The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 17, 1894, Image 1

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VOL. XLH, NO. 03.
if f i f
7 It t 2vS
It's honest prices that bind
together all others links in the
commercial chain. Our honest
prices have joined good bar
gains to small outlay and se
cured comfort and plenty with
Economy and Satisfaction in
Men's and soys'
Clothing, Furnish
ing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Boots, Shoes
Trunks, Valises, etc
JTNew Store, New Goods, and New Prices which are
from lfn to 33;', per cent less tlian elsewhere.
Osgood pfpfiTM Go.
The One Price Clothiers,
506 and 508 3rd St., Next to Griftin
Henry Ward
Said of the Strawberry, "God doubtless might have made
a better berry but it was doubtful if he ever had." So we
say of our Easter Cards and novelties, "somebody might
possibly have better, but it was very doubtful if any body
about here ever has. If they have, the stock has never put
in an appearance in Astoria and the people who have ex
amined ours know this to be a fact'' Added to this facjf
comes the further beauty of it, there is none sold for so
little money, talk or no talk. ". '
Griffin & Reed.
fine Wines and Liqaops.
1 have made arrangements for supplying any brand of wines
in quantities to suit at the lowest cash figures. The trade
and families supplied. All orders delivered free in Astoria.
fl. W. UTZIflGEH, - -
Str. R. P.
Klill Leave for Tillamook Every Four Days as Hear
as the meathei mill permit.
the steamer R. P. Elmore connects with Union Pacific steamers for Fortland and
through tickets are issued from Portland to Tillamook Bay points
by the Union Pacific Company. Ship freight
by Union Pacific Steamers.
RlIORE, SANBORN & CO,, Agents, Astoria.
UNION PACIFIC R: R. CO., Agent, Portland.
) FOR AJl $80 ItOTI
Ilot to Build a (4om?,
The Packers of Choice.
Columbia River Salmon
Their Brands and Locations.
A!rl PWgCo Astoria..
Elmore Stmuel Atori-.
I 1t1rk
,1 0.1
r,e or?e Brt A riorU.-
j q. nantborn 6 Co. Astoria--..
J.C. MeglMCo 'uwoMeU I U.S
1 1
' PtgCo- ;Atri
Hatters find Furnishers.
& Reed's Book Store. Astoria.
JVIaln Street, Astoria, Oregon.
A y L J
40 K NTS.
I" -.tor It Tk'gC'o. I
! Kinney's M. J. Kinney. Astoria -
(.Juhu A. I)elin :
A. Booth & Sons .G'Mcuso .
jcocktail Cutting Pig Co..Jn rctaclu
J.O.IUnthorn&Co J. O. Hanthora tatorla .
- George-. J. C.Vegler B.ookHeld Wn
Jlhm. - 'hinnmi
Governor Waite Finally Listens
to Reason.
The Secretary of War Notified That
Waite is the Only Disturber
of the Peaee.
Associated Press.
Denver, March 10. At 9 o'clock this
morning everything was quiet, await
ing a conference between Gen. McCook,
commanding the federal troops, and
Gov. Waite. Five companies of the Sev
enth United States Infantry are camped
at Union depot. The police force has
heen greatly Increased since yesterday,
and still holds the city hall. It is un
derstood the force numbers 330, and will
under no circumstances surrender. It is
expected Gov. Waite will order the
state troops from, other points, now un
der arms at the armories, to come here.
They number 750 enlisted men.
Gov. Waite has addressed a letter to
Gen. McCook, asking that the govern
ment troops be withdrawn from the city
because the latter refuse to assist In
carrying out the governor's purposes,
but will simply confine himself to main
taining the peace.
Washington, March 10. Gen. McCook
telegraphed to army headquarters from
Denver this morning that Gov. Waite
had applied for the use of United States
Waite Decides to Leave the Question to
the Courts.
Denver, Col., March 16. The war is
over. At last It is announced by At
torney I. N. Stevens, who has been in
consultation with the governor a large
part of the afternoon, that his excel
lency has accepted the advice of his at
torneys and consented . to submit the
fire and police board question to the su
nreme court on its merits. The gov
ernor says he Is still considering the
matMr, but It Is generally believed Mr.
Stevens speaks by the book. So the na
tional guard, which was ordered to be
ready to take the field on short notice,
will not be called Into action. The state
troops at Durango, Lake City, Pueblo,
rv,ir.rniln Snrincs. Grand Junction and
other centres have been uniformed and
under arms all day, ready to take spe
cial trains to Denver, and .the state
troops in this city have been on call.
Many people regard the governors
mllltarv demonstration as a big bluff
to show his contempt for Judge Gra
ham's Injunction and to compel the
Judge, If possible, to arrest him.
Gen. McCook's ordering the unltea
sta ted trooDS to this city has been ap
proved at Washington, and he has or
dered them from the Union depot to
tho npttvsbure building on Champa
street, where they will remain till fur
ther orders. Prominent attorneys anu
other distinguished citizens have been
laboring much of the day with Gov.
Waite to submit the matter to the su
preme court, which has power to call
upon the counsel for both the old and
new police boards to settle their cases.
Interogatorles to the court are based on
the police forces being In, existence, the
right of the governor to remove from
power and to appoint others to fill the
vacancies, and his right to call upon
the militia to seat the appolritees In
Sheriff Rurchlnell sent the following
telegram this afternoon:
Denver, Col., March 10, 1894.
Daniel S. Lamont, Secretary of War,
Washington, D. C: I am quite able to
muintaln the peace here unless the mili
tia of the stats are used against me.
Nobody but the governor Is socking to
disturb the peace, and he is acting in
contempt of the district court of this
Denver, March 10. The cause of Gov.
Walte's obduracy, It Is learned on ex
cellent, authority, is his wife. She at
tended last night's conference In an
angry mood, and declared, with clench
ed fist, that the fight should go on un
til the last national guardsman In the
state lay dead on the pavement. Many
populists do not uphold Gov. Waite.
Reports of Increased Sales From Many
New York, March 16. BraJstreefs
review of the state of trade tomorrow
will ray: The unusual prolongation of
the mild spring-like weather during the
early portion of March has greatly
stimulated the consumptive demand in
almost all staple linen. Corroboration of
this l found In the almost unanimous
reports of Increased sales from six of
the larger distributing points In New
England and the Middle states, where
the general trade has heretofore been
reported barely steady. Chicago reports
a oontlnuance of last week's very favor
able statement regarding trade this
week, having been the best thus far In
the season, with many buyers in the
city and some dry goods houses work
ing nights to keep up with the orders.
Colorado Springs, March 16. Sheriff
Bowers, who Is In charge of the posse
at Cripple Creek to prevent Interfer
ence by the strikers with the men who
have gone to work In the mines, sent
to this city today for half a dozen more
deputies and a quantity of arms and
ammunition. It is thought the trouble
wMl break out first on Bull Hill.
Colorado Springs, March 16. There is
serious trouble in the Cripple Creek
mining district tonight. Sheriff Bowers
has called for troop "A" of the Colorado
national guard to aid him In quelling
the disturbance, and the military are on
their way to the camp, 30 miles distant.
The telegraph and telephone wires have
been cut.
Ignatius Donnelly and Other Speakers
' to Stump the State.
Portland, Ore., March 10. The peo
ple's party concluded the convention
early this morning by the appointment
of the following state executive com
mittee: W. H. Spaugh, Lane county,
chairman; J. F. Hendlix, Linn; A. P.
Nelson, Multnomah; L. M. McMahon,
Marlon; W. D. Hare, Washington.
An assessment of twenty-five cents
per month was ordered levied on each
member of the populist clubs In the
statj for a campaign fund. Several
hundred dollars was raised last night
among the delegates.
Ignatius Donnelly, of Minnesota; Jere
miah Simpson, of Kansas; Congressman
Cannon, of California, and National
Chairman Taubeneck, of Illinois, have
sent to the state committee a promise
to come for three weeks each to stump
for the populists.
W. D. Hare, from Portland, will con
trol the lecture bureau during the cam
paign. In the ticket as published this morn
ing the name of Cal. Patterson appears
as a candidate for attorney for the Blxth
district. The name should be William
After the populist convention ad
journed this morning the executive
committee went Into secret session for
the purpose of mapping out a plan of
campaign. It Is proposed to assess
every member of a populist club 25
cents a week until election day. This
fund will be spent for the speakers and
the distribution of populist literature.
Representatives of the dlerent demo
cratic clubs of this city have issued a
declaration that It Is to the best inter
ests of the party to nominate a straight
democratic ticket to be yoted for In
Washington, March 10. The house
went into committee of the whole on
the sundry civil bill, taking up the
amendment relating to' the transfer of
the coast and geodetic survey to the
navy department. The amendment was
defeated 81 to 104.
Mr. Wilson, of Washington, made a
vigorous speech on the discrimination
against the -western coast In the matter
of river and harbor improvements. He
protested against this Injustice. His
people were weak and powerless now,
but he warned the house that the time
would come when they would be strong
and powerful.
Mr. Cogswell, republican, of Massa
chusetts, characterized Mr. Wilson's re
marks as unjust. He pointed out the
fact that from 1885 to 1893, of the $1,500,-
000 appropriated for public lands in 20
states, Washington had obtained $250,
000. The house at 6 oclock took a recess
until 8 o'clock.
Tacoma, March 16. Anarchists are
supposed to have assaulted Louis Marx,
who was struck on the head Wednesday
night. Marx Is still unconscious, and
the chances for his recovery are slim.
He was in Chicago during the Hay
market rIot3, and it Is supposed he had
information bearing upon the Cronln
murder mystery. Wednesday night he
went out to attend a meeting of a lodge
of anarchists. Shortly after his return
he was foupd almost dead.
Spokane, March 16. Warm weather
In the Paluose and Big Bend country Is
taking the snow off in a hurry, and all
the streams are raging In many places
and fenees carried away. Along the Pa
. louse river a number of houses have
I been washed away or loosened from
their foundations. Similar reports come
, from Oakesdale, Davenport and Span-
, g!e.
Berlin, March 16. The reichstag haa
j passed the rtusso-fJerman commercial
treaty by a large majority.
The Organization Is a Grotesque
The Leaders Looted the Treasury
The Vagrant Law to Be
Associated Press.
Los Angeles, March 16. "Gen." Fry's
army of unemployed, organized to
march on Washington, is a grotesque
failure. The city council and board of
supervisors and officers of the associ
ated charities met this morning and de
cided to relieve all meritorious cases of
destitution, but to recognize no organi
zation of unemployed. Five hundred
dollars was subscribed for Immediate
use. Work will be supplied on the
streets, and the vagrant law will be en
forced. The authorities will disperse
any army or like organization. The
army, numbering about 300, on learning
the result of the meeting, abandoned
Its barracks and marched out of the
city, apparently . beginning its. great
march. They had no organization, and
no leadership. Their leaders are said
to have looted the treasury, and the
main body was without funds or ra
tions. A large majority was without
blankets. Before they reached Alham
bra, five miles distant, many had
dropped out and retreated to the rail
roads In hopes of catching the trains.
Deputy sheriffs and constables along
the line of march have been notified
and will vag all members of the dis
persed army as fast as opportunity
Sheriff John C. Cllne received Infor
mation this afternoon that members of
the industrial army who left thlB city
this mornlnfc were In the vicinity of
Monrovia', and that It was their pur
pose to hold VP the through freight
train on the Santa Fe, which leaves
this city at 8- this evening. The sheriff
called to his aid a large force of men as
deputies, who will' proceed to the locali
ty on a special train. Brig. Gen. John
son and the sheriff are In communica
tion with Gov. Markham, who will or
der out the national guard. Trouble of
a serious nature Is apprehended. It Is
possible that an encounter will occur
before morning.
Tacoma, March 16. William Cush
man and W. W. Russell, farmers, were
shot this morning at Lake Tapps, near
this city, by John Arcott and his son.
Cushman was killed and Russell badly
wounded. Both the Arcotts surrendered
to the sheriff this afternoon. The crime
grew out of a fight over a county road
at Lake Tapps, which has kept the en
tire settlement In that section at war
for many months. On Wednesday last
one of the Russell family vUlted the
office of County Commissioner Barthel
mew over the matter and was thrown
out of the commissioner's office. This
morning Russell, Cushman, the Arcotts
and other nelghborr renewed the quar
rel, which resulted In the murder.
Tacoma, March 16. The Union Sav
ings Bank and Trust Co. today bought
at par $275,000 worth of Pierce county
refunding bonds. This takes the county
out of a serious dilemma, as the su
preme court decided a few days ago
that owing to certain technicalities on
Issue of bonds was not valid, and left
the county without sufficient funds to
carry It through until next spring.
Omaha, March 16. The conference be
ween the employes and receivers of the
Union Pacific has flashed In the pan, at
least temporarily, and nothing short of
further orders from Judge Caldwell Is
likely to bring them together again.
Yesterday Receiver Clark, at a prelim
inary meeting, furnished the head ol
each organization represented a state
ment to the effect that the receivers did
not recognize that any agreement with
the employes as to wages or other mat
ters In force before the receivership was
binding on the receivers. Furthermore,
the receivers had sought to put new
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
u IT Q
schedules In effect as to only three
classes of employes englnemen, train
men and operators, and these only were
the classes which they would recognize
as entitled to take part In the conference.
San Jose, Cal., March 16. Oscar Hell
gren, who pleaded guilty to burglary,
committed In this city several weeks
ago, and who was captured with, a con- '
federate named Funk, was this morning
sentenced to seven years in San Quen-
tln. Hellgren operated extensively in '
Portland, and It was the fear of being -
taken there to answer for burglaries
that caused htm to plead guilty here.
Funk, his accomplice, was token to
Portland a week ago. Hellgren Is 25
years of age and one of the most skill
ful cracksmen in the country.
Tacoma, Wash., March 16. At the
first session of the Washington Teach
ers' Association about 450 members
from all parts of Western Washington
were present and discussed matters per
taining to the duties of teachers. A
number of papers were read on school
topics. The local teachers entertained'
all the vlstors. The principal schools In
the city were visited and a comparison
made as to the system In use in other
cities. The meeting continues to Sat
urday. '
San Francisco, Cal., March 16. A se
vere snow storm, accompanied by high
winds, has prevailed In Nevada and
Utah today and has resulted practical
ly In the prostration of telegraphic ser
vice on the Central route. After a great
effort, the Associated Press' leased wire
has been put Into working condition
between San Francisco and Salt Lake,
but this evening the storm' has moved
eastward, and at 10 tonight Is Inter
rupted east of Salt Lake.
Seattle, March 16. Wlldy Vandyke, ' . ,
the 15-year-old son of a prominent man,
together with a schoolmate whose Iden
tity is unknown, tonight held up Allen
B. Colgrove, a grocer at the north end
of the city, and robbed him of $00. Col-; -
grove caught the youthful highwayman ',
off his guard, knocked a pistol out of
his hand and captured Vandyke, who
has since confessed, refusing, however, :
to give the name of his pal.
Falrhaven, Wash,, March 10. The
Jury In the second trial of ex-Deputy
City Clerk B. V. Grassette, for forgery,
returned a verdict of guilty this morn
ing. An appeal, will be taken. There
are sixteen other .indictments against
him, but they will not be pressed if the
two convictions already secured are
sustained by the supreme court.
New York, March 16. Kenneth F. B.
Sutherland, the Gravesend justice of
the peace who on Wednesday was found
guilty of oppression In connection with
the November elections, did not appear
for sentence when the case was called
In Brooklyn today. ' A bench warrant
was issued for his arrest. It Is rumored
he has fled. ,
Washington, March 16. The sliver
bill, which passed the senate yesterday,
will not go to the president until Mon
day, the senate not being In senskm to
day, The vice president cannot sign It
until that body meets again Monday. It
was, however, presented to Speaker
Crisp today and received his signature.
San Francisco, March 18. Following
is a summary of today's races; ,
Half mile Causer, 0:50.
One mile Bobolink, 1:44.
Six furlonRS Braw Scot, 1:14 3-4.
Fifteen-sixteenths of a mile Joe Mur-
phy, 1:36.
Five furlongs Lottie D, 1:02 3-4.
Washington, March 10. At the open
ing of the Pollard-Breckenrtdge trial
this morning the plaintiff herself took
the witness stand.
The plaintiff testified to her first
meeting with Breckenridge and their
subsequent relations. She accompanied
Breckenridge on several lecture tours.
i Fu-ht-.-inen i "