The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 11, 1894, Image 4

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" " AM UT THE CITY. , ,
' Tha election for eehoul ' dlwcwr. will
iika place tomorrow. ' .
MiU. Leo Nw bas presented her litW
band with a ten-pound boy.
Martin A. Matson and Miss Anne B.
'llliksen yesterday took out a HcenBe
o marry. ' "
The Knappton mills have Bhut down,
nnd will not resume operations for about
three weeks. .
A marriage license was granted yes
terday to Yllelfen Isleifson and Miss
Mlnnl Davidson.
: The report came from the Cape yes
terday that the wind attained a velocity
of 80 miles an hour1.
The Jurors, with the exception of
those trying the Wallman-Bracker case,
(were excused yesterday until May 7.
'"'The steamer Truckee crossed out yes-
' terday, but returned to port after pro
ceeding as far as Tillamook bar, which
was too rough to cross.
,'v.4In the circuit court yesterday, In the
fpae of the Pacific Can Company vs.
Mj J. Kinney et al.p the demurrer was
, overruled and five days allowed In
. which to file answer.
, No new silver brick was presented to
: 'f. Harrison while he was In Colorado
the other day, and he did not tell his
CMorado admirers what he had done
with the one they gave him some years
There is no risk taken by Joining
Hill's lot clubs. Everybody gets the
, full value of their money.
St-e-e-dman's Soothing Powders suc
cessfully used for children, during the
teething period, for over fifty years.
Hlghton (who has been out between
the. acts) A ' remarkable play thus far,
is it not? So much food for reflection!
Mrs. Hlghton That you find Is neces-
v sary to go out to get something to wash
H down?
The steamship State of California
sailed yesterday for San Francisco. The
-freight from this port consisted of a
number of carboys, 698 bundles shocks,
15 Backs oysters and other miscellaneous
Bo&rf drill,... ,
Misses Conle Lrwln, Maud Ktockton,
. Frances Holdeii, Maud Hidden, Net
tle Tuttle, Jessie Jeweu and Hattle
After an excellent rendition of them
numbers bankets of "L. S." were hund
ed round. This "L. 8." consisted of two
pieces of green tissue paper, which high
school superstition regarded us repre
senting lettuce, and attached Jo this
wierary niaa was a verse of poetry.
It was announced from the-chalr that
each In turn should guess at the author
of the quotations, and that for the one
who guessed most correctly there was a
prize. After an Interesting competition
tne award was gained by Miss Arndt.
In the meantime, while some were dls
cussing the literary lunch upstairs
others were enjoying a more substantial
repast laid in the rooms below, which
had been kindly placed at the disposal
of the girls.
The rest of the evening was spent In
pleasant social chat and games, not a
little amusement being contributed by
a table of curiosities presided over by
Miss Annie O'Neill, who had to trans
late the somewhat ambiguous charades
The many, friends of the girls of the
high schoor are heartily glad the afTair
proved such a success, and hope that
the boys may do as well, though such
success as that attained last evening Is
seldom equaled.
On Top,
Japanese novelties and fancy dry
good, can be had at half price, at the
store of Wing Lee, next to Olsen's cigar
Olflpn hnm 2ft branAa nloo UannB
ciaam fl.n1 ho will oltra n v.n,, i
... jja u v . .1.1 ii-
gar for 10 cents than you can get for
i cents ai any other place. 627 Third
street. "
Js conceded by all to be Ibe best.
It fishes bettor and wears better
than any other twine used on
the Columl ia river.
' ' In order to Introduce some excellent
"portrait work, J, H. Bratt, the photog
rapher, has announced that during the
remainder of this month he will make
cabinet bust pictures for $3 a dozen.
The gallery Is at 683 Third street.
Fresh Deep-Sea Fish Dally at thf.
Astoria Fish Market, 118 Olney sireet.
Hill's First addition is located In the
centre of the city, Lots are now selling
In It for 12.
II. Ekstrom hag fixed his prices for
jewelry to suit tne times, ana the latest
novelties can be secured at the cost of
material used in the manufacture.-
The SLutti company will present a
new comedy to Astorlans tonight, en
titled "Uncle Josh,', with Mr. Stutts in
the title role, supported by Mrs. Stutta
as "Tot, the Street Sweeper," and the
entire company In the east. The or
chestra, as usual, wilt furnish some
good selections.
' It appears the split among the popu
lists was caused by the fact that many
who Indorsed the platform ,dld so condi
tional that a legislative ticket only
should be nominated. When the agree
ment was violated the men who were
actuated in Joining the movement only
by a desire to elect men to the legisla
ture who would work in the Interest of
protection to the fishing industry, at
once withdrew from all connection with
it. ...
The usual weekly meeting of the Res
cue club was held last evening. There
was a full house and 'an excellent pro
gram, at the conclusion of which Dr.
Esfces read the state law regarding the
sale of tolacco, in any form, to ml now
of under 18 years, and requested all or
ganizations of the city who desire the
law carried out to Join with the Rescue
club In passing resolutions rprmoHiinu-
the city officers to enforce It, without
respect of persons.
The program for next week will be
furnished by. the Young Women's Chris
tian Temperance U.nlon. Five p?rf.,r.s
signed the cigarette pledge.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this pnpar, together with the choic
est, perfumery, and toilet articles, etc,
:un be bought at the lowest prices at
, ,1 9?nn's aru 8lore opposite Oc
cident Hotel, Aitorla,
Don't go to Portland to buy your
tickets for the "Old Country" and the
East when you can get them for the
same price at the Union Pacific office
In this city, and thereby save your lo
cal fare to Portland.
Cedar Rapids, la., March 10. J. R.
Morrln & Co,, extensive egg dealers,
arid owners of six creameries near here,
have failed. The assets are $85,000, and
ttie liabilities are reported to be $200-
Art A I I t . '
uw.invomng Morse, Smith & Co., of
Boston, who own the entire stock of the
Morrln Company. The Ann recently lost
$20,000 by damage to some eggs In stor
age. , ' .!' i.
.If You Want Cannery and
.Fishermen's Supplies,
Call on-
EitpoHE SAflfiofy. & GO.
Cotton Rope,
Cotton Twine, '
Marshall's Twine,
Trap and Seine Web,
Tanbark, Acid and Salt,
Strip Lead, Pig Lead,
Copper, Tin Plate,
Tin and Zinc,
In Stock.
Anything In the line of gents' furn
Ishfng goods, in the newest styles, can
be had from P. A. Stokes A Co. during
the present month, at prices never be-
lore equalled.
Ladles' writing desks, rocking tnalis,
ana dining chairs, suitable for Christ
mas prescnta, at G. V. Porter's, Second
V street. Handsome crayon portraits
I wnn $3 purchases.
The Young Ladles Prove to ne Model
When the boys of the high school give
their, social In the near future, they
wllf have to put their best foot for
ward If they wish to equal the "L 8."
noclul given by the young ladles at the
Odd Fellows' hall lust evening.
The hall was filled, the attendance ex
ceeding the most sanguine hopes of the
organizers. A fair round sum of money
was realized, and the piano will doubt
less "sound better in the future, owing
to the fact that the load of debt it has
to bar has been lessened so consider
Many thought that "L. 8." meant
Ladles' Social, but those present learned
the truth once more that one "can't al
ways sometimes tell," for "L. S."
pr6ved to signify "Literary Salad,"
very' tasty and poetical brain food,
which was served Immediately after the
lirst part.
The entertainment opened with a very
pretty chorus, which was much appre
ciated. In fact, without going into de
tail, It may be said that the whole per
formance was full of promise promise
of great things.
tne program or tne nrst part was as
ChoruB.,.. ,.
Mediation. "The Lifeboat", Miss Rutter
..Mlnwi Ka(e Bin not and Jessie JeweU
po!ir, fining- L'y the Kitchen
i"r" Miss liura Fox
Uivllallon, "How the Old Horse
Won et"..MIss Amelia Gannon
Inn-:, "Murmuring Kiver"
...l.tzie McOannand Nellie UUlnger
W irt itsi!iot Miss Nettlrt TuUle
.Miss Winnie Ooodman
ritmiaii. "The Widow's Liht"...
Mia Annie Fhlvolyj
'' Miss May Moijjnn
Vix-:ti nolo, "lrsdliia"..
M!k Laura Gray
' 1 Xa, "A Yi'ui iiliU' tt School
TtMein-rs" ?i!h. Annie Olsvn
' .' Mi;- H'-rOut AVVU'U i
Topeka, March 10. A long telegram
touching on the rats war was received
by the Santa Fe people this afternoon
from the passenger department of the
Southern Pacific Company at Sun Fran
cisco. This statement was mnde. "Pres
ent prospect nre good for an adjust
ment of our difficulties at an early
New York, March 10. Three boys at
play In the sand-lots at. Williamsburg
mi tmurcniHuc neighborhood, near
wncre jonann Most lives, found a tin
box containing six bombs. One of
boys threw one at a bowlder. It
ploded. injuring the lad frightfully.
Cincinnati, March 10. A Louisville
special says: Kentucky society Is in a
nutier over the announcement of the
reported engagement of Miss Etty Scott,
the well-known beautv. to Senator 1
B, Hill, of New Yolk. Miss Scott la n
niece or V lee-rresldent Stevenson,
Etna Mills, Cal.. March 10. John Pe
ters, a packer, of this nlaoo. nn,l iin.
dolph Junklns, of Weavervllle, Trinity
county, were caught In a Bnowslide on
Monday afternoon and killed. John Har
ris, a mall carrier who aecompunled
them, barely escaped with his life.
Oregon City. Ore.. March 10 The
people's party county convention was
In session this afternoon, with IB dele
Kates in attendance. The Onuhii rint-
form, the initiative and referendum.
equal sulYrngw and the reduction of all
salaries to $sW0 per annum has bwn
made the platform.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1894, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 7, in block numbered
69, assessed to . Mary Morgan,
In that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, In Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$934.40 Is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, In said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment Is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city,, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of Improving West Eighth street,
Approved August Gth, 1X91.
I have this day - levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said In front of the Coort
House door, In paid City of Astoria,
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon,
will sell said property to the highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, j
together with costs and expenses of
Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
; Notice Is hereby slven that by virtue
bf a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
I January, 1S9I, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 6, in block numbered
59, . assessed to Mary Morgan,
In that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded by
John M. Shlvely, In Clatsop county,
Oregon, upon which an assessment of
$781.00 is unpaid, assessed for trie im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, In said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of improving AVest Eighth street,
Approved August 5th, 1891.
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues
day, March the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day. In front of the Conr
House door. In said City of Astoria,
County of Clatsop and State of Oregon
will sell said property to the highest
bidder therefor, to pay said assessment
together with costs and expenses
I Dated Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria
Notice is hereby clven that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
mo directed, dated the 20th day of
January, IS!) I, and against
Commanding me to levy upon
lot No. 7, In block numbered
89, assessed to Mary Morgan,
In that portion of said City of Astoria
which was laid out and recorded bv
John M. Shlvely, In Clatsop county.
Oregon, upon which an assessment ot
$998.00 Is unpaid, assessed for the Im
provement of that portion of West
Eighth street, in said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, Lsui, which assessment is
declared and assessed upon said lot by
Ordinance No. 1433 of said city, entitled
An unitnunce declaring the probable
costs of improving West Eighth street,
Approved August uth, 1S91.
I have this dav levied unon said
above described property, and on Tues-
Notice is hereby given thai by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria, to
me directed, dated the 20th day of
January, 1S94, and against
commanuing me to levy upon
lot No, G, in block numbered
89, assessed to Mary Morgan,
in that portion of said City of Astoria
wnich w.s laid out and recorded by
Jonn u. fchtveiy, in Clatsop county
Oregon, upon which nn assessment of
$l,2hti.00 Is unpaid, assessed for the im
provement of that portion of West
Elhth street, In said city, between the
south side of Water street and the
southern limits of the city, approved
March 11th, 1891, which assessment Is
declared and assessed upon said lot bv
Ordinance No. 14X3 of said city, entitled
An Ordinance declaring the probable
costs of Improving West Eighth street,
Approved August bin, 1891.
I have this day levied upon said
above described property, and on Tues-
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon. Council of the City ot Astoria pro
pose to establish the grade of Fourth
street, in the City of Astoria, Oregon,
as laid out and recorded by John Adair,
at the following helchts ahuvo ths Ln
of grades as established bv ordinance
No, 71, entitled "An ordlnunce estab
lishing a base of crados for the Htiwta
of the City of Astoria, as follows, to-wlt:
" ' Feet.
A Intersection wl h Auger avenue.. 22.0
At Intersection with Abernethy (i.6
At intersection with ltonnevllle 3S.
And that the grade of the interven
ing streets be a straight line between
the crossings mentioned.
And unless a remonstrance sltrned bv
he owners ot three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on said portion ot said
treet be tiled with the Auditor nn-
Police Judgo within Un days from th
nnl publication of this notice, to-wlt:
On Monday. March 12th. is4. the Com
mon Council will establish said grade.
ry order of the Common Council.
Attest;- K. OSBt'RN, '
Auditor and Police JudKt.
Ahtoi'a. Ore., February IS. 1m4. i
day, March the 20th, 1S94. at 2 o'clock 1 day, Mwh the 20th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of uitd day. In front of the Cour. P- n. of snld day. In front of the C..u:l
House door, li said Ciiv .-f Astrriti, I Mouse door. In said Clt of Astoria,
county or t'lalsop and State of Oregon, bounty or Clatsop and Stata of Or-?gon,
win sell said property to the highest I w'" sell uid property to the highest
uumer tncivror, to r.ay Mid assessment, i mauer tnereror. to pay aa d assessment
with costs and expenses of
lated Astoria. Oregon, February 19th, 1
with costs and expenses of
Chief of Police for the City of Astoria.
Notice la hereby given that pursuant j
to a resolution of the Common Council ;
or tne city of Astoria, adopted March
th. 1SH bids will be received by th
Auditor and Tollee Judge of th City
of Astoria for $10,000 of municipal bond
of the City of Astoria, to run ten years
and bear Interest at the rate of per
cent per annum. Said bonds heinir is-
luted Astoria, Oregon, February 19th,
Chief of Police for the City ot Astoria.
- rant .inesiry i-nis will reduce your
weight PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15
pounds a month. NO STARVING, sick
ness or Injury. NO PUBLICITY. Thev
build up the health and beautify the
complexion, leaving no wrinkles or
!iaiitt:ess. PTOIT ABDOMEN'S and
dUPcult, breathing surely relieved. NO
Fuca ior me purpose rt rerumiinu cer- tAI'l'.lil.Mh.;.NT. but a Rclentlfln n.t
tain indebtedness of the City of Astoria ! positive relief, adopted only after years
for street Improvements. Ordinances i of experience. All orders supplied dl
authorWIiig the Issunnoe of said bonds reet from our office. Price $2.60 pet
to be submitted to attorneys of any per- packajre.. or three packages for $a.00
Fon or corporation for their approval. by mnll, postpaid. Testimonials and
All correspondence strictly confiden
i j
Attest: K. OSIU'RN,
Auditor and Police J't te.
Astoria. Oregon. March MK wt
I.-.n. 1
Press Report
'THE ASTORIAN is in possession
of all thetelegraphic news service
franchises, and is the only paper on the
Columbia river that publishes genuine dis
patches. The circulation is much greater
than that of all other Astoria papers com
bined. The Weekly edition contains a
carefully selected resume of the most im
portan telegraphic and local news.
gUBSCRIBERS to'either the Daily or
w Weekly may secure a valuable book,
the Life and Works of James G. Blaine, by
adding one dollar to the regular subscrip
tion price of the paper. The book is well
worth three dollars, and may be inspected
at the business office of the Astorian. A
full description of this attractive premium
is given elsewhere in this paper.
Thoroughly Equipped
Plant in Connection
A Complete Liine of Legal Blanks
Always in Stock.
- t ?