V THE DAILY ASTOIIIAN, ASTORIA, SATURDAY JWOllNJNO. MARCH 17. 1894. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sotted by carrier, pepr week.. 15 cts, u,i,t by mail, per month W ctt Bt)t by mail, per year $7.00 WEEKLY. Bent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance. . postage free to subscriber. The Astorlan guarantee to Ita eub ribera the largest circulation of any !7wpaper published on the Columbia liver. ............ - Advertising rates can be obtained on application to the business manager. This paper la In possession of all the telegraph franchises, and la the only paper on the Columbia river that pub lishes genuine dispatches. . , : u: The Daily Astorlan'a circulation 'is 'live times as great as that of the com bined circulation of the other dally pa ocrs of Astoria, The Weekly Astorlan, the third old est weekly in the Btate Of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonlan, - the largest weekly, circulation in the atate. Subscribers to the Astorlan are -rev (luested to notify this office, without loss of time. Immediately they full to rocelve their dally paper; or when they .i nnt ait it at the usual hour. By do ing this they will enable the manager inent to place the blame on the proper tarUes and to Insure a, speedy remedy. Handley & - Haas" are' our " Portland ugents and copies -of the Astorlan can t had every morning at their aland on Flrat street.. TIDB TABLE. For ths Week, Beginning To-day. HIOIl WiTKR A M. H.M. I.0W WATKII DITS A.M. P.M. -r . . :. r-. .. - X. b m I It. II in I It II n i it.ll nmn- SaU.. 17 Bun.. 18 Mon.. 19 Tue.. 20 9 08 10 58 8 2414 S 4 24 515 6 58 10 16 11 IB 11 37 4 33 8 4 5 28 616 014 0 48 12 08 8 6 86 712i Wed. 21 12 658 B 7 01 Thr.. Fri... 221 1 2218 61 140 7 8810 7 7 50 ij 7 23 1 6G3 7 2 237 8i 8 20,04! 8 2l18 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, fur nlshed by the U. 8. Department of Ag riculture weather bureau. - ' I Maximum temperature,, 48 degreeB, minimum temperature, 39 degrees; pre cipitation,' .86 Inch." . Total precipitation from July 1, 1S93, to date, 81.67 Inches; excess of Precipi tation from July 1, 1893, to date 26.00 Inches. TODAY'S WKATHEIt. Portland, Ore., March 16.-For West ern Washington and Western Oregon: Occasional light snow, followed by fail weather; colder. For Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon: Fair weather; colder. The manufacturers of flax and Jute goods In Scotland are Increasing their hours of work and in "home Instances running: overtime, so as to be In a posi tion to supply the American market. The Forfar Herald says there is ft "slight rift In the black cloud of trade depression," and alBa that ''these mer cies are small, but they are hope-Inspiring." The manufacturers of Jute goods in this country have been able to secure a few small contracta at free trade price which are expected to rule when the Wilson bill become a law. Here "the black cloud of trade depression" overhangs) the home manufacturers. There Is no "rift" in It, and It Is not "hope-Inspiring" for Americans. ' All there la of the setxure of the rifles In Cincinnati, of which much haa been said by telegraph, is, there have been muttering that the city government Bhould spend money not In the treasury for doing work when there Is nothing to do, and threat that if the mayor did not perform the Impossible there would h rtomrirmtrationg. It was officially as ... .. j i I certalned that one tnousanu r.e. u a large amount of ammunition, also ... Gatllng gun, were under tne protection of three men, and that In two Bthools there were rifles In care of the Janitors Tha chief of police I an old soldier who nerved under Lieut. Phil. H. Sheridan In the regular army, to say nothing of the southern war, and he ha taken care of the gun for the present. The eulogists of the late den, Jubal Early fwcV upon the superior numbers of Sheridan In the valley combat, and are guilty of absurd exaggerations. On March 20, 1865, Early was removed by Lee, who sold his reverse had Impaired hla Influence. Leo added: "While my own confidence In your ability, seal and devotion to the cause la unimpaired, I have nevertheless felt that I could not oppose what seem to be the current opinion without Injustice to your repu tation and Injury to the service," In re gard to the thrift of the general Mi his luter years, a Richmond paper soys: "The general Is supposed to be worth between 8200.000 and $300,000. He has re ceived over $400,000 during hi connec tion with the Louisiana lottery." The country Is getting acquainted with the democratic) party." The teach ing Is In the university of experience. For many years democratic doctrine ha ben copious In the newspapers, but the discharge of public duty by democrats has been confined to localities. In na tional affair the republicans have had full charge, or. in some branch of the government, have b14 a. veto. Mr. Cleveland, after four year cf the presi dency, four years cf his .-.;-.:f... nf education, doea not seem to have brought to his second term knowledge suitable for his guidance In the most serious responsibilities. There has been no public question save silver about which he has not displayed Ignorance, It was about tariff reform of which Mr. Cleveland wrote some thousands of let ters and made many speeches, and civil service reform was also believed to have .a prevalence In his mind. The consular and supreme court and foreign appointments have shown that the poets sang of Mr. Clovelnnd as a mighty mnn of courage and good conduct in vain. Ho has Illustrated all the weaknesses usho- clated with his great office. The sliver question, In the latest and worst form in which It has appeared, has been put to the front, showing how feeble the Influence of the president Is upon his party, and the Income tax has become an Inseparable portion of the tariff, reformation. There is one bright hope before the country. It is, that there will be no tariff reform'. If the business men of the nation could know within a few days that the tariff law Is to stand as- McKinley framed It, there would be Joy In the land. The black clouds would roll away. There Is a chance for this "consummation, de voutly to be wished;" and the country takes comfort In its consideration. It is not Improbable that the republicans may fight the Wilson bill with the sen ate amendments to the "bitter end, for the democratic tariff schemes are likely to tumble In ruins together. Such a par tisan catastrophe would be moBt aus picious for the nation. There Is less than a year of this congress, and hope dawns that It may be of eminent use fulness In devouring Its own offspring. The lesson of these days Is that the peo ple must not trust the democratic par ty, for, as the agency of any reform, It Is a failure. It Is the bad character of the party that has Inflicted upon the coun try the general suffering that is an edU' catlonal experience. COUNTY CONVENTION. A republican convention for Clatsop county Is hereby called to me.it at Mc Kinley hall, In the City of Astoria, on TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1894, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., for the purpose cf electing 9 delegates to attend the Re publican State and Congressional Con vention to bo hold at the City of JL'ort land on April 11th, 1X91, and for the purpose of nominating tha following county officers to be voted for at the eloctlon to be held on Monday, June 4th, 1894, to-wlt: 1 State Senator, 2 Representatives, County Judge, Commissioner, Clerk, Recorder, Sheriff, Treasurer, Surveyor, ftontropiil , uuiciuin:iiuciii ui i miuic, Coroner, and one Justice of the I'euce ana uonstauie tor eacn precinct. The committee hereby recommend l,.it Via rtclrttni'laa I. iUa f ... .a rn- clncts be held on Wednesday, March 2S, lUtiA Tki. r..ll....l.i.. ,...ll.,nMnnl AO?1. X 1117 lirilUWlllg llUlllill-IH. HUB been made, being 1 delegate at large Ft..m aunli r.i.o(i4tiit ami 1 .l.ilixrfi I a tiw every 25 voUs or fraction thereof, over ui uiiucr ii vuieet cuhi iwr l'.uis tor con gress In 1892: Astoria 33 Bear Creek,. . .: 3 Clifton 3 Corio 2 Clatsop 4 Flshhawk 2 Knuppa 3 Lewis & Clark 8 Mlshwauka.. ., 2 North Fork 2 Scaehle 3 Vesper 2 West port 2 Walluskl 2 Younu's River 3 All voters In favor of the republican nHliiMnlna iif vifnt.iMtlnn tn AlTmrli'flll in h-- 'upbuilding 0( tne homo market and llshlng lmlus- ttlna ft Itin INthimliiiL t'iver. lira r?v- dlally Invited to unite with us. Astoria, Ore., Feb. 20, 194. JAMES W. WF.LCII. C. J. CURTIS, Chairman. Secretary. LIFE OF JAMES 0. BLAINE. The Astorlan haa determined to bring the life-work of this wonderful Idol of the people closer to the minds of Its readers, to put them In possession of the Incidents of his- career, his ambi tions, hi sacrifices, hi honesty and hit sterling manhood. How? you ask. Read carefully, and tee for yourself. We have secured at a very large outlay the magnificent vol ume entitled '"Life and Work of Jamet a. Blaine," (Memorial Edition.) This work Is the only authorized pub lication of the memoir and history oi Blaine. It Is written by John Clark Red- Dalh. LL.I . Gen. Selden Connor, ex- Governor! of Mulne, and the eminent friend of the dead statesman. It contains a full length portrait oi Blnlne. with his autograph negative and an autograph letter ent to the pub lisher. It contain an autograph letter from Mrs. Blaine, which proves it uthen- Mcitv nnd it claim fo being the only volume of the kind published by au thority. it contains several hundred of splen did pictures, nearly all of them being original copyrighted drawings, i contains 605 page of description. printed on the heaviest book paper, In large, handsome type, ana i bound iu cloth two colors with gold lettering and ornamentation on the cov ers. . . . This book cannot De purc.nam u ..: where. It is not on sale at bookstore ml you could not buy ll ror un niun i v i.- iun i nisi if it were. It Is a vnrlc i,f art. antl av book that no cltixeil should be without. The ivuding mut ter is of enthralling interest. uur rvguiar uoscripuon pin-e ir iw I"kti sAir-itu tihiu.Hut trtn nrltA fill the Pally Astorlan fur six months is $1S0. You can, by paying in advance, re ceive the Weekly Astorlan for one yeai and the Life of lilulne for J3.00. You can, on the same terms, have the Daily Astorlan for six months and the Life of Blaine for $1.50, muking the cost r Kta nrrtnrflll WDl'k SI. 00. I'J JUJ VI. I'll" ' J - - - t - ta..'. ioi.ii ti.iv Hnfin ludizment. jou would be foolish If you gave us your order wltnoui nisi cijiiuuk 10 i"" -. , t vrt.t. frti-viniplf. Tt has delighted all who have looked at it. It will delight you. uur buwuiwu rest assured that the only reason why . .,, iw.1,1 ,f this wnrlf In it R we jiuvc utiwvu uutu . - surpasslng excellence and Its wonder fully cheap price. CHANG B OF ADPRESS. Mm. riiilHliim Nlnwn, Tuichi-r of the riaiio and Organ, hiw removed to the house of Mr. M. Lar sen Berrinn, W. Fifth street, at the back of Scow Bay Foundry, and oppo site the Finn church. REGENERATION. To secure a normal and regular tissue change throughout the body, use Bran dreth's Bills. This tissue metamor phosis consists In constantly proceeding waste of tissue and its regeneration. Brandreth's Bills are the best solvent of the products of disintegration of the tissues and increases their elasticity. They are an alterative and diminutive remedy, which allay irritation and re move obstruction by aiding nature and are of great benefit In cases of tempor ary and habitual constipation, torpid liver, blliouHness, headache. Indigestion, rheumatism and diseases arising from an impure state of the blood. lirnndrelh's Pills are purely vegetable, absolutely harmless, and safe to take at any time. HAUNTED! A haunted house In these practical and romantic days Is something of a -..-I... .., imllvldnnl bn.untpri with the Idea that his ailment is Incurable Is a personage frequently met) witn. Disbelief in the ability of medicine to cure 1h only a mild form of monomania, allhouKh in some cases repeated fail-,.-o i.. ..Miiiii relief from many dif ferent sources would almost Beem to justify tho doubt. Hosteller" Stomach Bitters has demonstrated Its ability to overcome dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney trouble, malarial complaints and nervousness, and lis recorded achievements in the curative line ought at leant to warrant its trial by any one troubled with either of the above ail ments, even although Ills previous ef forts to obtain rcmeuiai tun nave uc J-.. i. iu Ira,. ith Dorsistence. the Hitters will conquer the most obntlnate cases. ATTENTION KNIGHTS! The members of Astnr Lodge, No. 6, and of Pacific Lodge, No. 17, K. of I -will meet at their Castle Hull today, at the hour of 12:30 p. m. sharp, for the purpose of attending the tuner.ii oi our decensed brother, James Dalgity, who will be burled at Orrenwool. Fines for non-attenl:inc J will be strictly enforced. The Sir Knights of iho Uniform Rank, K. of P., ure also rj-uested to meet at the same time and place, in fatigue uniform. ADOLP1I JOHNSON, C. C, Astor N: 0. W. C. A. l'OHL, C. C, Pncillc, No. 17. A. A. CLEVELAND, Attest: S. K. C. 1). R. BLOUNT, K. R. and 3. FOURTH STREET GRADE NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of Fourth street, in the City of Astoria, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, at the following heights above the base of grades as established by ordinance No. 71, entitled An ordinance estaD llshing a base of grades for the streets of the City of Astoria, us follows, to wlt: Feet. At Intersection wl:h Auger avenue. .22.0 At Intersection with Aberncthy 28.0 At Intersection with Bonneville 38.6 And that the grade of the Interven ing streets be a straight line between the crossings mentioned. And unless a remonstrance signed cy the owners of three-fourths of the prop erty fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within t.'n duys from the final publication of this notice, to-wlt: On Monday, M irch l."th, 1X94, the Com mon Council will establish said grade. Bv order of tho Common Council. Attest: K. OSIiURN', Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria. Ore., February 16, 1894. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. I'.ooe a. Jackson, Plaintiff, vs. J. J. Kinney, Deiendant. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of and under the seal of the ubovc-cntllled Court, In the above-cntllJed cause, on the 21st day of February, 1894, and to me directed, upon a decree of foreclosure and judg ment rendered therein, on the 23rd day of Decvmber, 1S93, In favor of the above named plaintiff, and against the above named defendant, for the -sum of I3S6.25, and the costs and disbursements of this action, taxed nt J1G.S0, and notice Is hereby given that on Tuesdny, the 3rd day of April, Is94. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, in front of the County Court House door. In the City of Astoria, in said County and Stale, I shall proceed to f-ell all the right, title, claim and Interest of the above-named defendant In nnd to the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lots numbered five ("'). thirteen (13) and fourteen (14, In Mock numbered ouo hundred and sixty-two (162). In the town, now City, of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure. und ex tended by Cyrus Olney, nnd situated In Clatsop County, Oregon, or fo much thereof as shall be sutllcient satisfy the asld sum of $36.25, and the costs and disbursements taxed nt $1C.S0. and accruing costs of this suit, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand. In United States gold coin, at lime of sale. H. A. SMITH. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. Dated Astoria. Ore., March 1st, 1S14. Pno Fnall Kilo lliiin every nlirlit rrt Week uruiiMt 'I'nt oid levels. hv ei' buttle. Oiro "nr 0l.!s, Fevers nml liwieritl p t'Uily, Sikiili Uilu .1. ).. -.''. per buliiu. INJUNCTION THREATENED. But wo wouldn't quit. The car lines complain that wo are hurling travel by not hurting foot. Our shoos are made for comfort. All sizes for all iH'op!e. John ifAii..t Co D "About ten years am I con-(V,t tratprt a tuoro case of blood iwi- Bon. I-rading Iiynivlaiis prescribed medicine after medicine, v.l'iidi I look without any relief. I also tried mercurial niul jtali remedies, with miMieceuful results, but which brourlit on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that mado my life sGHEUBATISa ons of agony. After iiilicriae four years I gave u all remedies and began Ming 8.8. B. After taking ncveral bottles I was entirely cured and able to resume work. i iij ii tm Is Hie creates t medicino for blood K?$?l!fklH pofconiiig UMlay ua tho market." TreatiJaon Blood aim r(1;in diseases mailed f KW11T Hl'Ki U1C Co.. Atlanta, t. k Kitcbei? University Extension ?3 pood, but Kitchen Exten sion is better. Wider knowl edge of better cooking pro cesses means better health find comfort for everybody. Science can never do us better service than by the multiplication of the cook iiip; schools which make healthful means and meth ods available for even the most modest home. The vegetable substitute for lard, is science's latest gift" to the kitchens of the world. Every woman who haa ever cooked a meal, knows thaTlard is disagree able in use and unhealthy in its effects. Coltolene is a most satis factory substitute clean, delicate and far more eco nomicaTAt yor grocers. HF.FUS5 All SUB3TITUTSS, ft. K. FAtRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAQO, NCW YORK. BOSYf. TUfisa tii7 Ccpsiilos ere superior Tii T'.,ilanTrt nf fm;i:il.t " X CulieLu anil Itijcctlocs. (flUDY) They euro in 48 hours tho V.- same diseases without any Incon venience, SOLD DY ALL DRUGGIST? THE BEST DREAD MAN In this city is A. A. CLEVELAND, tl.? holme Ho kneads good bread for all whn need cood bread, and "takes the CRke" for making tho choicest confec tionery. Whenever you are not busy, and feel Inclined for a loaf, don't forget to call on CLEVELAND, at the Oregon Bakery. STAMPS Have changed colors very frequently of late; but our competitors change colors every time they see our work. We make wagons, shoe horses and do all kinds of general BLACKSrUTMlNG Perhaps you know this already. Cer tainly you do, If you have ever em ployed us. 0. A. Stlnson & Co. BID YOU EVER Know a man to keep a pood thing to himself. We never did. We're Rlad of it. As soon as the prices of our Wines and Liquors became known, one man told another, and so on down the linn. As we have said before, our goods bear their own reputation, and they are wanted at the prk'es we make. .sJWGtfES & CC. RAKES AND THINGS. The little warm rays of Eunshlne drop ping lit a Utile earlier these mornings, as tho season advances, plainly say, "Get ready, for folks will soon ha want Ins sarilen thlncs!" So we ARE get ting ready our hoes, rakea, spades, etc., etc., for your coming. Never mind the prices they'll be uj little as anybody's, almost surely smaller, J. B. WYATT. Hardware Dealer. C. P. UPSHUR, Shipping & Commission Astoria. Oregon. ASTORIA WOOD YARD D. & D. H. Campbell, Proprietors. Dealers In all kinds of First Class Fuel. Fit", Vine Maple, Spruce Limbs, Alder, Hemlock and Ash. Also, best ia ls of V,ei!lnkUm, Newcastle, Cannel, nl Cumberland coaL lava oidera kt Canrahan & Co'a Mnr. or at yai4. f?t 9? Spru:e street. OHw promptly nlloii. and' SATISFACTION GUARATEKO. Put your mind on the right kind of Stoves! Here At NOE & SCULLY'S. Only you can't conceive of all '')' merely reading Come and see the slock, 431 2nd St. A BRIDAL CHAMBER Can ho handsomely fur nished here. The' (inference hetween our prices and what you'd usually pay elsewhere will go far toward furnish ing another room. CHAS.HEibBORN & SON- i EVERY REQUISITE FOR : First Class Funerals : AT POfto'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty. IVIusic Hall -:- 3)4 First Street. Astoria, Or, H. CHRISTENSEN. Prop. A FREE CONCERT every night befrlnnlng at 8 o'clock. Good music. Tho best of wines, liquors and cigars always on band. Washington Jfleat Market. Corner Second and M.iln Streets. Wholesale and Retail Butchers : and : Packers. Steamboats, Ships and Mills supplied on short notice. Families supplied promptly at the lowest rates. CHRISTENSEN CO., Props. OCCIDENT HOTEL Is tho Best of Its Class On the Pacific Coast. THE flfi UNEXCELLED TABLE. Rates, $1 daily and upwards. J. A. FASTABEN D, GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Pile Driving, Hoase, Bridge and WHAIIF JJUILniCH. Address, box iSo, posloffice- ASTOCIA, ORE. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Qrocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria. Fine Teas and Coffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic and Trunkal Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar Cured Hias. Bacon, Etc. Choice Fresh and" Salt Meats. The PUTS VOl) in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all Eastern Points -. 24 to 36 Hoops Ahead y Of Any Other Line. Pullman nd Tourist Sleeker Free Reclining Chair Cars, Cin. Ing Cars are tun dally v!a the Union Pacific Flyer leaving Port land at 7:QO p. m. Astoria to San Francisco. OCEAX STEAMERS SAILING DATES. Columbia, Monday, March 5. State. Saturday, March 10. Columbia. Thursday, March 15. Slate. Tuesday. March . Columbia, Sunday. March 15. Stale, Friday. March 30. Astoria and Portlcnd Steamers. Steamer R. R. Thompson leaves As toria at 6:43 a. m., daily except Sunday, va Washington- sldd of tlie river; re turning, leuvesi PurtlaiiiJ at 8 p. in.. daily, except Siiturday. The Thomp son makes landings on both sidVu of the river abov AYalerfor J, on both up and down trips. S. H. H. CLARK, -OLIVER MINK. K. ELLERY A.VPERSON. JOHN W. 1X)ANE, FREDERIC R. COUDERT. Receivers. For rates and general Information call on or address G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent, Astoria, Or. w. 11. urn ""rt, ' Ast. !i-n. i"i'ui. Ast Portlund, Or. JK '.ts I fc , i PastMail CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans "Continental Railway System. FROm OCEAN TO OCEAfl -IN- Palace Dining P,oom and Sleeping Cars, Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaehes. ALSO Observation Cars, allotulng Unbroken Viems of the Wonderful fountain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all tickets east. Tourist cars the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China and Japan, Empress of India leaves Vancouver February G. Empress of China leaves Vancouver March 5. Empress of India leaves Vancouver April 2. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE Leav?a Feb. 10 and March 16 for Honolulu and Australian ports. For ticket rates and information, call on or address, JAS. FINLAYSON, Agt, Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacoma, Wash., Cleo. McL. Crown, Dint. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, li. C. CHICAGO, PiWAUpE And ST. PAUL RAILWAY Connecting with All Transcontlnenta Lines is the Only Line running EliECTRIC - LIGHTED - CAtS BETWEEN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago. The Express Trains consists of Vestibuled, Sleeping, Dining and Parlor Cars, HEATED BY STEAM, And furnished tvltli Every Luxury known ip moder railway travel, ' For SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line is UnequaleJ. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information Inquire of uny ticket agent, or C. J. EDDY, General Afient, J. W. CASEY, Tray. Pass. Agt, PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME -TO- m POINTS Ifl CAItlFOfifllA Via the Ml SlusU Route of in Southern Paeifie Co. The Only Route Through Califor nia to Points East end South. THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIFIC COAST.: PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS SECOND-CLASS SLEEPERS Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for Becofid cluss passenger. For rates, tickets, sieepine car rear vat ions. stc. call on or address E. p. ROUER8, Assistant General Paasoii ger and Freight Agent. Portland. Or. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass and Squemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore ASTORIA IRON WORKS, Conconl) St, foot of Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers land an J Marine Engines. Boiler work. Steaa boat and Canaery Work a Specialty. Castlncs of All IVHjt;oiw MaJ to OrJer oa Short Notice. John Fnx. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President 'p. U I'mel.... S"'M.iry