SEASON'S ENGAGEMENT. The gasoline launch Ellda, Nick Davis captain, has been engaged for the sea son by Mr. Seeberg, of the Columbia cannery, to go 45 miles up the river every day to the point where his fish ermen deliver their catch. GOOD OLD TIMES. Nels C. Hansen is down from Oak Point, and reports that the saw mill at the Point is not going to run thlB year, on account of the low price of logs and lumber. The mill yard Is full of cord wood, which they are selling at $1.50 per cord In the yard. RIGHT IN IT. Mrs. Cleveland has said It, and, being the first lady in the land, all of the "ten thousand times tern thousand" women who. take an interest In such things, will adopt the style of hair dressing described as the "Diana knot." It has already reached Astoria in a mild way. JUST SO. It Is the lady's place to bow at the first meeting after an introduction. If she' desires to continue the acquaint ance. When making a call a gentleman takes care of his own hat and coat, and puts them on without assistance un less In some way incapacitated when taking his departure. THIRTEEN DAYS MORE. The vard-stlckfl have heen flvlno- onil i ne yara sucks nave been nylng and snapping like mad for two days past at , Shanahan Brothers' Btore. and no won-l der the interest Increases as the Bale lengthens. . Competition Is comatose. xne union or Bpeciai Dargain prices ana honest merchandise are the means of drawing the great company which comes daily-rain or shine. ' 1 Follow the crowd for the next 13 days to this store, while the sale continues, and you will get goods for almost noth ing. FOR MEMBERS ONLY. Next Saturday, evening the members of the Society Minerva . will have a members' social, and the committee on entertainment have been busily engaged In preparing a fine program, which will be as follows: Opening address, Sofus Jensen; song, Miss Berg; song, Miss Wlllet; recita tion. Miss Gunderson; address, Fred. Olsen; recitation, Miss Hurra ; recita tion, Frank Wilburg;'1 recitation, Ed. Thompson; reading, Mr. Schroeder; song. Miss S. Johnson. CAPT. CARLSON'S DEATH. The remains of the late Capt. Carlson, who died at Seattle yesterday, will leave there for Astoria this morning, at 9 o'clock, .and will arrive here on Thurs day morning. Capt. "J. W. Brown went to Kalama today to meet the body and accompany It down. A notice to the Masters' and Pilots' Association of the time and place of the funeral can be found elsewhere in today's Issue. The death of Capt,, Carlson Is certainly a sad and sudden affliction to his be reaved family. ' GOOD CATCHES. The Neah Bay Indians have had great luck seal fishing this year. The Clallam Bay Record says that during the spell of unusually fine weather of two weeks ago, while the sealing fleet of 11 schoon ers lay at anchor in Neah Bay, a school of thousands of seals appeared off the eape and flocked Into the streaks, and even Into the midst of the sealing fleet. Then the sealers had a picnic and the catch began, which lasted from five to f AFANTS AND CHILDREN'S White Hoods and Sun- l bonnet., dozens upon dozens of them, all one whole saler had, pretty near. Brand new, this season's output, and just the shapes youM choose.. Don't let habit or per suasion lead you elsewhere before you see what can be got here tt from 50 cents to ?2. Concede us that and the bar gain is made. ., DUNBAR. seven days. The largobt catch was made by the Ameteur 131 skins, which netted the vessel $6,000. All of the vessels made good catches, and at least $30,000 worth of skins were taken. When you feel that you want a good smoke, go to Charles Olson s, 527 Third street. He keeps the Belmont, Ideal American, Gerona, Schiller In Caballeros size, Sin Edwin, Reina Luisa, Flor de Stanford, Hoffman House, Upmans, La Corona, Pride of Key West and all the latest brands of 5 and 10 cent cigars In the market, and the best stock of pipes tobacco and smokers' articles In the city, WILL SOON DEPART. The Rev. J. W. Dorrance, who has been preaching in this city every Sun day and Wednesday during the past four weeks, will preach tonight, at 7:30, In the First) Presbyterian church. The subject will be: "Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By," On Thui-sday he will go to Ilwaco, Wash., to preach there in the evening at 7:30, and will return on Friday. After holding communion ser vices in Astoria next Sunday morning, April 29, and preaching In the evening, Mr. Dorrance Informs us that, he will leave on Monday for his home In Sno homish City, Wash., where he has lived for the past three and one-half years. Petite photographs, $1 per dozen, at Crow's gallery, 638 Third street. For a delicious plate of pure ice cream, go to C. B. Smith, the Ice Cream Deafer. Ice Cream Soda a specialty. Pri vate parlors for ladies. 483 Third street. Japanese novelties and fancy dry good., can be had at half price, at the store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar store. DOWN TO TWO DOLLARS. Up to two years ago the Fishermen's Union had quite a salaried list among its' officers, but they are running the union now on business principles, cut ting down expenses here, trimming off an expenditure there, until at present they are spending very little money com pared with the times when they had a president and treasurer drawing $75 a month. Sofus Jensen, the secretary, is the only salaried officer now, and when one thinks of the number of members he has to look after, they concede the point that Mr. Jensen earns every cent he gets. "The union Intends reducing the membership fee to $2 at the next meeting, and It Is expected that before the season is over every gill-net fisher man on the river will be a member In good standing. PERSONAL. August Takalo, of Knappo, called at The Astorian office yesterday. Hon. E. L. Dwyer, of Flavel, Is ex pected to. arrive in Astoria this morn ing. He may bring Important railroad news. Capt. Archie E. Cann, of the light ship, has returned from Portland with nl9 family.- Capt. Cann went aboard the p yesterday, NOTICE A. O. U. W. Members o Seaside Lodge' are re quested to meet at their lodge room at 1:30 p. m. Thursday, April 26, to attend " i unci ui Vl uui mic uiuiuc, v,tHi. rharles r(l.raon. Funeral from Grace Episcopal church. By order of the MASTER WORKMAN. FUNERAL NOTICE. Astoria Lodge. No. 50. A. O. U. W. requests all members to meet" at their hall Thursday, at 1 p. nr., to attend the of brother Capt Charles Carl, subject to a tine. 'By order of the MASTER WORKMAN. FUNERAL NOTICE. The officers and members of Columbia Harbor, No. 22, and . all sojourning brothers of the American Association of Masters and Pilots, are requested to meet at thein voyage room on Thurs day, April 26, 1894, at 12:30 p. m. sharp, to attend the funeral of their late brother, Capt. Charles Carlson. By order of the Worthy Captain. C. S. GUNDERSON, Captain. . Attest: JOHN W. WELCH, Captain's Clerk. NOTICE. There Is no stock for sale In the Os good Mercantile Co., unless It is one share (par value $100), owned by F. W. Osgood, who has not been connected with this company since April 10th, 1894. Astoria, April 23d. 1894. OSGOOD MERCANTILE qp. SALE POSTPONED. Notice is hereby riven that the Hher. Iff's sale entitled "Fulton Bros., Plain tiffs, vs. Astoria and Portland Railway Co., Defendants, is this day postponed until Saturday, April 28th, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m. H. A. SMITH, Sheriff. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican County Conven tion: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County As sessor, subject to your approval. A. R. CYRUS. NOTICE. - The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Astoria Iron Works will be held t their office on Tuesday, May 1st, 1894, at 7 p. m., for the purpose of electing direct jrs for the ensuing year, and th transaction of such business a may properly come before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. Attest: JOHN FOX, O. B. PR A EL, President. . Secretary. ' , Astoria, Ore., April 20th, 1894. ' BOARD AND LODGING. FIRST CLASS BOATiTWWith without rooms, at reasonable rates. Ap ply ai ii. noiuen s, corner Main and Jefferson. WANTED. WANTED Any kind of work, by a middle-aged woman. Address. 373 Fifth street. AY ANTED Sewing by a competent seamstress. Apply to Mrs. Mary Schultz, 1?4 Main street. WANTED A boatman to carry fish from Ilwaco. To furnlnh Bloop. Stated salary would be paid for entire season. Apply at this office. AGENTS Makes $5.00 a day. Great est kitchen utensil ever '.nventprl it. tails 35cts. 2 to 6 sold In every house. Samp e, postuge paid, live cents. For shea & McMukin, Clnrlnnattl, O. MANAGER WANTED To appoint salesmen to sell the Rapid Dish Washer. Washes and dries the dishes in two minutes without wetting the lingers. $75 a week and all expenses. Easy po sition; no capital; no hard work; can make $100 a week. Address W. P. Har rison & Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, Ohio. FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP The alnnn Mnv flower. Capacity, 1,000 salmon. Inquire of Capt. A. T. HARRIS, Ilwaco, Wash. FOR SALE A fine, new, roll, curtain top office desk; automatic lock, exten sion arm slides, book closet, letter drop, und a five-drawer patent letter (lie nnd Indexes. Desk 54 Inches long, 33 wide, 50 high. Terms cash, or 30 days to re sponsible party. I also have a new, double-door, combination lock, 2,000-lb. tafe I will Bell at a low figure, one-half cash, balance 6 months, with interest. I will sell the above very cheap. W. I. CRAWFORD. CHANCE FOR ALL-Men of small means can buy real estate in HIU'8 first addition. LOTS FOR $2. Call at the Astoria Ileal Estate Exchange and get a lot in Hill's First Addition for $2. JAPANESE CURIOSITIES Wing Lee has just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 629 Third street. BEVERAGES. FINE WINES AND LIQUOUS-Call at August Danlelson's Sample Rooms. ONLY THE PUREST Wines and liquors are sold at Alex Campbell's Gem. A DELICIOUS DRINK. There is no place In Astoria where John Kopp'a famous beer is kept in Buch good con dition as at Utzinger's popular resort. WINES AND BRANDIES. Use Zin fandel wine instead of coffee or tea. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't forget peach and apricot brandy. Also French Cognac and wine at Alex Gilbert's. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL. Remember McGulre's Ho tel at Seaside is open the year around. f. iiAlVtll, 4,S HUTU '!., and have your clothes dyed and SEWING MACHINES And general repairing, lock-fitting, etc. C, A. May, 132 Main street. GEO. McLEAN, corner Olney and As tor streets, does a general business In blacksmlthlng und repairing. When in Portland Can on Handley & Haas, 150 First street, and get the Dally Astorian. Visitors need not miss their morning paper while there. YOUR FRIENDS IN EUROPE. If ytSu have friends In Europe whose pas sage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific office, steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced fare via all the leading steamship lines. ai?bi vnTT rjnTWrt KAST? Patron ize the Northern Pacific railroad If , p i". i a vn flntntr V (1 Q t" Iaw mtPR Of fare, through tickets, baggage check ed to destination. All purcnasers ui ....nninn. iinXiMa ran ston over at Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. At the Consignees' Sale Yon can bay clothing for two-thirds i's value; lints, bonis and shoos for oue-lmlf its value; furuisUing goods and notions for lens tlnui half ifs valne. Hood liuuie-iimde sok for !:. cents n' air. Carpenters' aprons 10 cents each. A g-J-nl pair of . pui!ern for 10 cents worth ir. Suit of Clothes worth $25 for $15.00 " " " 10 " 6.50 " " " 8 " 5.00 And other goods in proportion. Good 1-4 lb German Yarn for 15c 4-oz. Zephyrs in all colors, 10c I I ailie u-ill fin 1 it to their aJvantaze to ' Ladies will ImJ it to thf ir advantage w . purchase toolsets, Laces ana cmurouencs at this great Consignees' Sale. S. FRIEDMAN CO., ' Consignees. At foo and 602 Third Sl, Cor. W. Ninth. SOCIETY MEETINGS- PILOT COMMISSIONERis-Tho reg- or ular meetings of this board will be hew on ths first Monday ot eacn nionin ai 10 a, in., at the office of liubb & Par ker. W. L. Koub, Sec. NOTICE The regular meetings ol the Astoria Building and Loa;i Associa tion are held at 8 p. m. on the first -Wednesday of each month. Oillce on 1 Genevieve street, soutn ot tjnenamus. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. OCEAN ENCAMPMENT No. 13, 1. O, O. F. Regular meetings of Ocean En caninment No. 11 In the Odd Fellows' Building, at 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays ot eacn monin. so journing brethren cordially lnited. By order - C. P. COMMON COUNCIL -Regular meet ings first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock in city hall. Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the council at any regular meeting must present the same to the auditor and clerk on or before tho Fri day evening prior to the Tuesday on which the council holds Its regular meeting. K. OSBUUN, Auditor and Police Judge. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. A. SMITH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian Building, over C. H. Cooper's store. W. C. LOGAN. D. D. S., DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block, 573 Third street J. E. LaFORCE, D. D. S. HAS DENTAL PARLORS. In the Flavel building, opposite Occident FULTON BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 8, 4, 64 and 6, Odd Fellows' Building, Astoria, Oregon. W. M. LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 6, 6 and 7, Flavel s Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY i.T LAW. Offico In Flayers bijcb building. FRANK J. TAYLC3E. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT hXV. Office on Second Street, Astoria, Or. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 5S4Vj Third St., Astoria, Ore. DR. O. B. ESTES. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special attention to diseases of wom en and surgery. Office over Danzlger's store, Astoria. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms 3, 4, over Astoria Na tional Bank. Hours, 10 to 12 and S to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar, Btreet. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found In his office until 10 o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until 2 p. m and from 5 until 7:30 evenings. BUSINESS CARDS. F. WICKMAN. CONTRACTOR. ' House moving and street planking. Screws and blocks for rent Call on or address 2037 Pine Btreet A. GIBBONS, . ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS and PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER Office, with General Messenger Co., 515 Squen.ou.ue street J. II. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Notary Public Fire and accident In surance. W. W. PARKER. . REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE AGENT. Office, 112 Benton street Astoria, Or. ASTORIA IRON WORKS, Concomly St., foot ol Jackson, Astoria, .v General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marin Engines. Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Casting of All Descriptions Made to Ordef on bhori Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President O. 11. Prael ...Secretur) Portland and Astoria. . STEAMER TELEPHONE. Leaves Astoria every evening except Sunday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria every day except Sunday at 4 l m. Leaves Portland svery day except Sunday at 7 a. m. C. W. STONE, Agt Astoria, E. A. ftceley, general axent, Portland. I. R. & N. CO.'s Steamer Ilwaco. Leaves Astoria dally at 7:30 for Il waco, calling- at Tanzy Point, and connecting- with railroad running north at 10 a. m., and with boats on Hhoulwater bay for SOUTH BEND. SUNSHINE, NORTH COVk, and other points throunh to GRAY'S haruok. Return In (?, connects at Ilwaco with ft-Hmr for Amorla. and NIUHT UOATS FOR PORTLAND. JOHN It- OOULTKR, fVeretary. L. A. LOOMJ8, President R. V. EGBERT, Superintendent. INJUNCTION TIIRICATKNKD Bui we .wouldn't quit. The car linos cornplfuu that wc aro hurting travel by not hurting feet. Our shoes aro made for comfort. Alt sizes for all people. , John Hahn & Co Kopp's Beer Hall. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clears. KENTUCKY WHISKEY Only handed over the bar, The largest glass of N. P. Beer. Half-and-half, 5c. Free Lunch. Erickson & Wirkkala, Proprietors, Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sts. FREEMAN & BREMNER, Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to staamboat re pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CfllflP UIOKK A SPECIALTY. 197 Olney street, between Third and and Fcui'th, Astoria, Or. - I. W. CASE, Insurance Agent, REPRKSENTINO Til.. TJ(i1 1 1 n it Cnmmnlflll German-American, New Yurk City, NT Y. Union hire and Marine, or New Zealand. National Fire and Marine Ins. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut Hire Ins. Co., of Hartford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., San Francisco. New York Plate Glass Ins. Co. Phcenlx, of London, Imperial, of London THE advantages of a bank account aro numerous. It is not to business men we are talking they know all a bout il-butto salaried men and women. There's safety if the bank is a good one. There's convenience the money al ways ready and always out ot, larm s way, otit ot the reach of your own petty squander ing. -It is easy to anend small sums when you have a large sum in your pocket. We open accounts in our Savings Department for as small an amount as $l,and pay you interest. We will bo glad to send our last state ment if you caro to seo it. The Astoria National Bank D. K. WARREN, President. J. E. HIQQIN3, Cashier. J. C. DEMKNT, Vlce-Prest. I). K. WARREN, ; J. C. IMC ME NT, ., : , C. S. WRIGHT, ; JOHN HOBSON, ' H. G THOMPSON, THEO. CRACKER, Plrectors. THE ASTORIA SRVIHGS BflK Acts as trustee for corporations and Individuals. Deposits solicited. Interest will be allowed on savings deposits as follows: On ordinary savings books, per cent per annum. On term savings dooks, s per cent per annum. On certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent per an- l.um. For six months, G per cent per annum For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. J. Q. A. BOWLBY President BENJ. TOUNO Vice President FItANK PATTON . . ; Cashier W. E. DEMENT Secretary DIHECTOKS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. 11. Page, O. A. Nelson, BenJ. Younff, A. 8. Reed, U. P. Thompson, V. E. Dement. florth Pacific Bremery JOHN KOPP, Prop. Bohemian Lager Beer 'And XX PORTER. All ordera promptly attended to FISHER BROS., SfyipGhardlers HEAVY AND SliliLF . HARDWARE. WaconfikVehlclieln StocU Farm Machinery, Palnls, Oils, Varnishes, LonReri' Supplies, Falrbank's Scales, Doors and Windows. Provfsiiona, Flour, und Mill Ked Astoria, Oregon. SEASIDE SAWpiiIi. A complete stock of lumlier on hand In the rouKh or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, reillng, and all kinds of ilnlxh; mouldlnfts and shingles; also bracket work, done td order. Terms reiiaonabla und prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Offlee and yard at mill. If. v l. LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. mrmmmmmnmmm 1 iE i Rr ff inO "ho( kwely Music lor Forty -t " JJ .. Centt, Conlstm ;f too pafi-1 .' H"W fie J,,l Tiimlc ot tlw w- latest, brightest. Uvliit and mu popular ' sekUl'nfc, both vocal and Initrijinvl.tjl, gotten up In the mot tvm mannir, ln 5 fZ eluding lour lar( Hie KnrntU. W1WM, Iht Spanlull Dmtctr, iXa " PAOiHtHSKI, tl; Ortut Planit, -- e AbtUHA Pm anil Ml UNI E iCUOUAII CUTTIHQ. rTJ afioncsa tu iBva t S THE KEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. Ei c--. Uiuadway Theatre tUg., New York Qty. CANVaSSEHB WANTED. "inij'ii'uiuniiimjitiMiiir 7 l-.iwtsf iiE-;is-t'SJ3Siiis3.s5-.l i i