The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 15, 1894, Image 4

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' An Interesting Program Rendered at
Miss Warren' Select School.
The celebration of "Arbor Day" at
Miss Warren's select school on Friday
last .was an occasion of most Interest
ing and appropriate exercises, which
reflected great credit upon both teacher
and pupils.
From the early morning hours the
, school rooms were filled with busy
workers, and by 1 o'clock the class
rooms: had been converted Into verit
able bowers of foliage and flowers by
the willing and deft hands of the stu
dents and their friends. The exercises
were opened by an address delivered by
Miss Wurrrn, after which the following
program was ably rendered: Song,
"America," by the school; recitation,
"Brave Oak," Marion Lewis; recitation,
Harry Flavel; song, "Hunting Song,1
primary department; recitation, "For
est Song," Ralph Worsley; recitation
"Planting the Apple Tree," Paul Trul
linger; recitation, "How Brownies Wei
come Spring," Prescott Wright; reclta
tlon, "Arbor Day;" recitation, "Papa'
Pet." Alice Wright: recitation, "The
Maple Tree," Charles Wright; compost-
tlon, "Trees," . Irene Johnson; reading,
"My Country," Kate Upshur;, reclta
lion, "Incidents of the French Camp,'
Parke Upshur; song, "Meddlesome
Somebody," by school; recitation,
"Songs of Seven,". Vivian Mayhew
recitation, "ivy ureen, Aivin jvircn
recitation, Harry Cherry; recitation
"The Use of Trees," Lester Lounsberry
recitation, Alfred Funge; recitation,
"The Alder by the River," Wlnnlfred
Not a small feature of the day's ex
erclses . was the participation of Miss
Mason's kindergarten en masse, the
' bright, animated faces of the little ones
forming a most lovely setting to this
picture of "Nature's Festival."
Meet and Name Delegates to the State
Convention Yesterday.
The local adherents of the grand old
party of Jefferson and Jackson met at
Fisher's hall yesterday morning and
held their county convention for the
purpose of appointing delegates to the
state convention. Before they got down
to business they smoked a great many
sewer de bouquet cigars, until the air
was blue, and Joined In the chorus,
"What Shall the Harvest Be?" until
they were hoarse.
Then the trouble commenced. City
Attorney Smith, Ben Young and other
statesmen all rose at the same moment
and nominated Dr. Liberty P. Mul
llnlx (late of Washington, D. C), for
temporary chairman. This remarkable
concensus or consolidation of opinion
palpably pleased the roseate doctor, and
he blushed clear around to the arm
holes of his vest. After he had been
unanimously elected, and when he
,11 m lit the ripsk. his necktie was heard
to click In a noisy and stentorlous man
The doctor brushed the tears away
from his eyes, and in a voice that was
momentarily warped with emotion he
said he ."gave thanks for the unso
licited honor tendered him; If the
Democrats nominated good men there
would be no telling what might happen
In the next June election. Why, maybe
we would get a Democratic congress
man. The county needed more states
men In Washington." He noticed this
particularly In walking home, and he
thought there was no better batch of
Democrats anywhere than here In Clat
sop county,
There whs a yell of approval at these
sentiments, for the doctor had, in his
usual happy way started everything
right by putting all the delegates In
good humor.
C. R. Thomson, O. Sovey, J. W. So-
vey, J, W. Walker, C. Jlottom and John
Miller were appointed a committee on
credentials by the chairnuin.
On permanent organization the fol
lowing composed the committee: Her
man Wise, John Hobson, F. W. Keen
HenJ. Young and J. A. Mcintosh.
Aftfr drawing up the order of bust.
liens the election of delegates took
place, and when the ballots were count
ed It was found that the convention
had paid a lusting debt of gratitude
due Herman Wise for his successful ef
forts In bringing the state convention
to Astoria, by electing him an alter
nate, i
The following are the delegates elect
ed: It. P. Mulllnlx, Hen Young, J. H
Smith. A. Norburg, C. R. Thomson and
Thos. Dealey.,
The following were elected as alter
nates: H. Wise, Dr. Alfred Kinney, I.
Bergman, N. C. Hllleary, John Hohson
and Alex. Sutton.
The chairman then appointed the fol
lowing committee on platform: Geo.
Noland, J. H. Smith. Dr. Alf. Kinney
and J. W. Walker.
The convention then adjourned, to
meet on Monday, April 30, at 2 p. m.
C, J, Curtis and several other good
Republicans were present as Interested
siiectator. slxlng up the kind of fight
that would have to tie made.
There Is some talk of holding a coun
ty teachers' institute In Astoria during
the last week tn April, and the many
friends of the kindergarten work will
be pleased to know that they will nav
n opportunity to hear at that time
kindergarten talk by the superinten
dent of the Oregon training school, Mrs,
CeiMllne Dunlap, of Portland.
years." That may Ix.- all right buck
cast, but twenty years is almost a life
time In the west. It's like waiting for
a railroad.
Some Sensible Suggestions to Married
Women and Those Whci Expect
To Be Married.
The editor Of .an eastern paper. . t) ho
evidently has plenty, of time on his
bit mitt, gives the fullowlug advice:
elm makes a nice tree tn about .twenty
Do guard against Jealousy. It Is a
green-eyed monster, seeing what does
not exist, and impelling to dire rage
and despair.
Do try to like your husband's friends
and relatives, and not set your face
like a. Hint against those he wants to;'
have about him. '
Do be willing to say frankly, "forgive
me" if you have been in the wrong. It
is a sweet, womanly thing to do, and
tnly a weak, conceited person thinks It
humiliating to admit a mistake.
Do remember that man llveth not by
bread alone, but by loving, apprecia
tive, flattering words from the Hps of
woman, and If they come not from you,
your husband will seek them elsewhere.
Do say, "I told you so," If you have
to, but it will Irritate an angelic tem
per and do away with the good effect
of your superior Judgment. It Is a
good deal to ask, but If possible do re
frain from flaunting the red flag, "1
told you so."
Do be neat and orderly, but don't
carry these virtues to such an excess
that your husband loses all his home
comfort In his fear of soiling a carpet
or making a "muss" with books and
papers. Better, by far, the worst con
fusion, than a sense of restraint and
dismal order. j
Do dress In accordance with your
means. If a woman In moderate cir
cumstances dresses like one of wealth, I
It causes suspicions of her husband or
herself, and means at best a pinched
home and an unworthy ambition. Those
whom you wish to Impress only luugh
at your doubt.
Do remember that the love kindled In
the past cannot live on Itself, but must
be dally, offered fresh Incense. t you
were loved once because you were
bright, comely and charming, you must
be cared for again today because you
are sweet, womanly and companion
able, else will the flame burn low, and
cold ashes take the place of sacred fire.
Da try to keep the love that you
have won, and be as pretty as you can
for your husband. If your hair Is In
"crimps'' tie a bright handkerchief or
a lace veil over It, and always wear a
collar and keep the buttons sewed on
your dress, Nothing so offends a man's
vanity and taste as personal slovenli
ness In his wife.
Do take some Interest In your hus
band's likes and fancies. If he enjoys
base or football, or even a horse race
oijce In a while, don't tell him he Is
boyish or frivolous, but take some pains
to Inform yourself on these subjects
and encourage him to talk to you about
them,, and then he will spend his time
with you and think what a bright wife
he has won.
Do realize that the happiness of mar
ried life depends, In a great measure,
upon little things. Patience, punctuali
ty, a desire to please and be pleased; a
little care to be pretty and companion
able, do much to make husband nnd
wife "congenial" and contented; while
want of personal sweetness unci tidi
ness, a hubit of fault finding, and a
disposition to be ever behind time, have
sundered many hearty and lives which
Qod was supposed to have Joined together..
are loved by everybody.
Good nature in children
is rare, unless they are
healthy. Those raised
on the
Gail Borden
Ergle Brand
Condensed Milk are compar ively free from sickness.
This milk is so easily prepai i that improper feeding is
On Top.
Is conceded by all to be the best.
It fishes better and wears better
than any other twine used on
the Columbia river.
The short concei t of Utsdnger's Band
In front of The Aatorlan ofllce last
evening was much appreciated by the
whole staff. If what we heard Is a fair
simple, the band Is certainly now pre
oared to render some delightful music.
How much Is leaven worth?
How- fast docs Chicago?
Who Is It Council muffs?
And who laid Buffalo?
Oh, whom does Syracuse?
What- ad sight has Ruclne?
Why throw that Little Rook?
Who minted Bowling Oreen?
Who says an Astorlan woman can't
get right mad? One of them, who lives
up on the hill, told a neighbor the other
day that If she should ever happen to
put her finger In her ear she would
have It mashed all to pieces by the
cogs. 4
.If You Want Cannery and
.Fishermen's Supplies,
Call on
Cotton Rope,
Cotton Twine, '
Marshall's Twine,
Trap and Seine Web,
Tanbark, Acid and Salt,
Strip Lead, Pig Lead,
Copper, Tin Plate,
Tin and Zir.c,
In Stock.
Chicago, April H. A Unian Tank line
ar took fire and exploded today. One
loy was killed and sevetal men badly j
Injured. ;
Omaha, April 14. The San Francisco !
branch of the Industrial unity reached I
.Vorth Platte today.
In the County Court of the State of)
Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. In ,
the matter of the estate of James P, ;
Met, deceased, Citation: j
To John L. Met. Jess K. .Met. Sirs.!
Prudence Weekly. Mrs. Sarah Kearns. j
Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. J. Meti. nnd:
Mrs. T. E. Jackson, greeting:
In the name of the Stole of Oregon: i
lou are hereby cited and required to
appear In the County Court of the State
f Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, at
the cuurt room thereof, at Astoria, tn
the County of Clatsop, on Monday, the
1th day of May, KM. at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon of that day. then nnd there to
show cause, if any exist, why an order
of sale should not be made of t-he fol
lowing real eMate. to-wlt: Lota Noa
. in ino nortnwem quarter or me
southeast nunrter. and the southeast!
quarter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion ivo, it, township No. 7. north of
ranae No. 9 west, of the Will. Mer.. la
latsop Count.v, Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. C. A. M-ttiilr
Judere of the County Court of the state
r uivRun. for the County of Cliitsoiv i
fttfs thr r.-.-J cf ism cr-urt t;.;..,
l my of April. A. I). 1HM.
How Are You Fixed for Insurance?
Fire and Marine.
!We are agents for the largest and best companies
represented in Astoria.
Royai Insurance Co., assets, JJ 21,5G2,37G,00
London Assurance Corp'n 8,630,425.00
Etna Insurance Co. - - 10,915,829.00
Western U. S. Branch, - 1,017,195.00
New Zealand Insurance Co., - 2,677,219.00
Combined Assets, j $45,403,04-1.00
Press Report
THE ASTORIAN is in possession
of all thetelegraphic news service
franchises, and is the only paper on the
Columbia river that publishes genuine dis
patches. The circulation is much greater
than that of a 11 other Astoria papers com
bined. The Weekly edition contains a
carefully selected resume of the most im
portan telegraphic and local news.
gUBSCRIBERS to either the Daily or
Weekly may secure a valuable book,
the Life and Works of James G. Blaine, by
adding one dollar to the regular subscrip
tion price of the paper. The book is well
worth three dollars, and may be inspected
at the business office of the Astorian. A
full description of this attractive premium
is given elsewhere in this paper.
WANTED Sewlngr by
feanistross. . Apply t
Sennits. K4 Main street.
a --'competent'
Mi's, Mary
eral housework or nurse, by middle
aged woman; also, light work for a
ounir girl. Address K. L. M., this
To the Republican County Conven
tion: I hereby announce myself as a
r. subject to your approval.
, A. It. CYRUS.
Park Obesity Pills will reduce your
weight PERMANENTLY from 1J to 15
pounds a month. NO STARVING, sick
ness or Injury. NO PUBLICITY. The)
build up the health and beautify the
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nabolres. STOUT ABDOMENS and
ditileulf, breathing surely relieved. NO
EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and
positive relief, adopted only after years
of experience. All orders supplied di
rect from our office. Price 12.00 per
pHi:krtre. or three packages for $5.00
by mall, postpaid. Testimonials and
particulars, (sealed) 3 cents.
k Nirrxinnndne SHot! rofifld1-
J tt.'l.
PARK EEMKDT CO.; Boston. Mass
Thoroughly Equipped
Plant in Connection
A Conoplete Line of Legal Blapks
Always in Stock.