iSTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION EXC ELUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLIT, NO. 83. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY" MORNING, APRIL 10, 1894. PRICE, FIVE - CENTS, The flouth of the Columbia. Will now be covered more and more with the white-winged fleet while it gathers the harvest that has made Astoria so prosperous in the past as well as in the pres ent, and is so far giving us as good trade :n Fishermen's Sup plies as we have had for the past four years and raake3 the outlook bright for the future sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Fur nishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, Gum Boots, Oil Coats, Pants,! Apron Sleeves, Petticoats, Etc. p '4 --.V V;. - - AJ n resolution, which he asserted did not touch or affect the general question of bimetallism; that It was simply a sug gestion to a friendly sister republic thRt mm IHIa Tnlnta In thn wnat. atinnt1 Tlie Tariff Debate Under Fnll be m operation in the coinage of silver The Leadin?; Theater of Mil ISU which had been put in circulation In the Orient Senator Sherman said he saw no objection to the resolution, and that If arrangements could be made to carry It out 1100,000,000 of sliver might be usefully employed. Senator McPher- The Income Tax Amendment Bit- 8011 ip-i it. and at his request it I Several Firemen Burned or Killed went over unui tomorrow. Headway. FINAL VOTE SET FOR JUNE 7. wankec Burned. ROOF FALLS UNEXPECTEDLY Osgood Mercantile Go. The One Price Clothiers, Hatters And Furnishers, 506 and 508 3rd St.. Next to Griffin & Reed's Book Store. Astoria. Hp HE UNITED STATES paid Russia $7,200,000 for B Alaska and the seals, lhe ingush have said, if they swim out of our creeks, they belong to them. It just like tho crows coming over from Washington every day. They're sure to return towards night. They belong to Washington. We don t claim them, lhat s the dispute in a nutshell. It s just about like that with our fancy work baskets. As soon as they get awav from our store the mcr chants of Portland or San Francisco get credit foT having sold them. We don't want war, however. We 11 arbitrate Give the other fellows all the credit but so on buying our baskets. unttin x Keecl. CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE. fine tines and Mqaors. I have made arrangements for supplying any brand of wines in quantities to suit at the lowest cash figures. The trade and families supplied. All orders delivered free in Asfofia. A. W. UTZlgGEt, - flaln Street, Astoria, Oregon. Str. R. P. ELijMORE . R k 7. 1 (ilill Leave for Tillamook Every four Days as flear as the meather mill permit The steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Portland and through tickets are issued from Portland to 1 illamook Bay points by the Union Pacific Company. Ship freight by Union Pacific Steamers. . terly Attacked by the New York Senator. Associated Press. Washington, April 9. The second week of the tariff, debate opened today, Allen, populist, of Nebraska, offered a resolution closing general debate on the tariff June 4, at 2 o'clock, and the final vote June 7, at 2 6'clock. Senator Hill then addressed the sen ate. The speech of Senator Hill was chiefly devoted to an extensive and bit POLLARD-BRECKENRIDGE. Attorney Carlisle Argues For Plaintiff. and Number Seriously Injured. the Associated Press. Milwaukee, April 9. The Davidson theatre, the finest theatre in Mllwau Washington, April 9. In the Breck- enridge case today Judge Bradley an nounced his decision on the prayers for Instructions. Nine of the prapers for kee, waa destroyed by Are today. The plaintiff were granted In. a modified theatre roof, on which a score or more lorm and five were refused. Six pray ere ior ueienaant were crantpd in n ninnin.! fr.rn .... j wc" " "even were - ! . v n t ' : iciubcu. Incidentally, Judge Bradley said that rescued. It is stated that ten more are while the burden, of proof rested on In the ruins. The police report 16 lives plaintiff to show that the contract to host, Losg to the Lilliputian company, many waa eiuerea into, lr Defendant set up that contract was not made In ter attack on the income tax feature good faith, the burden of proof would JG0.000; to the theatre, J400.000. Following is a partial list of the fire- of the Wilson bill. Referring to the foreign policy of the administration, he said: "Our foreign policy, especially that relating to Hawaii, has not met the expectations of the people. It was a natural consequence, however, re suiting fromi the placing of the depart' rest upon him to show there was an burled under the ruins: George understanding to that effect. Junssen, assistant chief; August Juns- Attorney Carlisle opened the argu- Archie Campbell. Thomas Morgan "'cm iur iJituuuii. I Attorney Carlisle, who Is more deep- JameS Freem 21l CrWley' ly versed In international law than In Later. Nino of the firemen are dead breach of promise litigations, consum- and six are seriously Injured, and Mil. meiu or state m cnarge or repuoucan eo. tlie day in the criminal court with waukee's leading theatre. - the David ntn.tpmpn . Tn rtt h rpaivrta tha nppG. I T nnU... ti.. .....i .-.. . . I . . . . . . ... , . (ciicit ui me leeuinony oeiore ineison, is in ruins, as a result or the lire ent administration affords scant Jury In the Pollard-Breckenrldge case, which was mysteriously Btarted In the grounds for just criticism." His statement was a detailed review of rotunda at 4:30 thl mnrnlmr. Th i,.. all the evidence, and was delivered in a of the building and the scenery and clear, disimssionate manner, although at times the lawyer referred to Col, BreeKenridge In very scathing, but coolly worded terms. The silver-haired congressman conducted himself very nonchalantly, chatting with his law- carry the army back from whence It came. It Is Impossible to ascertain whether or not tho company will com ply with the order. The result of the Injunction has caused a great deal of excitement, as lb Is known there will be danger of trouble In enforcing It, the Industrials having repeatedly assorted that they will not go back. At 11:50 to night the United States marshal sworo In 60 deputies. ' THE ARMY AT RENO. Reno, Nev April 9. Capt. Kelly, of the Industrial army, passed through here this morning, en route to Ogden, The regiment here numbers 82. and. recruits are still arriving from the sur-"" rounding towns. This afternoon they paraded the principal streets, led by a hearer of the stars and stripes and a drummer. IN THE HANDS OF A RECEIVER. . Denver, April 9. The United Coal Company, with $1,000,000 capital, was Placed In the hands of a' receiver to day, on the application of the German National bank, a creditor for $88,000. The bfjik charges General Manager James Cannon, Jr., with mismanaging the company's affairs and with mis appropriating $3,488. Coming to the question of tariff re form, he said it should be approached with a realizing sense of the changed condition of the country since 18S8 and 1890. What was safe and wise then It would be criminal folly to attempt now In the face of the paralysis In general business, as the treasury deficit at equipments of the Lilliputian comnay aggregates $300,000, on which there Is an Insurance of $89,000. Twenty fire men were upon the roof of the build ing working under , the direction of their chiefs, and it was thought that yers during the day, while Madeline Uie blaze was under control, when sud- tests. The present bill sought to double pollard sat directly In front of him, denly the roof seemed to bulge under keeping her face shaded by her black- their feet, and In a moment every man gloved hand most of the t'me. Only was pitched 4n to the auditorium of the once was there any interruption, and theatre, some falling onto the par- ihat was when Col. Breckenrtdge set quette and others upon the balconies. the speaker right upon a point of fam-1 Later the fire took a new start, and ily title, about which he seemed to be amid the groans and shouts of the lm- very particular. Carlisle will continue Prisoned men the work of rescue be- the deficit by discarding the customs revenue, and to fill the void by an in come tax. He protested against the democratic party being made a tall to the populist kite. "For my part, as a democrat," he said, "I prefer Indirect taxation and tariff reform above direct taxes and tariff extinction. I prefer tomorrow, and it is not improbable that Kan, and was kept up until S oclock, taxing foreign products rather than home products. "I stand ready to support' any rea sonable measure for tariff reform. I will cheerfully vote for tht Mills bill and Join you In making any material reductions of duties therein. I am ready to waive all minor reference of details which do not Involve questions the speaking will last till Friday. A GREAT SURPRISE. A Bank President Acknowledges That He Embezzled the Funds. when the last body was taken out and work abandoned until tomorrow. All but one corpse) was removed, that of Third Assistant Chief Janssen, brother, of Chief of Police Janssen.' " Following is a revised and corrected list of the dead: Third Assistant Chief August Janssen, Frank McQurk, Fred THE ARMY LOCKED UP. Pueblo, Col,, April 9. Bert Hamil ton, captain of. the Colorado division of Coxey's army, and 40 of his followers were wrested In the railroad yards here and spent the night In Jail. They were released today on condition that they leave town immediately. HERMANN RE-NOMINATED. " Salem, Ore., April 9. Hermann was nominated by acclimation for congress man from the first district. Tongue's name was presented to the convention amidst applause, but he declined to en ter the race, THE WEATHER TODAY. ,"' Portland, April 9. For Washington and Western- Ooregon: Showers and cooler. , , .: For Eastern Oregon:, Fair weather. INVESTIGATION BEGUN. Milwaukee, April 9. The Investiga tion of Judge Jenkins began this after- 1 noon . . Indianapolis, April 9. To the great surprise of ail except his attorneys, Theodore P. Haughey, ex-presldent of Kroesechmuer. Capt Archie Camnhell. of principles. Mr. President, this Is an the Indianapolis National bank, which 0f Are boat Foley; Allle Riez, killed by important crisis tn the history of the ""iea on juiy ti, ioo, ayiwureu m me a failing ladder; , James', G. Freman, democratic party. Failure or tariff re. unueu uibuiui tuun una even- vision means defeat of democratic po- ln8 and pleaded guilty to systematical sition. If not annihilation of our party, 'y wrecking the bank, and having em Moreover. It meajia Ininrv tn th hwf bezzled its funds to the amount of Interests of the country. Let those near'y 1.000,000. The trial of the bank who insist on Injecting into this bill wreckers begins tomorrow morning In the odious and undemocratic principle tne federal court. The older Haughey of Income tax pause and reflect upon la 1,16 first on tne Ilat of ven. The the possible consequences of their de- others are his son, Schuyler u. Haugn mands." ey: Percival and f ranK comn, or the Indianapolis Cabinet Company; Cashier Rexford, Albert S. Reed and R. B. F. Pierce. These men will all be tried as Frank Winne, found on the balcony of tha theatre; Thomas Morgan and John Farell. SERIOUS TROUBLE EXPECTED Over the Enforcement of the EdmundB Act In Alaska. IN THE HOUSE. ELHORE, 5ANB0RN & CO., UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO. Agents, Astoria. Agents, Portland. $2 FOR 0 $80 LOT I BY BECOMING A MEMBER OF HILL'S LOT CLUBS YOU CAN GET A FIRST CLASS LOT IN HILL'S FIRST ADDITION TO ASTORIA. LOTS WILL BE DELIVERED WEEKLY. jl, NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE A U Llot to Build a flome, for The Packers of Choice olumbia : River Salmon Their Brands and Locations. Air. I-OCATIOW. Astorl T)i'i Co .Astoria..... Booth A. fi'gCo As!ori... ColnmbKirerritjCo' Astoria. Elmore 3 nnie'. Astoria. I f ,itorit Pk'gCo. .. ! Kiiiueyf M.J. Kl i (John A. Levlin. nnejr. .. Antoria... ) W Diamond. A tHoM Jchle0 '.'.ockun... I . Cutting Tig Co n -Kranclroo 1 VnrnnlH Elmor, Fanborn lUliiteSmr , 6 Co Aitorls GcoireBrker- ..Attofia. .. .- I ' J Ei'inire Plm. , I iKfleruooa George & Barker Aatorii I j o. H Ethora & Co. Astoria,.... , J.O.HanthorutCo J. O. II an thorn 'Aatorla. . J,G Meg!erCo- i FiUiennrn't PkgCo-Atoria. Brook Held.-- U?,St. George, -:1 hrrn.iarian J.C. Mctfer... ligi . BiookfUld Wn ,!oria. Washington, April 9. The house was depopulated today. Three-quarters of the members were at Uie senate listen ing to Senator Hill's speech on the tariff. Those who remained were oc cupied with District of Columbia af fairs, but little actual business was transacted. OPERATIONS RESUMED. Connellsvllle, April 9. Nearly all the works closed down by the strikers have resumed operations and are peaceful. The operators, however, fear the ominous silence. The strikers are assembling in the vicinity of Trotter and Lelsenrlng, ostensibly for a meet ing, but the Impression prevails that they are contemplating an attack. CAPERS OF THE WIND. Port Towsend, April 9. The steamer City of Topeka, which arrived here this evening from Alaskan ports, brintcs news of impending trouble over the recently ordered enforcement of the Indicted for aiding and abetting In the Edmunds act relative to Illicit cohabl- fallure. The indictment of T. P. tatlon. Many hard characters are llv- Haughey contains 167 counts, and he In with squaws, and every arrest pre- pleads guilty to five of them. Hughey clpttates a quarrel. In each case the appeared In court bowed and broken Prisoner demands a Jury trial, which with the weight of C5 years and the always results In acquittal. "The squaw consciousness of having wilfully robbed nien who have been tried and acqutted hla lifelong frlendB,' neighbors and as- once state that they will not submit toclates In the fraternity of Odd Fel- to arrest again, and seriou altercations lowshlp of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He has been for 40 years one of the most trusted citizens. The pen alty is from five to ten years' imprison ment, and the only escape is by death or a pardon by the president. are expected.- WILL HAVE TO WALK. AN INJUNCTION GRANTED. Salt Lake, April 9. At Ogden this af ternoon hearing came up on the order to show cause why a permanent In junction should not be issued In th case of the Southern Pacific Company St. John's, N. B., April . In over half a century, a storm equalling the one prevailing now, commencing last night, cannot be recalled. Since day light the wind has blown a. hurricane and snow has been falling. All traffic Is suspended. All railroad communica tion Is shut off, and the public schools are closed. REDUCTION OF INTEREST. San Francisco, April 9. C. P. Hunt ington has Instructed the land depart ment of the Central Pacific Railroad Company to reduce the rate of interest on all land sales hereafter made from to 6 per cent. This Is a reduction of per cent In the rate of Interest on nearly 1, 500.000. MEXICAN DOLLARS FOR CHINA. Omaha. Aoril 9 So far as the lTnlnn to "strain that company from unload- Pacifl3 Is concerned, that company will 'ng :,at 19 known as the Industrial not furnish transportation for the In- ' wunin tne city limits of Ogden. dustrJal army. 1.250 stronir. now cor- 1,,B courl B""el the Injunction. raled on the property of the Southern TnlB eve"'" Judge Minor and Mer- Paclfic railway at Ocden. Suot Ban- ritt "ei a mandatory restraining or croft, of the Wyoming division, has der on lhe Southern Pacific Railroad been advised to protect the Interests nf omIany, restraining them from keen- the Union Pacific Company, and not to ln8 or ftllwlng tho Industrial army allow the army of commonweal to Drou8ht by the said railroad comnanv come east, unless the unemployed ore uniawruuy into the territory." and or. able to pay their transportation across derin the" all back Into the 27 box the country from Ogden. ar"' 8n(1 also from keeping any. pon on vi we army in cars any loni.r in tne territory than absolutely neces- Coston. Aoril 9. Not until this alcr. 10 na"' away. - This meana noon did the storm which raged ln this lnat tn ""Uthern Pacific must at once city and vicinity since Sunday clear up. Since lost night It has snowed con STOR"M IN BOSTON. ENGLAND AND THE KEARSARdE1. Why the Vessel Won Her Great Com bat With the Rebel Commerce Destroyer. ' - The old Kearsarge, which sunk the Alabama, has herself come to a violent end. She was wrecked In the Carib bean sea, happily without los of life. . It Is all but 30 years since she fought her great fight off Cherbourg, so she has kept the seas a long time. She de served an honored place on the retired list of the American navy, for she had claims on national gratitude only sec ond to those of the constitution, says the Lc.idon Dolly News. Her fight with the Alabama was a duel conduct ed very much on the model of the old personal contests Jn the age of chiv alry. After a hot pursuit she had at Ittet cornered the confederate cruiser which had wrought so much ruin to American commerce, and it was well understood that pursuer or pursued must perish. She watched the mouth of Cherbourg harbor, which her enemy waa under short notice to leave, and the fight was Inevitable. The steamers In port came out to see it, and some of them carried excursion parties from, Paris. The Kearsarge won by superior artillery, . superior, discipline, . superior patriotism. Her crew had a nobler Idea to fight for than the medley of mer cenaries that crowded the privateer. These were a desperate gang, and they had given their officers endless trouble before the Kearsarge took the reforma tion of their manners In hand. As the Alabama steamed out of the harbor at 10 o clock on Sunday morning. June 19. she found her antagonist waiting for ner, and tne two approached each tther ln ever-narrowing circles, firing all the time. The Kearsarge was bet ter prepared for defence, as well as for attack. Her commander had roushly armored ner In' the most vulnerable parts by . laying all his snare chain cables In folds over the sides. The Ala bama opened lire at a distance of about mile, and when the ships had made seven complete circles, she suddenly turned and headed for the land. She was sinking, for both shot and shell had reached her with fearful effects on ship and cre-v. A-British yacht, the Deerhound, which had come out to see ihe fight, came up In, time to save about 40 of th? crew M they 'Jumped for their lives. The last shot was fired as she went down, it was a glorious victory. We can say i with a clear conscience, now, as the Dally News waa . ... nmong the few metropolitan Journal that said so when It won won. tlnuously, but it melted as fast as it fell and there Is now not more than three Inches of snow on the ground. The telegraph and telephone systems In all) directions have been badly crippled. A I large fleet of storm-bound vessels are Washington. April . In the senate n the harbor the Woicott resolution lookinjr to the coinage of Mexican dollars for the WIIECKMJ ON BEACON HILL BAR. v ..... u.acuweu, out action Chatham. MaM. Anril 0 T- tn it was deferred until tomorrow. It!nimn r.t n( k provides for the negotiation of a treaty j dad ior' a carg0 50J . T,. l"e co,na,te orbass of sugar, went ashore on Beacon Mexican dollars at the Lnited State. .,, w ,mkW w ..,,. . mints for export to China Walcott ed- j , ft tota wWcfc Rt of lhe er.w I Highest of all in Leavening: Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSUJSul2f FUm MM-'THMtO' I