The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 08, 1894, Image 3

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The steam schooner Alcazar sailed
yesterdny for San Francisco.
y boy was born yesterday morn-
hc wife of 51. F. Helun, of thin
spent several hours very pleasantly on , kept a prisoner at the custom house all
board that vessel. Songs and string ( day and admitted that he was trying
music sarved to enliven the tlmo until to smuggle the opium. Ho wbh taken
about It o'clock, and before the visit-. back to Taconia Friday evening.
ora departed they partook of an ex
quisite lunch.
Itobert Lent was lined $10 yesterday
bv Judge Ouburn for disorderly con
The steamer R. P. Elmore crossed out
yesterday morning, bound for Tilla
The steamer Lakme, with lumber
from FortJand, arrived at Redondo on
the 3d Inst.
It Is a dark time at The Dalles. The
county has let the contract for enlarg
' flig-the jail.
The Astor house has changed hands
again, J. G. Ross having sold out to
other parties.
Saama ripista ell synnlntunnustuk
sesta Suom. ev. luth. klrkossa, nyt kello
10:30 e. p. p.
Some of th9 canneries have begun the
manufacture of cans for the coming
season's work.
The British bark Highland Home will
begin discharging cement at the bonded
warehouse tomorrow.
Divine service will be held on board
the Holywood this afternoon, Rev. J,
McCormac officiating.
The vainest men In town are those
that have their pictures shown In a
photographer's window.
The British bark Holywood finished
discharging tin yesterday. All the cargo
came out In splendid order.
Mrs. Isaac Anderson, of Unlontown,
died yesterday morning. The cause of
death was dropsy of the heart.
The Danish bark Adolph Harboe was
towed to sea yesterday by the Escort.
The cargo consisted of wheaU
The Norwegian bark Cara left down
the river yesterday from Portland in
tow of the steamer Ocklahama.
The Bowman B. Low, hence with
flour for Cork for orders, has gone to
Westport, Ireland, to discharge.
It is to be hoped that Mn G rover, at
the weather mill, won't press the rain
button for at least four days this week.
Evening prayer at Grace church, be
ginning with this evening, and through
out the summer months, at 7:30 o'clock.
A high Bchool boy sent a dollar to a
doctor to get a cure for excessive blush
ing. He was told to avoid that kind of
The British ship Poseidon, hence for
Queenstown, was spoken in latitude 51
south, longitude 27 west on the 20th of
Nineteen ships of the Oregon grain
fleet have arrived out, and eight of the
Tacoma grain fleet have reached their
How many tons of good, whit3 paper
do you suppose have been covered with
figures in connection with majorities In
the next June election?
Telegraph offices have been opened at
Waterford. and tele-
ki .ommnntcation with those
places can now be had from this city.
The telephone wires for a new tele
phone company are being placed in po
sition at The Dalles. These, jsfhen fin
ished, will give Bettingen, jr.'s hat a
The French bark Pierre Cornellle
cleared yesterday for Queenstown for
orders with 20,785 barrels of flour, val
ued at M8.8O0. It is expected she will
sail today.
The frogs In the ditch across from the
Tlghe hotel have had their noses frozen
by two cold nights. One more and then
it will be spring, and Gentle Annie can
leave off her woolen skirt.
A reduction has been made In tele
graphic rates with all points in Wash
ington and west of the mountains. Mes
sages which formerly cost 40 cents can
now be sent for 25 cents.
A local barkeeper says that he had a
customer come In the other day and
call for a Tom and Jerry. Think of lti
Easter come and gone and a call for
Tom and Jerry! Great Scott!
"Heaven" will be the subject this
morning at 11 a. m., and "The Foolish
ness of Preaching" this evening at 7:30
in the First Presbyterian church. Main
street, between Jefferson and Astor.
As soon as the steamer Augusta Is
thiwigh with her freighting she will
make a fishing trip. On a recent trip
from Tillamook to this port the trawl
was thrown once and a good haul of
fish secured.
The case of Charles Hill, charged with
assault and battery upon the person of
Sidney Crispin, was postponed by Jus
tice, Cleveland yesterday until tomor
row morning at 10 o'clock. It will be
tried before a jury.
The pilot schooner San Jose came In
last evening in tow of the British ship
Peterborough, and will, it is learned,
remain in port for the summer. Until
the next wheat-shipping season, the
pilots will be carried on the bar tugs.
The interests o Aauiony & Co. in the
business of the North Shore and Eureka
canneries will be looked after this year
by J. I Smiley, formerly engaged in the
ftshlns business ou the Columbia In con
nection with the Eureka cannery.
The members of the Astoria Mandolin
club and a number of friends gave a
surprise party to Capt McCaulay. of the
British bark Holywood last evening, and
Aj;ix may lvi- iMird (h lightning,
but the chances are he would have cow
ered and ducked his head with the rest
of us had he passed near our street
cars the other night when they went
sizzling by, spitting blue fire all along
the Third street track.
An $80 lot for 2.
If you want some extra fine photos
taken, Mooer's Is the place to get them,
Lovers of a good cigar can always
nna mud, fresh Belmonts at Chas. 01
The juvenile class In the gymnasium
was organized yesterday with 31 mem
bers. The lada began work with a zest
that promises well for the future, and
Prof. Spencer got them Into classes ac
cording to their respective merits, size
and age. '
Nathan Pickernell, who was arrested
some months Blnce for shooting a half
breed on a whiskey scow on the Bar-
bary coast, was found guilty yesterday
in the superior court at Cathlamet and
sentenced to one yean In the peniten
About a score of republicans, includ
ing J. H. D. Gray, B. S. Worsely and
C. J. Curtis, will leave for Olney today
at 2 p. m for the purpose of attending
meeting at the school house at that
place. Speeches" will be made, by the
gentlemen above-named.
Fresh fish and poultry at Welcome's
market, next to Foard & Stokes'.
Meany is the leading tailor and navs
the highest cash price for fur skins.
For $3, a lot is delivered every week
to the buyer in Hill's First addition.
The members of the Stuttz company
will today celebrate the birthday of Mr.
Stuttz by a pleasure trip to various
points on the bay on ihe steamer We-
nona. "The Private Secretary" was
greeted by an unusually large audience
last evening, and was thoroughly en-
Joyed by all.
The . logging business was never in
such poor condition as at present. It Ib
ivportcd that fir logs in plenty cun be
purchased at J4. W. V. McGregor has
Just returned from a trip to different
points, including Gray's River, Deep
River, Crookel Creek, Seal River and
Sklpanon Creek, and purchased a quan
tlty of spruce logs at very low rates.
On the steamer Thompson yesterday
morning one of the lady passengers
created a commotion by making the
announcement that some one had stolen
her purse. She was much exercised
over the matter, but after some time
listened to the counsel of friends and be
gan a search, with the result that the
missing property was found In her state
There is no risk taken by Joining
Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the
full value of their money.
Japanese novelties and fanoy dry
good, can be had at half price, at the
store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar
About 50 Chinamen called at Judge
Osburn's court yesterday to inquire
about Deputy Collector of Internal Rev
enue Berendes, who was Instructed to I
report at headquarters in Portland a I
few days ago and has not since re
turned. It Is thought the change In the
internal revenue department may have
been the means of delaying the register
ing of the Mongolians here, and that a
new deputy will be appointed.
Lionel Stagge, receiver of the Oregon
National bank, whose resignation has
been in the hands of Comptroller Eckels
for some time, received a telegram Fri
day from that official, notifying him
that he had appointed W. W. Catlln as
his successor, and that the new receiver
would take charge of the bank about
May 1. Mr. Catlln Is a well known citi
zen of Chicago, where he Is a. member
of the commission firm of Clarke
Catlln. and also a member of the fa-1
mous Iroquois club.
A social will be given on Tuesday
evening by the young lady members of
the Rescue club, at their hall, for the
benefit of the club. A splendid program
Is In preparation, and refreshments will
be furnished. An admission fee of 15
cents will be charged. Everybody will
be made welcome.
O. L. Patterson, of the Heppner Ga
zette, accompanied by A. A. Roberts,
were In the city yesterday feeling the
political pulse of Clatsop in the interest
W. R. Ellis for re-election to con-
gresa They want the lower river coun
ties to support Mr. Ellis, If he comes to
convention with a majority of the east
ern counties' delegates.
If you' want a first class Dhotoernnh.
call on Crow, the Photographer, 638
Third street.
Thousands of mothers give their chil-
ren. St-e-edman's Soothine Powder
aunng tne teething period.
August Magne, a brother of Antone
Magne, has petitoned the county court
for the appointment of Alex. Gilbert as
administrator of the estate of the de
ceased. The property consists of an un
divided one-half interest in 320 acres of
land In Clatsop county, and improve
ments, valued at $1,200.
On account of the funeral services of
Mrs. Sofia Anderson, which will take
place at, Deep River this afternoon,
there will not be any service in the
Finnish Evangelical Lutheran church
this evening, but there will be a sermon
this morning at 10:30 on the subject
which was Intended for discussion at
the evening service.
A good story Is told on one of the
members of the Bachelors' club. He
saw a piece of horse-radish that had
been In water and sprouted. Some one
told him it was a pond lily, and that
he could have It for the club If he want
ed it. He is telling the other members
what a nice pond lily he has for them
as soon as it blooms.
Hill's First addition is located In the
centre of the city. Lots are now selling
In it for Jl
The last shipment of the 1894 styles of
wall paper have arrived at B. F. Allen's
so don't wait for your's until the
stock has been all pawed over.
What hast thou In thy big, heavy
basket, sweet little maid? Provisions
for the poor, I trow me! Nay, good sir,
I a school girl am, and these be a
choice lot of plump arithmetical prob
lems selected by my generous teacher
for the gleeful and joyous entertain
ment of myself and parents till bed
time doth break our happiness.
John Cross was arrested at the North
ern Pacific railroad depot In Portland
cn Friday by Customs Inspector B. F.
JoEsey. of Tacoma, says the Oregonian.
Mr. Jossey hd noticed a trunk on the
train at Tacoma, and suspecting that
there was opium in it. opened .it and
found 0 cans of the drug. He removed
It and placed gome blocks of wood in
its place, and then came along on the
train to find the owner. Cross called
for the trunk and was arrested. He was
II. Ekstrom has fixed his prices for
Jewelry to suit the times, and the latest
novelties can be secured at the cost of
material used In the manufacture.
For a delicious plate of pure Ice
cream, go to C. B. Smith, the Ice Cream
Dealer. Ice Cream Soda a specialty. Pri
vate parlors for ladies. 483 Third street.
A number of the friends of Mr. and
Mrs. IT. T. Crosby enjoyed a rare mu
sical treat on Friday evening, when
Mrs. Crosby celebrated the anniversary
of her birth. The musical program was
as follows: Mendelssohn's Hebride over
ture, Mrs. Th. Olsen and Miss Delia
Hanson; instrumental trio (Haydn),
Mrs. Olsen, Prof. Fredrlckson and W.
Laws; solo (Chopin), Mrs. Olsen; song,
"Die Throne (Gumbert), Mi's. Danzlger;
'cello solo, Prof. Fredrlckson. Mrs.
Crosby rendered several solos In her
usual delightful manner, and every one
present enjoyed the affair heartily.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choic
est nerfumerv. and toilet articles, etc..
can be bought at the lowest prices at
J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc
cident Hotel, Ai.torla,
Don't go to Portland to buy your
tickets for the "Old Country" and the
East when you can get them for the
same price at the Union Paclflo office
In this city, and thereby save your lo
cal fare to Portland.
The mandate of the supreme court In
the case of John Hansen was received
yeBterday by County Clerk Trenchard.
The finding of the court, as has already
been announced In substance, is "that
there Is not erar, as alleged. It Is there
fore considered, ordered and adjudged
that the Judgment in this cause in the
court below rendered be and the same
hereby is in all things affirmed, and
I hat the respondent recover of the ap
pellant Its costs and disbursements in
this court upon the appeal, allowed and
taxed at $358, to be paid In the first in
stance by the county of Clatsop. It Is
further ordered that the cause be re
mitted to the said court below, and that
a Judgment be there entered and dock
eted in accordance herewith.':
The British ship Peterborough, 1,680
tons, Capt. Murchie, arrii-ed In last
33 davs from Yokohama. The
Peterborough, on the occasion of her
last trip from the Orient to this port,
made the run in the remarkably fast
time of 24 days. Heavy easterly gales
during the first few days of the trip just
ended made tha passage somewhat slow
er than it otherwise would have been.
After being out about a week Bhe en-
counred favoreblo winds, which were
held until the 180th meridian was cross
ed. From that to port the winds varied
from northeast to southeast. Cape Dis
appointment was sighted Thursday
night, and on Friday evening a pilot got
aboard near the lightship. The Peter
borough Is In ballast. It was not ascer
tained whether or not she comes here
under charter. The crew consists of 2i
men, all told, and Capt Murchie Is ac
companied by his wife and three chil
dren. The Peterborough is 32 years old,
but is "staunch and true," and one of
the fastest sailers afloat.
New and
Received this Week.
Complete Stock of New
Spring Hosiery for
Ladies, Misses and
All the Latest Novelties
in Trimmings.
Immense Stock of
New Laces with
Insertions to Match.
RIBBONS:- One Thousand
Pieces of New Ribbons in
all the Latest Shades.
Over Fifty Pieces of New Veil
ings, all New Designs.
Stock of
Fancy Goods
Is Complete.
Leading House of Astoria.
1 Tnere Isn't Another
Store in Astoria that can show as tasty a variety
of children's straw hat3 as ours. They may show a
larger s lork but not the styles. To sell the best very
best bildren's straw hats at fair prices is one aim of
this storp. To show a bic stock is another. We in
vile molhers to come and with f. critic's eye look over
what bright hr?ina have niade from straw to suit youi
Albert Dunbar, Cor. 3rd & flain.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed, by the
County Court of Clatsop County, Ore
gon, administrator of the estate cf
James Dalgity, deceased, late of CTa'jWp
county. Oregon. AH persona having
claim, against (aid estate must prant
the same, duly verified, to the unaw
slgned, at his place of business. In the
City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon,
within six month from this date. All
parties indebted to the estate will settle
alo with the undersigned.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 23th
day of March, 1S94.
dji lings.
Tt beet ulv In the world foi cut.
brutws. sores, plcera. a!t rheum, fvr
anree. tter. chained hands. "hllMaln.
nrrui. and All akin eruption, and positive
ly enr pll-, or no par rqulrM. It
la guaranteed to iv perfect ratlofac
tlon or money refunded. Prt 25 will
oar box. For al by Coal. Rogers, trr-
mor to J. C, Iemest
Notice Is hereby given, to all whom
It may concern, that the undersigned,
executors of the last will and testament
of George Flavel, deceased, have filed
their final account in the C.iunty Oert
of the state of Oregon for Clatsop coun
ty, and asked to be discharged as such
executors and U have their said account
allowed. The said court has appointed
Monday, April the Kith, at the hour of
ten o'clock In the forenoon aa the tlm
for hearing any objections that may bat
made or tiled t hereto, !
B. a. LiOKDON,
Mrs. WIrtalow's Soothing Byrup Ja
been used for children teHliing. It
enothe. the child, .often tbe gun.,
allay, all pain, cure, wind chollc, and
I the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live
cent. a. bottle. Bold by all drug--gist,
throughout th. world.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned ha been this day appointed
the administrator of the estate of A. K.
Harrow, deceased, by the county court
of Clataop county, Oregon. All partle.
having tl.ilmn ugabist wild estate must
present the same, duly verlileil, to the
undersigned, at the office of Fulton
Bros., utlornei. In Astoria, Claaop
rountr, Oregon, wlthla six month frcm
tbla date.
8. II. AMES,
January 2d, Ut
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned haa filed hi. final account In
the eatate of Henry Powell, deceased,
and the court has set Monday, the 7th
day of May, J MM, at the hour of U
o'clock A. M., for the hearing of objec
tion, thereto, if there be any.
Astoria, March SO, 1HS4.
.' . . Executrix-.