The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 11, 1894, Image 3

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Wat?r rates mo delinquent toduy.
Deputy U- K. Marwhal Stewart, lias
left for Portland to lilo his quarterly
The steamer Kim ire leaves this
morning at 7 o'clock for Tillamook and
All are Invited to attend the services
this evening, at 7:30 o'clock, In the
Methodist. Episcopal church.
Some one who has a sloop and who
xviiulH a good Job, should read the ad
vertisement of "Sloop Wanted."
Majors F. M. Coxe and K. A. Palmer,
. ..maatnra II H A WPnt to llWAPO
Chrlstenson & Co. received this week
over 20 head of Nehalem cattle, for
which they paid an average of $25 per
A fine life-size crayon portrait, worth
J10, given to every purchaser o one
dozen cabinets at Crow's Gallery dur
ing the next 15 days.
To the next nine months of '94. Old
boys, if you've got any stringencies It's
no use to try to leave them, here now.
Astoria's too spry for Such things.
An $80 lot for $2.
If you want some extra fine photos
taken, Mooer's Is the place to get them.
Lovers of a good cigar can always
find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Ol
sen's Judge McBride will hold an adjourn
ed term of the circuit court, commenc
ing today. There will be no Jury cases,
the jury having been excused until
May 7.
The first boat of the season for
George & Barker came in with 40 fish
aboard, while the first one to land at
Kinney's cannery showed up with 14,
weighing 303 pounds.
A inmp trick bear Deioncing i a
citizen of Dougla3 county has died. He
commenced to pine and droop and quit
his circus tricks the month Gov. Pen
noyer took the chair at Salem.
Fresh fish and poultry at Welcome's
Market, next to Foard & Stokes .
Meany is the leading tailor and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
For $2, a -lot Is delivered every week
to the buyer In Hill's First addition.
Mrs. G. Hansen win uimi a iuuuii
LStabllshment at 5G0 Third street, op
IKislte Shanahan's store, Thursday, the
2th, with a full stock of all the millin
ery fancies direct from New York.
About 25 seine horses came In from
their winter quarters out in the coun
try yesterday. They will be used by
the different seining gangs along the
river In anticipation of an early run
of fish. ,
Said one of our bankers: "Consider
ing everything, the first three months
of this year were very aatlBfactoi-y, and
at the same rate for the other nine
months we" will be satisfied with the
year"B business."
If you want a first class photograph,
call on Crow, the Photographer, C38
Third street.
Thousands of mothers give their chll
.,1 at.flmn'8 Soothing Powder
during the teething period. .
Every cot and stateroom on the Tele
phone was engaged for the upward trip
last evening. It was a Jolly and repre
sentative crowd. ' May they all have a
good time, and succeed In nominating
C. W. Fulton for governor.
Genevieve street was livened up yes
terday with a runaway team, which
started at the) Telephone dock and
brought up at the corner opposite the
Tlghe hotel. Little damage was done
to harness or wagon.
Dr. Frank Damant, who has been
treatln? NuUerg & Barthold's horse
that ran away last week, says although
the cut In the muscles of the leg Is
quite severe It Is getting along nicely,
and will be out in about a week.
Hill's First addition Is located in the
centre of the city. Lots are now sellln
In it for ,2.
The last shipment of the 1894 styles- of
wall paper have arrived at B. F. Aliens
so don't wait for your's until the
stock has been all pawed over. .
The Pacific Can Works are now mak
ing lard cans, tin buckets, blacking
1 -,:cs and other classes of ware. Watch
this factoiy, and Inside of five years
you will find It one of themost Im
portant establishments on the coast.
If the presence of bc& Hons are an
Indication of the scarcity of fish, then
there are very few down about the
JeM.les. Alex. Sutton, who. came up yes
terday evening, reports having seen
one bunch "t five, and that the water
is very muddy.
There in a wr in full blast here !'
Artoria. The fight Is between the straw
huts and overcoats. The overcoats
heve considerably the best of it Just
now. but the public Is decidedly in sym-j-aViy
with the straw hat brigade.
There Is no risk taken by Jolnlne
TTIIl's lot club. Everybody gets the
full value of tbelr money.
Japanese novelties and fancy rtrv
pood run be had t half price, st he
rtore of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's ciga
News was ecarce r.t the court house
yesterday. Crunty Clerk Tren-hrd
spent the afternoon chasing through
the pages of a bicycle catalogue, and
was so Interested that he. is now two
dav behind with the Ereekenridge
Today, from 11 o'clock a. m. to
3 o'clock p. m., at C. H. Cooper's, the
lad;rs of Astoria can have the privilege
"f Inspecting the greatest line of Paris
Ian novelties In dress goods and silks
ever Bhown in Ast'irla. The represen
tative of Newburger. Relss & Co. will
1 there. Special orders will be taken.
Joe Glardlna lias all the comforts of
a Jenny Mnd concert, without paying
ti cent. His 17 canaries are a mixture
of th? German Harts mountain tribe
and the California, linnet. They are
powerful singers, and Joe says he likes
their music bitlor than that of the
Salvation Army bund.
The "Hidden Hand" will receive Its
first production tonight by the Stuttz
company. It la a dramatization from
Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth's novel
of the same name. Mn. Stuttz will ap
pear as Capitola, the New York news
boy, and Mr. Stuttz as old Major War
field, with the entire company In the
What's better eating than halibut?
You can get them on the schooner Sur-
pi'Jse, three pounds for 25 cents. The
schooner is at the Telephone dock.
Service at St. Thomos-by-the-Sea,
Skipanon, Tuesday evening, (April 10) at.
nan-past seven, the Rev. Wm. S. Short,
of Astoria, officiating. Those having
mite boxes' will please bring or send
them at that time.
Martin Ryan and his seining crew
have started for the fishing grounds
opposite Tongue Point. He. takes a
large scow loaded with provisions and
supplies, and also three horses. When
the fish on the point hear of Martin's
coming they will begin paying up their
life Insurance again. .
For the information of Dr. Bushong,
I wish to state that Mr. Lund, who
was called upon by the doctor In his Sunday night sermon, left for San
Francisco last week, therefore there
will be no answer to Dr. Bushong's
challenge. F. O.
John Beckley, the oldest whlteman
In LogansporU Ind., who had been a
democrat for 88 years, announced his
conversion to the populist doctrines on
Monday morning, and In 12 hours was
dead. Was It a "shining" or a "fear
ful" example?
A slx-horso power upright engine and
boiler, almost new, for sale cheap. For
particulars apply at this office.
Mr. Harry Martine( representing the
Wiley B. "Allen Co., of Portland, will
be In town the next few days. Parties
desiring their pianos put In first-class
order, should leave ord?rs with Grililn
& Reed.
Over sixty young people gathered at
the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Bushong
last evening and spent an exceptionally
pleasant evening under the auspices of
the Epworth League. A number of the
members favored those present with
Eomo choice vocal and Instrumental se
lections, a reading by the president,
ond Dr. Bushong, after overcoming his
bashfulness, made some very happy
and pertinent remarks regarding the
refreshments which followed, and were
done full justice to by all.
Olsen has 29 brands of clear Havana
cigars and he will give you a better ci
gar for 10 cents than you can get for
15 cents at any other place. 527 Third
street. j .
Free, at Crow's Gallery, during the
next fifteen days, we are going to boom
and advertise our business by giving to
every purchaser of one dozen cabinets
a large size, 18x22, crayon portrait
(bust), valued at jio.
There Is an Industry In Oregon which
has reached quite a proportion that Is
but little thought of by the majority of
people, and that Is the trade in Oregon
grape root. This Is shown by an ad
vertisement which appears In one of
the up-valley papers that 10,000 pounds
are wanted, for which $30 per ton will
be paid. The roots must be cut in
pieces from two to four Inches In
length, free from plUi and of good
color. Large roots growing on the bot
toms are preferred.
In guns the old style flint locks, with
stocks carved and painted In colors
and with barrels painted In peculiar
hieroglyphics, are sold to the Arabs
and African tribes in quantities. The
South American takes a dainty barrel
of tha smallest gauge, with the stocks
also elaborately cai-ved and ornament
ed. The European buys a gun exquis
itely finished and Inlaid In tracings of
gold. Chicago Herald.
H. Ekstrom has fixed his prices for
Jewelry to suit the times, and the latest
novelties can be secured at the cost of
material used in the manufacture.
For a delicious plate of pure Jce
cream, go to C. B. Smith, the Ice Cream
Dealer. Ice Cream Soda a specialty. Pri
vate parlors for ladies. 483 Third street.
At the last meeting of the city coun
cil the following resolution was adopt
ed, viz.:
"Resolved, That the engineer and
driver of Rescue Engine Company, No.
2, b3 requested to care for and keep in
proper condition the batteries for the
fire clarm system which are stored in
the same building, and that Mr. J. R.
Clinton b Informed that he need not
look after these batteries hereafter,
and that the auditor and police Judge
Ibnt so mmy ladies wotiM make I lie
(nine mistake, at the same place, ahont
tbe same thing at the same time. So
many ladies wouldn't hare purchased
tbe- P. N. Corskts last week of ns at
prices from CO cent tn $2 23 if they were
not all re claim for lliem. We liaJ to
order more. TVbnt fcpliitler some
stores would maVe if Ibey con!d write
down Bach fact.
Albert Dunbar,
Cor. 3rd & flain.
bo hereby authorized mid Instructed to
give the; said notices to the said par
lies respectively.
In view of the fact that there wns nl
ready existing a prior ordinance or
resolution of the council making It the
duty of the chief engineer to attend to
the alarm system (for which he Is en
titled to receive a fair compensation),
and further declaring It a misdemeanor
for any other person to tamper with or
Interfere In any manner with the alarm
system, it. would seem; that this latter
resolution was a work of supereroga
tion. Queiy: Was the existence of the
prior regulation overlooked, or whit
effect does the last octlon have but to
put the engineer and driver of Rescue
No. 2 between the devil and the deep
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper,- together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.
can be bought at the lowest prices at
J. W. Conn s drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel, Aitorlo. ,
Don't go to Portland to buy your
tickets for the "Old Country" and the
East when you' can get them for the
same price at the Union Pacific office
In this city, and thereby Bave your lo
cal fare to Portland.
It Is estimated that of the salmon
that go up a stream to spawn only
three per cent get back to salt water.
Nature seems ta have exhausted Itself
In spawning, and though so weak that
they can scarcely wiggle they still re
main with the head up-stream, and if
they survive are carried on the cur.
rent to salt water. When seeking t
place to spawn the female makes an
oblong nest In the gravel about 12 or 14
Inches long and there deposits the
spawn. Both the male and the female
stand guard over the spawn until
hatched, fighting off salmon trout,
suckers and other fish that prey upon
the eggs.
Come everybody to Rescue Hall on
Friday evening, April 6th. A Hard
Times Social will be given by the Loyal
Temperance Legion, commencing at 7:30
A good program and refreshments
Adults 15 cts. Children 10 cents. .
It seems to us that the age of the
bicycle will be an age of improvement
In a great many directions. The bi
cycle has not yet become a. perfect ma
chine, 11 cost Is altogether too high
but it will not be very long before bet
ter wheels are made and more reason
able pilces prevail. It will not always
be necessary for the rider to bow him
self up as he propels the machine, nor
to pay fancy prices for his wheel. In
yentlorv is very busy on all- lines re
lating to bicycles, and In a very short
time comfortable and healthful ma
chines will be made for the multitude.
World's Progress.
In reply to Inquiries from fishermen,
Mr. H. D. McGuIr?, fish and game pro
tector, states that there is no law In
this state requiring fishermen to pay a
license for the neta they use. He knows
of no law giving fishermen any right
to use 15 feet of land along the bank of
the river where they fish for building
net racks on or any other purpose. It
Is required that fishermen shall be cltl
zens of the United States, or to have
declared their Intention to become sjich
one year prior to engaging In the fish
Ing business, and also that they have
been actual residents of the state for
six months. Oregonian.
If you want any thing good to smoke,
Key West, Imported, or domestic, you
must go to Unas. Ulsen.
Sealed bids will- be received at this
office for remodeling the Astorian build
ing. Plans and specifications can be
found on premises.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of Progressive Land and Building
Association will be held at the house of
Job Ross, in Astorla, Oregon, on Tues
day, the 17th day of April, 1894, at 7
o'clock p. m.
F. L. PARKER, Secretary.
Dated this 8th day of April, 1894. .
Act on a new principle regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr.
Miles' Pills speedily cures billiousness,
bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa
tion. Unequaled for men, women and
children. Smallest, mildest, surest! B0
doces 25 ca. Samples free, at Chas.
Rogers. .
We all have pains and aches, but they
needn't last, long not any longer than ft
takes to put on an Allcock's Porous
Plaster. The only thing to look out for
Is that you get tne right plaster. There
are others, but you don't, want them:
take our word for It, for when you need
a plaster you need it, and there's no
time for experimenting and finding oul
mistakes then. Ask for Allcock's Por
ous Plasters and see that you get them.
If they say that some other is Just bp
good, tell them that only the best IS
good enough for you. Allcock's Porous
Plasters are quick and sure, and ac
knowledged by the highest medical au
thorities and everybody else to be the
best outside remedy for pains and aches
of every description.
Notice Is hereby given that the under-aliened
ha been appointed, by the
County Court of Clatsop County, Ore
gon aminlitratnr of the estate of
James Calglty, deceased, late of Clateop
county, Oregon. All person, having;
claim, against said esiate mum present:
the same, duly verified, to the under.
signed, at his place of business, In the
City of Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon,
within six month, from this date. All
parties Indebted to the estate will fettle
a! o with the undersigned.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 28th
day of Sfarch, 1894.
The beat salve In tbe world foi euts,
Wriilses. re, Tilcem wilt rheum, fever
ores. teer. chapped hands. ehllWaln.,
oms. nd ell skin eruptions, and positive
ly cures til, or no par required. It
' guaranteed to s-tve perfeet stlfa"
lon or iprey refunded. Pr"f R cenls
m-r box. Tor rnU by Chas. Rogers,
lessor to J. C. DemecL
New and
Received this
Complete Stock of New
Spring Hosiery for
Ladies, Misses and
the Latest Novelties
in Trimmings.
Immense Stock of
New Laces with
Insertions to Match.
RIBBONS:One Thousand
Pieces of New Ribbons in
all the Latest Shades.
Over Fifty Pieces of New Veil
ings, all New Designs.
Stock of
Fancy Goods
Is Complete.
Leading House of Astoria.
Notice I. hereby given, to all whom
It may concern, that the undersigned,
executors of the last will and testament
of George Flavel, deceased, have filed
their f.nnl account In th. County Court
01 me mui.- ui v,irB.,,, u
tv. and asked to be discharged a. such
executors snd to have their said account
allowed. The said court ha. appointed
Monday, April the ltiih. at the hour of
ten o'cloc k In the forenoon as the time
for hearing any objection, that jnuy be
made or died thereto.
Mi Wlnslow'. Soothing Svruo bJ
been used for children teething. It
soothe, the child, .often, the gum.,
allay, all pain, cure, wind chollc. and
la the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five
cent, a bottle. Bold by all drug
gists throughout the world..
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned ha. been this day appointed
the administrator of the estate of A. K.
Harrow, deceased, by the county court
of Clatsop county, Oregon. All parties
having claim, ugalust said estate must
present the same, duly verified, to the
undersigned, at the office of Fulton
Bros., attorneys. In Astoria, CU'sop
county, Oregon, wittil.i six months frcm -this
8. H. AMEfl,
January 2d. 1884.
Notice I. hereby given that the un
dersigned ha. filed his final account In
the estate of Henry Powell, deceased,
and the court ha. act Monday, the 7th
day of May, li4, at the hour of 11
o'clock A. M for the hearing of objec
tion, thereto. If there be any,
Astoria, March 30, 1X94.
' Executrix.