The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 17, 1894, Image 4

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On Top
Jlovelty is the Key to Sueeess Be Original
and Your fortune Is (Dade.
A 'email advertisement can be niadi
very attractive In The Astorlan. Here
are samples of email advertisements,
showing different ways of displaying
them with the plainest of plain type:
DOES advertising pay? You are often
puzzle over this problem, Some
times you think It does, and then again
you are not certain.
There are days when an attractive ad
vertisement Just "packs" your store
with trade, and Inquiries come drlbbllnf
. in for a month afterward for articles
advertised that day. But some days
the advertisement seems to fall flat. It
Is on these days that your faith grows
shaky, and if you do not doubt Uie ut(l
lty of advertising you, blame the card.
If you write your own advertisements
and lose confidence In youraelf, you had
better employ some one who makes ad
vertising hla special business.
To write an original advertisement.
every day in the year, on. the same
never-changing theme, Is very imith
like taking ten yards of dress goods and . Noveltie(i Jn Kai Ki Wash Silka
making a new and entirely different I DailiaHse inula, rite, at low nffures
H.. nt n awi times In succession. 'It ff.0 Handsome HtvlfH III Silk f)00
M Waists, .laimnene anil X
takes a clever head to do either. He T- t,,,ii,. un-hmd Kilka U
must we .he store side of the advertise- Only SU.O, formerly Hold for g.
ment and the customers' side of it, the
one as clearly as the other. Unwise ad-
.. .....1 1 .baJh n nil av
vertlsinK can pun uuwii umc "u tj i . ... . , .
veniBiim tan j- I A little study will enable you to
haust your finances more rapidly than
good advertising can build up the one I
or add to the other.
Blank & Co.
This Week Only
This Week Only a.
Sacrificed No Reserve.
Yards Black Satin and Moire,
4 Inches wide, lt:t cents, was
50 cents per yard.
Fancy Surah Sash, 15 Indies
wide, Cream and Colors, 09
cents, formerly 82.00.
Pieces of Black Habutal Silks,
heavy, rich and ironrt, full
width, 50c. per yd.
Ts roweilwl lty all to bo the 1 test.
It iishos belter and wears better
than any other twine used on
the Columbia river.
Blank & Co.
evolve many other attractive ways of
(setting up your ads. In The Astorlan
type. There Is hardly any limit to the
Think of a house which, In the "busy I combinations possible. Large type eats
season " when everybody is buying cost-J space, but you are not obliged to use It
ly outer garments, wasting Its advertls- in order to make a showy ad. In The
ing Bpace on three cent and five cent Astorlan. Still we would advise you, If
notions, often not mentioning their val- using the plain type, to have your ad
liable stock once In a whole week. It Is on those puges of The Astorlun where
like a sportsman who wastes his am- all advers. are so set up, as then your
munition on sparrows when ducks are small ad. has an equal chance of being
flying overhead. The harvest time for seen. A plain ad. might be Inst to
expensive merchandise Is at best but a view entirely when printed alongside of
short month or two. The cheap, little fancy type neighbors. There the con
profit stuff, like the poor, we have al-1 trast Is aalnst you, but on the page
ways with us. If an advertiser does not I with other ads. printed In the same
possess business wit along with literary type; as yours the advantage of the
ability, he will never make a success of moet attractive setting is yours If you
his calling. We often see advertise- but choose to have It so.
ments without the slightest literary The advertiser who hns his eyes and
merit, written in faulty English and set wits about him has his flnner on the
up atrocloimly, which nevertheless are public pulae and knows lis bent. In
great .advertisements-great In their cases of emergency IiIh art and wit
power of attracting people. They were I nmy do wonders. Observe the unique
full of business, even though they lack u"e which a Yankee advertiser makes
The kind of advertisements which
would prove a success for one store
might nob do at all for another, even
though In the same line of business,
and perhaps located right next door.
The capacity for knowing his audience N THIS cultured city that we see signs
in tne windows announcing that "Here
.If You Want Cannery and
Fishermen's Supplies,
Call on-
f the classics. This man had dog col
lars, name-plates and rublier stumps to
tell. It was a moat unpromising theme
-for what can one say of dog collars?
Here are some of the things he said:
must be Innate In the writer; so must
the business sense.
, Ttemember there are othor stores. Just
we speak French." or "Here we speak
Clerman," . These signs are common
from New York to San Francisco. In
lioston, owing to the culture. It Is taken
for grunted, without the Blgns. We do
?ngravliig In any language, especially
.mod as yours, who sell at equally on 1 Collars; also Poor Plates and
good as ours. wm Badges. Medals. Stencils. Steel nnd Rub-
nrinoa. Your only advantage and I ber Stamps, Corporation Seals, Bungles,
- IHrands. Ribbon Hadm. &e. JOHN
H Is yours If you take It is to nave i smith. W Wank, street.
K.Mr advertising than they. This does
not necessarily mean larger advertising ; IS NOT
. TO H15 supposed (hat the Mahomme-
or nvore cosuy, lor 11 is not tne j . ,(h f U)e 1)OSHllul
... .-ii. wtint Ik nalil I .v of the rise of a Christian power to
the space that tells, but what Is said jf
mul how it Is said that attracts notice I this shop did not fit out an expedition
for tihe reason that we were so crowded
with orders for Door l'lau Jlnit we hud
no time to attend to the neimwu-r de-
If you cannot spend il.uutt a wees i tana, una we say in acir-noiense. as
Cotton Jiope,
Cotton Twine,
Marshall's Twine.
Trap and Seine Web,
Tanbark, Acid and Salt,
Strip Lead, Pig Lead,
Copper, Tin Tlate,
Tin and Zinc,
In Stock.
Notice is aereby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 2'Jth day of
January, ISM, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 7, In block numbered
&!), assessed to Mary Morgan,
in that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely. in Clatsoo county.
Oregon, upon which an assessment of ! Oregon, upon Which an assessment of
J1KM.40 is unpaid, assessed for the im- I $781.00 Is unpaid, assessed for thP im
provement of that portion of West provement of that portion Of West
Eighth Btreet, In said city, between the I Eighth street, In siild city, between the
south side of Water street and the ; south side of Water street and -the
southern limits of the city, approved
March lltli, 1X91, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 14M of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor ana
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the iMth day ol
January, 1X!U, and against
Commanding me to levy- upon
lot No. 6, in block numbered
59, assessed to Mary Morgan,
in that portion of Bald City ot Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M, Shlvely, in Clatsop county
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No, 14; of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of improving West Eighth street, j costs of Improving West Klghth street,
Approved August 5th, 1X91.
1 have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day. March the m. 1S94, at 2 o'clock
p. in. of said d'ii in front of the Cocrt
House door, in raid City of Ast'i'la,
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will sell stud property to the highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment,
together with costs and expenses of
I tilled Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Tollce fur the C;y of Astoria.
nnd excltea surloslty.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
nia directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1KM, and against
Commanding me to levy. upon
lot No. 7. In block numbered
S9, assessed to Mary Morgan,
in that portion of said City of Astoria
w,.ich was laid out and recorded by
John Shlvely, in Clatsop county,
Approved August 5th. 1S91
1 have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, 1S94, at 2 oVlock
p. m. of said duv. in front of the Court
House door, in said City of Astoria,
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will 8c-l said property to the highest
bidder therefor, fo pay said assessment,
together with costs nn.l expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Notice is hereby given by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated tie 20th day of
January, 1S94, and against " ' "
Commanding me to Jovy upon
lot No. 6. in Work 'Numbered
S9, assessed lo Mary Morgan,
in that portion of said Clfy pf Atorla
which wis laid out anil rocoriied py
John M. Shlvely, in ' Clatsop countv.
Oregon, pi;o;i which all assessment of ; Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$'.'.00 Is utiiwi (I, iivspsscd for the Im-1 l.2i.oii is unpaid, ussessed for the Im
provement id' that portion of West I provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in sild city. tft,een the 1 Eighth etieet, In siiid city, between the
soutn side or water street snd Uic;soum sine ot water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1x91, which assessment Is
declared and assessed upon snld lot by
f V x 1J V! of c .1.1 .,1... Ht.U
advertising, spend 500. If you cannot wel fHVorahli t th Mahommediins. An Ordinance aecUiinsr the probable
a iiv nnd if vourl Badges, Medals, SUnclis, Steel and costs of Improving West Ktutitli street, ' costs of improving West Eighth street,
iivou mi iiiuih, !" - i aiiiiwr euiii. .oiiiinmion nui Approved August, 1X91. 1 approved August ath, 1S91.
. . ... . .v.- m collars, c. jhhin p.mi rn. prow maps. j have this day levied unon snld 1 have this day levied unon snld
Dusinesa win not aiiow nr ..- ... - iUwU above dsscrlhed property, and on Tues- j above dscl il.ed pn.prly, and on Tues-
soulhprn (ipiits ol the city, approved
March 1 1 1 It, I SSi I , which, assessment Is
declared and usscssed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 14H3 of said city, entitled
;vii uroinance declaring the probable
be o invested, spend that. r not say
there is no advertising except In a
Thl he said every day. each time
large way. One might as well thai j using another Incident of past or cur-
five-cent package of seeds from the I rent history, or quoting a different nu-
norlst will not. grow as well aa the same thor of ancient or modem times. Al- i February mh "lted A,torltli Oregon Febnia i9thi
need bought In bushel quantities. Have ways winding up with socm alxHinl or:
jruod seed and plant it In good soil, In I comical allusion lo the universal nnd Chief of Police for the City of AstUia.
day, March !o) )t)i. 1x91, at 2 o'clock ) day. M irch the ioth, i.Mjf, at 2 o'clock
p. m, or said day. to front of the Cour. I'- m. or aiu u.iy. in rr it of tlio c.n:l
House door, in Ktid ''l,v ( A"t' rla. I House door, In said Cit i.f Astorl-l.
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon, County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will sell said property to the lilghcet j ''H "ell Pt pr'opci ty ;i ye highest
nldder therefor, to pay Mid assessment, i bidder i lerefor, to pay said assessment,
together with cots and expenses of I together with costs and expenses of
other word, write a good advertise- crying need for dog collars, name plates,
ment and put It In a good paper. Ten etc., and Hrpttrentl' proving the Impor
doUara ii The Astorlan will pay for 100 slblllty of being happy In thij world
line f display advertising, nonpareil without them. Who with a canine
measurement One can de wore with could resist these appeals? Who with
Notice la heretiy Ktvei that pursuant
to a resolution of the Common Council
( 1S91.
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Park Obesity Tills will reduce your
of the City of Astoria, adopted March i weight PERIANEN'TI'Y from' IS to li
(im. 1S!M, bids will be received by th-? i pounds a mon:j. NJ STARVING, sick
Auditor and Police Judge of the -City i nesa or Injury. NO 4LfcMClTY. Tne
of Astoria for Ho.OeO of piuniclpal bonds build up the health and beautify the
or the lltv of Astoiia. to run in vears complexion. lavln no wrinkle nr
J0 line In The Astorlait than with JOOJa front door would lei It go bare; who, (and bear Interest at the rate o jj per fluhbircss. STOl'T AHDOMF.NS and
cent per siuiuin. taiu hernia iwtng ts-uiucui tircauupg surely relieved. NO
line In most other papers, because a
line In Tine Astorlan means generally a
line of type, whereas those papers
which are printed in iaopw . 'P- '"
f advertlslntf display type will takt p
lev to tea titiea of n-um ur'vvsa ir3.
inaeeu. wmiu wrH his name wltn pen .led for the purposo of refunding ter-, E hi; KIM K.N It, but a lentlflc and
tain lndebtedms of the t'ily of Astoria i positive relief, adopted only attur yearv
for street Improvements. Ordinances of ejsperiBme. All orders supplied dl
authorlxlng the Issuance of raid bonds rect from Mir oltic. price 12.00 per
to be submitted to attorneys of any per-1 package, or thre packaiica for $5.00
son or corporation for their apr-r-vil. thy mall, postpaid. Tstimonlalt and
lty order of the Common Council. j particulars, (sealed) I cents.
Ait; K. OSltCR.V. I All correspondence strictly conflden-
A or and Police Judge. tlal.
Astoria, Oreg.i, M.V.' a. VK. ! PARK RRMEPT CO.. Post. Mnsa:;
when a mirfr stamp could be had with
which to do It? hoiyljy Is the great
charm of advertising. Ctrl guoiii. y s
what the world sighs for. Ke origins!
and jrtir fW;tr is made.
Press Report
rT,ME ASTORIAN is in possession
of all thetelegraphic news service
franch'ses, and is the only paper on the
Columbia river that publishes genuine dis
patches. The circulation is much greater
than that of all other AstoriV papers com
bined. The Weekly edition contains a
carefully selected resume of the most im
portan telegraphic and local news.
gUBSCRIBERS to either the Daily or
Weekly may secure a valuable book,
the Life and WorXs of James G. Blaine, by
adding one dollar to the regular subscript
lion price of the paper. The book is well
worth three dollars, and may- be inspected
at the business office of the Astorian", A
full description of this attractive premium
is given elsewhere in this paper.
Thoroughly Equipped
Plant in Connection
A Coroplete Line of Legal Blanks
fl!uag jp Stock.
m il