TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. hv carrier, pepr wk.. 15 cU r. mail, per month W cts Snt by mall, P year... 7.f WEEKLY. Bent by ma" Per year 2 00 ,n 3vance. Postage iree iu uum:iiucis. rih Astorlan guarantees to Itn sub- crllier the largest circulation of any newepaper published on the Columbia liver. ...-, Advertising rates can be obtained on (replication to the Business manager. This paper is in possession of all tlie teieeranh franchises, and la the only pnper on the Columbia river that pub lishes genuine uispuiuiien. ' The Dally Astorlan's circulation is live times as great aa that or tner'com l ined circulation of the other dally pa vers of Astoria. The Weekly Astorlan. the third eld ml weekly in the state of Oregon, has, ntxt to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation, In the state. Subscribers to the Astorlan .are re quested to notify this otlice, without toss of time. Immediately they fail to locelve their dally paper, or when they do not g?t It at the usual Jiour. By do Insr this they will enable the manage ment to place the blame on the proper larUes and to Insure a speeay remeay, Handler & Haas are our Portland ii gents and copies of the Astorlan can be hod every morning at their stand on First street. , . TIDE TABLE. For the Week, Beginning To-day. HIIIH WATKR iTR I LOW WATKK AM, I'.M. I A.M. PM I b m I ft. h m I It. II h m ft.ll h nil Tue.. 271 4 2417 8 B 5015 1 1 71815 0 U 34 UIU0 38I3 Wed. 28 Frl... 30 Sat..: 31 61217 31 12 r.Mi 7 IK 6 7 10 02B 7 1 56 4 611 2 66,1 I316 610 3716 3 3 204 5i 3 01,1 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four hr.urs ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, fur rilshed by the U. S. Department of Ag riculture weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 68 degrees; minimum temperature, 46 dogrees; pre cipitation, 1.10 Inches. Total precipitation form July 1. 1893, to date, 84.49 inches; excess of precipi tation from July 1, 1893, to date, 26.33 Inches. TODAY'S WEATHER. ' ' Portland. March 28. Forecast for Washington and Oregon: Rain; fresh southerly winds and gales on the coast THE RIGHT MAN. "All roads lead to London," and all Indications for the coming Juno elec tions point to the nomination and tri umphant success at the polls of Hon. C. W. Fulton for governor of this state. All Western Oregon has grown cnthUBl ostlo at the mention of his name; the counties In the south have already shown how welcome his selection will be; and In Portland, a fact remarkable as ai display by that clannish city in favor of Sj non-resident, Mr. Fulton seems to be ti e unanimous choice of the Multnomah republicans. Of his own city and county it is unnecessary to speak. The vote he would receive, even from his political opponents, in Clat op, would be far more than a compli mentary tribute. It would amount to a universal desire to show the balance of the state how eager our residents are to put to the test the brilliant powen of the morit popular man among us. How Mr. Fulton has been able to be come a gubernatorial possibility, Is a quastlon that may be answered very simply. The profession of a lawyer If above all "others the business thnt brings out before public audiences the )est and worst sides of a man's Intelli gence, and which stamps him fori all time in the public mind aB powerful or mediocre In ability. There are man) clever advocates In Oregon, and ol course many of the most excellent llv md work In the city of Portland. Mr. Fulton's place among members of the Oregon bar Is well known. He stnndf on the top rung of the ladder, a position reached after years of patient study and nlded by an amount of personal magnet ism that Is not possessed by many men. A very gratifying and spontaneous trib ute to his value In this direction oc curred a couple of months ago In one of the most Important cases ever heard by the bench In this state the trial of the Puget Bound smugglers. Five of the most prominent lawyers In Port land, Inc'udlng an ex-govemor, unani mously settled on Mr. Fulton to lead them In the case for the defense. Two years ago Oregon most unfortun ately elected to the position of governor an Individual who, while we believe he has been sincere in his gyrations, has brought us Into disrepute and made us thrt butt for ridicule, and almost shame, from every other state In the union. The name of Oregon has become a by word and the name of Pennoyer a laughlng-itock for the rest of the coun try to Jeer at. It Is the duty of every man and organization In our borders to place In the governor's chair at the coming election a cttUen whose record and whose every act speak of good common sense, high ability, and a full knowledge of the demands of the high office to which he Is elected a cltlien whose friends have been made, not by catch-penny VopuitMik vt tiifl pesscsivn . , . . .. ,. .,. I of wealth, but by the d eel re to serve and recognize a conservative, honorablel THE DAILY man with the courage of his own con victions. Such a man, and only such a man, will be able to blot out the stain of Pennoyerlsm, and give Oregon lis old placo again among tho stale. Such a man is C. W. Fulton. "The Senator from Clatsop" bus !.- oome the man of the hour. Tho mmarkabla powt.-r of Kossuth over tho imagination of the ix-ople with whom: he was associated, Is seen In the Interest his death excites. His depar ture visibly shakes the Austro-IIungarl an empire-kingdom. Flags of mourning for the lost leader are forbidden In Vienna. In Hungary the people mourn the man most venerated. His unfalter ing adherence to the principles he avowed; his Impracticable but Invinci ble resentment toward the powers that prevailed against him; his refusal to forgive of be forgiven, while his coun try failed to be free; his tenacity In relying upon his own resources, refusing gifts, repulsing flatteries, accepting pov erty gave him a dignity that was unique. Deak bargained with imperial- Ism to gain concessions for Hungnry, as Parnell obstructed parliament to assert the rights of Ireland and advance her Interests; but Kossuth demanded abso lute Independence for the Hungarian nation, and all less than that he de splsed. This was like the parade that was magnificent, but not war; It was exalted, but not politic; the poetry of state affairs, hut not statecraft. Lord Rosebery ought to have offered Mr. Labouchere a peerage, and thereby have got rid of ai vexatious adversary, It Is not by any means Improbable that he would have accepted It, cynically re marking that the most practical way of reforming the lords would be for him to take his place among them. Mr. Hewitt's capital epigram about "oolnlng a vacuum" Is one of the things that will stick. It has already fastened Itself In the popular mind and memory, and It Is bound to stay there because of the truth which It epitomizes. Senators Voorhees and Vest are tak ing Mr. Cleveland's famous Providence declaration that reciprocity Is a repub lican tribute to democratic tariff reform very seriously Indeed. FACTS, FIGURES AND FANCIES. Borax to the value of at least $1,000,- 003 was produced In California In 1893. The estimate of Brazilian coffee crops Is 4,600,000 bags present, nnd 7,500,000 next growth. The official estimate of government growing crop of Java coffee Is now placed at 311,000 peculs. Private crop, 600,000 peculs. 1 It Is Bald that advices at hand claim a crop of Mocha coffee at only 00,000 bundles, against 90,000 last growth. Eight thousand acres of olives have been planted In California, of which nearly three-quarters have begun to bear, though only a small fraction has reached the age for large yields. Ten or twelve thousand gallons of olive oil will be made this year, and about 60,000 gal lons of plcUl-.nl olives. The overland shipments from the Santa Clara valley for the season to March 3 are reported as follows: Prunes, 32,5S2,520 pounds; peaches, 2. 823,105; apricots, 3,550,305. The only fruit on hand In tho valley consists of prunes. Santa Clara valley has fur nished for shipment 38,945,990 pounds of cured fmlts. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world fni cms. ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, chapped lunula, chilblains, orm, and all akin eruptions, und positive y cures piles, or no pay reiiulri'd. II gunranlwd to give perfect sntlsfuc Ion or money refunded. Price SS cont er box. For sale by Cha. Kogors, C wasor to J. C. Dement A BURS CURE FOR PILES. Itching Tiles a. known by moisture II. nAMnlH,l.ti. An.lntf Inl.n.a ll..l.lna when warm. This form, as well as tlllnd Dluedlng or rrolruuing. yieiu hi once i Or. ttosanko'a I'lle Remedy, which actr Itrectly on tht pnna arTeeted, shsorbt tumors, allays itching and effects r lermanent cure. 60c. UriiKKlst r msll Circulars free. Dr. Iloannko, S2J Arcl lreL lJhl adelohlu. Fa. Hold by J. w Conn. EXPERIENCE1 OP AN 1'ION. KX-CHAM- Athletea and men who take ordinary outdoor exercise, such as walking, run ning, bicycle riding, Jumping, swim ming, tennis, etc, are often tho subjects of acute troubles. The experience of an ex-champlon walker will be of interest to all who are aftllcted. Harry Urooks writes: "No. S24 East 19th St., New York April 2, 1SS6. Numerous statements rel ative to the merits of difTeent plaster naving neen Drought to my attention, I take thla opportunity to state thnt I have used Allcock'R Porous Plasters-for over 20 years, and prefer them to any other kind. I would furthermore state that I was vry sick with catarrh of tho kidneys, and attribute my recovery entirely to Allcock's Porous piasters." EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to oil whom it may concern, that the underslgnej ha been appointed executrix f the lust will and test'inient of J. M. Olsen. decenaotl late of Clatsop county, Oregon, by the County Court of said county, nnd an persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are null tied to pre sent the asms, duly verified, to llie said executrix, at the office of Fulton Hroa., In the City of Astoria, In said count snd state, within alx months from this Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 13th day of Maron MAI! KS A. OLSIJX. Exe-itrlx. ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, THURSDAY MORN1NU. MARCH 29, 1801. NEW JAG CUIUS. A Portland Detective's Plan for Oiling Drunks. Detective Crlflln. of Portland, who r somewhat of n, Joker, says ycMer.my Oregon!,,,,, furnished aiiiiiwnii'iit fur the spectators in tlir-, municipal curt a few days ago. Among the prisoners was a lull. ruW-uoniHl man from Yamhill, arrested for .IrunKewess. wh threatened to continue ni spn-e u,.t,n oa rpleiuicd from Jail. Detective Griffin thought the man had better go home and spend his hard-earned money for the benefit, of his family. But per suasion hod no effect on the fellow, and tho detective resorted to another plan to accomplish his reformation. Sum moning him Into the office of the depu ty district atlfrney, he had him seated before the transmitter of the telepnone, which is worked on a pivot. Turning the Instrument toward him, he rang the bell and Informed him that bis picture had been taken by electricity In every city In the country and a repetition of the offense meant arrest everywhere. "18 that so?" grasped the man from Yamhill. "Well," he added, resignedly, "I will go home and never drink again." All which the spectators laughed im moderately. The man from Yamhill, however, suspected no trick, and was true to his promise. When last seen by Detective Griffin, he was boarding a West Side train for Yamhill and repeat ing to a friend his promise to abstain from liquor. HARD TO FIND. A man who wants no office. A pistol that Isn't loaded. A girl who can whistle. A real, live boy who doesn't read base ball gossip. A Portland policeman. Any sense In Coxey's campaign. The umbrella one received at Christ mas. A man who will acknowledge that, lie kissed that Chicago cobblestone. A Chinaman In a drinking saloon. Chicago's estimated population. A well kept street. A lost opportunity. The 1891 tax roll. Hens' teeth. i A Job. An unmarried woman over 25. A friend when you are hard up. Where a delegate stanc's on the re- cordershlp. Men to build the Astoria railroad. The man In Astoria who does not read The Astorlan. The man who can whip Corbett. HB WAS CORNERED. "I wish you would not fill the next pig with cloves," growled Mr. Murray Hill, as he sank his carving knife Into a well garnished infantile porker. "Why, I thought you liked cloves," re plied the wife, with considerable Aston ishment.. "Of course I don't. The flavor of a ! clove Is enough to make a graven linngej sick." "This Is the first time I ever heard you complain about a clove." "Always nbhorred them." "Why ,1s It then you can't sit through a play without tramping over a dozen persons In your eagerness to get them between the acts?" Ahem! Will you kindly pass me the1 butter?" Texas Siftlngs. CROSSING THE ATLANTIC Usually Involves sen sickness. When1 i h ,,ivo i.inv i,it..h niiii to with vn i strong Indeed must be the stomach that We make wagons, shoe horses and do cun stand It without revolting. Tour- nu kinds ot general Ists, commercial travelers, yachtsmen, I ri irk'crtlTHIWI mariners, all testify that Hostetter's' Stomach llluers Is the best remedy forj Perhaps you know this already. Cor- the nausea experienced in rough weath-1 tainly you do, if you have ever em er on the water. Nervous and weakly j . , travelers by land often suffer frommojeuus- .... . r something akin to this, and find in the; Q- A. Stinson CO. 1,1, II. XT. .1 1 of the st'inioch, liver or bowels is so ob stinate that it may not be overcome by the prompt and thorough remedy. Equally elllcaclms is It for chills and fever, kidney and rheumatic trouble and nervousness. Emigrants to the frontier should provide themselves with this line' rvfflMi posure and fatigue. ADMIJflSTRATOIVS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby clven thnt the un dersigned has been appointed, by the County Court of Clutsop County, Ore-1 iron, tidmlnlstrator of the estate ofl James Dalglty, deceased, late of Clatsop! county, Oregon. All persons having claims ngnlnst tald estate must present the same, duly verified, t the under signed, nt his place of business. In the Cltv of Astoria. Clutson ronnt.v. Oivo-un within six months from this date. All parties Indebted to the estate will settle nun lilt? ullitemiKIIU. Ikated nt Astoria, Oregon, this 28th day of March, 1SK4. william Kncun. Administrator. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Notice Is hereby given that Ihe un dersigned has been this day appointed the administrator of the estate of A. K. ll-rrow, deceased, by the county court of Clatsop county. Oregon. All parties having claims nrf.Unst said estate must present the same, duly verllled, to the undersigned, at the office of Fulton Itios., attornos. In Asturi.1, CU'sop county. Oregon, wtllii.i six months, fivm this d.lte. S. II. AMES, Jununry 2d. ISM. BIDS KOIt BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, adopted March fith. 1SS4, bids will be received by th Auditor and Full," Judge of the City of Astoria for J10.W0 of municipal bonds of the City of Astoria, to run ten years and bear Interest nt the rate of 8 per cent per anntitii. Kit id bonds b.-lng is sued for the purpose of rvtundin cer tain Indebtedness of the City of Astoria icr street lmprvem.nt. Ontlnahcrs authoiliing the Issuanc of said bends to be aubmltted to attorneys of any per son or corporation for their sppr-'Vil. Hv M-,l, r of the Common Council. Auditor and ToUce Judje. Astoria. Oregon, Man-h Sth. m. t':.7i awiPra SPECIFIC I totally nnllke an) Wii other l,lo.lmecUd. IMi:r'sci-a-aol u U iivl .4.11. by removing the otm. ... Dora I liua - baubsrt ," lne,mTie to tteG tMWi H IffiS!''" lMS wouueri "Myl.U-M ;;;tallt B0;Ve of iaftJlg$Z . WJ, Jut. -Kn. I rsSg loenioynimmi " ' jromrltt mo riirht out. , xtUl, retiiuuy tr iwksi uiie. John GAVis,Davton,Ohio." Tr atinc on 11oo1 a:l sUin .lipases mailed tree SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, (ia. GHdo not Eat Pastry. ' A rvnrpwirm. and th ex- &vi i planation that usually '4 O follows: "I am troubled with dyspepsia.'.' The J ; h' explanation in not far to r j. seek. In the past Lard yi tj. has been used as the pritt- !,J It cinal shortening in all L$ 'V. ' . . , 1 1. .1.. l. v V ) pastry, tue icmiu u- ,s V'i pepsia. The dyspeptic j,, v need no longer be Yr Oxl troubled, providing OTTTO a fyi. is substituted for lard in the preparation of all food, pi lyi It is composed striclly of pi highly refined vegetable oil and betfKtjet. When h"i u?d as a shortening, it ') Sn produces wholesome and r; i iie:uth!"ul pastry. I'hysi- -i r't . i I... kS. : ciuns ana cxptnt indorse it. nufnrct.-tiiuttj. 4 4 .. . .. . i ,., . ;J l- t . t .l..-. 'n,a ill Kl'nim ICt N K iiiiiilikti LiJ ,Li-.xaS".'"r ii.'""-"-"- I.-.J .. . ' . I. 1 ...1. .m.,:lll.ll 1V ft 'C V.5 luiRdrcd reupes, prep -r. ,y uiuc rim- . f ncnt jtilhoriliej on cnoLui. t'ottolcne ii iM l.y a" gr-jifw. Vvfj j. si. .wuid (. y .Luirtnn NCUI YORK. BOSTON 4 These tiny Cr.pr.ulcs arc superior. to Uulsam ot cop.nua, Ci;bol)3 and Ii.joction;. (4VuCT) They cure hi 43 hours tho vC-X same diseases without anyincoa-1 vcnlencu. SOtDBVALLDnUGQiSTS THE BEST BREAD MAN . . . . CLEVELAND, the baker. He kneads good bread for all who need good bread, and takes tne J-JJ nnd fee', lm,llnett flir a iaf, don't forget to call on CLEVELAND, at tne Oregon I Lakcry. STAMPS Have changed colors very frequently of l it... linf mie rnmnclltol-S clinnife eoliir3 ' , ,,, every time they see our work. DID YOU EVER Know a man to keep a good thing to h, ,f w never did We're Elad of TmXZJ nnu uquors uecume Kiumii, uno mun i ...i.i i...- ... -1...VM tt mm As we have said before, our goods bear their own rcpututlon, and they are wanted nt the prices we make. uttrucc j m (1Uu(ltO ot Uw. RAKES AND THINGS, The little warm rays of sunshine drop pnlf n a little earlier these mornings, as the season advances, plainly say, "Clot ready, for folUs will soon be want ing garden things!" S. we AUG get. ting ready our lioea, raK.-s, spades, etc.; etc., for your coming. Never mind the prices they'll be aJ little as anybody's. almost surely smaller. J. U. AVYATT. Hardware Dealer. C. P. UPSHUR, Shipping & Commission Atstorlo, Orecon. ASTORIA WOOD YARD D. 4 0. U. Campbell, Proprietors. Dealers In all kinds of First Class Fuel. Fir, Vine Maple, Spruce Limbs, Alder, Hcnjlocl; and Ash. Also, best eia lea of ! Wellington. Newcastle. Cannel, fuJ Cumberland cviL Leave otdcrs at Canrahan t Co' tUorfl, or at yard, fot of Spru.'e street. Urtrs proi.-pu C-u. and SATISFACTION GUAUATEEO. (: .? ii ., liooi- tliic ; 3 lAUW U1LC11 )UU tiw w.... ftale only by ' A W i tr w a ior KHi' r.- CF K.-X I RE 4T. Put your mind nn Hie- right kind of Stoves! Here At KOE & S(TU"S. Only vow can't ronci-iv,' ... .....i .i:,. ... nf all I'.v i ami see ibeslm-k, -131 2nd Sl.lWBoiwi iroiD-uuiiuueuwi , Olllfi A BRIDAL CHAMBER Can lo handsomely fi nished here. The di(l'.'rcnee between our prices and what you'd usually pay elsewhere will go l',ir toward furnish ing o noiher room. CHAS.HEIliBORH &S0N- EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class Funerals : AT POHli'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming Specialty. JVIusic J4all -:- j)4 Mrs! Street, Astoria, Or, II. CHR1STENSEN. Prop. A FRHE CONCERT every night bQgtnnlng at 8 o'clock. Good music. The best of wines, liquors and cigars always on hand. Washington JYIeat et. Corner Second and Main Streets. Vll"lwle and Retail Butchers : and : Packers. Steamboats, Ships nnd Mills supplied on short notice. 1-amllies supplied promptly it the luue.1 rates. CHRISTIANSEN St CO., Props. OCCIDENT liOTEli i (lie Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coaat. flfl UNEXCELLED TABLE. Cotes, $2 dally anil upwards. J. A. FASTABEND.j Pile Driving, House, Bridge and WHAliK nUILDKH. Address. lox iSo, poslofliee- ASTORIA. OR!: ROSS'HIGGINS&CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria ar.d L'prcr Astoria. Fine Teas ind Coffee s. Table Deiieacles, Domestic and Tropical l:ryits, Veetabks, Sugar Cured Huini,, naton, lite. Choice - Fresli - anJ - Salt Meats, PUTS YOU in Chicann I n , . . j Omaha, Kansas Cty, St. Louis and all i hacrptfn Umnr; ii-aoiCiu ruuuD 24 to 36 Hoob Ahead ut uny inner lime. Pullman and Tourlat Elceprs Freo Roollnlng Chair Cars, Cln. Ing Cars are run dally via tho Union Pacific Flyer leaving Tort land at 7 QO p. m. I Astoria to San Francisco. OCEAN STKAMKR8 SAILING DATES. Columbia. MonJay. March Sure, SaturJay, March to. Columbia. ThutsJay, March 15. Stat?. TursJay, March 30. Columbia. Sn.!ay, March 2. State, TiUay. March jo. Astoria and Portland Steamers. Steamer n. R. Thompson leaves As-, torta at 6:15 a. m., daily except Sunday via Washington side of the river- re turning, loaves Portland at 8 p ' m daily, except' Saturday. The Tliontp son makes landings on both s'des of the river -above Waterford, on both up and down trips. S. II. H. CLARK. OL1VKR WINK. K. ELLKItT ANDERSON JOHN W. POANK. FREDERIC R. COUDERT. Receivers. Fqr rats and general Information call ch or ft4 :rii U. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agtnt, Astoria. Or . V. II. lirULECRT. Ast. Cen. Iaa. Ast. Portland, Or. ' f The CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Knllwny System. FH01H OCEAfl TO OCEAfl -IN- Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaehes. ALSO Observation Cars, alloming Unbroken Vietus of the Wonderful lVIoantain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cars the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China and Japan, Empress of India leaves Vancouver February 6. Empress of China leaves Vancouver March 5. Empress of India leaves Vancouver April 2. .'.., AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE I.eavjs Feb. 16 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. For tlrket rates and Information, call n or address, JAS. FINLATSQtf, Agt, Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Agt.. Tucoma, Wash., Geo. McL. Brown, Dlst. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, B, CfllGAGO, VlhWAIfyEE And ST. PflOlt R.'.::,WAY Connecting with All Transeontinenta Lines is the Only Line running ELECTRIC - LIGHTED BETWEEN CARS st Paul and I AND Omaha and Chicago. The Express Trains consists of Vestibuled, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cart, HEATED 13 Y STEAM, And furnished with Every Luxury known In moder railway travel. For SPEED, COMFORT anJ SAFETY This Line Is Unequaletl, Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information inquire ot any ticket agent, ir C. J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. i PORTLAND, OREGON, QUICK TIMI -TO- SAjM FAjMCISCO AND Abb POINTS IN CWIFORIIIJI Via the Ml, Shasta Route of tlx soathef n Paeifie Co. The Only f?oute Through Califor nia to Points East and South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPER Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reser vations, etc,, call on qr address B- p. KOG3KS, Assistant General Passen ger and Freight Agent. Portland, Or. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass anJ Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass ani So.uemoilue Streets. Astoria. Ore. ASTORIA IRON WORKS, Concomly St. ftxi of Jackicn. Astora. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Engim, Boiler work. Steam boat anJ Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of AH DfsfripSonf Maao 10 Order on Slior. Motl-.e. ' John Fox.presiiitint aad S'tperintenaspt A I- F"K Vitw Prwi.Wnt O. R Prael ttecretary