THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY MORXINU, APRIL 11, 1894. ail distort ah TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. St-ned by carrier, pepr wk.. IS cU Fi!t by mall, per month...,..., W cU fceiU by mall, per year fT.OO WEEKLY, dent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance. Postage (re to subscribers. The Astorian guarantees to Its sub scribers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be obtained on ni'iillcation to the business manager. This paper Is in possession of all the telegraph franchises, ana is the only paper on the Columbia liver that pub lishes genuine dispatches. The Dally Astorian' circulation Is live times as great: as that of the com Hned circulation of the other dally pa pers of Astoria. The Weekly Astorian, the third old est weekly in the state of Oregon, has. ntxt to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in the state. Subscribers to the Astorian are re quested to. notify this office, without toss of time. Immediately they full to toceive their daily paper, or when tnoy 1o not gt?t it at the usual hour. By do ing this they will enable the manage ment to place the blame on the proper t urtles and to insure a speedy remedy. ' Handley & Haas are our Portland u gents and copies of the Astorian can te had' every morning at their stand on First street. TIDE TABLE. For ths Week, Beginning To-day. I HlOH n.wa I A f : WATKH M)W WATKK r.M. I A.M. I'M. VmM t JJjLiQJL'idl jL5LLM45iJj Wed 11 41118 2 (12 7s 6 20 7 6 6 05,6 8 111 2010 2 110 5114 4 Thur 12 Frl.. 13 Sat.. 141 7 13 5 6 g 825 9 9 3216 5 12 340 4 1 49 0 4 100(0 4 3 0710 5 4 460 6 6 2408 77 8 2 05 4 01 Hun. ir. Mon. 16 9 04-7 4 10 17 7 0 10 58 7 4 11 30 7 8 1 24 3 1 4 2412 4 10 1217 6 1110 7 8 Tups 17 6 lilt YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Maximum temperature, 01 degrees; minimum temperature, 45 degrees; pre cipitation, .96 Inch. ... ,- Total precipitation from July 1, 1833, to date, 88.2fi inches; excess of precipi tation from July 1, 181)3, to date, 26.83 Inches. THE WEATHER TODAY. . Portland, April lO.-For Washington and Western Oregon: Fair weather; CVor Eastern Oregon; Rain, followed by fair weather; cooler. HOKQ SMITH'S MALIGNITY. The Hoke Smith pension department, with malicious and contempuoie in genulty, has discovered a new way to vent Its spite against the old soldiers, During the last week for pension psy mcnts, when the old veterans, many of them entirely dependent upon the gov ernment for assistance to keep them out of the poorhouse, sent to the ngency at Chicago for their vouchers they were coolly Informed that thoy must first produce the original certln rate allowing their pension before the voucher would be paid them. It Is, of course, to be presumed the order Is a general one, and that pensioners throughout the country have been like wise notified. Judging from many of Mr. Smith former orders, the primary purpose ol this last order is to worry and annoy the old soldiers, and furnish an excuse to hold book from them, for a time al least, the money rightfully and legallj due them. Incidentally, toov the effect of the order will make it appear thai a vast number of "dishonest and fraud u lent" pensions have been unearthed, and many thousands of dollars saved the government. The Interior soldier hating democratic press will take It up and. publlBh the news of the great dis covery of "wholesale pension frauds"j all over their narrow bailiwicks, and after thus pUylng upon the credulity .f a large number of honest, but lgnor ant pension list crttlclsers, when the names have ail been restored to the rolls, the same papers will quietly lgnor the fact, and laugh with much glee over the ten-Btrlke made for the. party In the "rural deestrlcts." Bui this Is not all the deviltry of the fccheme, for many old soldiers, suppos ing from the fact that their namef have so often and regularly appeared m th rolls the necessity for substan tiating their claims by the original cer tifies! of allowance to be permanently dispensed with, have lost or destroyed their certiorates, and various pretex'ts and much red tape can and will be In terim to delay their duplication. At some time, of course, the names thus wrongfully stricken from the rolls must go back again, as the issue of each cer tlflcao Is a matter of record In the de partment ami It should be but a sim ple question of Identification In each case, but meanwhile the distress and suffering among our aged and diseased wterana will be something terrible, and the chances are that many of them will have Anally succumbed to the malignity of Mr. Smith and his force of ex-confedemte special examiners be fore the relief provided and intended by a grateful country shall have been restored to them. What a pity that the folly and blind ness of the American people has made it f.-r a '-- at nwn t. wlrild the Immense power and Influence of the offices of this government who are capable of prostituting those great offices to the ends of personal and par ty advantage, and can and do rejoice at the misery of th noble defenders of our national union, and who dare open ly' boast of the outrageous methods by which they have reduced the pension expenditures of the country. Bland says he Is going to fight the veto, and Cleveland's friends are again begging the republicans tt save the country from the possible consequences of democratic financial Idiocy. Cleveland seems to be trying to live up to the principle that the more he disregards the platform on which he was elected the better it will be for the country. SSBBSBBBBBSBBBB1SBBBBBBBSSBSBSS The 'most comical thing about the Industrial army thut Coxey Is leading Is that It Is mode up of men who never have acquired the work habit. The "democratic good times" have struck the great railways. Another big reduction of wages has been ordered, to go Into effect May 1. WHO 18 TO BLAME? It Is a Bhame and disgrace the way the Hillside cemetery Is neglected. It Is said by those- who have been out there lately that the fence in mjtny places Is totally gone, making It a pub- llo pasture for nil the cows ana oiper animals of the neighborhood. Costly monuments and tombstones are mode scratching posts, and the one erected to the memory of the late Mr. Burk and dauKhter, of Clatsop, costing over $600, has been thrown down and badly broken and damaged. The fence around the beautiful lot of John Feeley has been torn down by animals allowed to range there, and the whole place has an air of delapldation and neglect most painful to witness. Whose fault is this, and why Is It not attended to? TELEPHONE RATKS TOO IIIOIl. It Is said that telephone rates arc being materially reduced In every town and city of consequence In the country. 1'hey must be reduced In Astoria, Without intending to make war upon any corparatlon or corporate Interest, we can say the people are lcglnnlng to understand that public fi-aitchlses are the nronerty of the public, and If they are worth money to thesholders, the public ought to be compensated for them In some way. Individual citizens rln tint Blve awav their property for nothing, and neither should the publl or the municipality. We repeat, that without meaning the slightest hostility to any reputable corporation now es tablished, or which ought to be estab lished In Astoria, the rates now charged for telephone service here arc unreasonable, considering the gains to the comiMiny, and It Is to be hoped fair reduction will be made very short Iv. without any further notice of the matter. HOW TO BUILD A RAILROAD TO ASTORIA 1. Send for Gen. Coxey and his Indus trial army (with the accent on "Indus trial"). 2. A liberal donation of llsh by all the canneries (there's your meat). 3. The army already has tents. 4. Every Astorlun to furnish each loldler with some tool suitable for rail road construction 5. People owning limber along line of road to supply bridge ami tie timber, ind the loan of their broadnxes, 6. Collection for flour supply. 7. The next governor of Oregon tc call out the mllltla to aid the industrial xrmy In their desire (with the accent an "desire") to conquer labor, 8. Water supply can bo obtained from cho Columbia, by special permit froir. Uncle Sam. 9. The U, P. t- be compelled to fur nish the Iron nnd Gen, Coxey to lay II down. And there's your railroad to Astoria. VThere's millions In It." HON. C. W. FULTON INDORSED. Hon. ,C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, hai been Indorsed by the republican con tentlun of Clatsop county fur governor rho state convention at Portland will undoubtedly name a good man for thh kisltlon, and If Mr. Fulton Is chosen ne will receive the full support of thi .jarty. Times-Aitnintuineei. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. List of Letters Unclaimed at the As- torlu Postofflce. In applying for the letters referred to herein, state when advertised, April 10, 1KS4, Rayard. A. (2) Johnson, C. O. Holler, W. W. Kea, Mrs. T. J.. King. Joft, n Leberg, Clin, lyonilfiman. J. Peterson, Miss C. Oewnn, 11. It. OImmi. Mrs. IT. Pyykkoonen, K. Rutyln, A., Stiuy, Mrs. Nmlth, James, FodeiRi-en. K. Ruselem. J. H. Thompson, Wint, 'otdnler. Minnie. Coulter, J. W., avls, Chas. A.. Do Rugo, Jaa. (:') wrencher, Kred. Kide, Mrs. Stlne, Knbusk, Chan. J. Parson, Leet & lx. Clllmore, p. ' ix ulngo S. Hanwion, O., Hawker. Ellas. Hansen, Mrs. K. Hauke. Thru.. mikes, Frank, iiennricKson, Johanes White, K. C . Hodge, K, K., Woods, John, Johnson, And. Foreign List. Carl, Robt. I.liwkl. Tanllel Henrlkson. Mrs, U McVtcar. D. J , Lee, HJalmal, lrUerson. A. M JAMES W. HARE, P. M. Oregon is the only tfite where an itvenme horse m-lla for a higher price than a rrm. Th M(nray hr,r rt here is worth til. while the mule brings AT THOUGHTS OF THER. At thoughts of thee, dear friend, fond mem'ry brings Bright scenes and pleasant, while about thern clings The perfume of the past- 'Twas in this place We met; here talked; and through yon space Of mountain roadway dreamed of fu ture things, While through tne cnamoers of my soul there rings A voice, your own, fit for the court of kings, (Which time can only sweeten, ne'er (,'ITaee) At Ihdiights of thee. Ana ho t una tonight my Hearts sa strings Are luneu again; a nope within me springs; I feel' once more your sympathetic grace Ann long once more to see your tnnugnt run lace. Alt this I feel, and life has fewer stings At thoughts of thee. PRESONAL. J. W. Stoneman, of Portland, Is regis. tered at the Parker house. J;hn S. Hltehen has resigned his po- sitlon under Mr. Cherry, the British vice consul. John Crawford, of Oneida, Jf. Y, went up to Portland on the Telephone last evening. 'Mrs. Jenno and Miss Ella Jenne, of Welser, Idaho, came down on the Tele phone yesterday. They will visit with friends In Astoria before leaving for California. Postmaster Hare has gone to Port, land, and should any candidate get tangled up In his oratorical buzz-saw It will be no unlikely thing to run across a chunk of beef and a suspender button In any pait of Multomah county In the next three weeks. RAFFLE. Any one having chances In Frank Doproiich's boat and net will please jail at Foard & Stokes' for their money, which will be paid upon proper Klentlllcatlon of the person clulmlng It BIDS FOR BONDS. Notice Is hereby glv?n thnt mirsuant to a resolution of the Common Council or tlio City of Aytorla, adopted March dth, 18!4, bids will be received by the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria for $10,000 of municipal bonds of the City of Astoria, to run ten years find bear Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. Ordinances authorizing the Issuance or said bonds to be submitted to at torneyB of any person or corporation ror ineir approval. By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor nnd Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, March 8th, 1894. A SURE CURE FOR PILES. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing. Intense Itching when warm. This form, as well as Blind, RleedliiB or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosunko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts, affected, absorbs luiuum, auuys iiciung anu eilects a permanent cure. 00c. Druggist or mall, uircuiars free. Dr. Bosanko. 829 Arch -rreei, rmiaaeipnia. Pa, Bold by J. W, '.UUU. - ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF PER. BONALi PKOPERTY. Notice Is hereby given that, by vlr tue of an order of the honorable f!oun. ty Court of Clatsop County, State of Oregon, Issued July 10th, 1893, and to me directed, I shall proceed to sell, at puwio auction, to the highest bidder ror casn in hand, on the premiums, n the Grimes House. Seaside. Oregon, nn Tuesday, April loth, 18114, at the hour of iu:ju o clock A. At., all the personal part nershlp property of G. K. Grimes, de ceased, and E. M. Grimes, consisting of lurnnure, biock, nna otner property. Seaside, Oregon, March 27th, 184. E. M. GRIMES. Administrator, EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to nil Whom It may concern, that the undersigned has been appolhted executrix of the last will ind testament of J. M. Olsen, deceased 'ate of Clatsop county, Oregon, by the bounty. Court of said county, and all lersens having claims against 'the es ate of said deceased are notified to pre "iit the same, duly verified, to the said 'xecutrlx, at the olnce of Fulton Bros., n the City of Astoria, In said county ind state, within six months from this Jute. Dated nt Astoria, Oregon, this 13th lay of March, 1894. MA KEN A. OLSEN. Executrix, A SAD PICTURE. The next time you are In a melan choly mood, as you are almost certain o he If you become bilious or dyspep tic, picture to yourself the condition of v poor man who, without resources and A'lth a family on his hands. Inula him wlf on a sick bed. Gloom obscures his inrrow horizon In every direction. Un due to do any work, without means, or 'rlcnds caimblc of assisting him, with :ho possible prospect of continued III- loulth; with rent, perhaps, unpaid and inpayable, the outlook for him Is very floomy Indeed. How shortsighted, then. s the man of humble means who per vl v I ug that his health and strength art 'ailing takes no precaution to avert the incoming evil. Hosteller's Stomach litters is a reliable, professionally rec imniemled restorative of hvaltli anC Igor, nnd a sure means or preventing he many disabling complaints which xposure, overwork, neglect and Inaurll- lent food produce. Malaria, rheuma Ism, kidney and liver complaint, dys- H'psia ana nervous disease always yield :o It. CITATION. Ill the County Court of the State ol Divgon, for the County of Clatsop. Ir. he matter of the estate of James P. Met i, deceased, Citation: To John I.. Met. Jess E. Mel. Mrs Prudence Weekly, Mrs. Sarah Kearns, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. J. Metz. and Mrs. T. K Jackson, greeting: In the name of the Swte of Oregon: Vou are hereby cited and required to ippear In the County Court of the State )f Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, at he court room Miereer. at Astom, in the County of Clatsop, on Monday, the ih day of May, 1X1)4. at 10 o'clock In tlu orenoon of that day, then and there to how cause, tr any exist, why an onler f sale should not be made of the fol lowing real c.uate, to-wit: Lots Nos. g ind 9. In the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, nnd the southeus' luarter of the southeast quarter of sec- n No. 11, township No. 7, north of range No. 9 west, of the Will. Mer., In Clatsop Couht.y, Oregon. Witness. thc Hon. C. A. McGuIre. Iudire of the County Court cf the State f Oregon, fVr the County of t"ltson. yrUh th. Mt! of khM court affixed, this :d day of April. A. D. 1 v-i. Attest: r. J. TREXCIIARD. ITS A QUEER VOMAS j who cannot understand .y.Xvi benefit to be derived rf4l"T ;,v from" the use of Doctor vv-yr 7 Pierce's Favorite Pre ' JX. I scription. Did you ever ' "C-A ee a sickby woman with i' brbdit evoa. clear skin. 2 ; J, v.yl and rosy cheeks t Or ., :4a healthy one without - 1 tlicm I A woman am I- ..11 1 UK An 11V1) 111 lull urwLU, uu more work, have more pleasure, amount to more, by taking the " Prescription. " When the bodily ' functions are not regular 1,'A'S?' the woman is delicate. -4 As a support for nerv ous. exhausted, overwork ( ', women, it's an invigorating tonic, a othing and strengthening nervine; besides, lessens pain. It's the only remedy for mian's chronic weaknesses and Irregulnri e that's yunrnnhed to benefit or cure, or . e money paid for it refunded. If suirerlni? from Catarrh try, Dr. Sage's 1 .emedy. $500 reward if you can't be cured. IV-'f'T8 I tfc" l11""'1 Mcillf Inc. lircaaw if5!''Ll5 l;.iH-lst!i jK'.iare to throw oil llic tin-p-'&rt purtiicJof tint blwwl.eml atthesaiw time t.one3 ui tlio eailro orpuiisin. This is jum cumnirv to itieciypfttof l''i Mirli:iin potash, mer ctirv.r irsai ariiU i,:!st;in:.i, vhlch Isittle up th( Imwiii le.'l i I1'" ivitem, II" i.inh:in( luuct iic!:!ies a.ul 8i'.!U- t:ig. an loiv, lur a . BLOOD MEDSCINE ...... ,,i,,..tT ln.tfr flu.n t.'ll-f! 3. p. S. "As u 'liysici.!!i, I havo iirescrllnil and used a. h. n. Ill Illy oral uru ii u ,-jniu, ,ui tronliles. Ami liavc litoa very successrul. I nevei u.icrt a rcineity which I'avo uch guueral f anslac tioa to myw i ants .uwiio.. "L. 11. l;u-iiv, ill. D., JIackcy, lad.' Treatise onliloo;! nnlckln lipases malleilfrco, SWliT Kl'i'CI.' iiJ (.' Cottolene Jottolene AJottolf ne Ijottoietie Cottokn Cottolcn'? Cottnlene ,'ottolene L'ollolene Joltolcn To assure both the above ends, lcn' 1 ...ui 1. 1 r,i i ma ilou, WJlUlCSOUli;, j,aiuu4u,K iuvu ,3 clcinanUed. It is next to impossible to present a sufficient variety of appe tising bills of fare for our meals,with out a liberal allowance of pastry and other food in which shortening is required. How to make crisp, healthful, digestible pastry has puzzled the cooks. A difficulty in cn all (,'ood cookingin the past lias been S'"J lanl. Always fickle, never uniform, cno most unwholesome lard has always fn been the bane of the cook and the obstacle to "good digestion." 'ouoIpiic .ijollulene .Lulloltm; t'dltolcne .Jtittolene Coltok'nc Cottolene HJotlolenc ,LuiiuIl-iic :Cutiulene CuiioIciip l.'ottolene ;Cotto!ene Cotlolcnc ( 'ottolene Coliulene tloltolcnc .'ottolene Cottolcn'- .'nttt)leno Cot C01 Uut Cut comes now mtp popular favor as the new shorten ing; better than even the best of lard with none of lard's objectionable quali ties. And Cot Col Cot, Col Col Cot Cot Cot Cot Col Cot Cot Cor ' Cot C011 Col Col, conies attended by both APPETITE MO HEALTH." Grocers sell it all about. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Coiclene ICottnlene Cnttolenc Cottolene It'ollolcne Made ouly by ) N. K. FAIRBANK A. CO., ( ST. LOUIS and ",c CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. These tiuy Capsules are superior to Balsam of Copaiba, Cububa and Injections (jujUyj They cure In 43 Lours tho same diseases without nnyincoo- Tenlencc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST; s Push a Lucky Man Iuto the Kile, enys tho Arabian proverb, nnd be will come out with a Hub iu his month. Our Buver was elated last month, ond wliuu be re, turned home lie stivs : "I uot 'em got 'em cheap ; (jot Via to sell ; i;ol Yiu ro 11s to undersell nil other deal ers in 1'ine Kentucky Whiskies on the Coa.t. Over lifty demijohns ol it went out yesterday but custom ers went witL tbetn, " HUGHES it CO. RAKES AND THINGS. The little warm rays of sunshine drop pins In a little earlier these mornings. is the season advances, jdalnly say, (Jet ready, for folks will soon be want ing garden things:" So we ARK get ting ready our hoes, rakes, spades, etc. etc., for your coming. Never mind th prices they'll be 113 little as anybody's. almost surely smaller. J. I!. WYATT. Hardware Dealer. C. I'. UPSHUR, Shippings Commission Astoria, Oregon. ASTORIA WOOD YARD D. & D. ft. Campbell, Proprietors. Dealers In all kinds of First .Class Fuel. Fir, Vine Maple, Sprue Limbs, Alder, Hemlock and Ash. Also, N?st ciades of Wellington. Newcastle, Cannel, nj Cumberland coal. Leuve oiJcrs at Canraban . Go's or, i.r nt yard, foot of Spru: street Or-lers promptly fllled, and SATISFACTION GUA RATCEQ, fcSOS - n rPSl J3 fP OW- mm. Co;i appetite. ' 5 nil Put your mind nn (lie ri.ilit kind of Stores! Here At N0E & SCULLY'S. Only you can't fnnreive of all merely reading. Come and see the slock, J31 2nd St. NEW CARPETS We can say of carpi Is wlial was said of f uruiluro n day or two since that tins stock is not ouly the best in Astoria', but twice over the lurpcst. There's Luying inspiration in our price, too. No mnt ter what kind of carpels you want, como to tis. (or we Lave it. Chas. Heilborn & Son. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : AT POHli'S Undertakir;g Parlors, ' THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. EmbalmlnR a Specialty. Vusic Hall -:- 3)4 First Street, Astoria, Or, H. CHRISTENSEN. Prop. A FREE CONCERT every night beginning at 8 o'clock. G00J music. The best of wines, liquors and cigars always on hand. Washington Jfleat Market. Corner Second and Main Streets. Wholesale and Retail Butchers : and : Packers. Steamboats, Ships and Mills supplied on short nut'ee. limilles supplied promptly at the o.'st rates. CHRISTENSEN St CO., Props. OCCIDENT HOTEL 1 Is the Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. Aft UNEXCELLED TABLE. Rates, $a dally and upwards. fin Ynn WiQh i:i jtl I V KA I 1 igi I I To enrich' your table economlrnlly?, I'lHere's a elmnoe, at A. V. Allen's.j !lKnKlb'h wure, nnd lots of It! Rlehi) 1' lower decorations of various sorts, jand at quickstep prices. l Modesu-prlctd glassware, too, ofj'l jcourso. The shelves are erowded jwlth them. Corner of Cuss andi'i 'iSquemoque Streets. ' The Groom r ol no accmnit nt n wrjd ng. V ho cures for him ur lii nuike-iip? KoiMioili ia intt'iTft d in the liririe itutl the rnke, nnd the Urn (jiioMion itsko'l ia. "How w in he lreHed nn'l hniv wn. thoeiiko?'' Woe oft furnish the bride, but you nil betssurol Hint i( I ho insiedicnti of tho citlto, from tho Hour to bnkjiiR powdor, eamo from our tlielvos, It was lirst cm-. 110S1 ,t: HK1CIXS. t''SpicT0v PUTS YOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all Eastern Points '. 24 to 36 Hours Ahead y Of Any Other Line. Pullman and Tourist Sleeuera Froe Reollnlng Chair Cars. Cn. Ing Cars are run daily via the Union Pacific Flyor leaving Port, land at 7:00 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMERS SAILING DATES. Columbia, Wednesday, April 4. State, .Monday, April . Columbia, .nurday, April 14. Suite, Thursday. April ia. Columbia, Tuesday, April 24. State, Sunday, April 2l. Astoria and Portland Steamers. Steamer R. R. Thompson leaves As toria ul :4i a. m., daily except Sunday, J via Washington side of the river: re-1 turning, leaves Portland at 8 p. m.. I ally, except Saturday. The Tliomo-1 son makes landings on both sides of mo inxr .wr nateriwo, on doio up ; and dewn trips. 8. H. IX. CLARK, OLIVER MINK. E. ELLF.RT ANDERSON, JOHN W. DOANE. FREDERIC R. CO7DHRT. Receivers. For rates and general Information call on or address O. W. LOUXSBERRT. Agent, Astoria. Or. II. ni'RLFURT. Art. Gen. I"as. Ast., Portland. Or. FastMail V. kl v. Illlll I H. '4 GREATLY REDUCED RATES Southern Pacific MADK !Y TIIK Go. FOBJIIK CALIFORNIA " IBidttiioteF pair I?00J1D TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS PORTLAND TO SAN KIP AND RETURN 37.50 Including FIVE GATE Tickets to the Fal. EXCURSION TRIPS FROM SAN FRANCISCO to other points in California will be allowed purchasers of special Midwinter Fair tickets at the following round-trip rates; TO STATIONS I'NDHR 150 MILES FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONEANDONU-THIRDone way fare. TO STATIONS noMILESOR MORE FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE-FIFTH oneway fare. For Special rates and full Information, Inquire of J C K1RKLAND, Dist, Passenger Acent at 1 j4 Front St., Portland Or. or address the undersized. RICH'D GRAY, T.H.GOODMAN, Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Passenger Agent. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. E. P. ROGEPS. Agent, Portland, Oregon. . CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE find ST.PfiUli RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontinenta Lines !s tin- Only Line running ELECTRIC LIGHTED CARS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND I Omaha and ' , . ' Chicago. The Express Trains consists of Vestlbuled, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM. . And furnished with Every Luxury known In rfoder railway travel. 1 For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line is UnequaleJ. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information Inquire of anv ticket agent, T C. J. EDDY, General Agent. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. r CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans "Continental Railway System. FR0JVI OCEAfl TO OCEflN -is- Palace Dining Joom and Sleeping Cars. LQXQFious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, elloming Unbroken Viems of the Wonderful JUbtintain Country. , ' $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on nil tickets ea.t. Tourist cars the best on wheels. Kquipments of the very finest throughout. CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China ind Japan, Empress of India leaves Vancouver ( February n. i Empress of China leaves Vancouver I March 5. i Empress of India leaves Vancouver 1 April 2. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE LeaviS Feb. 18 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. , For Ueket rates and Information, call -on or address. JAR. PIXTATSnW Aot Astoria, Or. a. is. earner. Traveling- Pass. Aet.. Tacoma, Wash.. Geo. McL. Brown, Dlst. Pass. Aet., Vancouver, 13. C HUflTEF? & MERGERS, Proprietor of llia Pcrffand Butchering Co.'s Markels Corner Secon-1 ad Benton streets. Corner 'i r.trd (trd W-l- Ki. l.ili Ktr.vts