The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 10, 1894, Image 3

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Father Denman left for Tortland this
James Flnlayson left for Portland
last nlghk
Today Is the last day In which to
pay your water rates.
A three-masted schooner passed In
for Knappton yesterday.
The British ship Peterbouough went
up to Portland yesterday.
The schooner fadle f.rrived down,
lumber laden, for San Francisco.
Frank M. Ounn returned yesterday
from his semi-occasional trip up the
J! D. Van Diman and wife, of Dela
ware, Ohio, are stopping at the Occl
dent. ,
The Norwegian bark Cara crossed
out yesterday, bound for the United
The steamer Elmore arrived in from
Tillamook yesterday with a full cargo
of general merchandise.
Property owners have been fixing up
their premises along Third, between
Olney and Genevieve streets.
It was warm enough yesterday for
most of our merchants to keep their
store doors open all day long.
R. G. Eastwlck, who has been In the
city the past four or five days survey
ing, left for Portland last evening.
Foun baby girls were christened last
Sunday at the pastorate of the Finnish
Evangelical Lutheran church In this
Some one humped himself yesterday.
One thousand barrels of cement were
taken out of the Highland Home in
four hours.
Hon. C. W. Fulton came down on
the Undine Sunday morning and re
turned to Portland on the same steam
er Sunday night.
Portland taxpayers have caught the
hard-up fever. They are petitioning
the county court to extend the time of
tax payments to June 30.
Uncle Sami has a large number of
men at work opening, and weighing 10
per cent of the cargo of the British
bark Holywood fon dutiable purposes.
Portland merchants have established
a branch wholesale sugar house In this
city. This sugar comes from China,
and is packed in improved double
Some one offered an Uppertown girl
a quarter to quit singing "Two Little
Girls in Blue." She took the money
and Immediately invested it In "After
the Ball."
There's a mighty weak cellar door in
the sidewalk at the Cass street en
trance of J. Strauss store. Some one
will break a limb there, and then a
damage suit will be the result.
An 880 lot for 82.
If you want some extra fine photos
taken, Mooer s is the place to get them.
Lovers of a good cigar can always
find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Ol
sen's The A. P. L. Association are prepar
ing an unusually interesting entertain
ment "The Brownies," to be given
near the 4th of July. It will be enter
taining to see how they spend their
If the steamer Telephone continues
to have the passenger list that she had
down from Portland yesterday, the
dividends at the end of the year will
make the owners of the City of Frank
ford feel sick.
Five tons of deep sea fish came in
Sunday on the steam schooner Harri
son, consisting mostly of cod and
groupers. Some of the catch was sold
here and the balance went to the Port
land markets.
Fresh fish and poultry at 'Welcome's
Market, next to Foard & Stokes'.
Meany is the leading tailor and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
For 82, a lot is delivered every week
to the buyer in Hill's First addition.
Can't the two engine house dogs,
Molly and Rescue, be kept tied up
when the drivers are exercising their
horses on the streets? It was all a
. lady could do lately to dodge the horses
and dogs both.
W. S. Stltt, of Chicago; James Iis
lop, of Portland; Thomas A. McGowan,
of San Francisco; A. N. Fessenden, of
Townscnd, Mass., and S. H. Cawston.
of Portland, went up the river on the
Telephone last night.
It was a beautiful afternoon yester
day, and the ladies were out shopping
in full force. If some of them would
thoose their husbands as carefully as
they do their bonneta, how much
brighte!' their life might be.
If you want a first class photograph,
n;nm Crow, the Photographer, ,638
IhSta street.
Thousands of mothers give their chil
dren. Pt-e-edman's Soothing Powder
during the teething period.
"What does the term 16 to 1 mean In
relation to the coinage of silver, asks
a patron. Why, silver coined in the
ratio of 1 ounces of silver to one of
gold. ' A gold dollar contains 25.8
grains, while a standard silver dollar
has In it 18 times as much nvtal. or
212.8 grains.
The State of California railed for
San Francisco yesterday with the fol
lowing freight from this port: 83,000
feet of lumber, 2,000 bundles shooks,
200 sacks oystera. 14 barrels salt sil
mon and 5 tons assorted household
roods.' She also had a large passenger
list, quite a number of whom came
ashore for an hour and looked over our Some one has given Walter Ride
city. The twin bears at P. J. Menny's halgh the following recipe for breaking
attracted a couple of the visitors so Ms mastiff of the habit of leaving his
long that they came near missing the
The British bark Highland Home dis
charged 1,000 barrels of cement at the
bonded warehouse yesterday. She
leaves up this morning fon Portland
with the rest, of her cargo.
Hill's First addition Is located in the
centre of the city. Lots are now selling
in it for $2.
The last shipment of the 1894 styles of
wrII tinner have arrived at B. F. Allen 8
so don't wait for your"s until the
stock has been all pawed over.
How would it do for all the kicking
members of the different Astoria
churches to start a new denomination
and build a church to be called the
Kickers' Tabernacle? Each denomina
tion can easily contribute a few mem
bers for a starter.
The time has aeain come for the
commencement of a new fishing sea
son. It is to be hoped that it will be a
successful one. It is reported, however,
that most of the fish now In have gone
above, so that the catches below are
not likely to be very large at present.
Some one has said that the populists
at a recent meeting resolved not to
fuse or in other words, have conclud
ed to play their hand alone. It is al
ways best for a person to sail under
his true colors, whether he sinks or
swims. The people will respect him
more for It.
There is no risk taken by Joining
Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the
full value of their money.
.TnrmnpRp novelties end fancy dry
good.i, can be had at half price, at the
store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar
The society of the Young Men's Insti
tute held an open meeting Sunday after
noon. It was well attended, and the
audience that listened to the remarks
of District Deputy Murphy on "Advice
to Young Men" was well repaid. Mr.
Murphy left on the evening boat Mon
day fur Portland.
On Wednesday, tomorrow, from 11
a. m. to 3 p. m., at C. H. Cooper's, the
ladies of Astoria can have the privilege
6t Inspecting the greatest line of Paris-
Ian novelties In dress goods and silks
ever shown In Astoria. The represen
tative of Newburger, Relss & Co. will
be there. Special orders will be taken.
What's better eating than halibut?
You can get them on the schooner Sur
prise, three pounds- for 25 cents. The
schooner is at the Telephone dock.
Service at St. Thomas-by-the-Sea,
Skipanon, Tuesday evening, (April 10) at
half-past seven, the Rev. Wni. S. Short,
of Astoria, officiating. Those having
mite boxes will please bring or send
them at that time.
On Thursday- April 12, at 5 o'clock p.
m., a supper will be given under the
auspices of the Ladles' Guild of Grace
(Episcopal) church, at Rescue hall. The
entire receipts will be given to the As
toria Library. Price of supper, 25 cents.
The public are asked to assist in mak
ing the supper a financial success.
Don't be too free in using gasoline in
the spring cleaning of your lace cur
tains and other soiled fabrics about the
house. Carefully used it is a good and
effective article, but carelessly handled
near excessive heat or flame it becomes
a demon of destruction, and too much
care cannot be exercised In its employ
ment A six-horse power upright engine and
boiler, almost new, for sale cheap. For
particulars apply at this office.
Mr. Harry Mortlne, representing the
Wiley B. Allen Co., of Portland, will
be in town the next few days. Parties
desiring their pianos put In first-class
order, should leave orders with Griffin
& Reed.
Pat Lawler, who, with Mr. McDonald
kept a chicken foundry and fish mar
ket on Third street, had a grand clean
ing sale Saturday night They got the
stock down to ore lone rooster, and
then the partnership dissolved. Pat is
the surviving member of the firm. He
does his own type-writing, buying, sell
ing, and does his own thinking, gen
erally. Tonight, at half-past 7 o'clock, the
different committees whom President
Wise appointed to devise ways and
means to entertain the delegates to the
democratic state convention, will meet
at the court house, and tell each other
how much they have done and hear
their president say "Well done, tthou
good and faithful servants."
Olsen has 29 brands of clear Havana
cigars and he will glvt you a better ci
gar for 10 cents than you can get for
15 cents at any other place. 627 Third
Free, at Crow's Gallery, during the
next fifteen days. We are going to boom
and advertise our business by giving to
every purchaser of one dozen cabinets
a large size, 18x22, crayon portrait
(bust), valued at $10.
We wish to express our most sincere
thanks to the many friends who so
kindly assisted us during our late be
reavement upon the death of our little
'lhat so many ladies would make the
fame mistake, at tlie ram place, about
Ibe same thing at the same time. So
many ladies wouldn't hare purchased
the P. X. Cokset3 last week of ns at
prices from CO cent to 82.25 if thej were
mt all we claim for (hem. We had to
order more. Wbat splutter some
tores would make if they could write
down Bach facta.
Albert Dunbar,
Cor. 3rd & flain.
home on the hill. Here It Is: Get some
stranger to whip him good every time
he meets him. The dog will then be
afraid he will meet his chastlser and
so stay at home. The dog weighs over
200 pounds. Where Is the stranger that
wants the job?
H. Ekstrom has fixed his prices for
jewelry to suit the times, and the latest
novelties can be secured at the cost of
material used in the manufacture.
For a dellclouB plate of pure Ice
cream, go to C. B. Smith, the Ice Cream
Dealer. Ice Cream Soda a specialty. Prl
vate parlors for ladles. 483 Third street.
There's a man in Uppertown who
can bay like a dog so naturally that
his neighbors before they found It out
would pray for clouds every clear night
to cover the moon. The other night he
got behind a friend's back fence and
commenced his fun. He howled to
wake the dead, and soon brought a.
score of missiles In his direction. He
chuckled In his sleeve at the fun he
was having, but he didn't know that
one of the residents had got a clothes
prop and was carefully and quietly
stealing up In his direction, and when
he raised his head again over the fence
and howled he did It so naturally that
the clothes-prop never stopped until
It laid hln out nearly senseless.
He practices his accomplishment
now in his own house, with closed
All the, patent medicines advertised
in this papar, together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.,
can be bought at the lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel, Ai.toria.
Don't go to Portland to buy your
tickets for the "Old Country" and the
East when you can get them for the
same price at the Union Pacific office
in this city, and thereby save your lo
cal fare to Portland.
Tongue Point Crossing, Buoy No. 2,
red, first-class nun, has been removed
into 12 feet of water, about ISO yards
southwest by south from lta old posi
tion, to mark the west edge of a shoal,
which is making out to the westward.
The bearings are: Beacon No. ,1 N. E.
1-4 J3. Tongue Point (east tangent), S.
E. 1-2 B.
Come everybody to Rescue Hall on
pvirtnv ovenlne'. Aoril 6th. A Hard
Times Social will be given by the Loyal
Temperance Legion, commencing at 7:30
A good program and refreshments.
Adults 15 eta. Children 10 cents.
At the close of the University Exten
sion course there was left a balance of
$18.80 in the hands of the committee, in
charge. This was by unanimous vote
presented ta the Public Library. The
Library Association wish In this way
to acknowledge lta receipt and ip
thank the members of the course. In
general, and the committee In particu
lar, for their liberality and encourage
If you want any thing good to smoke.
Key West, Imported, or domestic, you
must go to Chas. Olsen.
Sealed bids will be received at this
office for remodeling the Astorlan build
ing. Plans and specifications can be
found on premises.
Notice is hereby given that my wife,
Sadie Danielson, has left my board and
bed, and I hereby warn all persons that
I will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by her In my name.
The next time yoii are In a melan
choly mood, as you are almost certain
to be If you become bilious or dyspep
tic, picture to yourself the condition of
a poor man who, without resources and
with a family on his hands, finds him
self on a sick bed. Gloom obscures his
narrow horizon in every direction. Un
able to do any work, without means, or
friends capable of assisting him, with
the possible prospect of continued ill
health; with rent, perhaps, unpaid and
unpayable, the outlook for him is very
gloomy Indeed. How shortsighted, then,
is the man of humble means who per
ceiving that his health and strength are
failing takes no precaution to avert the
oncoming evil. Hoetetter's Stomach
Bitters Is a reliable, professionally rec
ommended restorative of health and
vigor, and a sure means of preventing
the many disabling complaints which
exposure, overwork, neglect and Insuffi
cient food produce. Malaria, rheuma
tism, kidney and liver complaint, dys
pepsia and nervous disease always yield
to It.
Notice is hereby given to all whom It
may concern, that the undersigned has
been appointed executrix of the last will
and testament of J. M. Olnen, deceased,
late of Clatsop county, Oregon, by the
County Court of said county, and all
persons having claims against the es
tate of said deceased are notified to pre
sent the same, duly verified, to the said
executrix, at the office of Fulton Bros.,
In the City of Astoria, in said county
and state, within six months from this
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 13th
day of March, 1834.
MAREN A. olsen. Executrix.
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed, by the
County Court of Clatsop County, Ore
gon, administrator of the estate ot
Jama. Dalgity. deceased, late of GlaMfp
county, Orenk All person, leavtafc
claim. aguliu said estate must piumut
the same, duly verified, to the undw
slfmed, at his place of business, in the
City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon,
within six month, from thl. date. All
parties Indebted to the estate will settle
also with the undersigned.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, thl. 28th
day of March, 1894.
The best salve In the world fot cuts,
hmlMe, or"e, Dicer., suit rheum. fever
ore., teter. chapped hands, chilblalna.
urn and aM skin eruption. nd positive
ly cures piles, or no pav required. It
la gu&raniAed to rlva percept sntlafse.
Hon or money refunded. Prlre 15 cents
per box. For sale bv Chae. Bog era, Cf
aor to J. C. Dement.
New and
Received this
Complete Stock of New
Spring Hosieryfor
Ladies, Misses and
All the Latest Novelties
in Trimmings.
Immense Stock of
New Laces with
Insertions to Match.
RIBBONS:One Thousand
Pieces of New Ribbons in
all the Latest Shades.
Over Fifty Pieces of New Veil
ings, all New Designs.
Stock of
Fancy Goods
Is Complete.
Leading House of Astoria.
Notice Is hereby given, to all whom
it may concern, that the undersigned,
executor, of the last will and testament
of George Flavel, deceased, have filed
their final account In the County Court
of the state of Oregon for Clatsop coun
ty, and asked to be discharged a. such
executors and to have their said account
allowed. The said court ha. appointed
Monday, April the 16th, at the hour of
ten o'clock In the forenoon aa the time
for hearing any objection, that may be
made or filed thereto.
8. 8. GORDON,
Mrs. Win .low. Soothing Syrup kaa
been ued for children teething. It
wothea the child. Kitten the gums,
allay, all pain, cure, wind chollo, and
la the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five
cent, a bottle. Bold by all drug
gist, throughout the world.
Notice la hereby eiven that the un
dersigned ha. been thl. day appointed
the administrator of the estate of A. k..
Harrow, deceased, by the county court
of Clauop county, Oregon. All parties
having claim. ugaiust said estate muat
present the same, duly verified, to the
undersigned, at the office of Fulton
Bros., attorney., in Astoria, Cla'sop
oounty, Oregon, wlthlu six month, frcra
thl. date.
8. H. AME3,
January 2d, 1891
Notice i. hereby given that the un
dersigned ha. filed his final account In
the estate of Henry Powell, deceased,
and the court ha. set Monday, the 7th
day of May, 184, at the hour of 11
o'clock A. M., for the hearing of objec
tion, thereto, if there be any.
Astoria, March 20. 1H94.
r I Executrix.