THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 29, 1894 . THE McKINLET BOOM. . i The Great Protectionist Given An En- ; thuslnstlc Reception. Minneapolis, Marvh 28. Great repub " ' FROM FORT STEVENS), . .! Regrets That the Employes There Must Leave Other Matters of Interest The Astorian's Fort Stevens corrc londent sends the following: Fort Stevens, Ore., March 26, 1894. . Editor of Astorlan: The Jetty work will shut down Indefinitely this week, and the employes will scatter to various parts, with many regrets, for all unite In saying that the time here has been very pleasantly spent. All of the people have been of a first-class order, which Is due to Mr. Hegardt's skillful Judg ment In selecting hia help. We all Join in hoping that wherever he may go he will have unbounded success, and also his efficient clerks, Mr. Philebaum and Mr. Sanberg, but the latter-named will never have to ask for blessings, as he Is so tall that he can reach up and take them. We understand that he wanted his picture taken Btandlng, but Photog rapher Crow was unsuccessful In secur ing a plate of sufficient length. We feel that we owe a great deal to Mrs. Sherman, who organized our Sun day school, and has since conducted It, with her able assistants, Mrs. Hall as organist, and Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. McBur ney and Mrs. Mudd aa teachers. We also thank Mr. Hegardt for the trouble and expense he was to In fitting up a room, and In making everything com fortable, where we could meet and lis ten to the sermons of Mr. Rounds, of the M. E. church of Warrenton, who has been here once every two weeks, rain or shine, , i And again, we must not forget that gentleman on the Mendel!, Capt. Brown, The ladles especially say they appreci ate the many courtesies he has shown them on their frequent trips to and from town. The latest arrival at the Fort is Lucretia Vivian Mudd, who will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Mudd, and now Willis wearB such a bright smile that everybody feels happy in his pres ence. Willis said he could not afford to buy cheap articles for playthings, bo he sent over to town and purchased a nice bright faucet, with about a foot of gal vanized iron pipe attached for a handle. Mr. W. Hall and family will return to their home south of Portland. Mr. Morrison will return to his family in Astoria, ' Mr. Lowe will move his family to As toria Mr. WIlBon and family will move up the Lewis and Clarke. Mr. Slams will move down Into the Kindred settlement. Mr. Danlelson, who has been on the sick list for the past three or four months, is rapidly recovering, under the skillful treatment of Dr. Jansen, of As toria The destination of Mr. Stoneman, our worthy foreman, has not been learned. A farewell dance will be given Friday evening In Furney's hall. C, W. 13 THE SOCIETY MINERVA. A Large Attendance at the Weekly Meeting, UBiial There was little standing room left In Kearney's hall last evening when Pretd dent Delland called to order the meet lng of the Scandinavian Young People' Society Minerva The election of ofll cers for the second quarter was held and resulted as follows: President, So fus Jensen; vice-president, Peter Walde secretary, Miss Lund; treasurer, Miss Hess. Five new members were aim elected. The program was as follows: Vocal solo, P. Anderson; paper, Mrs. Folden recitation, Miss Thompson; dialogue Julius Wlllbur, Lambert Larsen, Miss Clara Larsen and Miss Emms. Larsen reading, E. Lund; vocal solo, Ludwlg Chrlstonsen; reading of society paper "Fremad," Editor A. T. Drakke. A resolution was unanimously adopted extending the thanks of the society to the Uppertown Troubadors for the meritorious manner In which they have on several occasions entertained the members and friends of the society. A vote of thanks was also, extended to the retiring officers for their faithful service. THE LOS3 OF TUB ARCHER. Report That One of the Boats Wan Picked Up By Indians. The many friends of Capt. Dawson, of the British bark Archer, are beginning to fear that all hands perished after the vessel was abandoned on the west coast of Vancouver Island recently. The hulk which is In tow of the tug Pioneer, has not reached port. It Is thought prob. able that the tug will take her to Port Townsend or Port Angeles, unless ar rangements were made by the owners of the British steamer Maude to tow her to Victoria The Maude was the first on on the scene. A terrible gale was rag ing about the time the vessel was aban doned, and for that reason fears are en tertained that the men were unable to erach the shore. In any event, It Is likely to be some time before cny defi nite news Is received, on account of the country thereabout being Inhabited chiefly by Indiana A Victoria dispatch says that one of the boats was reported to have been picked up by Indians near Uculet. From the appear uK-e of the wreck, when found In Barclay Bound, It is evident the trouble was caused by the shifting of the ballast. Had tt ben properly Htowed before the vessel left Victoria the accident would not In all probnblll. ty have occurred. BLACKMAIL. " Caller Tve found that there dog y'r wfe is advertlsln' tS reward for. Gectleman You ia-e, eh? Caller Yep; an" If yetl don't give me JlO rn take It to Jer. New Terit Week ly. r - ' -M ? v i m nwuivM ftwIIMIf Bui aiir ml Hi . je. ) lican enthusiasm is manifested here. Goy. McKlnley arrived this morning, and spoke to a big crowd at the West hotel. He afterwards delivered a longer talk to . the State League Republican clubs at the exposition building, and was received by the 2,000 delegates with tumultuous applause. Everywhere this Is taken as the opening of the, McKlnley campaign for president. There will be a big rally at the exposition tonight. BEHRING SEA PATROL. . Washington, March 28. The United States vessels designated for the patrol of Ben ring Sea are as follows: The Mo hican, Yorktown, Alert, Bennington, Ranger, Adams, Concord, Petrel and the revenue cutters Bear, Rush and Cor win, and the first commission vessel Is the Albatross. The patrol will include 12 serviceable vessels. RATIFIED THE DEAL. Chicago, March 28. The Western Pas senger Association lines have fully rati fied the deal between the Atchison, Northwestern and Union Pacific, and notice of the restoration of rates will be Issued tomorrow. DESTIiOYTD BY FIRE. Omaha, March 28. The town of Suth erland, 16 miles west of here, was to tally destroyed by fire lant night. A high wind was raging at the time. COUNTY CONVENTION. A republican convention for Clatsop county Is heieby called to me?t at Mc Klnley hall, In the City of Astoria, on TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1K94, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing 9 delegates to uttend the- Re publican State and Congressional Con vention to bo held nt the City of Port land on April 11th, 11)1, nnd for the purpose of nominating the following county officers to bo voted for at the election to be held on Monday, June 4th, 1XK lo-wlt: 1 State Senator, 2 Representatives. County Judge, Commissioner, Clerk, Recorder, Sheriff, Treasurer, Surveyor, Assessor, Superintendent of Schools. Coroner, and one Jumiee of the Peace and Constable for each precinct. inn committee hereby recommend that the primaries in the various nre- clncts he held on Wednesduy, March 28, IMM. 'The following apportionment has been made, being 1 delegate at large from each precinct, and 1 delegate lor every '25 vnt?s or fraction thereof, over or under 2G votes cast for Kills for con gress In 1892: Astoria 33 Rear Creek 3 Clifton ' 3 Corle 2 Clatsop 4 Fishhawk 2 Knappu 3 Iwls & Clark 3 . Mishwatika , .. 2 North Fork 2 Seaside 3 Vesper 2 West port 2 Walluski 2 Young's River 3 All voters in favor of the republican principles of protection to American In dustries and labor and the upbuilding of the home market and fishing Indus tries of the Columbia liver, ure cor dially Invited to unite with us. Astorlu, Ore., Feb. 20, 1894. JAM ICS W. WELCH. C. J. CURTIS, Chairman, Secretary. FOURTH STREET GRADE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of Fourth street, In the City of Astoria, Oregon, as Inld out und recorded by John Ailalr, at the following heights above the base of grades as established by ordinance No. 71, entitled "An ordinance estab. Ilshlng a base of grades for the streets of the City of Astoria, us follows, to wit: Feel. At Intersection wl.h Auger avenue, .22.1 At Intersection with Abernethy 2tU At Intersection with Honnevllle 38.1 And that the grade of the Interven ing streets be a straight line between the crossings mentioned. And unless a remonstrance signed bj the owners of three-fourths of the prop erty fronting on said portion of salt street be filed with the Auditor nut' Police Judge within tn days from tin final publication of this notice, lo-wlt On Monday, March 12th, K'M. the Cum mon Council will establish said grade. H ardor of the Common Council. . Attest: K. OSUUKN, Auditor and Police Judge. 1 Astoria, Ore., February It!, 1S94. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit. Court of the State o' . Oregon, for the County of Clutsop.- Rosu l. Jackson, 1'lalntllT, vs. J. J Kinney, Defendant. Ry virtue of nn execution and orde. of Kile Issued out of ami under the sea of the above-entitled Court, In thi above-entitled cause, on the 21st day o February, 1S94, and to me directed upon a decree of foreclosure and judg ment rendered therein, on the 23rd l.i; of December, 1S93, In favor of the above named plaintiff, and against the above named defendant, for the sum o $386.25, nnd the costs and disbursement! of this action, taxed' nt J III AO, and nottci is hereby given that on Tuesday, tin 3rd day of April, 18:4, at the hour of b o'clock a. in., of snld day, In front o the County Court House door, In tin City of Astoria, In said County am State, I shall proceed to sell all the rlttht. title, claim and Interest of tin above-named defendant In and to tin following deserllied real estate, to-wlt: Lots numbered live thirteen tl3 and fourteen (14), In block nuiuberet one hundred and sixty-two (162), In tin town, now City, of Astoria, as laid on: and recorded by John McClure, and ex tended by Cyrus Olney, and situated lr Clatsop County, Oregon, or so much thereof as shall be sutllclent to satisfy the asld sum of ?3t.25, and the costs and disbursements taxed at fltf.M), aim accruing costs of this suit, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, lit CIW States gold win, at time or snla. II. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clalsop County, Oregon. Dated Astoria, Or., March Jut, lxst. MI1.E3" NERVE AND LIVER PILLS. Act on a new principle regulating be liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cures btlllousness. bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa tion. Uneoualed for men, women and children. Smallest, mlldent, surest) 0 dot SJ c. Samples free, at Chaa DO YOU USE r.vr.roraled Crc.iV.i r Unsweetened Con- cur guar, Prepared by the Now jinnnnnnnrj xTxs,Jniu On Top, auinnnnt MARSHALL'S TWINE Is conceded by all lo lo llie Lest. It fishes bettor and wears better than any other twine used on the Columbia river. TRY IT AND UK CONVINCED. .If You Want Cannery and .Fishermen's Supplies, Call on- EliJWORE SAflBORH & GO. ASTORIA. How Are You Fixed for Insurance? Fire and Marine. We are agents for the largest and best companies represented in Astoria. Royal Insurance Co., awets, ; 21,502,370,00 London Assurmeo Corp' a 8,030,423.00 .Etna Insurance Co. - - 10,015,829.00 Western U. S. Branch, 1.017,195.00 New Zealand Insurance Co., - 2,077,219.00 Combined Assets, j ' $43,403,044.00 ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. l . J?a Sh Music ofthilS - Utf .1 brichtret. liveMt and must popular 52 fc: sclwUom, N.ih vocal anj Instrumirul. la t!f n ur In tht most manner. In- 52 clujine hmr larte siiC IVYiraiu. 2 CT CAKHtlior. f,, DaiKtr. S S v,ci '' ' r2 2 AOiUm PATH: t- tt;nkli StLlaMAH CUWKO. TSt w. dom an. vai.i,, " C: THENEWYOfiKKUSICAlECriOCO. it: TratroBlJf..NwYoik City. 13 J UJilJliiii nuu iiuii'iu nipr ileuxJ Milk, ili-sire (!". best? You call obtain il I y Siliiiy cur j;rac:f I'. r ' BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND Evaporated Cream guanntet 1 1vy t!is thirty years' reputation of Hie Nt v York Condensed Milk Com pany I . lie decidedly superior to anything of tiie I .J lieretolbra ollercd. Warranted an iibso't-ii'ly pure milk product! Yes, we nuarante it, and t!ic pu'ilic havi learned that -.tec ii substantial. d Yorl: Condcnrw! ?Ji!k Co. 5 - - snsusmrjuis uvirmnnnnnrii Cotton Hope, Cotton Twine, Marshall's Twine, Trap and Seine Web, Tanbark, Acid and Salt, Strip Lead, Pig Lead, Copper, Tin Plate, Tin and Zinc, In Stock. OREGON. FAT PEOPLE. Park Obesity Pills will reduce your welgnt rKKalAKKMTLr from 12 to If pnuiula a month. NO STARVING, sick ness or injury. NO PUBLICITY. The build up the health and beautify the complexion, leaving no wrinkles or Habblness. STOUT ABDOMENS nnd dlrtloiilti brenthlntr surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after yean of experience. All orders supplied di rect frojn our otRce. Price $2.00 pet wackajin, or tbrpe package for $5.0f W mail. posipaiJ. Testimonials ant' particular, (sataied) 2 rents. All correspondence strictly conflden- tut. PARK KF.MF.rT CO, Jt...V THE ART OF ADVERTISING , Novelty is the Hey to Success-Be Original and Your fortune Is (Dade. DOES wlvM-llHlnB pay? Ym n.e often puzzle over this problem. Some times you think It does, and then again you are not certain. There ore days when an attractive ad vertisement Just "packs" your store with trade, and Inquiries come dribbling in for a month afterward for articles advertised that day. Hut some days the advertisement seems to fall flat. It is on these days that your faith grows shaky, and If you do not doubt the util ity of advertising you blame the card. If you write your own advertisements and lose conlldence In yourself, you hail better employ some one who makes ad vertising Ills special business. To write an original advertisement, every day in the year, on the same never-changing theme, is very much like taking ten yards of dress goods and making a new and entirely different dress of it 3H0 times in succession. It takes a clever head tu do either. He must see the store side of the advertise ment and the customers' sl.le of it, the one as clearly as the other. Unwise ad vertising can pull down trade and ex haust your finances mure rapidly than good advertising can build up the one or add to the other. Think of a house which, in the "busy season," when everybody is buying cost ly outer garments, wasting Its advertis ing space on three cent and live cent notions, often not mentioning their val uable stock once in a whole week. It Is like a sportsman who wastes his am munition on sparrows when ducks are flying overhead. The harvest time for expensive merchandise Is at best but a short month or two. The cheap, little profit stulf, like the poor, we have nl ways with us. If an advertiser does not possess business wit,, along with literary ability, he will never make a success of his calling. AVe often see advertise ments without the slightest literary merit, written In faulty English and set up atrociously, which nevertheless are great advertisements great in their power of attracting people. They were full of buMnss, even though they lack "style." The kind of advertisements which would prove a success fur one store might not. do nt all fur another, even though In the same line of business, and perhaps located right next door. The capacity for knowing his audience must be Innate in the writer; so must the business sense. Remember there are other stores, Jus' as good as yours, who sell at equally low prices. Your only advantage and it is yours If you take It Is to have better advertising than they. This does not necessarily mean larger advertising or more costly, for it is not the size of the space that tells, but what Is said and how it Is said that attracts notice and excites surioslty. If you cannot spend $1,000 a week in advertising, spend $:oo. If you cannot spend so mucji, spend $lu0, and If your I business wi) not aI!,.Vy more than $10 to be so Invested, spend that, bo pot pas- there Is no advertising except in a large way. Onu might as well say that a five-cent package of seeds from the florist will not. grow as well as the same seed bought In bushel quantities. Have good seed and plant it In good soli, In other words, write a good advertise ment and put it In a good paper. Ten dollars In The Astorlan will pay for 100 lines of display advertising, nonpareil measurement One car. do more with 100 lines In The Astorian than with i00 lines in most other papers, because a line In The Astorian means generally a line of type, whereas those papers which are printed in larger types, a line of advertising display type w!J take up twr. to ten line. ,.f ,;,r Tvor. A snntll advertisement enn be mailt very attractive In The Astorian. Hero are samples of small advertisements, showing different ways of displaylrg them with thejdainest of plain type: Blank & Co. GREAT REDUCTION SALE GREAT REDUCTION SAlE This Week Only This Week Only. DRY GOODS SacrificedNo Reserve t A FEW SAflPLE PRICES arils Hindi Satin and Moire, 4. inches wide, cents, wmi 50 cents per yanl. Fancy Surah Sash, 15 inchei! wide, ('ream and Colors, (i'j cents, formerly $2.00. rnA Pieces of Jilack Habutal Silks 11 II I n...l I 4'.. I . V' ami OU(l, 111! widtl 11, l)tlC. per yd. Novelties in Kai Ki Wash Silka Damasse India, Etc., at low figures. I t,i) Handsome styles in Silk QflO Li Waists, Japanese and X I India Striped Silks U Only Sl.50, formerly sold for Stl.00 Blank & Co. A little study will enable you to evolve many other attractive ways of setting up your ads. in The Astorian type. There is hardly any limit to tho combinations possible. Large type eato space, but you are not obliged to use lb in order to mr'-e a showy nd. in Th.1 Astorian. Lt.U ,e would advise you, U using the plain type, to have your ad, on those pages of The Astorian where all advers. nre so set up, as then your small ad. has an equal chance of being seen. A plain ud. might be lost to. view entlroly when printed alongside ol fancy type neighbors. There the con trast Is against you, but on the page with other nds. printed in the same type as yours the advantage of the most attractive setting is yours If you but choose to have it so. The advertiser who has Ills eyes nnd wits about him has his finger on the public pulse and knows Its beat. In cases of emergency his art and wit may do wonders. Observe the unique use which a Yankee advertiser makes of the classics. This man had dog col lars, name-plates and rubber stamps to sell. It was a most unpromising theme for what can one say of dog collars? Here are some of the things he said; IT IS SELDOM IN THIS cultured city that we see signs In the windows announcing that "Here we sneak French." nr "Hero wo ut,.,it German," &c. These signs are common nuin mew lorn 10 san j? ranclaco. In Boston, osvirig to the culture, it is taken for irranted. without th niima vu n engraving In any language, especially on Dog Collars; also Door Plates and Cadges, Medals, Stencils, steel and Hub- iiur clumps, corporation seals, Uangles, Uramls, Kibbon Hadges, &c. JOHN SMITH, 2000 Wank street. IT IS NOT TO BE supposed that the Mahomnm. dans look with favor upon the possibili ty oi tne rise or a unrlstlnn power to the south of Turkey and Egypt, und If this shop did not fit out an expedition for the relief of Stanley, It was solely for the reason that we were so crowded with orders for Door Plates that we had no time to attend to the necessary de tails. This we say in self-defense, as the rumor has gone abroad that we were favorable to the Mahommedans. Also Badges, Medals. Stencils, Steel and Rubber Stamps, Corporation Seals. Dog Collars. &c. JOHN SMITH. ?MW RlanR This hp said every day, each; time using another Incident of past or cur rent history, or quoting a different au thor of ancient or modern times. Al ways winding up with some absurd or comical allusion to the universal end ' crying need for dog collars, name plates, etc., and apparently proving the Impos sibility of beipg happy in this world, without them. Who with a ranlns could resist these appeals? Who with a front door would let It go bare; who. Indeed, would write his name with pen when a rubber stamp eould be had with which to do it? Novelty is the great charm ,ff ad vert!slng. Originality 1 - - what the world sigh-for. IV" orlsln-il t - .i i.v.'.T t rr::rc Is tsalc rubers. , ;