TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Br-ived by carrier, pepr week,. 15 eta Kent by malt, per month 60 eta Kent by mall, per year li.w WEEKLY. , Sent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance. Postage free to subscribers. The Aatorian guarantee to It mil Mrlbera the latest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia liver. Advertising ratea can be obtained on Duplication to the buBlnesa manager. This paper la in possession of all the trleuraDh franchises, and la the only paper on the Columbia river that He llenes genuine dispatches. The Dally Astorlun's circulation Is live times as great as that of the com- Mned circulation of the other dally pa' vers of Astoria. The Weekly Astorlan. the third old. est weekly In the state of Oregon, has, ntxt to the Portlahd Orenonlan, the largest weekly circulation In the atatc. Subscribers to the Astorlan are re ouested to notify this office, without less of time, immediately iney uui iu receive their daily paper, or wnen iw-.y ilo not get It at the usual hour. By do ing this they will enable the manage ment to place the blame on the proper parties and to insure a opeeuy Handley & Haas are our Portland ugents and copiea of the Astorlan can l had every morning ww . tin First street TIDE TABLE. For the Wk, Beginning TwUy. wok warns I LOW WATKB DT1 A.M. P.M. LA-W-. r- I Am ii.:illiiullUlhmft,liml i. 10 OS, 1 4614 4 8 244 1 4 31114 5 28 3 6 616118 3 25 4 241 10 58 11371 615 6(8 6 3 7121 12 08 0 4818 32 5518 5 7 0111 1 7 S80 7 Thr... 22 1228 6 14"08 2 7 500 7 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at B p. m. yesterday, fur nished by the U. 8. Department of Ag- rleulture weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 49 degrees; minimum temperature, 40 degrees; pre cipitation, 1.98 Inches. Total precipitation from July 1, 1893, to date, 81.31 Inches; excess of preclpl tatlon from July 1, 1893, to date, 25.85 Inches. Student hazers grow more picturesque In their lawlessness every year, and their Ideas of "practical Jokes" take on more and more of ruffianism. Even the staid old QuakerlBh retreat of Swart h more, in Pennsylvania, has entered the lists In competition for the bad emi nence forced upon other colleges by their Inmates, who are supposed to be young gentlemen acquiring, an educa tion which is said to "mould the com mon mind," and to have a certain re fining Influence on the crudeness of youth. It seems that a young New York lawyer, a former student at Swarthmore, where both sexes are edu cated, had returned to visit his sister. For some fancied grievance of his stu dent daya, connected with sporting mat ters at the college, he wss waylaid by a score of studenta on his way to- the train, many of them being masked to conceal their Identity, and shamefully maltreated. Aa soon aa he was released he caused the arrest of five of the young masked ruffians, whom he recognized, despite their disguise, and then the hon orable president summoned all the male studenta before him, and asked them if they would apologize. They defiantly refused, and declared they would go be fore a magistrate first. Then the hon orable head of the college, with a aweet confidence In the honor and manhood of his young charges, calmly told the outraged cltlaen that It "would be un wise for him to push the caae," and In gcmiously added that "any number of students" would testify , that the . live whom he had named In the warrant "were Innocent," The question of liaa Ing In colleges has grown serious, and the fact that the college authorities are not only confessedly unable to cope with IU but actually appear to be ready to protect the law-breakers. Is a serious threat to the stability of the lawa gov erning the communities where they are located, and the evil Influence la likely to spread. If colleges are breeding "per jurer as well aa ruffians, It la time, r radical change were made. Every scrap of newa from Washing ton potnta to the conclusion that the New York democracy are not merely a house divided against itself, but that they have lost the primacy in the party. The south has become tht master and New York the aervant. The Interpreta tion of this la that the empire state here-1 after will be republican. Tho ascend iincy of Hill In his party Is assured and the republicans will take possession.- It has been plain for some ttms that the president had very little influence ;th the congressional branch of hia admin istration. Aa for hi cabinet, when the prerUit consult with hla secretaries nd the suUorwy general and the post ma er tfWiM-.il, he la like a, man enter ing the room, surrounded with mirrors la a udl'r's shop he .dteovvers on all si,!.- row (4 himself. So far aa the In.! .! '!". tn!rfnf U roncernea. me prem- ...;T.t aa v?M tv Ui PjirJu and numraT. wttlle rttar Fri.. 16 7 62 Bat.. 17 9 08 Sun.. 181016 Mon.. 19 11 IB Tim.. 20 0 14 Wd. 21 TIIE DAILY sugar are discussed In the senate, In the Dismal Swamp. The democratic party Is ruined by being found out, but the ruin of the country is another mat ter altogether. The ruin of the demo cratic party Is the salvation of the country. This Is settled as soon as New England, New York and New Jersey find out the facts, and make their pro test In the fashion that Ohio and Penn sylvania have done. The mental condition of New York grand Juries must be something lamen table when it comes to finding an In dktment for theft, or any other crime, on the evidence of the "revelations" 01 an "astrologer," but that Is Just what haa happened In that city. The case was one in which Mamlo McDonald youn? woman against whom, nothln hail hepn said previously, was charged with stealing a diamond pin When her counsel stated the nature of the only evidence, to-wit, what some alleged star-reader had told the owner, the Judge'a surprise was great, as well It might be, and he advised counsel to ask for a dismissal of the Indictment and granted the motion at once. "As trology" seems to be rather antiquated for these -days. Mr. Gladstone, though of defective eye' sight In his eighty-fifth year, and re tired from the premiership, should re form in respect to dinners. It Is hardly healthy for a gentleman of his years and vast and varied experiences to be dining out, staying late and walking home. This walking home at unseemly hours from belated dinners Is a habit of the old gentlemen of London. Thel steady assertion that It conduces to longevity can be successfully contra dieted. An 880 lot for 82. Fresh fiBh and poultry at Welcome'! Market, next to Foard & Stokes". Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price ror tur bkihs. ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Tomorrow will be St. Patrick's day, and while It will be celebrated quietly amongst the sons of Erin in Astoria there will be big times down In San Francisco. The day will be a grand one for processions, speech-making and winding up with a grand ball at night In Chicago the day will close with a dozen balls. Con. Dooley, "who was recordln' sec retee and main guy gln'rally" of the Faugh a Ballagh Social club, tells his nephew, John, that ivry year we had a ball In Flnnecune's hall that ye nlver see the like Iv f'r fun an' merriment. By hlvlns, they nlver detuiled Hsb than twlnty policemen f'r It, an' th' whole foorce on resaive when lb come off, Ho, ho, 'twas Jolous. The last bull they give was on th' Pathrlck'e night after th' big tire. 'Twas In Lint, but ye know there's a dispen satlon Ivry Pathrlck's duy so that anny wan Iv us can do as we dam plase ex clpt the Dutch, They don't come In on th' dispensation. I usety think 'twas Wlllum Joyce got th' dispensation, but Oregon's boy that goes over to th' col lege tells me 'twas St. Pathrlck hlmsllf. It seems that whin he'd done his Jooty around through Ireland convartin' th whole counthry excltp th' County May- ho, he wlnt to R-rome f'r his health an' calls on th' pope. Says th' pope Iv Rome, he says to St. Pathrlck, mind ye, "Ye've dono gr-rand work," he says, "dhrlvln' out th' snakes," he says, "an' convartin' th savugos be a shamrock. What d'ye want?" says the pope Iv Rome, he eays to St, Pathrlck. Then St. Pathrlck he says; "Ye see me birth day comes In Lint, an' the ludi would like to celebrate It properly. Now I'd like to ask ye to declare all bets off on that, night." I'll do It," says th' pope, an 'he done It. Be that aa It may, Jawn, th' Faugh a Ballaghs give a dunce on Puthrlck'B night, and I lid th' gr-rand march with Mrs. Cornelius Flynn upon me ar-rm. They was wan humlhred and eight couples In th' gr-rand ma-arch, on' Ivry wan had th' dlvvle's, own tolme till Mike McCloskey took Clarice Hinnesy outi to dance. He didn't know no more about dancln' thin a cow, an' before he'd tur-rnod three times, batdod. he an' Miss Hinncsy wa on the flurtt. She gets up an yells; "Ye thrlpped me, ye brute," an' thin she calls to her brother Redmond, "will ye let this here skhnte Insult a lady?" Well, sir, what followed ye nlver see th like. Th' Hlnnesya an' th' McClockeya wua related to nearly Ivry wan on th flure, an' there was no favors. Th' last I see Iv th' prlsldlnt Iv th club he w goln" out ir th' wlndc. with his head through th' big fiddle. Oh, thlm was th' days Iv social enjy- mlnt. . Japanese novelties and fancy dry good, ran be had at half price, at the store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen'a cigar store. - Olsen has 29 brands of elisr Havana clears and he will give you a btitcr rl- mr for 10 cents than you can get for is cents at any other place, izl Third sireet. THR COMMITTER PF THIRTY. Col. M-ilir Unver Endorsing he . . Wortc Ttx-jr Aertxnjl)shod. The following has been rewlvH : Artorta. March 15, UtH. Editor Astorlan: 1 have lust rwWveJ the rollowlna; HMter, which speaks !i.r San Fronrlivo, Cml., March 13, 1N.M. V.'in. 1). MVr Antitrta. Ore.; ror Sir: Referring to yur Ipiut ut i ASTORI AN, ASTORIA, FRIDAY .MORNING, MARCH the 6th Instant, announcing the amount of taxes on proierty held by us s re duced to half the amount or less, ds compared with past years, we have to express our great pleasure In this result secured by the action of the committee of 30 citizens, you being one. This l.lnd of Influence and action tends to pro mote economy and to give value to property. All holders of property ought to feel grateful to your committee. I enclose check for $67.17, covering tax as stated, etc., etc. Very truly yours, G. H. MENDKLL. Referring to the above letter, I !eg to say that while the committee of "30" have done good work, they are not en titled to all the credit, by any mt-ang. as the work was Inaugurated by the "Committee of Nine" last June, when not the least important! work wns done by a committee consisting of Hon. F. J. Taylor, G. Wlngate, Esq., and myself, who, in company with Aswssor Onr hart, made a sliding reduction of Rbout 100 per cent In the former assessed values of the city and county prr.j-.rrty, and lastly, the main credit Is due to the city and county officers, whose hearty co-operation, united with cur efforta, enabled us to secure the objects sought. As the tax of the writer of tho above letter, exclusive of city tax, for the year 1892 amounted to the sum of $192.77. as against $67.17 on precisely t.he same property for 1893, Is It any wonder that non-residents, and those of us who have never taken any hand In the business of city and county affairs, are forced to the conclusion that extravagance uiid loose methods must certainly have pre-; vailed In these departments In past years. Now that the reign of economy has begun, let us take no backward step. Yours truly, WM. B. ADAIR. Anything in the line of gents furn ishing goods. In the newest styles, can be hud from P. A. Stokes & Co. during the present month, at prices never be fore equalled. Ladles' writing desks, rocking irniis, and dining chairs, suitable for Christ mas presents, at G. V. Porter's, Second stieet. Handsome crayon portraits with $25 purchases. All the patent medicines advertised In this pnper, together wi' h the choic est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., cun be bought nt the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's dnipr store, opposite Oc cident Hotel, At.torla. Don't go to Portland to buy your tickets for the "Old Country" and the East when you can get them lor tne same price at the Union Pacific office In this city, and thereby save your lo cal fare to Portland. SMOKE! SMOKE! SMOKE- SMOKE! If vou want any thing good to smoke. Key West, Imported, or domestic, you must go to Chas. Olsen. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Rev. L. Nlssen, Scandinavian. German and English Lutheran Pastor, has re moved to the house or Mr. ju. Larsen Ben-Inn, W. Fifth street, at the back of Scow Bay Foundry, opposite the Finn church. FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup baa been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and Is the best remedy for diarrnoea. xwen-tv-flve cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- glBts throughout the world. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, pleura, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped liunus, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and puultlve- y cures piles, or no pay required, u Is aruarantoed to Five nerfei't satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bux. hor sale ny una, lingers, sub lessor to J. C. Dement A SURE CURE FOR PILES. Itchlnir Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, cauuing Intense ltelitng when warm. This form, ne wall as MUtul, Hleedlmr or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. liosanko's l'lle llemedy. which ants directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays lteliing and effects a permanent cure. 60c. Prugirist or mall. Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, S29 Arch Ktreet. Philadelphia. Fa. Sold by J. W. Conn. REGENERATION. To secure a normal and regular tissue change throughout the body, n,st Brun- dreth's Pills. This tissue metamor, pilosis consists In constantly proceeding waste of tissue and its regeneration. Brnndreth'a Pills are the best solvent of the products of disintegration of the tissues and Increases their elasticity. Thoy are an alterative and ellminatlve remedy, which allay Irritation and re move obstruction by aiding nature and are of grinit hep.illt In cases of tempor ary and habitual rn.nsl.luntion, torpid liver, biliousness, hemiat'iw, Ifxljpestlon, rheumatism and diseases arising fro;)) an Impure stale of the blood. Brandreth s Pills are purely vegotablo. absolutely hurmleas, and safe to take at any time. HAUNTED! , . , , . ... ., , I A haunted house in these practical, and romantic days is something of n rarljy. fmf. nn Individual haunted with the Idea thafc ailment Is Incurable Is a personage I'lvguviitJy' met, with. Disbelief In the ability tit medicine to ore Is only a mild form of monomania, Ithough In some cases repeated fail ures to obtain relief from many dif ferent sources would almost seem to ustlfy the doubt. llostetUrr a Stomach Hitters has demonstrated Its ability to overcome dyspepsia, constipation, liver nd kidney trouble, malarial complaints and nervousness, and tta recorded achievements in the curative line ought at least to warrant Its trial by any one troubled with either of the above ail ments, even ulthoiigli his previous ei forta to obtain remeiliuj a4d Jiave been fruitless. Used wun peimstwin'S, liie Hitters will conquer the most obstinate cases. IxNJUNCTION THREATENED. But we wouldn't quit. The car lines copi plain that we aro hurting travel by not hurting foot. Our shoes ere uiaJo for comfort. All sis for all people. Jons IIaits ACo. AH SO HAPPY! O BOTTLES Sit OF Relieved me of a severe Iilood trouble. It has also caused my hair to grow out attain, as it had been falling out by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain, I am so happy to find a cure m S. S. S. 0. 1 1. Lldert, Galveston, Tex. Sr mPC fiv forcing outgermsofdls. CUKE"-1 eu.wanil t),0 puiaou aawell. J j sj'H Ij entirely veRotaMo niitl harmlofss. Trcatl" o:i l:li.l anil SUIn mailed free. 15 A Revolution In Eating has been brought about by the introduction of Cottolene, the new vegetable shortening. The discovery of this product, and the rl-monstration of its remarkable qualities, has attracted the widest interest. Hitherto the common shortening has been lard, or indifferent butter, livery one nas probably suffered occasional dis comfort from lard-cookcd food ; while it is well known that thous ands are obliged to abstainentire ly from everything of that kind. To such people, Cottolene is of peculiar val., widening as it does, the Jtnge of what may be eaten and enjoyed. Cottolene is a cooking marvel. It combines with the food imparts to it a tempting color, a delicate flavor, and an appetizing enspuess. No trace of greasiness remains to offend the taste, or disturb the digestion. Cottoleme is worthy of the careful notice of all those who value good food, of itself or fr its hygienic properties. Sold by Leading Grocers. Made only by N. K. FA5RLJANX & CO., SY. LOUS sa dica Hew York. These tiny Capsules aro superior to Uateaui of Copaiba, They cure In 48 hou the same diseases without anylucoo- ycnlence. S0LDBYALLDI1UGGISTS THE BEST BREAD MAN In this city is A. A. CLEVELAND, the baker. He kneads good bread for all who need trood bread, and "takss the cake" for making the choicest confec tionery. Whenever you are not busy, and feel Inelined for a loaf, don't forget to call on CLEVELAND, at the Oregon Bukery. STAMPS liaxi changed colors very frequently of late; but our competitors change colors every time they eee our work. We make wagons, shop Horpes and do nil kinds of general BLACKSniTHINO Perhaps you know this already. Cer tainly you do, if you have ever em ployed us. 0, A. Stinson & Co. Foe Youf Stomach's Sake! " You often need a little wine, and should never be without it In the house. But be 'sure that It Is good; bad wine nijght injure your stomach, and cer tainly cannol Improve It. Good liquor dealers Jjayg good custom ers and keep good winu. Thy can't afford to sell any other kind, We claim that ours Is the best store In Astoria for every brand of wine, from champagne down to sweet Catawba. HUGHES & GO. RAKES ANB TWOS. The little warm rays of sunshine drop- I'lng In a little earlier Uiese mornings, .. , ... s lne season auvnnees. plainly say "Get ready, for folks will soon be want ing garden things!" So we ARE get ting ready our hoes, rakes, spades, etc., etc., for yor coming'. Never mind the prices thy'Ii lie ttlV' n& anybody's, almost surely smaller. J. H. WYATT, Hardware Pealer. C. P. UPSHUR, Shipping S Commission Awtorla, Orecon. ASTORIA WOOD YARD D. & D. P,. Campbell, Proprietors. Dealers In all kinds of First CIas3 puel. Fir, Vine Maple, Spruce Limbs, Alder, Hemlock and Ash. Also, best Kia-les ! V.'eillngton, Newcastle. CanneU s.nl Cumberland c,.,n. Leave ciders tit Ca.irahatf A Co'r stnro, 0r at yard, foot at Spruce street. Orders promptly Cllcd. and SATISFACTION CITARATEEO. H 16.-1894. Put your mind on (he right kind of Stoves! Here At NOE & SCULLY'S. Only you can't conceive of all by merely reading. Come and see the stock, 431 2nd St. fl BRlDAb CHAMBER Can be handsomely fur nished here. The difference between our prices and what you'd usually pay elsewhere will go far toward furnish- " ing another room. Ctf AS. HEILiBORN SON- EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first Class funerals : AT POtf'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Rates Reasonable. Embalming a Specialty. Vasic Hall -:- JM First Street, Astoria, Or, H. CHR1STENSEN. Prop. A FRRE CONCERT every night beginning at 8 o'clock. UooJ music. The best of wines, liquors and cigars always on hand. Washington JVIeat Market. Corner Second and Main Streets. Wholesale and Retail Butchers : and : Packers. Steamboats, Ships and Mills supplied on short notice. Families suppliej promptly at the lowest rates. CHKISTltNBBN a CO., Props, OCCIDENT HOTEL THE V Is the Best of IU Class On the Pacific Coast. rH unexcejjIaED table. Rates, $a daily and upwards. J. A. FASTABEND, GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Pile Driving, House, Bridge and WH ARK BUILDEU. Address, box j8o, postoflice' ASTORIA, ORE. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria Bd Upper Astoria. Fine TeaJ and Coffees. Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vciretables, Sugar Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc. . Choice ' Fresh and - Salt Meats. The PastMail u '-SPICT PUTS VOU in Chicago Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all Eastern Points OrVV 24 to 35 news MWjSojthem Paeifie ft, ui any ucner nine. The Only $oute Through Califor nia to Points East and South. Pullman rd Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining; Chair Cars, Cin. Ing Cars are run daily via the Union Pacific Flyer leaving Port, land at 7:00 p. m. Astoria to San Francisco. VVni?r"cTi?afs-pa UCtJN fcfiv.u?.U? ; SAJLISO PATfiS. CotumDU, munjay, Piarcn 4. State, Saturday, March 10. Columbia, ThursJay, March is Slate, Tue4iy. March jo, Colurcbla. SunJay, March if. r State, FriJay, March jo, Astoria end Portland Steamers. Steamer R. R. Thompson leaves As toria at 6:45 a. nr., daily except Sunday, via WaohlltBton side of the river; re turning, letaVes Portland et 8 p, m.. dally, except Saturday. 1 The Tlionip-!. sou makes landings on both sides of the river above Waterford. on both up anil Hovn trina- S. H. H. CLARK. OLIVER MINK. E. ELLERY ANDERSON. JOHN DOANE. FKEDEUI6 'Ri CyllDEnT. ' Receivers. For rates and general Information call on or address G. W. LOrNSBERRT. fK'-rit, Astoria, Or. TV. H. HTTItLBOR'tT 1 At. C.-ru ras. Agt. Portland. Or. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Greatest Trans "Continental Hallway System. FRO!! OCEAN TO OCEAN -IN- Palace Dining Ijoom and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Vieais of the Wonderful fffoantaln Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on ull tickets east. Tourist cars the best on wheels. Equipments of the very finest throughout. ALSO CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE To China and Japan. Empress of India leaves Vancouver February 5. Empress of China loaves Vancouver Murch 5. Empress of India leaves Vancouver April 2. AUSTRALIAN STEAMER SERVICE I,eav:s Feb. 10 and March 18 for Honolulu and Australian ports. For ticket rates and Information, call on or address, JAS. FINLATSON, Agt, Astoria, Or. A. B. Calder, Traveling Pass. Agt., Tacoma, Wash., Goo, McL. Brown, Dlst. Pass. Agt., Vancouver, B. C. CHICAGO, PMIJKEE And ST. PflUlt RAT I. WAY Connecting with Ail Transcontinenta Lines is the Only Line running EliECTf?lC - LIGHTED - CARS PETWECN St Paul and Chicago. AND Omaha and Chicago, The Express Trains consists of Vestibuled, Sleeping, Pining and Parlor Cars, HEATEP py PTEAM, ; And furnished with Every Luxury known In moder railway travel. ForSPEEP, COMFORT and SAFETY This Line is Uliequalpp;. TLit-t; o,i sale at all prominent railway Officet. Fur further Information Inquire Qf spy tjcfccj agfpt, C. J. EDDY, General Agent. J. VV. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME -TO- AND ALL POINTS IJ CfllilFOWlA Via the Mt. Shasta Route of the THE SCENIC ROUTE OF THE PACIpft: C-QASf:-4 PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS . AND ... . . Aacnea to express trains, arrorainer superior accommodations for second- Class passengers. KOU ! ger and Freight Agent, ort)ar,d, Qr. A. V. ALXEN, DFAI EB IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cass and Suemoque Streets. Astoria, Ore. ! . " ASTORIA IROl WOHjrCS, .. . Coocomly St., foot of Jackson. Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marine Enjrine. Bnller wr!c. StHj toafaod'CatnerV Worlt'a Speciaily'"--Castings of All DMCrlpHoin Made to Order oa Mkhi Nwice. - ' - i sldent and Superintendent I Vice President John Fox. Preside A. Ik Fox'. . O. R prH.